Hair lamination, salon and home: all the pros and cons. Hair lamination: pros and cons. Hair lamination with oils

Unfortunately, not everything is so rosy, and for every plus there is a minus.

The main disadvantage of lamination of hair at home is that the result is not as durable as with salon care... And if you have long hair, then it will be quite difficult to make lamination at home alone: ​​the composition must be evenly distributed over all the strands. In addition, many girls do not like the fact that their hair is getting heavier: lamination makes combing easier, but makes curling and styling more difficult. Judging by the reviews, it seems to some that the hair becomes dirty faster - perhaps this is a visual effect from the protective film. And it is better to carry out lamination of hair in courses, and very few people can perfectly maintain the composition of a self-mixed gelatin mask from time to time. As a result, the effect may differ from procedure to procedure. If you are planning to do exactly the course, it is better to choose ready-made formulations... In addition, the components home mask can be poorly combined with each other, and instead of perfectly smooth and thick hair you risk either not seeing the effect at all, or worsening the condition of the strands. V professional means all ingredients are balanced, and there will definitely be no harm from such a composition.

Highly important choice.... hot or cold hair lamination, as well as harm or benefit from this salon procedure?

Hmm, only at the word " lamination"there are associations with important documents wrapped in thick transparent film?

Well, there really is something about that ... a film is created on the hair too. But it is thinner, softer and more elastic than on a certificate or diploma)))

Hair lamination has become a necessary measure ... I am a big fan of experimenting with hair ( how, why not experiment, if there is nothing to lose? There is no particular thickness of hair, I do not strive to grow it to the waist).

So I either do anti-ombre, then in purple hair I will dye it with a "fashionable" popular nowadays dye, then strawberry ombre is known to my hair)))

But most often it does not harm the hair ... but some "restorative" procedures, for example, they are killed on the contrary (((there will be a separate review for ak how I brought my hair to such a state that it is below in the photo ...

And also the clarification was soon to be ... I thought - I'll finish it (((I had to do some kind of salon procedure.

Lamination is the most popular thing on which the masters have already eaten more than one dog .... and all sorts of boteks-shmotexes have not yet been fully studied. In general, lamination will be))))


Lamination - only film , and very important, what we are in it seal.

Yes, the manufacturer says that it is included in the lamination "... both keratins and proteins, buy our composition, it is the most useful". But for me the film is more cosmetic, giving a visual effect, and proteins, keratin, etc. are better to be imprinted into the hair. BEFORE lamination by making useful mask or by saturating your hair with oils.

Likewise, it is better to dye BEFORE lamination, as the dye may not take on the already "sealed" hair.


1. Hair cleaning. The shampoo should be deeply cleansing, so it is not necessary to use the shampoo from the sets, but it can be replaced with any other, only intensive cleaning.

2. Laminating gel - this is what it essentially is " lamination". Ideally, if the film, which creates the gel, will be" breathable ".

The composition was applied in a row and each strand of hair was combed.

The gel is applied only to the length hair ( excluding roots) and is left on long time under a plastic cap so that it does not dry out on your hair. They kept me for 40 minutes. For convenience, it is better to collect the hair in a bun on the crown of the head, but you can only clamp it with a plastic clip .. Metal - not at all.

Disposable towel ( according to the "protocol") I was not wrapped around my head - the composition does not flow from well-squeezed hair. And such a cool climazon, as in Estelle's video, was not used for me)))) Everything was washed off the hair without shampoo.

3. Fixer - without it, the film will be washed off very quickly. It's just a spray that needs to be crushed all the time))) It is believed that there are useful substances in the fixative ... but let's not delude ourselves, understanding true purpose of such composition)))

4 Shine serum, which was applied at the end on wet hair and gives purely cosmetic effect... Having bought a set, I use such a serum separately, outside of the hair lamination procedure.


If you use a hairdryer, iron, curling iron, etc., lamination is yours.

Hair will be much easier to style exactly under the influence of thermal devices.

My hair does not hold the curls well. But with lamination, curls become more elastic, and do not straighten out so quickly. But this trick is more suitable for curling irons and ironing, but in the famous Magic leverage, the hair needs to be warmed up with hot air from a hair dryer in order to achieve at least some effect.

The film on the hair becomes elastic and pliable under the influence of heat.

This film at the same time acts as a certain "thermal protection" for the hair ... but I do not neglect a light thermal protection spray


**"ne little baba bothers ...."

Well, and hair AFTER:

The result pleased me - the dryness "went away" ( remember about preliminary masks), the hair straightened out, the density of the hair appeared, they began to lie in one sheet.

There is a shine due to the film, the hair is soft. Hair after lamination is less electrified from hats and scarves.

At the same time, the volume did not go away - the composition was not applied to the roots.

If you look at my natural hair (this type of staining), which make their way in some photos from under the lightened part, then there is generally an unreal shine

On the clarified ones, of course, it is more modest ... ((


Here everything will depend on the type of your hair, the condition before the lamination procedure, what salon procedure on account and subsequent care.

It is clear that healthy strong hair who then wash sulfate-free shampoos, will look great for almost a month after lamination

My hair was bleached, but the lamination also held up well, since the hair was not killed, it just dried a little due to my own experiments ... yes, the lamination kept would and longer. If I washed more soft shampoos. But with my bold type hair at the roots of soft shampoos on an ongoing basis for me is an unaffordable luxury))) Therefore, the laminating composition is washed out faster.

For example, Estelle even has a special shampoo, which must be used AFTER lamination, so that the effect lasts longer.

In general, everything is individual here.

Yes, and I do not complain that the composition is washed out - after the composition was washed off, the hair was much better than BEFORE lamination.

And it's not hard for me to repeat the procedure ... already at home

For example, here is hair after several washings. Also "tinted" with a drying pigment from yellowness ... to which I return from time to time

The photos were taken on the street, and the weather has not been happy with sunny days for a long time ... so it was at the time of the photo ((

And even with this kind of lighting, after a while, the result is still noticeable. Although the original brilliance is no longer visible:


The cost of lamination depends on the selected composition, the "rank" of the master and the coolness of the salon.

In our city it is somewhere from 350-400 UAH. (800 rubles) and above.

One could write " I will open to you little secret how to save on lamination". But this is far from a secret.

The procedure is simple enough even to be carried out at home, no matter what the manufacturers say. Video instructions are available on YouTube.

But my advice is that the first time is better for lamination to you made by the master salon. Good master! You will be able to see all the subtleties of the procedure, how much and in what sequence it is worth taking, how long and at what temperature it should be heated. In general, to see everything with your eyes and feel it on your own skin. Better even twice ... with different masters.

In general, I did just that))))

And immediately bought same composition to yourself. Because the procedures for of different composition may differ. And this is one of the most affordable formulations on the market.

Another reason for buying a home laminating kit ( besides the obvious benefit), there was also the moment that the 4th phase of lamination ( spray gloss I liked) cannot be purchased SEPARATELY from the set. the other 3 phases are sold separately, but a little more expensive, so a tube of laminating gel, the consumption of which is the largest, can be bought in addition.

After the New Year, I will try something more expensive from laminating compounds, I look at the "Japanese" and "Americans"

What is the benefit?

A set for lamination will cost from 800 UAH. (1800 rubles) without discount. And the set is enough for 4-5 times for sure.

Lamination procedure at the master ( for my hair length) - from 400 UAH.

In general, the savings are at least 2 times.

But I repeat once again - the first time lamination should be done at masters(!)

This is far from new procedure so what exactly good professional masters can be found - there are those who have been making hair lamination to clients for more than one year, and have a good hand. This is not for you to burn with fire .... where there are only a few masters, and those who were trained directly by the "creator" of the procedure - even fewer, and only in a few cities do pyrophoresis at all. But this curiosity appeared even in my seedy city ...

Separately on detailed analysis I will not dwell on the compositions and procedure, I described it only briefly. As I plan separate review of the laminating composition ( I'll leave a link here), but from the position home use and the advice of the master.

The sets from the masters and the one that came to me from the imaga - 1 in 1.


Despite the fact that in my case the hair was warmed up to 50 ° C (lamination with Estelle), this is considered COLD lamination. More precisely, WARM, kind of like) Because the hair does not heat up to critical temperatures, and heating is smoother and more gradual.

Hot lamination is done for more high temperatures or even an iron. It is better to do hot things ONLY in the salon, you never know ... Moreover, it has much more restrictions - killed hair can not be restored, but finished off.



The hair becomes heavier, which means that the load on the hair roots doubles.

At short hair this effect is less noticeable than with long ones, that is, with hair as long as mine , you can safely do hair lamination. If the hair is very long, then the roots may not withstand such severity. The only thing - sharp an increase in load does not benefit either short or long hair, this is a fact ... and the weight increases sharply ( an hour ago, the hair weighed 300 grams, but now they suddenly began to ... 350 g. The weight will not increase immediately to a kilogram, since the prescribed amount of gel is much less for 1 procedure. And the compositions are partially washed off. So don't panic)

The chosen lamination almost did not weigh down the hair! but the density has increased.

Trichologists are generally against any "film" aesthetic procedures ... but here I am ready to argue with them a little.

Ordinary non-washes are also a film, however, more often silicone. So, without such things, I would not have been able to grow my blond at all ... I already tried ... ((

And so - the hair and bleached, and the length is constantly increasing, but I and the scissors are merciless)))). Films - to be!

I was afraid that the disadvantage of lamination ( personally for me) will become oily hair, which will appear with more power... But not if retreat from the roots by 5 cm ( and better by 10cm.), then excess fat for external use

  • We comb it without injuring the hair
  • AMPOULES for instant hair restoration
  • COLORED "lamination" in Belarusian
  • With modern abundance cosmetics keeping your hair beautiful and healthy is a snap. You just need to properly and regularly look after them. But no matter how good the means, hair still needs something special to look like on the covers of glossy magazines. Famous show business stars and models are always amazing, and one can only envy them shiny hair... But shining tonight beautiful curls almost any woman can have split ends. To do this, you need to come to a beauty salon for a fairly common lamination procedure.

    Hair lamination - what is it?

    It seems that the concept of "hair lamination" sounds a bit strange. But in fact, there is nothing unusual in this procedure, and it is similar to the lamination we know. plain paper... This is done so that it retains its integrity for a longer time. Hair lamination has the same goal. Reviews of women who have applied this procedure show that after application special composition on the hair, they immediately increase in volume and acquire a directly dazzling shine and shine. And all this thanks to the "breathable" microfilm, which resists all kinds of damage to the curls. In addition, the procedure does not straighten the hair, so the owners of curly or wavy hair do not need to worry. You can also carry out color lamination using special means forming colored films.

    Lamination - health-improving effect

    To understand the usefulness of this procedure, you need to remember the structure of the hair. In fact, this is the trunk, which is covered with special scales. Under influence various factors they peel off and hair sheds natural shine and splendor. What are the benefits of hair lamination? Reviews of women after the procedure confirm that damaged areas are being restored and the surface of the curls is re-created. Keratin lamination gives an excellent healing effect for hair, that is, a composition is used that is additionally saturated with keratin - a special combination of amino acids that cause a very strong protein compound.

    Home lamination

    Of course, it is best to carry out this procedure in beauty salon with the help of professionals. But hair lamination at home is also possible. This is not difficult. Having read carefully the method of using all the products on the packaging, you can self-laminate your hair. Women's feedback on how to carry out the recovery procedure confirms that it does not require special training. To do this, you first need to purchase all special tools, including:

    • cleansing and regenerating shampoo;
    • tint paint;
    • special formulations for cold and hot lamination stages;
    • regenerating hair mask.

    Biolamination of hair

    At home, you can also carry out a biolamination procedure, which consists in the fact that the hair is covered with a special, cellulose composition. The film formed on them has a pronounced protective property and even more reliably protects the hair from damage. In addition, such a film has a water-repellent effect, which means that in bad weather the hairstyle will be perfectly preserved.

    Lamination - harm and benefit

    Quite often, doubts arise: is hair lamination useful? Reviews of women using it are quite contradictory. However, scientists have found that bio and simple lamination does not do any harm at all. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on damaged and dry hair. Of course, these procedures are not a panacea. Especially problem hair need to be treated right away special solutions, carry out additional ionization of the weakened strands. And only after wellness treatments carry out lamination. It will be useless even for the strong healthy hair... The procedure will only help to maintain the color of dyed hair for a longer time. In the case of covering them with a colored film, it will give them trendy shade, but will not be noticeable at all on elastic and healthy hair.

    What woman doesn't want to look young and attractive? In many ways, the beauty of girls depends on the degree of their care for their appearance. Hair needs care and attention no less than other parts of the body. In addition, many unfavorable factors of our time force the fairer sex to increasingly resort to the services of professional hairdressers. Such a procedure for hair as lamination is gaining immense popularity.

    The main purpose of hair lamination is to give it a delicious shine and extraordinary smoothness. This procedure is mainly used by owners of hair damaged by various negative impacts... To similar negative factors include frequent hair drying with a hairdryer, dyeing them with dyes, straightening with irons, as well as the use of other means of thermal action on the hair.

    During lamination, a special gel resembling glue is applied to the hair. The hair is covered with a protective film, as if wrapped, sealed, and then for a long time they are able to keep the received healthy look and bright shine.

    The effect of lamination lasts for about a month. Gradually, with each subsequent shampooing, the protective layers of the invisible film are destroyed, and the hairstyle becomes more and more like the old one.

    Hair lamination procedure solves several problems at the same time:

    1. All roughness and unevenness of the injured hair is sealed, which allows to achieve shine and well-groomed look hair;
    2. Hair volume after lamination increases by 10-15%, each hair becomes thicker;
    3. Hair becomes elastic, pliable, easy to style. Now you can forget about split ends;
    4. Laminated hair stops electrifying and is easy to comb.

    The lamination glaze is a gel, it is colorless and odorless. It includes wheat protein, soy protein, extracts of useful plants, a set of amino acids and some other substances. The composition does not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

    How does hair lamination work?

    The whole process takes about an hour. First, the hair is thoroughly washed with a cleansing shampoo. Then an adhesive is applied to the strands of hair with a brush. The hair roots and scalp are not treated with the composition. After that, the hair is smoothed with a heat-iron. Thus, they seem to be sealed in this glaze, laid out in even rows, and a kind of invisible film appears on them.

    See the video below for the pros of hair lamination.

    It should be noted that for excessively damaged hair one lamination procedure may not be enough.

    TO undoubted advantages lamination procedures include:

    • spectacular luxurious shine hair;
    • smoothness and elasticity of hair;
    • an increase in the volume of the hairstyle by an average of 15%;
    • water-repellent properties of laminated hair;
    • the ability to straighten naughty, naturally curly hair;
    • protection from external adverse factors: rain, hot sun, wind, frost;
    • lamination goes well with coloring, retains the brightness of the color for a long time.

    Nevertheless, this procedure also has disadvantages, for example:

    • the procedure is not therapeutic, it affects only the hair cuticle, sticking together the protruding hair scales;
    • the cost of the procedure is relatively high;
    • the composition of the gel may contain harmful substances that can cause allergic reaction;
    • the effect of lamination may seem dubious (weak) to owners of already healthy and shiny hair, as well as those with severely damaged hair. In this case, lamination is shown in several stages;
    • remember to paint laminated hair will not be possible until the protective film is completely washed off.

    After the procedure, the hair needs special care... For this, shampoos with a low alkali content are used, since sulfates actively wash out the protective film from the hair.

    Gelatin lamination of hair: for or against

    It is also possible to achieve smooth hair at home. For this purpose, apply various masks, one of them is a gelatin-based mask. To prepare it, you need to take:

    • a bag of gelatin (30 grams);
    • 3 tablespoons warm water(but not hot);
    • some hair balm.

    Cooking procedure. The gelatin is poured over with warm water and left for 20 minutes. When the gelatin swells, it is put on water bath for complete dissolution and obtaining a homogeneous mass. After that, a balm is added to the mask. The mass is ready.

    Application. By this time, the hair should be washed, excess moisture is removed with a towel. Is applied mask lungs massaging movements along the entire length, excluding the root part and skin. After application, a cellophane cap and a towel are put on the head. Using a hair dryer, heat your head through a towel for 5 minutes. Then the mask is left for half an hour. When time will pass, the mask is washed off with warm water, the hair is styled with a hairdryer.

    I would like to point out that one should not expect from a gelatin mask. great effect, because no mask can compare with the procedure professional lamination in the salon. Gelatin mask smoothes hair, gives it softness, light shine, but the effect of the procedure will not last long.

    So, lamination really brings dry brittle hair wrapping them with a protective film. Hair becomes pleasant to the touch, beautiful and attractive in appearance. The lamination procedure is relatively safe, however, it is not recommended for hair loss, as well as for hair loss. strong fragility... In any case, before going to a beauty salon, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of hair lamination. At the slightest doubt, it is better to go for a consultation with an experienced trichologist.

    Share your opinion on hair lamination in

    08:00 17.04.2015

    Hair lamination procedure is rather complicated. The master should apply the laminating product to your hair so that not a single hair is missing. After that, the hair is warmed for the deepest penetration of the product into the hair. After a while, the product is washed off with water. After such a procedure, the hair is covered with a special film that allows it to breathe and protects it from various harmful influences.

    Pros of lamination

    1. The film formed on the hair has protective properties, therefore, at any time of the year you can not be afraid for the condition of your hair: it will be protected from the sun and wind. If you use a hairdryer, straightener, foams and varnishes, your hair also needs protection. In this case, lamination will be an excellent solution.

    2. After lamination, the hair lends itself better to styling. The heat effect will make the film on the hair soft and the hair will quickly take the desired shape.

    3. If you dye your hair, after the lamination procedure, the color will remain saturated and will last much longer.

    4. The laminating agent will not harm your hair. There is no harmful substances and additives.

    5. As a result of lamination, the hair becomes shiny, beautiful and voluminous. A daily care behind them is effortless and saves you time.

    Cons of lamination

    1. Probably the most big disadvantage lamination is that this procedure is not cheap, like all procedures in beauty salons. The cost depends on how long your hair is and by what means the master will carry out the procedure. However, hair lamination can be done at home by yourself, while saving money.

    2. Lamination does not stay on the hair for a very long time, about a month. Therefore, to maintain hair in good condition, you will have to spend more than once.

    3. If you have fine, brittle hair, after lamination it may start to fall out more. The film, enveloping the hair, makes it heavier, so the hair becomes weaker. To avoid this, you need to be sure to ask the master if the procedure will harm your hair. In this case, it is usually advised either to heal the hair first, or to do bio-lamination using the lightest product.

    If you nevertheless decide to do hair lamination, then you need to adhere to some of our tips:

    Take your choice of a beauty salon seriously, do not think that such a complex procedure can be carried out in a home environment using proper technology.

    In some beauty salons, hair is biolaminated using a unique Japanese technology"Ionic enveloping" of hair. This revolutionary technique allows even thin and brittle hair to be laminated without weighing it down.

    Choosing a master is a very responsible and difficult task. You need to find a professional in your field so that the result does not disappoint you. It is best to find out from friends, since lamination is a fairly common procedure, maybe someone has already done it, and will advise you of a good master.

    For more noticeable result, it will not be superfluous to first carry out a hair recovery procedure or make a firming mask. If there are split ends, then they must be cut off.

    If you did perm, then after lamination, the hair will become straight again.

    To keep the lamination on your hair as long as possible, use shampoos for colored hair.

    You will have to limit the use of curling irons and hair straighteners, and it is better not to use them at all, otherwise the protective film on your hair will quickly disappear.

    After the first lamination, the product may not last long. But if you repeat the procedure every month, it will penetrate deep into the hair, and the effect will last for a long time.

    As you can see, lamination of hair has both disadvantages and advantages. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is harmful or good for your hair, because everyone's hair is different and to this issue need to be approached taking into account individual characteristics... Whether this procedure suits you or not, you can find out only by making lamination and evaluating the result.