Why Halle Berry does not age: the beauty secrets of a charming actress. She drinks protein shakes. Pumps for every occasion

Once, the actress posted a photo on her Instagram with the caption "Me when someone says to me:" I'm going and I have snacks.

However, celebrity fans were struck not even by this bold and sincere text, but the figure and radiant look of Holly, who turns 52 today (looking at her, we can’t believe it either).

What is the secret of a flawless body, fresh skin and the energy of a star?

She changed her life

Halle Berry was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 19. Then she realized that for the sake of her health she had to make serious changes in her lifestyle. In this regard, the actress completely abandoned processed sugar, bread and very fatty foods in the diet. Instead, she opted for a diet that includes plenty of vegetables and clean water.

“My diet is aimed at managing my diagnosis, so I try to eat small meals 4 times a day. These are fresh vegetables, chicken, fish and pasta. I like to feel strong and healthy,” Berry says.

And her favorite dishes are fried tuna and garlic puree.

She avoids sugar

The actress knows that in addition to health problems, sugar can create many problems for her skin. So Holly calls it "poison" and uses the sugar substitute herself and also gives it to her two children.

She drinks protein shakes

When Halle Berry is busy filming, she needs to keep her energy levels constant. To do this, she drinks protein shakes.

“Vegetable protein helps me quickly get enough energy, ”Kholi tells the secret of his activity.

She is considerate of her age

“Every year beauty is given to me more and more difficult. The older I get, the more closely I watch what I eat, ”the actress shared.

She sticks to the same training system

Halle Berry reveals her sports hacks:

“I never work with a lot of weight during training - only if it’s not required condition for my role in the film. I usually only do cardio and bodyweight exercises. I don't want to be too muscular."

Today popular Hollywood actress Halle Berry celebrates her birthday. We are amazed how at the age of 51 the beauty manages to look 10-15 years younger! We reveal all the secrets of Halle Berry's youth in the material.

Perfect figure, smooth tightened skin and shining eyes - well, how does the birthday girl manage to look so wonderful? Fans of the actress do not cease to be amazed at her appearance, and we sort through Halle Berry's nutrition, sports activities and skin care.


At the age of 19, Holly had to completely change her diet - she was found to have diabetes second type. In this regard, from the menu, the actress forever excluded sugar, fatty foods and bakery products. She prefers fresh vegetables, white meat, fish and pasta, and among her favorite dishes she singles out fried tuna and mashed garlic.

Instead of sugar, Holly uses sweeteners and has already taught her children to use them. If there is no time for a snack, but she needs to replenish her energy reserves, she drinks a protein shake. The actress eats 4-5 times a day in small portions. Six days a week she carefully monitors her diet and only on one day does she allow herself to eat something tasty and not very healthy.

“Every year beauty is given to me more and more difficult. The older I get, the more closely I watch what I eat,” she says.


Halle Berry regularly plays sports and highlights in her regimen cardio and strength exercises. The beauty does not want to build muscle, so she prefers exercises with her weight without additional loads.

“I have type 2 diabetes, so I have to all year round watch what you eat. I also exercise three times a week, sometimes more. I really like cardio training, as it is good for the heart.

Skin care

Holly admits that she carefully cares for her skin every day, starting from her youth, and we see great result! Before applying makeup, the actress wipes her face rose water, and in daily care highlights facial cleansing, toner use and moisturizing with cream. For the delicate area around the eyes, the actress chooses a special cream.

Once a week, a celebrity visits the spa, where he undergoes a procedure called "Face for red carpet". Such a pleasure costs about $ 200 and consists of peeling, an oxygen mask and moisturizing. With the help of such procedures, the skin becomes clean, toned and beautiful.

The actress always puts on sunscreen before leaving the house and regularly moisturizes her lips with special balms. On a day when you don't have to work, Holly doesn't put on makeup so that her skin can rest and get oxygenated.

Hair care

Since Holly has naturally curly hair, she uses special means for her hair type, and some of her favorites are products from the Mixed Chicks brand. The actress says that if she wants to go out with curly hair then after shampooing, apply to hair leave-in conditioner, and if with straight lines - ordinary. After that, the star beauty dries her hair and does styling.

0 October 14, 2016, 18:20

Each is accompanied by enthusiastic compliments to the appearance of the actress. Indeed, at 50, Berry looks incredibly young and attractive. What is the secret of Halle Berry's radiant and smooth skin, taut figure and shiny hair?.


Halle Berry says she always wipes her face with rose water before putting on her makeup and also often uses it natural remedy during the day. Note that Halle Berry has been constantly taking care of her skin since the age of 20, and the result of such discipline is visible to the naked eye.

I have been following the same skincare regime for many years. First I cleanse my face, then I use Chanel Sublimage La Creme Yeux toner, moisturizer and eye cream. In addition, once a week I go to the spa, where I do the "Red Carpet Face" procedure,

- Halle Berry told the American edition of InStyle.

Salon procedure costs the actress $ 150 and includes a three-stage system: peeling, moisturizing and oxygen mask. This treatment tightens the skin and reduces pores.

On clean, beautiful and radiant skin, make-up fits better and lasts longer,

— says the actress.


Halle Berry is natural curly hair, so in the care she uses exclusively products designed for curls. Holly is a fan of the American brand Mixed Chicks, whose funds cost an average of $20.

When I decide to go with curls, I apply a leave-in conditioner to my hair after washing. If I plan to straighten my hair, then I use a regular conditioner while washing, and then I dry my hair and do my styling,

Holly shared.


Halle Berry admits she doesn't diet, she just sticks to it all the time proper nutrition: Eats five small meals a day, and her diet mainly consists of vegetables and proteins.

I have type 2 diabetes, so I have to watch what I eat all year round. I also exercise three times a week, sometimes more. I really like cardio training, as it is good for the heart. I also do light weight exercises.

Halle Berry said.

The actress eats right six days a week, and one day she allows herself some gastronomic weaknesses that do not fit into the concept of "healthy food".


AT Everyday life Halle Berry doesn't wear make-up and she can afford it because she has smooth, glowing skin and beautiful features faces.

If I don't work, I don't paint. I think this is a great opportunity to give the skin a break from cosmetics. I take care of my skin very carefully, so I can safely go out without make-up,

— admitted the actress to Allure magazine.

Before leaving the house, Halle Berry always applies sunscreen and lip balm.

I protect my skin from the sun all year round, even in the middle of winter

By the way, the actress has a secret of how to care for her lips.

You need to massage your lips with a soft-bristled toothbrush. The skin becomes smooth, the blood rushes to the lips and makes them brighter. Then I apply a simple balm. Lips look great

Holly shares.


The Halle Berry décolleté is often the subject of discussion and the object of envy. In the 2001 film "Monster's Ball" Berry bared her breasts, and many were then amazed at the incredible beauty of the natural roundness of the actress. It is amazing that 15 years later, the décolleté of Halle Berry, who, by the way, gave birth to two children, looks just as beautiful. What is her secret?

Halle Berry in the movie "Monster's Ball"

I choose my underwear very carefully. When I was a teenager, my mother constantly told me: "If you do not want your breasts to hang down to your knees over time, then always wear a bra, even when you sleep." It is very important for me that the bra is comfortable, because I almost never take it off,

Holly said without hesitation. The actress also admitted that she uses for the neck, chest and décolleté classic cream De La Mer, which cost her $2,000 in a large pack.

Looking at Halle Berry, there is no doubt - all her advice really works!

Photo Gettyimages.ru

Looking at the photo of Halle Berry, it is impossible to believe that she is already 52 years old. The actress can give odds to any 30-year-old woman. Velvety radiant skin, toned body, slim stomach, luxurious hair allows the star to look much younger than her years. All this makes the secrets of the beauty and youth of the star especially interesting.

Food Halle Berry

The actress completely excluded pastries and fatty foods from the diet and drinks a glass of freshly squeezed juice every morning.

From the age of 19, the life of the actress has changed dramatically: doctors diagnosed diabetes of the first degree. The girl realized that she could no longer eat, as before. Since then, Holly has stopped eating bread and fatty foods. She gave up sugar and replaced it with the healthier stevia. Her diet consists of several products:

  • durum wheat pasta;
  • chicken;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • a large number of water;
  • protein shakes.

After waking up, the star prefers to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. And during the day he tries to eat small portions, but often. Unfortunately, filming sometimes does not even allow you to have a snack, so protein shakes come to the rescue. They give energy and strength for further work.

Of course, like everyone else, Holly sometimes wants to indulge in gastronomic weaknesses. Once a week, a celebrity may eat a slice of pizza or some other unhealthy food.

Sport is the key to beauty and harmony

Halle Berry believes that sports should not be boring

Holly great attention gives to his figure. At 52, she can easily compete with 25-year-old girls. Slim legs, the presence of the press, embossed hands - this is not from nature, but due to sports loads. In the gym, the actress spends about 5 hours a week doing cardio and bodyweight exercises. Muscles are useless to her, therefore, from debilitating strength training she refused.

In Instagram, a celebrity often shares secrets perfect figure. She advises not to quit classes after a month, because the result never comes immediately.

skin care secret

The actress claims that any makeup fits better on clean and well-groomed skin.

Hollywood actress - the owner of velvety radiant skin. In order to keep her in good shape, she consumes a large amount of liquid. And of course, daily procedures care considers the main link for maintaining youth.

For cleansing, the actress uses rose water and then applies Chanel Sublimage La Creme Yeux Moisturizer and Eye Cream. Once a week, Holly visits a spa salon, where for $150 she gets a Red Carpet Face procedure, which consists of three stages:

  • peeling;
  • moisturizing;
  • oxygen mask.

This method helps to narrow the pores and provides a lifting effect.

In everyday life, Berry practically does not use decorative cosmetics. The only thing she can't go outside without is sun lotion and clear lip balm.

hair care

Halle Berry is equally beautiful with both long and short hair

By nature, the star has curly hair, so she chooses care products specifically for curls. Favorite brand is Mixed Chicks, which cost about $20 a bottle.

Leave-in conditioners are always present in the arsenal of the actress: with them, her curls look well-groomed and neat. When straightening, Holly uses a regular balm during washing, after which she dries and style her hair in the desired way.

The actress can often be seen with straightened curls.


Halle Berry is in great shape physical form which she emphasizes with her outfits

The grace and elegance of the screen image smoothly flowed into Holly's everyday life. She carefully chooses an outfit for both the Red Carpet and for an ordinary walk.

For social events, a celebrity chooses feminine dresses, which emphasize the dignity of the figure. Noble shades (burgundy, black, beige, blue) in combination with well-chosen accessories make every appearance of the actress spectacular.

AT ordinary life halle berry prefers comfortable clothes

In everyday life, Holly takes liberties and wears comfortable clothes in the form of loose dresses, tunics, jeans, T-shirts and sweatshirts. But she does not forget about accessories here either: expensive bags, shoes, watches or jewelry are present in every look.

For those who want to prolong their youth and at 52 have the same figure as the incomparable Halle Berry, it would be useful to take note of the subtleties of her lifestyle. The main thing is not to give up everything halfway and bring what you started to a victorious end.

Holly has already exchanged her sixth (!) dozen, and continues to amaze with her impeccable figure. Hollywood envious even called her the witch who never gets old. In fact, the actress takes very good care of herself (although she claims that the secret of her youth is excellent genes), goes in for sports, and eats right. And does not complain about cellulite! Because she has a great recipe!

Halle Berry's secret to velvety skin

Recipe for this effective remedy, or rather, coffee honey scrub, very simple and accessible to every woman. Need to mix coffee grounds with honey and olive oil to a thick paste, the proportions depend on the amount of thick. Before applying the paste to the body, problem areas should be steamed in the shower, then rubbed with a regular washcloth. After the paste is applied to the buttocks, for a greater effect, you need to wrap them cling film and sit like that for half an hour. Then, after the allotted time, the paste must be washed off and an anti-cellulite cream applied to the skin.

Jennifer Lopez, 49

Jennifer Lopez wears short shorts and skirts with great pleasure (note that the actress and singer will turn 50 in July). And all because she is an avid lover of anti-cellulite scrubs. Although her recipe is expensive - she adds diamond chips to the scrub! And we can just replace it with sea salt!

The Secret to Slim Thighs by Jennifer Lopez

Scrub with essential oils is easy to prepare. Add a few drops to your shower gel essential oil, a little sea ​​salt- and the scrub is ready!

Juliette Binoche, 54

The 54-year-old French actress did not resort to the services of plastic surgeons. In the care of her beauty, she prefers everything natural. The actress eats right, but does not bother herself with physical exercises.

The secret to smooth skin Juliette Binoche

A French woman makes her own body mask from ordinary pea porridge and natural lip balm from honey and cream at home.

Sigourney Weaver, 69

A fighter with alien aliens, the owner of the Golden Globe awards and just beautiful woman October will be 70 years old.

Sigourney Weaver's secret to wrinkle-free skin

Sigourney has not eaten sugar for many years, but prefers sweet product exclusively in cosmetic purposes. Weekly actress does sugar masks and scrubs.

Kim Basinger, 65

Former Miss Georgia, Miss America contestant, Oscar-winning actress and one of the most beautiful blondes Hollywood at 65 can give odds to any young actress. In Hollywood, they even laugh a little at Basinger's obsession: they say, even the head mineral water washes. And it is true! Kim is very gentle with her hair and spends a lot of time caring for it.

Secret luxurious hair Kim Basinger

The actress often uses olive mask for hair. Moreover, in relation to different ingredients, you can achieve different results (strengthen hair, add shine, overcome split ends, etc.). You can use the simplest method: heat a little oil in a water bath (it should not be hot, but slightly warm) and gently apply with a cotton swab to the hair roots. Wash off after a couple of hours.