Secrets of accumulation and loss of energy. Gravity fluid storage. Vigorous strength exercises to gain energy

Consumption ecology. Science and technology: One of the main problems of alternative energy is its uneven supply from renewable sources. Consider how you can accumulate types of energy (although for practical use we then need to turn the stored energy into either electricity or heat).

One of the main problems of alternative energy is its uneven supply from renewable sources. The sun shines only during the day and in cloudless weather, the wind either blows or subsides. Yes, and the need for electricity is not constant, for example, it takes less for lighting during the day, and more in the evening. And people like it when cities and villages are flooded with illuminations at night. Well, or at least just the streets are lit. So the task arises - to save the received energy for some time in order to use it when the need for it is maximum, and the flow is not enough.

There are 6 main types of energy: gravitational, mechanical, thermal, chemical, electromagnetic and nuclear. To date, humanity has learned how to create artificial batteries for the energy of the first five types (well, except for the fact that the available stocks of nuclear fuel are of artificial origin). Here we will consider how each of these types of energy can be stored and stored (although for practical use we will then need to turn the accumulated energy into either electricity or heat).

Gravitational energy accumulators

In accumulators of this type, at the stage of energy accumulation, the load rises, accumulating potential energy, and at the right moment it falls back, returning this energy with benefit. The use of solids or liquids as cargo brings its own characteristics to the design of each type. An intermediate position between them is occupied by the use of bulk materials (sand, lead shot, small steel balls, etc.).

Gravity Solid State Energy Storage

The essence of gravitational mechanical storage consists in the fact that a certain load rises to a height and is released at the right time, forcing the generator axis to rotate along the way. An example of the implementation of such an energy storage method is the device proposed by the Californian company Advanced Rail Energy Storage (ARES). The idea is simple: at a time when solar panels and windmills produce a lot of energy, special heavy cars are driven uphill with the help of electric motors. At night and in the evening, when there are not enough energy sources to provide consumers, the cars go down and the motors, working as generators, return the accumulated energy back to the network.

Almost all mechanical storage devices of this class have a very simple design, and therefore high reliability and long term services. The storage time of once stored energy is practically unlimited, unless the load and structural elements crumble over time from old age or corrosion.

The energy stored in lifting solids can be released in a very short time. The limitation on the power received from such devices is imposed only by the acceleration of free fall, which determines the maximum rate of increase in the speed of the falling load.

Unfortunately, the specific energy consumption of such devices is low and is determined by the classical formula E = m · g · h. Thus, in order to store energy for heating 1 liter of water from 20°C to 100°C, it is necessary to lift a ton of cargo at least to a height of 35 meters (or 10 tons by 3.5 meters). Therefore, when there is a need to store more energy, this immediately leads to the need to create bulky and, as an inevitable consequence, expensive structures.

The disadvantage of such systems is also that the path along which the load moves must be free and fairly straight, and it is also necessary to exclude the possibility of accidental entry of things, people and animals into this area.

Gravity fluid storage

Unlike solid-state cargo, when using liquids, there is no need to create straight shafts of large cross-section for the entire height of the lift - the liquid also moves perfectly along curved pipes, the cross section of which should only be sufficient to pass the maximum design flow through them. Therefore, the upper and lower tanks do not have to be placed one under the other, but can be spaced apart by a sufficiently large distance.

It is this class that includes pumped storage power plants (PSPPs).

There are also smaller scale hydraulic accumulators of gravitational energy. First, we pump 10 tons of water from an underground reservoir (well) into a container on a tower. Then the water from the tank under the action of gravity flows back into the tank, rotating a turbine with an electric generator. The service life of such a drive can be 20 years or more. Advantages: when using a wind turbine, the latter can directly drive a water pump, water from a tank on a tower can be used for other needs.

Unfortunately, hydraulic systems are more difficult to maintain in proper technical condition than solid-state ones - first of all, this concerns the tightness of tanks and pipelines and the serviceability of shut-off and pumping equipment. One more thing important condition- at the moments of accumulation and use of energy, the working fluid (at least its sufficiently large part) must be in a liquid state of aggregation, and not be in the form of ice or steam. But sometimes in such accumulators it is possible to obtain additional free energy, for example, when replenishing the upper reservoir with melt or rain water.

Mechanical energy storage

Mechanical energy manifests itself in the interaction, movement of individual bodies or their particles. It includes the kinetic energy of movement or rotation of the body, the energy of deformation during bending, stretching, twisting, compression of elastic bodies (springs).

Gyroscopic Energy Storage

In gyroscopic accumulators, energy is stored in the form of the kinetic energy of a rapidly rotating flywheel. The specific energy stored per kilogram of flywheel weight is much greater than what can be stored in a kilogram of static weight, even lifting it to a great height, and the latest high-tech developments promise a stored energy density comparable to the chemical energy per unit mass of the most efficient types of chemical fuel.

Another huge plus of the flywheel is the ability to quickly return or receive very large power, limited only by the tensile strength of materials in the case of a mechanical transmission or the “capacity” of electric, pneumatic or hydraulic transmissions.

Unfortunately, flywheels are sensitive to jolts and rotations in planes other than the plane of rotation, because this creates huge gyroscopic loads that tend to bend the axle. In addition, the storage time of the energy accumulated by the flywheel is relatively short, and for conventional designs it usually ranges from a few seconds to several hours. Further, the energy losses due to friction become too noticeable ... However, modern technologies allows you to dramatically increase the storage time - up to several months.

Finally, one more unpleasant moment - the energy stored by the flywheel directly depends on its rotation speed, therefore, as energy is accumulated or released, the rotation speed changes all the time. At the same time, the load very often requires a stable rotation speed, not exceeding several thousand revolutions per minute. For this reason, purely mechanical systems for transferring power to and from the flywheel can be too complex to manufacture. Sometimes the situation can be simplified by an electromechanical transmission using a motor-generator located on the same shaft as the flywheel or connected to it by a rigid gearbox. But then energy losses for heating wires and windings are inevitable, which can be much higher than friction and slip losses in good variators.

Particularly promising are the so-called super-flywheels, which consist of coils of steel tape, wire, or high-strength synthetic fiber. The winding can be dense, or it can have a specially left empty space. In the latter case, as the flywheel unwinds, the coils of the tape move from its center to the periphery of rotation, changing the moment of inertia of the flywheel, and if the tape is spring, then storing part of the energy in the energy of elastic deformation of the spring. As a result, in such flywheels, the rotation speed is not so directly related to the accumulated energy and is much more stable than in the simplest one-piece structures, and their energy consumption is noticeably higher.

In addition to greater energy intensity, they are safer in case of various accidents, since, unlike fragments of a large monolithic flywheel, comparable in energy and destructive power to cannonballs, fragments of a spring have much less “damaging power” and usually quite effectively slow down a burst flywheel in due to friction against the walls of the case. For the same reason, modern solid flywheels, designed to operate in modes close to the redistribution of material strength, are often made not monolithic, but woven from cables or fibers impregnated with a binder.

Modern designs with a vacuum chamber of rotation and a magnetic suspension of a superflywheel made of Kevlar fiber provide a stored energy density of more than 5 MJ / kg, and they can store kinetic energy for weeks and months. According to optimistic estimates, the use of heavy-duty “supercarbon” fiber for winding will increase the rotation speed and the specific density of stored energy many times more - up to 2-3 GJ / kg (they promise that one spin-up of such a flywheel weighing 100-150 kg will be enough for a run of a million kilometers or more, i.e. for virtually the entire life of the car!). However, the cost of this fiber is also many times higher than the cost of gold, so even Arab sheikhs cannot afford such machines yet ... More details about flywheel drives can be found in Nurbey Gulia's book.

Gyroresonance energy storage

These drives are the same flywheel, but made of an elastic material (for example, rubber). As a result, it has fundamentally new properties. As the speed increases, “outgrowths” - “petals” begin to form on such a flywheel - first it turns into an ellipse, then into a “flower” with three, four or more “petals” ... Moreover, after the formation of “petals” begins, the flywheel rotation speed is already practically does not change, and the energy is stored in the resonant wave of elastic deformation of the flywheel material, which forms these "petals".

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, N.Z. Garmash was engaged in such constructions in Donetsk. His results are impressive - according to his estimates, with a flywheel operating speed of only 7-8 thousand rpm, the stored energy was enough for the car to travel 1,500 km versus 30 km with a conventional flywheel of the same size. Unfortunately, more recent information about this type of drive is unknown.

Mechanical accumulators using elastic forces

This class of devices has a very large specific capacity of stored energy. If it is necessary to observe small dimensions (several centimeters), its energy intensity is the highest among mechanical storage devices. If the requirements for weight and size characteristics are not so stringent, then large ultra-high-speed flywheels surpass it in terms of energy intensity, but they are much more sensitive to external factors and have much less energy storage time.

Spring mechanical accumulators

The compression and extension of the spring can provide a very large flow and supply of energy per unit time - perhaps the highest mechanical power among all types of energy storage devices. As in flywheels, it is limited only by the tensile strength of materials, but the springs usually implement the working translational movement directly, and in flywheels you cannot do without a rather complex transmission (it is no coincidence that pneumatic weapons use either mechanical mainsprings or gas canisters, which in their in essence, they are pre-charged pneumatic springs; before the advent of firearms, spring weapons were also used for combat at a distance - bows and crossbows, which completely replaced the sling with its kinetic energy accumulation in professional troops long before the new era).

The storage life of the accumulated energy in a compressed spring can be many years. However, it should be taken into account that under permanent deformation any material accumulates fatigue over time, and the crystal lattice of the metal of the spring changes slowly, and the greater the internal stresses and the higher the ambient temperature, the sooner and to a greater extent this will happen. Therefore, after several decades, a compressed spring, without changing externally, may turn out to be “discharged” completely or partially. However, high-quality steel springs, if they are not subjected to overheating or hypothermia, are able to work for centuries without visible loss of capacity. For example, an old mechanical wall clock from one full factory still runs for two weeks - just like it did more than half a century ago when it was made.

If it is necessary to gradually evenly "charge" and "discharge" the spring, the mechanism that provides this can be very complex and capricious (look at the same mechanical watch - in fact, a lot of gears and other parts serve this very purpose). An electromechanical transmission can simplify the situation, but it usually imposes significant restrictions on the instantaneous power of such a device, and when working with low powers (a few hundred watts or less), its efficiency is too low. A separate task is the accumulation of maximum energy in a minimum volume, since in this case mechanical stresses arise that are close to the ultimate strength of the materials used, which requires particularly careful calculations and impeccable workmanship.

Speaking about springs here, one must keep in mind not only metal, but also other elastic solid elements. The most common among them are rubber bands. By the way, in terms of energy stored per unit mass, rubber exceeds steel tenfold, but it also serves about the same number of times less, and, unlike steel, loses its properties after a few years even without active use and with ideal external conditions. conditions - due to relatively rapid chemical aging and degradation of the material.

Gas mechanical storage

In this class of devices, energy is stored due to the elasticity of the compressed gas. With an excess of energy, the compressor pumps gas into the cylinder. When it is required to use the stored energy, the compressed gas is supplied to the turbine, which directly performs the necessary mechanical work or rotates the electric generator. Instead of a turbine, you can use a piston engine, which is more efficient at low power (by the way, there are also reversible piston engine-compressors).

Almost every modern industrial compressor is equipped with a similar battery - receiver. True, the pressure there rarely exceeds 10 atm, and therefore the energy reserve in such a receiver is not very large, but even this usually allows several times to increase the resource of the installation and save energy.

A gas compressed to a pressure of tens and hundreds of atmospheres can provide a sufficiently high specific density of stored energy for an almost unlimited time (months, years, and with a high quality of the receiver and valves - tens of years - it is not without reason that pneumatic weapons using cartridges with compressed gas, has become so widespread). However, the compressor with a turbine or a piston engine included in the installation are rather complex, capricious devices and have a very limited resource.

A promising technology for creating energy reserves is the compression of air at the expense of available energy at a time when there is no direct need for the latter. Compressed air is cooled and stored at a pressure of 60-70 atmospheres. If it is necessary to use the stored energy, the air is extracted from the accumulator, heated, and then enters a special gas turbine, where the energy of compressed and heated air rotates the turbine stages, the shaft of which is connected to an electric generator that produces electricity to the power system.

To store compressed air, it is proposed, for example, to use suitable mine workings or specially created underground tanks in salt rocks. The concept is not new, the storage of compressed air in an underground cave was patented back in 1948, and the first compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant with a capacity of 290 MW has been operating at the Huntorf power plant in Germany since 1978. At the stage of air compression a large number of energy is lost in the form of heat. This lost energy must be compensated by compressed air before the expansion stage in the gas turbine, for which hydrocarbon fuel is used, with the help of which the temperature of the air is increased. This means that the installations are far from 100% efficient.

There is a promising direction for improving the effectiveness of CAES. It consists in retaining and storing the heat released during the operation of the compressor at the stage of air compression and cooling, with its subsequent reuse during the reheating of cold air (the so-called recuperation). However, this variant of CAES has significant technical difficulties, especially in the direction of creating a system long-term preservation heat. If these problems are solved, AA-CAES (Advanced Adiabatic-CAES) could pave the way for large-scale energy storage systems, an issue that has been raised by researchers around the world.

Participants of the Canadian startup Hydrostor proposed another unusual solution- pump energy into underwater bubbles.

Thermal energy storage

In our climatic conditions a very significant (often the main) part of the energy consumed is spent on heating. Therefore, it would be very convenient to accumulate heat directly in the storage and then receive it back. Unfortunately, in most cases, the stored energy density is very low, and the time of its conservation is very limited.

There are thermal accumulators with solid or consumable heat storage material; liquid; steam; thermochemical; with electric heating element. Heat accumulators can be connected to a system with a solid fuel boiler, a solar system or a combined system.

Energy storage due to heat capacity

In accumulators of this type, heat is accumulated due to the heat capacity of the substance serving as the working fluid. A classic example of a heat accumulator is the Russian stove. She was heated once a day and then she heated the house during the day. Nowadays, a heat accumulator most often means containers for storing hot water, lined with a material with high thermal insulation properties.

There are also heat accumulators based on solid heat carriers, for example, in ceramic bricks.

Different substances have different heat capacities. For most, it is in the range from 0.1 to 2 kJ/(kg K). Water has an anomalously high heat capacity - its heat capacity in the liquid phase is approximately 4.2 kJ/(kg K). Only very exotic lithium has a higher heat capacity - 4.4 kJ/(kg·K).

However, in addition to the specific heat capacity (by mass), it is also necessary to take into account the volumetric heat capacity, which allows you to determine how much heat is needed to change the temperature of the same volume by the same amount. various substances. It is calculated from the usual specific (mass) heat capacity by multiplying it by the specific density of the corresponding substance. The volumetric heat capacity should be guided when the volume of the heat accumulator is more important than its weight.

For example, the specific heat capacity of steel is only 0.46 kJ / (kg K), but the density is 7800 kg / m3, and, say, for polypropylene - 1.9 kJ / (kg K) - in 4 s once again more, but its density is only 900 kg / m3. Therefore, with the same volume, steel will be able to store 2.1 times more heat than polypropylene, although it will be almost 9 times heavier. However, due to the anomalously high heat capacity of water, no material can surpass it in terms of volumetric heat capacity. However, the volumetric heat capacity of iron and its alloys (steel, cast iron) differs from water by less than 20% - in one cubic meter they can store more than 3.5 MJ of heat for each degree of temperature change, the volumetric heat capacity of copper is slightly less - 3.48 MJ /(cub. m K). The heat capacity of air under normal conditions is approximately 1 kJ / kg, or 1.3 kJ / m3, therefore, in order to heat a cubic meter of air by 1 °, it is enough to cool a little less than 1/3 liter of water by the same degree (naturally, hotter than air ).

Due to the simplicity of the device (what could be simpler than a stationary solid piece or a closed reservoir with a liquid heat carrier?), such energy storage devices have an almost unlimited number of energy storage-return cycles and a very long service life - for liquid heat carriers until the liquid dries up or until the reservoir is damaged from corrosion or other causes, for solid state there are no such restrictions. But the storage time is very limited and, as a rule, ranges from several hours to several days - for a longer period, conventional thermal insulation is no longer able to retain heat, and the specific density of the stored energy is low.

Finally, one more circumstance should be emphasized - for efficient operation, not only the heat capacity is important, but also the thermal conductivity of the substance of the heat accumulator. With high thermal conductivity, even for sufficiently rapid change external conditions, the heat accumulator will react with all its mass, and therefore with all the stored energy - that is, as efficiently as possible.

In the case of poor thermal conductivity, only the surface part of the heat accumulator will have time to react, and short-term changes in external conditions simply will not have time to reach the deep layers, and a significant part of the substance of such a heat accumulator will actually be excluded from work.

Polypropylene, mentioned in the example discussed just above, has a thermal conductivity almost 200 times less than steel, and therefore, despite the rather large specific heat capacity, it cannot be an effective heat accumulator. However, technically, the problem is easily solved by organizing special channels for the circulation of the coolant inside the heat accumulator, but it is obvious that such a solution significantly complicates the design, reduces its reliability and energy consumption, and will certainly require periodic maintenance, which is hardly necessary for a monolithic piece of matter.

Strange as it may seem, sometimes it is necessary to accumulate and store not heat, but cold. Companies in the US have been offering ice-based "accumulators" for installation in air conditioners for more than a decade. At night, when there is an abundance of electricity and it is sold at reduced rates, the air conditioner freezes the water, that is, it goes into refrigerator mode. AT daytime it consumes several times less energy, working as a fan. The energy-hungry compressor is turned off for this time. .

Accumulation of energy during a change in the phase state of matter

If you carefully look at the thermal parameters of various substances, you can see that when the state of aggregation changes (melting-hardening, evaporation-condensation), a significant absorption or release of energy occurs. For most substances, the thermal energy of such transformations is sufficient to change the temperature of the same amount of the same substance by many tens or even hundreds of degrees in those temperature ranges where its state of aggregation does not change. But, as you know, until the state of aggregation of the entire volume of a substance becomes the same, its temperature is almost constant! Therefore, it would be very tempting to accumulate energy by changing the state of aggregation - there is a lot of energy accumulated, and the temperature changes little, so that as a result it would not be necessary to solve the problems associated with heating up to high temperatures, and at the same time, you can get a good capacity of such a heat accumulator.

Melting and crystallization

Unfortunately, at present, there are practically no cheap, safe and resistant to decomposition substances with a high phase transition energy, the melting point of which would lie in the most relevant range - approximately from +20°С to +50°С (maximum +70°С - this is still a relatively safe and easily attainable temperature). As a rule, complex organic compounds melt in this temperature range, which are by no means beneficial to health and often quickly oxidize in air.

Perhaps the most suitable substances are paraffins, the melting point of most of which, depending on the variety, lies in the range of 40..65 ° C (although there are also “liquid” paraffins with a melting point of 27 ° C or less, as well as natural ozokerite related to paraffins, the melting point of which is in the range of 58..100°C). Both paraffins and ozokerite are quite safe and are also used for medical purposes for direct heating of sore spots on the body.

However, with good heat capacity, their thermal conductivity is very small - so small that paraffin or ozokerite applied to the body, heated to 50-60 ° C, feels only pleasantly hot, but not scalding, as it would be with water heated to the same temperature, - for medicine, this is good, but for a heat accumulator, this is an absolute minus. In addition, these substances are not so cheap, for example, the wholesale price for ozocerite in September 2009 was about 200 rubles per kilogram, and a kilogram of paraffin cost from 25 rubles (technical) to 50 and more (highly purified food, i.e. suitable for use in food packaging). These are wholesale prices for batches of several tons, retail prices are at least one and a half times more expensive.

As a result, the economic efficiency of a paraffin heat accumulator turns out to be a big question, because a kilogram or two of paraffin or ozocerite is only suitable for medical warming up of a broken lower back for a couple of tens of minutes, and to ensure a stable temperature of a more or less spacious dwelling for at least a day, the mass of a paraffin heat accumulator must be measured in tons, so that its value immediately approaches the value of passenger car(True, the lower price segment)!

Yes, and the temperature of the phase transition, ideally, should still exactly correspond to the comfortable range (20..25 ° C) - otherwise, you still have to organize some kind of heat exchange control system. Nevertheless, the melting temperature in the region of 50..54°C, typical for highly purified paraffins, in combination with a high heat of phase transition (slightly more than 200 kJ / kg) is very well suited for a heat accumulator designed to provide hot water supply and water heating, The only problem is the low thermal conductivity and high price paraffin.

But in case of force majeure, paraffin itself can be used as a fuel with a good calorific value (although this is not so easy to do - unlike gasoline or kerosene, liquid and even more so solid paraffin does not burn in air, a wick or other device is required to supply to the combustion zone not of the paraffin itself, but only of its vapors)!

An example of a thermal energy storage device based on the effect of melting and crystallization is the TESS silicon-based thermal energy storage system, which was developed by the Australian company Latent Heat Storage.

Evaporation and condensation

The heat of evaporation-condensation, as a rule, is several times higher than the heat of melting-crystallization. And it seems that there are not so few substances evaporating in the right temperature range. In addition to frankly toxic carbon disulfide, acetone, ethyl ether, etc., there is also ethyl alcohol (its relative safety is daily proved by personal example by millions of alcoholics around the world!). Under normal conditions, alcohol boils at 78°С, and its heat of vaporization is 2.5 times greater than the heat of fusion of water (ice) and is equivalent to heating the same amount of liquid water by 200°.

However, unlike melting, when changes in the volume of a substance rarely exceed a few percent, during evaporation, vapor occupies the entire volume provided to it. And if this volume is unlimited, then the steam will evaporate, irrevocably taking with it all the accumulated energy. In a closed volume, pressure will immediately begin to rise, preventing the evaporation of new portions of the working fluid, as is the case in the most ordinary pressure cooker, so only a small percentage of the working substance experiences a change in the state of aggregation, while the rest continues to heat up, being in the liquid phase. Opens here large field activities for inventors - the creation of an efficient heat accumulator based on evaporation and condensation with a hermetic variable working volume.

Phase transitions of the second kind

In addition to phase transitions associated with a change in the state of aggregation, some substances can have several different phase states within the same state of aggregation. A change in such phase states, as a rule, is also accompanied by a noticeable release or absorption of energy, although usually much less significant than with a change in the state of aggregation of a substance. Moreover, in many cases, similar changes in contrast to the change in the state of aggregation, there is a temperature hysteresis - the temperatures of the direct and reverse phase transitions can differ significantly, sometimes by tens and even hundreds of degrees.

Electrical energy storage

Electricity is the most convenient and versatile form of energy in the world today. It is not surprising that it is electric energy storage devices that are developing most rapidly. Unfortunately, in most cases, the specific capacity of inexpensive devices is small, and devices with a high specific capacity are still too expensive to store large amounts of energy for mass use and are very short-lived.


The most massive "electrical" energy storage devices are conventional radio capacitors. They have a huge rate of energy accumulation and release - as a rule, from several thousand to many billions of complete cycles per second, and are capable of operating in this way in a wide temperature range for many years, or even decades. By combining several capacitors in parallel, you can easily increase their total capacitance to the desired value.

Capacitors can be divided into two large class- non-polar (usually "dry", i.e. not containing liquid electrolyte) and polar (usually electrolytic). The use of a liquid electrolyte provides a significantly higher specific capacitance, but almost always requires respect for polarity when connecting. In addition, electrolytic capacitors are often more sensitive to external conditions, primarily to temperature, and have a shorter service life (over time, the electrolyte evaporates and dries up).

However, capacitors have two major disadvantages. Firstly, this is a very low specific density of stored energy and therefore a small (relative to other types of storage devices) capacity. Secondly, this is a short storage time, which is usually calculated in minutes and seconds and rarely exceeds several hours, and in some cases is only small fractions of a second. As a result, the scope of capacitors is limited to various electronic circuits and short-term accumulation sufficient for rectifying, correcting and filtering current in power electrical engineering - they are still not enough for more.


Capacitors, sometimes referred to as "supercapacitors", can be thought of as a kind of intermediate link between electrolytic capacitors and electrochemical batteries. From the former, they inherited an almost unlimited number of charge-discharge cycles, and from the latter, relatively low charging and discharging currents (a full charge-discharge cycle can last a second, or even much longer). Their capacity is also in the range between the most capacious capacitors and small batteries - usually the energy reserve is from a few to several hundred joules.

Additionally, it should be noted the rather high sensitivity of ionistors to temperature and the limited storage time of the charge - from several hours to several weeks maximum.

Electrochemical batteries

Electrochemical batteries were invented at the dawn of the development of electrical engineering, and now they can be found everywhere - from a mobile phone to airplanes and ships. Generally speaking, they work on the basis of some chemical reactions and therefore they could be attributed to the next section of our article - "Chemical Energy Storage". But since this point is usually not emphasized, but attention is paid to the fact that batteries accumulate electricity, we will consider them here.

As a rule, if it is necessary to store a sufficiently large energy - from several hundred kilojoules or more - lead-acid batteries are used (an example is any car). However, they have considerable dimensions and, most importantly, weight. If low weight and mobility of the device are required, then more modern types batteries - nickel-cadmium, metal hydride, lithium-ion, polymer-ion, etc. They have a much higher specific capacity, however, the specific cost of storing energy is noticeably higher, so their use is usually limited to relatively small and economical devices, such as Cell phones, photo and video cameras, laptops, etc.

AT recent times Lithium-ion batteries have been used in hybrid and electric vehicles. In addition to lighter weight and higher specific capacity, unlike lead-acid, they allow almost full use of their nominal capacity, are considered more reliable and have a longer service life, and their energy efficiency in a full cycle exceeds 90%, while the energy efficiency of lead batteries when charging the last 20% of the capacity can drop to 50%.

According to the mode of use, electrochemical batteries (primarily powerful ones) are also divided into two large classes - the so-called traction and starting ones. Usually, a starter battery can work quite successfully as a traction battery (the main thing is to control the degree of discharge and not bring it to such a depth that is acceptable for traction batteries), but when used in reverse, too much load current can very quickly disable the traction battery.

The disadvantages of electrochemical batteries include a very limited number of charge-discharge cycles (in most cases from 250 to 2000, and if manufacturers' recommendations are not followed, much less), and even in the absence of active use, most types of batteries degrade after a few years, losing their consumer properties. .

At the same time, the service life of many types of batteries does not go from the beginning of their operation, but from the moment of manufacture. In addition, electrochemical batteries are characterized by sensitivity to temperature, long time charge, sometimes tens of times longer than the discharge time, and the need to comply with the method of use (prevention of deep discharge for lead batteries and, conversely, compliance with the full charge-discharge cycle for metal hydride and many other types of batteries). The charge storage time is also quite limited - usually from a week to a year. With old batteries, not only the capacity decreases, but also the storage time, and both can be reduced many times over.

Developments to create new types of electric batteries and improve existing devices do not stop.

Chemical energy storage

Chemical energy is the energy "stored" in the atoms of substances, which is released or absorbed during chemical reactions between substances. Chemical energy is either released in the form of thermal energy during exothermic reactions (for example, fuel combustion), or is converted into electrical energy in galvanic cells and batteries. These energy sources are characterized by high efficiency (up to 98%), but low capacity.

Chemical energy storage devices allow you to receive energy both in the form from which it was stored, and in any other. There are "fuel" and "non-fuel" varieties. Unlike low-temperature thermochemical accumulators (we will talk about them a little later), which can store energy simply by being placed in a fairly warm place, one cannot do here without special technologies and high-tech equipment, sometimes very cumbersome. In particular, while in the case of low-temperature thermochemical reactions, the mixture of reactants is usually not separated and is always in the same container, the reactants for high-temperature reactions are stored separately from each other and are combined only when energy is needed.

Accumulation of energy by running fuel

At the energy storage stage, a chemical reaction takes place, as a result of which the fuel is reduced, for example, hydrogen is released from water - by direct electrolysis, in electrochemical cells using a catalyst or by thermal decomposition, for example, by an electric arc or highly concentrated sunlight. The “released” oxidizer can be collected separately (for oxygen, this is necessary under the conditions of a closed isolated object - under water or in space) or “thrown out” as unnecessary, since at the time of using the fuel this oxidizer will be quite enough in environment and there is no need to spend space and money on its organized storage.

At the stage of energy extraction, the produced fuel is oxidized with the release of energy directly into desired form, regardless of how this fuel was obtained. For example, hydrogen can immediately provide heat (when burned in a burner), mechanical energy (when it is fed as fuel to an internal combustion engine or turbine), or electricity (when oxidized in a fuel cell). As a rule, such oxidation reactions require additional initiation (ignition), which is very convenient for controlling the energy extraction process.

This method is very attractive due to the independence of the stages of energy accumulation (“charging”) and its use (“discharging”), the high specific capacity of the energy stored in the fuel (tens of megajoules per kilogram of fuel) and the possibility of long-term storage (with proper tightness of containers - for many years). ). However, its wide distribution is hindered by the incomplete development and high cost of the technology, high fire and explosion hazards at all stages of work with such fuel, and, as a result, the need for highly qualified personnel in the maintenance and operation of these systems. Despite these shortcomings, the world is developing various settings using hydrogen as a backup energy source.

Energy storage through thermochemical reactions

A large group of chemical reactions has long been widely known, which in a closed vessel, when heated, go in one direction with the absorption of energy, and when cooled, in the opposite direction with the release of energy. Such reactions are often called thermochemical. Energy efficiency such reactions, as a rule, are less than when the state of aggregation of a substance changes, but it is also very noticeable.

Such thermochemical reactions can be considered as a kind of change in the phase state of a mixture of reagents, and the problems here are approximately the same - it is difficult to find a cheap, safe and effective mixture of substances that successfully operates in this way in the temperature range from +20°C to +70°C. However, one similar composition has been known for a long time - this is Glauber's salt.

Mirabilite (aka Glauber's salt, aka sodium sulfate decahydrate Na2SO4 10H2O) is obtained as a result of elementary chemical reactions (for example, by adding table salt into sulfuric acid) or mined in " ready-made» as a mineral.

From the point of view of heat accumulation, the most interesting feature of mirabilite is that when the temperature rises above 32 ° C, bound water begins to be released, and outwardly it looks like a “melting” of crystals that dissolve in the water released from them. When the temperature drops to 32°C, free water is again bound to the crystalline hydrate structure - "crystallization" occurs. But most importantly, the heat of this hydration-dehydration reaction is very high and amounts to 251 kJ / kg, which is noticeably higher than the heat of "honest" melting-crystallization of paraffins, although one third less than the heat of melting ice (water).

Thus, a heat accumulator based on a saturated solution of mirabilite (saturated just at temperatures above 32°C) can effectively maintain the temperature at 32°C with a long resource of energy accumulation or return. Of course, for a full hot water supply, this temperature is too low (a shower with this temperature in best case is perceived as “very cool”), but this temperature may be quite enough to heat the air.

Fuelless chemical energy storage

AT this case at the “charging” stage, some chemicals form others, and during this process energy is stored in the new chemical bonds formed (for example, slaked lime is transferred to a quicklime state by heating).

When "discharged", a reverse reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of previously stored energy (usually in the form of heat, sometimes additionally in the form of gas that can be fed into the turbine) - in particular, this is exactly what happens when lime is "quenched" with water. Unlike fuel methods, to start a reaction, it is usually enough to simply connect the reactants to each other - additional initiation of the process (ignition) is not required.

In fact, this is a kind of thermochemical reaction, however, unlike the low-temperature reactions described when considering thermal energy storage devices and not requiring any special conditions, here we are talking about temperatures of many hundreds or even thousands of degrees. As a result, the amount of energy stored in each kilogram of working substance increases significantly, but the equipment is also many times more complex, bulkier and more expensive than empty plastic bottles or a simple reagent tank.

The need to consume an additional substance - say, water to slake lime - is not a significant drawback (if necessary, you can collect the water released when the lime goes into a quicklime state). But the special storage conditions for this very quicklime, the violation of which is fraught not only with chemical burns, but also with an explosion, translate this one to him similar ways into the category of those who are unlikely to come out into wide life.

Other types of energy storage

In addition to those described above, there are other types of energy storage devices. However, at present, they are very limited in terms of the density of stored energy and the time of its storage at a high specific cost. Therefore, while they are more used for entertainment, and their operation for any serious purposes is not considered. An example is phosphorescent paints, which store energy from a bright light source and then glow for several seconds, or even long minutes. Their modern modifications do not contain poisonous phosphorus for a long time and are quite safe even for use in children's toys.

Superconducting storages of magnetic energy store it in the field of a large magnetic coil with direct current. It can be converted to a variable electricity as needed. Low-temperature storage tanks are cooled by liquid helium and are available for industrial plants. High-temperature liquid hydrogen-cooled storage tanks are still under development and may become available in the future.

Superconducting magnetic energy storage devices are of considerable size and are typically used for short periods of time, such as during switchovers. published

Methods for obtaining and storing energy

It is best to accumulate energy in a kind person, nervous system which is completely calm and balanced. An irritated person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions, such as fear or envy, weaken the energy;

When gaining energy, one of the most important components of any way of accumulating energy by the body is a figurative representation of the energy gain or visualization;

When gaining energy, you need to be able to feel how it flows into the body, into every organ, into every cell. The more figurative and brighter the presentation, the more effective the collection of energy.

Energy Gaining Exercises
A person stands or sits, while not crossing his arms and legs with each other. The right nostril is clamped with the right hand, as long as possible a slow breath is taken through the left, then the breath is held for 5–7 s and a smooth slow exhalation.

This exercise helps to recharge with bioenergy, especially when more difficult exercises it is impossible to do at this moment, and the fatigue is strong enough. It is very good to do it in the morning, especially at an open window or window. The exercise not only gives a charge of energy for the whole day, but also is a training to compact and increase the human biofield.

It is possible to do this exercise during the day, if you feel fatigue, the need for energy replenishment, especially after a lot of energy expenditure at work, with stress, high physical and emotional stress.

Getting energy from the sun
There are several options for collecting energy from the Sun.

Option 1
This is the easiest way to gain energy.
Raise your hands up, palms to the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receive energy and mentally ask the Sun for energy. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, impregnating the body with it until you feel full. Thank the Sun seven times orally or mentally, lower your hands.

Option 2
It is better to take energy on a clear day, with a cloudless sky, but it is quite possible to recharge in cloudy weather, because solar energy passes even through clouds. Stand facing the sun eyes closed and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms forward. Feeling the warmth on your palms, imagine how the rays of the Sun enter your hands, rise along your shoulders, then pass into the body and gradually fill it from the inside with a golden glow. Continue this visualization until your palms tingle and your body feels pleasantly warm. Then mentally thank the Sun for giving energy and vitality.

Option 3
Turn your face towards the Sun and stretch out your hands towards it. If the weather is good and the Sun is shining brightly, squint your eyes and look at the Sun for a few moments. It is impossible to look with wide open eyes and for a long time, because you can get a burn of the cornea.
Imagine that the rays of the Sun penetrate the body through the eyes and fingers. Then close your eyes and feel how the rays of the sun move inside the body. You should feel how the rays from the eyes go to the center of the head, and then change from horizontal to vertical and go down, reaching the pelvis, then go down to the legs. At the same time, the rays that entered through the palms rise along the hands and forearms to the elbow joints, then go along the shoulders towards each other, meet at the center of the neck, after which one stream rises to the head and fills it with light, and the second goes down to the legs, and also fills the whole body down to the toes with radiant energy.

Option 4
In this case, it is actively saturated with solar energy not only physical body, but also an energy shell. For such a set of energy, it is desirable that the day be clear and the sky cloudless.

You should stand in a well-lit place so that the whole body is open sunbeams, and imagine that the sunlight penetrates you. When a feeling of warmth arises in the body, imagine that your body is pierced by a hot, iridescent column of light. This pillar radiates energy that fills you, goes out and creates a spherical golden shell around the body, which increases in size, becoming larger and larger. When you feel that your entire body is filled with glow, and the energy shell around it has become large and saturated with even amber-yellow radiance, and has also acquired an ideal spherical shape, thank the Sun for help and stop the exercise. Scientists say that plants communicate using chemicals: for example, an acacia tree releases ethylene when a dangerous animal approaches. By the way, precisely because plants can produce poisons in the course of their "experiences", animals are very whimsical in choosing a "menu": for example, giraffes eat the foliage of only stand-alone acacias, because "warned" trees become dangerous. Today, many researchers come to the conclusion that plants see, remember and understand everything, only a person does not always hear them.

Getting energy from fire
The collection of energy from fire occurs in two stages. You should proceed to the second stage only after you have fully mastered the first.

First stage
One should kindle a fire or light a candle, observe the flame and, mentally immersed in the fire, enter it. Let the flame envelop you completely, feel how its energy envelops and overflows the body. The heat grows and grows more and more. Every cell in your body is filled with the element of Fire. You are filled with flame, it goes beyond your body, you merge with it. Heat emanates from your body, all your diseases are burned by flames, and you are completely cleansed. Then you leave the flame, and your body continues to radiate heat. Now the body absorbs the energy of the flame, you feel an energetic rise, a desire to run, you feel a thirst for activity.

Second stage
At the second stage, it is allowed to perform the exercise without making a fire or lighting a candle, by visualizing the latter or resuming past practices in memory and gaining energy. The second stage can be started no earlier than after 10 daily exercises performed by the fire in the morning with repeated execution with a candle in the evening. Tip! After doing any exercise to gain energy, it is important that the received is not wasted. The rules of the second stage apply to all exercises for gaining energy from the elements (Fire, Earth, Water, Air).

Getting energy from the Earth
To collect energy from the Earth, select one of the options.

Option 1
Sit on the ground and imagine that you have grown into it, merged with it into one whole, that you are its continuation. You are the whole earth at the same time. Feel the unshakable peace that no one can break. Your monolithic body suppresses all manifestations of diseases, displacing them with its powerful energy. The body is filled with pacifying indestructible energy.

Option 2
This is the oldest method used by yogis. Sit cross-legged. Put your hands on your knees, connecting your thumbs and forefingers, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the ground. Focus on deep breathing and imagine that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth penetrates through the fingertips into the body, and when you exhale, it transforms into human bioenergy.

Getting energy from water
There are only two options for gaining energy from Water. You can use any of them or use both.

Option 1
Sit in a comfortable position on the bank of the pond. If desired, you can partially immerse yourself in water. Concentrate on the overflow of water, on how the waves beat against the shore. Mentally dissolve in water. Penetrate with water into the bowels of the Earth, contain the oceans and seas. Completely cover everything possible rivers. Cover with ice, freeze with icebergs. Be everywhere and in everything at the same time. You move, penetrating the entire Earth and enveloping its surface. You evaporate and fall as rain. You are the very water that feeds the Earth and all life on it. When you return to your body, you will feel how the energy of water has entered you. You are fluid and smooth, your strength is in the eternity of the world's ever-moving oceans.

Option 2
Immerse yourself in water and breathe rhythmically, imagining that when you inhale, the energy of water enters through the pores into the body, and when you exhale, it is transformed into bioenergy.

A set of energy from Air
Sitting on fresh air in a comfortable position, feel the wind blow over your body. Close your eyes and hear the wind rustling the leaves. Open your eyes and see how he shakes the trees. With each breath, it penetrates through the pores of your skin into the body until you become one with it. As the wind blows over your body, you become lighter and lighter. Air saturates your body with energy. By merging with it into one whole, you can predict in advance which direction the wind direction will change.

Obtaining mixed energy from the Sun and the Earth
Such energy supply preferably done in the early morning at sunrise in a secluded place. Rub your palms, imagining that the “entrance gates” of channels for the passage of energy are opening on them. After rubbing and warming up the palms, massage the "entrance gate" with visualized hands, imagining how they increase to the size of the palm of your hand. Mentally stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels expand and begin to respond to the impact of the visualized hands.

Mentally create a small luminous ball, remember it with "mental" hands. It should increase to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball with imaginary hands, like a piston, move up and down the channels, cleaning them. Then feel how the inlets of the channels open on the soles, massage them with imaginary hands until you get a hole the size of the entire foot. Then perform a ball cleaning in the same way as what was said above for the hands. Face the sunrise, concentrate on the channels of the hands. At some point, there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate on the channels in your legs and feel them getting ready to receive the energy of the earth. The sun radiates, its energy begins to flow in powerful streams into the channels of the hands. Correct sensations are filling with light and warmth, pulsing the inlets of the arms and legs, feeling soft and dark energy Earth, a sense of harmony and purity. In a few minutes, fatigue will go away and there will be a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of strength.

Charging with cosmic energy
There are two options for charging with cosmic energy. You can choose any of them.

Option 1
You should raise your hands up, visualize channels with holes on the palms for energy balls. Start inhaling slowly through the channels of your arms and inflate these energy balls. Feel how the balls transform into a long narrow beam and rush up to the sky, to the boundaries of the atmosphere, and then further into space, and turn into flowers there. After that, the energy of the cosmos is instantly drawn in through the energy beams through the channels of the hands, saturating the body with universal energy. This charging method is especially good for situations where you need to instantly replenish energy reserves.

Option 2
Close your eyes and relax. Imagine a starry sky, imagine that from the depths of space a beam of snow-white luminous energy penetrates into you and waves of spreading heat pass through your whole body. Waves of energy penetrate your body, and you begin to glow from the inside with a warm light. The beam suddenly breaks off, you continue to look at the sky, the stars have become brighter, and the sky has become bottomless black. You continue to radiate more and more brightly with soft pleasant warmth. Then your inner light folds into a body, you absorb all the energy given by nature. A small shiver may pass through the body.

Obtaining combined energy from space and Earth

When doing this exercise, imagine how the energy of the Earth and space passes through the body in order to give you the energy necessary to perform any action. Sit with your back straight, feet on the floor, palms up to absorb energy, close your eyes. Now imagine that the energy of the Earth is moving up and into your body. Feel how it rushes through the feet, through the legs to the base of the spine, diverges through the torso, into the arms and into the head. Feel its strength in your hands and head, feel its strength and power. As the energy of the Earth moves through your body, imagine the cosmic energy entering you through the top of your head, into your spine and arms, and then down your torso. Notice that this energy is light, light, it fills the whole space. Then focus on the two energies meeting at the base of your spine and visualize them connecting and intertwining, moving up and down your spine and empowering you. You can balance the two energies if you wish by absorbing additional energy from the earth (heavy) or space (light) as you wish. Create a flow up and down your spine until you feel overwhelmed with energy.

For example, if you want to write something, use the visualization technique of imagining that the energy is coming out through your hands. If you intend to lift any weights, mentally imagine that the energy is going out through your legs, body and arms. Whatever you are going to do, imagine that the energy flows through your body as you need it, and you can do whatever you want. After completing this exercise, immediately begin to implement your plan. You will suddenly have energy and enthusiasm. Now realize that you have the energy to get to work and you feel confident that you can do anything. If you feel a decline in creative energy, realize that now you have a surge of creative forces and that you are able to take on seemingly overwhelming work. As you channel this energy, imagine it coming out of you as you need it, and you can carry out an elaborate plan.

Replenishing Energy with Rhythmic Breathing

Put your feet together, close your fingers. Begin rhythmic breathing. To do this, synchronize your breathing with the beating of your heart. Depending on fitness, inhalation can be stretched from 5 to 20 pulse beats, exhalation is equal in duration to inhalation, holding the breath after inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, a pause after exhalation is also equal to holding the breath. That is, if the breath is 5 beats, then the exhalation is 10, the pause after the breath is 2.5, the pause after the breath is 2.5. In no case should you overwork yourself with breathing exercises, everything should happen freely, with the visualization of the incoming energy when inhaling from the surrounding air and merging with the Universe. During inhalation, energy is drawn into the chest area; during exhalation, energy moves to the solar plexus.
Slavic Forum "Sanity"

Methods for obtaining and storing energy

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- The accumulation of energy is best in a person whose nervous system is completely calm and balanced.
- An irritated person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions of fear, envy weaken the energy. Cultivate kindness in yourself.
- When gaining energy, one of the most important components of any way of accumulating energy by the body is a FIGURATIVE REPRESENTATION OF THE PROCESS OF ENERGY ACCUMULATION.
- When gathering energy, you need to be able to feel how it flows into the body, into every organ, into every cell. The more figurative and brighter the presentation, the more effective the collection of energy.

Getting energy from the sun

First option. This is the easiest way to "recharge". Raise your hands up, palms to the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receive energy and mentally ask the Sun for energy. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, filling the body with it to a feeling of fullness. Thank the Sun seven times orally or mentally, lower your hands.

Second option. It is better to do this when the sky is cloudless, but it is quite possible to recharge when the Sun is covered with clouds, because its energy passes even through the clouds. Stand facing the sun and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms forward. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the Sun enter your hands, rise along your shoulders, then pass inside the body and gradually fill the entire body from the inside with a golden glow. Do this until your palms tingle and you feel a pleasant warmth in your body. Mentally thank the Sun for giving you energy and vitality.

Third option. Stand facing the Sun, stretch your hands towards it. If the sky is not overcast and the Sun is shining brightly, squint your eyes by covering them with your eyelashes and take a few momentary glances at the Sun through your squinted eyelids (looking wide open and staring for a long time is not recommended, you can burn the cornea). Imagine that the rays of the Sun penetrate the body through the eyes and fingers.

Now close your eyes and try to feel how the rays of the Sun move inside your body. You will feel how the rays from the eyes go to the center of the head, and then change the horizontal direction to the vertical and go down, reaching the pelvis, down to the legs. At the same time, the rays that entered through the palms rise along the hands and forearms to the elbow joints, then go along the shoulders towards each other, meet at the center of the neck, after which one stream goes to the head and fills it with light, and the second goes down to the legs, and also fills the whole body, down to the toes, with light.

The fourth option. In this variant, not only the body, but also the energy shell itself is actively saturated with the energy of sunlight. To perform this exercise, it is desirable that the sky is clear and the Sun is not hidden behind clouds. Stand in a sunlit place so that your entire body is exposed to the sun's rays. Imagine that sunlight permeates your entire body. When a feeling of warmth arises in the body, imagine that a hot, iridescent column of light passes in the very center of your body.

This pillar radiates energy that fills your entire body, goes out and forms a spherical bright yellow shell around the body, which increases in size, becomes larger and larger. When you feel that your entire body is filled with luminescence, and the energy shell around it has become large, saturated with an even bright golden glow and has acquired an ideal spherical shape, without dents or foreign implants, thank the Sun for help and stop the exercise.

Getting energy from the Earth

First option. Sit on the ground and imagine that you have grown into it, merged with it into one whole, you are its continuation. You are the whole earth at the same time. You are calm and balanced, stubborn no one and nothing can shake your calmness. Your monolithic body suppresses all manifestations of diseases, displacing them with its energy. Your body is filled with unshakable calm and self-confident energy.

Second option. This is one of the ancient methods used by yogis.
You need to sit with your legs crossed. Put your hands on your knees, connecting the thumb and forefinger together on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. Set deep breathing and focus on the idea that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters the body through your fingertips, and when you exhale, it is converted into human bioenergy.

Receiving combined energy from the Sun and the Earth

It is advisable to do this in the early morning at sunrise in a secluded place.

Rub the palms, imagining that the inlet openings of the channels for the passage of energy are opening on the palms. After rubbing and warming up the palms, you now need to massage the inlets with "mental hands", imagining how they increase in size to the size of the palm - with "mental hands" you need to stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels expand in diameter and begin to respond to the influence of "mental hands". Mentally create a small luminous ball, crush it with "mental hands". It should "swell" to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball "mental hands" "like a piston moves up and down the channels, cleaning them.

Then feel how the inlets of the channels open on the soles, massage them with "mental hands" until an opening the size of the entire foot is obtained. Then cleaning with a ball by analogy with what was said above for the hands. Face the sunrise, concentrate in the channels of the hands and at some point there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the channels of the legs and feel how they "wake up" to receive the energy of the Earth.

The sun comes out and its energy begins to flow in powerful streams into the channels of the hands. The right feeling is the feeling of being filled with light and warmth, the feeling of the pulsation of the inlets of the arms and legs, and the feeling of the soft and dark energy of the Earth, the feeling of harmony and purity. After a few minutes, fatigue disappears, there is a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength.

Charging with the energy of the Cosmos

First option. Raise your hands, imagine channels with holes on the palms for an energy ball. Begin to slowly inhale through the channels of the hands and inflate these energy balls. Feel how the balls stretch out into a long narrow beam and rush upwards, towards the sky, towards the boundaries of the atmosphere, and then further into space and open there like flowers. And instantly, through the energy rays, the energy of the cosmos is drawn in through the channels of the hands, filling the body with the energy of the world space. This method is especially good for situations where you need to instantly replenish energy reserves.

Second option. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine a star blue sky. Imagine how a beam of snow-white luminous energy penetrates you from the depths of space, and waves of spreading heat pass through your entire body. In waves, energy penetrates your body, and you begin to glow from the inside brighter and brighter, with a pleasant warm light. The beam suddenly breaks off, you continue to look at the sky, the stars have become brighter, and the sky has become bottomless black. You continue to glow with soft pleasant warmth, brighter and brighter. Then your inner light coils into a body, and you absorb all the energy given by nature. A small shiver or goosebumps may run through the body.

Getting energy from water.

First option. Sit in a comfortable position on the bank of a river, stream, or unstagnant body of water. If desired, you can partially immerse yourself in water. Focus on the sound of the water as the waves crash against the shore. Mentally dissolve in water. Penetrate in a place with water into the bowels of the earth, contain the oceans and seas. Completely embrace all kinds of rivers. Get covered with ice, and freeze with icebergs. Be everywhere and in everything at the same time. You move, penetrating the whole earth and enveloping its surface. You evaporate and fall as rain. You spread in huge reservoirs, you give water to animals and birds, you give a home to fish. When you return to your body, you feel how the energy of water has entered you. You are fluid and smooth, your strength is in the eternity of the world's ever-moving oceans.

Second option. While in the water, they establish rhythmic breathing and imagine that with inhalation, the energy of water enters the body through the pores, and when exhaled, it turns into bioenergy.

Recharging from trees.

Choose the most powerful tree with healthy shiny leaves. Go around the tree, arouse in yourself a feeling of sympathy and goodwill towards the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the benevolent attitude of the tree towards yourself. If such sensations do not arise, then this tree is not suitable.
Having found a tree that "harmonizes" with you, approach it at a distance at which the influence of the tree is "felt" most strongly.

The first way: Standing near a tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the Earth's energy from the roots along the trunk up to the crown of the tree. Then feel how the cosmic energy enters through the leaves and moves down the trunk, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with the tree, mentally merge with it, feel the movement of energy from the bottom up and vice versa. Figuratively imagine how this energy washes you. Rinse yourself in this way until you feel inner cleanliness. After that, mentally ask the tree for energy. Absorb the energy accumulated by the tree through your palms in sync with your breath.

Plants, like humans, are energy entities in nature. Moreover, most plants willingly make contact with a person and let their aura into him. Therefore, feeding from trees is a great way to fill your energy. You just need to know that not all trees are donors - there are vampires among them, but not because they are so evil and bad, but because they have the property, for example, to delay painful, unhealthy energy from us, but at the same time they are able to fill us with fresh healthy energy. Therefore, to replenish energy, it is necessary to choose donor trees. Among the most energetic strong trees that can be recharged are oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, mountain ash.

The stronger the tree, the fewer other trees next to it. If a tree stands alone and there are no other trees closer than ten meters away from it, then it is very strong. If the trees grow next to each other, then their energy is not very strong. Also, keep in mind that city trees are generally nowhere near as strong energetically as trees in the forest.

Therefore, it is best to go to the forest, or at least to the park, away from noisy streets and traffic. Choose a tree that you like. This is very important - check your feelings: do you want to make contact with this particular tree? If you want, go up to him and trust your body: let it find the most suitable and pleasant position for itself. You can hug a tree and press against it with your whole body, you can lean your back against it, you can sit under it, leaning on it, you can simply put your palms on the trunk.

The second way: Mentally ask the tree for help and listen to your feelings: how does it seem to you that it answers you? Does it help you or not? If there are no unpleasant sensations indicating the failure of the tree, then the desire for contact will intensify. Communicate with the tree as much as you want, but no more than an hour, so as not to get an "overdose" of energy. And do not forget to thank him for his help. If you feel joy, a rise in vitality, it means that the contact has taken place and your energy has replenished. It is imperative to mentally say goodbye to the tree - this is necessary in order to separate the energy fields, one's own and the tree, which for a while became one.

After 3-4 days, you can repeat the procedure, the effect of it will be stronger than the first time. You can optionally set constant contact with the tree of your choice and feed from it constantly. The best time for this kind of recharge is in the morning, after 1 - 2 hours after sunrise, or in the evening, 1 - 2 hours before sunset.

A set of energy from Air.

Sitting outdoors in a comfortable position. Feel the wind blow over your body. Close your eyes and hear the wind rustling the leaves. Open your eyes and see how he shakes the trees. With each breath, it penetrates through the pores of your skin to your body until you merge with it as one. As the wind blows over your body, you become lighter and lighter. Air energizes your body.

Having merged with the air into one whole, you will be able to predict in advance in which direction the wind direction will change.

Energy recharging from Fire.

First stage. Light a fire (at worst, light a candle). Watch the flame, mentally immerse yourself in it. Let it envelop you completely, feel how its energy envelops you penetrating into the body. The heat fills your whole body, it grows and grows more and more. Every cell in your body is overflowing with flame energy. You are filled with flame, it goes beyond your body, you are one with it completely. Heat emanates from your body, all your diseases are burned by flames, and you are completely cleansed. Then you come out of the flame, and your body continues to radiate heat. Now the body absorbs the energy of the flame, you feel a surge of strength, you want to run, you want to do at least something. You just burn with the desire to do something.
P.S. After completing this and other energy-gaining exercises, it is important that the energy received is not wasted!

Second stage. At the second stage, it is allowed to perform the exercise without kindling a fire or candles, by presenting the latter, or by resuming in memory past practices for energy recruitment. The second stage can be started no earlier than after 12 daily exercises by the fire, with repeated execution with a candle, in the evening. (12 days, 2 times a day, morning and evening).

The rules of the second stage apply to all exercises for gaining energy from the elements (fire, earth, water, air).

Replenishing Energy with Rhythmic Breathing

Put your feet together, close your fingers. Begin yogic rhythmic breathing. To do this, set the rhythm of breathing with the rhythm of the beating of your heart. Depending on fitness, inhalation can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse beats, exhalation is made equal in duration to inhalation, holding the breath after inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, a pause after exhalation is also equal to holding the breath. That is, if inhalation is 6 beats, then exhalation is b, a pause after inhalation is 3, a pause after exhalation is 3.

In no case should you overwork yourself with this breathing, everything should happen freely with a figurative representation of the incoming energy during inhalation from the surrounding air, merging with the entire Cosmos.
During inhalation, energy is drawn into the chest area; during exhalation, energy is exhaled into the solar plexus.

How to do a contrast shower
Stadium in the bathroom
There is an erroneous opinion that in order to achieve health, it is necessary to engage in exhausting workouts, adhere to a strict diet, restrictions, in general, torturing your soul and body to the fullest. This game in various modifications bears the same name - "I am sick, but they treat me." Any violence against oneself leads not to health, but to sports records, and even then not always. If you do not need records, all your actions should be the result of free intention. In other words, it is necessary to act not under duress, but out of conviction. If you say to yourself “You must!”, then this is coercion. If you say to yourself “I want!”, then this is a belief. All wellness activities should be not only useful, but also enjoyable. Don't fight for your health. Let him in.

A contrast shower is the simplest and most effective preventive and healing procedure. (Wow, I spoke like a true adherent of medicine!) This procedure consists in alternating hot and cold water. First, a few minutes of hot water, then a minute or less of cold water, and so on at least three times. Then rubbing with a hard towel.
Despite all the simplicity, the effectiveness of such an impact is very high. It would seem that running and lifting the bar is an obvious workout. What can a shower do? The fact is that the shower intensively affects almost all organs of our body. The result is a huge effect.
§ All biological processes are activated.
§ Stagnation in the body is swaying.
§ The circulatory system is cleansed and revived.
§ All internal organs and skin receive a charge of health.
§ The arrhythmia of the heart disappears.
§ The number of leukocytes and red cells in the blood increases.
§ Increased muscle mass.
§ Working capacity is restored.
§ The nervous system is strengthened.
§ Improves metabolism.
§ The whole body is intensively cleansed and rejuvenated.
§ The electric charge of the body is normalized.
§ Increased energy.
§ The heart is trained, as when jogging.

You don't have to make any special efforts. It is not only easy, but also pleasant. Can you refuse all this?
The Secret of Efficiency contrast shower very simple: the largest organ of the body, the skin, is directly affected. Skin makes up 20% of a person's total weight. You can, guided by inner intention, strain yourself, load individual muscles, test the body for strength. And you can, without any effort of will, let the body take care of itself. You do not train, but watch how the body trains itself.

What is happening? Hot water first expands the blood vessels, and then cold water constricts. As a result, the blood is subjected to intensive circulation, stagnant areas are swayed, the body gets a good shake. The movement of blood in the body plays a crucial role. As soon as the heart stops, death occurs. Normally, circulation is provided by the heart. But blood flows quickly only through large vessels. In other vessels, it moves very slowly. Oddly enough, 80% of all circulating blood is in the capillaries. The total length of the capillaries is about 100 thousand kilometers. Any disease-causing process is primarily a violation of capillary circulation. A contrast shower activates capillary circulation, and consequently, all vital processes.
Now a few tips. It is not necessary to pour over the head, but always starting from the upper body. If you pour water from the bottom up, then the blood rushes in a wave to the head, which can cause an undesirable pressure drop.

Many mistakenly believe that taking a contrast shower is just alternating hot and cold water, chattering your teeth and forcing yourself with the need to harden, or something like that. First you need to warm up well under hot (or not so) water. This is followed by a short cold soak. Exposure to hot water should last a few minutes, and cold - half a minute, or a maximum of a minute. Cold water should be turned on only when you feel that the body has warmed up well. In no case should you bring yourself to freezing. The procedure should bring pleasure, not a test. It is not necessary to perform several dozen alternations - three times is enough, and then look at how you feel. Do not order yourself, but follow your feelings - the body itself will tell you “enough” if you listen to it.

If you are not doing this now, you need to start moderately, gradually, every day increasing the temperature difference between hot and cold water. If you want to squeal, that's good, but remember that you should not experience sharp discomfort and obviously unpleasant sensations. In this case, the temperature difference should be made more moderate.
It is best to take a shower every morning after gymnastics. Hot water should not be scalding, otherwise you will get chills, as from cool water. Within a month, you can bring the temperature of cold water to a minimum - which flows from the tap. With such a temperature difference, you will get a pleasant feeling, as if millions of needles prick your skin.

Of particular note is that cold water you can pour over only after exercise, or after a few minutes of a hot shower. If you are already cold, and you are still pouring cold water on yourself, you will get an elementary cold.
Under the shower, you should not stand, but stomp on the spot so that the soles of your feet are more in contact with the water.

When performing a procedure, you must think about what you want to achieve with it. You can twist in your thoughts a sound slide with something like this: “Toxins are excreted from the body. My body is being cleansed. I let the energy in. energy channels cleared and expanded. My energy potential rises." Do not forget that you need to imagine all this (as best you can) and accompany the words with sensations. The whole complex of sensations can be integrated into one frame and titled “Energy and Health”.
If you feel chills after a contrast shower, then either you should reduce the duration of dousing with cold water, or the water was not cold enough. In the latter case, the protective reaction of the body is not activated, and therefore it becomes simply cold, and there is nothing useful in this. A short exposure to very cold water warms up, and a long exposure to not very cold water cools.

Better than a contrast shower can only be an alternation of swimming in a hot pool and in the snow. If you overcome prejudice and fear of getting cold or sick, you will get incomparable pleasure. If you do not wallow in the snow for a long time, then it is not cold and not dangerous. There are pools of geothermal springs in the open air in Kamchatka. There I watched people swim in hot water, then wallow in the snow, and then jump into the pool again. Having made this amazing discovery for themselves, they could not stop and squealed with pleasure like pigs. What kind of pleasure it is, you can understand only by trying it. True, I would not advise people with heart disease to do this.
After a shower, it is useful to intensively rub the whole body with a hard towel. This is both a massage and activation of capillary circulation. It is also advisable to do energy gymnastics - to remind the body of energy fountains and fix them in a sphere. As a result, you will experience pleasant warmth and cheerfulness, which indicates an increase in energy tone.

The effect of this procedure is achieved only by constancy. If you stop this activity, everything will return to normal. This is not a temporary recovery, but a habit, an occupation designed for a lifetime, a way of life.
In this chapter, only the basic principles are given, the observance of which will already significantly improve the state of health and energy. But of course, if you have an intention, you don't stop there.
V. Zeeland

Thrush (candidiasis)

Thrush (candidiasis) is a disease of the skin, mucous membranes and nails caused by the overgrowth of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
Yeast-like fungi are widely distributed in nature. In healthy people, they are saprophytes of the digestive tract, skin and mucous membranes, and accompany a person all his life without causing any trouble. It has long been known that many beneficial bacteria that inhabit the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and vagina, limit the reproduction of each other, thereby maintaining a certain balance. In addition, the human immune system is also involved in the process of maintaining the optimal composition of the microflora. However, under certain conditions, the fungus can acquire pathogenic properties, begins to multiply uncontrollably and causes a disease in humans - candidiasis.

Currently, some factors have been identified that contribute to the imbalance of microflora and the transition of yeast-like fungi to a pathogenic state:
Hypovitaminosis, especially with a lack of vitamin B2 - riboflavin.
Decreased immunity, inhibiting the development of pathogenic flora. Very often, the disease manifests itself in newborns with an immature immune system and in the elderly during a period of weakened immunity.
Metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes.
Violations of the blood supply to the limbs (vegetoneurosis).
Disturbances in the digestive system, the development of dysbacteriosis.
Frequent and uncontrolled use of antibiotics can also lead to intestinal dysbacteriosis, which in turn can cause severe systemic candidiasis.
Thyroid dysfunction.
Infectious diseases and diseases that sharply deplete the body (for example, oncology, tuberculosis).
Taking hormonal pills and oral contraceptives, because if used incorrectly, these drugs reduce the body's resistance.
Depending on the location of the focus of inflammation in the body and the severity of the lesion, several types of candidiasis are distinguished.
There are superficial candidiasis, which are located on the mucous membranes, skin and nails, as well as visceral, in which internal organs are damaged. In addition, according to the severity of the disease, inflammation can be local (local) or systemic, when entire groups of organs are affected.
Symptoms of thrush Thrush can manifest itself in different ways depending on the location, stage and nature of the disease. Sometimes there is only one of the symptoms of the disease, but more often - a combination of signs.
Common symptoms of the acute stage of superficial candidiasis are:
discomfort in the area of ​​inflammation: pain, burning, itching;
redness and the appearance of white plaque or discharge.
Candidiasis stomatitis in children is often accompanied by a dotted white coating on the cheeks and tongue, which later forms a whitish film on the mucosa. When moving the film away, ulcers can be found.
Vaginal candidiasis in women manifests itself as unpleasant sensations in the vulva: itching and burning. There may be a curdled discharge from the vagina, as well as pain during intercourse and urination disorders.
Symptoms of candidiasis in men: urination disorder, itching and pain in the glans penis. Redness and irritation of the head and foreskin, whitish discharge may appear, sometimes quite abundant.
During pregnancy, candidiasis in women is much more common and this is not surprising. Hormonal restructuring of the body causes a change in the microflora of the vagina and can create a favorable background for the reproduction of fungi. And hormonal changes provoke a decrease in immunity, which also contributes to the increased reproduction of Candida in the vagina of the expectant mother.
It is impossible to ignore thrush during pregnancy. Vaginal candidiasis can cause various complications: it increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and also contributes to infection of the child with candidiasis.
Most antimycotic drugs for the treatment of the expectant mother are contraindicated. During pregnancy, topical treatment of vaginal candidiasis is recommended, which includes the use of vaginal tablets and candles, as well as the use of some folk recipes. You should reconsider your diet, as well as carefully observe personal hygiene.
Often during the pregnancy of the wife, candidiasis can also occur in the husband. A greater than usual number of thrush pathogens is transmitted to a man during intimacy. In this case, the couple should simultaneously receive antifungal treatment and refrain from sexual intercourse for a while.
Symptoms characteristic of genital candidiasis in women and men can also occur with other equally common diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea and others. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with a specialist and pass the necessary tests.
For a successful cure for thrush, you need to act in several directions at once:
Treatment of the underlying disease, which caused a decrease in immunity and led to an increase in pathogenic flora;
Therapy of candidiasis with antimycotic drugs;
Strengthening the immune system and restoring the balance of microflora.
During treatment, it is necessary to carefully observe hygiene and adhere to a special diet. It has been scientifically proven that certain foods can aggravate the symptoms of thrush.
Treatment of thrush traditional means
Treatment of thrush with traditional remedies Today, the pharmacological industry offers a large selection of remedies for the treatment of thrush. The doctor may prescribe both local antifungal drugs in the form of suppositories, creams and vaginal tablets, as well as systemic ones for oral administration. The duration of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks.
It is important to remember that the unsystematic use of strong antimycotic drugs increases the resistance of fungi to treatment.
Treatment of thrush folk remedies
Treatment of thrush with folk remedies Recipes of traditional medicine can be a good addition to the main treatment.
Infusions and decoctions of various herbs are used for internal use, as well as for washing and douching with vaginal candidiasis. Vitamin teas help strengthen the immune system. It is known that eating some vegetables (garlic and onion) has a detrimental effect on pathogenic flora.
However, self-treatment is not always successful, and in some cases, thrush can become a chronic disease.
Treatment of thrush in children
Treatment of thrush in children Most often, thrush in infants appears in the mouth or on the skin under the diaper. Most antimycotic drugs are not indicated for the treatment of children. In mild cases, a soda solution is used. Children's doctor may prescribe topical drugs with antifungal components.
If the child is breastfed, then when prescribing treatment for the baby, the mother should also undergo anti-candidiasis treatment. Close contact during feeding facilitates the transfer of a fungal infection from mother to child and vice versa.
In most cases, thrush in babies occurs against the background of immature immunity, which is strengthened by regular walks, air baths and massage.
Treatment of thrush in men
Such a seemingly harmless disease as thrush can actually bring a lot of trouble to a man. In the running state, it can flow into chronic form and provoke the development of other diseases, for example, vesiculitis or prostatitis, and candidiasis itself can spread to internal organs ( bladder and kidneys). Wrong treatment or lack of treatment in some cases can lead to male infertility.
Treatment of thrush in men should be under the supervision of a specialist. The doctor may prescribe a topical treatment, such as clotrimazole cream, which is applied thin layer 2 times a day for foreskin and head of the penis. The course lasts about a week.
In some cases, a doctor may prescribe oral fluconazole, and antibiotic treatment and drugs to restore microflora may also be prescribed.
Treatment of thrush in men should include a mandatory toilet of the genitals to remove smegma and plaque. For this purpose, baths are made daily from disinfectant and anti-inflammatory solutions, for example, a 1% solution of boric acid, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, a 2% solution of soda, and others.
The main emphasis in the diet for candidiasis should be done on balanced menu rich in foods containing B vitamins.
You should eat more fresh vegetables: beets, cabbage (broccoli and Brussels sprouts), cucumbers, carrots, dill, parsley, and from fruits - lemons, plums and green apples.
Blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, as well as vitamin teas with the addition of rose hips, hawthorn, mountain ash, oregano, string leaves, black currants contribute to an increase in immunity.
Allowed to eat lean meat, offal, seafood and lean fish, eggs, bread.
It is recommended to use natural yogurt, as well as lactic acid products that stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines.
To restore the microflora, nutritionists advise limiting the use of foods that stimulate the growth of yeast fungi: sugar, fatty foods, coffee, mushrooms, yeast baked goods, soda, sweet fruits, spicy and spicy dishes. This will greatly facilitate the treatment of thrush.
Drink more fluids between meals.
The combination of complex treatment and a balanced diet will not leave thrush any chance.
Collection No. 235 for the treatment of thrush
We are preparing the collection, we take 1 part of common juniper berries, we also take 1 part of common yarrow leaves, sage medicinal eucalyptus twig, chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, drooping birch buds and black poplar.
From the received collection, we prepare the infusion. Pour 2 tablespoons of the finished collection with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse overnight in a thermos, and use 100-150 ml during the day, about 30 minutes before eating. The infusion can be used as a mouth rinse or vaginal douche.

Treatment of thrush with a decoction of St. John's wort
St. John's wort has unique properties. The recipe for preparing a decoction is as follows: St. John's wort 3-4 tablespoons of grass, pour 2 liters of water, boil for about 15-20 minutes, the decoction is used as a douche.

Treatment of thrush with a decoction of oak bark
This decoction, used for washing, helps to effectively relieve inflammation, and also has an antimicrobial effect.
Take 3 parts of oak bark, 2 parts of nettle roots, 1.5 parts of string and 1 part of lavender. One tablespoon of this collection, pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours, then strain and pour another 150 ml of boiling water. To increase efficiency, during treatment it is recommended to visit a steam bath a couple of times a week.
Treatment of thrush with a decoction of blackthorn
A decoction of blackthorn is very effective treatment thrush. It is used only for douching inside the vagina. To prepare this decoction, take a tablespoon of chopped blackthorn bark and roots, and pour them with a glass of boiling water. As soon as the broth has cooled, after about 20 minutes, add another glass of water.

Treatment of thrush with eucalyptus spherical
To prepare a medicinal decoction, we take 30 grams of globular eucalyptus leaves, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, the resulting glass of decoction is diluted with one liter of boiled water. It is used as a douche, and can also be used to wet tampons.
Treatment of thrush with herbal decoction
To prepare the collection, we need 5 parts of knotweed grass, 3 parts of stinging nettle leaves, and 1 part each of the inflorescence of chamomile and oak bark. The broth is ready, 2 tablespoons of the finished collection, pour 1 liter of hot water, bring to a boil, and then simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat, let the broth cool, strain. We use a decoction for douching the vagina, and for vaginal tampons.
Treatment of thrush with herbs 1
We are preparing the collection, for this we need 10 grams of yarrow herb, sage leaves, rosemary leaves, as well as 40 grams of oak bark. Ready collection, pour 3 liters of water, and boil for 30 minutes, then strain. The decoction is used as a douching of the vagina, 2 times a day.

Treatment of thrush with herbs 2
The collection is prepared from equal parts, chamomile flowers, common yarrow herb, medicinal calendula, twig eucalyptus, and black poplar buds and birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of the prepared collection, and pour 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, infuse overnight, and take half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, 1/3-1/4 cup for a month. This infusion can also be used as local baths at night.
Treatment of thrush with herbs 3
The recipe for preparing the collection is as follows: 20 grams of rosemary leaves, sage, yarrow, 40 grams of oak bark. The resulting collection is poured with 3 liters of water, and boiled for 25-30 minutes, filtered, used in douching 2 times a day.

Treatment of thrush with wormwood
We take the roots of wormwood 20 grams, and insist on 200 milliliters of boiling water. Take orally as a decoction, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day

Living in society, a person is increasingly faced with the problem of lack of energy. It is not enough for work, study, hobbies, love, self-development and other important things. The lack of energy affects awareness, for example, a person can re-read a paragraph in a book several times without understanding its meaning, being as if half asleep. Lack of energy leads to diseases on the physical plane, to a bleak worldview and the emergence of various paranoid ideas. How to replenish the supply of energy and stop wasting it - this article will tell.

The basic sources of replenishment of energy are sleep and food. The more restful you sleep and the healthier you eat, the better you feel. Do not forget about the body - the anchor of our earthly life, in fact, it feels a lack of energy. Very often a person turns to higher matters, finding the roots of his problems in the astral plane, while he only needs to cleanse his intestines or liver. Sometimes the simplest decisions lead to unexpectedly powerful results. Similarly, do not neglect physical activity. Walking in the fresh air and other physical activities in terms of storing energy are extremely effective, provided that all this brings you pleasure, since emotions are also a potential source of energy.

However, emotions can also be a way to lose energy. K. Castaneda wrote in his books that a person never completely loses energy. Energy is simply transferred to another quality, as if deposited (from the words "depot", "depositor"). Castaneda claims that we always have the same amount of energy, but it is in different states. There are events that deprive us of free energy and create a personal story. In other words, when we react sharply to something years later, this means that this event turned out to be a loss of energy for us. Castaneda invites everyone to return energy to an active state through the practice of "recapitulation". The essence of this technique is to recapitulate your past and "pull" energy out of it. You can easily find a description of the practice on the Internet. Other techniques for gaining energy, offered by psychologists and presenters of various trainings and seminars, work in a similar way with the past.

In addition, there are energy practices which are aimed at improving the permeability of the human energy cocoon. Such practices are hatha yoga, nidra yoga, yoga energy flows, pranayama and others. So, for example, performing asanas from hatha yoga, a person works not only with the body, but also with his own consciousness, eliminating energy blocks that interfere with the free flow of energy. If you have such an opportunity, you should practice yoga daily - this will significantly increase your energy tone, and also make your mind and body more flexible.

The accumulation of energy can be done by alternating concentrations and visualizations. So, for example, a complex consisting of two exercises works perfectly: “Attention Beam” and “Vessel with Liquid”.

"Ray of Attention" - a technique aimed at developing attention and improving awareness own body. Sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes, calm your mind and breath. Then start focusing all your attention on thumb right hand. When you can fully feel it, move to the index, then to the middle one, and so on. When you're done with right hand, switch to the left. Try to establish whether the sensations coming from different fingers differ? Then move on to the toes. After you're done, run your attention randomly over all your fingers. Ideally, you should learn to feel each of them without a time delay. Then you can move on to the palms and soles of the feet. If you feel a tingling or pulsing of blood, you are on the right way, so you can move on to the next technique.

"Vessel with liquid" - an exercise for gaining energy. Relax, close your eyes and feel the energy filling your feet. Imagine energy as some kind of golden or silver liquid that fills you like an empty vessel. If you feel that the muscles of your legs are relaxed and heavy, then everything is done correctly. Keep filling yourself with energy until it reaches the top of your head. It is very important not to rush, feeling how every millimeter of your body is filled with life-giving energy. You can add an element of inevitability to this exercise: imagine that energy fills you without your will, and you just watch this process. This approach to practices is recommended by V. Zeland in his books. When you feel that you are full of energy, enjoy this feeling, and then take a sharp breath in and an even sharper breath out. Perform the “Vessel with Liquid” technique daily, and in ten days you will feel how much your energy tone has increased.

There are many such exercises, you can also come up with your own, which will be no less effective. Modern psychics are charged with energy from the Sun, Earth, Space, trees and other sources, performing simple rituals that combine breathing, visualization and physical exercises. Meditations in places of power are a great way to recharge your energy, but they should be done carefully, preferably under the supervision of an experienced mentor. Our contemporary V. M. Bronnikov achieved great success in working with bioenergetics. You can easily find a video on the first step of his method on the Internet. But the most important thing, as the same K. Castaneda said, is that you need to learn not to gain energy, but to stop its senseless spending.

Being torn apart emotionally, a person is a kind of “sieve” through which all the accumulated energy leaves. You should become more centered, find an inner core, be in yourself, not reacting emotionally to any provocative situations. It is also necessary to learn to let go of problems and forgive insults, and, as a maximum, eliminate the reasons for them in your mind. Radiate goodness and love, do not hold evil in your heart about anything, and you will stop wasting energy. Ultimately, all practices lead to such a worldview, you just need not to hold on to the past, fearing to change yourself.

Be total, pure and empty, and may the energy be with you!

A person with a sufficient supply of energy is calm and satisfied with life. He has a strong immune system, he is hardy and healthy. However, there are very few such people in the modern world: the frantic pace of life requires a colossal expenditure of energy and strength, many experience a chronic lack of them. Katie Silcox, author of Healthy, Happy, Sexy, gives advice to those who want to accumulate enough vitality and feel great.

The power that feeds us

In Ayurveda, there is the concept of "ojas" - a complete energy reserve of the mind and body, a kind of container in which it is all stored (a psychophysical shell, or a protective screen). In our society, the energy of ojas is not treated with due respect. The more we have it, the less we are prone to disease and the negative influence of others. The strong power of ojas acts as a soft protective shield, helping to resist stress and illness caused by physical and psychological pathogens (away, energy vampires!). Thus, our spirit is inside a strong, reliable vessel. Thanks to ojas, we experience a sense of satisfaction with life.

Despite the fact that people in the 21st century suffer from a lack of ojas, this is still the most important element that we need to develop in ourselves. If compared with an electric light bulb, ojas is like the power of the lamp itself. If you do not increase the power, your options will always be limited, no matter how much energy is supplied to the light bulb.

To increase the level of ojas energy, it is not enough just to accumulate it. It is also important not to lose the already existing power and not to waste it.

When there are too many stimuli in your life, such as spending too much time on the Internet, drinking too much coffee, exchanging endless text messages with friends, the energy flows silently through the five senses. As a result, we feel exhausted, depression or anxiety may appear. The control of the senses by limiting speech and sexual activity and proper rest, relaxation and sleep helps to preserve the reserves of vital energy.

The next time you feel exhausted, try turning your mind inward instead of turning to external sources: For example, try lying down and focusing on the sensations in your body. Better yet, follow the ancient Ayurvedic guidelines on a regular basis. In this case, you will feel much better.

  • Switch to organic food: Eat organic, seasonal produce, locally grown whenever possible.
  • First cleanse and detox, then restore and renew: If your body is clogged with toxins from excessive consumption of meat, sugar, drugs, alcohol, processed foods and fried foods, do not immediately go on a diet of ghee and dates! Eat very simple and clean foods like whole grains, lentils, vegetables, and high quality fats (olive oil) for a few days to start. Then, when you feel that the body has been cleansed, move on to more nutritious foods - ghee, avocados, dates, milk and honey.
  • Don't Overeat: it weakens the digestive fire.
  • Avoid overstimulation while eating: if you want to restore your vitality, do not watch the evening news at dinner and do not dine at the computer.
  • Rest: eight hours of sleep is a necessary condition for the accumulation of ojas. In addition, rest is when you take a break and stop constantly doing business, relax.
  • Don't Forget Body Oils: Ayurveda teaches how to use them and which ones are right for you depending on your body temperature and season.
  • Use oils internally: yes, you heard right. When you drink oil and add it to food, ojas builds up. Use more oils: hemp, linseed, avocado, coconut and ghee butter(ghee).
  • Get rid of everything that robs you of energy: avoid people, places and gadgets that disturb the mind and suck the blood out of your soul.
  • Spend more time in nature: nature restores energy, pacifies and gives peace.
  • Let's rest the mind: do restorative yoga - most yoga studios now have restorative yoga classes.
  • Love loved ones sincere love and devotion nourish our vitality and immunity like nothing else.

How to keep cheerful in late autumn and early winter

In autumn, the air element predominates: imagine a windy autumn day. The air is dry, cool and mobile. In autumn and early winter, these qualities are enhanced in nature and in every person. At this time, we remember impermanence and death. This is the season of winds, desolation, harshness and dryness. By listening, we will understand that physically and emotionally during this period we want to curl up.

Winter is like a turtle, pulling its head into a protective shell. This is a time of sharpening intuition, fading and dying. If the internal balance is disturbed in winter, fears, constipation, crunching and pain in the joints, dry skin, anxiety, insomnia, seasonal depression associated with a lack of sunlight become aggravated. How you take care of yourself in the fall will determine your body's ability to stay healthy in the winter.

Winter is the time when you need to stay warm, make sure that the body does not dry out, is provided with nutrition and protection.

  • Sip a little warm ginger tea throughout the day.
  • Do yourself every morning oil massage. Not only is it good for the skin; such a massage helps to pacify anxiety, insomnia, or both of these disorders. An excellent winter oil is sesame, it has nourishing and warming properties. Another great warming oil is Ayurvedic Mahanarayana oil. It is good for joint pain and other painful sensations.
  • To stimulate the body, take warm baths with ginger powder.
  • Go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00. Good rest is the main means of strengthening immunity. Only in winter can we afford to sleep as much as necessary. Generally speaking, our not so distant ancestors slept a lot during the cold season. In the absence of heating and electricity, 14–15 hours of sleep was common.
  • Dress warmly. This advice may sound trite, but don't overdo it.
  • In winter, try to wear less clothes black and dark blue. Everyone loves black, it is always in fashion and slimming, but black absorbs light. Too much black - and you get a feeling of emptiness and loss in a vast space. This feeling is even more acute in winter.
  • Eliminate all raw and cold foods: salads, ice water, smoothies. Yes, yes, my dears, you all know very well that our great-grandmothers did not eat salads in winter, and for good reason.
  • Don't beat yourself up for wanting to stay at home. In winter, more than in other seasons, with the approach of the holidays, we indulge in all serious. In place of the old community rituals and traditions - to get together with the whole family and enjoy home warmth, hearth, nutritious warm food - the time has come for crazy spending, endless parties, air travel and family quarrels. Try to keep your holiday traditions peaceful. If possible, don't go anywhere. Stay at home. Light the candles.
  • Before going to bed, drink a drink with a mild hypnotic effect (for example, medicated hot milk with spices). Add 1/2 tsp to it. ghee: this will help to accumulate ojas and strengthen immunity).
  • Avoid loud music, physical overexertion, too active classes love, travel. Do not eat yesterday's food, do not cleanse the body and fast, and try to talk less.
  • In cold winter, you can engage in slightly more active, warming up exercise. At this time, it is useful to practice more mobile types of yoga, if you like them. Focus on backbends and lateral stretches - this will contribute to good spirits and cheerfulness in the dark season.

And here's something else. There are things that drain vitality: moving from place to place (especially by plane), excessive physical activity, serious physical injury, severe hunger, a tendency to overanalyze, think too much, and everything else that disturbs the peace of mind - doubt, disbelief, anger, greed, envy, as well as unlived emotions - anger, anxiety, anxiety, grief. Try to keep it out of your life (or at least make sure that all this is present in it as little as possible).