New Year's collective work in the senior group. Collective work "New Year's craft" Happy New Year! For residents of Ukraine

Goals and objectives: Making a school holiday, promoting children's interest in joint activities and to the results of collective creativity, the development of imagination and graphic skills in the image of elements of geometric ornament, the creation of a festive New Year's mood.

Material for the lesson: New Year's toys, manuals “Scheme for placing Christmas tree branches with toys”, “Ornaments”, patterns of a ball, bell or flashlight.

For children: a simple pencil, an eraser, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue, album sheet.

First lesson plan:

1. The history of the appearance of balls on a Christmas tree as an element of decoration.
2. Demonstration of the sequence of drawing up an ornament in a circle and options for placing such an ornament on a New Year's ball.
3. Demonstration to children of the layout of Christmas tree branches with toys on the Christmas tree.
4. Individual work teachers with class students - assistance in placing a Christmas tree branch with decoration on the album sheet according to the scheme.
5. Independent work children.

In the second lesson:

6. Finishing work on the drawing and cutting out a branch with a toy.
7. From individually made images of Christmas tree branches we collect christmas tree as a result of the collective work of students.

During the classes:

Both children and adults love fun party New Year, but not everyone knows where the custom of decorating the tree with balls came from. At first, the trees were decorated with apples, which were a symbol of fertility. But somehow there was a poor harvest of apples, and then the glass blowers made glass balls, with which they began to decorate the Christmas trees ever since. But you can draw beautiful toys and balls by placing them on a Christmas tree branch, decorate them with an ornament, and then do collective work from these branches - christmas tree with which to decorate school holiday... You can arrange a small new year competition among the classes. Children like the proposal to do teamwork.

I draw the students' attention to how the class is dressed today, how various Christmas tree decorations and colorful balls are.

Together with the children we are considering an exhibition of ornaments in a circle - best works last year - and remember the sequence of such an ornament:

1) all preparatory drawing for graphic work is done in pencil; the line should be light, closed; of several incorrect lines, one correct is left, the rest are erased with an elastic band;
2) choose two markers of different colors, with which we will decorate Christmas tree decorations;
3) you can take different shades the colors of the selected markers; we outline the entire pencil drawing with the darkest, observing the balance of color, decorate balls or any other toys with an ornament;
4) to make the Christmas tree lush and elegant, draw needles approximately equal length so that the entire sheet is filled with the image.

I show the children the layout of the Christmas tree branches

and propose to start working on the drawing. If necessary, I help to place the branch image on the album sheet in the most correct way. Using a pattern in the form of a circle (bell, flashlight), children draw christmas ball and begin to decorate it with ornaments, using first a pencil, and then felt-tip pens.

In the second lesson, the first few people who have successfully completed their task are selected to the group of the main artists and, on a small piece of paper wallpaper, they attach images of Christmas tree branches with toys drawn and cut out by classmates using glue. If necessary, they help other children.

The result of joint activities is the creation of a collective work "Christmas tree."

Purpose: Development of creativity, imagination. Meeting the child's need to create something new, beautiful. Disclosure creativity children. Creation in the course of collective creativity of conditions for creative interaction of children. Formation in children of the ability to work creatively in a team.

Expected results: As a result of the implementation of the project, it will be possible to positively influence the development of aesthetic perception of the world, artistic creativity of children, cognitive and communication skills... The guys will become more assiduous, they will strive to bring what they started to the end, they will become more active speech activity... Arouse the desire to please your loved ones, the people around you.

Tasks: To acquaint kids with unconventional material(rice). Fix geometric shapes: circle, ball. To continue to develop the ability of children to use the tearing application in their work (tear off small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply glue to them and stick on a Whatman paper). Anchor blue color... Continue to develop children's ability to gently apply glue with a brush, use a napkin. The teacher's story about the upcoming holiday. Arouse the desire to please loved ones (Showing New Year's cards, looking at New Year's balls).

The work is carried out in three stages: 1. Preparatory stage which will deepen own knowledge on the topic of future work, will allow you to form bright images, giving rise to the desire to embody them in your own collective application... For this purpose, I use conversations, reading books, looking at reproductions, illustrations, as well as joint preparation decorative panel, on which the collective composition will be performed. 2. The main stage is the stage of performing work, it includes planning, performing and evaluating teamwork. 3. The final stage- the period of interaction of children with already completed work.

What you need to make a postcard: Whatman sheet, gouache paints, wide brushes, glue brush, colored ribbons, rice cereals. Making a postcard: 1. Whatman sheet, blue gouache paints, wide tassel... Children paint a sheet of Whatman paper blue. They really like it!

2. Give the children pieces of colored paper: tearing the paper into small pieces. 3. Work in pairs. Bonding pieces of paper to the general background. Give children more independence in color choice. Make sure that children carefully apply glue and use a napkin.

Working with unconventional material: cereal rice. 1. Draw circles of different sizes. Need help from an adult. 2. Grease the circles with PVA glue using a glue brush. 3. Put the rice on the circles. Use napkins for work. When the work is ready, pour the excess rice into a plate. Here you may need the help of an adult.

We continue to work: 4. Invite the children to color the rice in different colors... Children paint the rice circles with a paintbrush and gouache paints. Give more creativity to children. Let the child decide what color and how to paint. In the preliminary stage, the children considered christmas balls and decorated the Christmas tree. This will help them to color their "ball". We got it like this:

5. Make bows from ribbons and glue to each circle. You can add sequins or cotton wool, draw whatever you want. Decorate the postcard to your liking. This is not the first year I have been doing this kind of work with children, and each time it turns out differently. Results of the project As a result of the implementation of the project, it was possible to positively influence the development of aesthetic perception of the world, artistic creativity of children, cognitive and communication skills. Children showed more independence: "mosaic" - arranged pieces of paper at will; "Christmas balls" - the child himself chose the color, drawing for his ball. The guys have become more assiduous and attentive. The children happily told their relatives and friends about their work, they were proud of it. Thus, attracting the attention of parents. Together with the children, they examine, discuss, praise the child for the work done. So there is a desire to continue working on visual activity at home.

Synopsis of the organization of collective work to create the panel "New Year's Stars"

The material is intended for students in grades 5-6.

Purpose: works can decorate the foyer of a school or classroom for the New Year.

Target: creation of a collective composition "New Year's Stars"
to form the ability to perform a thematic composition,
consolidate visual skills,
develop imagination and creative imagination
contribute to the development of communication skills,
foster interest in the subject; attention, hard work.

Materials and tools for children:

White cardboard or paper;
- a simple pencil, an eraser, a ruler;
- scissors;
- stapler and glue;
- gouache;
- brushes: pointed (No. 2, No. 4) and flat;
- a container for water;
- New Year's cards for collage (optional)
- silver or blue foil (optional)

- templates hexagons from sheet A3 and triangles from A4;

To build a hexagon, I suggest using this diagram:

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.
The presence of all students and their readiness for the lesson is checked.
Message of the topic of the lesson: "Collective composition" New Year's stars ".
Dividing the class into groups of four to five people.
It is better to divide as follows: ask the class to choose 4 "main artists" - they will be the coordinators of the group work and take the most significant part of the work (hexagon) for the image. After that, the "main artists" recruit one person to their team in turn (you will have the opportunity to see their preferences and, possibly, correct the composition of the groups).

2. Actualization of knowledge.
Very soon we all have to celebrate the New Year.
The time of New Year's holidays is a beautiful time, good fairy tale, which brings us hope for the best, gives us many gifts, makes us hope for the best.

Visual row

We want to believe in Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, who will definitely come to our house. Believe that it is somewhere far away, in the vast expanses. in the power of snow and ice, the beautiful lives The Snow Queen... This holiday, like many others, has its roots in ancient times. On this day, the closest people and charm gather new year's eve is remembered by everyone for a very long time.
And today we will try to make a collective composition "New Year's Stars", which will serve as a decoration for the interior of our school, so that the celebration of the New Year is bright and memorable.

Composition (from lat.compositio) means composition, connection combination different parts into a single whole in accordance with any idea.

Everything is important in the composition - the mass of objects, their visual "weight", placement on a plane, expressiveness of silhouettes, rhythmic alternation of lines and spots, color, format, size of the piece, etc.

If we take a close look at the example " Christmas star", We can see that the elements of the image are enclosed in simple geometric figures: hexagon and triangle.

On the A3 format, we will arrange the main elements (a hexagon and three triangles are well placed)

For the remaining three "rays-triangles", I propose to take tinted paper
Place three triangles on the blue sheet.

Which images are best placed in the triangle?
Children's answers: tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman

Which images are best placed in a hexagon?
Children's answers: bullfinch, a bunch of bells, a symbol of the coming year, cartoon characters

Why did you make this choice?
There can be many answer options, but the teacher should be led to the correct answer:
Images by form should be suitable for format on which you will draw.

3. Independent work of children.

Group work should begin with a discussion in groups which images of the New Year theme will be in the center of the "star", which ones are on the rays. After that, the plots are distributed for an individual image, the patterns of hexagons and triangles are disassembled and the image is made in pencil.

Discuss the background of future teamwork. The color scheme of the winter landscape: blue, white, black, blue, purple.

Can choose decorative option background, then it is painted over in one color in any color of the spectrum. The background can be decorated with stars - single, double, red, blue, blue, yellow.

Individual work of schoolchildren on a part of the collective composition.

When assembling the pieces into a Star, remind the children that the mutual arrangement of the shapes must create dynamic balance.

Attach the rays to the star better with glue and a stapler.

If the joints turned out to be ugly, then the teacher should be helped and glue them with openwork cut foil (imitation of patterns on glass), which is better prepared in advance.

4. Exhibition and analysis of works.

Great work turned out!
5. Reflection.
Who liked our lesson today. What exactly? Who is happy with their job?
Complete phrases:
I managed …
I was able to ...
I was surprised ...
I wanted…
I managed …

6 generalization
Today we connected various shapes into a single whole on new year theme.
Beautiful compositions turned out for those who thought over and discussed in groups the size of the depicted characters and objects, their placement on a plane, the expressiveness of silhouettes, the rhythmic alternation of lines and spots, color and format.
On this we say goodbye and remember that New Year- the time when the most cherished desires and dreams. You just need to believe in good, kind, and we will succeed; especially, if you know how to negotiate with others... And those who today are not happy with their group composition, let them fulfill the option new year card at home and will delight us in the next lesson.

Preparing for the New Year is an interesting time for children and their parents. Every family wants their baby to stand out, not only at the matinee, but also in decorating the group and the Christmas tree. Now there are a lot of ideas for New Year's crafts for kindergarten, and items from which you can make original products are often the most unexpected.

Crafts for New Year's theme in kindergarten

As everyone knows, for babies you need to choose products that would correspond to their age. So for three-year-old toddlers, it is recommended to do simple New Year's crafts in Kindergarten: from stripes colorful paper, simple snowmen and Christmas trees, toys made of plasticine and various improvised materials ( plastic cups, corps from "Kinder Surprise", etc.). Besides recent times more and more relevance is acquired by original New Year's crafts for kindergarten, made from scraps of fabric and ribbons. In order to make a Christmas tree or a festive wreath, you need to prepare long rags and a frame. In the case of a herringbone, this will be a stick, and with a wreath, a wire bent in the shape of a circle. After that, the rags are tied to the frame, giving the volume and shape that the toy needs.

For children of older groups, you can advise to make a voluminous New Year's craft in kindergarten from a glass vessel, a brush for washing dishes, cotton wool, artificial snow and paint. To make it, the brush is trimmed in the form of a Christmas tree, painted with paint and decorated with decor. Then it is placed in a glass container along with "snow flakes" and cotton wool. After that, the Christmas tree is fixed with wire on the lid of the vessel.

New Year's crafts to the kindergarten on the street

If the kid was asked to bring a toy to decorate the green beauty on the street, then you can do simple crafts from plastic bottles... It could be snowflakes bulky toys glued from the bottom of the bottles, various figures, for example, a penguin or Santa Claus. However, if it's frosty outside, surprise everyone with ice crafts, which are very simple to do. To make them, take a red rowan, spruce twigs etc. Put it all in plastic dishes and fill with water, not forgetting to put a ribbon there on which the toy will hang. Then freeze the product and remove it from the mold. Believe me, such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Collective New Year's crafts in kindergarten

Now the most relevant are works in which the individuality of each kindergarten pupil can be reflected. To do this, you can offer children to make a Christmas tree from palms or frames toilet paper... To make the latter, each kid paints his frame in green color and decorates it with decor. After that, the blanks are assembled with a stapler and glue into one wonderful Christmas tree.

Make interesting, original, simple and not so, toys for the holiday with your baby. And in order to make your work easy, we offer examples of New Year's crafts for kindergarten, which will pleasantly surprise you.