Scenario of the New Year's holiday with kikimora. Scenario of the holiday “New Year's tricks of Kikimora. Reading poems for Santa Claus

Holiday script

"Kikimora's New Year's tricks"

senior group

To the music, children enter the hall, stand around the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly:

We are meeting…

Children:New Year!

And again, as nature tells us,

The past year is leaving the planet.

He is in a hurry to replace the new year.

And the New Year's holiday opens!

The merry hall shines today,

It sparkles with many lights.

On noisy holiday New Year

Welcome guests!

Christmas tree, we were waiting for you

Many, many days, nights!

We counted for a moment

To see soon!

How the needles sparkle

Winter miracle - silver,

How I wrapped your branches

Santa Claus with a snowball!

Like an invisible hand

Someone decorated the Christmas tree

And like Cinderella from a fairy tale

Turned into a queen!

Happy New Year!

With a song, with a Christmas tree, with a round dance,

With beads, crackers,

With new toys!

Presenter: Oh yes tree! Just a miracle!

So elegant and beautiful!

And what is this Christmas tree worth,

Are the lights not lit?

Come on, let's say: "One, two, three, our Christmas tree, burn!"

/repeat several times, no lights come on/

Presenter: Yes, these are miracles! The beautiful Christmas tree asks us to light her lights in a different way.

Well, guys, let's fulfill the request of the Christmas tree - beauties!

They pulled the ears down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

1,2,3,4,5 - we begin to conjure,

They pulled the nose down - come on, Christmas tree, light up!

/repeat with parents, lights are lit/

Children perform a round dance song "Herringbone beauty"

After the round dance, they sit down in their places.

Presenter: Our children were looking forward to this holiday, because the New Year is the most favorite holiday of all children.

And now it is time to listen to the verses they have prepared.


Presenter: Now sit down quickly.

On this good New Year

Of course, you will be surprised -

A fairy tale will come to visit us.

Child: Imagine, guys, that we are now in the forest.

Here winter clearing, here is a Christmas tree in the snow,

Yes, that's it guys.

The tree is sad.

Scene "Herringbone"

Yolochka comes out, sighs

Herringbone: I want to tell you

How boring it is to be here.

All my girlfriends

In Christmas toys.

Dancing next to the kids ...

And I'm alone in the forest. ( crying)

Leading. What to do, how to be, how to cheer the Christmas tree?

The hedgehog boy runs, stops near the Christmas tree and strokes it, calms it down.

Hedgehog: How is that, this is bad.

We have to come up with something.

Take a quick look:

I'm prickly, just like you.

And my needles

Just like a Christmas tree.

Let's sing and dance

Happy New Year's Eve!

Leading. It looks like the snow is creaking

Is anyone else joining us?

A girl squirrel runs, stops near them

Squirrel: Hop-hop-hop,

From bitch to bitch

Yes, white snow.

Hello, hedgehog, my friend!

Hedgehog: Hello, neighbor squirrel,

Jump to us rather from a branch,

You see: the forest tree

It's boring to be here alone.

Gather the forest people

Let's celebrate the New Year together.

presenter. Here comes the snow again

Is anyone else joining us?

A teddy bear appears

Leading. Teddy bear, well, well!

I don't understand anything!

Bear cub. Although we have strict rules,

Mom and dad are sleeping in a den,

I won't disturb them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I'm in a hurry to the hedgehog,

I'll take a break here a little.

How can I fail,

I really want to sleep

(stretches, yawns, squats down, palms under the cheek)

Leading. What to do, how to be

How can we wake up Mishka?

(wakes up Mishka)

Misha, Bear, look

Bunny ahead!

The hare comes out

Hare: Hello Misha, it's just

I hurried to you now.

On a visit to the forest tree

We gathered in a crowd.

Bear cub. Well then I won't sleep

Let's decorate the tree.

Where can we get toys?

Chanterelle runs out with a basket

Fox. Just here.

I brought them now.

(shows toys)

There are crackers, confetti,

Beads, rain and balls.

There will be a Christmas tree for a miracle

And elegant and beautiful.

The fox gives the Christmas tree a basket of toys.

Fox. Gathered, friends, we are together

The holiday will be until the morning.

Let's sing and have fun

Don't be bored, kids!

Hare. Play leapfrog and hide and seek,

In cat and mouse, catch-up.

We'll make fireworks

This holiday is the best!

Christmas tree. Thank you my friends! Now I'll be smart!

Leading. Our fairy tale ended and now from all sides

There was applause, everyone went to bow.

Animals walk around the Christmas tree in a round dance, then bow, sit on chairs

Presenter: Guys, we have an elegant beautiful Christmas tree, but for some reason there is no Snow Maiden for a long time.

Probably, she cannot get to our kindergarten, there is so much snow!

And I know who can help us, I know snowmen.

Hey, snowmen, hurry up, come out here boldly!

You take your shoulder blades, rake the snow from the paths!

The boys perform the dance "Snowmen" (with shoulder blades)

Presenter: It seemed to me guys that the tree was swaying,

Someone is coming to us here, to celebrate the New Year with us

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Presenter: Hello, dear Snow Maiden, how glad we are to see you visiting us.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello children! (children answer)

Hello guests! (guests answer)

I came to you from a winter fairy tale,

And the blizzard made me an outfit.

My friends are a blizzard and frost,

And the snowy wind is the big brother.

Happy New Year everyone,

I wish you health, joy!

Children come out:

Hello. Snow Maiden, dear shy!
You brought us New Year again.
Let only good things be remembered in it,
Let the evil go away.

2. Hello, Snow Maiden, the sun is clear!
Again I came to the holiday at the Christmas tree,
Eye blue and a beautiful smile
Brought to us along with gifts.

3. It became noisy and fun at the Christmas tree,
Together we lead round dances,
We are a New Year's bright song
Here we will sing together with the Snow Maiden.

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree, sing the song "At the Snow Maiden, at ours."

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Snegurochka, look at our beautiful Christmas tree.

Child: A tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has needles in winter in silver,

She has icicles knocking on the cones,

The snow coat lies on the shoulders!

invited to visit,

The children decorated the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden: Your Christmas tree is marvelous and elegant and beautiful to everyone,

Well, the beads danced more cheerfully on it!

Girls perform the dance "beads-beauties"

Presenter: Snow Maiden, but there is still no Santa Claus,

it's time for us to call him.

Snow Maiden: And that's right. Grandfather Frost, ay, do you hear me calling you!

Music sounds, Kikimora appears in the hall, dances.

Stops near the Christmas tree.

Kikimora: What else is sticking out here?!

/grabs a branch/

Oh oh oh! Vicious, prickly, harmful! Like me!

Presenter: That's it, in the New Year we were waiting for Santa Claus, and for some reason Kikimora came to us.

Kikimora, for starters, we should say hello! You see, we have an audience here!

/points at children and guests/

Kikimora: I don't see any donut!

Snow Maiden: Yes, not a donut, but the audience!

Kikimora: That's what I would have said right away! Well, hello, girls - skewers and boys - stumps. Why are you sitting near a tree?

Snow Maiden: We have gathered here to celebrate the New Year - the best, most desired, most joyful holiday!

Kikimora (enthusiastically): Holiday! New Year! With songs?

Snow Maiden: With songs!

Kikimora. With dancing?

Snow Maiden: With dancing!

Kikimora. With gifts?

Snow Maiden: With gifts!

Kikimora. I want gifts too!

Snow Maiden: And our children also want to receive gifts from Santa Claus. What is a holiday without it?

kikimora(grabs his heart) For me, it's just a splinter in my heart,

What are you all waiting for only Santa Claus!

You're not waiting for me, are you? (children: No!)

/runs around the tree/

Ah, do you want New Years? Gifts? Are you waiting for Santa Claus?


But in vain! After all, you don’t invite me, kind and good Kikimora, every year? ... That's right, you kick me out! ... And what are you giving me gifts? ... That's right, you don’t give! Do you think I will tolerate it?! Netushki! / wagging his finger/ I'll conjure this for you! / scratching the back of his head, thinking) Wow! I can’t even wait to show you what I can conjure / rubs hands/.

Presenter: Kikimore do not believe, children!

Do not listen to these stories!

The holiday will continue

To celebrate the New Year with you.

Kikimora: Quiet, quiet, scream!

Let me sleep, just a little.

I - Kikimora - melancholy, I'll sit here for now!

/ sits on the chair of the music director,

freely tucking one leg under him, spinning on it /

Moderator (in disbelief): Are we on holiday or what?

We can't live without music!

Kikimora: Well, what do I care?

I turned the one that was sitting here into a rattle,

/pulls out and shakes his finger at a large maracas, which is designed to look like the face of the music director/

To make no noise!

/ gets up, shows everyone /

Presenter (takes a maracas from Kikimora, looks at it herself, shows it to everyone).

What is this? After all, it's scary!

This is our Albina Rustamovna!

Kikimora: She is a beauty! She!

And I'm not scared anymore!

/takes the maracas from the Host's hands/

Until cheerful music sounds, I, Kikimore - Tosca, have nothing to be afraid of! And everything will be quiet! And everything will be calm, like in my swamp! And Santa Claus will not come to you! You won't get any gifts!

/yawns, flops down on a chair, puts his hands and head on the keys, “falls asleep”, snores/

Host (angrily): Well, I do not! Do not be this! Now we will arrange such fun that Kikimore never dreamed of! /lowering his voice, addresses the children/

We just have to outsmart her guys! Because Kikimora guards the music center and the piano, and without them there will be no music ... And we will not be able to disenchant our “Albina Rustamovna”. Let's try to outsmart Kikimora? (Yes!) Only you help me!

/deliberately refers to Kikimore/

Hey Kikimora! Go on, put our guys to sleep, otherwise they are really tired, tired, poor!

Kikimora (enthusiastically).

That's right! Here is the thing! And then they sang, they danced!

/walks around the hall, makes passes with his hands/

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word! Don't lie on the edge! Sleep! Sleep! /to parents/ Why don't you sleep?! Spa-a-at everyone! / the children “fall asleep”, putting their heads on the neighbor’s shoulder, Kikimora rejoices, rubs her hands, sits on a chair near the Christmas tree and also “falls asleep”. The host carefully approaches the piano, plays /

Muses. Supervisor: Thank you, friends! You have disenchanted me!

Let's continue the holiday, have fun, dance!

Kikimora (closes her ears).

Well, I'll show you! Well, I'll take revenge on you! I will steal gifts from Santa Claus for you!

Runs out of the room

Presenter: Well, Kikimora, well, she scared us. Grandfather Frost was here, he did not let her play pranks like that! Snow Maiden, let's call grandfather again.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is a prankster

Come to the holiday soon!

You guys help, call Santa Claus with me!

The children are called Santa Claus.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in.

Father Frost: Hello guys! Hello guests!

I wish you success, health and strength!

To you guys, I was in a hurry!

Even on the road to the ravine failed.

But it looks like he showed up just in time!

Snow Maiden: We were waiting for you, Santa Claus! Kikimora came to us and wanted to spoil our holiday, but they managed to outwit her!

Father Frost: Kikimora, well, get me it!

Do not be afraid, children, but rather get into a round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "Oh, the best of all!"

Father Frost: And now, my friends, I will turn you!

You help me with a staff, and the guys have fun!

Game at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus "Magic Staff"

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, and our guys can also do transformations.

Children: One-two, turn around, (Santa Claus turns around)

And turn into a dancer!

Father Frost: I can't resist, my legs are asking to dance! Well, Snow Maiden, let's dance!

Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. After dancing, they sit on chairs.

Father Frost: Oh, and I danced! Tired!

Presenter: Let's sit down and rest!

And we'll read you poetry!

Reading poems for Santa Claus

Presenter: Grandpa, you liked our poems. (Yes!)

And look, something our guests are bored,

For a long time their legs did not dance.

Child: Come on, guests, come out and dance with us merrily!

Children perform a dance with the audience "Heel - toe."

Father Frost and Snow Maiden praise children and parents.

Presenter / asks children /:

Did Santa Claus play with children?

Did you dance near the Christmas tree?

Did you sing songs?

Did you make the kids laugh?

What did Grandpa forget?

Children. Present!

Father Frost: Santa Claus walked through the forest

I brought you gifts, my friends.

The blizzard howled, the snow circled,

I dropped gifts...

Ice, snowflakes,

Icicles, snow!

Come back to this hall

My magic bag!

/the bag enters to the music/

Presenter: Look, kids

The bag is coming to us here!

Snow Maiden: And under the bright fabric for children - gifts!

/ Santa Claus opens the bag - there Kikimora chews candy /

Presenter: Look, guys, Kikimora ate all the sweets!

Kikimora: Yes! Ate!

Santa Claus (surprised): Something is wrong here ... She could not eat all the sweets!

Kikimora: But I could, it was very tasty!

Father Frost: / menacingly Kikimore / And I'll take my staff, but now I'll knock!

I'll freeze you, tell me, where are the gifts?

Kikimora: Oh, don't freeze me, Grandpa Frost!

All I, all I understood!

I behaved badly.

I will stop cheating.

And please forgive me!

After all, today is the New Year!

He brings good things with him!

Father Frost: I'm angry with you! /to children/ You decide: sorry, friends!

/ children answer: Sorry /

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we forgive Kikimora, we will forgive, only let her return the gifts for the guys!

Kikimora: Yes, you know where I hid something, I forgot!

Presenter: How did you forget?

Kikimora: Santa Claus maybe

Will music help us?

If it sounds loud -

Your bag is right next to you!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try to search

And you will help me!

/begins to play softly new year music, gradually adding sound. Santa Claus, together with Kikimora, approach the children, then the parents and, finally, the Christmas tree /

Kikimora: Santa Claus! Hooray!

I found your bag!

Loud music sounds

Your bag is right next to you!

/take out a bag from under the Christmas tree/

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, help me untie the bag!

Snow Maiden: So the knot ... Uh-huh!

I can't untie!

Presenter: Come on, let's all clap together!

Let's stomp our feet!

The knots are all untied and we got gifts!

/ Santa Claus distributes gifts, the Snow Maiden gives him gifts /

Father Frost: We didn’t forget anyone, did we receive all the gifts?

And now it's time to go, goodbye, kids!

The Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and Kikimora once again congratulate everyone on the New Year,

say goodbye, leave.

The presenter says that the holiday is over, the children leave the hall

To the music, the children leave the room.

(Within 5-15 minutes. Heroes help children pour tea or juice.)

After tea drinking, Kikimora walks around the hall and catches something in the air.

Goblin - Kikimora, what are you doing?

Kikimora - Hush, Goblin, I'm catching the idea.

Goblin - What thought?

Kikimora - Don't know yet, probably good. She flew through my head and flew out.

Goblin - What was it about?

Kikimora - This I have understood. About how it is better to spend the New Year's holiday, so that both the children will be happy and not a burden to us. There she scattered, do not catch.

Goblin - The guys will help us now.

Kikimora - Can they?

Goblin - These then-these can do everything.

Take the children to the center of the room.

Kikimora - Guys, try to jump high and catch all my thoughts.

The game is running.

(During the game block, assistants prepare the playground.)

Goblin - So we can't do anything. Your thoughts are invisible. We can't get hold of them.

Kikimora - The chest will help us now.

Do it, dear, so that my thoughts become visible.

Phonogram of a miracle. Get out of the chest bubble.

Competition - Goblin with Kikimora blow bubbles, children catch them.

Goblin - Well done guys, take your seats.

Kikimora drives thoughts into her head with her hands, shakes her head. Soundtrack.

Kikimora - Here is another matter. We will now celebrate the New Year without Santa Claus, then we will get all the gifts.

Goblin - Like this?

Kikimora - And like this. We will light the Christmas tree, we will have a round dance, we will sing a song. What else do we have on the script (is reading) to give gifts. Easily.

Goblin - And Santa Claus is not needed at all for this, there is nothing for the old to stomp his feet in vain, but bother himself.

Kikimora - We organize our fun. New Year in Kikimora - does it sound?

Goblin - Yes!

Kikimora - And then everything is shu-shu, yes mu-shu, the dance of little ducklings ... Ugh, mortal boredom.

We have our own hit of the season - "Forest Airenby"


Take the kids to the center.The characters show dance moves.

Kikimora - They danced well, but they trampled a lot.

Goblin - Now we will collect more snow and bring beauty here.

Kikimora - Where are our magic snowflakes?

Take out air balloons white color with a snowflake pattern.

Kikimora - How big, but cold, no matter how you freeze your hands.

Goblin - And we will throw them higher into the sky.

The game is a ball in the air.

(While the music is playing, not a single ball should fall to the floor.)

Kikimora - Well done. Take your seats. Now, chest, it's your turn to work. Get me gifts from the bins.

Box - This miracle is not simple. I can't do it without the help of Santa Claus.

Kikimora - Here are those on! We've arrived. This old wizard will come and give all the gifts to the children, we will get nothing.

Goblin - Before his arrival must be in time.

Kikimora - Don't worry, Leshik, we can handle it ourselves. It is not for nothing that I have been studying various wisdoms at witchcraft courses for 300 years. We will be our own Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

kikimora- (to Leshem) I appoint you Santa Claus. Here's your hat. (Snegurochkina) Me, the Snow Maiden, a staff. (to children)

Do we guys look like Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

(looks at each other)

Kikimora - That's right, it should be the other way around. You have a staff, and I have a hat. And now?

Kikimora - What would you understand. We, most importantly, need to light the Christmas tree. Without her magic light Not a single Christmas miracle happens.

(with kids) One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Kikimora - Did not work out.

Goblin - I know why - the tree is defective.

Kikimora - Exactly. Chest, dear, help me out. We need a Christmas tree, a small, pretty one.

L - No, big and green.

(arguing and showing with hands)

Box - First you decide what you want.

Kikimora - The children will help us. Do you know what trees are?

Then listen carefully and answer our questions with yes or no.

Song game. (heroes perform)

She grew up in the forest

And she was freezing cold.

Now she came to us for the holiday,

All in lights and stars.

We have fun in the New Year

We meet the Christmas tree

And the beauty of the forest

We decorate together.

Are there stars on the tree? - Yes!

Are there boots on the Christmas tree? - No!

Are there garlands on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Are there pillows on the tree? - No!

She wears garlands and toys

merrily glitter,

Cones and crackers

The guys are happy.

Tinsel shiny

Friendly with the Christmas tree

The stars are real

They look at you.

Chorus: Answer very honestly, as always

Are there lights on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Are there slippers on the Christmas tree? - No!

Answer very honestly, as always.

Is there a ball on the tree? - Yes!

Now please give me an answer.

Is there a broom on the tree? - No!

Box - Now it is clear.

Phonogram of a miracle, takes out 2 Christmas trees from the chest.

Kikimora - Again, the chest scrambled. Guys, what are these Christmas trees missing?

(children's answers)

Goblin - That's right, jewelry. (looks into the chest). So here they are (takes out jewelry).

Kikimora - Guys, can you help us decorate the Christmas tree?

Then get up in 2 teams. Here are the Christmas trees for you, and here Christmas decorations. Each child can hang only one toy on the Christmas tree.

Tricks of Kikimora and her friends

New Year's theatrical performance for junior schoolchildren prepared by teachers primary school 4th grade students.

fly agaric
Baba Yaga
Father Frost
Snow Maiden.

Music sounds

Goblin enters the hall, groans, groans, rubs his back.

Goblin. - Oh, the weather is cold,

The wind is howling

All my bones hurt

The loin is aching.

I'll die in the wilderness

I'm alone

And no one will know

Where is my grave.

Kikimora appears.


Hey hello! What's unhappy?

What did the blockhead hang his own?

Know that the disease has overcome?


You would have taken, godfather, for the case.


I'm in the forest - the first doctor,

And a sorceress, and a pharmacist!

You have become, Leshy, not your own.

You know you're hurting your head.

Soon the holiday - New Year,

And you are full of worries.


Oh, don't say godfather

So there was no mind

And now quite jelly

Here from here to here.

(points to his head)


Oh, now, now, hearty!

Drink the potion - everything will pass. (gives a mug)

Goblin (trying).

Well, crap!..


This potion

It will save you from everything.


What are you making the potion out of?


From leeches and tails!

I add cockroaches

From birch leaves.

And also dried

I put crushed fly agaric.

I bring everything to a boil.

It's better than jam...

From any blues will pass.

Celebrate the New Year with joy

Youth will come again.


Whats up? Amanita crushed?

Le-ekarsha ... fucking louse! ..

Here, contact such a "scientist" -

You will die before your time!

Though in my brains jelly

Come on, get out of here quickly!



You really became not yourself

Attention! Attention! Says the radio station of forest dwellers. There are a few days left before the New Year. All the inhabitants of the forest prepare to meet important guests: Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Fly agaric and Kikimora run in.

Fly agaric.
Did you hear? Get ready to meet important guests! And we, then, so-so? They also found important ones for me - this old man and the girl Snegurochka.

Si-si-si, la-la-la!

Who is spreading such rumors throughout our forest kingdom?

Fly agaric.
Who else - if not a magpie on the tail brings their filthy news. It’s even insulting: are we worse than them, or what? Why am I not a Snow Maiden, and Leshy - not Santa Claus?

The new year is coming, and I want to do some dirty trick.

Fly agaric.
Kikimora, you are our most-presamay inventor of dirty tricks! Think.

You know? I must invite my relatives - Baba Yaga and Leshy. With them, we better come up with, then we are evil spirits.

They run away. Music sounds. The leader comes out.

Hello guys! Have you heard the news that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to visit us soon? (Guys answer). This news was brought to us by a magpie on the tail and said that all the forest dwellers were already preparing for the meeting. And I will reveal to you a big secret: one is in a hurry to us for the holiday kind guest- Goat. After all, the year of the Goat is coming. It will be real holiday. And what is a holiday without jokes, smiles, fun and kind, good friends?

Music. The buffoons are running.

Hello girls and boys!
Also all parents
Welcome now!
For the New Year's holiday
We invited you.

1st buffoon.
Greetings, friends, all of you!
Let smiles, dances, songs
Sound in a circle now.

2nd buffoon.
We wish you fun
AND good mood!

3rd buffoon.
frolic in Russian dance,
Play, have fun!

4th buffoon.
How about we play now?

5th buffoon.
No, let's dance.
We don't want to stand still
We will dance with you together.

Buffoons show various movements to the music.

The children repeat them.
we will now go to the right 1,2,3

And then let's go to the left 1.2.3

Let's quickly gather at the Christmas tree 1.2.3,

And then we'll disperse 1,2,3

Dance our feet 1,2,3

And clap your hands 1,2,3.

1st buffoon.
You guys are great
Dancing from the heart!

2nd buffoon.
We are happy to congratulate you all
Happy New Year at this hour!

3rd buffoon.
We have such a beautiful tree.

Do you know everything about this green beauty and Santa Claus?

4th buffoon.
And we will check this now.

Answer our questions only "Yes" or "No".

5th buffoon.
Is the trunk good for our Christmas tree?
Was it made from a double barrel?

1st buffoon

What grows on the tree? Buds?
Tomatoes and rugs?

2nd buffoon
Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?
Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?

3rd buffoon

Well, the correct answers are given to the questions.

You all know about Santa Claus.

Let's relax, sing, play and dance together.

5th buffoon.
Russian dance is a miracle
Legs dance on their own.
We will dance skillfully
If a friend is around.

Children stand in a circle and read poetry

Children stand around the Christmas tree, hold hands

Read poetry

Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.

Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is coming to us
So let's say together
“Hello, hello New Year!”

We celebrate the holiday again

Happy New Year!

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

Let's start the round dance again.

Hurry up to visit us

Dance in the bright hall,

Sing in play games,

The music is calling us!

and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Windows decorated with Santa Claus

And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

Snowflakes are falling, a blizzard has begun,

Dunul fresh breeze on a big tree.

With songs and laughter we ran into the hall,

AND forest guest everyone saw.

Green, beautiful, tall, slender.

It glows with different lights.

Hello, our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let everyone have a Christmas tree

Dance and sing!

Song round dance


Words by Y. Lednev.
Music by A. Ostrovsky

Round dance, round dance...
The little people are dancing.
Dance by our Christmas tree
We are ready whole year!
Beauty, beauty...
Our tree is thick.
You can't reach the top of your head.
What a height!
Under the bush, under the bush
Someone with a red tail
This is a sly fox
Under the bush is a fox house.
It's snowing, it's snowing...
Hello, hello New Year!
How cheerful we are
Near the Christmas tree round dance!
Round dance, round dance...
The little people are dancing.
Dance by our Christmas tree
We are ready for the whole year!

1st buffoon.
Guys, we will go to meet Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but don't be bored here.

They leave. Music sounds. Fly agaric, Kikimora, Goblin, Baba Yaga appear. Is distributed phone call.

Fabulous music sounds, Amanita and Kikimora appear from behind the Christmas tree.


Fly agaric, but the guys took us for their friends.

They are not even afraid of us.

Fly agaric:

And they don't pay attention to us.

Sing ditties


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
For Mukhomorovna.

Fly agaric:

And together we are for the New Year
They came with kikimora.

uh - uh - (dancing) They came with kikimora.

My name is Amanita
And I don't cry about it.

Has a hat and a broom
And fly agaric to boot.

Uh-uh- And Amanita to boot.

(they dance to the music from the cartoon “Babki-Hedgehogs”).

The phone rings

Fly agaric. runs out
Oh, the phone is ringing, no way this is our main one.

Fly agaric.
New Year is coming soon. It is necessary to spoil the holiday, but we forgot all the dirty tricks. Tell me, help me, your snake majesty.

Fly agaric.
Here is the head!

Baba Yaga.
Not one, but three! And how everything works!

Well, what's the deal?

Baba Yaga.
This is where cunning is needed. (Turns to the guys). Guys, have you seen Goats? Didn't he show up here?

The guys answer.

Fly agaric.
We'll go meet him, and you're having fun without us, a holiday after all. (They run away).

Baba Yaga.
Oh, remember the golden childhood.

What do we do?

Baba Yaga.
Play, have fun guys!

Well, the task! Oh, I know one game. Shall we play?

Oh look, make no mistake.

They play the game.
And on frost outside,

Well, everyone took up the nose!

There is no need for us to beat the buckets,

Come on, everyone took their ears,

Twisted, turned

Here are the ears warmed up.

Knocked on the knees

shook their heads,

Patted on the shoulders

And sunk a little.

Christmas tree? For what?

Baba Yaga.
That's how it's supposed to be. At the feast, the tree should be lit.

Well, it's supposed to be, it's supposed to be. (Pulls out matches.) Oh, sorry, it was a good tree.

Baba Yaga (takes away matches).
What are you? Guys, tell me, how do you light a Christmas tree? What words should be said? That's right, "Herringbone, burn!"

The presenter and buffoons enter.

1st buffoon.

Who is trying to light the Christmas tree here without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

2nd buffoon.
Yes, this is Baba Yaga and Leshy! Have you decided to spoil the holiday again?

Baba Yaga.
No, what are you, are we capable of such a thing?

We wanted to sing a song with the guys, but you interfered.

song: If there was no winter

If there was no winter

If there was no winter

In cities and villages,

We would never know

These days are fun.

The baby would not circle

Near snowman,

the ski track would not wind,

Kaby, Kaby, Kaby

If there was no winter

There is no secret in this

We would wither from the heat,

Tired of summer.

A blizzard would not come to us

For a day, at least

And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,

Kaby, Kaby, Kaby

If there was no winter

And all summer time,

We wouldn't know mess

New Year's this.

Santa Claus would not hurry

To us through the potholes

The ice on the river would not freeze,

Kaby, Kaby, Kaby

3rd buffoon.

And now it's time to invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to us.

4th buffoon.
Smart favorite

We are all looking forward to the holidays.

Our dear snow maiden,

Smart, beautiful

We will invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

The guys call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Father Frost, Snow Maiden appear

Snegur: Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Santa Claus

I'm in a hurry to visit you here.

All me on holiday waiting,

Everyone calls Snegurochka.

Father Frost.
Hello guys! (Guys answer).
Sounds dumb for now.
Come on, one more time. Hello guys!
Now your answer is not bad.
I was a little deafened by him.
I was with you a year ago
Glad to see you all again.
I see, they have grown up, they have become big.
Did everyone recognize me?

The guys answer.

Snow Maiden.
Hello guys!
If the cold is in the yard,
All trees are in silver
The Christmas tree is blooming with lights...

Father Frost.
So it's New Year's Eve!

Snow Maiden.
Only song, dance, joke
And a funny joke
Can you wake up the tree?
Enter the New Year with her.
children gather at the Christmas tree

Father Frost.
Do you all know magic words who will help light our Christmas tree? Correct: (chorus)

Tree, tree, tree!
green needle,
Light up different lights
Green and red!

One, two, three - Christmas tree burn!

Snow Maiden.
"Happy New Year!" - says each needle. Let's sing a song:

All children sing a song. (Herringbone, Christmas tree forest aroma)

1 verse

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

forest fragrance

She really needs

nice outfit


let this Christmas tree

at holiday time

every needle pleases us

herringbone loves

funny children

we invite guests to the celebration

chorus is the same

herringbone branch

wave green

and like in a fairy tale

new year will come

1st child

: Multi-colored on the Christmas tree
The lights are shining.
Sitting on thin twigs
Both birds and animals

2nd child

Belous and red-nosed
Under the branches of Santa Claus.
The snow woman does not melt,
The parrot doesn't fly away.

3rd child:

Christmas tree, hello,
Our beauty!
We haven't seen each other for a year.
It seems that you are even better and more beautiful
Has become since the last winter!

Song "At the edge of the forest"

Snow Maiden.
Let's play an interesting game with the guys.
What the Christmas tree is decorated with, I will call the guys.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer.
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response,
Well, if suddenly it's wrong, boldly answer "No".
Multi-colored crackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Colored beads?
And the garlands are light?
Snow from white cotton wool?
Backpacks and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Candy shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?
Well done boys!

Father Frost.
Okay, you're having fun. Did everyone come to our party?

Snow Maiden.
Oh, grandfather, I completely forgot, we invited Goats to our holiday. Guys, have you seen her? What could have happened to him?

Baba Yaga.
What could have happened to him? The little one got lost in the woods.

Lost, lost.

Baba Yaga and Leshy are hiding.

Father Frost.
Ah, that's it! Yes, I'll freeze you now!

Baba Yaga.
No need, no need.

We won't be anymore.

Father Frost.
I ask you to immediately release the Goats and bring them to the holiday. And so that you don’t do something else, I send with you our good friends and helpers - buffoons.

Father Frost.
Oh, I'm sad, guys.

Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, don't be upset. Now the rabbit will come and we will continue fun party. In the meantime, let's guys have fun with our Santa Claus


Father Frost.
Thanks for making the old man happy.

Enter Baba Yaga, Goblin, Kikimora, Fly agaric, rabbit, buffoons.

Baba Yaga.
Here, Santa Claus, your rabbit, safe and sound.

Hello guys, I was late, sorry, they kidnapped me and took me through the forest for an hour. During this time I have made new friends, and they are not evil at all, forgive them.

Father Frost.
Well then, I'm sorry. On New Year's Eve, no one should be angry and quarrel.

Snow Maiden.
Then we continue our holiday!

1st buffoon.
Our Santa Claus is tired of standing, he wants to dance for us.

Father Frost.
Hey guys, move your feet with us!

Dance "New Year's Polka". (Our tree is green)

Father Frost.
Oh, I evaporated, I would drink cold water to cool off a little.

Santa Claus drinks from a mug, then abruptly splashes its contents onto the children, in a mug of multi-colored confetti.

Father Frost.
Frightened, did not expect?
That's how naughty I am.
Even if you're not young anymore.

It's nice to give gifts on New Year's Eve. My gift for you is dance.

Dance of little ducks"

Snow Maiden.
Thank you goat for the gift. And now, guys, I'll tell you a secret. Santa Claus has magic gloves. If someone touches them, that desire will surely come true. Grandpa, let me play with your mitten. We will pass it in a circle, and you will catch up.

Father Frost.

The game is being played.

Expand, circle, wider,
Shut up our round dance.
Friendly, joyfully we lived,
Let's welcome the New Year together!

white snowflakes

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Hills, hills in the yard, in the yard
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spinning and spinning and singing and singing
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Father Frost.
Good for you guys
But it's time for us to leave.
See you soon, goodbye!
Learn, grow and may the New Year
It will bring you success and joy.

Snow Maiden.
We leave, but friends remain here,
Let songs and jokes ring until the morning
Among kind faces and lights.
May the holiday give you today
Loyal, good friends.

See you again.

New Year's party in the senior group "Pranks of Grandmother Yaga".

Material Description: I offer you a script New Year's party for children senior group(5-6 years). This material may be of interest to music directors and educators preschool institutions.
Target: creating a positive emotional background for children.
1. Develop children's artistic ability;
2. Create an atmosphere of magic, mystery, mystery for children;
3. To form children's ideas about the positive and negative characters of the New Year's fairy tale.
Characters: Host, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.
Members: children of the senior group, parents, music director, teachers.

Morning script:

Exit - girls dance to the song "Silver Snowflakes".
Then the boys come in. Children stand up.

Vedas. : How nice that today
guests have come to visit us!
And, without looking at the worries,
you found a free hour!
Happy New Year!
And we invite you to the holiday!
The song "Oh, fly, fly snowflakes" is performed
After the song, the children sit down.

Ved.: Every New Year's Eve
The fairy tale is coming to visit us,
On invisible paths
There is a fairy tale invisible.
Exactly at midnight,
Ding-ding, don!
You will hear a quiet sound!
This fairy tale entered the house!
Hush hush! Here she is!
The Snow Maiden appears. ("Quietly singing a fairy tale") Examines the Christmas tree.
Checks boots. From behind the tree imperceptibly appears
Baba Yaga steals felt boots.

Snow Maiden: Oh, where did the DM felt boots go? Guys, didn't you see? (children answer that they were stolen by BJ) Oh, what to do? How to be? After all, these boots are not easy! And fast ones! In them, the DM delivers gifts to children!
Ved.: You're a Snow Maiden, don't worry! We will help you! You go for DM. Well, we are in the forest, to BYA, for felt boots!
The Snow Maiden leaves the room.
Children take flashlights and walk around the Christmas tree to the house of the BYA (knock)

BYA: Who's there? What did they shout? What did you make a fuss about? We woke up Granny Yagusya!
Host: Grandma, we came to you on business!
BY: What kind of case is this, grandpa?
Ved.: And I'm not a grandfather!
BY: And I'm not a grandmother! And my name is Babusya Yagusya, Zhadina-Beef, Yabeda-Karyabida, Vredina-Prevredina!
Ved.: Oh how many names you have! Can we just call you Baba Yaga?
BY: Okay, I agree! Sit down! What did you come for?
Ved.: You know, BYA, we saw that you took DM felt boots without asking!!! And boots are not easy, boots are fast! In them, DM delivers gifts to children!
BY: Well, yes, I did! And what! I won't give them to you! I need them the most! After all, it is cold in the forest in winter!

Vedas.: BYA, but we need them too! Without them, the DM will not bring us gifts!
BY: No no no! I won't give you boots just like that! (blowing at the host)
Ved.: Oh, how evil! Doesn't let you get close to boots!
BY: That's it! Jokes are bad with me!
Vedas. Granny Yagulechka! Well, please, give us boots! Guys help me!
BY: OK then! I want you to dance for me! Dance - your boots!
(Dance "Valenki")
BYA: Che it's boring here with you! I want to play!
The game is a battle dance with parents.
Music sounds. Kikimora appears.

Vedas: Who else is this?
BY: Oh, this is a cool person, Kikimora is beautiful!
Vedas.: BYA, don't talk to us! You give us boots and we went! We have no time!
kikimora: What is it I do not understand! What do they want from you?
BYa begins to complain that the children want to take her felt boots from her.
kikimora: Well, that's right! You don't have to give them away!
Vedas.: Kind people! Yes, what is being done! Valenki do not want to give!
kikimora: Teacher, why are you so nervous! Get a hold of yourself! Don't know how? And I'll teach you right now! (Calls a child for help) In the meantime, she keeps herself in control, let the children sing a song to us! They probably don't know how to do it!
The song "Do you hear, someone is coming, hurrying up the stairs to us"
Ved.: Well, did you like the way we sing? That's it! Give us our boots!
Kikimora and BYa: Ha-ha-ha, but we cheated, but we were joking!
Ved.: Oh wow! Guys! They fooled us again! I know how to punish them! Come on, let's get up and catch up with them! (running around the Christmas tree, Kikimora and BYa fall, ask for medicine and quietly go into the house)
Ved.: Oh, and where are these merry girlfriends? Where did they go? (children say they went to the house) BYA! Kikimora! You fooled us again
BYA and Kikimora leave the house and ask for forgiveness.
Vedas. Well, we forgive you! But for this you will dance with your dreams!
BY: Well, let's have some shaking?!
Vedas.: Shaking? And what is it?
BY: We will dance what is fashionable
Let's move freely
Shake your hand first
Belly and head!
Tails like mice!
Well, let's try, guys?
Children dance with the characters to the song " Christmas trees - green needles"
After the dance, disturbing music sounds. BYA and Kikimora get scared.

Kikimora: What is it, what happened?
BY: Oh, it seems the owner's felt boots smell! DM is around!
Kikimora: Let's shoot quickly! We'll give him his boots! And it will freeze us even more! (trying to give to the host)
Vedas.: Yeah, scared! And then they tortured us here! And you took the felt boots, and give them back to you! Guys, let's take them with us to the holiday? We take our flashlights and go back to the garden.
Vedas.: Here we are at home!
kikimora: Well, where is your DM? Something we don't see!
Vedas.: Do not worry! Now we will sing the song loudly and loudly and the DM will definitely hear it!
The song "Soon to us on NG"
Ved.: Guys, I hear someone's steps! It's probably the DM coming! Let's joke with him! And of course our parents will help us! (Parents sit on the first bench, children hide behind them)
The exit of the DM and the Snow Maiden.
DM: Hello boys and girls! Snow Maiden, and we are definitely in kindergarten come? It seems to me that I once congratulated these kids! There I see Irochka here, and Yulechka, and Mashenka! And there is Dima and Andryusha! No, these are not the children we were going to!
Snow Maiden: Grandfather! You and I traveled for so long, so the guys have grown up a bit!
DM: No no! I can see that these are not our guys! Let's go look for them quickly!
Vedas. and children: DM, we're here! We were just kidding!
(children approach the DM, say hello. Then the children sit down)
DM: Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness and joy!
And let you New Year
It will bring a lot of happiness!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, look, the children’s Christmas tree doesn’t glow with lights! And what is NG without lights!
DM: Now we will fix it! One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree! (The lights do not light up) What is it? I must have become old! Lost all the magic! What to do, granddaughter?
Snow Maiden: I think I know what's up! Grandpa, you forgot to put on your magic boots!
DM: Oh, head full of holes! And the truth! I completely forgot about boots! (puts on felt boots and tries to light the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree lights up) Well, now everything is in order! Well, people, get up in a round dance!
Round dance around the Christmas tree "Fashionista Tree".
(then the children go backstage to dance)

Vedas.: Grandpa, do you like dancing? Well, we love it too! Watch how we dance
Dance "Hello, DM"
DM: Do you dance well, but can you read poetry? And then I have a passion for listening to poetry! (children read poetry)
Vedas. Well, grandfather, did you like the poems?
DM: Liked the lyrics! But not all the kids read them!
Vedas.: How not all? It seems to be everything!
DM: No, those big kids over there (pointing to their parents) have not yet told! (3 parents come out and read poems prepared in advance in children's voices) Well, now it's in order!
Ved.: DM, we know you have a lot of helpers. That's about one of them, the girls will sing to you!
Song "Snow Cat" (duet of girls)
DM: Well done! And now you can stretch! Play a little! Kids, take your moms and let's go dancing!

Dance to show "We'll go to the left now ..."
Ved.: Well, grandfather, did you like it?
DM: Very! But it's time for us to say goodbye, other guys are waiting for me!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, have you forgotten anything? After all, the guys are waiting for gifts!
DM: Oh, my head is full of holes! Completely forgot! I'll fix everything now! One, two, three bag with gifts run to me!
(a bag runs out, DM unties it, and from there Kikimora jumps out)
DM: Kikimora, are you being naughty again? Where are the children's gifts?
Kikimora: Ha ha ha! And I kept them for myself!
DM: Oh Kikimora! I'll freeze you now!
Kikimora: Fine, fine! I'll freeze right away! You can't really joke! We'll bring it right now!
(Kikimora and BO leave and take out gifts)
DM: It's a pity, friends, we must say goodbye!
It's time for us to go!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, with new happiness!
Together: Adults and children!
See you soon!

Snow Maiden:
Oh what a beautiful tree!
And the kids are like pictures!
Well hello guys...
Snowflakes, Pinocchio!
Ah, smart kids!
Here's another question:
Now to us all for a holiday
Who's going to come?

Children: FATHER FROST!!

Something not seen, not heard magic sleigh Santa Claus. No matter how he got lost! Children, let's call him: "Grandfather Frost, ay!"
(Grandfather does not go)

Oh, guys, look, some kind of letter is hanging on the Christmas tree. I wonder who it's from?

I take an envelope from the Christmas tree, I read the letter.

"You look under the tree,
Find the bell there
Don't twist, don't twist
And gently shake it.
The bell will sing
And invite guests!
I'm loading gifts!
I will be soon! Father Frost"
Where is the magic bell? (Children help to find him).

We find a bell. Call and call grandfather!!

coming out Father Frost:
Ay! Whoa! I'm coming! I'm going-u-u!
I - cheerful grandfather Freezing,
Your New Year's guest!
Don't hide your nose from me
I am good today!
I remember exactly one year ago
I saw these guys!
The year has flown by like an hour
I didn't even notice!
Here I am again among you
Dear children!
Hello kids,
Girls and boys!

Sing a song with grandfather
To the melody of the song "Tell the Snow Maiden" from the film "Well, wait a minute"
Hello, hello, grandfather, Santa Claus!
You live among Christmas trees and birches!
Please, dear
Let's have fun with you now!
Ah, come on, come on, rattle a friendly dance!

Father Frost:

I am very glad to see you!

Father Frost: Hello everyone! Hello everyone!
I am very glad to see you!

breaks in Kikimora:
I am forest kikimora,
I am a business wizard!
I like to do dirty tricks;
And the frog and the snake
I'll take it for lunch
You instead of rolls and sweets.
I'm glad to spoil the holiday -
Better not do anything!

Kikim. : I've finally arrived! Finally found you!
Grandfather. : What is this miracle? Excuse me, where are you from?
Snow. : Something I look at you, but I don’t know how!
Kikim. : What do I fix everything and perform ditties!
I am a forest kikimora
I love to scare everyone!
I am a business witch
I will sing and dance

I dressed up today
I came to you for the holiday!
I dance and I want
I want to be a Snow Maiden!

Grandfather.: Wait, Kikimora, we already have a Snow Maiden at the holiday. The most real! And we really like it! Really, kids?
Kikim.: Is this the Snow Maiden? (Looks around) Well, surprised! She is not a Snow Maiden! Just think, smart, shiny ... And my outfit, what's worse? A? Besides, I still know how to conjure! Here! Don't believe? I'll prove it now! . I will enchant your Christmas tree, I will blow it on the lights!

Kikimora runs around the tree, blows on it, the tree goes out

Snegur:. What have you done, Kikimora! Why did you enchant the lights?

Walks around the tree, rubbing his hands, goes behind the tree and lingers there.

Snegur.: R fuck! We need to cheer up the kikimora. Then her witchcraft will be gone, true Santa Claus
Grandfather: . And we know funny dance. Let's invite Kikimora to dance with us. Where is she?
All.: Kikimora!
Kikim.: What's happened? What's happened? (running out from behind the tree).
Snegur.: And you can dance a fun dance with the guys, who is better, but more fun.
Kikim.: Oh, yes, it's as easy as shelling pears, one, two and you're done!
Snegur.: Hey guys wide circle, start three, four

Lavat dance
We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Our cheerful dance is lavata!
Father Frost:
My hands are good, but the guys are better.
All the children join hands, again walk in a circle and sing.
Father Frost:
My shoulders are good, but the guys are better.
Children take the shoulders of their neighbors and continue to walk in a circle.
Father Frost:
My elbows are good, but the guys are better.
Children take the elbows of their neighbors and walk in a circle.
Father Frost:
My legs are good, but the guys are better.
Children put their hands on the legs of their neighbors and, bending over, walk in a circle.
Father Frost:
My knees are good, but the guys are better.
Children put their hands on the knees of their neighbors and move in a circle with side steps.
Father Frost:
My heels are good, but the guys are better.

Each child tries to take the neighbors by the heels, but most often the circle falls apart.

Kikim.: Well, you dance smoothly!
I will tell you riddles about Frost and the Snow Maiden

Answer yes or no!
Santa Claus is a cheerful old man? (Yes!)
Likes jokes and jokes? (Yes!)
Knows songs and riddles? (Yes!)
Will he eat all your chocolates? (No!)
Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids? (Yes!)
Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No!)
Doesn't he age? (Yes!)
Will it warm us up outside? (No!)
Santa Claus is Frost's brother? (Yes!)
Is our birch good? (No!)
New year goes by getting closer? (Yes!)
Is there a Snow Maiden in Paris? (No!)
Santa Claus brings gifts? (Yes!)
Does he drive a foreign car? (No!)
Wearing a cane and a hat? (No!)
Does he look like a dad sometimes? (Yes!)

Snow.: The children said everything correctly, they danced a round dance. Kikimora, our dear ... return the lights to the Christmas tree.
Kikim. : I can't!
Grandfather.: Why? She bewitched herself, and disenchanted herself!
Kikimora: The spell is so complex. To remove it, the guys need to tell her poems or sing a song.

Children recite poems and sing songs

Snow.: Kikimora again you deceived us, the tree did not light up, although the poems were very good!
Kikimora. : I can't do it myself, I need the kids to help Let's say together: "One! Two! Three!
Our Christmas tree, shine!

We repeat with the children the words the tree does not light up ..

Kikim: And everything is clear to me. How does the Christmas tree light up, since the children do not know flowers.
Grandfather.: How do they not know this? Our kids are already big, everyone knows everything!!
SN:. And you Kikimora check us, we will prove to you that we know all the colors.

Game "Rainbow"
For junior colors Main

Kik. : All colors know correctly .. well, then I don’t know ... apparently I lost all my magical power
Sn.: I figured it out!! Grandfather Frost, you are a wizard with us, wave your ice staff and the Christmas tree will immediately light up with bright lights.
Grandfather: . Well done granddaughter!! Good idea! I just don't know where is he? Forgot? Got quite old!!
SN: . And the kids will help us find him!! Really, the kids ..?
Kik: : I know where he is!! I hid it!
Grandfather: So give it up quickly!
Kik: And when it's me good deeds famous?? I don't want to ruin my reputation…..but…because we have a New Year…. And the kids loved it... I'll tell you (in a whisper). We will follow the tracks of the animals. Listen to the riddle and run to the riddle.

Game "Animal Trail"
(animal toys are arranged in the room)
For younger children

fluff ball, long ear, Jumps deftly Likes carrots. Come on, guess who it is? (bunny)
striped babies
I teach to catch mice.
From you, little kitten,
A big one will grow ... (Cat)
Clubfooted feet, Zimu sleeps in a den. Guess, answer, Who is it? (bear)
On a branch - not a bird, But a small beast, A fur coat is warm, like a heating pad. Who is this? (squirrel)
Cunning cheat, Red head, Fluffy tail - beauty! Who is this? (fox)
Who walks in the cold forest angry and hungry? (Wolf)

For seniors

Who lives in the forest deaf,
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Higher cat growth,
Lives in a hole in the forest
Fluffy red tail
We all know ... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter
Walking through the woods hungry?
He looks like a dog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear./. (Hare)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself,
I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog)

Finding a staff

Snow.: Hooray, now we will light our Christmas tree!
Grandfather; : Let's clap and stomp
Light our Christmas tree
Clap, clap say our Christmas tree burn!! (e. clap)
And the heels will stomp and the lights will light up (d. stomp)
Together: 1 2 3 burn 1 2 3 burn 12 3 burn!!

The tree lights up. Hooray hooray clap, rejoice!

Kikim: Well, here’s a beautiful tree for you (whining) ... and Santa Claus .. and a snow maiden .. and as always I’m only good for dirty tricks, now I have nothing to do here (cries)
sn. Kikimurushka, why are you crying!! (soothes). We have disenchanted the Christmas tree, look at the guys who have gathered, we will play now, but it will be boring without you, come with us!

AND gra "Ice figurines". (Grandfather leading)
“The north wind will fly to me, the north wind will spin the snow, I will freeze everyone by the count of three, snow figures freeze on the spot!”

Grandfather. Well done!! Now fly like snowflakes
Light fluff
Dance by the Christmas tree
In the lights of her sparkle

AND gra near the Christmas tree "If life is fun, do it"
Round dance “herringbone in the forest” (3 steps in pr. 3 to the left to the center, back, in a circle.)

Grandfather. : Well, it's time for me to get ready,
Go on the road!
sn. It remains only to give gifts to all the guys.
Grandfather. I, cheerful Santa Claus,
Brought gifts for everyone!

Give gifts

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