What style of wedding dress suits short girls. Wedding dresses for short girls: how to choose the right one? Features of choosing an outfit for a short girl

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Rule # 1: strive for a narrow silhouette

The first thing a short bride should remember is that her wedding dress must be as tight as possible. You should not choose a wedding dress with a lush silhouette, as a girl with short stature can simply drown in the abundance of this splendor. Numerous examples have already proven that the narrow silhouette of a dress is suitable for brides. vertically challenged even with imperfections in the figure, due to the fact that visually stretches the silhouette and emphasizes the dignity.

Rule # 2: watch your waist

In case the bride still wants more loose dress, but a very narrow silhouette is not to her liking, you can find a tempting alternative: let the top of the dress be very narrow, emphasizing the waist and neckline, but the skirt will be free, flowing.

Great option- Empire style wedding dress, which implies a loose fit of the skirt and high waist. And be sure to try to avoid low-waisted dresses!

Rule # 3: Get Taller

The bride should not forget about careful selection. wedding shoes... Shoes must be on high heels, because this will add a dozen centimeters of growth. But do not wear stiletto heels, because, firstly, it will be quite difficult to spend the whole day in them, and secondly, thin stiletto heels contrast too strongly with the narrowed silhouette of the dress, and the image turns out to be not as harmonious as intended ...

Rule # 4: the right length

As for the length, you should not rush to extremes, choosing either too long or too long. Since both options of this length will only focus on the small stature of the bride, which she just seeks to avoid. Therefore, be sure to consider fitting the purchased dress in length.

Rule # 5: ... and even higher!

And the last secret of the professionals is a hairstyle and a veil, with the help of which you can from short bride make a real fashion model of Hollywood standards. You just need to choose high hairstyle, and pin the veil on the top of the head.

Just a few tricks - and even the smallest bride, complex because of her short stature, can feel like a real queen at your own holiday. And to help you navigate the choice - we have created a special section in the catalog, which contains wedding dresses for short brides from our range:

Our catalog:

Short brides can look just as good as those of model height. To do this, you just need to choose the right wedding dress, taking into account different nuances. This article explains in detail how to do this. You will find out which models fit complete and skinny girls, what you should pay attention to when choosing them, which color is best to stop at.

  • empire style;
  • straight to the floor;
  • A-silhouette;
  • with an asymmetrical skirt;
  • dream long train;
  • with a skirt just above the floor line.

Empire style visually stretches the silhouette, emphasizes the chest and conceals extra centimeters at the waist. He is in special demand among brides in position and plump girls.

Style "Empire"

Dresses straight cut to the floor(with a tight or flowy skirt) will help create classic look... They look spectacular on slender brides with small breasts and only if you have high-heeled shoes. can be found here.

Straight dress

A-silhouette suitable for girls of any physique. It is advisable to make sure that the hem of the dress is 2-3 cm above the floor.

Models with a straight asymmetrical skirt, which reaches the knee in front or slightly higher, and is elongated at the back, will help to create a modern, laconic look. They are especially good in combination with high-heeled shoes. Another option is an asymmetrical skirt, from under which one leg of the bride is visible when walking. An excellent option is.

Dresses with a small train visually lengthen the silhouette, but it should be really small, light, flowing. Bulky constructions made of dense materials (thick satin, viscose, gabardine) will make the image heavier and draw attention to small stature.

Here is an example of such a dress

Models with fluffy skirt to the ankle or slightly higher will allow you to create a delicate image for girls with narrow waist and small hips... In this case, the absence of a few centimeters in height will be an advantage. In order not to be mistaken when choosing, we have collected all necessary information O .

Fluffy skirt

What color to choose a wedding dress for a short bride

If you want your wedding dress to be a classic snow-white color, you need to choose it with massive decorative embellishments.

Matte outfits help to make the figure narrower and a little higher. dark shades.

If you are small, you should not wear a red wedding dress that attracts attention.

Overweight girls should pay attention to straight black models that visually slim.

In addition, stylists advise taking into account the color type of the bride (winter, spring, summer or autumn), these are:

Features of choosing a wedding dress for a low bride

There are several nuances that allow you to choose the perfect wedding dress for low girls. These include:

  • Sleeves. You can choose outfits with sleeves " bat"Or shortened tight-fitting. But dresses look better without them at all.
  • Bodice. A suitable option is a V-shaped bodice or with a corset. Owners lush breasts it is advisable to abandon the pretentious decoration of the top of the dress. For fragile brides with small breasts, dresses with a boat neckline are suitable. Rhinestones or embroidery will help to visually enlarge the bust.
  • Straps. Experts advise short brides to choose dresses without straps or with one strap. If there are two of them, they must be thin.
  • Length. Suitable option- to the knee (with an asymmetrical skirt), slightly higher (no more than 10 cm) and to the ankle. Dresses to the floor are not tall girls can be worn exclusively in combination with shoes with high (10 cm and higher) heels.
  • Waist. Models with a high waist look most advantageous on petite brides. Of the styles with a low fit, a "mermaid" is suitable, but only if the waist is slim and the hips are not too wide.
  • Belt. It is advisable to replace the classic strap satin ribbon... In Empire style dresses, you can emphasize the bust line with a ribbon. contrasting color... Another article highlights the complexity of the choice and offers instructions for sewing.
  • Finishing. The slimmer the bride is, the more decor can be on the dress. Chubby girls it is advisable to choose models without a large number draperies, ruffles, decorative elements(flowers and butterflies).
  • Skirt shape. Stylists advise to refuse from very fluffy skirts. Will fit straight, asymmetrical hem in form-fitting or flowing fabrics. Help lengthen the silhouette long gloves, the same single-layer veil and vertical details in the decoration (lace with a vertical pattern, vertical folds, inserts and seams).

Model with a short skirt in the front and a long skirt in the back

What models should be discarded

If the bride, even with high heels, remains quite petite, then the floor-length dress will have to be abandoned and opted for ankle-length models.

If the model is not one-piece and the bride selects the top with the skirt separately, their color should completely match.

Dresses with a mid-calf skirt are not suitable for short girls. They visually shorten the legs. The same rule applies to low-waisted outfits ( upper part they will visually lengthen the body, and the legs will seem shorter).

Dresses with horizontal lines should also be avoided. The same recommendation applies to dresses with a rectangular neckline.

You can see other models that are suitable for short brides in this video:

Considering all the features of choosing an outfit for girls of small stature, there is no doubt: it will not be difficult for tall brides to wipe their nose.

Modern brides can dress in the most different dresses that differ in their cut, style and length. But small girls can have a hard time choosing such gorgeous outfits. Below you will learn how to choose a style, accessories, and what you should pay attention to when choosing wedding decoration for women of short stature.


Wedding dresses for girls of small stature are selected, taking into account the location of the cut lines. Horizontal ones visually thicken the figure, and vertical ones allow it to "lengthen".

The main task of petite brides is to visually lengthen their figure, make it thinner and more expressive. For this on little dress there should be a variety of vertical elements:

Even if there are horizontal lines in the outfit, there should be very few of them. Wedding dresses for small stature for slender girls should be very delicate and sophisticated with the maximum predominance of vertical lines.

Particular attention should be paid to the cut of the outfit. The V-shaped version is considered ideal, which will help to visually lengthen the girl's height.

When thinking about how to choose a wedding dress for small stature, the bride should also take into account where the waist line will be. Cut-off models along the waist line should not only have vertical stripes, but also have a cut-off line under the bust. At the same time, the skirt is sewn with soft tissue which falls down in vertical folds.


Please note that short brides are not suitable traditional dresses with a floor length. In such models, the girls will seem even smaller, and their figure will visually become thicker. To make the outfit look perfect, you can use the following options:

Outfits with asymmetric skirt... For example, a short dress with a long train opens the bride's legs, makes her figure "taller" and looks stylish.

A wedding dress for small breasts should have a heart-shaped neckline, which makes the bust look fuller and more beautiful.

It is better to refuse models with a skirt that falls below the knee and to the mid-calf. In this case, the outfit will visually shorten the legs, and the figure will seem disproportionate.


Before choosing a model, you should study suitable styles wedding dresses.

What should be discarded:

  • From long hemlines that completely hide the legs.
  • Lush skirts in several layers.
  • Various horizontal lines that can also be too contrasting.
  • Low waist.

Color spectrum

The shade of the dress should match the color of the wedding, which will create wonderful harmony... The bride can choose both traditional white outfits and colored models, but only with a solid fabric.

Petite girls do not use heavy textures and three-dimensional prints, horizontal trim elements. It is better to opt for delicate lace, drapery, embroidery, lacing or translucent inserts. Small matching accessories complete the look.

Wedding dresses for petite brides are made according to a special cut. To visually lengthen the silhouette, you should adhere to monochrome, all fabrics and elements of the outfit are created from only one material. Contrasting belts, various details are not recommended, as they make the silhouette more mundane. Matte textures are best suited for creating outfits without huge amount decorating elements and sequins.

Makeup and hairstyles

Modern stylists offer a variety of makeup options. For brides, subtle makeup is perfect, in which the emphasis is on the eyes. The main thing is that the tone of the shadows and lipstick is suitable for the girl by the type of face.

Petite brides should avoid sleek, loose hair. It is better for them to have a high hairstyle that opens up their necks. Hairstyles with free-flowing curls are also suitable. Do not choose too lush and voluminous styling.

Accessories and footwear

A short bride can increase her height with high-heeled shoes. It is best to use classic pumps, the heel of which has a height of 6-7 cm. Of course, you can pay attention even to very high stiletto heels, but you should be sure that the bride does not get tired of them.

Another caveat is that you should not use shoes in contrasting shades. The color of the shoes must be the same as the shade of the wedding dress.

Accessories are important element decor in any image of the bride. But you should immediately put aside the lush and long options, which will not suit a girl of small stature in any way. It is best to opt for a short veil or middle length from the most refined material. Such an accessory should be airy and light, without excessive decor and frills.

Delicate and small earrings and bracelets are suitable as jewelry. Girls do not need to use too massive accessories, nor should they be too zealous, putting on a lot of accessories.


In order to look charming at your wedding, you should be very careful when choosing an outfit and creating an image. Not all dresses are suitable for girls of short stature, as some of them shorten the figure and make it thicker. To avoid this, you should take into account the peculiarities of choosing a wedding dress.

Correctly chosen style, short or long, but not fluffy skirt, thin sleeves and V-neck let the girl shine. Such outfits should be monochromatic and emphasize the beauty of the figure. Then the bride will be able to look gentle, harmonious and very stylish.

Wedding salons today offer huge selection dresses different styles... If before girls with small stature suffered from the problem of choosing for themselves perfect outfit, now this question will no longer be so acute. All that remains is to pick up correct model from a great variety of dresses.

Cut. To visually stretch the shape, vertical elements must be present in the cut:

  • folds
  • drawing / embroidery
  • various accessories: buttons, ribbons, ropes or lacing.

The vertical must necessarily prevail over the horizontal lines. It is worth remembering that the horizontal line is able to visually reduce and expand the figure, therefore, such elements should be present in minimum quantity, or absent altogether.

The silhouette of the dress should be narrow - this will allow the bride to visually stretch. Therefore, give preference to tapered dresses, even if you have imperfect figure- it is able to hide flaws.

Pay attention to the sleeves. For short girls the most the best option there will be no sleeves in the wedding dress, however, the "bat" or guipure options are also great. It is the same with straps: it is better to choose a dress without them, or take a closer look at models with one oblique straps.

  • Length. Floor-length dresses for short girls are contraindicated, because they will "diminish" the bride even more. Also don't choose too short dresses... Mini will only emphasize small growth.
  • Colour. It's no secret that shades are able to "fill", "slim", "stretch" and "conceal" us. For short girls dress in dark shades is perfect, the color of which will visually increase growth and make her noticeably slimmer.

Too much bright shades should not be used in the wedding look of a petite bride, because they will attract attention to their small stature.

You can never go wrong if you choose a wedding dress according to your color type.

  1. White or pale pink dress is perfect for brunettes with fair skin(winter color type).
  2. For light (but not pale) skin and light brown / ash hair (summer color type) will become perfect dress milky and dusty rose colors - they will add warmth to the image.
  3. If you have golden curls and light rosy skin (spring color type), choose a dress in a peach shade or ivory.
  4. For peach skin and red hair (autumn color type), ivory, turquoise and beige dresses have been created.

Material. The most the best fabrics for a wedding dress of a short bride will be satin, taffeta and silk. Various pleated and lace materials will make you look fat.

Dress style for small growth

For petite girls, you can pick up many options for wedding dresses. It is worth noting that for thin and curvy girls fit different models wedding dress, and some styles will look terrible at all on short ladies.

Dress models for slim

It is much easier for thin girls to find a wedding dress than for ladies with curvaceous... This is due to the fact that slender young ladies will suit most of the models that the wedding market represents today.

  • A-silhouette. One of the most popular models. Such a dress looks simple only at first glance. In fact, it is able to highlight all the advantages of a miniature bride, visually stretch her and emphasize her breasts favorably.

  • Asymmetry. A dress with an asymmetrical skirt will help to show off slender legs. Choosing such a wedding dress, you can opt for a multi-layered fluffy skirt. Thanks to the cropped front, the outfit will not hide your height. Such a dress will add originality and boldness to the image.

  • Sheath dress. The style is perfect for thin girls of short stature due to its short length and a tight-fitting silhouette. A great addition there will be a transparent skirt that can be fixed over the dress - it looks feminine and sexy.

  • "Mermaid". One of the most fashionable styles v last years... The top and knee-length skirt of such a dress is always tight-fitting, which ideally emphasizes the line of the chest and hips. From the knee, such a model ends with a lush element, which reminds fish tail... Thanks to this detail, the bride's small stature will not be accentuated.

Option for a dress with a train

Slim brides can safely choose dresses with open back that will only lengthen the silhouette.

Also, dresses with a fluffy ankle-length skirt are perfect for brides.

For girls with small breasts, a dress with a so-called boat neckline, which favorably emphasizes the bust line, is well suited. But it is better to refuse the V-neckline - it will focus on small breasts, emphasize the volume of the bodice cups.

We suggest watching the video: "24 best image for a petite bride ".

Dress length

For short and slender girls three options for the length of the wedding dress are most suitable:

  • Ankle-length. Such dresses visually increase height and create a puppet effect - the bride's figure is light and airy.
  • Above the knee a few centimeters. For those who want to show all the beauty of their slender legs.
  • At knee level. A good option if the dress is not too tight.

Dresses for curvy girls

If you want to hide your appetizing forms as much as possible, you should choose straight busty wedding dresses. Such models will not focus on your figure and hide flaws as much as possible. An empire-style dress is ideal for short brides due to its vertical lines. Despite the fact that such dresses are most often long, they are worth taking a closer look at. main feature such a model has a high waist, so the Empire style dress is perfect for brides with small breasts, emphasizing the bust area. Thanks to the flowing fabric, such a model will hide the visible imperfections of the figure.

Empire dresses are ideal for pregnant girls.

In order not to focus on the lush chest, choose dresses with a V-neck, which will visually lighten the top.

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse V-neck with deep neckline, which will visibly emphasize the lush breasts.

To “soften” heavy shoulders, choose a dress with thick straps made from lightweight fabrics.

Dresses that are NOT suitable for short brides

  • A magnificent outfit for petite girls is not at all suitable - in them the bride will look ridiculous and her figure will visually drown among the lush frills, ruffles and an abundance of fabrics.

  • Low-waisted wedding dresses can visually stretch the top and shorten the bottom, due to which the bride will seem completely disproportionate and the whole image will be ruined.
  • Different colors. If the bottom and top of the dress are different colors, then such a model will visually separate the silhouette, and you will not achieve the stretching effect.
  • Horizontal lines. The only horizontal line that the bride can use in her look is a light belt that emphasizes the waist. Everything else only focuses on small stature and will visually fill the figure.
  • Separate top and skirt. Of course, such models are now at the peak of popularity, but most of all they are suitable for tall girls due to horizontal line, which is created thanks to the individual elements. Small brides run the risk of emphasizing their parameters using such a model.


To complete the look, you need to use a few details. Correctly selected accessories can hide all the flaws and emphasize the dignity of the girl.

  1. Veil. Small brides are better off completely abandoning this accessory. A fluffy veil can visually reduce your silhouette. Better replace this part a beautiful hairpin, a rim, fresh flowers or a hat. If you can't imagine your wedding image no veil, choose light lace accessory consisting of one layer.
  2. Hairstyle. If your outfit includes a veil, give preference light hairstyles and flowing curls. When the veil is missing, you can also do a high hairdo. Petite girls are great hairstyle will do in the style of Audrey Hepburn from the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" - lush, decorated with a tiara or headband. Such hairstyles will only stretch the silhouette and add lightness and femininity to the image.
  3. Decorations. Do not look in the direction of massive necklaces, earrings and rings - they will only weigh down the petite bride. The best option would be a minimum of elegant jewelry. For example, long earrings "stretch" the neck, and a weightless pendant will be able to emphasize the decollete area favorably.
  4. Gloves. Give preference short gloves made of lightweight fabrics or mesh. Long accessory will visually separate your image.
  5. Shoes. Choose shoes with heels. Eliminate straps and straps that will “cut” the leg. To keep the shoes stable and your foot less tired, give preference to platforms.
  6. The rest of the details of the image: makeup, bridal bouquet and handbag, will be selected based on the shade of the dress and the image as a whole.

And finally, we suggest you watch a video from which you can learn interesting ideas to create your perfect wedding look.

The bride is a princess on own wedding so it should look great. At the same time, it does not matter at all what height and type of figure the girl has. Correctly chosen hairstyle, outfit and shoes will make you look the most beautiful and charming.

If the bride is short, then choosing the silhouette of a wedding dress, it is better to stay at the narrowest one. Wedding dresses for short girls should emphasize the proportionality of the figure, that is, focus on the waist, and not on the hips. Wide models dresses are not for you, even if the figure is somewhat overweight, you should not dress up in something "baggy". It is better to choose a dress with a narrow (but not tight!) Silhouette.

Lush skirts, cascades of flounces and multi-meter trains do not suit short girls. Such a multi-layered dress will simply "overshadow" a petite bride! If you have a slim body, then the best solution would be tight dress complete with high heel shoes. In such an outfit, the bride will be graceful and graceful. But if you really want to wear fluffy dress, then choose a model with a narrow, and, on top of it, with an additional translucent wide skirt.

Photo of wedding dresses for short brides

If the figure is somewhat plump, then the best choice there will be a dress with a narrow bodice and a slightly flared skirt. Dresses in the Empire style with a high waistline look beautiful on short girls. Just avoid puffy sleeves, they will distort the proportions.

If the outfit includes a jacket, then it should be short. Long, below the hip line, jackets make the figure squat.

As for the length of the dress, it is better to refuse floor-length models. On short girls, dresses that reach the ankles look more profitable. And if you prefer short skirts, then opt for a dress five to seven centimeters above the knee.

Now you need to choose a hairstyle for the bride. It is undesirable for short girls to leave long hair loose, the maximum possible length for such a hairstyle is up to the shoulders. But tall hairstyles can visually add a few centimeters. However, too voluminous hairstyle decorated with additional accessories, not good, it will violate the proportions of the silhouette.

If your outfit includes a veil, then keep in mind that long models shorten the figure. It will look better short veil or a medium length model.

If you are short, then when choosing wedding shoes, the option immediately comes to mind - shoes with heels. Of course, this will make you appear taller, however, if you are in ordinary life do not wear such shoes and you feel insecure in heels, then you should not risk it, it is better to choose shoes of the model you are accustomed to.

It is important to make sure that the dress, stockings and shoes are the same tone. This will make the legs look longer.

A chic and convenient addition to wedding dress there will be a handbag for the bride in which you can put everything you need.

Take advantage of these stylists' secrets and be the most beautiful at your wedding!