Registration of an office in a summer day camp. How to arrange a detachment corner

summer decoration children's school camp(ideas, photo and description)

Explanatory note
Considering age features junior and middle school age, the upbringing of a creatively active personality will pass through the game as the leading activity.
Summer decoration health camp with day stay living planet» compiled in the form of a plot - role play based on the legend of mysterious planet. Exploring it, the guys will find new friends, show their knowledge and skills, learn to live creatively, have fun and usefully spend time, in practice they will be convinced of the reliability and correctness of the laws of the Living Planet.
The plot for the design of the camp
We are eco-travellers from planet Earth who set off on a journey across the Living Planet, where conditions are created for each participant to try their hand and show their abilities in various types activities - the study of the animal and plant world of the planet, sports, art, creativity, etc .;
Each detachment and each individual child has the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting and useful things during the shift.
Whole camp is a living planet, along which residents of the city of Rainbow travel. The mission of residents to become active participants in "new events" - unlike ordinary competitions, as a rule, children participate together and on an equal footing different ages, gender, physical condition and so on, and besides, any spectator can become a player, and each player, on his own initiative, can set the tone for the game, change its character, i.e. act as game manager. Here, initiative behavior, kindness of actions and deeds, mutual assistance, creativity, fantasy, and humor are encouraged in every possible way. As practice shows, the most interesting point in the organization of "new events" is their invention. (20 days).
Each detachment is a group of ecologists-researchers. At the end of the shift, each squad will make its own small report. Squad image - a unique external image of the squad that distinguishes it from other squads.
Such external signs of the detachment include:
the name of the detachment, which should please the guys and reflect the nature, content of the activity;
the motto of the detachment is a short aphoristic expression that children follow in their activities;
detachment song and favorite songs of the detachment;
elements of clothing, with a predominance of a symbol, ties of their own color;
detachment emblem - a symbolic drawing reflecting the name of the detachment, the essence and direction of its activities;
game detachment conventions - signals, secret signs, greeting signs (oral, bodily and others);
detachment corner and a detachment newspaper, reflecting the main events of the life of the detachment.
Each detachment creates its own symbolism, decorates a detachment corner - a place where the mood of the inhabitants of the island is reflected every day. At the end, a competition of detachment corners is held, an evening of funny questions.
All information about participation in a particular case is presented on the information stand. The stand is made in the form of a fairy-tale planet, on which the location of the secrets is indicated. The participants of the game need to lay their own route, which provides for the performance of many good deeds in relation to other people and nature - to leave their mark. "Next" is a conventional unit denoting productive labor and creative activity each child and the team as a whole. At the end of the shift, the results are summed up: the number of "traces" of the inhabitants of the units, as well as the personal achievements of each child. As a result, the winners receive prizes and awards.
Among the squads, the squad that will reveal all the secrets, show the effectiveness of their creative deeds and be able to unite wins.

On the Living Planet, there is a "Glade of Moods", where ecologists plant plants every day.
Red is a cool day, a day of discovery.
Yellow is a very good day, and we are not too lazy to make friends.
Green - day as day, tomorrow will be better.
Blue is a boring day, but I will not lose heart.
As they travel across the Living Planet, the teams will conduct research that will result in the Environmental Professions project.
Commandments of ecologists
- respect for environment, nature.
- Not only a personal demonstration of high morality, aesthetic and ecological culture but also actively encouraging others to do so.
- Show will, courage, perseverance, perform noble deeds;
- Be kind and respectful attitude: to opponents (greeting; congratulations on a good performance, high result, victory, etc.; refusal to play rough; acceptance of victory or defeat without mocking the opponent, etc.); to judges and others officials; to the audience;
- Accurately follow the rules of the game even in difficult situations;
- Modesty after victory (not emphasizing one's superiority, being critical of one's performance, admitting one's mistakes) and maintaining one's dignity after defeat;
- Beauty, elegance, aesthetics in actions, clothes.
- A vivid manifestation of creativity and humor.

Children are always interested in the success of their squad, the results of sports and creative events, they love to read witty advice from counselors, compare marks for cleanliness in their room (cleanliness screen), know who from the squad managed to excel in what over the past day, etc. e. Therefore, the place of concentration of all information should be the ship's journal of the ship and the general information stand. The ship's log reflects the activities of the ship and its participation in the life of the children's planet. The ship's magazine is designed to develop children's activity, expand knowledge, and help in educating good taste, to teach the culture of design, to arouse interest in the life of their team. The ship's log is the place where the ship's crew is constantly working. Here the successes and victories of the ship are presented, the imagination, ingenuity, and skill of the guys are reflected. This is a kind of newspaper, and constantly operating, lively, creative.

The ship's journal is your and your children's creativity, but nevertheless we want to give some tips that will help you:

The magazine should reflect various aspects of the life of the ship (sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays);

Children should take part in the design of the corner and updating the content of the headings.

The design of the magazine (corner) should correspond to the name of the ship (and the age of the children, of course). The ship's log can be placed on one sheet of whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or even the entire hall can be decorated in accordance with the name of the ship. Most importantly, the journal should be made by children to a greater extent (of course, if the children are very small, you can limit yourself to only minor elements on their part). The counselor should take mainly leading and guiding part.

As a rule, in the first days only the base of the corner is made, containing the necessary elements, and it is filled during the entire shift. Before leaving, the children take apart the corner piece by piece for memory, so if the corner is large, then everyone will get a memorable piece, and there will be no fight.

By the arrival of new guys in the corner, the following headings are drawn up:

Congratulations on your arrival - welcome posters (“Hello, we are glad to see you!”, “How long we have been waiting for you!”, “Hurray! You have arrived!”, etc.);

Information about the camp, about the leaders, the address of the camp;

Laws and traditions of the camp (see below);

The order of the guys from the last shift (if this is the first shift - from last summer);

Camp Legends ( see material ), songs;

Daily reflection;

Plan for the day, shift plan and other headings at the discretion of the counselors.

Squad corner

During the main period of the shift, the detachment corner reflects the daily activities of the detachment:


Holiday preparation;

Participation in creative competitions;

Encouragement of children, etc.

Detachment name, motto, emblem and anthem of the detachment;

shift calendar;

Daily routine (you can come up with a poetic one);

sports news;

squad list;

Cleanliness screen;

Book of complaints and suggestions;

Revelation Fence (where kids can write whatever they want);

Funny phrases: after the “Hang up” command comes dark time days; you chase after two counselors - you won’t catch a single one, etc.

You can enter a replaceable heading "Congratulations". Guys can be congratulated not only on their birthday or on winning competitions, but:

All of us with the fact that we woke up today;

Everyone, everyone, everyone with a well lived week in the camp;

With the first rain in the camp;

All of us with the opening of the swimming season;

All the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these very girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only looked, looked, looked ...

Can do interesting rubric"Time". This section is placed next to the daily routine, the guys with the counselors come up with what time it is:

Clean rooms;

To be on duty in the dining room;

Collect lost things;

seize the moment;

compare watches, etc.

In addition to the mandatory filling in the corner, you can hang absolutely everything related to the detachment (for example: drawings after the cartoon contest, thanks, angry sheets, a treasure map after a treasure hunt). Options can be very different, and they are limited only by your imagination: flat, voluminous, sliding, with rotating parts or hanging elements, and anything can be used as a material, not just paper.

Making a squad plan-grid in a school summer camp.

Author: Koshevaya Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher primary school MOU "School No. 97 of Donetsk", Donetsk People's Republic
Purpose: in order to make it interesting for children to get acquainted with the things that await them during the camp shift, I suggest original design plan-grid of detachment affairs. The presented materials may be of interest to primary school teachers, counselors, teachers of school and country summer camps.
Target: show how you can unusually approach the design of the content of the work of the detachment.
Tasks: prepare the detachment's premises for the camp shift; evoke an emotional response in children and their parents; develop fantasy, imagination, Creative skills children.
Summer silence came to school. But in camps - especially urban ones - and at school recreational sites, hundreds of children spend their holidays, waiting for some of the camp shifts, some of them to go to the resort with their parents.
Here, educators are constantly looking for what and how to occupy their wards so that they spend free time with benefit, so that this pastime for the guys would not be sadly viscous, but festively varied, exciting and truly sensible.
Summer is a time of great and serious worries for all of us who will work with students during the holidays.
Plan-grid- this is the compact content of the work of the detachment for the shift. He is internal normative document that determines and regulates the life of the detachment. It reflects the main events and affairs of the day, which should harmoniously fit in and complement the general camp plan. Regime moments they are not fixed there, for this there is a daily routine.
For many years I have been working as an educator in the school summer health camp "Veterok" at the MOU "School No. 97 in Donetsk".
The question always arises: “how to make children feel comfortable, how to change the usual classroom
The grid plan is an integral part of the design of the detachment.
Agree, the banal table, with the listed detachment cases, in my opinion, has lost its appeal. I wanted to make a difference.
It turned out or not, you be the judge.
Preparation for work begins in May, when the guys and I choose the name of the detachment, the motto, and discuss events.
Based on the name of the detachment, we plan the design of the plan.
I always try to involve my parents in my work. They assist in the production of costume elements that reflect the name of the squad and distinguish my children from others.
In the detachment corner, we must place the sections: “Meet me - it's me!”, “My interests”, “We know this” (safety regulations).
The shape of the grid plan should be unusual, since the perception of children is different from that of adults. The main thing is that it should be interesting, attractive for children, both in appearance and content.
I bring to your attention several design options.
Let's break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

We are Indians, the best

We are succeeding!

Detachment"Golden Pens"
Our motto is four words:
"Golden Hands" is cool!

Do not get bored yourself
Don't let others get bored!

More business less words
Just like that with ants!

Freckled and snub-nosed
Never hang your nose!

Once hit the sunflowers -
Don't give up, the enemy has hit!

Bees - Friendly family!
That's what we're called for a reason...
Both in fun and at work
We buzz on a good note!!

Keep everyone together, so as not to blow away.

Detachment"The Bears"
Through like bears
We boldly move to victory!

Dear colleagues Of course, there are many options for designing a grid plan, it all depends on your imagination, imagination and creativity.
I will be glad if you are interested in this material.

Children are always interested in the success of their squad, the results of sports and creative events, they love to read witty advice from counselors, compare marks for cleanliness in their room (cleanliness screen), know who from the squad managed to excel in what over the past day, etc. e. Therefore, the place of concentration of all information should be the ship's journal of the ship and the general information stand. The ship's log reflects the activities of the ship and its participation in the life of the children's planet. The ship's magazine is designed to develop children's activity, expand knowledge, help in the education of good taste, teach the culture of design, arouse interest in the life of their team. The ship's log is the place where the ship's crew is constantly working. Here the successes and victories of the ship are presented, the imagination, ingenuity, and skill of the guys are reflected. This is a kind of newspaper, and constantly operating, lively, creative.

The ship's journal is your and your children's creativity, but nevertheless we want to give some tips that will help you:

The magazine should reflect various aspects of the life of the ship (sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays);

Children should take part in the design of the corner and updating the content of the headings.

The design of the magazine (corner) should correspond to the name of the ship (and the age of the children, of course). The ship's log can be placed on one sheet of whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or even the entire hall can be decorated in accordance with the name of the ship. Most importantly, the journal should be made by children to a greater extent (of course, if the children are very small, you can limit yourself to only minor elements on their part). The counselor should take mainly leading and guiding part.

As a rule, in the first days only the base of the corner is made, containing necessary elements, and it is filled during the entire shift. Before leaving, the children take apart the corner piece by piece for memory, so if the corner is large, then everyone will get a memorable piece, and there will be no fight.

By the arrival of new guys in the corner, the following headings are drawn up:

Congratulations on your arrival - welcome posters (“Hello, we are glad to see you!”, “How long we have been waiting for you!”, “Hurray! You have arrived!”, etc.);

Information about the camp, about the leaders, the address of the camp;

Laws and traditions of the camp (see below);

The order of the guys from the last shift (if this is the first shift - from last summer);

Daily reflection;

Plan for the day, shift plan and other headings at the discretion of the counselors.

Squad corner

During the main period of the shift, the detachment corner reflects the daily activities of the detachment:


Holiday preparation;

Participation in creative competitions;

Encouragement of children, etc.

Detachment name, motto, emblem and anthem of the detachment;

shift calendar;

Daily routine (you can come up with a poetic one);

sports news;

squad list;

Cleanliness screen;

Book of complaints and suggestions;

Revelation Fence (where kids can write whatever they want);

Funny phrases: after the command "Hang up" comes the dark time of the day; you chase after two counselors - you won’t catch a single one, etc.

You can enter a replaceable heading "Congratulations". Guys can be congratulated not only on their birthday or on winning competitions, but:

All of us with the fact that we woke up today;

Everyone, everyone, everyone with a well lived week in the camp;

With the first rain in the camp;

All of us with the opening of the swimming season;

All the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these very girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only looked, looked, looked ...

You can make an interesting heading "Time". This section is placed next to the daily routine, the guys with the counselors come up with what time it is:

Clean rooms;

To be on duty in the dining room;

Collect lost things;

seize the moment;

compare watches, etc.

In addition to the mandatory filling in the corner, you can hang absolutely everything related to the detachment (for example: drawings after the cartoon contest, thanks, angry sheets, a treasure map after a treasure hunt). Options can be very different, and they are limited only by your imagination: flat, voluminous, sliding, with rotating parts or hanging elements, and anything can be used as a material, not just paper.

Design secrets

First of all, take the advice: when packing your bags for the camp, be sure to take some stationery with you - they are never superfluous! You can also take something that can help you in the design - these are color magazines, postcards, catalogs that you are going to throw away, believe me, they will come in handy at the camp. You can read how they can be used here. Another very important point in the design - NEVER THROW OUT COLOR PAPER CUTTINGS (they will still be useful to you)!

Arranging rooms for rooms

It is very convenient when colorful numbers hang on children's rooms indicating the number of the detachment and the names of those children who live there.

1. This can be done in this form (a boat is glued from colored paper): the room number is written on the flag of the boat, the squad number is written on the hull, and the names of the children fit on the sail. In order to make it easier to remember the names of all children at the beginning of the shift, the names can be entered in the same way as the beds and the room are. Thus, entering the room, the counselor will see in front of him small plan rooms with all its inhabitants.

2. Get out the color magazines you brought with you. There are sure to be photographs of boys and girls. If they are cut out and pasted on a sheet of colored paper according to the number of girls or boys living in the room, then each child can choose a “photo of himself” and sign his name next to it.

3. For the smallest, you can glue daisies - for girls with a red middle, and for boys - with a blue one. The number of Petals can match the number of children living in the room in order to sign a name on each petal.

Decor business cards for children

At the beginning of a shift, it is not easy for children and counselors to remember each other's names. The counselors have badges with their names on them, so the children also need to make business cards.

1. You can draw any cartoon and enter everything you need:

2. You can glue the faces of boys and girls from colored paper:

Laws and traditions for the detachment corner

Counselors should focus the attention of the children on three “no”: you can’t violate the daily routine, you can’t arbitrarily leave the camp, you can’t offend anyone. But along with this, each detachment must have its own laws and traditions. There are laws and traditions that apply throughout the camp.

Some of them:

. law of law- this is the rule of strict observance of all laws that operate in the camp. Remember: laws are there to be obeyed.

. Law 00 is the law of precision. Camp life is a series of events. If you yourself are accurate, punctual, then your squad will be the same. Lateness, extra pauses - this is what makes camp life uninteresting, leads to conflicts among children and adults.

. Territory law is a very strict law. Neither children nor you can leave the territory of the camp without the permission of the administration. Violation of the law threatens the life and health of the child.

. water law- these are the rules safe behavior children on the beach and while swimming. Often on the beach or in the pool, they forget about everything. But you, the counselor, must remember and follow all the rules, all the requirements for the safe communication of children with water.

. green law is the law careful attitude to nature, to the flora and fauna that surrounds us. It is also important to take into account the fact that many plants, insects and animals can pose a threat to the life and health of children and adults (poisonous mushrooms, berries, insects, snakes, etc.). The law of the forest says: "Be careful and attentive in the forest!"

. Law of Creativity. From time immemorial, in camps, in children's groups, there was a great rule: “Do all things creatively, otherwise why?!” Creativity cannot be limited. Invent, create and fantasize, without it there is no children's camp, there is no counselor work.

. The law of the raised hand. There are often discussions in the camp - they discuss how life goes on what things worked, what didn't, why. If you want to express your opinion or judgment, agreement or disagreement, raise your hand. The law says: if a person raises his hand, he needs to tell people something they need. When a hand is raised, everyone around should be silent and listen carefully. But you have the right to raise your hand if you want to say something important.

. Law of the eagle circle. The circle unites the guys. How great it is when your friends are near, to feel a friend's elbow, a faithful hand, a kind look. In the circle of eagles, with their hands on the shoulders of their comrades, the guys sing their favorite songs. There is a rule - right hand we put it on the shoulder of the neighbor on the right, and the left one on the waist of the neighbor on the left. Eagle circle - a symbol of frank, spiritual comfort.

. Tradition good relations to people It is a tradition of goodwill and respect for each other. Smile, rejoice, wish everyone who lives next to you, health and kindness. Support and help each other out, and then all things will be argued faster and better.

. The tradition of good attitude to the song. The wise men said that the song is the soul of the people. Each camp, each detachment has its favorite songs. Appreciate the song, love the song, treat it like your most precious relic. Do not interfere with the singing, do not sing if you do not know the melody and the words of the song. The song, like people, requires respect.

. Evening light tradition. Every day there is an evening light in the camp. From the very first spark, the principle is accepted - sincerity, goodwill, truth in the eyes of the Spark - this is a frank assessment of the deeds and deeds of their comrades. On the spark they dream, argue, sing their favorite songs. These are the lessons of principle, true love to people and friendship for life.

You can create other laws and traditions of your life in the camp yourself, together with your guys.

Be creative, approve your laws and traditions!

You can formalize laws and traditions in poetic form on the general "scroll":

Fonts for decoration in the camp

Design of the detachment newspaper

The design and content of wall newspapers should always correspond to the theme of the newspaper. Children make a newspaper in a micro group, so it is necessary that all children do something. There is not much time to make a newspaper, therefore, it is very important to properly organize the work of each child and the micro-group as a whole. In a newspaper, not only the information itself is important, but also its appearance. It needs to be bright and draw attention to itself. You can use to draw attention unusual shape newspapers, since ordinary rectangular sheets do not always attract the attention of viewers. For example, if a newspaper sums up the results of the Treasure Island game by content, 10 it can be cut in this form (see figure).

Appliqué can be used to create the brightness of your newspaper - this is a very quick and bright form that can be used in the design of the camp. It is especially good to use the application in the younger units, as they draw for a very long time, and this will save time on making a newspaper. Here, not only colored paper, but clippings from magazines from the cut out letters of the headlines can add up the necessary words for the newspaper, images can also come in handy.

Making awards for children

During the shift, you will conduct squad affairs, competitions, games, and based on their results, it is necessary to carry out awards, for this you can make medals, letters of appreciation or gratitude.


Medals must always be bright, necessarily indicating the nomination or place. Try to get away from the habit round shape and come up with an interesting, unusual shape. For example, a medal for the cleanest room might look like this (see pic.)

Honors and thanks

Certificates and thanks are awarded to one child or a small group, therefore, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to indicate the reason for the award, it is important to list the winners by name. regular shape certificates are an A4 sheet, but you try to come up with new form. For example, gratitude might look like old scroll(see fig.).

And to create an application on a letter, you can use the remaining scraps of colored paper.

Club advertising

To draw the attention of the children to the sections, workshops and studios organized on the territory of the camp, it is recommended to use bright advertisements.


If you want to be beautiful

Accurate, dexterous, super cool,

Come join us for basketball

It's fun to work here.

Here - knowledge, transmission,

Here a ball is thrown into the ring.

You overcame your laziness

He came to us for basketball.


To all the girls girls

Aerobics is needed.

This is strength and health

And, of course, beauty.

If you want to be beautiful

But you don't know where or how

Come and study with us

We won't let you get bored.


Dance studio

You dance the best

You dream of being on stage.

Well, success awaits you

Come visit us soon.

Break dance studio

Hey, strong guys, don't pass by,

Take a look at our party a couple of times.

Break is business, break is life

Hey folks, sign up with us.

Beauty saloon

If you want to be beautiful

Charming and sweet

Come to us soon

Bring your friends.

You will be the queen

Here - in the beauty salon!


Let's color the gray days

We're in bright colors

Won't be black and white

Seas and cities.

We will paint any fabric

magic flowers,

And the world around will light up

You won't be bored with us.


We are young artists, talents and creators,

We draw the sea with dunes, portraits and palaces.

And with our talents you won't be broke

We'll be famous like Salvador Dali


This is embroidery, oh marvelous

It looks very nice.

One stitch and two stitches

It turns out a flower!

Come soon, learn

And do not be lazy to work!


I want to invite you all

To the land of magic glass

Here it will be interesting for everyone

Time is not wasted here.

There are baubles and brooches,

Rings and earrings

Learn to weave.

Come on, come on

Show talent!


Do you love decorating your home?

Do you like to congratulate your friends in a funny way?

Then do not hesitate and do not be shy,

And run to us in ikebana as soon as possible.

We will teach you how to make a bouquet,

You can update your apartment!


Each child is interested in the success of his squad: the results of sports and creative events, news not only in the squad, but also in the camp, what day of the week it is and what it is called according to the plan - grid, who managed and what to distinguish themselves over the past day and what will be interesting . It is this urgent problem - "to find out what and how" - that the design of the camp shift is designed to solve.

It is important to remember that the camp for children has become a home (even for a few days), so it makes sense to decorate it, make it cozy and bright, and for this you need to make a little effort.


Camp name

camp motto

Camp Hymn ( if there)

camp emblem

Camp map ( where is what is)

Action plan for the shift (Travel map, miracle calendar)

camp headquarters ( adults and squad leaders)

Daily regime

Mugs (Creative workshops)

Routine for the day ("Today at the camp", "Hello, new day")

Purity Screen

Duty screen

Colorography ( what you liked, what you didn't like, mood diagnostics).

Winners ("Star Rain")

camp laws

Calendar anniversaries

publicity board (optional)

Stages of growth

shift dictionary ( if there)

Photo booth ("Diamond Eye")

Information "Informburo"


Detachment name, motto, emblem, song.

The laws of the camp and detachment.

Squad list (funny photo montage “This is us!”, “Let me introduce myself”, “Nice to meet you”).

Plan for a shift (“Our strategy”, “Kaleidoscope of our affairs”, “Merry paths of summer”).

Plan for the day ("Day by day", "What do we have?")

Daily regime.

If there is an alternation of instructions in the detachment, a “turntable” should be made in the corner, on the moving part of which the instructions will be written, and on the fixed part - the names of the guys.

The place for official congratulations“Congratulate me”, “Know your heroes”, “Hurrah!”

- "Combat Pencil".

- "Love these songs."

- "Winged words".

- "Bulletin board".

- "Clueless Dictionary"

It turns out that you can congratulate the guys not only on their birthday or on winning competitions, but also ...

All of us with the fact that we woke up today in a great mood!

All of you with the fact that the caregivers got enough sleep today (use your chance);

Happy first day of summer;

All-all-all with a well-lived week in the camp!

All those to whom the weather was favorable in the morning and allowed not to visit the all-camp event so beloved by everyone, called CHARGING!

With the first rain in the camp!

All of us beloved!

All of us with a good mood educators!

Happy last day of shift everyone!

All with last sunday shifts!

Happy parent's day everyone!

Lovers of diving and swimming with the opening of the swimming season!

All-all-all with the morning shower and the day of Neptune!

To all food lovers with the last afternoon snack, dinner and fifth meal!

All visitors to creativity circles with their closing in the shift!

All of us with a peaceful night!

All the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these very girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only looked, looked, looked ...

Design rules:

Three or four well-matched colors should be used in the design.

Bright, pure colors of colored paper applications are much preferable to dirty gouache stains.

Follow the principles newspaper sheet. Place the name, emblem, motto of the detachment on top. Everything that will fit below, mentally divide into three parts. On the left - "leading article" (calendar of memorable dates, excerpts from newspapers), in the middle - permanent information about the detachment, on the right - changeable information. In the lower right part is the “basement”, where the most “frivolous” materials are placed.

Help in the design of a detachment place will help the following ways illustrations:

colorful, interesting postcards and clippings from magazines;

Emblems, pennants and various souvenir "trinkets";

Spraying, which is done with a toothbrush or a hard brush: templates (made of paper, cardboard, leaves, flowers, etc.) are laid out on the space to be decorated, which should overlap each other. Spraying is carried out in several stages. Each time, the entire space is “pollinated”, and the patterns are gradually removed one by one;

Blowing: a drop of ink is applied to a smooth paper surface and rays, branches, tentacles, bushes, etc. are blown out of it using a tube;

Grating: a blank is being made - thick paper rubbed with a candle until an even layer is obtained, then stained with gouache and allowed to dry. All inscriptions and drawings are applied to the surface with a pointed object, and wax chips are removed with a soft brush.

When designing a detachment place, you can use the following ideas:

publicity wall

mood calendar

Children's creations

- “I want to say” or “My ideas”

- « Mailbox»

mood calendar

  1. "Rainbow Mood" (In a detached place, hang drawings - a tree, a house or a comet with long tail, and next - envelopes with small leaves, bricks, stars different colors. Every evening, the child glues a color to the picture that matches the mood).
  1. "Mood Map" For each child, the counselor prepares a card for all days of the shift (the name of the child must be indicated on the card). It looks like this: this is a table of three columns, the number of rows corresponds to the number of shift days: shift numbers fit in the middle. On the left side of the number, the child enters a score from 0 to 10, which corresponds to his mood today. A with right side from the number he draws an icon that reflects the reason for his mood. On the back of each card, or on the squad stand, there is a table that lists the symbols and their meanings.

Symbol values ​​can be as follows:

Learned something new

Work in microgroups

taught others something

Something went wrong

Did something good for friends

Did something good for myself

Chat with friends

Found a friend


Something personal

Problems in the squad

Participation in the case



Dining room

  1. "Mood Pendulum". The picture takes up a little less than a sheet of drawing paper. The pendulum is movable, for example, a wooden lath, rigidly fixed at the top. Depending on whether the mood is in the “sunny” or “rainy” part, the pendulum swings to the left or right at the end of the day. Below in the sector to which the pendulum has deviated, the number and reason are noted.

  1. "Music Test" . Note staff. Little notes. Assess the mood on an eight-point system (from "mi" to "mi"). The note is attached to right place. Depending on the mood, the stick at the note points down (minor) or up (major). Each child exhibits his mood. You can calculate the tone of the entire squad for the day. The numerical designation of notes is accepted: mi-1, fa - 2, salt - 3, etc. Add up the number of notes for each and divide this amount by the number of children. Get the result of the group. Look where the majority of notes looked, determine the nature of the mood.
  1. Mood Rose.

It is carried out on a sheet of drawing paper: a circle with a maximum diameter is cut out. Inside small circle either a drawing, or a colorful picture from a magazine, or the emblem of the detachment. The rest of the space is divided into sectors, the number of which corresponds to the number of shift days. Introduced colors:

red - enthusiastic, very joyful mood;

yellow - joyful, bright, pleasant mood;

green - calm, balanced;

blue - sad, sad dreary.

6. « night windows» - houses (high-rise buildings) with windows are drawn against a dark background. The number of windows in each house is equal to the days of the shift. The guys paint over each their own window.

yellow - good mood

yellow with curtains down - medium

dark window - Bad mood

Can be supplemented different chips:

a pot with a flower on the window - we have a birthday in the detachment / ward / victory, prize-winning place /

cat on the window - today our ward is the cleanest

cobweb - respectively, the most sloppy chamber

7. « Seagulls over the sea» - seagulls are drawn by the number of days in a shift with a pencil

white seagull - great day

gray gull - good day

black seagull - bad day

seagull with a fish in its paws - the victory of the squad in the event in the paws of the seagull can be anything, as long as it reflects what is happening in the squad

8. « Sunset» - the sun is drawn, plunging into the sea, divided into sectors that are drawn different colors: red, yellow, maroon. By the end of the shift, you get a very, very beautiful sun.

9. "Balloons" - suitable for younger teams. Any popular in childhood a character who is holding a bunch of balloons. The balls are painted in colors according to the mood of the baby. Recommendation: do not enter dark colors(black, brown, gray), replace them with blue, green, lilac. It turns out not as beautiful as the sun, but quite worthy. At parting, you can give children balloons of the color that meant “a great day” with wishes on a piece of paper inside.

10. « Emoticons» - the most simple, cute and affordable form. Emoticons are drawn - a circle and two eyes. Every evening, a mouth is drawn - a smile, indifferent, sad, screaming, a smile from ear to ear, etc. as long as your imagination is enough.

11. « Flags» - if the name of the detachment looks like something historical, medieval (Camelot, for example), you can draw a castle, and put flags on the battlements, it turns out great.

« Mood Color Painting»

Remember that detachment corners can be either flat or semi-volumetric.

There is another important moment in the life of the detachment - this is a ticket of the day.

Very often, day passes are written in ordinary notebook sheets, but agree, it's pretty boring. We invite you to look at this work a little differently. Here are examples of how you can interestingly and tastefully arrange tours of the day in the camp:

it’s better to arrange a corner after all, and this should be done beautifully, interestingly, understandably, and without that same formalism. Well, who, pray tell, will be interested in the heading “Squad List”, which occupies a central place, if it is written in a line or even printed on a computer. Is it a matter cheerful poster- application “This is us!”, which the guys will make themselves, drawing their portrait with felt-tip pens or cutting out from colored paper, not forgetting to write under them: my name is ..., I live ..., I love ..., I am fond of ... etc. And there may be other options - there are many of them, ask your colleagues or your pupils will tell you.

What else? Of course, the name of the detachment, its motto, the detachment's song and chants, and maybe your favorite chant. There should also be a plan for the shift and, of course, a plan for the day, and maybe for the next 3-4 days. And again, it is desirable to make them meaningful and interesting: with explanations and illustrations for each case.

Summer weather is very changeable and capricious, and some children are constant in matters of “equipment”: as soon as they “fit” into their favorite jeans and a sweater, you can’t pull them out of there even in forty-degree heat. Therefore, you can ease your educational share by agreeing to create an appropriate heading in the detachment corner - about clothing options (for example: “parade”, “rain”, “sun”, “sport”). It would be appropriate to remind you that information about the sanitary condition in the detachment should be visual, because everyone is trying so hard to be the best in cleanliness and order! Do not forget to take a place in the corner for “congratulations”: birthdays, winners, prize-winners and those to whom the squad would like to say “thank you” for good duty, for helping the kids ... and you never know what else. The main thing is that this section is never empty! And for this, you can establish a competition in the detachment - "Congratulate your friends!":

with the fact that the educators got enough sleep today and the director good mood!

lovers of swimming with the opening of the swimming season!

with the first rain in the camp!

everyone, everyone, everyone with an interesting week in the camp!

Be sure to find a place for the heading "daily routine" and information about the camp (laws, traditions, camp songs and legends, postal address of the camp). And it can also be headings “ Your mood”, “There is something to say - say it!”, “Weather for tomorrow”, “Announcement Board” and any information that will help the guys relieve internal tension, find mutual understanding and eradicate doubts about their abilities. Only if you do not think about the colorful design and composition of the corner, all of the above will look like a solid vinaigrette on the stand. So, about the design.

If we proceed from statistical data, then in 98 cases out of a hundred, both counselors and their pupils are far from being artists. However, the squad corner is more likely not a painting, but an informational newspaper or magazine. Therefore, the closer the style of its design to the newspaper and poster, the better, which means that 3-4 well-matched colors should be used in the design. Moreover, bright and pure colors of colored paper applications are much preferable to dark “gouache” stains. And a little more secret: there are certain laws of the organization of the place. They are associated with the fact that any printed text we read from left to right, and we look at any image from top to bottom - this is a purely reflex habit. Therefore, making out a corner and following the principles of a newspaper sheet, the name, emblem, motto of the detachment (as it were, a “hat”) is placed on top. Everything that will be in the middle is important and constant information about the life of the team, and the most “frivolous” materials can be placed below and on the sides.

The following ways of illustrating will help in the design of a detachment place.:

colorful, interesting postcards and magazine clippings,

emblems, pennants and various souvenir "trinkets";

spraying, which is done with a toothbrush or a hard brush: templates (made of paper, cardboard, leaves, flowers, etc.) are laid out on the space to be decorated, which should overlap each other. Spraying is carried out in several stages, each time the entire space is "pollinated", and the patterns are gradually removed, one by one.

blowing: a drop of ink is applied to a smooth paper surface and rays, branches, tentacles, bushes, etc. are blown out of it using a tube;

scratching: a blank is made - thick paper is rubbed with a candle until an even layer is obtained, then stained with gouache and allowed to dry. All inscriptions and drawings are applied to the surface with a pointed object, and wax chips are removed with a soft brush.

Just do not think that following all these tips are mandatory design conditions. In no case! Your detachment corner can be as playful and expressive as you like. You just need to fantasize a little! And most importantly, that the guys themselves would like it, and the creative pride of Tsereteli's descendant was bursting with you!

P.S. A competition that can be held throughout the entire shift in the detachment corner and which will amuse both children, counselors and even the camp administration, this is a competition" catchphrase days". Invite the guys to continue the "list", periodically (every 3-4 days) sum up, identifying and rewarding " interesting phrase season. Try it!