Ways to manage your hormones. The origin of the hormone and its function. Power training and hormones

Good afternoon dear friends! Hormonal diseases are one of the most terrible. It all begins with the "harmless" insomnia and irritability. We used to do not pay attention to such things. Later, the woman adds sharply in weight. This is alarming. Further on the rolled: Sport, diet, humility. To the doctor adds only when they appear serious problems: Cycle failure, tumor formation, in best case - Depression. The appropriate medicine is grated. The consequences of "experiments" will leave for the scenes. As a result, a woman for life becomes a slave of illness and tablets. And I suggest another option! How to balance the level of hormones yourself?

Proper treatment

Remember: medications will not make you healthy! They will temporarily soften the symptoms, but without them you will feel unreasoning again. This is the most true dependence! It is more difficult to deal with the disease than just take tablets on a schedule. You will have to change the lifestyle. But you really will become healthier, and not hide the problem. In addition, you get rid of related pathologies that arise due to hormonal imbalance.

Consider the most efficient methods.

1. Tell me "yes" useful fats!

Nutrients are different. Fats are not always harmful. Saturated remain in the arteries, form plaques and lead to atherosclerosis. Unsaturated - accelerate metabolism, improve blood circulation and even help to lose weight.

Dangerous products:

  • margarine
  • coconut and palm oil
  • sweets
  • fast food
  • milk products
  • fat meat.

Of course, you do not need to completely refuse them. In milk, for example, contains many other useful substances. Just do not drink it instead of water and try to avoid unreasured. The same applies to meat. Fried on the oil bold steak - bad. Soup with beef - good.

"Right" products:

  • fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna, etc.)
  • orekhi
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • gruced wheat
  • oils: sesame, rapeseed, avocado.

Just get drunk. A day enough to eat 5-10 walnut nuts to satisfy daily rate. The rest will be harmful.

2. Consult medicinal grasses

Among the plants are unique class - Adaptogens. Why do they appreciate high? Such herbs help the body faster to adapt to new conditions. Simply put, plants are not a medicine, but:

  • prevent disease
  • reduce inflammation
  • in the event of a disease, it allows you to transfer it in a light form
  • neutralize the impact of stress
  • normalize mood
  • focusing thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

The most famous adaptogens are ginseng, radiol, Aralia, Elewerococcus, lemongrass.

3. Watch for the consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega)

It is important not only to get them, but also maintain a balance in the body. As for the optimal ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 scientists argue so far. Exactly one thing: in modern world The diet of man distorted. Now Omega-6 fatty acids have become too much, and Omega-3 - at best, as much. The main source of the threat is vegetable oils that are actively used in cooking only in the last 100 years.

What is dangerous violation of the balance? Obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease ... I think it is enough to reconsider your menu. What kind vegetable extracts "Good", and what are the "bad"?


  • sunflower
  • corn
  • soy
  • cotton.

Replaced by:

  • olive
  • creamy
  • coconut.

In any case, try to consume them less. As a healthy analog, I offer products rich omega-3. That form of acids, which is well absorbed by our organism, is contained only in fish, meat and eggs. Just keep in mind that animals that are fed with poor-quality cereals (corn, soy, etc.), give bad products. Perfect option - Feeding on grazing.

4. Take the stomach!

Ulcers directly affect hormonal background. Those substances that the intestine should fall into the blood. They become the cause of multiple inflammation. First of all, the joints and thyroid gland suffer.

Ulcers "kill" microflora gastroy. In the norm, probiotics helps the body to receive sufficient number Hormones: insulin, leptin and others. The unhealthy person probiotics have little, they do not cope with the amount of work.

Danger represent sugar and gluten. The main sources of the latter are cereals. Also gluten added to various sauces and sweets. If you already have problems with the stomach, try to eat light bullets, vegetables and kefir. Properly selected nutritional supplements Normalize microflora and eliminate hormonal failures.

5. Remove toxins

Do you think that cosmetics affect only skin? Unfortunately, this is not so. Harmful substances Penetrate deeper and fall into the blood. Cosmetics can poison you from the inside! Excellent replacement - home remedies from natural oils. About how to cook natural creams, I already told. In the same post you will find several simple recipes.

How do you keep water? IN plastic bottles? Get rid of them immediately! Plastic and aluminum allocate toxic compounds. Such containers are designed for disposable! It is also desirable to abandon frying pan with teflon coating.

6. Develop your body.

Sport accelerates metabolism and helps relieve weight. This automatically displays you from the risk group. During training, many hormones stand out. Physical exertion improve mood. Find what you like and do regularly. If you have any restrictions, it is desirable to develop personal program Together with a specialist.

7. Go to bed before

Sleep rate for each one. Someone lacks 10 hours, someone manages to relax for 6. Why? It is not only in individual differences. Sleep has different value. It depends on the time of day. I have already talked about why it is dangerous to be larkom, in. Consider now sleep from the "hormone" point of view.

Cortisol - stress hormone. Some of its amount is necessary to maintain health. Chronically elevated level Cortisol is a straight road to overvoltage. The connection has its own "routine" of the day. At midnight, its level is resetting, and early in the morning begins to rise: the body awakens. If a person goes to bed, for example, at 2 o'clock in the morning, Cortizol does not have time to "update".

Stress leads to a weight gain and insomnia. Insomnia aggravates stress. Do not fall into a closed circle!

8. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine - practically a drug. He is addictive. The substance is preserved in the blood to 6 (!) Hours. Caffeine does not allow to fall asleep, increases pressure and rapid heartbeat. And here we come back to the previous item: bad Son. - This is an elevated level of cortisol and stress.

Alcohol brings many problems, the main of which is liver diseases. The authority performs 500 functions, including maintaining a hormonal balance. Fortunately, the liver is able to recover. Quickly correct health will help the millet. You can read about her in another post

9. Comething more often in the sun

Under the influence of natural light, Vitamin D is produced. For some reason, we remember about it only when becoming young moms. What do you know about vitamin? Most will mention Rahit and ... all. And what is the role of the connection in fact?

Vitamin D for its influence on the body resembles a hormone. He suppresses inflammatory processes And it helps to establish the work of the pancreas. Insulin is normalized and the level of glucose. Passes stress. It is the deficiency of vitamin is associated with the so-called autumn Handrea.

It is desirable to supplement your diet with hormone-D sources. Try sometimes pamper yourself with fatty fish, cheese, butter and other animal products.

10. Refuse contraceptive tablets

Alas, medicine in the CIS leaves much to be desired. Ideally, the doctor must pick up the most optimal tool for you, based on the survey results. What do we really see? Often they are experiments. Do you want to be an experimental rabbit?

Manufacturers give sweet promises and tell that, subject to all rules, the risk side Effects Minimized. That is, they veiled recognize that there is still a chance. Contraceptive pills are direct interference in the existing balance. It is not surprising that after their admission, many have health problems.

Of course, only extreme measures remain in the launched cases. However, at the very beginning of the violation can be eliminated. How long will it take? All individually. Sometimes several weeks leave, and sometimes years.

Good health!

The level of hormones in the body determines the condition of the hair, the skin of the face and body. Moreover, it even affects our self-confidence. On some days of the cycle, we seem unattractive and try not to appoint a date. Down with hormonal slavery! We offer you a varied plan, turning with which you can be perfection on any day.

WHAT'S HAPPENING: These days, you hardly make yourself move away from the refrigerator, and spend the evening on the couch - I don't want anywhere else. Jumps appear on the face on the face, and the hair quickly become dirty. Throughout the hormone progesterone, which enters the game six days before the start of menstruation. It is the reason for the reinforced selection of sebum, hence the sad state of the face and hair. Almost every girl is unhappy with his appearance during this period.

Your plan

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    Eat popcorn and lean: 10 processed products that are useful for health

Cheat hormones. Start hard to care for the skin a week before the expected menstruation. Even if a couple of pimples appear, do not worry! Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - wipe the skin with acne from acne, which includes salicylic acid, destroying bacteria and solvent fat. And in order to prevent rapid hair pollution, use the cleaning shampoo for frequent washing at this time.

Disguise.The best rescue at this stage is a pair of "tone + corrector." Concealer It will help to level the complexion, and the corrector will cope with the camouflage of problem areas. The result can be fixed with crumbly powdered. The proofreader and tone is better to apply a brush that you need to regularly disinfect. And try once again the face with your hands do not touch.

Moisturizes. Some girls make an unforgivable mistake - cease to use the cream, believing that the skin and so fat, then unnecessary moisturizing can only aggravate her condition. In fact, during the PMS, the level of stress for the body is highest. The skin is lack of liquid and energy. Replace your usual daily cream on the one that is intended for oily skin. Or at least before bedtime, the light moisturizing vitaminized cream.

Second Week: Critical Days

WHAT'S HAPPENING: The situation is settled, progesterone is allocated less and less. But two problems come to the fore - unpleasant traces of acne on the face and smell of the body.

Your plan

Clean.It's time for delicate peeling: getting rid of all extra, the skin will become even more, and its color is brighter. After the procedure, use Tonic with salicylic acid - He is driving problem places. Before entering the street, I will definitely apply protective cream With SPF at least 15.

Aromatize. It is very unpleasant to realize, but during the period of the female body a specific smell. Hygiene - first of all, and still use cream or powder for the body with your favorite flavors. Take note: Floral smells are very sensual, musky are strong aphrodisiacs, and the fragrance of vanilla is unusually racks.

Third week: ovulation

WHAT'S HAPPENING: Thanks to estrogen, the level of which reaches the most high mark For the whole cycle, your libido is at the peak, and you are able to experience the brightest sensations from closeness with your loved one. If you are alone, it's time to conquer men's hearts! You can easily seduce any impregnable handsome man. You are literally a magnet for men: the hair is shining, the skin glows, the eyes are burning - in general, everything is like a fairy tale.

Your plan

Get ready for a continuous series of dates! Men do not bring eyes off you, and you understand perfectly well. Now you are the Queen, not only externally, but also feeling. During ovulation, we feel more confident, so they are ready to perform spontaneous actions and spend money to spend pleasure. Arrange a spa day or pass the favorite cosmetic store in search of a new lipstick.

Attract views. Scientists have established that during the third week the cycle of women unconsciously begin to dress more sexually, preferring short and tight outfits. The best addition to the mini will become a flickering body lotion.

Fourth Week: Postulation

WHAT'S HAPPENING: It is good that the period of super excreturation is not infinite, otherwise you would quickly braid crowds of cavaliers and their courting. Now the testosterone hormones are entering the game and progesterone, delaying fluid in the body. Their level is still small, and is the time to start the battle with the impending symptoms of PMS.

Your plan

Baby with discomfort(dealing with digestion). Unfortunately, bloating and sensation of gravity can not be avoided. Remember the right nutrition, drink water and green tea. Switch to vegetables on a pair and low-fat protein. Herbal teas will help bring excess fluid from the body.

Clean the face. Use face tools against acne, they contain antibacterial components and ingredients that prevent pore blockage, - what your skin needs now.

Almost any of your action in life launches a hormone reaction. Hormones control the actions of our body. It is very important to understand key role Hormones in stimulating both growth and muscle destruction.

Hormones are chemical substancesAllocated by the endocrine system. Finding into the blood, they move to specific receptors in cells. The change in tissues is partially dependent on the level of hormones. Athlete is important to understand the basic principles of the operation of these powerful substances. Hormone management in its favor will provide you with successful adaptation, training, health and excellent results.

Changes in muscle fibers

The most important change occurring in muscle tissue is an increase in the number of contractile proteins, actin and myozin. Other changes occur. For example, the synthesis of non-comma proteins (satellite cells), which can be part of a contractile element of muscle tissue. Stimulation of these mechanisms is due to training with resistance. The slowdown in the destruction of proteins and the acceleration of their synthesis is the first steps towards hypertrophy.

Anabolic hormones insulin, insulin-like growth factor, testosterone and growth hormone can be distinguished among the factors affecting this process. In addition, this process is important to reduce the level of catabolic hormones, such as cortisol. The more muscle fibers are stimulated by a specific exercise, the stronger the adaptive reaction. Hormones have a significant impact on the possibilities and structure of muscle fibers.


The theory of the "Castle and Key" enzymes argues that a specific hormone interacts with specific receptors. The hormone acts as a key, and the receptor is a lock. When the key opens the lock, the cell receives the execution order specified action. Genetic material in the cell core recognizes the value of the synthesis message or protein destruction. When the maximum of the cell adaptation is suppressed and ceases to respond to a hormone. Pressing the receptor slows down changes in cell metabolism.

Two main hormones

There are two main categories of hormones: steroid and polypeptide. These hormones are provided various impact on muscle cells.

Fire glands and adrenal bark produce steroid hormones. The hormone dissolves in the sarchatum (shell of transverse muscle fiber), it binds to its receptor, thus activating it. When the hormone enters the cell core, it opens the elements encoded for protein synthesis. Hormonoreceptor complex identifies certain regulatory mechanisms in genes. As a result, information RNA is processed and transferred to sarcoplasm, where it turns into a protein.

Polypeptide hormones consist of amino acids. These include growth hormone and insulin. These hormones are not fat soluble, so they cannot penetrate Sarclatma. To deliver their messages to core cells, they use secondary substances.

Exercises with burdens

Exercises with burdens stimulate significant changes in the trainable muscles. They increase their strength, size and power. Training cause endocrine glands to highlight hormones. These hormones supply the body of surplus information. They cause various reactions. The type and duration of the exercises have a serious impact on the type of hormone released.

This, in turn, strongly affects the changes in the tissues. Increasing the level of hormones as a result of training with burdensome differs from the reaction activated by endurance exercises. With exercise with burdens, motor units are not involved in other exercises. These motor units with a high threshold are activated only with the need for a significant force, as in training with burdens. Muscular fibers in these units are activated, as a result of sarchatrolms in muscle fibers, are highly loaded. The load causes a change in the permeability of the Sarchatrama for nutrients. This affects the synthesis and sensitivity of the receptors. Finally, the force obtained in activated fibers leads to an anabolic reaction in muscle cells.

During and after exercises, numerous hormones are allocated. The desired result of these processes is the synthesis of actin and alone and slowing the destruction of the protein. If the load is too strong or too long, the top of the catabolic hormones are torn in the muscle, for example, cortisol. Hormonal reactions depend on stimulated tissues, exercise duration and necessary changes.

When the muscle reaches the high level of development, protein synthesis ceases to play the role of a key growth mechanism. Therefore, the slowdown in the destruction of the protein is the main growth factor of muscles. Remember that only stimulated muscles are influenced by influence. That is why it is important to alternate exercises. Only stimulated fibers benefit from hormones. If every time you use biceps each time, you use the same exercise, your growth will not be maximum, since the same fibers are constantly stimulated. The corners and load parameters control the degree of interaction of hormones in the muscles.

The reaction of muscles on hormones depends on several factors. If the level of hormones in the blood is high, the chances of influencing receptors are higher. If the cell is close to its genetic maximum, the receptor is weaker reacts to a hormone. In training with burdens, the ability to restore is associated with the size of muscle fibers. Incorrect training program can lead to manifestation back side Hormones, catabolism. The interaction between hormones and muscles can render negative influence on the structure of cells or positive impact on growth.

There are many factors contributing to hypertrophy. However, the increase in force cannot be attributed only to the account of hypertrophy. Neural factors play a huge role in achieving maximum power indicators. Forms of neurological efficiency, as well as hormone levels, individual for each person.

Hormones in the blood

The level of hormones in the blood is sometimes used to analyze their secretion. This is pretty difficult taskSince the level of hormones in the blood is constantly changing. It should be noted that the presence of a hormone in the blood does not mean that it will successfully reach the receptor. However, the higher the concentration of hormones in the blood, the more likely Successful binding hormone with receptor.

The ideal situation for anabolism - when in the blood more anabolic hormonesthan catabolic. This usually leads to positive changes in cells.


Anyone associated with sports has its own idea of \u200b\u200bTestosterone. For most "Testosterone" - ominous word. Because of him, people make cruel crimes, die from heart attacks and suffer from strokes. In addition, it allows everyone to gain a huge muscle mass. Where did such ideas come from? From ignorant people who know nothing about this hormone.

Testosterone indirectly affects protein synthesis, releaseing growth hormone. This increases the level of release of the insulin growth factor (IFR) from the liver. Testosterone affects the nervous system, which leads to an increase in the level of neurotransmitters and the number of nervous compounds, which increases the size of the muscle. The increase in neurological efficiency leads to an increase in the level of force.

The mechanism of interaction of testosterone with a cell core is inaccurate. After the isolation of testosterone, the transport protein called Globulin transfers it to the receptor. Here is activated by a message that is transmitted to the cellular core. Protein synthesis is the result of a series of events. Testosterone concentration is often used as an Anabolic marker. Exist certain methodswhich can have a positive impact on the level of testosterone in the blood, for example:

Workouts lasting less than sixty minutes
Multiple approaches
Combined exercises
Short leisure intervals (one minute)
Significant resistance, 80% - 90% of the maximum.

Have you ever heard the saying "Sat and make it becoming, and will grow your whole body"? This is due to the increase in testosterone levels and the stimulation of a set of significant muscle mass. If you rely exclusively on the use of simulators, try to enter the combined exercises in your program.

Most of the studies dedicated to hormonal reactions on the exercises were carried out on men's tests. The testosterone reaction was named the main determining factor in differences between muscularity and the force of men and women. Men on average produce ten times more testosterone than women. To date, there were no research that revealed significant differences in testosterone in connection with the physical activity in women.

A growth hormone

Growth hormone was mentioned as a mechanism for the growth of skeletal muscle tissue and other body tissues. Growth hormone important for normal height Children. It also plays a certain role in adaptation to physical exertion.

Growth hormone functions:

Acceleration of protein synthesis
Use of fatty acids
Improving the transportation of amino acids
Acceleration of rising cartilage
Lipolyz stimulation
Reducing carbohydrate consumption for energy

Most studies argue that growth hormone is released due to neurological signals from the nervous system, stimulated by the load and anxiety caused by training. The hypothalamus signals cause the release of the hormone, which stimulates the secretion of growth hormone. In addition, growth hormone stimulates the release of the IPR from the liver. IFR is powerful anabolic agents that accelerate protein synthesis.

The level of growth hormone in the blood varies during the day. Secretion is most intense during sleep. This is one of the reasons why the body needs a sufficient amount of sleep to recover normally and grow. It has been proven that physical exertion increases the secretion of growth hormone at any time of the day.

Pharmacological use of growth hormone is a question that causes lively debate. Some experts believe that the growth of growth hormone is the main reason that bodybuilders are significantly more muscular and relief than before. Others argue that growth hormone is useful only to bodybuilders, at the same time accepting anabolic steroids. Discussion of this topic - reason for another article. The main question of which interests us at the moment is the acceleration of endogenous mechanisms leading to the secretion of growth hormone. Further research is needed that will allow to compare the effect of a natural hormone of growth and its external counterpart.

It turns out that an increase in the number of hydrogen ions stimulates the release of growth hormone. This means that the increase in lactate blood concentration (closely associated with hydrogen ions) increases the level of blood hormone blood level.

It has been proven that exercises with minor burdens ineffective to increase the level of growth hormone. The Kremer found that when using moderate burdens with multiple approaches and short periods of recreation (1 minute), the level of growth hormone rises. With a thorough study of your training program with resistance, you can take advantage of all the advantages of the high level of growth hormone.

In periods of menstruation, the level of blood growth hormone in women is higher than in men. Studies of women revealed that when using significant burden and rest to three minutes between approaches, there is no significant increase in the level of growth hormone. However, with moderate burdens and short rest periods (1 minute), such an increase is observed. The alternation of the complexes is important to change the level of growth hormone.


Insulin is a peptide hormone highlighted by beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin can have a positive effect on skeletal muscles. But it can and increase the fat content in the body.

Insulin performs the following functions:

Reduces blood glucose levels.
Stimulates the absorption of carbohydrate cells, amino acids and fatty acids.
Excess insulin leads to the accumulation of fat.

It was found that training increases insulin sensitivity. The drop in insulin level during physical activity is not as much due to the effect of the workout itself. It is necessary to conduct further research to determine the insulin reaction to workout.

"Insulin in the form of injection is very dangerous. It can lead to a fatal outcome within a few minutes."

Insulin acts as a powerful anabolic agent. It transfers amino acids into muscle cells. Many experts consider this hormone with a powerful anabolic agent of existing ones. That is why the use of insulin for injection has become very popular among bodybuilders. Insulin in the form of injections is very dangerous. It can lead to a fatal outcome within a few minutes. If you use injection insulin, be sure to do it under the supervision of the doctor.

Insulin level management is very important to achieve optimal physical form. The right amount in right time allow you to gain muscle mass. At the same time, a chronically elevated insulin level leads to the accumulation of fat. Excess insulin leads to a decrease in testosterone levels and growth hormone.


Insulin-like growth factors (IFR) are produced by the liver after the growth hormone signals the liver DNA of the need to synthesize them. The IFR is divided into an IFR-I, a polypeptide of 70 amino acids, and the IFR-II, a polypeptide of 67 amino acids. The IFR is moving along blood flow, attached to binding proteins attached to receptor sites.

The destruction of various cells, including fat and muscle cells, stimulates the release of the IFR. Fat cells contain a lot of IFR, and skeletal muscles are small. There is a likelihood of the release of the IFR with extrahepatic cells without the help of growth hormone. It is also possible to generate an IFR individual cells without release them into the bloodstream.

Binding proteins play important role In the functioning of the IFR. It was revealed that the IFR stimulate the release of binding protein in the muscle itself, thereby changing the susceptibility of cells to the IFR. Power profile also turned out to be an important factor susceptibility to IFR. Sharp changes in the nitrogen balance and protein consumption affect the level of the IFR. Binding proteins act as a tank for IFR. These proteins produce IFR when opening a receptor site. Thus, the level of decay of the FMD is reduced.

There are currently no accurate data on the impact of training with significant burden on the level of the IFR. One study found that several different exercise sequences caused an increase in the level of IFR for two hours after training. Further research must be carried out for a deeper study of the influence of physical exertion on the level of IFR.

The control of anabolic hormones is one of the most important aspects Control your physical form. Powerful hormones discussed above can help you fully disclose your potential.

Main catabolic hormone

The most powerful catabolic hormone is cortisol. Minimizing the level of cortisol can significantly help you when implementing your growth potential.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by adrenal cortex. It is released to help the body cope with the load and provide its energy. The problem is that it has a catabolic effect on the body:

Increases the level of proteolytic enzymes (splitting proteins enzymes)
Turns amino acids into carbohydrates
Slows down the synthesis of proteins
The destruction of collagen and tissues of ligaments
The catabolic effect of cortisol is stronger in fast-cutting fibers than in slowly cutting.

In case of injuries, the increase in the level of cortisol leads to the decay of nitrogen and the loss of contractile protein. Such a loss causes muscle atrophy. In the muscle, such anabolic hormones such as insulin and testosterone counteract the cortisol. If anabolic hormones occupy a greater number of receptors, the protein level is maintained or grows. When S. large number Receptors are associated with cortisol, protein cleavage is accelerated. Ensuring a higher level of anabolic hormones than catabolic, it is important for maintaining and set of muscle mass.

Training with burdening with the involvement of major muscle groups and shorter periods of rest cause the most high level Cortisol. It is interesting because the stimulus causing the maximum catabolic effect also causes the maximum reaction to growth hormone. Although cortisol contributes to the decay, a short-term increase in its level can help with the growth of muscles. The muscles need destruction for recovery and growth. The short-term increase in the level of cortisol stimulates this process. Athletes often use the ratio of testosterone levels and cortisol in the blood in order to determine if their body is in growth. It sounds logical, but this coefficient turned out to be ineffective as a mass marker and forces. Due to the numerous functions of cortisol, this test is insufficient to determine the actual level of anabolism or catabolism.

The content of the article:

By and large, any our action causes a response hormone reaction of the body. These substances manage all the actions of the body and athletes, it is important to know how to manage your hormones. Recall that hormones are special substances synthesized by the endocrine system. Finding into the bloodstream, they are transferred to targeting fabrics, where they involve with certain types of receptors. To achieve high results in sports, the athletes must be familiar with the basic principles of the work of these strong substances.

What changes occur in muscular tissues under the influence of hormones?

Most. an important change In muscular tissues is an increase in the number of contractile protein compounds of myosin and actin. Of course, these are not limited to this. For example, the processes of non-concentration protein compounds are activated, which are often called satellite cells. As a result, they become part of the maudist contractual apparatus.

This mechanisms are activated due to power training. If you understand the principles of slowing the processes of destruction of the protein structures of the muscles and accelerate the reactions of their creation, you can achieve positive results in sports. Testosterone, somatotropin, insulin, as well as an insulin-like growth factor have maximum influence on these processes.

You should also remember both catabolic hormonal substances, in particular, cortisol. The more active the fibers of the muscles through physical activity are stimulated, the process of hypertrophy is stimulated. Also, hormonal substances are capable of influencing the structure of the fibers of muscular fabrics.

IN scientific World There is a "key and lock" theory, according to which each hormonal substance can interact with a specific type of receptors. The role of the lock is performed by receptors, and the hormones are the key from it. When the lock opens, the cell receives a certain signal to action.

The nuclei of all cells contains genetic material that is capable of recognizing the message transmitted by hormones. As a result, anabolic or catabolic reactions are activated. When the cell reaches the maximum level of ability to adapt, it no longer responds to the signals of the endocrine system.

What types of hormones exist?

To understand how to manage your hormones, you should figure out existing types These substances. There is nothing complicated here, since they are only two - polypeptide and steroid hormonal substances. They produce various impact on the fibers of muscular tissues. Sex glands and adrenal glands synthesize steroid hormones. When the hormonal substance dissolves in the shell of transverse cells of muscles (sarchatum), it begins to affect receptors. As a result, the cell is activated. After the hormone penetration into the cell core, elements are opened specifically encoded for the synthesis of protein compounds.

All hormone designer complexes are able to determine only certain mechanisms for regulation in genes. As soon as this happens, the molecules of information RNA are processed and delivered to sarcoplasm, where they are converted into protein compounds. Polypeptide hormones in turn consist of amine chains. This group of hormonal substances include somatotropin and insulin. Since they cannot be dissolved in fat, they are not able to penetrate the Sarchatim. To transmit information by cells, they are forced to use excipients.

Power training and hormones

The question of how to manage your hormones is primarily interesting to representatives of power sports disciplines. As we have talked above, exercises with burdens are able to cause serious changes in muscular tissues. It is the hormones that contribute to the growth of muscles and physical indicators. Under the influence of strong physical exertion, endocrine glands synthesize hormonal substances.

They are intended for information transfer and as a result cause a certain reaction of the body. It is important to remember that the type and duration of the movements performed largely predetermine the type of synthesized hormones, and, as a result, the body's reaction. The growth of the concentration of hormonal substances after the power training has significant differences from reactions stimulated by endurance classes.

Exercises with burdens due to the specifics of the motions performed involve certain motor units, which during the execution of other exercises remain not active. This is due to the fact that the motor units considered by us have a high sensitivity threshold and react to exercises only after an application of a certain effort that can be developed only when using burdens.

After the motor units are triggered, the muscular fibers located in them are activated. This leads to the fact that the sarchatum of the cells is under a serious load. As a result, the membrane permeability of muscular fibers changes and in cells penetrate nutrient elements. Also, the above described affects the synthesis processes and the sensitivity indicator of the receptors.

During the training and after its completion, the body synthesizes a large number of Hormonal substances. This is done with the only purpose of suppressing catabolic reactions and accelerate the synthesis of contractile protein connections. If the physical activity was excessively high, in the muscular tissues flow processes occur and cell destruction begins.

As an athlet progress, the synthesis rate of contractile proteins is moving into the background from the point of view of muscles. In this situation the main task Power training becomes suppressed by the activity of catabolic hormones. It should also be remembered that hormones have an impact only on those muscles that you worked out in the classroom. For this reason, there is a need for alternating exercises. Only the stimulation of muscular fibers can be changed. When the athlete on each workout performs the same movement, the growth of the fibers will not be optimal, since the work takes part the same fibers as last time. It is enough to change, say the load angle, as the situation changes.

The reaction of muscular tissues on hormonal substances depends on several factors. For high concentration Hormones in the blood chances for the fact that they will enter into relationships with receptors are rising. All cells have a genetically predetermined potential of their development. The closer they are to this threshold, the receptors are weaker react to hormonal substances.

It is very important to provide the body enough time to restore. If you use an illiterately compiled training program, then the likelihood of getting opposite results - Catabolic processes are activated. It should be noted that the processes of hypertrophy of muscular fibers affect various factors. If we talk about the growth of power parameters, then the influence of not only hormonal substances is great. A huge role This question belongs to the nervous system and its ability to activate the maximum large number of motor units.

Hormone Testosterone and muscles growth

If you want to know how to manage your hormones, you should have certain knowledge of all major hormonal substances. You should understand that the high concentration in the blood of a hormone does not mean at all means that the corresponding reactions will be launched in the cells. At the same time, the chance of successful interaction of the hormone molecules with receptors is higher. So that the muscles increase in volumes, it is necessary to achieve a higher concentration of anabolic hormones in comparison with catabolic.

This hormone is well known not only athletes, but also ordinary people. With this substance, a large number of crimes, problems with heart muscle and strokes are often associated. It is also known that testosterone promotes the muscular mass.

Testosterone makes an indirect effect on the synthesis of protein compounds and somatotropin. An increase in the concentration of growth hormone leads to the acceleration of the synthesis of the insulin-like factor. Male hormone affects the central nervous system. it important property Hormone, as the result is the concentration of neurotransmitters, as well as the number of nervous compounds. All this positively affects the speed of hypertrophy processes. In addition, we have already noted the role of the nervous system in increasing strength parameters.

After hormone synthesis, globulin (transport protein compound), transfers testosterone molecule in tissue. After interaction with the receptors, the message is activated transmitted then to the muscular fiber core. You must remember that the process of synthesis of protein connections is the result of a whole series of events. There are several methods capable of increasing blood hormone concentration:

  • The occupation should continue about one hour.
  • Multiple approaches are performed.
  • Are used basic exercises.
  • The duration of rest between the sets is no more than one minute.
  • The weight of burdens is 80-90 percent of the maximum.
Those of you who visit the hall, for sure many times heard the phrase about the need to perform squats or stagnation of the mass. In practice, it happens, because it is the basic exercises that make it possible to achieve the maximum hormonal response of the body. If you work in training only on simulators, there will be no significant progress.

Almost all studies of this hormone were conducted on men. However, the substance is present in women's body. However, the concentration of testosterone in women is about ten times lower than that of strong sex. Has not yet been proven that physical exercise They lead to an increase in the level of testosterone concentration in the female organism. This suggests that the girls should not be afraid of power training. With it, you can not only get rid of fat, but also pull the muscles, which has a positive effect on appearance Body. That's all the information on the topic, how to manage your hormones.

Doctors constantly talk about hormones: "Hormonal background is broken," "need hormonal therapy" and many more smart words. However, a simple person is not always easy to understand the bird of doctors. About how the hormones are important for the human body, what is endocrinology that you need to eat in order to be in the Macho bed, and why you should not immediately take pills, Ilya Magher's special project told the "Social Navigator" special project.

Ilya Yurevich, tell us with simple words, what is Endocrinology?

- If the same question be driven into any search engine, then you will get approximately such a definition: endocrinology - science learning internal secretion glands, what will happen if they break, and so on. In fact, everything is easier. We have more than one hundred trillion cells in our body, and they all fulfill millions of different operations per second. They do this due to substances that are continuously circulating in the blood. These substances are called hormones. They "drive up" to every cage of our body, give a task for some action or inaction, and the cell performs it. I really like this comparison: hormones as spices in soup. Suppose salt: if it is too small, then the dish will turn out fresh, and if much, then too salty. It depends very much from hormones, by and large it is they who make life possible.

We have a few glands at each body level that allocate of different types Hormones. Some of them even with chakras compare.

In the brain there are three main, you can say the chief. The first is the hypothalamus, the most central Organ. Let's call him president. It gives orders to either work, or do not work the pituitary gland, the second to the endocrine body. It can be called the Ministry. The ministerial hormones live there. There is also an epiphysis, such a kind of prime minister, or even, better to say, gray cardinal. This is all the bosses. There is still a thyroid, dairy, pancreas, as well as ovaries and testicles. They produce hormones that can be called hardwood. They are suitable for every cage of our body and perform a specific function: reproduction, feeding, growth, development, metabolic processes, and so on.

Are the yoghurt advertising, or how to help your immunity?Do custom buyers cheese? This and other issues we asked a doctor therapist higher category Nadezhda Perevishkina and received tips, as budget and carefully maintain their immunity.

Endocrinology echoes all the medical directions, it does not matter that it is: gynecology, urology, psychiatry or something else. In each science hormones will be hormone.

For example, if we take the climacteric syndrome, it seems to gynecology, and in fact a decrease in the level of all hormones. If we talk about urology, the same impotence is a decrease in testosterone. This, by the way, the most basic hormone for a man. Or frequent running to the toilet, especially at night, also seemingly urological problem, but no, it is also endocrinology. This is either a testosterone deficiency, or hormone D, or growth hormone, any hormone, which is responsible for muscle tissue.

Treatment, as lunch, must be complex

It turns out that almost any disease can be cured with an endocrinologist?

- There is just a huge problem: until the fourth course of the Medical Institute, we are all taught that the body and all the processes occurring in it are one that the anatomy without physiology does not work and that there will be nothing without biochemical processes. After the fourth course, we are told that you will be responsible for your eyes, and you are for the lungs, and you are for the chest and so on. And the specialty becomes so narrow that I would not be surprised if, for example, a menstrual doctor will appear soon. This is sad. And the worst thing is that the doctor is proud to narrow specialist. I do not see what to be proud of.

I defined for myself that I could not come to the reception just the thyroid gland. A person comes to me at the reception, which is not only a history of illness with analysis, and also the soul in addition.

Yes, I have to understand endocrine problems and processes, but I also need to understand freely in other areas of medicine to provide competent assistance. Yes, and it is necessary to treat not the symptoms, but the reason. So I do not understand how to treat just thyroid gland. So it turns out that the endocrinology itself is no panacea, at least there are two more sciences that are responsible for the hormonal background - these are diet and psychotherapy.

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All hormones consist of only two components of food - either proteins or fats. That is, very simple: There are either protein hormones or fat. If we do not have enough of these two elements in the nutrition, then our endocrine system will have to be tight.

For example, a girl comes with a disruption of the menstrual cycle to the gynecologist. The doctor looks at her and appoints birth control pills. Thanks to them, her monthly menstruation begins. However, this is not her monthly, in no case, she now does not have it monthly. Because, it is worth canceling the drug, and they will disappear. But if you ask this girl more about when a failure began, what she did at this time, then it can be found out that she was suddenly fascinated by a life-free diet that now, by the way, is fashionable. And sex gomons are formed from fats.

It turns out that she was fascinated by a diet, because of this she has dropped the level of hormones, so it cut off menstrual cycle. We add to her fats in the diet and the problem is solved. If you go even further, ask why she sat on this diet, then the girl will tell that it does not notice the young man, which, probably, he has another thing that he doesn't love himself very much. And here we are already faced with psychology. So it turns out that at first there was some mental imbalance, which led to a power disorder, which led to a violation of hormones, which led to a disruption of the menstrual cycle. In this case, you need to look for a specialist who would take the girl and all these moments would have decided. The same with boys, infertility and so on.

Therefore, I believe that it is more important than endocrinology and psychotherapy and dietology. In general, most diseases are based on psychotherapy, they are also called psychosomatic.

Judging by your example, with taking tablets, especially hormonal, it is better not to rush?

- Not always. Situation of the situation is distributed. Sometimes hormones are extremely necessary to assign right here and now. For example, a person completely stops the production of insulin hormone, diabetes first type. it emergency situationWhen glucose is absolutely not incurred into the cell, accumulates in the blood, because of which the level of sugar rolls. If not to introduce insulin on time, the person will die. In such cases time runs For hours or minutes.

Second case. Woman fifty years old, she has night-up toilet, he began to get a little menstrual period. Cleekeks appeared, which destroys its entire body. Start problems with bones, with sexual functionShe begins to gain weight. Woman starts to fade. In any natural way to stimulate sex hormones will not work, because nature is so laid. The only thing we can do is carry out replacement hormone therapy. It will be a small dose of hormones that will save it from destruction.

Third option. When we can reflect, try to start to eat right and so on? This is at a young age. Up to forty years, almost 90% of endocrinological diseases can be corrected by nutrition and psychotherapy.

- You talk a lot about complex approach To treatment. It turns out that the most proper option go not only to a narrowly directed specialist, and even to a psychologist, a nutritionist and an endocrinologist, and better doctor wide profile?

- Here another problem arises. Not every nutritionist will do it.

How are we now? If you have a round ass, you got some kind of medal in your ufa and you have a promoted "instagram", then you can start prescribing food programs. As they say, each Susks has now become an agronomist.

Try to find a nutritionist who would know about sex hormones, how to restore the menstrual cycle with nutrition, and would not aggravate the problem, for example, saying that it is necessary to eat often. By the way, the pancreas is loaded, and the body is destroyed at the root. Especially in people of prone or already having diabetes or pathology associated with insulin and glucose.

The most optimal option is observed in a group of like-minded people. It must include a nutritionist and psychotherapist. Or each doctor should be at least minimally psychotherapeutic and diet. If everyone had passed the minimum courses in these directions, then I would tell you, Russia would have become a leader in health.

From each element in the possibilities, each body for needs

- You said that frequent food destroys the body, but in fact lately Frequent I. fractional food - This is the trend, about whose benefits they say, including doctors.

- It depends on whether it is about com. Who should eat so much?

Okay. Give then a few examples, please.

- Let's then consider my favorite topic "Hormonal food", by the way, I came up with me. That is, how nutrition affects our hormones.

Yuri Belenkov: Prevention begins not with the decree of the president, but with a personWhat is connected with a relatively high mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases And how to reduce the likelihood to be in the risk group, in an interview with RIA Novosti, the President of the Society of Specialists in Heart Failure, director of the hospital therapy clinic, was told. A.A. Otroumova, Academician RAS Yuri Belenkov.

Food consists of three components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This is if it is simple. Proteins are construction material. Fats make us smarter, healthier and more beautiful, because the brain consists of fats, every our easy, like a shell of any cell, too. Also thanks to them, we breed. From cholesterol is an animal fat - sex hormones are formed. If it is not in our diet, it will not be these hormones, respectively, and there can be no speech about reproduction. Carbohydrates give us activity, energy for movement. Proteins - We live, fats - we live well, carbohydrates - moving.

Athlete who goes into the hall several times, sexually active, and even on the weekend the forest is rubit. Super active man. He needs as much of all three components as possible, and as often as possible. He has no difference, how to eat, the main thing is that he spent all this energy.

And what about ideal figure from the least amount subcutaneous fat?

- Fats have no relation to obesity. Of these, on the contrary, fat burning hormones are formed, they are also called steroid hormones. Any adequate and competent fitness coach knows that fats are very necessary. Otherwise, there will be no cholesterol, and accordingly, testosterone, the most important natural anabolic steroid. A competent athlete fats are needed to maximum. Again, before each training session, he will give him a portion of carbohydrates so that he had power and energy to occupy.

There are two types of carbohydrates: fast, they are quickly absorbed, they immediately give a lot of energy, but they act from 40 minutes to an hour, and slow, which are slowly absorbed and give energy for four to six hours.

The latter are good for a housewife, which will wash the floors, polls flowers and so on. It would be good for her to eat buckwheat, slow carbohydrate. She will have energy, although not strong, not like an athlete, which is taking a bar, but she is not needed. If they confuse food, then one will not be able to raise the bar, and the second all excess energy that it does not spend deposit in fats. It is already dangerous. These fats are called triglycerides.

Take, for example, we are with you. What we need? Energy for a conversation, something heavier than glasses, we are unlikely to raise. We need to live, it turns out, before our interviews we would have to eat proteins and fats for lunch, such as borsch with sour cream. And in the evening we come home, there are wives waiting for us, and we are tired. They require that we are the married debt. What is it? This is an active waste of energy, because it is necessary to fulfill it to fulfill it so that it does not suspect anything. For this we need powerful energy For at least 30-40 minutes. Therefore, it is necessary to eat any rapid carbohydrates of high-quality, such as banana. And all, you are Macho again in bed.

And about fractional and frequent nutrition, here you are changing the car, how do you do? Pour a full tank and go or a couple of liters, ride, and then again to refuel? Last stupid. Why then do we do the same with our organism?

Why did you decide to dispersed some kind of mythical metabolism? Ask any athlete what it is. He will hang, but he always wants to overclock him. Maximum that he will answer that this is the metabolism. Then ask what is the metabolism. You put it in a stupor. He will not answer this question. But if you answer - handsome.

Each meal is insulin emissions to utilize glucose into the cell. Insulin, this is a key that opens the cage to get glucose into it. The more often we rape our pancreas, the more often we are damaging the cage by this insulin, the worse the key starts working, and the lock is spoiled. These are age changes when the cell ceases to perceive insulin, stops taking glucose. The latter begins to accumulate in the blood. To solve this problem, you just need to reduce the number of food meals.

Conducted Konstantin Ermolaev