What is the difference between epilation. Depilation and epilation: What is the difference and main difference. "Sweet" removal of problem hair

Before choosing a way to remove from the body unwanted hairIt is necessary to know what the epilation of depilation is different.

How to remove excess vegetation on the body?

Fashion for smooth legs firmly entered our life. To delete excess vegetation On the legs, in the field of armpits, intimate and other places, epilation or depilation is used. Everyone my soul optimal method. It takes into account the material opportunities, the advice of acquaintances, their own pain threshold, medical contraindications. Many people do not think about what epilation is and how it differs from depilation, confuse these concepts. And these ways are distinguished by the principle of their action. The main difference of epilation from depilation is how the hair removes occurs.

The hair can be divided into 2 parts: the visible (rod) and the one that grows under the skin. It has a root, or hair bulb, and is in a special bag - follicle. When depilation is removed, only the rod is removed, whereas with epilation of the Volosine is removed along with the root, or the follicle is destroyed. Epilation and depilation purify the body from unwanted hair cover, but the effectiveness of these procedures is different: after epilation, the skin remains smooth much longer. This is the difference between them.

All ways to remove hairs from the body have their own characteristics. But there is general requirements. This concerns questions when removing the hairs is undesirable. Depilation and epilation have a number common contraindications to use. It is impossible to remove hairs if available:

  • damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, rash) or signs of inflammation (dermatosis);
  • moles
  • some diseases: oncology, diabetes, keloid disease, exacerbation of herpes, mental disorders, hematological diseases;
  • gerpes exacerbations;
  • pregnancy;
  • fresh tan;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions.

Epilation and depilation after they require special care Behind the skin. First, the skin must be calmed, remove irritation, be sure to handle the antiseptic. Secondly, all others cosmetic procedures It can be carried out at ephylated places no earlier than 2-3 days after hair removal. Thirdly, periodically it is necessary to conduct pilling to prevent the rustling of hairs.

Any way to remove hairs - depilation or hair removal - requires knowledge and certain skills for its application. When reading the features of these procedures, it is easier to understand what their differences are.

How is hair removal?

There are several types of epilation:

  1. Removal of hair with tweezers. The hairs are pluck together with the root. This species is convenient to apply in small areas of the skin. Deleting the hairs several times, you can see that they have become thinner and less. Plucking painfully, but one who uses tweezers regularly will say that painfulness Over time, dull. In addition, not to endure the pain for a long time, this procedure can be carried out with interruptions. To reduce pain, it is necessary to master the equipment of the pulp. It lies in the fact that the hair needs to capture closer to the skin and pull it away in the direction of growth. The skin can be kept finger.
  2. Mechanical removal of hairs with an epilator. It is very painful way. The hairs are removed simultaneously in large quantities.
  3. Bioepilation. She has 2 subspecies: Shugaring and Vaxing. In the first case, the hair is removed with the root with caramel or paste containing sugar or honey, and in the second - with the help of hot or cold wax. The follicle remains intact. These methods have some differences. They consist in how the paste is applied to the hair, and how the skin feels. With shigaring, the composition is applied against hair growth, and is removed in the opposite direction. It is less painful than during Vaxing, where everything is done on the contrary. The skin heavier tolerates wax epilation: it remains longer irritation remains, burns from hot wax. At the same time, the smoothness of the skin is preserved not so long, as in shugaring.

The following 3 types of epilation are more progressive, destroy the hair onion, why hair grow much longer:

  • removal of hairs light: photo- and laser hair removal;
  • electroepilation;
  • combined method.

These procedures are carried out in salons or clinics, because it is necessary expensive equipment and qualified personnel. It has not yet been an invented way of removing hair once and forever. But after photo and laser epilation The skin will save its smoothness from several months to several years, but for this first needed a course of procedures.

Depilation methods

There are 2 types of depilation: shave and chemical depilation. Both species are simple and painless, which cannot be said about the epilation. The first is performed by a razor, the second - with the help of special depilation compositions, which dissolve the visible part of the hair. Painlessness, as well as simplicity of the procedure (it is possible to perform it at any time, it does not require skin training) - this is perhaps the only advantages of depilation. It, in contrast to epilation, has some essential drawbacks:

  1. Remote hairs start growing very quickly, the day the day after chasing. After applying the cream, the smoothness of the skin is preserved longer, but to delete the thrust hairs every week. This depilation will differ from the epilation, which is carried out 1 time in 3-4 weeks.
  2. After depilation, the hair becomes thick, they begin to grow faster.
  3. This procedure is not suitable for some parts of the body, for example, for a person. It is difficult to determine the zone using a razor deep bikini, and for intimate seats You can not use the usual depilling cream.
  4. The most essential I. chief flaw Depilation is more frequent rustling of hair under the skin. To minimize this phenomenon, it is necessary to determine the depilated areas. And if there is still an ingrown hair, you will have to carry out an unpleasant procedure for its removal.

That is why depilation is inferior in the popularity of epilation. Modern cosmetology there is women towards meet. New items appeared: means for slowing the growth of hair, creams depilators that contain substances for skin care and pleasantly smell.

Of course, hair removal is a more progressive way to remove hair from the body. But whatever a woman, it should remember that it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations of professionals in order for the skin effect on the skin with chemical compositions, razor or other devices to complications.

Despite the similarity of these two concepts, the difference between epilation and depilation is very fundamental. Depilation implies temporary hair removal, it does not affect the follicle. Epilation, in turn, implies a deep impact, as a result of which the hair stops his life cycle And falls out. Consider every type of getting rid of excess hair Read more.

What is epilation?

Epilation is a procedure for removing hair with intentional violation of hair bulbs.

Regardless of the method external influence The essence of all types of epilation is reduced to the same scheme: phased destruction of the hair follicle. The fact is that if all the hair on our body grew at the same time, then people would be the same shaggy as our close relatives are monkeys. Each hair has the stages of "life." In the period of Anagena, it is growing actively. Having achieved its length, it remains for several weeks unchanged, and then begins to die. Transitional period called catagen. After the hair fell, the follicle passes during the rest - telogen.

In different parts of the body these periods last different time. On the head, the hair growth period can take several years. The head cover is almost 90% in the growth stage. The hairs in the hands and legs through all three stages pass much faster - about a month, and in the anagena stage there is about 15% of all hair on this zone.

Effective epilation it is possible only when the hair is in stage active growth. That is why in one procedure to remove all unwanted hair on the whole body will not be released. To remove hair on the shin, you will have to visit the Cabinet of the cosmetologist at least six times, withsting the break between the procedures in four to five weeks, so that the remaining hair manage to go to the desired growth phase. Therefore, it is not worth accusing cosmetic cabins in greed, the stretched scheme is due to the structure human organism.

Types of epilation

The most famous and popular types of epilation are laser and photoepilation.

The principle of their work is similar and based on the same impact. With the help of a powerful point emitter, the cosmetologist heats the melanin, which is contained in the root of the hair. Under the influence of blood, blood feeding the follicle is folded, clogging the vessels. Without receipt required substances Hair dies and falls out.

Photoepilation It is considered a softer procedure. The force of directional radiation can be changed depending on the color of the hair and its thickness, which makes it effective for light and thin hairFor example, the gun on the face. This is a non-contact method, skin cover is not disturbed, which means that the possibility of infectious infection is excluded.

The effect of photoepilation is instant: the hairs disappear almost immediately. There are also a lung effect of rejuvenation to non-obvious advantages. The light impact stimulates the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

The procedure is absolutely painless, but there is always a risk of burns. Tanned skin, sensitive or prone to allergies may suffer if the beautician chooses incorrect power or will use low-quality components. During the procedure, you must use protective glasses to protect your eyes from bright flashes.

Laser hair removal is similar to photoepilation by the method of exposure, but it uses more powerful, point radiation. That is why this method is more effective for harsh, dark hair. Laser can be used on tanned and dark skinWhat is the biggest advantage over photoepilation.

There are several types of lasers, each of them works with different length waves and affects different types Pigments. Depending on the color of the skin and hair, different devices use different devices.

It is worth noting important factthat the same lasers can be reduced tattoos, dark spots and varicose stars. It is worth considering not to spoil the tattoo or save time and money, getting rid of not only from unwanted hair, but also from scars or post-acne.

Electroepilation - this is invasive method Hair removal, that is, with disruption of the integrity of the skin, so requires compliance with all sanitary and hygienic events. At the moment the scientific community is the only method of hair removal method forever recognizes only it. This is the most studied and long-used method, it is used to treat certain diseases.

The method of work is: under the skin in the region of the hair, the needle is introduced, according to which the weak discharge of the electric current is allowed, but depending on the type of electroepilation, the follicle dies or from chemical or from thermal burn.

During electrolysis, under the influence of DC, a pitch is formed, which corrosive the root of the hair and feeds its vessels. The method is painless, but long. During thermolysis, heating occurs, the removal takes a few seconds, but painfully. There are other species that combine two of these methods, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure.

The peculiarity of preparation for the electroepilation is that the hair should be sufficient length, so a month before the procedure it is worth refraining from their removal.

Carefully read contraindications, because the list includes any tumors, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, a tendency to the formation of keloid scars and others. It is serious medical procedureTo seek which it stands to a qualified specialist.

Elos-epilation Combines two impacts - light and electric - therefore combines all the pros and cons of photo, laser and electroepilation. It does not violate the integrity of the skin, suitable for all types of hair, fast and painless, but high in value, stretched in time between sessions and has many contraindications.

What is depilation?

Depilation - This is a temporary hair removal that does not affect the work of the follicle. Depending on the method, the hair becomes noticeable for several days, after which the procedure must be repeated again. Another significant disadvantage of depilation is the growing hair, which are subsequently inflated and can grow into small guns.

Types of depilation

The most famous and simple - shaving. He is the most affordable. The razors are a different, of two and three blades, with gel pads to relieve slip, compact travel options. Shave itself is painless and even useful because the blade along with her hair removes dead skin particles, working as a body scrub.

Cream For depilation is an analogue of a razor. Due to chemical compositionThe hair applied to the skin, the hair is thinned, which is easily cleaned with a scraper, which usually goes complete. The cream is good because it contains moisturizing components, and the hair after it grows slowly and noticeably thinner.

Sugar depilation, or shugaring, removal of wax and vasking is mechanical removal hair at the root with three different compositions. After them, the hair grows not every other day or two after the procedure, but after a week, or even longer, but not everyone is ready to endure the pain, which necessarily accompanies sharp alignment.

For wax depilation use waxeseither applied to fabric strips or directly on the skin. After the frozen, it is removed a sharp movement against hair growth. There are ready-made stripes for home use and blanks for the procedure in the cabin. In Wasking, enjoy cold wax. For shugaring prepare caramel paste of a certain density, and the frozen mass is removed in the direction of hair growth.

These species of depilation also have contraindications, but in a significantly smaller number: allergies to the composition of wax, diabetes for shugaring, varicose veins and inflammation on the skin, open wounds.

What is the difference of depilation from epilation?

Let's summarize and briefly describe what the epilation of depilation is different:

  1. Frequency of procedures: Epilation implies a long-term result with a small number of repeated procedures. To deteriorate the same skin regularly until the need disappears.
  2. Cost: for laser hair removal will have to give a much greater amount than for the wig depilation, which is not for everyone.
  3. The presence of contraindications: for all types of depilation, they are much smaller than for epilation. Yes, and procedures are not accompanied by large health risks.

What is better: epilation or depilation?

What is better, everyone is obliged to solve itself, based on the budget, the expected effect of the procedure and its health. Before experimenting, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and a beautician, so that only pleasant impressions remain from the procedure.

According to ancient legend Tsar Savskaya to get the location of the king Solomon, ordered court celers to make an ointment of wax with adding medical herbsto get rid of unwanted vegetation. This was the beginning of the history of the struggle for smooth skin. The practice of eliminating the problems of special body zones developed not one millennium. IN Ancient Rome They were swamped sharpened by the blade, in the Roman Empire - they pulled out, hoisting on the thread. Many methods, evolving, survived today.

Women actively apply shave, eliminate hairs with wax, special creamslaser.

The beauty industry is constantly offering new methods of dealing with hair on the body.

A special place among the ways to make the skin smoothly occupies the secret of Persian beauties. Elimination of hair with caramel paste has gained unworthy popularity over the past few years.

What is the difference between epilation and depilation

Only you decide which method is better: depilation, hair removal or ordinary shave. Often women do not see the difference between definitions, considering that this is the same. Is it so? There are disputes regarding the correctness of terminology. In fact, there is no unambiguous definition of these concepts.

Generally accepted European interpretation: depilation - removal of the top of the hair to the follicle, without affecting it. It provides for the breaking of the rod that is easy to capture. Usually define as mechanical impact - Shave, depilators creams.

The removal of the entire hair, including the follicle, is epilation. The process consists of actions aimed at the destruction of the structure of the hair onion, its weakening, slowing down growth.

Shugaring implies hair removal with sugar mixes

In Soviet and post-Soviet medicine, the definition of terms significantly differed:

  • Epilation is the elimination of hair with a cosmetic or medical attention.
  • Depilation is a form of epilation, providing for a temporary effect, without affecting the hair follicle, does not prevent further growth.

To date, the European definitions of concepts have become widespread, so modern cosmetologists use the term "epilation" for procedures with wax strips, but the expression "Wax depilation" is also not considered an error if proceeding from the traditional terminology for our country. Shugaring is deep epilation. Caramel paste thanks to its consistency gets deep wax, removes hairs more efficiently.

"Sweet" removal of problem hair

For a long time, women were used to combat the smoothness of the skin homemade epilators. Compact machines are always at hand, they can be taken on vacation, the process does not require special preparations. Many are accustomed to comfortable use, closed their eyes to the main disadvantage - the soreness of the procedure.

Caramel Composition In addition to hair removal, makes skin velvety and smooth

The appearance of a new way put many before choosing: epilator or shugaring? Gradually, the method of Persian beauties pushed out the epilator machines. Removal with sugar paste has many advantages:

  • does not cause irritation, including on sensitive skin;
  • it is carried out in several techniques, it is deleted at once a small amount of hairs, therefore it causes a minimum of pain;
  • the paste for shugaring can be prepared independently;
  • for the procedure, warm sugar balls are used, not hot, the skin is not injured;
  • weakens the hair follicle, the hair grow thin, prevents the possibility of the formation of ingrown hair, inflammatory processes;
  • used on all parts of the body, all skin types;
  • has the action of peeling;
  • the skin remains smooth up to 6 weeks.

Sugar solution of the house is problematic. This requires long preparation, sufficient skill. Many women seek help qualified specialists, After all, the benefits of the procedure are superior to all flaws.

What is the difference between Shugarming from wax epilation

Modern beauty salons offer customers several types of epilation. Championship belonging wax epilation And the new-fashioned method - Shugaring. What are the main differences between these types of combating problem areas?

Pasta, in contrast to wax, penetrates deeper, allows you to remove hairs of less length (2-4 mm). The wax is powerless in front of the rods shorter than 5 mm, as it captures only the part that is located on the surface.

Many beauties, choosing, between wax and shigaring epilation, prefer the second, appreciating his dignity

Easying hair wax against their growth traumats the hair rod, provokes bending.

Paste with short movements removes hair Pokrov In the direction of growth. The possibility of the appearance of inflammatory processes is minimal.

Varicose extension veins - contraindication to the use of wax, which is heated to 40 ° C. Sugar balls are used slightly warm, have fewer contraindications.

The wax provides for one-time application for the entire epilacable area. When jigarn, removal is made in several approaches, the procedure is less painful.

The remains of the paste are flushed off with water, special oils are not required, solvents.

Varicose veins - contraindication to the use of wax, which is heated to 40 ° C.

Today we will answer the question: "What is different from depilingation?". These terms sound constantly regarding the procedures for hair removal. Surprise that non-professionals use them as synonyms and do not know the difference, do not have. Often, specialists, describing the procedures, are called epilation what is essentially called depilation and vice versa. The uninitiated in the subtleties of the profession after that it becomes even more difficult to carry out the line and figure out what is the difference between the epilation from depilation. But clear differences still exist, let's try to figure it out.

Epilation and depilation - What is the difference?

Depilation and epilation until a certain point were legitimately used as synonyms. So it was until the moment when modern technologies allowed without negative consequences For health, destroy hair bulbs. It was then that it was necessary to classify procedures for hair removal and make some specifics for the convenience and understanding of customers, what they go. Unfortunately, it is not possible to strengthen in the daily use of clear terminology. For example, depilation wax is stubbornly called "bioepiration", and nothing can be done with it. The devices that have a lot of women at home, would correctly call the "depilatory", but the word "epilator" firmly adhered to them. You already understand what the difference is. But we make clarity and dispel the last doubts.

What is depilation?

Depilation is a hair removal that is visible on the skin surface. Hair removal with root is also called depilation. The hair follicle remains unharmed and the hair sooner or later begins to grow again.

There are several depilation methods, they are used by all women either in the salons or at home.

  1. Shaving. In fact, it is cut off the hair. And the follicle, and the root of the hair remains unharmed. Here is an article about how to shave the hair and prevent skin irritation.
  2. Chemical depilation. In this case are used chemicalsdissolving external part Hair. Root and follicle, again, remain intact.
  3. Mechanical hair removal. We pluck them with the root with the help of tweezers and other devices. The follicle remains, and the hair begins to grow again.
  4. Vaxing. Hair removal with root with cold or hot wax. In this article, read in more detail how the removal wax is done at home
  5. Shugaring. The meaning of the procedure is similar to Vaxing, but a sugar-containing paste is used. Detailed description Shugaring procedures.

What is epilation?

Epilation is the removal of the hair with the root at which the follicle is destroyed. Due to this procedure, the chances for the resumption of hair growth are minimal. This method is still new on the newest achievements of science. It is here that it is clearly seen, depilation than different from epilation. The second is real only in the clinic conditions and passes using special equipment. There are three main types of hair removal:

  1. Electricity and electrolysis. Root root and hair follicle electric shock low power. Here are used galvanic, blend and electrolysis.
  2. Light removal. Volley follicle is destroyed under the influence of directional light rays. The method of laser and photoepilation is used.
  3. Combined. Both methods are connected.

Here are articles for the epilation of different parts of the body, be sure to see:

  • Types of leg epilation
  • Bikini epilation at home
  • Epilation of the armpits with a laser, wax, epilator

So, that such depilation and hair removal understood. It was understood that in case of depilation and epilation, the difference is not in essence, but in the method of execution and the final result. If you generalize, the epilation and depilation helps to get rid of unwanted hair on the body. The first - more progressive methods and with a reliable result in the final, the second - with the help of submitted means and with the need to regularly repeat the procedure. Perhaps in ten years the need for depilation will disappear due to the total accessibility of epilation. On this moment Not many of the epilation may not be pleasure from cheap.

Removal of excess hair from the body today has become the usual procedure. It can be epilation or depilation. Many people do not see any difference between these concepts and consider these terms synonyms. But it is not so.

To clearly understand what fundamental difference Between the epilation and depilation, you need to know the structure of the hair, more precisely, its root part, and how one or another removal method affects it.

The root of the hairs is formed in the follicle. The follicle is a complex element consisting of several components:

  • The hair funnel is a deepening in the skin, where the root of the hair goes into the rod.
  • Hair nipples - consists of nerve fibers and capillaries that feed the bulb of the hair. This formation is located in the lower part of the follicle. It controls the condition and growth of the hairs. If follicular papillas are destroyed, then hair also dies.
  • The root vagina is part of the follicle that surrounds the hair root and also takes part in the growth of hairs.
  • Hair muscle, greasy and sweat gland adjoin the hair follicle and provide normal development Hair.

Having made an analogy with botany, the follicle can be represented by a pot from the ground, which provides a plant growing in it by all nutritional components.

Depilation is the procedure for removing hair from the skin surface at which the hairs can eliminate or without or without root, but the follicles are not destroyed. That is, the plant can be cut, but its roots will give new shoots, or snatch, but the pot from the earth remains a nutrient medium for the appearance of new sprouts.

Epilation is the elimination of hairs from the body surface, accompanied by the destruction of hair follicles. This means that the pot from the earth is destroyed, there is no other plant to take food, and it dies.

Types of depilation

Hair Removal S. skin cover Using depilation is used as in professional salonsand at home. There are several types of depilation.


Application shaving Machine To get rid of unwanted vegetation is the most common type of depilation among men. However, many women prefer this method, as it has its advantages:

  • speed procedures
  • full painlessness,
  • the possibility of applying on different parts of the body,
  • safety - when used safe razor The risk of cuts is minimized,
  • availability - a disposable machine can be bought at any store at a low price.

Nevertheless, shave has many drawbacks:

  • The hair makes their way to the surface of the skin for 2-3 days (some people even the next day).
  • Growing hair to the touch overly spiny. This is due to the fact that the blade cuts off the sophisticated region of the hairs, as a result of which the stupid tip remains, when short length The hair takes the sticking position. As a result, it turns out hard bristle.
  • With a constant shaving, all hairs are growing in the same phase, which makes the vegetation on the body thick.
  • The skin after the procedure often experiences irritation, since during shaving under the influence of the blade, part of the cells of the burned layer is removed, the moisture of the skin is lost, which leads to dryness, peeling and redness.
  • The use of the razor provokes the rustling of the hair.

Chemical depilation

You can eliminate the hairs from the surface of the skin with the help of depilators creams. They include active componentswhich dissolve protein bonds in the hair body, and the hair rod is destroyed.

Chemical depilation has its advantages:

  • the procedure is painless,
  • hair is removed for 5-7 minutes,
  • cream depilator is inexpensive
  • for each body portion, you can choose a tool with the corresponding properties.

By cons methods can be attributed:

  • the possibility of appearance allergic reaction on the components of the cream
  • the hairs appear after 3-5 days,
  • funds have an aggressive composition
  • many compounds have a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Electripilator application

The electroapilator rotates tweezers or discs that capture unnecessary hairs and burst them with the root.

We emphasize that despite your trading and commercial name, the electroplator (epilator) on the mechanism of action is still an electric power platelator (depilator), since it does not affect the hair follicle.

The electroplator is in demand in a certain number of consumers due to its advantages:

  • the skin remains smooth for 2-4 weeks,
  • gradually hairs slow down their height and become thin,
  • no additional consumables are required.

Among the shortcomings of the methods, consumers note:

  • high soreness, which limits the use of an electro-cell on sensitive sites skin without additional pain relief;
  • the appearance of redness, red dots and skin peeling;
  • the likelihood of the subsequent rustling of hair.

Wax depilation

When using wax, the hairs is removed from the skin along with the roots. Melted wax or wax strip is superimposed on the skin for hair growth. The hairless hair is glued to the wax component. After that, the wax cut off sharply from the skin towards the growth of hairs. The effectiveness of the procedure will be maximum if the length of the hairs is 3-7 mm.

For different parts of the body, you can use waxes with various properties:

  • hot and film wax - for zones with complicated bends (bikini area, upper lip, armpits);
  • warm wax (in cartridges) or wax strips (cold option) - For hands, legs, back, abdomen.

The advantages of wax depilation are as follows:

  • the effect lasts up to 3-4 weeks (depending on the rate of hair growth, their density and rigidity);
  • the process does not take much time (30-60 minutes, depending on the unlocked zone);
  • with regular use of wax, with each subsequent hair treatment procedure, it becomes less, and their structure is gradually changing;
  • the procedure can be performed independently.

Among the disadvantages of the method, consumers note:

  • Probability of burns when using hot wax.
  • Availability of contraindications:
    • diabetes;
    • cluster by papillom, warts and other neoplasms on the processed area;
    • skin diseases;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • fresh wounds, scratches, suppuration;
    • allergy to the wax components;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • During the procedure, severe painful sensations arise.


The use of thick sweet mass to remove hair with skin is called shigaring. During the procedure, warm sugar paste is superimposed on the skin, only already against hair growth. The hair sticks to the sweet mass, after which the thick caramel sharply tear down their growth. Vegetation is eliminated with roots. Optimal length Hairless should be 3-7 mm.

Sugar paste can be dense, medium or soft.

Soft and medium caramel is used for shugaring hands, legs, backs and other large areas of leather. Such a paste is ideal for working in cool premises.

The dense mass is designed to depilat those parts of the body where marks increased temperature And the humidity of the skin (bikini, armpit zone), as well as to remove hard hairs.

Pros Shugaring:

  • painful sensations during the procedure are minimal;
  • irritation after sugar depilation rarely arise;
  • shugaring can be used even for super-sensitive skin;
  • the effectiveness of the procedure is an average of 3-4 weeks;
  • the possibility of using caramel depilation on late time pregnancy when the sensitivity threshold increases significantly;
  • availability: sugar paste can be prepared independently;
  • with each subsequent use of shugaring hair, it becomes less and less.

Among the shortcomings of the method, consumers call the following items:

  • Sometimes from the first time, all the hairs from the surface of the skin are not removed, so the same portion of the body has to be processed.
  • Availability of contraindications:
    • diabetes;
    • skin diseases;
    • wounds, scratches, purulent inflammations;
    • varicose 2-3 stages;
    • concentration of neoplasms;
    • individual intolerance to the components of sugar paste.
  • the probability of the appearance of ingrown hair.

Varieties of epilation

It should be noted that epilation is more often salon Procedure. However, today you can find portable devices for sale. homework. But here you need to immediately make a reservation that these devices have a minimum power to secure the consumer from burns and other unpleasant consequences.

As a result, the epilation of home appliances does not give the result that is expected. Therefore, at the moment the epilation is better to do in the cabin, resorting to the help of professionals working on powerful and efficient equipment.


The removal method of hairs, referred to as electroepilation, is based on the fact that an electrical discharge is supplied to the hair rope through an electrode in the form of a tweezers or the finest needle. The follicle is very heated, under the influence high temperatures The hairpin is destroyed, the hair will immediately die, and it is taken out by tweezers.

Video: How electronicilation is carried out

For one session from the skin surface, only 15-20% of hairs can be eliminated. The fact is that hairs can be in stage:

  • anagena (active growth),
  • catagena (regression phase),
  • telogen (rest).

You can get rid of the hair using electroepilation only when it is actively growing. In other cases, there is no access to the hairpiece, therefore, it is impossible to destroy it.

For complete removal Hair will need to hold 6-12 sessions. The interval between procedures should be 1-1.5 months.

Electricity has large list Contraindications for use:

  • cNS diseases;
  • psychical deviations;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • skin diseases;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • the presence of tattoos at the site of the procedure;
  • varicose veins;
  • herpes;
  • wounds, scratches;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased temperature;
  • pacemaker or uterine spiral;
  • allergies on the alloys of the electrode.

This type of epilation has its advantages:

  • Hair is removed forever. If the hairpin will be destroyed, the hair out of it will never appear.
  • The effect lasts from 6 months to 5 years (depending on the characteristics of the body) until sleeping hairs breakfasts.
  • Electroepilation is able to eliminate all types of hair, including gray, flush, light.
  • The result is observed immediately.
  • The ability to use the method on any part of the body.

Cons of electroepilation:

  • high method pain;
  • a large duration of one session (1.5-7 hours);
  • the need to carry out several procedures for full elimination of hairs;
  • the risk of scarring after the procedure;
  • high cost;
  • many contraindications.

Laser and photoepilation

Laser and photoepilation are very similar among themselves by the nature of the impact on the hair, as well as its effectiveness.

With laser epilation, the hair follicle is destroyed under the influence of laser radiation, and during photoepilation - from high-pulse light flares. Melanin, located in the stem, absorbs the energy of the light beam high density, heats up and leads to the destruction of capillaries, nerve endings, song gem. A few days later, the deceased hair falls along with the root.

During the outbreak of the melanin laser absorbs light energy, and the hair rod is heated, resulting in the capillaries feeding hairs, nerve endings

As with the electroepilation, you will need to make several procedures with an interval of 20-45 days. The number of sessions is determined by a specialist because it depends on the type and capacity of the equipment, as well as on the characteristics of the body and the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed zone.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the impact of laser or light radiation on long hairs is much smaller, since the energy beam in this case is difficult to reach the hair follicle. The optimal hair length should be 2 mm.

With Pushkov I. gray hair Methods of laser and photoepilation do not cope. Bad of these methods work on dark skin with light hairs.

Video: How to work photoepilation

Hair removal with a laser or light pulse has contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • cuts, abrasions, wounds;
  • tattoos;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • multiple neoplasms;
  • diseases in acute phase;
  • allergic diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 18 years.

The undoubted advantages of these epilation methods can be attributed:

  • long effect - leather remains smooth from 6 months to several years;
  • relative painlessness: Modern lasers and light pulses can cause small tingling in the process of procedure;
  • the possibility of applying for any parts of the body;
  • depending on the type of skin and hair color, you can choose individual mode supplying a laser or light beam;
  • the procedure lasts relatively long - 20-60 minutes.

Selecting laser or photoepilation, you need to remember the shortcomings of these methods:

  • the need for several sessions;
  • high cost;
  • the presence of contraindications;
  • the probability of burns, edema and hematoma during laser epilation;
  • the inability to remove flush, light and gray hair.

What to choose what is better

Each method of epilation and depilation has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing a hair removal method, it is necessary to carefully weigh everything for and against. Also here an important role The personal capabilities of a person play the features of his character and features of the body:

  • employment;
  • financial opportunities;
  • pain threshold;
  • skin phototype;
  • hair Type;
  • imtensifier.

Depilation has its advantages over epilation. It can be used for any skin phototypes and hair structures. In addition, depilation at home is available to absolutely all social strata. However, the effect will last relatively long in comparison with epilation.

If the choice fell in favor of depilation, then experts are recommended to stay on a shugaring or wax procedure.

When choosing salon methods Professionals are advised to repel from how much the body of the body should be processed, as well as what hairs must be removed. May have to combine various methods epilation. To achieve the desired result, you will have to go through a course from several procedures, which is expensive and in time, and cash. But the effect will be observed for several years.

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