Reasons to get acquainted with a guy you like. We maintain the degree of mood

Catastrophe! Guys, you don't know how to text girls at all. I am by no means surprised by your plaintive posts about being "ignored". Based personal experience, I can say the following: it's time to change something. Sometimes it's just impossible to communicate with you. Or you are too curious, which causes the effect of interrogation by the prosecutor. Or they are too laconic, which is more reminiscent of a dialogue with a loved one. At times, even too annoying.

From a height of not very great, but very bitter experience, I can no longer observe the ongoing nightmare. I have the audacity to teach you how to text girls properly!

Get in, guys!

1. A successful start is the key to continuation

Often, after the very first message, the thought gradually creeps into the head of the interlocutor: this passenger is clearly not interesting to me. To avoid this effect, you must be original. Even if you are not really like that, at least try to pretend. Do anything, use your convolutions, but she must think that you are special. Don't be afraid to be smart. Dumb and impudent "cool peppers" in an adequate female half cause a gag reflex.

There is another unwritten truth: to make a girl fall in love with you, it is enough to make her laugh. It works, believe me) But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will forever remain a friend, just fun to laugh with.

To successfully continue the conversation, you do not need to start with a question. "How deep is the Nile?" and "How many feathers does a parrot have?" It is better to take an interest in the past session or a future holiday. In this case, you will be sure that the girl will not rush to leaf through the 10-volume encyclopedia to answer you. And for God's sake, keep it simple.

There is no need to print an essay in three chapters. It's infuriating. Terribly annoying. It just pisses you off. One short message can hold a lot of meaning.

You, respected men, probably think that it is not the literacy of the text that is important, but its content? Or do you consider ignorance to be your highlight? Perhaps you think that your dullness makes you cooler? No?

Then explain to me what it is: "Hi, how dila. Why don't you unsubscribe !!!" Personally, THIS causes one thought in me: "Hug and cry!". Dear guys, no one doubts that smoking under the windows of the school is much more interesting than studying in it, but be human. Before you send your memoirs to a girl, read them yourself. Correct the mistakes, at least half, and your message will not cause irritation, but joy.

2. We support the degree of mood

So that the chatter does not get bored with the interlocutor too quickly, you can periodically tease her (in moderation, of course). Rare barbs and dirty phrases will only stir up interest in your person.

Any young lady will make the following conclusions:

- he has a lot of girlfriends, if he allows himself to take such risks;

- my beauty impressed him not as much as I expected;

- Well, nothing, nothing, I'll answer now ...

Keep in mind, too fluffy and vulnerable paws can immediately be offended and stop correspondence. The rest will be on the hook).

Don't forget to flirt while chatting. Light flirting will not only call your girlfriend for a longer conversation, but will also make it clear that you like her. The main thing is not to scare away, because stories like "what a pleasant voice and beautiful eyes" no longer inspire confidence in modern ladies.

To make the interlocutor afraid of losing a caring and attentive boyfriend in your face, make it clear that you are interested in her. If you are aware of her next trip somewhere or an exam in economics, write a wish on the eve of the eve of good luck or Bon Voyage. Just don't get it too far ... Nobody needs a "bonus" dad.

Find common interests, look for coincidences in leisure, read the questionnaire of the interlocutor. It's hard to build sensible communication if you rumble non-stop about fishing, and your girlfriend about shopping. A conversation between a deaf person and a dumb person will get you nowhere. Common ground is just as important in communication as it is in family life.

3. Happy ending)

Knowing how to stop in time useful property. Do not fill the mouth with your kind chatter. If a girl lets you know that this stage Correspondence is coming to an end, do not delay it in every possible way. Otherwise, this will be your last virtual meeting.

Do not dare to strike at arrogance and vulgarity. Sex on the Internet and on the phone requires a fairly long preliminary relationship. And judging by the fact that you are now reading my publication, you don’t have those yet))). Therefore, moderate your fountain of desires and return to earth. If a woman wants sex, she will invite you to visit over time. Perhaps later. Or maybe not, it depends on how well you studied the previous two points.

Wherever your correspondence goes, the main thing is to end it on a positive note, so that after communicating with you there is no negative aftertaste. I can't stand it when a feeling of relief comes at the end of a dialogue. Phew! So precious time was wasted.
In fact, everything ingenious is simple: be yourself, joke, be interested and talk about yourself, tease and joke, flirt and light up. Again, be yourself! Falsity is always visible.

author: Lilia Dmitrenko, for the website

Dating is always difficult. After all, you want to please a person at first sight. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Today, young people prefer to make friends and comrades in social networks or through mobile phones. What is the correct correspondence with a girl? How to make an acquaintance? What questions should be asked of the fair sex, so as not to scare her away? These are the topics we will discuss next.

Choice of communication style

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the main thing is to choose the right style of communication with the lady you like. But how to do that? Everything is extremely simple. If you are going to meet on social networks, you just need to carefully study the girl’s page. She has a lot to say. So, you can see the photos, pictures uploaded by her, listen to the playlist. It is easy to draw certain conclusions from this. Consider what styles of communication you can choose:

  1. Sweet, vanilla. Girls who prefer such communication love when they are “lisped” with them, when they are complimented and even flattered.
  2. Literary. This is how you should communicate with girls who love to be addressed with a beautiful literary speech, without the usual expressions, not in surzhik.
  3. Ordinary. Here you can just write to a girl without thinking about who she really wants to present herself to.
  4. Special. In this case, you need to carefully study the terminology of the subculture to which the lady belongs. This is easy to recognize from photos and a playlist on social networks.

First word/phrase

It is very important that the beginning of the correspondence with the girl is the most correct. Why is that? The fact is that ladies, especially beautiful ones, receive a lot of offers to get to know each other a day. And most of them are simply ignored. That is why it is necessary to initially interest the girl, to attract the necessary attention to herself. So, the first word or phrase written in the message is important. The usual "Hi!" few will be surprised. The first proposal must be approached creatively. So let's consider successful correspondence with girls. Examples of the first phrases will help you build communication with the representative of the weaker sex you like:

  1. "Hello! Tell me, what will happen to our planet if all butterflies (cats, dogs) disappear? That is, you need to ask about what the lady herself likes.
  2. “I wonder what could beautiful girl make happy?"
  3. "Hello! I am addressing a business question: tell me, in which modeling agency do you work? I want to send mine little sister(niece)? So you can start a conversation with beautiful ladies.

Story about yourself

We understand further how to start a correspondence with a girl. So, if an acquaintance has already begun, you need to know how to keep the conversation going. To do this, you need to tell about yourself and find out all the most interesting and important about the life of the lady you like. In this case, you need to review your completed questionnaire. In some cases, it can be slightly edited by correcting the information in the direction of the interests of the lady you like. What do you need to tell about yourself? Correspondence with a girl will be very successful if there are no boring stories like “born-grew-studied-work”. First of all, you need to talk about those aspects of life where you can find similar interests:

  1. Hobbies, hobbies.
  2. Favorite films, music.
  3. Leisure preferences (club visits, nature trips, gatherings with friends at home or in a quiet place, etc.).

However, it is also important to talk about the place of study or work. After all, there may be certain lines intersections. At the same time, it is necessary not only to tell. After your speech, you need to ask the appropriate question, for example: “I love cars and everything connected with them. And how do you feel about such a hobby? If something does not interest the lady, you should not stop there, you need to move on to the next object of attention.

Topics that will appeal to many young ladies

In order for the correspondence with the girl to be very successful, you definitely need to interest the lady. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate topic for the conversation. So, let's consider questions to a girl during correspondence, which you should definitely ask:

  1. Questions about her personality. All people like to talk about themselves, their achievements. Therefore, almost after each of your stories, it’s good to ask a question, as they say, in the topic. Thus, you can chat for hours, learning more and more information about each other.
  2. Preferences. Be sure to ask the girl about her preferences in various areas of life. You can talk not only about music, movies or books. So, you can find out about your favorite style of clothing, weather, season, food, drinks, etc.
  3. Future plans. This path is very risky (especially if the guy is afraid of commitment), but sometimes you can ask about the girl's plans for the future. If the answers she gave are ambiguous and not to your liking, you need to quickly move the topic in a different direction. However, you should not choose a radically opposite topic, so that the girl does not have the feeling that the guy is deliberately ignoring this or that issue. For example, if a lady wrote: “I dream of getting married and having five children,” you can answer: “That's good. Here I have a sister (brother) - family, there are children, they are so happy. And then move on to the topic of relatives.

If the correspondence "stalled"

What questions can you ask a girl during correspondence if communication does not work out or is it rather difficult to progress?

  • Tell me about your happiest day.
  • Ask in which country (city) the girl would like to live and why.
  • Take an interest in who the young lady dreamed of becoming as a child.
  • Ask about what made the girl choose this particular profession (direction of study, work).
  • Ask what the interlocutor dreams about.
  • Ask a question about what kind of fairy-tale hero the girl would like to become if possible.

There are actually many such questions. You just need to turn on your imagination.

About men

If a correspondence has begun with a girl, it is also necessary to clarify how the lady relates to members of the opposite sex and whether she is thinking of starting close communication with guys in the near future. The answer is important, because the future of the correspondence itself will depend on it. If a girl is hostile to people of the opposite sex, then you should not waste your time on her. Consider what kind of correspondence with girls can be in this case. Examples possible questions from your side are listed below.

  1. What character traits would you like to see in young man? Which ones, in your opinion, do not paint a man?
  2. Are you ready to visit some interesting place(hint of a date)?
  3. How ready are you to change your life in the near future (hint of a serious relationship)?
  4. What is the perfect couple?

It is important to remember here that if a lady leaves the topic, she must also retreat from her for a while. Otherwise, it is easy to scare the girl away with her pressure.

Taboos and forbidden topics

So, we figured out how to start a correspondence with a girl. However, it is worth remembering that it is still very important to maintain communication correctly. So, you can not make various mistakes:

  1. You should never criticize a lady's shortcomings. This will offend her.
  2. You can not make fun of her choice (in music, films, books, etc.).
  3. You can't be mean to a lady. The conversation must be equal.
  4. Do not boast or flaunt your advantages. It's not beautiful.
  5. In a conversation with a lady, you can not be rude, swear, call names. Even if the girl behaves inappropriately. It’s better to just “turn on ignore” and stop communicating.
  6. It is impossible at first to ask too frank or even intimate questions.
  7. It is impossible to promise or offer something without the desire to bring it all to life. Men don't do that.

It is worth noting that correspondence with a girl on Vkontakte or another social network is completely different. Sometimes it happens that, even observing all the rules of decency, it is not possible to make an acquaintance with a girl. No problem! No need to get upset. You just need to continue to seek your destiny, not dwelling on failures.

An interesting topic, how to start a conversation if you came to a party somewhere, to a meeting, to a meeting, etc., and everyone around is unfamiliar. How to start a conversation and what to do? This set of phrases will help you, just remember them, say them, and then everything will go like clockwork. The main thing is not to be shy and not to be squeezed, because for this you came there and didn’t you?

Article taken from a blog about networking

Here's one of the main problems of networking: how do I just walk up to someone at an event and will I speak?

But starting a conversation is easier than you think. The fact is that no one will reject you (most likely 🙂) if you come up with a smile and say: “I am such and such, it’s nice to meet you.” In fact, others will immediately feel better, because it was not they who had to start the conversation! By the way, do not forget about the article.

How to start a conversation. Simple and effective ways

But things will certainly go even better if you have a few proven ways to "break the ice" in stock. So we've come up with a list to run through before our next meeting - some from our experience, some from expert friends. But the main thing is that all phrases have been tested in real life and work!


When in doubt about how to start a conversation, go to the basics of the basics: ask what the person is doing, why they came to this meeting, or just reach out and say hello.

1. “Hi, I don't know much here, so I'd like to introduce myself. I am (name) and I work for (company).” Well, that's it!

2. "So what do you do?" Now the other person can talk about themselves first, and you can think about how to take the conversation further or how you could collaborate.

3. "What brings you here today?"

4. "How was your day?" This is my "key" to any situation, and he has never let me down. It's simple and always effective, especially if you smile.

Place, place, place

With anyone in the room, you have at least something in common (no matter what): at least the event you both came to, the place where it is held, food and drinks. Take advantage of these resources and strike up a conversation about your surroundings.

5. If there is food at the event, I often use it to start a conversation, for example: “I can’t tear myself away from these cutlets. Have you already tried?

6. "How did you hear about this event?"

7. "It's so hot (cold) in here." It doesn't matter if this is true, the interlocutor either agrees or objects, and now you are already talking about the weather, about the climate in general, and then about business.

8. “I'm a little taken aback by the flood of information that has been thrown at us today. Did you remember anything that really made sense?

9. “What a wonderful place. Have you been here before?"


Another thing that unites you is the news. Something happened in the city, in the world. Of course, you shouldn't start a heated political discussion, but mentioning something simpler can help to quickly strike up a conversation.

10. "What do you think about (topic relevant to event or person)?" I may be biased, but the news is a great contact tool.

11. “I can't believe all the headlines this week. Madness, right?

12. “How did you get here? Was it difficult to get there? The method of movement from point to point is a burning topic. They will probably tell you a story.

13. "Did you watch the match yesterday?" It's a classic, but there are reasons why it's become a classic.

If you are an introvert, enter a room full of strangers, may become especially challenging task. good tactic in this case, look around the perimeter of the room and find someone who seems a little lonely. Maybe it's a woman sitting alone and hoping someone will come and talk to her. Be that someone and try something from this list:

14. “These networking meetings are just crazy sometimes. Can I sit with you, it's a little quieter here?

15. “Since we are both here (in the cafeteria, bar, waiting room), I think I should introduce myself. I am (name) from (company)"

16. “I'm trying to force myself to meet new people here, and not talk to my usual victims who already know me. Do you mind if I introduce myself?"

17. "I hate networking." If you felt your soul mate misanthrope, come up and start a conversation about what you both dislike so much.


18. “I can’t believe that I came to this event in this form!” A little humor and self-pity never hurts.

19. Some kind of joke - for example, "I personally came here for these cakes." Then ask the question - "How did you hear about this event?"

20. "On a scale of 1 to 'undrinkable', how awful is Chardonnay?"

21. “Honestly, the only person I know here is the bartender. We met a couple of minutes ago. Can I introduce myself?"

Whatever comes to mind (sometimes that's what it takes)

If all else fails, try going the other way.

22. "You don't happen to know a good place with sushi nearby? I don’t know the area well, and I need to organize a dinner after the event.”

23. “Are you by any chance a friend of (first name)?” It doesn’t matter if you really consider them friends, the interlocutor will answer “no”, and a conversation will begin.

24. If you notice a group of people who are passionate about serious conversation, come up and say: "It's obviously much more interesting here than in the last company I spoke with"

25. "Is there any question I shouldn't ask because you're already sick of it?"

26. “I am working on an article about the best and the worst ways strike up a conversation. Did you manage to hear something good today or vice versa?

Talking to a girl who likes the Internet is easier than in real life. In a couple of clicks, you can find out everything about her: where she works or studies, what her hobbies are, what films she watches and what music she listens to. But what to write to her in the first message in a contact so that the girl pays attention and wants to continue the conversation? In our article, we will talk about what must be in the first message, and what should not be there, and at the end of the article you will find several examples successful dating over the internet...

Preparing to meet: a few important rules

Before starting a conversation, you need to:

  1. Tidy up your page. Choose a good avatar, fill in the “About Me” section, publish beautiful photos graphics, etc.
  2. Choose a girl. We choose a girl from our city, weed out fake accounts, we find common interests, possible topics for a conversation.

How to properly prepare your page in the social. networks to meet and choose the right girl we discussed in detail in . Be sure to read this article before you start writing your first post.

What should be the first message to a girl: 3 main questions

The first message should be brief, but should directly or indirectly answer the 3 main questions, which will surely appear in the head of any girl after she reads your "Hi".

These are the questions:

  1. Who you are: what is your name, how did you find it online;
  2. Purpose of acquaintance: chat, have fun, go on a date;
  3. Reason why you chose it: what do you have in common, what do you like about it.

The order of these theses may vary depending on the situation.

The main task the first message is to interest the girl, make her pay attention to you. To do this, you do not need to write a whole sheet of text or come up with complex greetings. 1-2 well-chosen simple sentences are enough.

Don't forget to say hello and introduce yourself the name your friends call you. Avoid too familiar forms ("Sanya", etc.). Yes, the page already has your name on it, but the introduction is a simple form of introduction etiquette.

Don't know what excuse to come up with? Desire to chat- this is already a great pretext for the first message. Do not intimidate the girl by talking about the desire to start a family and have children, even if you are really looking for a future spouse.

Carefully review her page - pay attention to books, music, films and publics. How is a girl different from others? What is she proud of? What unites you?

Write that you saw on her page a photo from a recent concert of your favorite band or that you noticed a selection of Nolan's works in her videos. Show her that she is not just another girl to whom you “copy-paste” the prepared text, but that she is special. She will at least be interested in what kind of person you are, if you point out the commonality of interests, and she will want to continue communication.

Examples of successful dating phrases

Here are 3 original examples from the life of the beginning of a conversation in VK, which can be used as a model.

Example 1. A beautiful compliment is an original conversation starter

Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I stumbled across your page by accident and wanted to get to know you. Painfully charming smile on the avatar :)

Well, hello, Vadim! Thanks for the compliment…

Or maybe we will meet and continue communication outside the Internet?

I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.

You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. You won’t learn so much about a stranger from the street if someone approaches you to get acquainted :) By the way, I also have a Rottweiler. Maybe we can meet and walk the dogs? How about tomorrow evening?

Fine. Here is my number +79212345xxx

Example 2. Shared Passion - Travel

Hello Sveta! I was looking for posts on the hashtag Baikal in the news, and accidentally landed on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. Wouldn't it take me a long time to ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha)

Hello! It's nice to meet you :) Few people get to Baikal from our city - now it's closer and cheaper to fly abroad than to such a distance. Ask what you want. I'll try to answer)

Or maybe we'll meet somewhere for a cup of coffee? I think that it will be more convenient. In general, I really like to travel around Russia. I can give you more interesting routes)

And why not?)) Today I'm busy, but I can tomorrow after work. I finish at 8 at Amethyst. Comfortable?

Yes, it's convenient. Leave your number please. In case I lose you there)

79213345ххх see you soon)

How not to start a correspondence: the most common mistakes

Most common mistakes the following:

  • platitudes The first post must be original. You can’t start a conversation with cliches or hackneyed phrases, for example: “Hello! How are you?". If you write something like that - in 9 cases out of 10 she will simply ignore the message;
  • Hints of a sexual nature. And this includes not only messages like: “I would like to take a closer look at you!”, But also “compliments” to the girl’s figure, even if she herself put herself in a swimsuit with a profile photo;
  • Use of slang expressions and obscene words. It seems that this is understandable, but many of the first messages from men are still replete with various “che”. And if a girl decided to ignore you or immediately sent you off (albeit in a rude way), in no case should you call her names. Even if you never cross again, keep your face and don't stoop to that;
  • The presence of grammatical errors. Check what you write. Special attention leave commas. No one will find fault if small punctuation errors slip through the message, but complete absence ideas about the grammar of the Russian language adult girl definitely scare away;
  • Deception. Using a "fake" page or one where there are no personal photos. Put yourself in the place of a girl: if you were in her place, would you get acquainted with a person who has no friends on the page, and a Hollywood actor or the latest Lamborghini model is depicted as a profile photo?

The girl replied to the message: what's next?

So, you managed to interest a woman and she responded to your message. How to be further? Most The best decision- go directly to your goal.

If you want a close relationship, immediately invite her on a date and take a phone number. You need to take advantage of the moment while her attention is completely focused on you. The longer you pull, the more likely that she will refuse to meet in person.

Remember! Pointless messaging is a waste of precious time.

If the girl agreed to go on a date, you need to immediately appoint a place. Here is a selection of where you can go on a first date.

Great way to make good impression on a date - to surprise a girl, to surprise her. Here are a few how to do it.

If a girl did not agree to a date, this is not a reason to give up. No need to remove it from contacts and send it to the black list. You can communicate with her further. Do not forget, the more you communicate with girls, the better it will turn out. In addition, if you are interested in her correspondence, then she will definitely give a second chance. A few that can be used in correspondence here.

In any case, if you want success with women, then you need to develop.

Brief conclusions

In a word, for a successful first message, it is necessary to briefly and succinctly describe the purpose of the appeal. Sometimes you can directly talk about the desire to get to know each other, but it is more effective to use some kind of pretext. Don't forget to clean up the page, double-check your grammar, and be prepared to deal with objections.

Don't pressure the girl, save positive attitude and remember that the purpose of your first message is a meeting. Communication just for the sake of communication in this case doesn't make sense. And if at first the young lady refused to meet with you, but continued the correspondence, then it’s just worth the wait. Give the girl a couple of days to get to know you better.

All less people meet in real life. And why? After all, social networks are convenient and affordable wayпознакомиться. Here you can find out everything about your interlocutor and even invite him on a date. If you do not know where to find a girl - look for her on the Internet. But what if you do not have the practice of using social networks for dating? Our tips will help you navigate and find mutual language with an interlocutor.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet: phrases

Many guys try to meet online, so you won't be surprised modern girl phrase “Hi, how are you? You're so beautiful". This is trite and ridiculous, so you are unlikely to get an answer. It is the first message that should be “fatal”, since it depends on it whether she will remember you or not.

Check out our article What to text a girl to make her melt?

Now you do not need to spend weeks or even months looking for a girl. Communication in a virtual network will help you find a soul mate. But for this you will have to make a little effort and start communication. You just have to know where to start.

How to start a chat with a girl? First of all, you need to get her attention and make it clear that you have read her profile. If she realizes that you were not interested in information about her, you will simply be blacklisted.

Phrases to help start a conversation:

  • "Hi, I'm also into…" (depending on her interests). For example, if this is painting, ask what artists the girl likes the work of. Proceed from the information that is indicated in the profile of the interlocutor. If she kept up the conversation, invite the girl to an exhibition of paintings. Or if she has beautiful photos, ask if she is into photography.
  • For the very brave - "You are so beautiful in these photos ... It's good that there is Photoshop, isn't it?". If a girl has a sense of humor and she is not touchy, the interlocutor will definitely support the conversation.
  • If you don’t know anything about her life and interests, the following phrase will do: “I am good and handsome guy and I'd like to meet a nice girl like you."
  • About travel- This is the theme that most girls like. What countries do you like to visit? Where would you like to go next?"

You should not invite a girl to a personal meeting after one conversation in social network. She will probably think that you often get to know each other this way. Chat for a few more days, be interested in her life. When she realizes that you are really interested in her, she will definitely reciprocate and agree to have a cup of coffee with you in a cafe.

What points to consider when writing the first message

It’s not so difficult to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, and even if you don’t succeed the first time, don’t give up and keep getting to know each other. Also don't forget to fill out your profile and upload to it high quality photos. In most cases, success depends not only on the first phrase, but also on your profile.