We draw bakery products in kindergarten. Synopsis of the GCD "Bread is our wealth" for children of the middle group. Synopsis of the integrated directly educational activity “Bread is the head of everything

Routing GCD Drawing

DOU: St. Petersburg State Autonomous Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 5 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg."

Group: Senior group "Rainbow". Educator: Voloshchuk Marina Viktorovna.

Topic: "Bread is the head of everything!" Theme of the week: "Bread is the head of everything!"

Purpose: Formation creative imagination and the ability to implement ideas.

Tasks: Strengthening the skill of working with colored pencils, choosing the right color scheme, symmetrically arranging the constituent parts of the picture. To consolidate knowledge about the types of bakery products. Materials, tools, equipment: colored pencils, White paper, a magnetic board with legs, a picture with cotton products, pictures of cotton products and examples of their drawing.

Preliminary work: Children are divided into two groups: one stays with the teacher, the second goes to the playroom, where they play quiet quiet games: didactic, role-playing, work with the designer, drawing on a free topic.

Stage, its durationStage tasksActivities of the TeacherActivities of pupilsMethods, forms, techniques, possible types activitiesResult

Psychological attitude

Attract the attention of childrenask questionsverbal methodThe kids are ready for work

Introductory organizational

Tell the kids what's going to happen

Educator: invites everyone to go to the game room and look at the vase for bakery products (where dummies of bakery products usually lie).

Children's comments and response: they are gone.

Teacher: Yes guys. Today the girls wanted to play in our kitchen and found that all the buns, muffins and bread were gone. How can we find them, how can we solve this problem?

Children's answers: search, buy, do it yourself.

Children are organized




GCD Drawing

DOW: St. Petersburg State Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 5 of the Moskovsky District of St. Petersburg".

Group: Senior group "Rainbow".

Educator: Voloshchuk Marina Viktorovna

Topic: "Bread is the head of everything!"

Topic of the week: "Bread is the head of everything!"


Tasks: Strengthening the skill of working with colored pencils, choosing the right color scheme, symmetrically arranging the components of the picture. To consolidate knowledge about the types of bakery products.

Materials, tools, equipment:colored pencils, white paper, a magnetic board with legs, a picture with cotton products, pictures of cotton products and examples of their drawing.

Preliminary work:

Children are divided into two groups: one stays with the teacher, the second goes to the playroom, where they play quiet quiet games: didactic, plot-role-playing, work with the designer, drawing on a free topic.

stage, it


Stage tasks





Methods, forms, techniques, possible types



mental attitude,

1 minute

Attract the attention of children.

Three loud claps (or ringing of a bell), please collect toys and go to the teacher

Children put away toys and approach the teacher. They ask questions.

verbal method.

The kids are set to work.


1-2 min

Tell the children what is going to happen.

Educator: invites everyone to go to the game room and look at the vase for bakery products (where dummies of bakery products usually lie).

Children's comments and response: they are gone.

Teacher: Yes guys. Today the girls wanted to play in our kitchen and found that all the buns, muffins and bread were gone. How can we find them, how can we solve this problem?

Children's answers: search, buy, do it yourself.

The children look at the table game room, ask questions, tell, listen to the teacher.

Verbal-visual method, discussion.

The kids are organized.

Motivational, motivational

1-2 min

Get kids interested in drawing bakery products.

Educator: Let's remember where bakery products come (take) from.

Children: several children answer in turn.

Educator: Guys, how can we return our bakery products?

Children's answers.

Educator: I propose to draw bakery products laid out on beautiful table, and see if ours would like to return to our table to return to the game room.

Children listen to the teacher, agree to perform actions, answer questions.

verbal visual method.

Children are interested in performing actions to gain new knowledge and consolidate previously acquired.


3 min

To consolidate knowledge about the types of bakery products.

Educator: Let's remember what bakery products we had in the kitchen and what was gone. And our ball will help us do this. I will throw a ball to you and whoever has it will name the bakery product and say that it is gone. For example, there was bread - there was no bread.

Ball game "What's gone"

(bread, long loaf, buns, bagel, pretzel, pie, cookies, dryers, cake, cupcake).

We didn't have such bakery products.

Children listen to the teacher. Children complete tasks by following the rules of the game.

Conversation, play activity, Verbal-visual method.

Every child understands and wants to do these actions.

Perception and assimilation of the new (or expansion of existing ideas),

5-8 min

Formation of creative imagination and the ability to realize the plan.


Bread was grown by the growers,


To please the fragrant,

Delicious loaf of bread.

Rye bread, loaf and rolls

You won't get it on a walk.

People cherish bread in the fields,

They spare no effort for bread.

The bread machine is running

Drives up to the store.

From doors open on the side

Fly out on trays

Saiki, bagels and muffins,

Donuts, buns in curls.

teacher: shows finished work that children have to do. Explaining why and how the products are arranged in the picture.

Children: review and discuss what they want to draw.

Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, look at the picture, discuss.

Visually effective methods.

verbal visual method. Discussion.

The children were introduced to new material.

dynamic pause, 1 minute

Switch the attention of children.

Physical education:

A grain hit the ground, (squat)

It began to germinate in the sun (hands above head)

Rain watered the ground

And the sprout grew up (slowly get up)

Stretched for light and warmth (on toes)

And he turned into a handsome man (showing himself).

Educator: Tell me, has anyone seen a real spikelet?




Game tricks

The children rested.

Practical work (if provided), 5-10 min

Strengthening the skill of working with colored pencils, choosing the right color scheme, symmetrically arranging the components of the picture.

Educator: I suggest you draw a table and arrange your favorite bakery products. shows step by step different types cotton products. On the table at the head (in the middle) is a loaf.

Children watch the actions of the educator, gradually do the work on their own.

Activation techniques


children's thinking. verbal visual method.

Implementation of practical work.

Individual shape

organization of activities.

Mastering a certain amount of new skills, consolidating previously acquired skills.

Reflective-corrective (for educational activities, in which practical work predominates),

3 min

Help the child understand (realize) that he has mastered the skills and coped with the task.

Asks questions: what did we do today, what did we master, what did we remember? Why do we need to know where bread comes from, what types of bakery products there are and why we need to be able to draw different forms and items?

Children answer questions and talk about what they have done, show their work (allow each child to answer).

conversation, method feedback from children (tell).

Children are aware of and positively evaluate the acquired skills and previously acquired skills and knowledge.

The final stage. Reflection,

3 min

Formation of positive self-esteem and desire for further development and consolidation of new skills and knowledge.

Positive attitude, praise and gratitude:all did well, well done.

Question: did the children like it and do they still want to play and learn a lot of new and interesting things?

They ask questions, express their consent to the further development of new skills and knowledge.

Conversation, discussion.

The awareness of children that they have mastered and consolidated knowledge and skills and their activities are needed by someone and by themselves.

Directorate of General Education

Rtishchevsky district of the Saratov region

Municipal preschool educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 12" Asterisk. Rtishchevo, Saratov Region"

abstract drawing

Theme; “Bread is the head of everything”

Educator: Kolomiets V.E.


Abstract drawing “Bread is the head of everything”

Target: educate children unconventional ways drawing a wheat ear.

To expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the wheat ear, its appearance.

consolidate drawing skills with a bristle brush.

- increase motivation visual activity through awareness of its moral significance; improve gross and fine motor skills.

Activate adjectives in children's speech (yellow, prickly, golden).

Educational tasks:to cultivate independence and purposefulness in work, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, accuracy when working with paints. Bring up careful attitude to bread.

Lesson progress

The teacher tells ancient legend about the grain ear:

In ancient times, when God himself walked the earth, the life of people was easy and full. All year round it was summer. It rained when needed, the sun shone when needed. Growing in the forests fruit trees. The animals were gentle, and all fed on grass. People knew neither diseases, nor troubles, nor hunger. The grain ear was very large - there was almost no stem, the grains started from the very ground, and each grain was the size of a bean. There was so much bread that no one appreciated it. Once God walked the earth and saw how a mother wiped a soiled child with a piece of freshly baked bread and at the same time refused food to a wanderer. God got angry, ascended to heaven and deprived the people of bread. The earth became like a stone, the rivers dried up, the grass withered. Hunger has come. Then the cat and the dog went to God to ask for bread. He took pity and singled out a small ear on a long stem for the cat's and dog's share. God made it so that summer began to occupy only half of the year. Winter is for people and summer is for animals. People, baking fresh bread, gave the first piece to cats and dogs. Now tell me, what does the legend teach?

Educator: guys, guess the riddle, “a house grew in a field, a house is full of grain” (ear). Here is a spikelet visiting us today, let's tell you what we know about him. Where does the spikelet grow? What plants still grow in the field that have spikelets?

Children: wheat, rye, barley.

Educator: guys, let's look at the picture, which shows a field of wheat. What is on the spike?

Children: grains (the teacher demonstrates a natural wheat ear)

Physical education minute

A grain hit the ground (children squat),

It began to germinate in the sun (hands above head).

The rain watered the earth, and the sprout grew (the children slowly get up).

He reached for the light and warmth, and turned into a handsome man.

Educator: children, let's sit down at the table and try to draw a wheat field (at the beginning we draw a stalk, and then by blotting the bristle of the brush.

The teacher asks the children to imagine that he is a spikelet, and they are grains. Children slowly gather in a circle on the carpet, in the center is the teacher.

Guys, tell me what is made from wheat grains? (flour of different varieties)

GCD of children of the preparatory group for school using ICT "Bread is the head of everything"

What do you know about bread?
(children's answers)
Guys, when I was your age, I often didn’t eat bread, and so that adults wouldn’t know this, I threw the half-eaten pieces into the trash can. But one day I heard from my grandfather, former prisoner fascist camp about what kind of bread they were fed in captivity ...
I will tell you the recipe for the "Bread" of the Nazi concentration camps.
The fact is that the Nazis baked a special “BROD” for Russian prisoners of war according to a special recipe.
sugar beet squeezes - 40%,
bran - 30%,
sawdust - 20%,
cellulose flour from leaves or straw - 10%.

"Bread of War" cannot leave indifferent any person, especially those who experienced terrible hardships during the war - hunger, cold, bullying. And my grandfather, by the will of fate, had to go through these torments of captivity.
“But that’s what they ate,” he said, “For a Russian, all food is bread and water,” and water was also special, it accumulated after rain in puddles in which Nazi soldiers washed their boots.
- “I will move the mold with my hand, I will draw water in my palm, and it is rotten, it smells like a swamp ...”
and shut up.
Concentration camp prisoners know the price of bread and bow before it.
“That's it, my friend,” my grandfather added and smiled, but his eyes did not express any fun, and a stingy, masculine tear rolled down his cheek ...
Since then, my relationship with bread has changed a lot!
There is only one word that is equivalent to the word "bread". That word is life.
And no gold can outweigh a crumb of bread.
Today, on our tables, there is always crispy bread with a delicious crust. But how does it appear? Where does it come from?
(children's answers)
Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least 15 thousand years ago. The profession of a baker is one of the oldest on earth.
It is hard and hard to get bread. Many people help him "walk" to the table.
I suggest planting a small seed and seeing what grows out of it.

Physical education:
We planted grain
What will come out of it?
The rain waters the earth
The sun gently warms
The grain grows
Reached for the sun.
It plays with the wind
The wind shakes him
Presses low to the ground
That's how fun it is to play!
Our sprout stretched
Turned into a spike.

Now I propose to take a virtual tour to learn everything about bread.
(view presentation)

1 slide
"Bread is the head of everything"
2 slide
Russia has long been famous for its bread.
3 slide

Bread is now the wealth of our country.
4 slide

And the work of the farmer is the most important, because without bread it is impossible to imagine our life.
5 slide
It is not for nothing that people have composed so many proverbs and sayings about bread:
6 slide

"One grain gives a handful"

What proverbs about bread do you know?

(children tell proverbs and sayings about bread)
Buckwheat- our mother, and rye bread - our father.
Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
Without a plow and a harrow, even the king will not find bread.
Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.
It is hard to live without bread and water.
They don't dine without bread.
There will be bread - there will be lunch.
In the field - for bread, in the forest - for firewood.
Plow deeper, chew more bread.
Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.
Eat pies, take care of bread.
If you want to eat, you will talk about bread.
Lots of snow, lots of bread.
Not a fur coat warms, but bread.
If you don't work, you won't get bread.
Khlebushko - kalach grandfather.
Bread and water - why not food?
Bread and water - heroic food.
Bread is the head of everything.
7 slide
Bread products are not only tasty, but also nutritious. We eat bread every day, and it does not get boring.
8 slide
How is it grown? Whom should we thank for the bread on our table? Who knows what the people who grow bread are called?
(children's answers)
9 slide
Let's go on a little trip to the field.
10 slide
In the spring, a special tractor plows the land and sows wheat.
11 slide
The sun is shining, the rain is falling. Soon in the fields, green sprouts appear - shoots.
12 slide
Spikelets grow in summer, and there are many, many grains in them.
13 slide
In autumn, wheat ripens and spikelets are harvested by machines - combines.

15 slide
The grains are taken out of the spikelets - they are threshed. That's how much grain is obtained.
16 slide
The grain is ground - ground and flour is obtained.
Water and other products are added to the flour and the dough is kneaded.
17 slide
The dough is used to make bread, buns or cakes. The dough is put into molds and baked in the oven or in the oven.
Guys, what is the name of the person who bakes bread?
(children's answers)
18 slide
And it turns out delicious, fragrant bread.
19 slide
(child recites a poem)
Here it is - fragrant bread.
Here it is - warm, golden,
In it is our health, strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
guarded, protected.

Guys, I really want to read you a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov
Three boys down the alley
Like playing football
Back and forth they drove a bun
And they scored a goal with it.
An unfamiliar uncle walked by,
Stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He extended his hand to that bun.
Then, frowning angrily,
For a long time he blew the dust off her
And suddenly calmly and openly
Kissed her in front of everyone.
“Who are you?” the children asked.
Forget about football for a while.
- I'm a baker! - the man replied
And with a roll slowly left.
And this word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Seas of golden wheat.
Guys, at the end of our conversation, I would like to invite you to organize the project “Bread is life!” Do you agree?
(answers, wishes, suggestions of children)
I suggest you draw in the drawings what you remember most.
(artistic creation)

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group (age 4-5 years) on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything."

Work description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children middle group(4-5 years) on the topic "Bread is the head of everything" This material will be useful for the teacher of the middle group. This abstract is educational in nature, aimed at expanding children's ideas about how bread comes to our table.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive - speech, physical development.
To give children an initial idea of ​​the journey that grain goes through to become bread. Educational:
give an idea of ​​how bread comes to our table;
to introduce children to the profession of a grain grower, tractor driver, combine operator, baker; with their activities.
expand children's understanding of how I grow, bake bread,
to form an idea of ​​the variety of bakery products;
to form the idea that bread is one of the most important food products.
to acquaint adults with the work: a grain grower, a miller, a baker.
cultivate a careful attitude to bread,
to cultivate a careful attitude to work, an understanding that the work of each makes our life, the country better and richer.
Show the children that bread is the basis of human life, that the process of growing bread is very long and difficult, so we should all take care of bread, respect the work of people who grow it.
Dictionary: grain grower, mill, miller, bakery, baker, millstone.
Equipment: Round Rye bread, tray, bakery products: donuts, croutons, cookies; bread box, spikelet, grain, flour, loaf;
illustrations: grain grower, harvester, mill, baker; plates with grain, flour.
Region Integration:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity".

Lesson progress

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.
Educator: Guys, listen and guess what I'm going to talk about now.
Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, fluffy and fragrant,
He is black, he is white
And it gets burnt.
Bad dinner without him
There is no tastier one in the world!
Children answer: Bread.
Educator: Today we will talk about bread.
Spikelet enters
Guys, a spike came to visit us. Look what he brought us.
What is bread baked from?
What do we eat for lunch?
Bread is baked from flour

What do the spikelets give us
Every day we eat white and rye bread, many of you love dryers, biscuits, croutons, various cakes. And who knows what they are made of?
Children answer: flour, eggs...
Educator: And now the spikelet will tell us how he became such a fragrant loaf.
a) Grains live in the spikelet.
Our spikelet was the same grain. It hit the ground. The sun warmed him, the rain poured. People took care of him and took care of him. These people are called farmers.
And a spikelet grew from the grain. Grain is harvested from spikelets with the help of special machines.
b) These grains must be turned into flour - white, airy, tender, obedient.
Therefore, the grain is taken to the mill, where the miller grinds flour from them.
(Teacher shows illustrations).
The miller will turn on the millstones and grind the grain into flour. And how millstones work, I will now show.
To work, millstone,
Grind the grains first!
And let's turn on our millstones. Is everyone ready? Then we start. Repeat after me.
Physical education minute
First you need a millstone
set in motion, like this.
(Rotational movements of the hands in front of you.)
And now we rotate the millstones. (Rub with palm on palm with rotational movements)
To make a loaf
Turn the millstone faster! (Change hand movements.)
Stronger than three grains of the side,
It turns out flour!
c) After the miller, the baker will work with flour.
White flour baker
Will make a lush dough!
Yeast, don't be lazy
Raise our dough!
Now let's play.
Now I will show how the yeast raises the dough. Follow me and repeat all the steps.
Yeast collected air
Yeast puffed up the dough.
Yeast puffed up the dough.
Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale:
Pooh! Pooh! Oh! Oh!
Come on, dough, in breadth and up
Grow and rise!
White dough puffed - Oh! Oh!
The dough is ripe and thick - Oh! Oh!
We crushed him a little -
And they shook it cheerfully.
What a fluffy dough we got! Thank you all for your help.
The baker places this dough in the oven, saying:
Sit in the hot oven
Blush, bake!
What a miracle, bread loaf! Thanks baker!
Here is a rye loaf
With a ruddy crust.
Never forget
He's in charge on the table!
Lunch doesn't count without it.
On holidays and weekdays:
"Bread glory and honor!" -
All people speak.
Educator: How many people are working to make delicious bread! He must be treated with care. Do not crumble bread while eating, do not leave uneaten pieces, do not throw them away. When you eat bread, remember how much work has been put into each piece.
So, in order to always have fragrant bread with a crispy crust on our table, many people work. Let's remember who it is.
Children answer: Bread grower, mill (miller), baker, flour, bakery products, bread, loaf, buns, etc.
Educator: That's how many interesting things the spikelet told us. He thanks you for listening carefully and doing all the tasks.
Children, remember that bread is the most important wealth, it was created with great labor. As you eat bread, remember how much human labor goes into each loaf of bread. Save the bread!
Guys, our loaf has little sisters. They are also baked in a hot oven. What's this?
Small, rich, edible wheel.
I won’t eat it alone, I’ll share it with everyone.
Children answer: Bagel.
Educator: This is a treat from a spikelet. Let's thank him.
Children: Thank you.
Educator: Goodbye, spikelet, come to us with your interesting stories.
Children: Goodbye!

AT kindergarten Each school week has its own theme. These may be domestic or wild animals, vegetables or fruits, birds or insects, vehicles or adult occupations. One of the must-haves in all age groups the theme "Bread is the head of everything" is considered. All activities of the week reinforce this theme: the development of speech and familiarization with the environment and nature, conversations and observations. On the this topic There are also art classes. This week, children are spikelets and In the article, we will introduce parents to how drawing is carried out in senior group on the topic "Bread".

Bakery products

Beginning with junior group, children learn to draw various subject and plot pictures on the topic "Bread is the head of everything." By the older group, they already have the skills to draw a symmetrical spikelet, buns and bagels. On the week, dedicated to bread, with the guys of the older group, you can plan an exhibition of bakery products.

The teacher can distribute who will draw what pastries, or the children themselves can, if they wish. Then on separate sheets on paper, the guys draw a long loaf, bread, a bagel, a bun, a loaf, bagels, donuts and wickerwork, etc. Then all the variety is hung out on a stand in the corridor. Children of the younger group, parents, kindergarten staff can be invited to the exhibition of works.

Meeting with guests

In our country, there is a tradition, following which dear guests are met with bread and salt. They carry out a beautiful loaf on a clean embroidered towel. With children of five years of age in the older group, drawing on the topic "Bread" can be done after the teacher's story about the loaf, looking at the illustrations of the meeting of the guests. Separately, they show the children an example of a beautiful embroidered towel. The teacher explains how to draw a large decorated bread. In the middle of it is placed a small salt shaker. According to tradition, guests should break off a small piece of loaf, dip it in salt and eat it.

Children, following the model of the teacher, first draw a semicircle of bread with light brown paint. Top part The loaf is decorated with spikelets or flowers of the same color. A white towel is drawn below. After drying, its edges are painted with a geometric or floral ornament. At the end of the drawing, a salt shaker is placed on top. white salt can be done by priming a cotton swab.

Bread in a basket

On this topic, you can plan the following:

1. First, the children depict a basket. It can be an ordinary product woven from twigs. The child first draws the outlines pencil, dividing it into sectors. Only then small details are painted over, alternating light and dark elements with each other.

2. Then, after complete drying, draw bread and a bagel, shading more light shade product bends.

3. You can insert several spikelets into the basket in the background. To do this, you need to draw with a simple pencil and then color it, also alternating colors.

Such drawing in the senior group on the topic "Bread" can be done using colored pencils or wax crayons. Because there are so many small details.

Please note: if you want to draw such a picture with your child at home, then five-year-old children should already understand the spatial arrangement of objects. What is closer is drawn in a larger size, what is farther - small. To draw a basket, such an angle is used when the front of the wallet is located below, not at the same level as the back side. The inside of the container is visible. You can draw a handle for it, or you can put a napkin on the bottom of the basket and draw that the corners of the fabric hang from the middle of it.

grain field

After a lesson on acquaintance with the professions of adults, in which children watched how bread is made, what kind of people are involved in the process of creating such a main product on our table, you can consolidate the material in a drawing lesson in the older group. It is not difficult to draw a grain field, but preliminary work is required.

First, the day before class, you will need to draw a background blue color for the paint to dry well. The next day, the guys are already drawing the wheat itself growing in the field. You can draw yellow, fully ripened spikelets, or you can depict green shoots.

Children of the older group are already learning to depict the movement of objects. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to the children that the wind sways the spikelets and they lean in different sides. They can also be drawn in a semicircle, lowered down. As the spikelet matures, the grains become heavy and drag it down. Bottom part the picture is filled with sticks on which the grains are held. Top on blue sky you can draw white clouds and the sun.

The subject of drawing

As additional options in the senior group on the topic "Bread", the following options can be offered:

1. Treat for dolls.

2. Tea party with bagels.

3. Easter holiday.

4. Sandwich for breakfast.

5. Favorite donuts.

6. We bake bagels for grandma.

You can fantasize for a long time, which allows a variety of bakery products. You can draw a sheaf in a field or spikelets in a vase. The main thing is that children learn that bread is important product in human life, so it must be protected and treated with respect.