Hair lamination: all the pros and cons. Negative aspects of the procedure

With the modern abundance of cosmetics, keeping your hair beautiful and healthy is not difficult at all. You just need to properly and regularly care for them. But no matter how good the means are, hair still needs something special to look like on the covers of glossy magazines. Famous show business stars and models are always amazing, and you can only envy them shiny hair. But shining today beautiful curls without split ends, almost any woman can have. To do this, you need to come to the beauty salon for a fairly common lamination procedure.

Hair lamination - what is it?

It seems that the concept of "hair lamination" sounds somehow strange. But in fact, there is nothing unusual in this procedure, and it is similar to the lamination known to us. plain paper. This is done so that it retains its integrity longer. Exactly the same goal is pursued by hair lamination. Reviews of women who have applied this procedure show that after applying special composition on the hair, they immediately increase in volume and acquire a directly dazzling shine and radiance. And all this thanks to the "breathing" microfilm, which resists all kinds of damage to the curls. In addition, the procedure does not straighten the hair, so the owners of curly or wavy hair do not have to worry. You can also carry out color lamination using special tools that form colored films.

Lamination - healing effect

To understand the usefulness of this procedure, you need to remember the structure of the hair. In fact, this is a trunk that is covered with special scales. Under influence various factors they flake off and lose hair natural shine and pomp. What are the benefits of hair lamination? Reviews of women after the procedure confirm that the damaged areas are restored and the surface of the curls is re-created. An excellent healing effect for hair is given by keratin lamination, that is, a composition is used that is additionally saturated with keratin - a special combination of amino acids that cause a very strong protein compound.

Lamination at home

Of course, it is best to carry out this procedure in beauty salon with the help of professionals. But lamination of hair at home is also possible. There is nothing difficult in this. After reading carefully on the packaging how to use all the products, you can independently laminate the hair. Feedback from women on how to carry out the recovery procedure confirms that it does not require special training. To do this, you must first purchase all special tools, including:

  • cleansing and revitalizing shampoo;
  • tint paint;
  • special formulations for cold and hot stages of lamination;
  • revitalizing hair mask.

Hair biolamination

At home, you can also carry out the biolamination procedure, which consists in the fact that the hair is covered with a special, cellulose composition. The film formed on them has a pronounced protective property and even more reliably protects the hair from damage. In addition, such a film has a water-repellent effect, which means that even in bad weather hair will be perfect.

Lamination - harm and benefit

Quite often there are doubts: is hair lamination useful? Reviews of women using it are quite contradictory. However, scientists have found that bio- and simple lamination do absolutely no harm. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on damaged and dry hair. Of course, these procedures are not a panacea. Particularly problematic hair should be treated immediately special solutions, conduct additional ionization of weakened strands. And only after wellness procedures perform lamination. It will be useless even for the strong, healthy hair. The procedure will only help more long time maintain the color of dyed hair. In the case of covering them with a color film, it will give them trendy shade, but it will not be noticeable at all on elastic and healthy hair.

silky shiny hair, flowing over the shoulders with a gentle waterfall - this is the dream of every woman. At home, achieving such an effect is almost impossible, but in salons it is offered special procedure that will make your dreams come true is hair lamination. Many questions to this day "hovers" around this method of improving the appearance of the hair. So what awaits after a service called hair lamination: benefit or harm?

Experts disagree on this issue, some argue that this is almost the only harmless hair procedure, others argue that this is not so.

Pros and cons of hair lamination

Of course, the procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter include most often a decent cost of the procedure, but we will analyze everything in more detail.

Advantages of hair lamination

  • As a result of the procedure, all scales are sealed on each hair, due to which the hair acquires a well-groomed, glossy appearance.
  • A special tool envelops the hair, thereby helping to avoid harmful effects human environment environment.
  • The volume of hair increases up to ten percent, which visually makes them healthier and more beautiful.
  • If you perform the procedure immediately before dyeing the hair, then the paint will not be so aggressive for the hair structure, and the coloring pigments will make the color more resistant.
  • Biolamination strengthens the hair structure. And if you replace the procedure with an almost identical phytolamination, then you will also get a “long-playing” care product.
  • If you dreamed of having long hair, after the procedure, this is quite possible, since the “sealed” hairs do not break or split.
  • Vitamins and microelements, which are part of the lamination product, nourish the hair, thereby contributing to normal process intracellular metabolism.
  • Even in winter, when wearing a hat, the hair does not become electrified, which means that the hairstyle will not lose its appearance.

Cons of the procedure

  • There is a statement by doctors that lamination leads to excessive dryness of the hair, and in order to avoid this, you will have to go to the salon again and again for this rather expensive procedure.
  • Over time (within a month - one and a half) protective layer falls off, tearing off the scales of the hair, the very ones that were glued to it.
  • Lamination significantly weights each hair, so owners of lush, dry, falling out, long hair or damaged scalp should refuse this service. Or pre-treat the hair or skin, depending on the situation.

How to decide on the procedure?

Of course, to do or not to do lamination is up to you. However, if you are "chasing" beautiful hair, without caring for them, so to speak, from the inside, then no lamination will help. The fragility and elasticity of hair directly depend on the nutrition of a woman and on the impact environment. If your hair is brittle, first put it in order - balance your diet, eat more dairy products and greens, drink plenty of water, hide your hair under a hat in the cold. Be sure to purchase a vitamin and mineral complex and drink it in accordance with the instructions. And, most importantly, get enough sleep!

Many ladies to improve the condition of their hair and acquire luxurious thick hair resort to various cosmetics. Lamination of hair - fashion procedure beauty salons to restore split ends. It is indeed very effective: after three to ten sessions, the hair becomes smooth and silky. However, is the salon procedure as useful as the advertisement describes and is there an alternative?

Salon hair lamination

The procedure consists in covering the curls with a special protective composition that glues the hair scales and aligns the strands from root to tip. There are two types salon lamination hair - colorless and colored. A colorless coating involves the use of standard products, while a colored one gives the effect of staining.

Stages of the procedure

  • The first step is deep cleaning hair structure with special shampoos with a high alkali content.
  • Next, an agent that activates hair regeneration is applied to the curls, it is kept warm on the hair for about fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off.
  • As part of the next stage, vitamin-rich oils are applied to the strands, affecting the hair shaft and nourishing it.
  • Application special means, which "solders" the scales and stratification of the hair, followed by washing the head, is the final stage of the procedure.
  • Hair is dried and styled. Wherein strict prohibition exposed to the use of hot and chemical methods styling.

The main advantages of lamination

During the lamination procedure, the hair is impregnated with a special protective compound that forms a film that helps strengthen the hair, protect it from aggressive environmental influences, solar radiation and corrosive city dust. Now hairline does not lose acquired and generated useful elements while maintaining the ability to absorb oxygen, which is essential for maintaining healthy hair and shine.

Hair becomes more receptive to various types styling, and also, over time, acquire additional volume.

By giving additional shine to the hair, natural or artificially created color acquires a special saturation and retains the shade much longer.

Disadvantages of the lamination procedure

  • The procedure is effective for women with brittle, thin and dry hair. For healthy and strong hair the procedure is practically useless. The only result of using the product is the acquired ease of installation.
  • Laminated hair cannot be dyed, as the protective film covering the hair will reject the dye elements.
  • Laminated hair must be washed with special shampoos designed to maintain the effectiveness of the procedure. In this case, the hair becomes immune to additional funds care. Masks, balms and sprays will be absolutely useless.
  • With a fairly high cost of the procedure, the result of its application lasts for a month, and sometimes more, depending on the frequency of shampooing, combing and other procedures. After a month, the laminated cover is recommended to be restored again.

Contraindications to hair lamination

  • The main contraindication is severe hair loss, as well as their considerable length. The products used in this procedure weigh down your curls, which can contribute to increased loss of healthy hair.
  • It is forbidden to laminate hair in the presence of small wounds, rashes, irritations and other negative manifestations on the scalp. There is a risk of being hit various infections and as a result, the development of infection. In addition, the components that make up the hair lamination product can enter the bloodstream through wounds, which can lead to serious problems with health.

Thus, hair lamination, despite high efficiency end result, has a number of significant contraindications and is designed for girls with problematic hair. Do not use lamination if your hair is already healthy.

However, salon procedure there is also the main “but” - the session costs from 5000 rubles. But it turns out there is Alternative option- everything can be done at home. And it will cost you only 20 rubles (the price of a bag of gelatin). Here is the economy! A bag of edible gelatin will help you quickly, cheaply and permanently improve appearance hair.

Hair lamination at home

What is the secret of gelatin lamination

Gelatin contains natural collagen, which envelops each hair, forming a protective film. Hair becomes thicker and more voluminous, acquires shine, ceases to be electrified, looks livelier and more attractive. In addition, gelatin moisturizes and nourishes the roots. Gelatin lamination is absolutely harmless and is indicated even during pregnancy, despite the complexity of its course and duration.

For home lamination you will need:

  • pack of gelatin
  • warm boiled water
  • plastic bag or cap
  • hair conditioner

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into glass containers and add 3 tbsp. spoons warm water. Stir thoroughly, then cover the container with a lid. After 20 minutes, the gelatin granules will swell. Put on water bath and, while heating, stir until the granules are completely dissolved in water.
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo and then again with conditioner. Remove excess moisture with a towel.
  3. Mix gelatin with half a tablespoon of conditioner or mask, apply to damp strands, retreating one centimeter from the roots: this will prevent skin irritation and dandruff.
  4. Wrap your head with polyethylene, tie it with a towel and warm up this entire structure for 15 minutes with a hairdryer turned on at medium power.

After 45 minutes, wash your hair without shampoo with warm water.

It's important to know

  • Don't expect permanent results from the very first session. Home lamination should be done at least three to five times, and ideally weekly for three months.
  • Gelatin mask is indicated for use at least once a week.
  • Do not allow gelatin to boil when heated in a water bath!
  • The gelatin mass should turn out without lumps - they are very difficult to comb out from the hair.
  • If, after several correctly performed procedures, the hair has not acquired the expected shine and the lamination effect is not observed, you may need to consult a specialist who will help identify the cause or disease.

So, we have outlined all the pros and cons of the salon procedure and hair lamination at home. The choice, of course, is yours, and we wish you to create a "dream hair" in any of the ways described.

Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy, and for every plus there is a minus.

The main disadvantage of laminating hair at home is that the result is not as durable as with salon care. And if you have long hair, then doing lamination at home alone will be quite difficult: the composition must be evenly distributed over all strands. In addition, many girls do not like that their hair becomes heavier: lamination makes combing easier, but complicates curling and styling. Judging by the reviews, it seems to some that the hair becomes dirty faster - perhaps this is a visual effect from the protective film. And it is better to laminate hair in courses, and it is ideal to withstand the composition of a self-mixed gelatin mask From time to time it turns out very few people. As a result, the effect may differ from procedure to procedure. If you are planning to make a course, it is better to choose ready-made formulations. In addition, the components home mask may not blend well with each other, and instead of perfectly smooth and thick hair you risk either not seeing the effect at all, or worsening the condition of the strands. AT professional means all ingredients are balanced, and there will definitely be no harm from such a composition.

Hair lamination service is at the peak of its popularity. Beauty salons call to sign up for a procedure for the best masters in this area and feel...

Service hair lamination is at the peak of its popularity. Beauty salons encourage you to sign up for a procedure with the best masters in this field and feel everything positive sides lamination. The Internet is replete with hundreds of articles that talk about the incredible therapeutic effect and the benefits of lamination, and on the forums, beautiful virgins spend hours discussing the effect of this procedure on the condition of the hair.

What is hair lamination?

Lamination is the procedure for applying to the hair a special product containing biologically active substances. This composition envelops each hair with a thin, airtight film that smoothes the hair, filling the voids of its porous structure and gluing all the scales. The effect is visible immediately. Hair becomes shiny well-groomed appearance become obedient and elastic. There is a feeling that the hair has become more magnificent.

Advantages of lamination

After the procedure, the hair becomes silky, smooth and manageable. The effect lasts for at least 3 weeks.

It is believed that lamination "treats" split ends. The composition itself, according to experts, is saturated useful substances proteins, vitamins and moisture that are absorbed into the hair, filling and nourishing it.

If you do lamination after dyeing your hair, then bright saturated color will last longer. And if you carry out the procedure after a course of hair treatment nourishing masks, then the active substances will “clog” in the hair structure, which will significantly prolong therapeutic effect masks.

Also, lamination protects the hair from the penetration of foreign aromas and increases chemical resistance.

Negative aspects of lamination.

Let's start with the fact that lamination is not medical, but simply cosmetic procedure. Hair becomes shiny and healthy look just for a while. As the composition is washed off, the hair is subjected to even more damage, as the coating “falls off” unevenly, thereby destroying the hair scales. Ultimately, the hair becomes even more dry, dull and brittle and loses its shine. In addition, the applied composition does not allow the hair to breathe, leading to their weakening.

Another disadvantage that few people know about is the need to use special shampoo, which is not cheap and is not sold in every store.

Some companies produce lamination products that contain the strongest carcinogen - formaldehyde. The use of such drugs causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and cough. There is an opinion that laminating agents with formaldehyde cause cancer. However, trichologists assure that for this he must in a certain dose, in a certain way and certain time be in contact with you.

It is difficult to unequivocally state the dangers or benefits of the lamination procedure. However, it certainly cannot be called a panacea or a revolutionary remedy for improving hair. Too many nuances and subtleties for such bold statements.

fashion salon
August 12, 2014