How to wash a streak-free mirror at home? I look at myself like in a mirror: how to wash the surface without leaving streaks or damaging the protective layer. Toothpaste and powder

Mirrors are essential accessories for any residential and office space. In any apartment, there is usually not one, but several mirrors at once in different rooms.

Each of them needs to be looked after: wipe regularly, clean with various modern means... And this is not a whim, but a necessity, since without proper care the mirrors will look ugly and to some extent sloppy: with numerous specks, dust particles and stains.

Thus, the reflectivity of a dirty mirror decreases several times, and this product ceases to fulfill its main functions.

Therefore, it is so important to always keep all the mirrors in the room clean. But often, when washing mirrors, there is such a problem that stains remain on them. How to avoid this and clean as carefully as possible? There are several popular methods.

Many people, in order to wash the mirror, prefer to use proven methods - household chemicals.

In any store you can find huge selection cleaning agents that will help to cope with the most difficult stains without leaving any streaks.

It is important to pay attention to Special attention on their composition. It is recommended to give preference to products that contain alcohol, but there is no ammonia. They are considered to be of the highest quality and to cope better with divorces.

But far from all the means presented on store shelves are as effective as they say in the advertisement.

In addition, specialized formulations are quite expensive, and then folk remedies come to the rescue, which our grandmothers told us about.

The main ones include the following methods.

  1. Washing mirrors with plain water, followed by wiping with newspaper. The thing is that paper perfectly absorbs liquid. This method is one of the most budgetary, simple, but at the same time effective. It is perfect for tackling light dirt. To achieve perfect cleanliness, you first need to rinse off dirt and dust with a damp cloth, and then take a crumpled newspaper and in a circular motion polish the mirror. In this case, you will have to make a considerable amount of effort.
  2. You can clean the mirror with a mixture of water and vinegar, diluted in equal proportions. In this case, you can use paper or napkins.
  3. Greasy stains or marks from cosmetics can be removed with vodka, which is used to process the mirror. Then the mirror surface is wiped dry.
  4. At heavy pollution, for example, after renovation works, you can try using a mixture that contains vinegar (10 ml), warm water (200 ml) and tooth powder (1 spoon). Apply the resulting gruel to the mirror for about 2 minutes, after pouring out the excess liquid. Clean the surface of the mirror with newspaper.
  5. To clean the mirror without streaks, it is also recommended to use alcoholic colognes, which do an excellent job with various stains, even the most severe ones.

Popular folk remedies for washing mirrors without streaks

So there is several popular ways to deal with stains when washing mirrors.

  1. Brew strong tea, add a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt there. Wipe the mirror with nylon tights. After such cleaning, not a single divorce will remain on the mirror.
  2. Mix the ammonia with a tablespoon of honey. This mixture will help you shine the mirror.
  3. Use raw potatoes, which need to be cut into 2 halves and begin to work on the surface of the mirror. Wait 5 minutes and wash off potato juice cold water... Wipe the mirror dry with a tissue.
  4. Take an onion, cut it into 2 halves and rub the mirror, wait 5 minutes. Then wipe the mirror with paper or tissue. With a bow, you can achieve the desired shine and smoothness from the mirrored surface.
  5. Use turpentine and melted wax. This option is suitable in cases where the room in which the mirror is located often changes temperature regime and humidity level.

Of course, these are not all ways to clean the mirror, but the most popular and demanded among housewives.

Apart from all the above methods, to deal with stains on mirrors, you can also use special napkins. Today they can be found on sale in any store. household chemicals.

With their help, you can properly clean not only the mirror, but also windows, laptop screens, tablets, etc.

The main advantages of these wipes are that they can be used to quickly clean even the most difficult dirt. These products are antistatic, repel dust from the freshly processed mirror surface. You can choose any napkins, both domestic and imported.

To carry out high-quality cleaning with these wipes, you will need to use water in which you will first need to moisten these products.

After washing, you do not need to polish the mirrors, since the water drops will dry safely and there will be no streaks or dirty marks on the mirror.

In addition, to clean the mirror, you can use wipes that are used to clean glasses and office equipment. They have increased softness and do an excellent job of stains of various types.

How to properly wash a mirror?

So that after washing the mirrors, unwanted stains do not remain on them, you should adhere to simple rules... Cleaning the mirrors should start by removing grease stains and dust. If you neglect this advice and apply to the mirror immediately special tool, then divorces will certainly appear.

Therefore, you will initially need to take a soft sponge, dishwashing detergent or simple shampoo. Prepare a soapy solution, add a mirror cleaner, lather the resulting composition and start washing.

After treating the surface with a soapy composition, treat the mirror with a clean cloth, remove the remaining cleaning agents. To prevent streaking, you will need to wipe the mirror with a gauze cloth.

To get rid of traces of grease on the mirror, use a razor blade that will need to gently remove the dirt. After that, the dirty area must be washed with a cleaning agent, rinsed with plenty of water and wiped with a dry cloth. There will be no trace of grease and stains.

If the dirt on the mirror is very strong, then you can try using a powder that is used for cleaning dishes. You should not apply it dry to the mirror, you will need to initially wet it with warm water, having achieved a mushy state in order to avoid scratches. To avoid washing streaks, you will need to thoroughly rinse the mirror with clean water.

Are you still struggling with stains that appear on the mirrors after the next wash? Try one of the methods suggested in this article, and you will forever forget what dirty mirrors are.

Everyone strives to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment. But many problems arise when washing, which causes difficulties for the hostesses.

In the process of cleaning on the mirror, no matter how much it is mine, stains will certainly remain.

I want so much that the surfaceshone. When you try to remove one stain, new ones are bound to appear.

How do I wash my mirror properly?

Before you start washing, it is necessary to find out where the blurred spots come from. They can come from anything. You haven't washed well enough.

Dust and dirt easily accumulate on the surface.

Often there are prints from children's fingers, decorative cosmetics, funds for hair styling.

The spots are left by gnats and pets.

If hanging in the kitchen, it gets caught by the fumes that appear while cooking. In the bathroom, when we wash, we take a shower,fogs up, splashes on it. Such traces are not immediately washed off.

Even using a detergent, the dirt will surely be smeared.

The reason for the appearance divorces can become not suitable for, or , the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Traces remain if the solution is not washed off well enough with water, and the rag with which they wipedwas not quite dry and clean.

Due to incorrectly selected washing equipmentdrips may occur. Wipe surface need a soft cloth. It is important that it absorbs moisture well.

Knowing what caused the streaks, you can easily deal with them.

Industrial cleaning products for mirrors

How to wash the mirror so that there are no streaks? Now on store shelves you can see big choice household chemicals and a variety of detergents and cleaning funds ... Any hostess probably chose for herself some means ... But are they so harmless? How will it affect the health of the household?

They can cause allergies or irritation of the mucous membranes in a completely healthy person.

Before you go to the store for a detergent means , remember if family members have similar symptoms. You should not risk the well-being of loved ones. It is from these funds on the mirror and stains remain.

Most experts think so.

If you decide to use industrial, then from the simple get "Mister Muscle" or any other. Of those that possess high degree cleaning, as well as the action of antistatic agent, is quite suitable "Spectrum-Profi".

Mister Muscle for washing mirrored surfaces.

Many people use auto glass and mirrors , but it is better not to use them inside the room, they are highly toxic.

If you run out of all products, except for the one used to clean the monitor, wash it with it.

Many experienced hostesses prefer to use an antistatic agent or regular fabric softener. As a result, the mirror surface is perfectly polished, static stress is relieved, surface acquires an unusual gloss.

And the dust is not so deposited on the mirror.

It is important to remember that theseare out of the reach of small children, care must be taken that the child does not touch the freshly washed

The agent can enter the body through the oral cavity.

Six simple methods on how to wash a streak-free mirror: folk remedies

Most people prefer industrial remedies, but it is much more harmless and cheaper if you use folk remedies when cleaning.

They do just as well, and maybe much better.

There are many ways, let's take a look at some of them:

Method name Technology
Strongly brewed tea and salt. In this method it is better to use green tea... Insist brewing for about half an hour, add 1 tsp there. salt. Take a nylon cloth, moisten it in the composition and wipe it surface , then wipe dry. After such a procedurewill shine and will not divorces.
Potato. This option is also worth trying. It will perfectly remove dirt surface and will give shine, and from divorce there will be no trace left. Cut the product into two parts and rub... Rinse everything off with cold water and wipe it dry with a fiber napkin.
Chalk with vinegar. We take 1 tbsp. l. chalk (you can take tooth powder), vinegar essence and 1 glass of water, mix thoroughly and let stand for about twenty minutes. Then we drain the water, dip the gauze into the resulting paste and wipe it... Then we rinse well and wipe dry. The result is amazing. I must say that vinegar will do a great job with limescale. Take vinegar and water, wash with this solutionand wipe with a napkin.
Onion. An excellent remedy. Effective in cleaning insect stains. Cut the raw onion into halves, grate surface and leave for 7-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water, wipe dry with nylon or newspaper.
Blue. A weak solution of this drug with water will give a unique radiance mirror ... This way is good for new.
Alcohol or substances in which it is contained - cologne, vodka. Perfectly removes hair stains and divorce amy. With a gauze dipped in alcohol, we clean the surface, then wipe it with a dry cloth or napkin.

By the way! Shaving foam and conditioner will help prevent fogging. They are applied to soft tissue and wipe dry.

Using these products, you can easily cope with cleaning, clean the mirror from stains, add shine.

How to make your mirror shine

Want a mirrored surface sparkled, clean in several stages.

Mirrors are found in every home and require special and careful maintenance.

First, remove the spots from the mirror plane soapy water... To do this, add a hair wash or dish detergent to the water. You need to wash with a soft sponge or cloth, you can use gauze. Refrain from abrasive products - they can scratch. Then carefully remove the remaining soap with a sponge and repeatedly pass it with a napkin, rinsing well.

At the end, rinse with boiled water or from under a filter.

Wipe dry to shine. For this we use both a microfiber napkin and an ordinary newspaper. Oddly enough, the newspaper will do an excellent job of this. On surface spray "Mr. Muscle" and wipe dry.

This method will give the mirror an unusual shine and shine.

Not all fabric will help to cope with divorce amy. Nylon is best suited - ordinary nylon tights... Soak them in cold water and wipe mirror surface , then it is necessary to wipe dry, wipe again with nylon, only dry.

The result is incredible.

Give shine to the mirror ammonia will help - 1 tbsp. l. in a glass of boiled water. This solution is sprayed over surface and wipe dry with a napkin. Ordinary milk will perfectly cope with this work - wipe with a soft cloth dipped in milk... Then wipe dry with paper or napkin.

With these recipes, the mirror will always shine and stay clean longer.

Caring for mirrors

How to care forserved long years and remained as good as new?

Moisture adversely affects the mirror surface, it can become stained.

So that they do not appear, there is folk remedy- it is prepared from part of melted wax and two parts of turpentine. This mass is rubbed on the back side.

It is important to regularly ventilate rooms where there is a lot of moisture.

It is necessary to place this piece of furniture so as to avoid sun exposure - it will quickly fade.It is better not to use glass products - they chemical composition negatively affects the silver layer.

Clean up dust and stains regularly.

It is better to use soft rags, and rub with vinegar every two weeks. Toshone, the first thing we do is wash off the dust and dirt.

Before undertaking a thorough cleaning, you should arm yourself necessary knowledge and means. This article will help you, which contains the main ways to clean your favorite mirror without streaks. But for a start it will be interesting to find out the reason for such "patterns" after cleaning the surface.

Sources of divorce:

  • greasy fingerprints;
  • traces of the vital activity of flies;
  • spray soapy water and toothpaste;
  • oily traces from cosmetics, perfume and hairspray;
  • washing with a dirty napkin or rag;
  • the content of impurities, rust in the water.
  • settling of dust and its untimely removal from the mirror surface.

Hardware stores are stocked with a variety of tools to help you clean your home. For more economical housewives, it will be good to use folk methods that have been tested by more than one generation. But before using your favorite remedy, you need to prepare the surface to be treated.

Mirror cleaning should take place step by step:

  1. Removing dirt. Add to clean water liquid soap, shampoo or shower gel, thoroughly moistens the rag, and run it over the mirror. In this case, the use of the hard side of the sponge and other abrasive agents that can damage the surface should be excluded;
  2. In several approaches, wash off the soap residue using a microfiber cloth and pure water... After that, the mirror is wiped for the last time with already boiled water and taken to the final stage;
  3. To make the surface shiny, wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth or crumpled newspaper. Paper towels in this case, they may leave traces of villi after themselves. You can also use mirror detergents, which are applied directly to the surface and wiped in a circular motion.

Folk remedies

They always come to our aid and come in handy in any business. If you are a wasteful housewife, it will be helpful to know the most basic care products for your favorite mirror.

  1. Ammonia. Take 250 grams boiled water and 1 tablespoon ammonia... The prepared solution is poured into a bottle with a special spray, with which the agent is applied to the mirror, then the surface is thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth.
  2. Green tea with salt. A strong tea infusion is brewed, 1 teaspoon of salt is added to it. Taken nylon fabric, moistened in the resulting solution and carefully applied, then the mirror surface is carefully wiped dry.
  3. Potato. Half raw potatoes rub the mirror, then rinse with room water and wipe the area to be treated dry. So the surface will not only shine, but become mirror-clear.
  4. Milk. A small piece of cloth is moistened in milk, then the surface is thoroughly wiped and wiped dry with a clean napkin. With this tool, your mirror will return to its former glow.
  5. Blue. A new mirror, on which the dust has not yet settled, must be wiped with a solution of blue and water, so it will remain shining for a long time.
  6. Alcohol from traces of hairspray. The mirror surface is wiped with a small layer of alcohol, vodka or ordinary cologne, then wiped dry with a napkin or rag.
  7. Bow for repelling insects. To prevent flies and other insects from landing on the mirror, the surface is wiped with an onion. After a few minutes, the remaining juice is washed off with a napkin or rag.
  8. Vinegar. To remove limescale from the mirror, mix vinegar and water equally. Next, the mirror is washed with a solution and everything is wiped dry with a napkin. Another way is using vinegar. Add 1 tablespoon of chalk or tooth powder to it and warm up. Next, insist the solution for about 20 minutes, drain the water and wipe the mirror with the resulting mass using suede fabric or regular newspaper.
  9. From fogging. Shaving foam, fabric softener diluted in 50 ml are mixed into one mass. water 1 teaspoon of gelatin. The resulting mixture is applied to a natural cotton or linen fabric, then the surface is thoroughly wiped dry.
  10. Turpentine wax will help protect against moisture. Melted wax with turpentine is mixed in a 1: 2 ratio. The resulting mixture is immediately wiped thoroughly reverse side mirrors. So it will be protected from negative impact moisture.
  1. Dishwashing gel copes well with dirt on the mirror, as it dissolves grease, does not leave streaks, and also gives a pleasant aroma.
  2. Capron will be a new solution if you do not want to use microfiber cloths.
  3. Do not place the mirror in front of direct sunlight, so the stains will not be visible and the mirror will not receive harmful effects from ultraviolet radiation.
  4. You can use a monitor cleaning cloth to wipe the mirror surface every day.
  5. If you wash your mirrors abundantly, you can use a brush with an elastic band, the principle of which is similar to car wipers.

Agree, it is pleasant to look in the mirror when there are no stains on it. So what's stopping you from getting rid of them? All you need is to look into the article, find suitable remedy and keep your reflection clean regularly.

Video: how to wash stains from the bathroom mirror without streaks

More and more mirrors and mirror surfaces appear in our homes every year. They are used in bathrooms, hallways, bedrooms and living rooms, built into wardrobes, used in the design of other interior items, wall decoration, ceilings and even floors. Each hostess strives to support in perfect condition its mirrors and prides itself on their perfect shine. In this article, we will show you how to wash a streak-free mirror at home.

Sources of mirror stains

Knowing the reasons for the appearance of stains, it is easier to find a way to remove them. The nature of stains on a mirror surface can be:

  • limescale;
  • splash marks in bathrooms;
  • fingerprints and grease;
  • traces of flies;
  • traces of cleaning products;
  • dust and dirt;
  • soapy residue.

Let's look at the options for how you can clean the mirror without streaks. Depending on your preferences in the use of household chemicals, you can choose special industrial facilities or time-tested and experienced housewives folk methods.

In order for the mirror to serve you for a long time, without losing its functionality and attractiveness, do not forget about the following rules:

  • Clean it regularly from dirt and dust.
  • Do not place the mirror in direct sunlight as it will fade over time. The light should fall on a person, not on a mirror surface.
  • Provide access fresh air in rooms with high humidity, in which mirrors are located, so that they dry faster.
  • Bathroom mirrors can be painted on the back to protect them from moisture and damage to the amalgam.

Industrial cleaning products for mirrors

To date, store shelves are replete with detergents for cleaning glass and mirrors. You can use both conventional, traditional preparations such as "Mister Muscle", and special professional tools, for example “Spectrum-Pro”, with the help of which you can quickly remove dirt and give the mirrors an antistatic effect.

Important! Some people use car mirror cleaners and monitor cleaning fluids. However, these methods are not recommended for home use due to their high toxicity.

Experts recommend giving preference to substances that do not contain ammonia, as it can react with the silver amalgam that makes up the reflective layer and lead to stains.

How to properly wash your mirror?

To wash the mirror without streaks to a perfect shine, you must adhere to a specific washing scheme.

We will conditionally divide the cleaning into three stages:

  1. We remove dirt from the surface. Add dishwashing liquid to the water or dishwashers, washing with a soft cloth or sponge.

Important! To avoid scratches, do not use abrasive detergents or harsh scouring pads. Dried droplets of fat can be gently removed with a blade.

  1. We wash off the washing solution with clean boiled water. For this we use wet wipe microfiber, rinsing thoroughly each time in water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Wipe dry, bringing to a shine. Spraying the surface with one of the above shine agents, a dry microfiber cloth or regular newspaper, previously crumpled in a circular motion, rub the mirror surface.

Important! The newspaper is considered one of the best tools for shine, as it perfectly absorbs moisture and does not disintegrate into small pieces.

We apply traditional methods

And yet, using industrial means you are not insured against the occurrence of divorces, especially if the product you have chosen is of poor quality. So how to wash a streak-free mirror at home?

You can easily cope with this task using folk methods:

  • Ammonia. Dilute 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of boiled water. Spray the surface with the resulting mixture using a spray bottle. Wipe dry with a newspaper or napkin.

Important! When using this solution, be careful not to get the product on the back of the mirror.

  • Green tea + salt. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt with strong green tea solution. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and wipe dry.
  • Potato. The mirror will shine like new if you rub it with half a raw potato, then rinse it off with cold water and rub it with a dry cloth.
  • Milk. In this way, you can restore the glow to the mirror. To do this, dip the cloth in milk, wipe the surface with it, then wipe dry.
  • Blue. To wash the mirror without streaks to a perfect shine will help the use of an aqueous solution of blue.
  • Rubbing alcohol, cologne, or vodka can help if you need to rinse hairspray off the mirror. Apply a little substance to the glass thin layer and wipe dry with a microfiber paper or cloth.
  • The vinegar will help remove limescale. It is necessary to mix equal amounts of vinegar with water, wipe the surface with a solution, wipe dry.
  • Vinegar + chalk. To add shine, mix 1 tablespoon of chalk or tooth powder with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, add 1 cup of water. Heat the mixture, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, drain the water. Wipe the mirror with the resulting gruel with a cloth, newspaper or napkin.
  • Onion. By wiping the surface of the mirror with a cut half of an onion, and then polishing it with a napkin, you can not only clean the mirror, but also scare away the hated midges, flies and other insects that regularly "sit up" from it.
  • Capron. It is enough to moisten the nylon flap with water and wipe the mirror with it so that it shines again like new. For these purposes, you can use old nylon stockings or tights.
  • Wax + turpentine. After mixing 1 part melted wax with 2 parts turpentine, work the back of your mirror until the wax hardens. In this way, you can protect it from the effects of dampness.
  • To keep your mirror from fogging up, just rub it cotton cloth dampened with fabric softener or shaving foam.

"Shines like a mirror" - this is how they say about something perfectly clean, even, reflecting light. In order to achieve cleanliness and transparency, you need to properly wash the mirror.

Contamination reasons

This piece of furniture in our house is contaminated with the smallest dust particles, cosmetics, drops, fingerprints, insects. Splashes of water are added to the bathroom.

How to properly wash a mirror

To wash it, you must first establish the cause of the pollution and choose a method.

The general algorithm is as follows:

  • First, wipe the mirror and frame with a wet cloth.
  • Then old dirt is removed using special tools.
  • Rinse off again with water and polish.

Special cleaning products for mirrors

For cleaning mirrors, there are a lot of products that are represented by aerosols, foams, napkins soaked in a cleaning compound. Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones.

  • Mister Muscle. A common popular glass cleaner, comes in the form of a multi-colored liquid in spray bottles. It contains ammonia, propane and isobutane. Breaks down dirt, polishes the surface. Has enough pungent odor ammonia. It is very popular with housewives because of the quality, and because of the replaceable inexpensive blocks that save the budget.
  • Spectrum-PROFI. Available as aerosol. Professional detergent for glass and ceramic products... Can be used with low temperatures... It copes well enough with all types of household pollution.
  • Aquapel. A device designed to protect car windshields is popularly called "anti-rain". He is loved not only by drivers, but also by the hostesses. Thanks to a carefully selected formula, it prevents the appearance of stains and streaks on the glass, facilitates the removal of insect residues. It is produced in a set in the form of a gel, which is applied to the plane with a special sponge and rubbed in until it is completely dry.
  • Help. Means Russian production... Sold in transparent plastic bottles with a spray. Consists of water, isopril alcohol, surfactants and excipients. The chemical composition is safe to use.
  • Amway. Effective remedy for perfect wash glasses and mirrors without streaks. Produced in concentrated form. Before use, it is required to dilute - three parts of water for one part of the substance. The manufacturer claims that it contains only ingredients from natural sources that have passed dermatological testing.
  • Clin. This is an Austrian household chemical product. The dispenser is especially well made: it can be applied in the form of the smallest drops or in the form of a foam. Thanks to this, it is not only effective, but also saves family money.
  • Frosch Glass Cleaner. The composition includes special ampholytic surfactants that have vegetable origin and are completely biodegradable. Despite its naturalness, the liquid perfectly dissolves fat and protein, it can be easily wiped dry.
  • Cif. A series of Hungarian household cleaning products. Safe and efficient. Produced in 500 ml plastic bottles, economical, without strong odor.
  • Ecover. Belgian glass cleaner. Has a natural light aroma... Absolutely hypoallergenic, can be safely used in bedrooms and children's rooms.
  • Synegetic. One of the effective products of this Russian brand is a detergent for cleaning windows, mirrors and imparting shine. The entire line has undergone numerous clinical trials in various research institutes, and complies with the SanPin standards. Therefore, its use is safe, effective and economical.
  • Automotive vehicles. Automotive chemicals, in addition to cleaning the mirror well, protecting it with an invisible film, simplifies further care... However, it is worth noting that the chemicals are not aggressive to frames and furniture, and do not spoil them. The room where car chemicals are used must be ventilated and fireproof.
  • Liquid for cleaning monitors. If necessary, you can use special fluids for cleaning computer monitors. The only negative is that there are few polishing agents in them, but they clean well from stains and dust. Also in the composition there are antistatic agents that reduce the attraction of dust particles.
  • Napkins. Cleansing wipes - wet, soaked special composition, or dry, will also help to clean the surface from dirty spots, polish it and provide an anti-static effect. It is convenient to store napkins next to the mirror, and if it becomes dirty, wipe it immediately without using liquid products.

Folk remedies for cleaning mirrors

Besides modern chemicals, you can use folk remedies.


Ammonia, or ammonia, is found in almost all cleaning products. At home, you can make two compositions:

  1. Take equal proportions of ammonia and tooth powder, mix well until a homogeneous gruel, apply and let dry slightly. The resulting paste is removed with a dry soft cloth.
  2. Stir a tablespoon of ammonia in a liter of water and wash the mirror. Wipe dry.


Dissolved salt removes old dirt, traces of insect activity. For this they take table salt and warm water in proportions of 1 to 10, stir well, wash the surface and wipe dry.

Wet fine table salt will work well for dried gum and sticker stains.


  1. Raw peeled potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater or chopped in a blender to a puree state, filtered through a sieve. The juice is allowed to settle. Any glass is rubbed with wet starch, then washed off several times and wiped off with a rag.
  2. With slight contamination, the peeled potato is cut into two halves and the mirror is wiped with the cut. Then wipe off with a dry napkin.


You can add shine by moistening a tampon in milk of any fat content, and wiping the entire area several times. Then polish.


Blue, diluted in water or milk, gives shine, freshness and gloss. To do this, blue powder is dissolved in water, washed and wiped off.

And if you add a few drops of ammonia to the blue solution and pour the mixture into a spray bottle, it will turn out ready-made product for cleaning any glass surfaces.


The rubbing alcohol in a solution with water will not only add shine, but also remove old stains. Particularly dirty surfaces are wiped with pure alcohol or vodka.


A mirror is wiped with a half of a fresh onion both to clean dirt and to scare away flying insects. Onion gruel removes especially old stains that require preliminary soaking.


The chalk gruel is prepared from equal proportions of free-flowing chalk and water, applied to a plane, allowed to dry a little and removed with paper napkins. Then polish with a soft cloth.

Toothpaste and powder

Tooth powder is diluted with water, and the toothpaste is taken in a standard form. Apply, rub in and remove thoroughly paper napkin... Perfectly polishes small chips and scratches.


With vinegar diluted in water, it is good to wash the mirrors at the final stage to add shine and remove streaks. Vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, and vinegar essence 1:100.


Wax is primarily a polish. It perfectly mattes minor scratches and protects the frame from moisture.


For removing particularly stubborn dirt - traces oil paint, cosmetics - use turpentine. Remove stains with a moistened swab, then wash with detergents and polish.


With the help of ordinary newspaper sheets the washed glass can be given a shine and remove streaks. This is facilitated by both the chemical composition of the printing ink and the structure newsprint... To do this, sheets of paper are crumpled into a loose lump and wipe the surface with it. The lumps are changed several times.


Do not throw out worn-out ordinary nylon tights - they can turn into good way washing glass. To do this, they are folded several times so that a shape is comfortable for the hand, and any object on which stains must be avoided is washed, like a sponge. You can use any product, and then polish. Thanks to the special weaving nylon, no streaks remain, and moisture is completely absorbed by such a homemade sponge.

Use of abrasive products

Any abrasives are prohibited to use for cleaning mirrors, as they leave micro-scratches that will give unkempt, remove shine and create streaks.

Choosing a rag

For excellent result You need to choose soft cloths for washing that do not leave behind small fibers, and even more so - threads. The rag should fit comfortably in your hand, be flexible and spotlessly clean.

How to clean a mirror without detergent

With a well-chosen rag, fluffy, porous, you can wash off the dirt without the use of additional special means. For example, in the bathroom, you can turn on boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and when the mirror fogs up, wipe it dry.

My mirrors are streak-free

In order to avoid streaks, firstly, the cloth must be correctly selected. Secondly, the mirror plane should be wiped in one direction - from right to left, or from top to bottom. Especially this point must be taken into account during the final polishing.

How to achieve shine

Gloss is, first of all, the absence of visible spots, scratches. If there is no damage on the plane, and the stains are washed off, polishing solutions and special foams - polishes will help to give shine.

Frequency of washing

It is worth washing the mirror as it gets dirty.

Dried drops and marks do not contribute to gloss. The easiest way is to keep dry napkins next to it on the shelf, so that in case of contamination, immediately wipe and polish, and not leave it for later.

Features of the removal of various contaminants

Dust is the easiest to remove from the mirror surface. But there are stains that cannot be removed without great effort.

  • Limescale. Limescale take away acidic environment, for example, with the same vinegar. In addition, a very large spot can be removed from limescale with sanitary ware gel.
  • Traces from stickers. The marks from the stickers are soaking hot water and scraped off with a scraper. It is also good to remove such stains with nail polish remover.
  • Marker. " Artistic creation»With a marker on the glass, remove with a swab moistened with alcohol or vodka. Then rubbed.
  • Insect tracks. Insect traces can be removed with a mild solution. baking soda... Old stains are soaked by repeatedly wiping with a cloth soaked in a solution, and then gloss is applied.
  • Makeup stains. Makeup stains either cosmetic preparations- this is, as a rule, fat (lipstick, mascara, cream). To dissolve fatty base, use water solution any dishwashing detergent.
  • Greasy stains. In general, any greasy stains, can be removed with cleaning solution... If they are old, dry, then first they should be soaked, and then removed with a hard (but not metal) sponge or scraper. You can also wipe off the grease with paper and then wash in the usual way.

How to avoid fogging your bathroom mirror

The following solutions will help prevent fogging of the bathroom mirror:

  • very strong sodium chloride solution;
  • thick gruel from laundry soap;
  • an aqueous solution of gelatin.

The solution is rubbed until completely dry with a soft cloth. The effect is not long lasting, this procedure must be repeated periodically.

Do I need to wash a new mirror

V special care also needs a completely new mirror. First it is washed with warm water from all sides and then rubbed on the reflective part in a suitable way to add shine. If there is a frame, it should also be wiped from dust and polished.

The place for the mirror must be chosen such that straight lines do not fall on it. Sun rays- they can spoil the amalgam. It should not be hung in front of front door- it is believed that it will reflect not only not all the bad, "entering" the house, but also the good. Amalgam is not resistant to moisture, so the bathroom must be well ventilated.