How to become a nanny without education. Why be a nanny ready? What Not to Do

A radical change in the field of activity is not such a rare occurrence in our time. Financiers, managers, teachers, doctors willingly master new professions, despite the fear of the unknown, age and the need to start everything from scratch. Having rich parenting experience and a love for children leads some women (and sometimes men) to think about working as a nanny. Only now, few of them think about the pitfalls and nuances of difficult nanny work. On the pros and cons of babysitting, relationships with employers, and keeping the feeling dignity the participants of the conference talk about nannies and governesses on the site "".

Subject: I want to be a nanny.

“I just want to, I can’t. The child is grown up, the work does not suit me because of the team (administrative and legal, it’s not mine), I don’t have a husband. I know many methods early development, massage, symptoms of the onset of certain diseases, I myself am happy to cook dietary food for children, active. Life position- the child should not say “I don’t know” or “later” to all his million questions and develop creative abilities in every possible way. time.Do you think to take a chance in almost 50 to change activities? How much can it cost? Do I need to offer myself to agencies? (but there are zero recommendations, new me) Or does it just seem that easy? I will accept any thoughts.

The opinions of the participants in the discussion regarding employment as a nanny were divided - someone advised leaving this business to "more experienced and needy", someone encouraged the author of the discussion and advised "at least try." The latter recommended contacting a recruitment agency, finding a small part-time job for the weekend or in the evenings, as well as reduce the cost of services, since the author has no real experience as a nanny. The future nanny was advised to maintain self-esteem when applying for a job and select a family "for herself."

"Good introductory nanny. I would take one if I had Small child. Well, maybe you should offer your services cheaper than on the market, because. while there is no nanny experience. I would advise you to contact a recruitment agency, maybe you can find a part-time job there on weekends, many parents without grandmothers dream of a nanny just to go to the movies or a restaurant on the weekends. Yes, and there will be more trust in the nanny from the agency, but at first trust is very important. Maybe you will find an agency where there will be employment, you need to think about a pension."

"You are almost a perfect nanny by description, but forget the early development techniques)). Just development is enough."

"Try it. With this attitude, you should do great. Babysitters are in great demand. Just don't put yourself in a flawed position, like out of hopelessness :), because not only mothers are looking for nannies, but nannies also choose a family. You should be comfortable and comfortable in communicate with mother and child.And be sure to resolve all issues on the shore.Right on a piece of paper, write down for yourself all the questions regarding the child, his regimen, preferences, health, payment, vacation, etc. It’s good to keep a notebook for every day. they did it by the hour, what time they walked, slept, what they ate. Mom should see your work. This will help you avoid conflicts if you act exactly according to the instructions. Good nannies are kept, they are passed from hand to hand. And it’s better to immediately go to salary rather than hourly pay"

“In general, the demand for nannies is large and, in theory, there should be no problems finding a job (especially if you are ready to work not near your home, but in Moscow or something like that, in new residential complexes where there are a lot of children, there are few kindergartens, sometimes you need to accompany them to schools hell, but there are no grandmothers-neighbors, in principle, and their grandmothers, as a rule, are far away).

And here's how much you like it and whether you want to change jobs to the original one ... Well, you can first try to find a job as a nanny for a couple of hours a day, such as "pick up the kindergarten and wait for your parents", after the main job (if the schedule allows) , or for the weekend small child for the same few hours. This is also in great demand - many do not need more than a few hours a week, but for most nannies - this is not interesting - very little payment is obtained. And for a test, it’s the very thing, if you work, you will understand whether you need it or not.

Some participants in the topic discussed the very profession of a nanny and decided that the author was not suitable for the role of "servant" due to his character and managerial experience. Someone even called her "confusing", because few people love smart, businesslike nannies who tell parents how to raise their child.

"... A nanny should do what parents expect from her, many do not need everything that you offer for nothing. They need the safety of the child and a low price."

"I see the biggest minus in a nanny in the status of "attendants". The second minus is the responsibility for the child. The third minus is not an official job. For me, all three minuses are equally bad."

"You don't know the flip side. A nanny is a servant. And the attitude is appropriate. I worked, I don't want to anymore. Go there, I don't know where."

"It's just the status of the servants that's bad. If you have a high self-evaluation- don't last long. A nurse I knew didn't start working as a nanny, although they paid well, precisely because of her status. It doesn’t matter at 20, but at 50 you want respect, and not nod to a 20-year-old mother when she carries heresy and pronounces like a schoolgirl. Again, something will disappear in the house - you are the first suspect. And so on. After all, you will be a simple nanny, but not a nanny with knowledge of the language and manners. Friends took just such a child - she teaches them the language, prepares lessons and communicates. He comes in his own car, he is well provided for. For everything else, they have a housekeeper."

"...Now the children are spoiled. If parents look at the nanny as a "servant", then the children too. To put it in the frame - you need some pressure, reasonable prohibitions, and the children can react to this as an infringement of their rights and rush to complain to their mother. "

A separate topic of this discussion was ideal age nannies. Commenters shared personal experience and talked about the pros and cons of age and young nannies:

"I had a 63-year-old nanny. Even I envied her energy. After working as a nanny, she still took money from me."

"There are certainly exceptions. But 20-year-olds are much more energetic than 60-year-olds. Moreover, I managed with two children."

“20-year-olds are different. At 20, I had much less strength than now. And I got sick more often and more thoroughly. But a 20-year-old is much more fun for the fathers of children, that’s a fact. exciting :)"

"... The best nanny that my daughter had was 56 years old. True, she went in for sports all her life, a candidate in gymnastics, in the summer all the time on a bicycle. She also came to us on a bike or on foot for about 20 minutes, when she especially wanted to be like "Walked for 4 hours in almost any weather, kept the child busy all the time. Easily carried her daughter in her arms, who weighed about 12 kg. She knew the methods of early development, but always first found out what her parents liked and what not."

“The best nanny that my children had started working for me at the age of 19. And she worked for 5 years. Personally, I wouldn’t take a 50-year-old. If anything, I’m 48 myself, and I don’t consider you an old woman :) But young people are closer to children in age, more cheerful and more cheerful.More flexible and less touchy.We have a separate massage therapist, this function is unnecessary from the nanny to me.I myself, as a linguist, will deal with English.Although most, I'm sure, would prefer a nanny of your age "Especially when they hear about "methods of early development" :))). People go to this circus. In principle, your initial data is quite normal. Why not try it if you want. Payment depends on many factors, it's just that you don't get the amount won't say, you need to know all the details."

From this discussion, one can following output: the ideal nanny is not the one who owns several child development techniques, responsible at 20 or energetic at 60, ready to work 24/7 and unquestioningly fulfill any whims of the ward. The best nanny is a person whose worldview completely coincides with the worldview of the people who hired her.


If you love children great way part-time jobs for you - become a nanny at home. Many parents choose to raise their children in home education, that is, do not give the baby to kindergarten before school. Therefore, the babysitting service will be in demand at all times.

Since you have a small child yourself, it is very convenient to have the child brought to your home. Some parents prefer to take their child to a babysitter instead of letting a stranger into their apartment.

You already have experience: feeding, bathing, swaddling, changing diapers is more than familiar and familiar to you. In addition, you are aware of all modern products baby food, you have a lot of children's toys in your house, children's furniture, books, a necessary first-aid kit for babies, etc. Therefore, the child who will be brought to you will be interested in the new environment, objects, as well as the peer community. This will be a plus for your child too.

So you like the babysitter idea and want to try…


1. First, look around. Surely, you have a lot of familiar mothers on the playground, with whom you walk together on the street. Perhaps some of them already want to go to work, but do not know with whom to leave their child. Offer them your service.

2. Advertise in a job posting newspaper or on the Internet. There are many Internet sites that specialize exclusively in the search and selection of nannies and governesses. It may be effective to post ads in the porches in your area (the closer the baby's house is, the more convenient it is for you to walk to each other).

3. Contact a domestic recruiting agency.

4. Don't overprice your services. It is difficult for young mothers to give a lot of money for a nanny. The lower your price, the faster you will find a job.

If your own child a little older, you can work as a nanny with 2-3 children, thus arranging a mini-kindergarten at home.


It is better to immediately discuss the issues of feeding the child: either you feed him with the products that you prepare for your baby, but at the same time charge an additional fee for food, or the baby's parents bring their own products.

Specify the usual mode of the child: feeding hours, bedtime.

It is better to choose a child of the same gender as yours. It will be easier for them to find mutual language(girls like dolls, boys like cars, etc.).


Remember that the most important professional quality nannies - unrelenting vigilance, attentiveness, because small children, mastering the world, often fall, climb into potentially dangerous places. In any, even the most equipped and adapted for small child home, there can be many dangerous places for him: from open windows to electrical outlets.

Finding a job as a nanny without experience is not an easy task. After all modern parents they are very demanding of the person to whom they trust the most precious thing - their baby. They want the nanny to not only take care of the child during the day, but also teach him the basics of etiquette, literate speech and foreign languages, and also know the features of baby food and the main symptoms colds. How to get a job as a nanny without experience? What helps to increase the chances of a new babysitter finding a job? Where to look and what nuances to consider?

The ideal nanny - how her parents see her

Knows how to interest and win over the baby at the first meeting. This is a good signal for parents - the child, at least, will not be bored.

Has a secondary special or higher Teacher Education . So, he knows how to behave with children. Additional arguments in favor of a nanny without experience are knowledge of one or more foreign languages, as well as developmental techniques, the ability to play musical instruments.

It has medical education . This means that it can critical situation provide first aid to the child.

Appearance and age. From the point of view of many parents, the ideal nanny even without experience this is a woman of 35-50 years old, calm, neatly dressed, without defiant make-up and bright manicure. It is desirable that she had her own children. Also, many employers do not hire women with overweight. After all, children of any age for a full physical development need to walk a lot fresh air and play outdoor games. It will be hard for a full nanny to run and jump for a long time with the child.

9 unwritten rules things a novice nanny should keep in mind

  1. Interview. During the interview, a potential novice nanny should behave naturally, not overplay, provide only information about herself that is true.
  2. Contact with the child. If the nanny could not find an approach to the baby at the first meeting and win him over, then the probability that she will not be able to do this later is close to 100%. In such a situation, it is better to look for another family.
  3. understatement. All the nuances regarding work and payment should be discussed immediately. This will help avoid misunderstandings in the future.
  4. Nanny is not a friend of parents. Even if between the nanny and parents developed warm relationship, you should not climb into their lives with advice. It never ends well.
  5. Too much desire help. No need to rush to the baby's mother, lying on the sofa, with a cup of tea. The duty of a nanny is to look after the child.
  6. A nanny is a “second mother” for a child, only when parents are not at home. The nanny cannot scold or feel sorry for the baby if his dad and mom are nearby.
  7. Desire to take over additional responsibilities . Often, a nanny without work experience, in addition to caring for a child, tries to additionally wash, iron, and mop the floors. The employer rarely pays for such initiatives. Moreover, parents may think that the nanny is hinting at a salary increase.
  8. "2 in 1". Before you take on the duties of a nanny and, for example, a cook, you need to soberly assess your strengths. You get fired for poor quality work.
  9. "Black list" of nannies. There are special Internet resources with "black lists" of nannies. You can get into them by different reasons- for an untidy appearance, for the careless performance of their duties, ignoring the wishes of their parents. If a nanny gets on such a list, it means the end of a career.

Nanny job without work experience and education - where to look

Acquaintances, friends, relatives. If a nanny needs a job, you can turn to friends or acquaintances. Many parents prefer to have a person near their child whom they know well personally.

Recruitment Agencies. If a potential nanny has no experience, then the agency will offer her to take special courses (at her own expense) in order to increase her chances of finding a job. Upon completion of these courses, a certificate is issued.

Also, reputable agencies, before adding a nanny to their database, spend time with her special testing on the willingness to work as a nanny: how she will behave in various non-standard situations, what she can offer the child, etc. - about 100 questions.

When looking for a job as a nanny without work experience, almost all serious agencies advise to conclude with parents employment contract. This will help the nanny to protect herself from unpleasant surprises, since the contract clearly specifies the schedule and working conditions, the presence / absence of sick leave and vacation, a list of duties, and the amount of salary.

Some agencies take away from the nanny for assistance in finding employment up to 50% of the amount of the first salary. Also, before starting work in the family, the nanny will be asked to undergo a medical examination and take tests at her own expense.

Internet. In the "services" section on any classifieds site you can put in a suggestion. The application must provide true information about yourself, as well as the desired age of the child, salary and working hours. If there is no experience at all, then it is better to try first

They say that nannies are usually given to those women who have neither a decent job nor a normal one. personal life. That is, from hopelessness. In fact, this “opinion” is just a prejudice, and for many modern professional nannies, their work is a calling and a source of pride.

What a good nanny she is - all the necessary qualities

There are all kinds of nannies. Some are like Mary Poppins, others are like Arina Rodionovna, others are like My Scary Nanny from the American film of the same name.

Even a very young woman without a pedagogical education can become a good nanny, if she is able to teach the kids their “kind and bright”.

What should a nanny be like?

  • Loving children. This is the main thing. It is categorically impossible to go into this profession without love for children.
  • Neat and tidy. They are always greeted by clothes, everyone knows this. And from grooming in appearance will largely depend on the decision of employers. A minimum of make-up, clean clothes without pretentiousness and kitsch, neatness in hair - that's what is expected from a nanny.
  • Kind. Well, how else? The nanny should be charming and good-natured. So that, looking at her, the parents of the baby smile, and the child immediately has a desire to show her his toys.
  • Cultural and educated. It is unacceptable for the nanny to swear, or her speech resembled the dictionary of Ellochka the cannibal. The nanny must be fluent in Russian (and preferably a couple of foreign languages), express herself competently, be ready to answer a variety of questions from the child and participate in his comprehensive development.
  • Punctual, responsible. The nanny should not be late and should have an excellent memory. Everything that is entrusted by parents must be carried out. The health and life of the baby depends on this.
  • Without bad habbits. It is unacceptable for the nurse to “draw” with smoke or “yesterday's holiday”.
  • Reliable. The nanny must keep her mouth shut. Everything that happens within the family should remain within the family. And the nanny should not share the details of this still someone else's life with anyone.
  • Healthy. Each potential nanny should be prepared for the fact that she will be required to provide certificates of the absence of certain diseases.
  • With work experience. Of course, this is a fat-fat plus if the nanny already knows about the intricacies of the job. And it's even better when this nanny in the reviews - only good words, and she can be recommended to a new family with a light heart.
  • With kids. Parents are always suspicious of nannies who do not have children of their own. Of course, there can be many reasons, but the conclusion of mom and dad is always the same - how will she cope with my child if she has no experience of motherhood at all?

Duties of a professional nanny - what should a nanny do?

The main task of the nanny is to take care of the baby, ensuring his comfort and safety.

In the absence of parents, the nanny must ...

  • Feed, walk and put the baby to bed.
  • Read books to him, develop the baby creatively (sculpting, drawing, etc.).
  • Tell stories, teach new games.
  • Vigilantly monitor the child so that he returns to his mother and father as whole and healthy as he was left in the morning.

In addition, babysitting duties may include:

  • Cooking.
  • Washing/ironing children's clothes.
  • Cleaning in the children's room (or in the whole apartment).
  • Visiting a dairy kitchen or buying baby food.
  • Visits with the baby to the clinic.
  • Accompanying a child to kindergarten or school, to theaters and museums, etc. (round trip).
  • Checking homework.
  • Foreign language teaching.
  • Education according to the school curriculum.

Nursing training - is it necessary to study?

Of course, a teacher education is an advantage. Especially if the nanny is looking for work through an agency (without education, they simply won’t be hired there).

And then it all depends on the preferences of the parents. Someone wants a simple and kind "Arina Rodionovna" - without much education, but with a broad soul and attentiveness to the child. And someone requires higher pedagogical education with a bias in foreign languages ​​and additional medical education.

One thing is for sure - how more knowledge the more job offers.

  • With absence special education you can finish special courses. They are often carried out by the agencies themselves, recruiting nannies.
  • Also, don't miss out on the opportunity. self-education - The Internet is here to help you. Today in it you can find any materials that will help in the work.

Working conditions and payment - is it profitable to work as a nanny?

The pay for nanny's work today is not just tolerable, but very worthy. Moreover, some nannies (who are especially appreciated) reach a salary level equal to the salary of a serious specialist in production.

But is babysitting on the list of the highest paying jobs for women?

It is difficult to name average numbers, because the nanny's salary is usually hourly. Her range is from 150 rubles per hour and more .

On average, nannies today receive…

  • About 30,000 rubles — in the northern capital.
  • About 40,000 - 50,000 rubles - in Golden-domed.
  • About 19-20 thousand - in Novgorod or Novosibirsk.

Of course, the figures are very average. After all, the real salary will depend on the range of duties, and on the time / schedule of work, and on how many kids you have to look after at the same time.

Where to look for a babysitting job - help in finding a job

The most popular way to find a job is to apply to one of special agencies who are recruiting. Finding them is easy - they are present in every city.

Of course, you will have to “shake” with your diplomas and recommendations, present documents, certificates and a medical / book, prove your decency and responsibility, make good impression. Anyone "from the street" simply will not get into the agency.

Where and how to look for a job as a nanny?

You can look for a job yourself:

  • on the relevant forums.
  • Among friends and acquaintances (possibly relatives).
  • Put up ads (including near the nearest kindergartens).
  • Send your CV to the relevant Internet resources.
  • Go to the labor market.

Having chosen such a profession consciously, it is important to understand what difficulties you will face.

If you are not afraid of difficulties, adore children and know how to treat them - good luck!

In continuation of the sensational topic.
When we argued with the HR agent from the previous post on her blog, I was also stamped that with my views I could never work in a family, I don’t understand what family work is.
But it's not! I had experience as a nanny, albeit a small one, but experience, moreover, in a family that was considered difficult, and also changed several nannies.
Of course, I would never be able to work with accommodation, and even live in a children's room!
For me, this is a complete surprise, what for? to live without having personal space, about sleeping in the same bed with someone else's child, I generally keep silent about what I think about this.

But I still ended up babysitting a spoiled boy. I'm telling.

And so a few years ago I Once again I was in Rostov with my mother. Mom was already retired at that time and worked part-time as a nanny.
I was also looking for a job through an agency, the personnel agent was pleasantly intelligent elderly woman Elena Petrovna.
Basically, a nanny in Rostov is hired from outside, unlike in Moscow. Payment is hourly. And the nanny performs only the function of looking after the child, and no functions of a housekeeper.
Payment from 100 to 200 rubles per hour.

My mother and I were walking around the city, and she had to go to the agency to bring in some documents. We went in together. Of course, my mother introduced me, and as usual, motherly brag began on the topic "And this is my daughter ..." in the process, she talks about three educations and other skills and abilities, and a cloud of information from my personal life that the interlocutor does not need) I usually blush, I always try pinch her, interrupt her, but you yourself understand mom is mom.
I, too, can not resist and tell everyone about Felice and show her photo.

And Elena Petrovna suddenly, having heard this, did not get bored, but perked up, and asked me to help her out while earning money.
The job was offered as a one-time job. In one family, the nanny broke her leg, and naturally lost her ability to work temporarily (by the way, she broke her leg while walking with a child). As a personnel agent, Elena Petrovna was supposed to send them a replacement nanny. Moreover, it was necessary only for 2-3 weeks, and then the mother would go on vacation and look after the baby herself. And the requirements for a nanny for this family were high.

Elena Petrovna with a sigh told that she had already sent three nannies to them in turn, and each was given a turn from the gate, after a day of work. And she has no more free nannies that meet their needs.
I thought about it and agreed, the job was offered for only 2 weeks, just in 2 weeks my mother and I were going on a short trip, plus I had to buy a new laptop.
So the part-time job came in handy, the money at that moment was not superfluous. And I reasoned that there is no superfluous experience either.
I even wondered what it was like to spend so much time with one child. Such a small test drive of motherhood.

I had experience with children: half a year in a mini club in a hotel, consider that I worked in a kindergarten, and the children love me.
So, I went to meet my family.
My mother met me, began to list what to do with the child, the list was long, my eyes widened, but she said she would write instructions))
She warned that video surveillance was installed in the house. At this point, I generally began to doubt what for I need this.
But then we went to meet the child, he immediately smiled at me and made contact. For my mother, this was everything. She said that their child is far from being suitable for every person, and I suit them.
We sat down at the negotiating table.
I asked to deduct ironing baby clothes from the list of duties of a nanny (if they value children's clothes), my mother went forward: we discussed the schedule, conditions and agreed on daily wages at the end of the working day.

Now, from memory, I will roughly write what I had to do:

1. Feed the baby 4 times the food prepared by the mother.
Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.
2. Walk with him.
3. Conduct educational activities (learn colors, letters, etc.)
4. Lay for daytime sleep.
5. Play
6. Give medicines by the hour (he has recently been ill)
The most important thing my mother asked me to do was to pay all attention to the child. He is very agile and nimble fidget, so that there are no injuries. And don't offend him. Even if he is naughty, mischievous or crying, and this is characteristic of him.
For example, one nanny was asked to come out every other day because she reacted sharply to the child's tantrum, he lay on the floor, became hysterical, she tried to forcefully lift the dragging legs, etc. And my mother watched the video conscientiously in the evening)

In addition to the main duties, there were many nuances:
- it was necessary to regularly plant him on a potty so that he would not wet his pants, my mother is fundamentally against diapers.
- make sure you always wear orthopedic shoes
- To take him out for a walk even in your own courtyard of a private house on the lawn, you need to change his clothes and shoes.
- After each walk, rinse his nose with an aqualor.
- If he went to the toilet on a serious ass, it’s not enough to wipe it, you need to carry it to the shower and wash it away.
- Water room temperature for drinking it is impossible to give, you need to warm it in the microwave until warm.
- Give a lot of medicines by the hour, and syrup and tablets and drops. What just was not.
- Cartoons can only be turned on during meals.
- Be sure to persuade to pee before going to bed. Pampers are not allowed even in a dream. If he peed during sleep, you need to wake him up and change clothes immediately. He won't sleep any more.
- Change clothes for sleep, change clothes after sleep.

The child was two years old, wildly spoiled and mischievous. His parents have been waiting for him for a very long time. Therefore, of course, he endured the brain, refusing to eat, go to the potty, change clothes, and so on.
And I myself was convinced that my mother really honestly examined the video material every day, when she told me a day later that I forgot to heat the water for the child, and even specified the time.

To shove food into him, I literally arranged dances with a tambourine, appearing miracles of ingenuity (by the way, one nanny was kicked out because she could not feed).

Helped me out a lot glove toy an owl from Ikea and natural artistry.
Our owl was literally a second nanny, we played good and bad cop with her.
The owl tried to eat Vadik's food all the time, and then he had to swallow spoon after spoon so that she would not get it.

The owl really wanted to pee in his pot, and then he himself raced, ran to the pot. Having discovered that Vadik had already peed in the pot, the owl began to lament so desperately and flap its wings that Vadik laughed uncontrollably and tried to bring the owl back) Therefore, we rarely wet our pants.

The method of dealing with children's tantrums has been known to me for a long time. This is what we use in our family.
A roaring child does not need to be soothed. First, you need to try to shift your attention.
Didn't work? Then you sympathetically say, "Poor thing, did you want to cry? Well, cry, cry." When the world does not start spinning around and you can cry, then this is not interesting.

And there is also a method when you ask "And cry louder ah! Not all the neighbors have heard yet"
From indignation and as a sign of protest, the capricious person completely ceases to be hysterical, it was still not enough to be led by nasty adults.
The purpose of hysteria is a demonstration of disobedience, why do what is asked.

I read books to him different voices and intonations when laying down for a daytime sleep.
And it was very funny when he did not fall asleep, I pretended to fall asleep myself, and he began to repeat "The lady checked in the luggage" with my intonations.))
"Katina, kazina, katonka and (drawn out in falsetto) maaaaaaaaaa little dog"
I could hardly bear not to laugh out loud)

In general, we got along with Vadik despite his difficult nature. When I went home, he would not let me go, and once when dad told the nanny to go home, Vadik said, "Here is the nanny's house."

The experience was interesting, although I would not want to work like that all the time, of course.
When I left them, Vadik's mother said that I the best babysitter that they had.
It was very nice.
And 16 thousand earned in 2 weeks (5 days with days off) were very useful, a more advanced laptop model was chosen.

Having worked for 2 weeks with a naughty two-year-old with whom you can’t take your eyes off, and when he runs around the apartment you instinctively close sharp corners, I sincerely do not understand HOW to combine the work of a nanny with a full-fledged job of a housekeeper. And why. Everyone must do their job.

It helped me a lot that there were free hours, I came in the morning, he was still sleeping, I drank coffee on the terrace.
He slept at lunchtime and I had 2 hours for lunch, reading, relaxing. And then, with renewed vigor, I was ready to really fully and positively work with the baby.
I brought food with me and warmed it up. Tea, coffee, cookies at the expense of the employer, but I did not abuse it.
I was also paid for rest hours, processing, if my parents were delayed too. But at the same time, this family was considered difficult in terms of requirements.

Now, of course, I don't think so.

I think that when applying for any job, you need to remember that not only you are chosen, but you also choose, if the employer is not ready for a dialogue, then you probably shouldn’t take such a job.
It is very important to me personally psychological comfort. I cannot work effectively if I do not have this comfort.
Therefore, with my clients, the rule is always the first: do everything so that the client is in good mood and work positively. The atmosphere determines a lot.

Of course, in order to allow yourself to choose a job, you need to deal with your self-esteem and relationship with money, too. But there is always a choice! Eradicate a slave from yourself, and then the chances of getting into exploitation will be minimal. Although there is still a chance that they can be misleading.

And if a person lives with destructive attitudes like "money is not for me ..", then this is perfectly treated at Olga's Big Money Course yurkovskaya
And I understand that with those people who take these courses, similar situations basically cannot happen. Thinking is changing, you can no longer lure a person with a seemingly attractive amount, when you begin to value your time, you immediately learn to see the hidden, that the work as a result is unprofitable.
And Yurkovskaya also advises to refuse toxic work.

There are resources, the main thing is to use them)

By the way, the scandalous post about nannies-slave in Moscow will continue! If you don't want to miss.