Is it possible to overfeed a breastfed baby? Carbonated mineral water - is it dangerous for a nursing mother of a baby

Thinking about what to eat after childbirth. It doesn't matter if it's the first child or the third, it remains topical issue: what should be the menu of a nursing mother.

General rules for the nutrition of a nursing mother

Healthy and regular eating is one of the better ways take care of yourself and your child. Main principle when compiling a menu for a nursing mother - follow balanced diet, which is a combination of healthy food.

In the first three weeks after birth, the enzymatic system is new born child adapts to change. It is important to build the diet of a nursing mother on the principle of "do no harm."

Each product that enters the mother's body is transferred in a certain way by this very organism. Cabbage and peas cannot "get into milk", but a certain reaction to any of the products in children is definitely observed - this is a fact.

What can a nursing mother eat: advice from doctors

4 « controversial» product in the menu of a nursing mother

You may have already heard from experienced mothers, grandmothers and other caring people that nutrition after childbirth is a strict diet of cereals, boiled meat and protein products.

If there is no milk to eat “forbidden” foods, the child will definitely have an allergy or he will start screaming from colic for days.

There are many myths and "horror stories" about breastfeeding and foods that should not be eaten. Or, on the contrary, it is possible and necessary. What are we talking about?

Garlic in the diet of a nursing mother

It is believed that garlic increases the amount breast milk. True, it affects the smell and taste of milk and the child may refuse to breastfeed.

In fact, everything is individual. If a breastfed baby suffers from colic, then it is better to remove garlic from the diet before the 6th month.

If the baby responds well to varied diet nursing mother, a little garlic in the dishes will benefit both you and the baby. Provided that you have eaten garlic before and perceive it well.

Carrots in the diet of a nursing mother

Carrots are not only a source of beta-carotene, but also a quick, easy snack that you can take with you on a walk.

It is impossible to predict in advance how the baby's body will react to carrots. Add it to your menu of a nursing mother and watch the well-being of the child. If the sleep is calm and there are no rashes on the skin, feel free to continue eating raw and boiled carrots.

white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower on the menulactatingmom

Rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, C, and K, and other vital minerals, it's no wonder kale is considered the "queen of greens."

At the same time, cabbage often causes colic in a child. You should not completely exclude it for the period of breastfeeding, but it is better to abstain until the baby is 6-9 months old.

If your body reacts normally to cabbage, try introducing it into your diet of a nursing mother in small portions and, as in the case of garlic and carrots, monitor the condition of the child.

Salmon in the diet of a nursing mother

It's no secret that fish and seafood contain mercury. A recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health confirms that exposure to mercury can harm a child's brain. It is better to refuse catfish, halibut, pike, tuna for the period of breastfeeding.

Can be added to the diet of a nursing mother healthy salmon, herring or trout, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are needed for the development of the brain, vision of your child.

Mom's indigestion can cause feeling unwell breastfed child.

Try to eat freshly prepared meals. The longer the food stays in the refrigerator, the higher the chances of poisoning and fermentation in the intestines. From fast food and ready-made frozen foods containing preservatives, allergens, dyes, chemicals should also be abandoned.

In the first 3 weeks a child's life is better EXCLUDE from your diet

  • condensed milk
  • nuts
  • citrus
  • chocolate
  • ketchup, mayonnaise
  • sausages, sausages

Minimize your intake of dairy products - they can also be poorly tolerated by the child's body, causing the formation of a rash on the skin of the child.

Introduce new foods and dishes gradually. Watch the child's reaction. Eat a small portion or a piece of a new product in the morning, and closely monitor the well-being of the baby.

Dr. Komarovsky about the nutrition of a nursing mother

Breastfeeding menu

What can a nursing mother eat: a list of allowed foods

  • any cereal, but if the baby suffers from constipation - exclude rice
  • meat and fish of low-fat varieties - boiled, stewed, baked
  • hard cheese, cottage cheese, curds and yoghurts without fruit additives
  • boiled beets and carrots, with vegetable oil(it is better to mix beets with carrots, tastier)
  • boiled potatoes, in principle, you can even fried, but a little
  • any pasta without spicy and fatty sauces
  • you can have a little bird, but besides broiler chickens, they are stuffed with all sorts of filth so that big ones grow
  • cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, cheesecakes, dumplings, pancakes, pancakes with meat and sweet
  • eggs 3-4 times a week, preferably in the form of an omelette
  • milk sausage a little and the highest grade, if you really want
  • some nuts
  • baked apples and pears, banana 1 per day
  • drink milk and dairy products with no more than 1% fat content, dried fruit compotes, mineral water (without gas), tea with milk (green tea is especially good, for a rush of milk, but green is healing without sugar), non-alcoholic beer (the effect is the same), apple and plum juices (may also be bloated)
  • pickled cucumber or salted fish, sometimes, so that the liquid lingers in the body
  • vegetable pancakes from zucchini, cabbage (if the child reacts normally to it)
  • the right sweets, any biscuits, except for butter, and without fruit additives

What is undesirable for a nursing mother: a list of prohibited foods

  • preservatives
  • dyes
  • concentrates
  • hot spices and sauces
  • unnecessarily fatty foods
  • marinades
  • allergens (for the time being)
  • carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones
  • cabbage, peas, grapes, radishes, cucumbers and other vegetables and fruits that contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines (but it is more than desirable to try all this little by little - some children tolerate cabbage well, but complain about the zucchini eaten by their mother)
  • meat and fish rich broths
  • refined carbohydrates - creams, cakes, pastries
  • in the first month or two - red berries, vegetables and fruits
  • smoked meats

If the baby does not have sleep disturbances and excessive excitability, mommy can afford a cup of weak coffee in the morning, preferably with milk. Black and green tea also have a tonic effect, so you need to be no less careful with them than with drinks containing caffeine.

To half a year and older, the diet of a nursing mother expands significantly, leaving only one or two products (for example, the same notorious cabbage), to which the child reacts particularly sharply.

After of the year you can eat everything, but it is still not recommended to use preservatives and dyes - this will not benefit the mother herself.


Nutrition for a nursing mother: recipes

If you eat balanced meals, special requirements to the diet of a nursing mother is not. Eating healthy and regular ensures that you get the nutrients you and your baby need.

We have compiled a list of healthy and delicious recipes to diversify the diet during breastfeeding.

REMINDER: if the child is worried about colic, has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or allergies - postpone experiments with fruits, vegetables, garlic, honey until 6-9 months. Also, introduce one "new" product at a time, track the baby's reaction, and only then move on to a variety of dishes.

Fruit smoothie: a recipe for a nursing mother

You will need:

  • 100 g strawberries
  • 100 ml yogurt
  • 100 ml Orange juice
  • 100 g baby spinach leaves
  • half a banana
  • 50 g walnuts
  • 1 st. honey

How to cook:

  1. Pour orange juice into blender.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Beat on high speed until the mixture is smooth.

Green pancakes from zucchini: a recipe for a nursing mother

You will need:

  • 140 g grated zucchini
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 85 g broccoli
  • Several sprigs of dill
  • 3 tablespoons gluten-free flour or rice flour
  • 2 tablespoons sunflower or olive oil

How to cook:

  1. Wrap the grated squash mixture in paper towel to remove excess liquid.
  2. Whisk the eggs in a bowl, add the broccoli, zucchini and most of the dill. Stir.
  3. Add flour, stir again and season.
  4. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan.
  5. Spoon a large portion of the mixture into the pan, then add 2 more spoons side by side to make 3 pancakes.
  6. Leave for 3-4 minutes over medium heat until golden brown on one side. Then carefully turn over so that a golden crust forms on the pancakes on the other side.
  7. Put the next batch on the pan.
  8. Sprinkle the prepared pancakes with dill. Can be served with sour cream or Greek yogurt.

Chicken with Basil and Goat Cheese: A Recipe for a Breastfeeding Mom

You will need:

How to cook:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Place chicken breasts on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. Pour olive oil on the breasts, add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Take the basil leaves and spread them over the breast
  5. Put cheese on top
  6. Pour olive oil over chicken breasts and add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Cover the top of the breasts with foil to form a closed envelope.
  8. Bake the dish for about 40 minutes.
  9. Uncover the foil and let them rest for another 10 minutes until the chicken breasts are golden and the meat is cooked through.

Shrimps with stewed vegetables: a recipe for a nursing mother

You will need:

  • 200 g raw, peeled shrimp
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 150 g carrots
  • 100 g red cabbage
  • 100 g leeks
  • Several sprigs of fresh dill
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ½ tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • Crispy bread for serving

How to cook:

  1. Place the shrimp, one teaspoon of olive oil, minced garlic in a bowl and mix well.
  2. Season with salt and pepper. Cover the bowl and leave the shrimp in this marinade for 30 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, shred the red cabbage and finely chop the leek. Peel and grate the carrots, chop the dill. Mix vegetables in a bowl.
  4. Mix the remaining olive oil, white wine vinegar and honey with a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour vegetables over and toss into hot skillet. Fry for a few minutes. Then add 100 ml of water and simmer the vegetable mixture for 8-10 minutes.
  5. In another heated frying pan, fry the shrimp until cooked through for 7-8 minutes.
  6. Thread shrimp onto wooden skewers, if desired. Or serve on a plate with mixed vegetables and crispy bread.

Spinach lasagna: a recipe for a nursing mother

You will need:

  • 18 lasagne sheets
  • 300 g ricotta
  • 400 g frozen spinach
  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 30 g butter
  • 70 g parmesan
  • salt/pepper to taste

How to cook:

  1. Melt the butter in a pan. Add spinach and simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Combine ricotta, egg, and toss with cooked and cooled spinach.
  3. Pour boiling water over lasagna sheets and hold for 4-5 minutes
  4. Grease the baking dish butter and put 6 sheets of lasagne on the bottom. The number of sheets depends on the size of your form and can be changed at your discretion.
  5. Top with a layer of spinach cheese sauce.
  6. Pour a layer of 200 ml of milk
  7. Repeat layer of lasagne sheets, layer of sauce, pour in 200 ml more milk
  8. Lay out the top sheets of lasagna and sprinkle the parmesan on top
  9. Cover the form with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  10. Bake for about 40 minutes. When the liquid begins to boil and the lasagne sheets become soft, remove the foil.
  11. Continue baking in the open pan for about 10 minutes.
  12. Turn off the oven and let the mold sit in the oven for 10 minutes before removing it.

The same mothers, whose diet before childbirth did not consist of chips and Coca-Cola, but included cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled fish and meat, are unlikely to have to seriously think about changing the way they eat during breastfeeding.

Lactation is a natural physiological process production of specific nutrient- maternal (breast) milk. The lactation period lasts from the end of childbirth and the first attachment of the baby to the breast until the end of milk production. According to research data and recommendations from gynecologists and obstetricians, the baby should be breastfed immediately after childbirth.

Despite this, the mammary gland does not immediately begin to secrete milk immediately after childbirth. However, the mother's body synthesizes colostrum that is useful for the child's body, playing huge role in the development of children's immunity.

Lactation, as a physiological process, begins approximately 2-3 days after the end of childbirth. At this time, a woman may begin to experience discomfort, and even pain: pressure in the chest, enlargement of the mammary glands, slight pulling pains. This is a physiological norm.

From the moment lactation begins, the infant should be breastfed as often as possible. Only in this way can lactation become sufficiently stable. Neither pumping nor other methods will help establish stable lactation. Otherwise, there is a risk that the milk will "disappear".

After 14 - 21 days, the next phase of the lactation period begins, the so-called mature lactation. In some cases, this period may be delayed and come later.

In this phase of lactation, it is no longer necessary to feed the baby as often as possible. Lactation is stable, which means that the baby needs to be fed only on demand. The intervals between each next feeding should be about 2 hours (at least). In the future, as the lactation period comes to an end, the intervals should be increased to 4 hours.

Only in this single case, the lactation period will be as comfortable and useful as possible, both for the child and for the mother herself.

A little about lactation as a physiological process

As mentioned, lactation - natural process, during which the synthesis, accumulation and further release of a specific nutrient - mother's milk. Lactation is an extremely complex process. It is caused by the production of a number of hormones. Main active substance that affects milk production - the pituitary hormone prolactin.

It directly affects the mammary gland, giving a "command" to produce milk. The intensity of production directly depends on the concentration of the hormone in the blood. Milk accumulates in the gland itself and in the so-called lactiferous passages, through which the milk leaves the gland.

Another important hormone is oxytocin. This active substance is intensively produced in the process of sucking by the baby of the mother's breast. With muscle contraction, milk leaves the body faster. The hormone does not directly affect the intensity of milk production, but it helps the substance to evacuate faster, which means it prevents milk stagnation and the development of such formidable complications as lactostasis and mastitis. In addition, oxytocin promotes uterine muscle contraction, which means quick stop postpartum hemorrhage.

The first two to three days after birth, mothers do not produce milk, but colostrum is excreted. In some cases, colostrum begins to be synthesized even during gestation.

It's important for women to keep in mind. During stimulation of the mammary glands, oxytocin is released, therefore, in no case should women with a similar feature of the body express colostrum. Oxytocin promotes contraction of the uterus and the onset of preterm labor.

Colostrum is replaced by mother's milk, approximately, for 3-5 days.

10 mistakes breastfeeding moms make

Many women, out of inexperience or ignorance, make quite serious mistakes:

    In no case should you set a schedule (mode) for feeding an infant. The child himself knows how much and when to eat. It is advisable to establish a feeding schedule only when the period of the so-called mature lactation(after approximately 14-21 days) and closer to its completion (intervals of 2-4 hours). Starting in this way the feeding of the child, the mother runs the risk of "losing" milk very quickly, since lactation on initial stage extremely unstable.

    You can not feed the baby with artificial mixtures. This is probably one of the most serious mistakes mothers make. For one reason or another, a woman decides that the baby does not have enough milk and buys an artificial mixture. Such a diet can lead to a number of adverse effects. Firstly, sucking from a nipple is much easier than applying to the breast, and secondly, the mixture has better taste properties, which means that there is a high risk that the baby will completely refuse mother's milk. Despite all properties artificial mixtures(they are close in composition to mother's milk), they are not able to replace breast milk. That is why they provoke a mass side effects. The child may develop colic, digestive problems, and allergic reactions.

    Don't give your child water. Contrary to popular belief, milk is not only food. Almost 90% of it consists of water, which means that this is quite enough for a child. If the mother suspects that the child is thirsty - best solution will stimulate lactation and "unplanned" next feeding. If the baby consumes water in addition to milk, this can lead to refusing to eat. The fact is that as the stomach fills up, the brain receives a signal of saturation and a feeling of artificial saturation sets in. It is possible to give water to an infant only in two cases: if the time has come for the introduction of complementary foods (not earlier than from 6 months), or if the child is initially bottle-fed. Otherwise, problems with the kidneys may begin and the development of edema is not far off.

    Crying is not always caused by hunger. The child is designed in such a way that the only way to attract attention is crying. But there can be a lot of reasons for crying: a child may have colic, pain in the abdomen, he may have a headache, the baby may simply be bored, he may want to be picked up, teeth may be cut, the baby could be frightened, it may come time to change a diaper, etc.

    For some reason, many mothers are sure that the level of milk directly depends on how dense and firm the breast is. This is a huge misconception. If seals are observed and felt in the breast, this does not indicate the amount of milk, but the onset of lactostasis and stagnation. The chest, on the contrary, not only can, but should be soft. Moreover, a woman, with the normal development of lactation, should not experience a lot of discomfort. Therefore, this is not a reason to avoid feeding.

    Without sufficient reasons breast milk should not be expressed. When expressing milk, a woman loses the most useful part of it, the so-called "hind" milk. Instead of pumping, it's better once again offer the baby the breast. Pumping is advisable only if there is lactostasis.

    Do not use outdated data on weight gain. Many pediatricians use old schemes and tables of weight growth ratios, etc. These data were relevant 10-20 years ago and the materials were compiled for artificially fed children.

    If possible, do not give a pacifier. Sucking reflex the child is satisfied with the mother's breast. If the child is crying, you need to find and eliminate the cause of irritation, and not plug the child's mouth with a dummy.

    Control weighing the baby is useless. Often mothers weigh their baby before and after feeding to find out how much the baby has eaten. The thing is that, firstly, the baby consumes a negligible amount of milk. To reflect such a small result, very sensitive scales are needed, which cost a lot. big money. Ordinary household scales will not reflect the result. Second, each time the infant consumes different quantity milk. You should not use this method.

    Don't introduce complementary foods too early. Complementary foods should be introduced no earlier and no later than 6 months. If you enter it earlier, there is a risk allergic reactions and development of problems with gastrointestinal tract if later - mental and mental disorders are possible physical development. (How to introduce complementary foods to a child - a table of complementary foods for children up to a year by months)

Popular questions related to lactation

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation?

In order to get pregnant, you need a certain hormonal background. During lactation, hormones are synthesized in a woman's body that inhibit reproductive function. These hormones are almost 100% likely to prevent the onset of repeated pregnancy immediately after childbirth. The concentration of specific hormones in the blood increases the more, the more often a woman breastfeeds her baby. And therefore frequent feeding breastfeeding reduces the risk of pregnancy during lactation.

However, in some cases there are exceptions. Yes, due to physiological features, in some women (about 10% of all women) reproductive function fully preserved even during lactation.

The rest of the women need to follow two recommendations to exclude pregnancy:

    Breastfeed your baby at least 8 times a day. The maximum interval between each subsequent feeding should be 4-5 hours. It is optimal to adhere to the above scheme and apply the baby to the breast as often as possible.

    Do not introduce complementary foods ahead of time and give the baby a dummy.

If at least one of the two requirements presented is not met, the woman must take contraceptives, since the risk of another pregnancy is high.

When does menstruation start after lactation?

Menstruation is a natural cyclical process during which eggs mature in the ovary and exit the organ. This process, as well as pregnancy and lactation are stimulated by specific female hormones.

During lactation, the pituitary hormone prolactin is actively produced. It is prolactin that is responsible for stimulating the mammary gland. At the same time, prolactin suppresses ovarian function, and the eggs do not mature. This also makes it impossible to get pregnant.

For the same reason, the timing at which the menstrual cycle returns to normal depends mainly on how often a woman breastfeeds, and what is the concentration of prolactin in the blood.

If breastfeeding is maintained throughout the entire period of lactation, we can talk about several months. As soon as lactation stops, the eggs mature again.

Therefore, when taking specialized drugs, herbal remedies aimed at suppressing lactation (for reference, their action is based on suppressing the production of prolactin), as well as the premature cessation of breastfeeding, the menstrual cycle is restored much faster.

What to do if the nipple hurts during lactation?

At proper attachment baby to breast pain occur extremely rarely.

There can be several reasons for pain and discomfort:

    A woman incorrectly attaches a baby to her breast. Most often, this problem occurs in inexperienced mothers. There can be many variations of this reason: incorrect posture, accustoming the child to the nipple, as a result of which the child begins to suck incorrectly. The solution to this problem is very simple. The best option there will be a consultation directly in the maternity hospital, or with a specialized specialist. Relying on illustrated diagrams and pictures is not entirely reasonable, since it is impossible to track the process in dynamics and new errors may occur.

    Improper nipple care. A structure as delicate as the nipple requires delicate and meticulous care. However, women often wash them aggressive means(soap), treated with alcohol solutions, etc. it blunder. Need to pick up special means to care and smear nipples special creams to eliminate cracks and soften the skin.

    Cracks in the nipples. With improper attachment of the baby or insufficient hygiene, the nipples can crack. Cracks can also form naturally. physiological reasons. (Cracks in the nipples during feeding - what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams)

    Diseases and pathologies. The cause of pain in the nipples may be hidden in the presence of diseases. Lactostasis, mastitis, nerve damage, etc. In this case, the way to deal with discomfort is to get rid of the underlying disease.

What are the consequences of smoking during lactation?

Many women have such addiction like an addiction to nicotine. Even during pregnancy and lactation, a woman cannot give up cigarettes. It has been unequivocally proven that the quality of milk, and, consequently, the effect on the child's body, if the mother smokes, is incredibly detrimental. Reduce the risk of developing pathologies during gestation, as well as guarantee normal development a child can only be completely abandoned in advance of cigarettes. Reducing the number of cigarettes per day will not help here.

The use of the milk of a smoking mother by a child leads to the following consequences:

    Destruction nervous system. After the birth of a child, his nervous system is still actively developing. Nicotine "beats" the nervous system, causing its excessive excitement. The child becomes nervous, constantly naughty and crying. In the future, the development of severe nervous diseases up to cerebral palsy.

    Respiratory and the immune system. Children who eat milk containing nicotine are more susceptible to the development of allergic diseases, as well as diseases of the lungs and bronchi: asthma, bronchitis, etc. The reason for this is not only the use of milk, but also the inhalation of "waste" smoke. The child becomes a passive smoker from the very first days of life.

    Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In almost one hundred percent of cases, when drinking milk containing nicotine, problems with the gastrointestinal tract develop, in the first stages they are manifested by colic. In the future, more severe pathologies are possible.

    Immune disorders. The immunity of children of smokers is significantly weakened, since the system spends all its strength on fighting such an aggressive substance as nicotine.

    Disorders from the cardiovascular system. With the use of such milk, the child may develop hypertension, heart defects, arrhythmias and a host of other dangerous pathologies.

How long to breastfeed a baby?

There is no consensus on this issue both among specialists and among average citizens. Some believe that it is necessary to breastfeed a child for up to a year, and after a year it is not advisable to do this, some continue to feed for longer than up to a year, and still others believe that a child should be fed as much as he wants.

The optimal solution is to breastfeed the baby for at least the first six months of life. At this time, milk should be the main source of nutrition for the baby. After six months, breast milk is no longer able to provide the baby with all the nutrients.

From the second year, the child begins to eat almost like an adult. In the first and second years of life, milk plays the role of a factor supporting growth and development, but it is not absolutely necessary. Moreover, nowadays it is not difficult to find a replacement for such a life span for milk. Despite this, there is no absolute replacement for breast milk.

Benefits of long-term breastfeeding

There are several poles of long-term feeding:

    High level nutritional value. Milk is rich in all essential substances and it is extremely difficult to replace it, especially in the first months of life.

    Stimulation of the development of immunity. Mother's milk contributes to the production of specific immunoglobulins.

    Reducing the risk of developing diseases caused by allergies. According to scientists, the risk of developing allergies is lower in children who long time fed on breast milk. In addition, milk itself is not rejected by the child's body and does not cause an immune response.

    Formation of the correct bite and development of facial muscles. The sucking reflex contributes to the development of facial muscles and proper bite.

    Optimal physical development.

When should you not stop breastfeeding?

You should not stop breastfeeding in two cases:

    If the child is sick or unwell. Babies recover faster if they are breastfed. With breast milk, children ready-made get the substances necessary to fight the disease, and the body's immune system itself is strengthened.

    In the hot season (late spring, summer). Food during such periods spoils faster and the risk of developing poisoning is much higher. That's why mother's milk in summer it is an optimal replacement and a complete food product.

To increase the quantity and quality of breast milk, mothers need to adhere to proper diet and consume in large quantities a number of products:

    Tea. Green or black tea contribute to a more active evacuation of milk.

    Bread with cumin and bran. Cumin seeds increase the amount of milk produced. During lactation, preference should be given not to simple bread, but to bread with bran, or cumin seeds.

    Fruit compotes and decoctions. Decoctions and compotes from dried fruits or fresh berries increase the vitamin value of breast milk. They should be consumed as often as possible.

    Pure boiled water. Pure boiled water increases the amount of milk and, at the same time, reduces its viscosity. This will help not only the child, but also the mother, as it will reduce the risk of lactostasis.

    Nuts. Walnuts, cedar and almonds. You need to limit yourself to 1-2 nuts per day. Only in such quantity the quality of milk will increase. In large quantities, nuts can harm the baby because they cause gas and persistent constipation.

    Herbal teas. Dill, chamomile, etc. contribute to calming the nervous system of the child and its further normal development.

    Products are lactogenic. Milk, kefir and others dairy products, low-fat cheeses (Adyghe, brynza), soups on low-fat broths, vegetables and fruits.

    Fresh juices: carrot, berry.

    Decoctions of barley. It also increases the amount of milk produced.

    Radish and honey salads. large quantity radishes should be avoided. Radish can cause increased production of intestinal gases in an infant.

    Herculean, oat and buckwheat porridge, or dishes containing these cereals.

    Watermelon and carrots.

    Vegetable salads with vegetable oil.

Based on the list of products presented, the mother must independently choose a diet based on her gastronomic preferences. It is important to adhere to the principle of moderation.

During lactation, a woman should monitor her diet, because everything that enters the mother's body also goes to the baby.

It is not surprising that lactating women have many questions in connection with this, and one of the most popular questions is still: is it possible to drink wine while breastfeeding? We will answer it in detail in our article, because a nursing mother must know how harmful cravings for alcoholic beverages can be during lactation.

Is it possible for a nursing mother wine

Any woman knows perfectly well that it is strictly forbidden to drink wine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And despite this, many mothers often wonder: is it possible to drink a glass of wine while breastfeeding? The answer is obvious and quite unambiguous - no.

Any alcohol (be it wine with a high degree or low-alcohol beer) cannot be drunk with HB.

Why is that? The fact is that alcohol is absorbed by the body of a nursing mother rather quickly. The peak of its concentration occurs 30-60 minutes after consumption, and sometimes even faster, but it is excreted slowly. As a rule, it takes about 3 hours for alcohol to “leave” the body.

Although the above figure is quite approximate. The exact time will depend on the dose drunk (the more you drink, the longer it will be excreted) and the weight of the lactating woman (the less weight the longer it takes for the alcohol to “leave” the body).

Of the consumed dose of alcohol, 10% passes to the baby through breast milk. And given that the liver and body of the crumbs are not yet able to process an alcoholic drink, then the baby may experience intoxication, indigestion, and colic or allergies may also occur. In rare cases (if the mother drank a lot), a fatal outcome is possible.

Alcohol is toxic, it contains ethanol, which is harmful to health (especially for children), in addition, wine drinks are often filled with preservatives and harmful additives. It is absolutely obvious that the assimilation by an infant in practice of half of the elements of the periodic table is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Wine while breastfeeding: restrictions and prohibitions

Until the child is 6 months old, the question: is it possible to drink wine while breastfeeding should not arise at all.

After six months, if you are still breastfeeding, you should also not drink wine. But by this age, the first complementary foods are introduced to the baby, and many mothers gradually begin to wean the baby from the breast.

In this regard, some have thoughts of returning to their usual diet, and the temptation to drink some wine may also arise. If you decide that a glass of wine will not hurt you and your child, then at least use the following precautions:

  • While you are breastfeeding, you should not drink more than 1 glass of dry wine, and then only if your baby is 6 months old.
  • You need to drink a drink only natural, with a minimum concentration of sugar and low strength. Preservatives, dyes and flavors in alcoholic drink should not be. This applies to both purchased wines and homemade ones.
  • If you drank some wine during a feast, then do not forget to have a good snack. Do not overeat, eat only permitted foods while breastfeeding, but remember that you need to snack on every sip you drink.

  • Then the drink will not be so actively absorbed into the blood. After all, if wine is excreted from an adult organism about three hours, then in an infant this process lasts 2 times longer.
  • Do not try to express breast milk in order to reduce the concentration of alcohol in it - this does absolutely nothing. Until ethanol itself is excreted from the body, milk will not be purified.
  • If you plan to drink wine while breastfeeding, then try to feed your baby in advance so that after the feast before next feeding breastfeeding passed required amount time.

You can first express pure milk so that it is enough for several feedings, then you can be sure that alcohol will not enter the baby's defenseless body.

If you still doubted whether wine is possible while breastfeeding, now you can answer this question yourself. Any doctor, be it an ordinary pediatrician of a city clinic or a well-known pediatrician Komarovsky will no doubt tell you that for a baby, his mother’s passion for alcohol is extremely dangerous.

Even if you decide to drink homemade wine, and not bought in a store, still give up this idea for the time of feeding, because the health of the child is more valuable than any pleasure.

A loving mother always cares about the health of her child. And what is the most important thing for a newborn? One of the important points is the solution of the problem - what can you eat while breastfeeding a nursing mother, because together with milk she will pass on to the baby as useful components your diet, and not so much.

Download a list of products (what you can eat and what you can’t eat)

What you can and cannot eat while breastfeeding

First of all, you should prepare - the first month of breastfeeding will not help you even strictest diet the baby is adapting outside world, to take food through the stomach, not the umbilical cord, so sometimes he can have gases, intestinal colic or diarrhea. You should not be afraid of this - the baby will very quickly get used to the new conditions, and then it will be possible to gradually introduce new products into the mother's diet.

To keep track of your child's reaction to any food, you can keep a food diary. Every day, write down the meals you ate and your child's behavior.

A short list of allowed products

  1. Vegetables. Necessarily in heat treatment, at first refrain from eating them raw. Bake, boil, stew. Freshly squeezed juices are possible after one month. After three - enter fresh vegetables in the menu. >>>
  2. Fruit. Stay away from grapes, citrus fruits, mangoes, papaya, avocados, strawberries, and raspberries. Apples are only baked, try to peel them. You can safely eat bananas. Freshly squeezed juices are possible after one month. After three - you can introduce one new fruit every two days, watch the baby's reaction. >>>
  3. You can use almost all cereals, they help digestion, besides they are satisfying and contain a lot of nutrients. Except instant cereals.
  4. Various soups in vegetable broth.
  5. Meat we eat separately from all products and only lean.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Poultry meat.
  8. Dairy products you can enter in a week - kefir, fermented baked milk (it is better to use it, it softer than kefir), cottage cheese, yogurt, curdled milk.
  9. Fish (sea, river) boiled, baked with vegetables. ()
  10. Eggs you can also eat, but remember that this is an allergen.
  11. Bread you can eat in small quantities with additives - for example, with bran.
  12. Don't get carried away with sweets, however, you can eat dried fruits, biscuits, biscuits, bagels.
  13. Butter and vegetable oil.
  14. Dry crackers, cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows (no chocolate).
  15. Weak green and black teas, weak coffee, fruit drinks, compote, herbal teas with mint, thyme and oregano, still mineral water.
  16. After a month, you can gradually enter into the menu borscht, sour cream, nuts, fruit drink, jam.

After six months you can eat honey, various herbal spices, legumes, seafood. Also during this period you can eat pasta, cheese, seasonal fruits and vegetables(this is important, only for the season!).

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

In addition, you need to know about stop products, the use of which is strictly prohibited for all nursing mothers. First of all, it is:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Chocolate, some sweet foods - pastries, especially with the addition of various dyes and substitutes.
  3. Coffee and tea, refrain from this at least for the first six months. Subsequently, you can use them, but only high-quality ones, coffee - well brewed, tea - brewed, not in bags. ATTENTION! The exception is special teas, the so-called, which include fennel, cumin, lemon balm, anise - such breast milk teas.
  4. From semi-finished products, from products with artificial preservatives and dyes, you must refrain, you can use only high-quality and fresh products.
  5. Carbonated drinks should also be abandoned - they will not bring any benefit to either the baby or the mother.
  6. Garlic, onion and other spicy foods.
  7. From smoked meat, sausage, fish.
  8. From fatty meat and fat.
  9. From legumes and black bread.
  10. From sauerkraut, radish, radish, fermented cheeses (suluguni, brynza, Adyghe), sausages, ham.
  11. From exotic fruits.

Women who are preparing for the birth of a child and plan to breastfeed him, as well as those who are already successfully feeding their baby, often ask a gynecologist: is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?

Most young mothers are confident that breastfeeding reliably protects them from unwanted pregnancy so no additional protection is needed. Is it really?

Why does breastfeeding interfere with conception?

The method of natural contraception, which is called "lactational amenorrhea", lies in the fact that breastfeeding is an obstacle to new pregnancy. However, in some cases, conception of a child is still possible.

After childbirth, the reproductive function of a woman is not restored immediately. For breastfeeding mothers, this period is usually much longer than for those who practice mixed or full breastfeeding. artificial feeding. Sometimes the recovery process continues until the end of lactation. All this time, a woman may not have a period, but, nevertheless, conception is still possible.

This fact is confirmed by both medical practice and numerous stories that are told on forums on the Internet. Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, the answer will be unequivocal: yes, you can. The fact is that the onset of the first ovulation after childbirth, before recovery menstrual cycle, a woman simply will not notice, and conception can occur at this particular time. The chance of pregnancy is approximately 10%.

In what case does the method of "lactational amenorrhea" work?

Of course, the chance of pregnancy is not too high. During lactation, fertility, that is, a woman's ability to conceive, is seriously reduced. AT lactation period the body of a nursing mother intensively produces hormones that suppress fertility. These hormones include prolactin, high concentration which does not allow a woman to become a mother again when she feeds infant. Subject to several important conditions, the reliability of the method lactational amenorrhea» increases to 98-99%.

  1. Firstly, a woman should feed the child not by the hour, but at his request, including at night, while not resorting to supplementary feeding with mixtures and not giving the child water and a pacifier. That is, during the day, the baby should have ten short feedings or six long ones, the intervals between which are no more than five to six hours.
  2. Secondly, the age of the child should not be more than six to seven months. If the child is older than this age, then the frequency of feeding no longer plays a special role. After six months, complementary foods begin to be present in the child's diet, and he needs less and less mother's milk. During this period, you should not ask, "is it possible to get pregnant with hv (breastfeeding)", it is better to start using contraceptives.

When a woman has her period again, it means that her body is ready for a new pregnancy. If a woman does not want another child, then she needs to take care of additional funds contraception.

Contraception for a breastfeeding woman

  1. Barrier contraception or, more simply, condoms and a vaginal diaphragm. As for condoms, their effectiveness, as contraceptive, is quite high. It is only necessary to choose their type correctly and, if necessary, use a special lubricant. The fact is that women after childbirth often complain of excessive dryness of the vagina and discomfort during intimate contact, and lubrication helps to cope with this problem. The vaginal diaphragm is a latex domed cap with a spring that closes the cervix and thus prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The effectiveness of the vaginal diaphragm, with correct use, is almost 90%. Its advantages include simplicity, convenience and the possibility of repeated use.
  2. Spermicides. Women are well aware of creams, tablets and suppositories for intravaginal use, such as Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. The principle of their action is associated with the creation of a special environment in the vagina, which suppresses the vital activity of spermatozoa. The effectiveness of spermicidal contraceptives is more than 80%, which is quite enough for women whose fertility has not yet fully recovered after childbirth. These women already know if it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding and therefore choose a reliable and safe remedy contraception. The active ingredients of suppositories and creams do not pass into breast milk, which means they do not harm the baby.
  3. Intrauterine device. An excellent contraceptive for those women who have no contraindications to it. You can install the coil soon after childbirth (after six to eight weeks). The cervix during this period still remains slightly open, so the doctor can easily install the spiral without injuring the uterus with medical instruments. The spiral is valid for a very long time - from five to seven years, but, if necessary, it can be removed at any time. The reliability of the spiral as a contraceptive is almost one hundred percent.
  4. Certainly more effective method protection than oral contraceptives this moment does not exist. Since it has already been said above whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, if there are no periods, it becomes clear that precautions will not interfere. Modern birth control pills, which do not contain ethinyl estradiol, are called mini-pills, and you can take them two months after childbirth, without waiting for the onset menstrual flow. Mini-drinks do not affect the amount of milk in the mother, nor have they been identified negative impact on the child's body. But, in any case, you can’t prescribe mini-pills to yourself, you need to visit a doctor who will select suitable drug. A woman must definitely remember that taking such pills as "Charozetta", "Ekrolut", "Mixluton" must be done exactly on time. Lateness, even for three hours, significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  5. After the child is six months old, you can move on to more familiar and physiological combinations for the body. oral contraceptives. These medicines contain ethinylestradiol, guarantee a high degree protection against pregnancy, and only slightly reduce the amount of milk. The latter circumstance is not so important, because at six months the baby begins to receive additional complementary foods.

As you can see, the number of contraceptives that a nursing woman can use is quite large, and choosing the right one is not difficult. It is important to remember that the chance of getting pregnant while breastfeeding, although small, still exists, so relying only on natural contraception is not worth it.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

Not very common but possible situation- planning a new pregnancy while breastfeeding. It also happens that the pregnancy occurred by accident, but, nevertheless, the woman wants to leave the baby and asks herself: to continue or not to breastfeed while carrying a child?

If the baby is weaned from the breast, how will this affect his development and health? And if you still continue to feed, will it not harm the child, whose body is just being formed? To accept the right decision an obstetrician-gynecologist trusted by a woman will help.

When normal developing pregnancy lactation will not be a hindrance. However, a woman must remember that nature took care, first of all, of protecting the weakest link in the chain "mother - infant- fruit.

This means that all resources female body will first be directed to the development and growth of the unborn baby, then to the nutrition of the already born child, and last but not least - to the woman herself.

Therefore, before you become pregnant while breastfeeding, you need to weigh your strength and assess your health. After all, a nursing woman, having become pregnant with another child, should rest and eat three times better than before.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel discomfort during feeding, which passes rather quickly, without consequences for developing baby. The hormone oxytocin, which is produced during feeding, does not affect muscle tone uterus, so do not be afraid of premature termination of pregnancy.

If the need to interrupt breastfeeding still occurs, then you need to do this, following the recommendations of a gynecologist.

If a mother becomes pregnant at a time when her age baby about a year, that is, it makes sense to gradually stop breastfeeding. The child during this period receives less and less useful substances from mother's milk, and in his diet an increasing place is occupied by other foods.

Weaning from breast milk will occur gradually, and nature itself will help this process: under the influence of hormones, the amount of milk will gradually decrease, and its taste will not be so pleasant, so the baby will refuse to suckle.

However, a woman should not completely rely on nature: having made the decision to refuse feeding, she must behave consistently, otherwise the baby will feel the mother’s insecurity and begin to demonstrate dependence on the breast.

Those mothers who plan to feed two babies at the same time after childbirth interrupt feeding for the duration of their stay in the hospital, and then resume it again.
