The best products for combination skin. The best mass market face creams. Basic care for combination skin

  • Care steps
  • Care in different time of the year
  • Care at different ages
  • Overview of funds

Features of combination skin

Caring for combination skin is, by definition, a little more difficult than caring for dry or oily skin. With this type, different parts of the face behave differently: the T-zone tends to increased secretion sebum, and the skin on the cheeks, on the contrary, is prone to dryness.

Key characteristics of combination skin:

    intensive release sebum in the forehead, nose and chin;

    enlarged pores in the T-zone;

    frequent inflammation, black dots;

    tightness, dryness and peeling on the cheeks and periphery of the face.

It is very important not to confuse dry and dehydrated skin.

The peculiarity of the epidermis of dry skin is that it lacks its own fat and loses moisture without its protection. Therefore, dry skin is a permanent skin type.

Dehydration is a temporary and reversible condition caused by a lack of moisture in the cells. Dry, oily, and combination skin can be dehydrated.

Combination skin– oily on the T-zone and dry on the cheeks © iStock

How to distinguish them? Here are three tips.

    Dry skin pores are not visible, while dehydrated skin can be quite large.

    Dry skin hardly suffers from inflammation, while oily and dehydrated skin is a common story.

    Dehydration is most pronounced in winter, while dryness is a permanent condition.

Care steps

Even the most competent care will not perform a miracle and will not turn combination skin into normal. But he can neutralize some troubles.

make-up removal

Fatty areas are often prone to inflammation. To warn them, make it a habit to take off your makeup before bed, no matter how tired you are during the day. Micellar water will come to the rescue and hydrophilic oil, the main condition when using them is not to rub or stretch the skin.


Do not use harsh cleansers, they cause dehydration, which only exacerbates the problems:

    fatty areas secrete even more sebum;

    dry - begin to peel off.


Tonic - perhaps the most underrated cosmetic product. They are neglected in 8 cases out of 10, and completely in vain:

    toning helps to restore the pH level after washing;

    vitamins and plant extracts in the tonic saturate the skin with useful substances.


Exfoliation is essential for all skin types, especially those prone to clogged pores and inflammation. Use gentle scrubs or acid-based products to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the epidermis. This will help regulate the secretion of sebum and prevent acne.

Exfoliation © IStock


Moisturizing is essential for both dry and oily skin. The difference is only in the textures of the funds:

    for dry areas, choose classic moisturizers containing oils;

    for the oily zone - light gels and fluids.

In the case of combined suitable for skin the following moisturizing scheme: apply a gel texture product on the entire surface of the face, and on top of it, on areas prone to dryness, a denser cream.

Deep cleansing

Clay-based purifying masks reduce sebum production and prevent bacterial growth in pores. Apply such masks exclusively on oily areas (forehead, nose, chin) and do not let them dry out: when hardening, the clay causes tightness and discomfort.


An intense winter moisturizer will keep combination skin from dehydrating, while oil-based serums will help prevent moisture loss in drier areas. So feel free to apply a nourishing formula on top of a moisturizer.

Suitable Ingredients for Combination Skin

Combination skin care.

    Glycerin and hyaluronic acid- hygroscopic agents that create a water-retaining barrier on the skin.

    Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, slow down oxidative processes, protecting cells from negative impact free radicals and prolonging the youthfulness of the skin.

    Lipid-replenishing components (solid oils and essences) do not allow moisture to evaporate from the skin, which is especially important for areas prone to dryness.

    Clay and zinc absorb sebum and have a bactericidal effect, so they are often included in cleansing face masks.

    Retinoids and acids(glycolic, lactic, salicylic) stimulate skin renewal, exfoliate dead skin cells. Regular exfoliation prevents both wrinkles and acne.

    Panthenol It has a calming effect and, in addition, is a good hydrofixer.

Care at different times of the year

Among the factors influencing the features of care for combination skin, among other things, is seasonality.


In the warm season, the skin reduces the production of sebum and actively loses moisture. To prevent this process, of course, it should be intensively moisturized, choosing light textures. For example, classic cream replace with a gel or fluid that does not clog pores and does not provoke inflammation.

In winter, combination skin reduces oiliness in the T-zone © iStock

in winter

Temperature fluctuations, dry air, frost and wind have a devastating effect on the hydrolipidic mantle of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes dry, prone to irritation and flaking. To avoid this situation, before going out, apply intensive protective cream and use moisturizing masks at home.

Care at different ages

Obviously, time affects the body - with the onset of maturity, the skin becomes drier and its needs change. In short, the cream that you liked at the age of 20 will no longer cope with its task at 40.

Up to 25 years old

For combination skin, high-quality moisturizing and non-aggressive cleansing is enough. However, due to its characteristics, it may be subject to acne. It is quite possible to prevent and reduce pimples by using cosmetics with acids and cleansing masks.

After 25 years

During this period, it does not hurt to add products with antioxidants to the care procedure to protect against aggressive factors and prevent aging. Special attention keep moisturizing - look for formulas with hyaluronic acid.

After 35 years

The first signs of aging appear, associated with a decrease in the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the body. To keep this process without consequences, include an intensive moisturizer in your care, and not only in winter.

Combination skin care involves the addition of anti-aging cosmetics © iStock

After 40 years

Wrinkles in owners of combination skin are usually late guests, but after the age of 40 there is a threat of ptosis, especially when overweight. Postponing the appearance of this problem will help procedures in the cosmetologist's office, including facial massage, which can be done in courses from the age of 30.

After 45 years

A timely consultation with a gynecologist before the onset of menopause will not only prolong the youthfulness of the skin, but also relieve discomfort accompanying this difficult period.

When it comes to care, you'll need the "heavy artillery" of powerful anti-aging ingredients like retinol. Its derivatives - retinoids - accelerate the process of cell renewal, which can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles and restore tone and freshness to the face.

Overview of funds

Below you will find everything you need for combination skin.


Cleansing products.

Purifying toner for acne-prone skin age-related changes Blemish & Age, SkinCeuticals. This product is ideal for mature combination skin prone to inflammation: a complex of salicylic and glycolic acid provides gentle exfoliation, relevant for daily care.

Micellar make-up remover Normaderm, Vichy. The soft formula does not dry the skin, and zinc in its composition has a sebum-regulating effect. The lotion removes even permanent make-up and suitable for sensitive skin.

Micellar gel Rosaliac, La Roche-Posay. soft gel with moisturizing ingredients gently cleanses and soothes the skin. Can be used as a first or second wash, suitable for sensitive skin.

Exfoliation and deep cleansing

Products for exfoliation and deep cleansing.

Corrective Effaclar A. I., La Roche-Posay. Combination of acids and niacinamide for short term eliminates inflammation, drying them and suppressing bacterial activity in the pores. The tool is recommended for local use.

Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Instant Glow Mask, Kiehl's. Turmeric and cranberry seeds energize the skin, making a mask ideal remedy"quick response" for use before an important event.

Mask “Magic clay. Exfoliation and narrowing of pores, L'Oréal Paris. Thanks to the content of three types of clay and extract at once seaweed The mask not only cleanses the pores, but also restores the mineral balance of the skin.

Hydration and nutrition

Products for hydration and nutrition.

Emollient cream for oily skin"Revitalizing Hydration", Garnier. Light texture does not clog pores, complex plant extracts in the composition deeply moisturizes the skin.

Night recovery concentrate Midnight Recovery, Kiehl's. combination of squalane and vegetable oils wild rose, rose and rosemary intensively restores the moisture-retaining barrier, preventing the evaporation of water from skin cells.

Cream with a light texture "Luxury food", L'Oréal Paris. Valuable oils, calcium and jasmine extract help the skin maintain its lipid balance and stimulate the restoration of cellular structure.

Features of combination skin

Combination facial skin is characterized by vigorous activity sebaceous glands in the forehead, nose and chin. At the same time, other parts of the face have a reduced activity of the sebaceous glands. that each part of it needs special care. Often the situation is aggravated by the fact that acne and black dots appear in the T-zone. Therefore, the choice of means for her care should be especially careful.

Increased oiliness of the skin in the forehead, nose and chin does not exclude the need for moisturizing. This can be achieved with the help of a well-chosen cream for combination skin.

What should be the cream for combination skin

Day and night cream for combination skin

Daily cream for combination skin, the face should be light, mattifying, which can be used as a base for make-up. Night cream should help restore and relax the skin during sleep. Unlike day cream, night cream contains a large number of oils, so it should not be used in the morning, otherwise you risk ruining your makeup.

For combination skin, which has its own characteristics, it is very important to get enough moisture. As a rule, a good day cream contains 60-80% water, which is responsible for moisturizing and prevents the formation of a pulling film after application.

A day cream for combination skin should contain a UV filter designed to prevent Negative influence ultraviolet. In addition, when choosing a cream for combination skin, preference should be given to those products containing vitamins A, C, E and F.

Each of them has its own function:

- Vitamin A prevents overdrying skin preventing the appearance of wrinkles;

- thanks to vitamin C, metabolic processes are activated in skin cells;

- vitamin E does not allow harmful radicals to penetrate into the deep skin layers;

- Vitamin F has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to choose a day night cream for combination skin

A good night cream for combination skin should carefully care for both oily areas of the face and dry ones. Therefore, as the main ingredients that make up its composition, there should be alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

Alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, citric, lactic acids) actively affect skin cells, contributing to an exfoliating effect, accelerated epidermal renewal and moisture retention.

beta hydroxy acids (kojic, salicylic acid) help to avoid the appearance age spots have a disinfectant and antibacterial effect.

How does the cream for combination skin work?

The main functions of the cream for combination skin are moisturizing, protecting, increasing elasticity. In order to increase the effect of using the cream, you must follow a few rules. To protect dry areas of combination skin from overdrying, you need to drink as much as possible. clean water no gas, give up bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.

You should also give preference healthy eating- Eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fatty foods and sweets activate the sebaceous glands, so they are not recommended for owners of combination skin.

Combination skin. Which cream to choose

Do not forget that regular use of cream for combination skin will save you from many problems. If you use cleansers and moisturizers only occasionally, you should not rely on their effectiveness.

Combination skin care depending on the time of year

Basic care for combination skin

Basic care for combination skin includes not only moisturizing with creams. An important component of care is cleansing and exfoliation. This is especially necessary in the warm season, when the skin should be treated as fat type. It is recommended to use tools based on natural products with anti-inflammatory effect. Do not neglect cleansing. In summer, you need to use a gel for washing (daily) and a gentle scrub with small granules (1-2 times a week). As for face cream, summer period The best time of year is a light moisturizer.

Combination skin care in the cold season

In cold weather, care for combination skin should follow the principle of care for dry skin. In winter she needs gentle cleansing with the help of milk and scrubs, but the latter can be used no more than once a week. Cream for moisturizing combination skin in the cold season should have protective effect, and it should be based on natural vegetable and animal fats. Use a face cream in winter should be in the morning (a few minutes before going outside) and at night.

In no case should a cream for combination skin be oily. It is preferable to choose products based on natural oils.

In owners of combination skin, the forehead, nose and chin areas are usually oily. But the temples, cheeks, neck and, in particular, the area around the eyes are dry. That is why such skin needs special care: simultaneous moisturizing of dry areas and elimination of shine on greasy. Our new ranking contains the best creams for combination skin.

Cream "Moisturizing Expert", L "Oreal Paris (264 rubles)

Many owners mixed skin in winter and in the cold season, peeling often appears on the face. Protective functions epidermis during this period are significantly weakened. To return the skin to a fresh and radiant appearance, the experts of the L "Oreal Paris laboratory created the Moisturizing Expert range. The cream for normal and combination skin is designed to work in three directions: intensively nourish, retain moisture and refresh the complexion. The product contains vitamin B5, which stimulates metabolic processes in cells and ceramides, which are responsible for elasticity and moisture.You won't have to wait long to see the results, clinical studies have shown that after 4 weeks, 78% of women's skin became fresher and softer to the touch.

Matting cream-sorbet "Revitalizing Moisturizing", Garnier (196 rubles)

Water is life important element for the activities of our entire body. The skin, in particular, also needs to constantly maintain an optimal level of hydration. At the heart of the matting sorbet cream from the "Revitalizing Moisturizing" series from Garnier is mannose, a plant component that acts on three layers of the skin at once (horny, epidermis and dermis). In combination with glycerin, mannose contributes to effective hydration skin. If you believe the promises of the creators of the cream, then in a month regular use restores a stable supply of moisture in the epidermis. The product for combination to oily skin also includes green tea extract, known for its antioxidant properties. The cream perfectly mattifies and evens out the tone, so it can be safely used as a base for make-up.

Day care cream Idealia, Vichy (1595 rubles)

The work on the creation of any beauty product begins with global research. Laboratory specialists french brand Vichy decided to find out what criteria, according to the girls, should meet perfect skin. It turned out that the majority of respondents identified three main parameters: microrelief, tone and wrinkles. Based on these data, brand scientists set themselves a difficult task - to find the most effective component that has anti-aging action and significantly improving general state skin. After 5 years of breeding herbal ingredients and 12 clinical tests, they discovered a unique component - kombucha. It is also an extract of black tea, which is obtained through biotechnological fermentation. It contains a record amount of fruit acids, vitamins, probiotics and polyphenols - four components that are absolute leaders in cosmetology and dermatology. Probiotics increase protective properties skin, vitamins are involved in the process of decomposition of sugar and lipids, increase energy potential cells and enhance tissue respiration, and polyphenols act as powerful antioxidants. And finally the last ingredient - fruit acid(which is familiar to all peeling lovers) - dissolves intercellular bonds and promotes exfoliation of epidermal cells. With such a "shock" composition, your skin has every chance of becoming perfect.

Moisturizer Hydrance Optimale Legere, Avene (1400 RUB)

The main purpose of the Hydrance Optimale Legere cream from the Avene pharmacy brand is to fight excessive shine in the T-zone and reliably matte the skin. This effect is achieved due to sebum-absorbing particles that absorb excess sebum (sebum). The cream will not cope with very dry skin and peeling, but will prevent them due to the presence of moisturizing ingredients and branded thermal water Avene. It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Another obvious plus is the presence of photoprotective ingredients (SPF 20), they protect the skin from aggressive sun rays, causing premature aging. The product can be used as a make-up base: it is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film and is "friendly" with tonal means and powders.

Combination skin type is a rather difficult type in terms of choosing cosmetics and care products, including face creams. The cream should have special properties that affect different parts of the skin in different ways. Choosing a cream that is ideal for your specific skin is quite difficult. But, if you know and take into account all the features and nuances, the choice right cream won't be a problem for you. So, this article will describe in detail how to choose a face cream for combination skin.

What is required from the cream?

Naturally, combination skin has its own requirements for a face cream. One of the important functions of such a cream is the possibility of leaving in several separate zones skin. Also important are all kinds of anti-inflammatory effects that will have the right effect on combination skin. As with any skin type, UV protection and damage repair is important. It is also important that the cream is moisturizing and nourishing.

How to choose?

  1. Be sure to choose a remedy that has an effect on different types skin areas. Only such a tool can be suitable for combination skin.
  2. There is also an option to choose different products for dry skin areas and for oily ones separately. True, this method will be more difficult to apply, but the most effective.
  3. Be mindful of age. Not universal means suitable for any age of women, because at every age there are own features skin.
  4. Buy only quality products. Cheap things are rarely suitable to achieve desired result. So it is better to read reviews about the products you choose and only then buy them.
  5. It is important that the remedy should prevent all sorts of allergic reactions, which is often subjected to combination skin.

Also remember that depending on the time of year, some requirements for the cream also change.
For example, in summer, combination skin expresses its fatty features, so the cream should focus on that. That is, for the summer it is necessary to purchase a cream that can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Also summer cream should have a delicate structure that will not close the pores.

In winter, the skin, on the contrary, is more expressed as dry. Therefore, such properties of a face cream as nutrition and hydration are important.

Can you make your own cream?

Of course, you can prepare your own cream for this type of skin like combination skin at home. For example, here is a cucumber cream recipe for combination skin:

Grate one cucumber, dissolve liquid lanolin (15 g) and peach oil (50 ml) in a water bath. After heating, add this mixture cucumber and stir. We heat the mixture, covering with a lid for 1 hour.
Next, you need to strain the resulting mass and beat it. You can then add any essential oils suitable for combination skin. It's so easy, your DIY face cream is ready!

Of course, if you do not want to prepare the cream yourself, you can buy a good cream in stores. It is difficult to say which cream is the best, but below is a selection of creams for combination skin from different manufacturers. Naturally, all these creams have good rating among buyers.

Pure Line - A series of light creams. Many creams are intended for use by women over 30 years of age. Creams have very good nutritional properties, the ability to normalize complexion. They also fight skin aging.

NatureSiberica - Japanese Sophora Day Cream. This cream exfoliates the skin oily sheen, but at the same time in this cream there are elements that help the skin to maintain enough moisture. Also, the cream fights against the influence of ultraviolet radiation and makes the skin more elastic.

Garnier - Cream-sorbet "Life-giving hydration". The cream ensures the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, makes the skin supple and fresh.

Avon - creamAnew "ultra-nourishing" light texture. The cream is very nourishing and perfectly refreshes the skin. In terms of structure, it is indeed very light. It is better to use this cream as a night cream.

Loreal - cream "Age expert 35+". From the name it becomes clear that this cream is suitable for women after 35 years. It perfectly fights the first signs of aging, moisturizes the skin, makes it supple.

Yves Rocher - creamHydra Vegetal. This cream has an excellent nourishing function, it also makes the skin very fresh, tender and soft.

Of course, you must decide which cream to choose on your own, after weighing and analyzing everything. individual characteristics own skin. Girls under 25 years of age are not recommended to use creams at all. It is better to use a variety of oils or homemade masks.
All the information and photos presented above are undoubtedly not sufficient, because at present there are a lot of heterogeneous creams for combination skin.