Laws of abundance, wealth, prosperity, success. Practicing abundance and prosperity. The Abundant Universe Meditation

We connect to the Power of Money Abundance and get an increase in our wealth.

On which banknotes is the symbol placed? On Japanese 1000 yen banknotes. Refer to this symbol to embark on the path of abundance.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Stand with your back in the corner of the room.

For 1 minute, carefully look at the image of the symbol.

Close your eyes. Sit down with your back against the wall, put your hands on your knees, palms up.

Take 7 deep breaths in and out. On the 8th breath, feel thumb left hand enters a thin beam of green light. Exhale. On the 9th breath, feel the green ray entering into forefinger left hand. On each next breath, charge all the fingers with the energy of abundance.

Prosperity and Prosperity - the energy of life!

During the day.

Look at the image of the Cherry Blossom for 10-15 seconds, then for 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol.

My wealth attracts money.

I receive money easily and quickly, as soon as I wish.

Money helps me develop spiritually.

For 3 days in the evening, place a transparent bowl of water on the piece of paper with the image of the symbol. Wash your face with this water in the morning.

Triumphal Arch

We turn to the Power of Money Abundance and get an unexpected increase in finances.

On the front side 5 euro banknotes.

Activate this symbol and you will receive unexpected profit or a gift.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Stand in the middle of the room and carefully look at the image of the symbol for 4 minutes.

Close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale. Hold your breath for 20 seconds. Take 5 more breaths and exhalations. On the opposite wall with a beam of green light, mentally draw a shining arch. Breathe slowly and deeply, drawing the arch closer with each breath.

When you find yourself in it, say aloud twice the key phrase that opens the monetary energy of this symbol:

I'm on my way to Success and Abundance!

During the day.

Look at the image of the Arc de Triomphe for 10-15 seconds, then for 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol.

Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating the words of the mood:

I receive a rich gift from the Universe to meet any of my needs.

My wealth is my independence.

I gratefully accept gifts from the universe and know how to use them.

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

Rite to enhance the action of the symbol.

Place a piece of paper with the image of the symbol on a sheet of green paper. Place your purse or wallet on it. Wrap it all in a green leaf and seal it with wax from three green candles. In the morning, take out your wallet, and burn the green leaf on the flame of these candles and scatter the ashes in the wind.

ears of corn

Tune in to the wave financial prosperity and we get a constant increase in income.

On which banknotes is the symbol placed.

On the front side of the small coins of the Republic of Transnistria.

Activate this symbol and your income will increase continuously.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Sit in a hard-backed chair with your shoulders back.

Stare at the image of the symbol for 2.5 minutes. Close your eyes, hang your arms freely along the body.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly, counting to 12. Repeat 5 times. Feel how a cloud of green light fills the room and envelops you, penetrating your body, filling you with the energy of Monetary Abundance.

Say aloud the key phrase that opens the monetary energy of this symbol:

Growth and Development are continuous!

During the day.

Look at the image of Kolosiev for 10-15 seconds, after 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol.

Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating the words of the mood:

I increase my wealth with joy and gratitude.

Every day I have as much money as I need.

I competently manage my income and increase it day by day.

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

Rite to enhance the action of the symbol.

Bring home the ear and dry it. In a box with a tight-fitting lid, put the image of the symbol on the bottom, the ear on top and close. Put the box in a dark place for 3 days. Take out the ear and carry it in your wallet.


We connect to the Energy of Money Abundance and Prosperity and get a constant flow of money.

On which banknotes is the symbol placed.

Schematic representation of the lily on Jewish shekels.

Work with this symbol to secure a stable income for yourself.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Lie on your back on a soft bed.

Stare at the image of the symbol for 3 minutes.

Close your eyes, put your hands on your chest, left palm on top of your right. Take 10 deep breaths in and out. Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Take 10 more breaths in and out. On your last breath, feel the Energy of Prosperity and Abundance gather into a glowing green ball under your palms. Gently push the ball into your body.

Say three times to yourself the key phrase that opens the monetary energy of this symbol:

Movement of life towards Prosperity! My life belongs to Prosperity!

During the day.

Look at the image of Lily for 10-15 seconds, then for 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol.

Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating the words of the mood:

Money keeps coming to me.

I deserve a luxurious life, and I get it.

I know the value of my work and I get decent pay for it.

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

In the evening, when it gets dark, take a ring or chain and put the jewelry on the image of the symbol.

Sprinkle it on top thin layer salt. Turn off the light and light 5 yellow candles around the symbol. Let the candles burn for 5 minutes, blow them out and cover the symbol with your left palm in the dark for 3 minutes.

Leave the decoration and salt overnight. In the morning, dissolve the salt in water and pour it out, and wear the jewelry for a week, removing it only at night.


We tune in to the wave of Money Abundance and after a while we get a powerful financial injection into the business.

On which banknotes is the symbol placed.

Work with this symbol if you want to receive a large financial investment from the outside.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed.

Look at the image of the symbol for 1 minute.

Close your eyes, relax your arms, put your palms on your knees. Breathe evenly and deeply for 4 minutes. Imagine gentle jets of emerald green light falling down on you from above. Gradually, light fills the rooms, lifting you off the floor, swaying as if on waves.

Say out loud five times the key phrase that opens the monetary energy of this symbol:

Streams of Abundance flow freely through me!

During the day.

Look at the image of Water for 10-15 seconds, then 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol. Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating the words of the mood:

Money flows to me in an inexhaustible stream.

I am a master of my craft, and my work is well paid.

Wealth gives me happiness, success and health.

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

In the morning, pour water into a large clay bowl and place it on top of the symbol. Pour 3 pinches into the water sea ​​salt and stir. Leave the water on all day. In the evening, after a shower or Caldewey bath, pour over this water.


We connect to the Power of Material Prosperity and get rapid increase invested funds.

On which banknotes is the symbol placed.

On a banknote of 500 Russian rubles.

Work with this symbol and your investments will start to make a profit very quickly.

How to activate the symbol.

General mood for the symbol.

Sit in easy chair and relax. Stare at the image of the symbol for 4 minutes.

Close your eyes, put your hands on your knees, palms down. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale. Inhale deeply again and exhale slowly to the count of 15. Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Imagine a cloud shining green light approaching you. Take a deep breath as you draw in the green light.

Say aloud the key phrase that opens the monetary energy of this symbol:

Wealth floats to me.

During the day.

Look at the image of the Ship for 10-15 seconds, then for 20 seconds. close your eyes, mentally imagining this symbol.

Open your eyes and look at him for another 10 seconds, repeating the words of the mood:

I am successful and rich, and my income is increasing every minute.

FROM different parties I receive money and gifts and accept them with gratitude.

I always have the opportunity to increase my income.

Carry a picture of the symbol with you.

Sprinkle nine pinches of salt on the piece of paper with the image of the symbol and leave it on the windowsill overnight. In the morning, dissolve this salt in a glass of water and sprinkle or wipe everything around your workplace with this water.

Today we will talk about how to use Feng Shui to attract wealth into your life and raise your level of well-being.

Terms modern life require a stable financial position. Each of us experienced moments when it was urgently necessary to raise a large amount of money. Unexpected health problems, urgent loan repayment, business problems - all this can lead to big losses if your pocket is empty. And you don’t feel confident without a stable income.

Human nature is so arranged that we protect ourselves with various amulets, talismans, and perform rituals. Appeal to the Higher Forces is inherent in us genetically. And everyone knows that: you can’t take out the garbage in the evening, because you will take out all the savings; lending money and repaying a debt after sunset - to a certain loss of income; cleaning the house before going to bed will sweep all the wealth out of the house.

But how did our ancestors (and some contemporaries) attract cash flows? In order not to know the need, one should pour a handful of coins in the corners of the house, and on the full moon leave an open wallet on the window.

It's hard to feel self-reliant and independent when thoughts are filled only with how to get through the next month. Need to pay utilities, dress your child for school, provide your family with healthy and high-quality food. How to cope with all the difficulties and not experience discomfort? For this in Ancient East developed feng shui for wealth.

In countries where the first rays of the sun appear, they have long been guided by all the rules and recommendations of the sages. They do not build houses according to their own developments and desires. First, customers and builders seek advice from mentors and teachers. They must approve or refute the first drafts, eliminate possible sources bad energy and set the whole future house on the right wave.

Ways to activate the Wealth sector in Feng Shui

In order to attract wealth according to Feng Shui, you need to do just a few simple actions. It is enough to activate the Wealth zone and further support energy flow. According to bagua grid This lot is located on the southeast side of the house.

There are several steps through which finance will begin to appear in your life. And, most importantly, they will not only appear, but also linger in it.

Thanks to simple advice you can significantly improve the monetary atmosphere in the house:

  • You can use paintings to decorate the southeast of your home. It is better to choose those options that depict movement, flowering, development. For example, spring garden or turning the blades of a water mill.
  • Place houseplants in pots on shelves or on the floor. Most suitable option- this is Money Tree. Ficuses and palm trees will help increase the effect.
  • The choice where the Wealth sector is located should fall on green or blue tones. The same applies to furniture colors.

feng shui wealth symbols

  • three-toed frog

The most famous household budget keeper is the three-toed toad. This talisman is common not only in Eastern countries, it is used all over the world.

Its appearance is peculiar: it is a large toad that sits on a stand. hallmark amulet - a coin peeking out of the animal's mouth.

There are models in which you need to insert your own coin. In this case, choose the most expensive one in the house so that the three-toed toad will be satisfied and will thank you in the form of a decent amount of money.

Where is the best place to place the keeper of finance? Of course, the Wealth Zone is the surest option. But he's not the only one. The Chinese prefer to decorate their home with three-toed toad figurines in several places. It will be very symbolic, and, most importantly, effective if you put it on a table in the hallway. The amphibian's head should look inside your home. So all the money will fall into the house, and not vice versa.

If you have an aquarium, then you can lower the toad there. Wealth Feng Shui says that in combination with water element her strength will increase. Also, if there is a pool near the house, plant decorative frogs in it. They will not cause any harm, but only strengthen the monetary energy.

  • Hotei

This is an Eastern god. He became famous for his good mood Wherever he appeared, everywhere he brought success.

Passing by a poor village, Hotei filled the houses with food and wealth with his mere presence. His smile made people enjoy life and enjoy its gifts.

And now the deity helps to overcome poverty. Only now he is fighting her in the form of an amulet, namely a figurine. Hotei is depicted as a smiling plump man who holds a knapsack with jewelry or pearls in his hands. Answer the god of wealth with a smile, and he will accompany you everywhere.

  • Goldfish

The very name of these fish carries wealth. And for a reason they were called that.

It has long been so small, but very useful creatures famous for their luck. They brought money, furs, expensive food into the house. And now the presence of golden beings is essential attribute good and quality life.

But remember that they just need proper care. Just buying an aquarium with a pair of goldfish in the store and putting it in the far corner of the house will not work. So you will only scare away the monetary energy from your home. Provide these lucky creatures with cleanliness and care, place them in the southeast, make sure that they have enough heat and light.

In addition to financial well-being, an aquarium will bring harmony to your home, and friends and acquaintances will appreciate the change in style for the better.

  • indoor fountains

feng shui for wealth inseparable bond with water. The constant flow of this element gives renewal to everything, including our wallet. She fills him to the brim.

Therefore, make sure that the sector that is responsible for financial well-being, was decorated with a cute fountain. Rising water will pull your income along with it.

Indoor fountains also have a psychological effect: they give peace of mind. Natural murmuring sounds have a good effect on children's sleep help restore strength.

  • chalice of abundance

To attract wealth and abundance according to Feng Shui is possible with the help of a golden bowl. This is a kind of vase that is filled with coins and paper bills.

The cup should not be half empty, so fill it to the brim with jewelry, jewelry or pearls.

You need to store it in a secluded place, but only where you will see it every day. For example, put a bowl in the bedroom. So only your closest relatives will see it. You can decorate the talisman with a red ribbon, because it is the color of prosperity.

Falling into the cup of abundance money energy cannot get out so easily, because its shape has a certain peculiarity - the neck is narrowed upwards.

Look at the vase of gold every day and admire your wealth. This will greatly speed up the process of your enrichment.

  • Sailboat with gold

Another attribute of a good monetary profit is a ship. On his sails, he will bring you huge sums of money.


If people do not believe in the possibilities of the Universe, then it will not reveal to them the secrets of abundance and wealth. But it is there, in the energy of space, that the sources of prosperity and enrichment are hidden. And they are available to everyone!

The very word "wealth" - especially in its content, has the same root as the word God. Only the one who knows the Divine truths and the natural laws of the Universe and the universe is rich. You can look for a thousand reasons and renounce predetermined events in life, but cosmic energy is always at the forefront. Unfortunately, no one taught us to work with subtle energies that permeate literally everything. But it is in the power of each person to lift the veil of secrecy and forever change his prejudice to money.

The secret of abundance or the energy of money

When it comes to energy, we mean higher power owing to which certain changes occur on the Earth. Naturally, money is one of the variations higher energy, which has found its embodiment in banknotes, coins and other valuables.

Energy information flows inherently are not something negative or positive. Energy is always neutral, negative or positive color is given to it by our thoughts and feelings. In other words, it is we who launch the mechanism of energy activation into life as soon as we begin direct interaction with it.

3. Energy is obedient, and the Universe is abundant. Do not hesitate to dream of material success, of your soon enrichment. This is how you will attract the energy of prosperity and well-being into your life. The universe is abundant and the aspirations of each person tend to come true. Another question is whether you know how to make wishes correctly? It is a clear idea of ​​​​what you want to achieve and acquire is the key to a successful and happy life. Think about money without shame or a twinge of conscience, forcing out bad omens and negative programs imposed on us by social stereotypes. Stay away from those who think that being rich is a vice.

4. You need to become a magnet for money. The more you focus on the energy of abundance, the stronger your message to the Universe. In other words, you can not stop and stop there. In order to attract money, you need to draw their attention to yourself. What prayers, rituals, money affirmations and spiritual practices are great for. It is necessary to learn to feel the subtle energy of well-being, attracting its reciprocal interest.

5. Forget about the state of the debtor. In order to become rich and successful, there are many practices and techniques. Unfortunately, most of them do not work, because people do not seek to get out of the state of the debtor. Money must always be in active circulation. Some must pass from hand to hand, each time working with different energy sources. Otherwise, cash flows will simply lose their positive properties. Therefore, the last and basic law of well-being says: "give money in joy". Which means you should always say goodbye to money joyfully. Paying bills, repaying debt or giving in return, paying for purchases or utilities, you cannot regret that material resources have left you. Only the money transferred in joy will come back, which will launch the principle of attracting monetary energy.

To be rich or poor is up to you. The universe is full of secrets, one of which you have already revealed. Only by following in the footsteps of well-being and the main laws of the universe can you attract money to yourself. We wish you material well-being, success. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

What is Abundance, Prosperity and True Success? What is the essence of money? How to achieve Abundance and Prosperity? Most would like to be Harmonious and Realized in all areas of life, including financially. I have prepared for you good selection video and audio materials that will help increase Wealth. Some materials are very rare. The collection contains both theoretical materials, which will give a deep understanding of the topic "Money" (completely from different angles), as well as a lot of practical materials.

Before moving on to brief description materials, I would like to briefly say about some important points:

1. The main purpose of this compilation is to help increase Abundance and Prosperity and thus become more Harmonious, i.e. “pull up” the financial sphere of Life. On the topic of Harmony, there will be a separate selection of materials later - follow the news and subscribe to the site's newsletter.

2. The selection specifically includes completely different (including energy) authors. If you are on this moment someone does not fit - study the materials of other authors. Perhaps later you will return to the study of those who missed.

3. Try to keep a balance between the spiritual and the material. Don't focus only on money! Here short video about the material and spiritual:

WHY DOES PEOPLE HAVE LITTLE MONEY. HOW TO GET PROSPERITY, WEALTH, ABUNDANCE, FAVORABLE CONDITIONS FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT AND SELF-KNOWLEDGE. On the accumulation and transformation of the energy of gratitude into Tapas, from which all possible spiritual and material benefits are realized:



So, a selection of materials:

1. Part of the webinar with Konstantin Dovlatov. Here is a summary of the top 10 causes of money problems and much more:

2. Details about money. Webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov (audio). Many aspects related to money are affected:

3. True reasons money problems. Webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov (audio):

4. What is money. Very deep and concise. Alexander Palienko:

Alexander Palienko about Work, money, income, wealth (audio):

5. Money Meditation 100%.This is a chapter from a book. Klaus Joel "Money is love, or Something worth believing in" (audio):

6. Some chapters from Vadim Zeland's Reality Transurfing (audio):

Your Doors (How to Understand Yourself):


Your Goals:

Unity of Soul and Mind:

Alien Targets:

7. Practices and exercises from Konstantin Dovlatov:

PROSPERITY from the point of view of KUNDALINI yoga. Practicing Subagh Kriya:

Excerpts with exercises from Konstantin Dovlatov's webinars:

How to EXPAND your CASH Boundaries:

Magic Money Exercise:

Success Diary:

8. Satya das - Where does the money come from. Winter retreat Yaroslavl December 14, 2014:

9. Video by Artem Panchin:

Wealth and Success:

Wizards Reveal Secrets and You Grow Rich:

10. A short but very important video by a yoga teacher, Denis Malinov ( “Why a person has little money. Donations":

11. How to get rid of debts. Dmitry Trotsky (

My dear, beloved readers! Today we will talk with you about abundance, prosperity and money. And most importantly, what I want you to take away from our “conversation” is that positive-minded people always live in abundance and prosperity. Successful people are ALWAYS those who are determined to succeed and believe in themselves!

It is not possible to be successful if you do not love yourself, whine, complain, get angry and constantly look for reasons and blame.

A successful person always takes responsibility for everything that happens to himself, because he knows that all external life is a reflection of inner peace. Reflection of thoughts, feelings, emotions, intentions.

The easiest way is to blame others and look for the guilty - someone jinxed, someone breathed and spat, someone hates you, someone has a "black eye". But that will never give you truth and an abundant happy life. Only the realization that you yourself create your world, the awareness of yourself as a creator, only this will put you on the right track and rush to an abundant happy life!
Positive people who love and respect themselves, who believe in themselves as a creator, who have clear intentions, even in times of crisis live in abundance, happiness, joy, make successful projects, career and a lot of things. While those who like to criticize, whine, complain, feel sorry for themselves - lose money, work, career, health.

You ask - is it really so simple? I'll answer you - it's even easier. It is very easy to control yourself and therefore your life. How? Easily! You just need to live consciously. You will say - oh, again these are not clear terms. And what is it like to live consciously? Again, easy. Our emotions and feelings - ALWAYS! show us whether we are in a flow of abundance, prosperity, happiness and success, or in a destructive state. Just? Just! If you are discouraged, sad, depressed, if you are tortured by fears and doubts, if you are aggressive, criticize, complain, cry, or experience any other negative emotions and feelings - understand that now you are destroying your abundance and happiness. If you are in harmony and peace, or you are filled with joy and happiness, you laugh, smile, rejoice for yourself and others, are open, positive, kindness in your heart - you are on the right way abundance, prosperity, success and happiness.

How to attract money:

1. Clean up your thoughts. Always remember and control yourself - positive thoughts, feelings and emotions attract well-being and prosperity. Negative - poverty and disease.

2. Tidy up your home. Throw away old unnecessary things, do general cleaning. Clean up all rubble! Decorate your home with symbols of abundance, wealth and happiness! The way your home will be shining, clean, blooming. You should be comfortable and happy in your home!

3. Be sure to throw away or give away old items to make room for the new.

4. Buy a new wallet! Let the “house for money” be spacious, beautiful and comfortable for them. The wallet should be expensive and beautiful! Red, green, gold! Put a specially prepared banknote in your wallet (in a separate pocket so that it is always in your wallet). Take a hundred-ruble note and write on it in green or red ballpoint pen: "Money comes easily and often!". You can drop a drop of “money” oil on the bill - cedar, tangerine, orange.

5. Believe in yourself and your success!

6. Surround yourself positive people and events. Leave negative companies. Your environment, as well as everything that you read, see what you participate in, should preserve and increase your positive, successful attitude.

7. Even if you were visited negative thoughts or events, try to switch quickly and send the energies of love and positivity to your new day.

1. Hang a horseshoe over the front door (inside the apartment), with the horns to the top, in this position the horseshoe is a magnet for wealth.

2. immediately front door put on the shelf the figurine of Hotei (laughing Buddha, God of Wealth). His powerful positive energies will attract good luck and wealth to your home.

3. Opposite the door hang a picture with lotuses, or Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of abundance and prosperity). Or any other picture that you associate with wealth and prosperity.

4. Try not to litter corners and cabinets. If you don't use things for a long time- better get rid of them.

5. Light candles and aroma lamps at home more often. The fire cleanses the house, and the aromas of cedar, orange, tangerine, lavender tune the energies of the house to abundance and prosperity.

6. Let there always be a vase or bowl of fruit or sweets on the kitchen table. This also activates and develops the energies of well-being and abundance.


Make a Chalice of Plenty for your home and put it in the most central place in your apartment. Where you are most often.

Take a bowl or vase with a wide mouth.

Put a piece of red cloth or a red money napkin on the bottom (you can buy it at any esoteric store).

Place stones on top rhinestone, citrine, jade, agate.
Next, put a few nuts and dried fruits of mountain ash, hawthorn or wild rose in the bowl.

Then pour a lot of "gold coins" (iron coins) into the bowl. yellow color). And add Chinese cash coins (feng shui).

Ideally, if you put a crystal or glass pyramid on top of all this abundant wealth. It will increase the flow of abundance and prosperity.

Abundance to you, prosperity and all the best!
Your Olga Angelovskaya.