Summer day camp. Camp in the children's science center. One of the proven options for the summer

Summer Day Camp: School camp as an option for my daughter who has completed first grade.

This is the end of the first academic year with all its joys and difficulties. Ahead is the long-awaited vacation, three whole months of free life and unlimited free time. Where to put the "youngsters" after the first school year? There is a solution! There are school camps.

In our school, such a camp exists only in the first stream, i.e. the first three weeks of summer. Priority directions: health-improving, educational and entertaining activities - staying in the fresh air, holding health-improving, sports, cultural events, organizing excursions, hobby classes. Children are provided with three meals a day, the planned capacity of the camp is 50 people.

Check-in to camp went smoothly. Our cheerful, sociable girl of six and a half years old was glad to be given the opportunity to communicate outside of classes at her favorite school. Although she had no problems with her studies in the 1st grade, the idea of ​​"playing the fool" at school seemed to her like a "day of disobedience."

Our daughter, Mouse-Marishka, is distinguished by increased activity, for which at the very first parental meeting her teacher, a wonderful teacher, described her as follows: "If for some reason a hole appears in the wall, then Marina will appear in it first."

In the first half of the day, after exercise and breakfast, the children walk outside the camp. They visited Botanical Garden, a local history museum, a botanical museum, exhibitions of paintings, as well as parks and attractions of the city. After lunch and afternoon naps, school circles of choreography, fine arts and theater are organized for them. Children could attend classes of interest. And of course, not without the "Day of Neptune".

Summer day camp schedule from 8.00 to 18.00. This allowed us, parents, to work calmly. With tears, our children said goodbye to teachers and friends until September 1.

Our girl spent the next 3 weeks of summer holidays at her grandmother's. Following the example of the school camp, they went to the park, visited cinemas and made trips to the playgrounds and to the pond. And we were already preparing a surprise for her: a ticket to the third stream in health Camp day stay"Merry Hive"!

The school camp is located on the territory of the Palace children's creativity and the emphasis here is on improving the health of children.

The health camp will not interfere with healthy children! In summer, the Palace of Children's Creativity turns into a small country with its own worries, problems and joys. The camp "Merry Hive" is a repeated winner of city, regional and all-Russian competitions on the best organization profile shifts in day camps. In 2009, the Palace was awarded the Quality Mark "The Best for Children" for providing high-quality services to children in a summer camp. The camp program includes three meals a day, health and leisure activities - classes on traffic rules, visits to museums, theaters; excursion activities. And the most important thing is the hardening procedures in the fresh air and a visit to the swimming pool twice a week.

Not only Marina liked the rest in the day camp, but we also liked it - after all, on the weekends we could go to the lake together or go on a visit.

Time flew by quickly. Ahead of August, vacation parents. Now it's time for the whole family to go to the warm sea, frolic on the shore and go to the mountains to get some fresh air before the start of the new school year!

Comment on the article "Summer day camp, or a wonderful summer in the city"

Day camps. Girls tell me where these camps are. To leave the child for a day only in Moscow (preferably the Central Administrative District. Advise a camp in the city of full-day stay. For a 7-year-old child. On the basis of a school, a children's center, a private ...

Summer Day Camp: School camp as an option for my daughter who has completed first grade. 06.09. Wednesday, 2017 In our school, such a camp exists only in the first stream, i.e. the first three weeks of summer.


And this is only in Moscow?

Something I have not heard that in our city there were free city camps.
There are schools, but only in June, but they are called school camps.

In the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills, you can stand in reserve for the 2nd, 3rd shift. For children 10-17 years old. My 12-year-old last summer departed two shifts with joy. There were many teenagers aged 13-16 in the detachments.

In our school, summer camp is always only one month - June. Just in time for the exam. This is solved by changing the schedule of visits. earlier, during exams, anyone could be at school, but now there are SUCH restrictions that a fly can hardly fly through there and the entrance is separate and ...


The first-grader brought an application for the camp from June 1 to June 24, 9-18, meals are paid for all categories. Lyublino.

Until last year, we always had camps, all the children took exams in one of the schools in the microdistrict, which was specially equipped for this.

School summer camp. Tell me, please, who used the school city camp last summer, is the entry also through the public services portal? The school said yes, they don't know anything else. Registration will also open on April 25th. And if I catch a ticket to the sea for 2 weeks ...

Summer Day Camp: School camp as an option for my daughter who has completed first grade. The camp is located on the territory of the Palace of Children's Creativity, and the emphasis here is on improving the health of children. and my school said...


last year there were lists of camps by districts, they took them from grade 1 for sure. The registration was through public services.

It's still early, closer to spring, the Order of the Education Department of the Southern District will be released, there will be a list of summer camps in your area. They take it from grade 1 for sure, they said some nonsense at school, but it’s not a fact that it will be next to the house. If the information does not appear at the school, then look at the UOYUAO website. There are also tel. the curator of the school, from whom everything can be found out.

Summer day camps. Mash, there is an English day camp at the school for English-speaking children on Enthusiastov sh. (all teachers are native speakers there). ... summer camp in Moscow! I work. Summer camp in our no school in next door there is a sports camp...

Summer day camps. Rest in holidays. A child from 7 to 10 years old. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, extracurricular activities, hobbies.


We have daytime summer camps in Trubetskoy Park. Not language, just. I can look closer to the point, they don't have a website. In the computer house in Khamovniki, too, your Sasha was there, remember? There are day camps in the area with a spot. In some bowling alley in the southwest, someone wrote something about the camp, but I don’t remember :(

EF has day camp.

Camp center focused primarily on infants and preschoolers

Photo: Lena Tsibizova

What do they do It takes place in the Bauman garden, kids from 1.5 to 3 dig in the local garden, sculpt, paint T-shirts, and children from 3 to 6 years old study world culture from Asian to African: they play folk tales, learn songs and make crafts. Children from 7 to 14 have a choice between a theater and a film studio, where they, under the guidance of professionals, will put on a play and shoot a film, respectively.

What to look out for You can bring children from 1.5 years old, which is unique for Moscow. But for children from 7 years old, the camp is open only in the afternoon.

Where In the center of the Garden Bauman

St. Basmannaya, 15, m. "Red Gate", "Baumanskaya", "Kurskaya"

  • Age 1.5–14
  • Price one week - 15,000 rubles, two weeks - 25,000 rubles, for a group of 7–14 years old: 1 week - 7,500 rubles, 2 weeks - 15,000 rubles.
  • shifts 11 shifts of 10-12 days from June 2 to August 25
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

Children's camp ZIL

Professional curators lead shifts at the constructivist cultural center


What do they do On the “Travel” shift, they learn to navigate correctly in an unfamiliar city and choose places to visit; on "Urbanistics" - to understand the functioning of the city system and solve its problems at the level of your yard and district; on "Science" - to set up experiments together with the "Scientific Laboratories" of the Polytechnic Museum; on "Design" - to analyze the key concepts for the field of fine arts and prepare your own art project, whether it be an installation or a theatrical performance; in "English" - to communicate with Americans and watch films, and in "Illustrations" - to invent characters and develop own style with illustrator-blogger Fevrony (Tatiana Zadorozhnaya).

What to look out for You can get to each shift for free if you pass a creative competition.

Where Cultural center ZIL Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1, m. "Avtozavodskaya"


Summer program of the studio "Mother's Garden" from Seasons


What do they do Make a magazine about summer fun with an agricultural bias - without the help of a computer: they learn to draw, decorate, compose comics and illustrations. In addition, they have picnics and play in the park. Cafe "32.05" is responsible for breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks.

What to look out for For an additional fee, you can ask to sit with your child longer.

Where Pavilion in the Hermitage Garden

Karetny Ryad, 3, Mayakovskaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, Chekhovskaya metro stations


Camp at the Children's Science Center

Photo: courtesy of Innopark

What do they do For six different thematic shifts - something like the following: arrange robot battles, make GIFs in Photoshop, find out what's inside the battery or sunbeam, study astrophysics, observe moving plants through a microscope and grow crystals.

What to look out for There are no more places for the first two shifts, so you should hurry with making a decision.

Where The main circle of Sokolniki Park

Sokolnichesky Krug Ave., 9, Sokolniki metro station

Summer Camp at the Jewish Museum

Children's center camp in the museum, not concentrating on its subject matter

Photo: courtesy of the Jewish Museum

What do they do Together they read and sort out good children's books: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Hobbit, Hello, Let's Talk Sharon Draper about customs different peoples and tolerance, "George and Big Bang» Stephen and Lucy Hawking about the natural sciences, Bernard Frio's Impatient Stories about the world around them through the eyes of children - and, inspired by the plots of books, they are engaged in creativity and exploration of the world.

What to look out for So far, only shifts for June have been announced, the program and schedule for July and August will be announced later.

Where Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

Obraztsova, 11, building 1a, metro station "Maryina Roshcha"

  • Age 7-12
  • Price part-time - 3500 r. for 6 days, 650 rub. for 1 day, full day - 7500 r. for 6 days, 1300 rub. for 1 day
  • shifts 5 shifts for 5-6 days from June 1 to June 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–17.00
  • Website


Camp in the Neskuchny Garden with good master classes

Photo: courtesy of the Shardam Theater

What do they do Approximately the same as at traditional Shardam workshops: they draw, sculpt, felt, learn how to cook all sorts of goodies, watch cartoons and, of course, explore the Neskuchny Garden.

What to look for: There are no separate master classes in the Shardama department in Neskuchny Garden, except for the English language, so it will be possible to attend them only as part of the camp.

Where In the Neskuchny Garden next to the metro station "Leninsky Prospekt" and next to the "Panda Park"

Leninsky prospekt, 30a, metro station "Leninsky prospekt"

  • Age 7-12
  • Price 3500 r. 1 day, 16 000 rub. for 1 week, 28 000 rub. for 2 weeks, 45 000 r. in 3 weeks
  • shifts 3 shifts of 3 weeks from June 2 to July 28
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

"Pampa Green"

Camp in a smart club with master classes and holidays

What do they do Each week-long shift is devoted to the culture of a certain country: Italy, Spain, USA, France, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, England, Mexico, Turkey, Germany, Belarus, Poland, China, Japan. In addition to studying national culture, children will be engaged in a mass of other things from modeling to television journalism and animation.

What to look out for So far, it is impossible to understand exactly when which country will be, but they promise to take into account the wishes of those who signed up for the camp.

Where Children's studio in the tenement house of Serafima Spiridonova

Myasnitskaya, 13; Barvikha, 85/1, Dream House shopping center

  • Age 3-14
  • Price (for the department on Myasnitskaya) part-time - 6200 rubles. per week, full day - 12,000 rubles. during the week
  • shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–19.00
  • Website

While mom is at work

Camp from a decent club with a 20-year history, especially strong in sports


What do they do Under the guidance of professional trainers, they go rollerblading (you can rent it for a fee), learn how to do tricks on a skateboard, practice modern dance, tennis and martial arts. Children aged 3-6 years in the afternoon, instead of sports, are engaged in creative workshops.

What to look out for Discipline is taken seriously here, so it’s impossible to shirk the coach’s tasks.

Where Sport Club"Kant"

Elektrolytny pr., 7, k. 2, metro station "Nagornaya"


Camp in an extremely picturesque garden at the theater "S.A.D."

What do they do Younger children are busy with master classes from clay and porcelain modeling to cooking, plus they read books and walk in the garden. The senior group sets every week new performance under the direction of the theater troupe "S.A.D.".

What to look out for The camp ends at 16:00, but you can leave the child longer for an additional hourly fee.

Where Tropical greenhouse in the "Aptekarsky garden"

Ave. Mira, 26, metro station "Prospect Mira"

"Creative workshops"

One of the proven options for the summer

What do they do Each shift will have its own theme: children will build cities from plastic packaging, shoot cartoons with a camera, make ceramics on a potter's wheel, arrange a shadow theater, design wooden ships, paint in oils, go to exhibitions and get acquainted with the works of artists of the 20th century.

What to look out for This camp has the longest working day - working parents will definitely have time to finish their business.

Where At Winzavod and Flacon. The program and prices for both camps are the same

Winzavod, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 6, entrance 6, metro station Kurskaya

"Flacon", B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36, m. "Dmitrovskaya"

  • Age 6-15 years
  • Price month - 29,000 rubles; week - 8000 rubles; day - 1700 rubles; half a day - 900 rubles, or 250 rubles. at one o'clock
  • shifts every week from May 26 to August 29
  • Opening hours 9.00–21.00
  • Website

"Joyful Discoveries"

Socially responsible camp at Flacon

What do they do During the first shift of Games and Experiments, children will prove in every possible way that the world is full of games and entertainment much more exciting than those offered by gadgets. In the second - "Sherlock Holmes and the great scientific discoveries" - using the deductive method, children will be able to make discoveries about the world around them and scientific phenomena in the same way as scientists did in different eras.

What to look out for The camp has only two shifts (perhaps there will be in August) for 10 people, so there are very few places left.

Where The Resource Saving Center at Flacon, where lectures are usually held on proper nutrition, useful herbs and recycling

"Living Watercolors"

The life of real artists: a lot of creativity and little food

Photo: courtesy of Living Watercolors Studio

What do they do Creativity in a variety, including decoupage, soap making, floristry, scrapbooking, packaging and much more. In addition, they walk around the estate and learn its history, play outdoor games aimed at team building.

What to look out for The cost of the shift includes only tea parties with bagels. Lunch is paid separately, or counselors can microwave the food that the child brought with him.

Where In a three-story tower of the 19th century, in the Bratsevo park of the Stroganov estate

Svetlogorsky pr., 13, building 7, metro station "Skhodnenskaya", "Mitino"


Traditional classes at the Jewish Cultural Center


What do they do Every week in the younger group, children study one of the episodes of the Tanakh in game form- becoming participants in events, much like in the "Superbook", and also study Hebrew, ceramics, origami, go on an excursion to the dolphinarium, and so on. At senior group thematic shifts others: dance (Israeli dances and hip-hop), music and theater (excursions to Moscow theaters, master class with Chekhov Moscow Art Theater artist Oleg Topolyansky), theater in English led by British theater director Martin Cook, cooking with Vika Boyarskaya from Delicatessen and Gifts of Nature, animation (creating cartoons in different techniques, meeting with Alexei Turkus and other animators), art and tolerance (study of world art, creative workshops, trainings).

What to look out for Despite the fact that the camp does not require any confirmation of national identity, traditions are observed here: for example, on Friday evening, preparation for Shabbat is on the agenda.

Where Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya

B. Nikitskaya, 47/3, metro station "Barrikadnaya"

  • Age 8 months -14 years
  • Price junior group- 8900–14 000 rubles per week, depending on the mode of visit, adult group 16 500 rubles. two weeks before full day, 27 800 for 2 weeks full time
  • shifts every week from June 2 to August 29
  • Opening hours 8.30–20.00
  • Website

If you are looking for camp in Moscow, then the editors of WeWeekend present to your attention a selection of the best camps for children. Summer City Camp is a great place for children who spend summer holidays in the city, and a real outlet for parents who are at work all day. Here you can find the perfect summer or day camp in Moscow where he can not only have a great time in the city, but also have a good rest, learn a lot of useful and interesting things, do fun activities and find new friends.

Children's city camp in Moscow in the sports complex KANT

Children's camp in sports complex KANT is exactly the place where your children will definitely not be bored. It perfectly combines sports, creativity, entertainment, education and recreation. Experienced coaches and instructors train children in roller skating and skateboarding, rock climbing and martial arts, tennis, dancing and gymnastics.
In addition, in the KANT children's camp, children are taught English, programming and graffiti drawing. In each detachment, classes are held on a trampoline, master classes in a rope park and other
sports disciplines.
There are four programs to choose from in the children's camp: Turbo Sports, Sports Plus Fun, Sports Plus Education, Weekend Squad - parents can easily choose a program that their child will like. For kids 3-6 years old kids club where sports, creative and developmental activities await them.

Age: 3-6 years; 6-13 years old

Address: Electrolyte passage, 7с2

Summer computer camp at STEP Academy in Moscow

Do you want your children to spend their holidays with benefit and learn a lot of new and interesting things? Then Kid `s camp a day stay at the STEP Computer Academy is a great idea! In the children's camp of the Academy, children are taught by qualified teachers with vast experience in the field of IT. They will introduce your children to the incredible world of computer technology: exciting daytime workshops await children, all classes are held in comfortable classrooms, halls and design studios. At the Academy summer camp, children will learn how 3D cartoon characters are created, immerse themselves in the world of robotics, learn computer modeling and creating your own games and websites, as well as reveal the secrets of popular bloggers and learn how to run your own Youtube channel.

The summer computer camp at the STEP Academy will give your children unforgettable emotions, unique knowledge and new acquaintances. And special conditions for admission to the Small Computer Academy.

Age: 8-15 years old


Children's camp in Moscow P'titCREF

This is a summer city language camp at children's center PtitCREF. Believe me, here your child will definitely be fun and interesting, because he will have a lot of educational activities and recreational activities with native speakers of a foreign language. Here, children will be able to immerse themselves in the language environment, learn English and French, as well as walk in the fresh air, play educational games, go on excursions and just have a great time.

The program includes 4 lessons a day, as well as 4 meals a day. The camp is located in a separate building, on the territory there is a fenced and guarded park for walking.

Age: 1.5-10 years

Address: Children's centers are conveniently located in several districts of Moscow.

City camp of digital skills and programming for children "Kodabra"

The city children's camp of the school of digital creativity "Kodabra" is an excellent example of combining business with pleasure.

It is here that experienced teachers with specialized education will teach your child the basics of programming languages, creating stickers for instant messengers, editing videos and many other opportunities in the field of IT. In total, 9 programs have been developed, and shifts start every week - so it's easy to choose the most convenient one. The purpose of the camp is to involve children in the IT environment, start developing digital and soft skills and, of course, introduce them to like-minded peers. Classes in the camp are structured in such a way that every day from 9 to 18 children will learn something new, consolidate previous material, and also attend workshops and games. As a result, in 5 days the child will create his own project. The camp provides healthy lunch and snacks throughout the day. After the shift of the city camp "Codabra" is over, the children will receive diplomas and gifts.

Age: 6-14 years old

Address: Children's centers are conveniently located in several districts of Moscow within walking distance from the metro.

CragCamp on Climbing wall X8

Rock Camp is perfect combination active and interesting holding summer for children. At SkaloLager, sports and creativity, outdoor games and new interesting acquaintances are waiting for your children. Firstly, the children's Rock Camp is unique opportunity learn the basics of rock climbing, learn how to climb with insurance, and also comprehend various techniques climbing. Here, children will learn how to work in a team, insure a partner, and also become noticeably more resilient and stronger. Experienced instructors, certified specialists and counselors will work with children all the time.

In addition to rock climbing, SkaloCamp provides an exciting program for your children: children will be able to play table tennis and jump on trampolines, walk with counselors in the fresh air in the park every day and participate in creative workshops. The program of each camp change is dedicated to various areas: space, robots, the Olympic Games, Indians, travel and much more. At the end of the shift, SkaloCamp gives children diplomas of primary climbing skills and arranges a festive graduation.

Age: 7-12 years old

Address: TRK "SportEX", st. 5th Cable, 2

Moscow summer camp in Masterslavl

Summer camp "Miracle Kindergarten"

A real health campaign awaits children at the Miracle Kindergarten summer camp. Here the child will spend time usefully, and mothers and fathers will not have to worry about what he is doing and what he ate for lunch.

The program includes thematic excursions to the House-Museum of K.I. Chukovsky, Museum of Cosmonautics on, confectionery "Tortoliano", as well as a trip to Far Far Away kingdom, launching spaceships, meeting artisans from all over the world in the city of Miracle Garden Masters. Also, the children will go on a hiking trip: good weather in a safe area, children under the guidance of adults will learn to navigate the terrain, work with a compass, build huts and sleep in tents. In addition, the kids are waiting for creative workshops, sport games outdoors and in the pool.

Age: 2-9 years old

Address: st. Krylatskaya, 40

Everyone greetings! My name is Evgenia Klimkovich! I wish you a good day and propose to discuss the relevant for these spring days topic. Let's talk about summer school camps. Have you heard of these? School summer playgrounds are an excellent solution for those parents who have to work in the summer and do not want to leave their children unattended. Therefore, I propose to consider them more closely from all sides, in order to know what we are dealing with and where we are sending our little blood.

I first learned about such a camp in the spring of 2013. My daughter is finishing first grade. And the teacher at the meeting made an announcement that, they say, you can enroll the kids in a summer camp at the school. And since I was not threatened with vacation that summer, my Alexandra was enrolled in the camp. For one month - June.

To be honest, at that time I had no idea what it was. school camp. Thought it would be like this. Children sleepy and happy lazily come to school. Well, go to some class. There is a teacher with them. Then they have breakfast and go for a walk. Then they'll do something. Have lunch, take a walk and go home. As it turned out, everything is much more serious.

Lesson plan:

Working mode

Camps open in educational institutions, work in the mode of day stay. This means that children come there in the morning and return home only in the evening. The day lasts approximately 9 hours (from 9.00 to 18.00) - this is the time when you are just at work and do not have the opportunity to look after the child. However, it is worth considering that not all camps work full time: many of them close in the afternoon, and the children, accordingly, remain on their own and can fully experience the taste of freedom. This point is desirable to find out in advance.

In our school camp every morning at 9 o'clock a general line began, the presence of which was mandatory. On the line, the children sang the camp anthem in unison and listened to the tasks for the day. They returned home at about 4 o'clock. If the camp is open until six o'clock, then for the smallest of its "residents" in without fail should have a quiet time. To do this, some classrooms will be converted into bedrooms.

And also to the question of the mode of operation. Our camp was open from Monday to Friday. But there are also those where children are accepted 6 days a week.


As far as I can remember, there were only two shifts. One in June, one in July. By full month. In August, the camp did not work. But I learned from my acquaintances that shifts can be shorter by two weeks, and somewhere by three, so this is another question that needs to be clarified in advance.

How is everything arranged there?

Friends, I wish you all the best. Children successfully complete the school year. And of course, happy summer holidays!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.