What kind of pet make me. Should I start a pet? What kind of pet start

Have you finally decided to join the ranks of the happy owners of pets? Congratulations! You will have to make the most advanced solutions - what name to give a funny fluffy lump, or what color to buy a bowl for food, and the most "simple" is what kind of pet start.

- With wool or feathers? Let's try to figure it out. Without unnecessary words and sublimation, we present you a list of advantages and minuses. life together With certain, and sometimes quite specific, pets.

Let's decide which animal is better to start in the apartment?


Yes! We do not know how our own best friends. The faithful and loving, dogs are artistic animals that are happy simply from what are members of your family.

Not! If there are small children in the house, the puppy can not be your best choice. Instead, try to make a medium-sized dog aged five months.

Keep it up! If you after long painful reflections found a breed that matches your lifestyle, you are on proper path! Do not forget to make a schedule who and when in the family will walk, play, feed and take care of your four friend.

Additional information about the content of four-legged pets can be read in the article about. Where to find your faithful and devoted shaggy friend? - you ask. You can regret and shelter some twig from the street that will be in your heart. And you can visit the local shelter for homeless animals and there to choose a tailed pet, maybe even thoroughbred. If you are ready to part with a round sum of money, then pay attention to the nurseries of thoroughbred dogs or in the extreme case of pet store / markets.


Yes! Elegant, graceful, playful, gentle and affectionate, cats are the most popular pets.

Not! Cats are not like dogs, and can be very independent.

Keep it up! If you after long thought decided to bring a cat suitable for your family age, you can visit the local shelter for homeless animals, a cat's nursery or a zoochok and choose the purr to your taste and call of the heart. It is desirable that your new fluffy friend (girlfriend) is already sterilized or neutered!

For more information about what to do if a cat appeared in the house, you can find in the article "".


Yes! Playful, cheerful and joyful, this little charming is the most popular homemade pet from a bird's family. He is affectionate and funny, it can be easily tamed to sit on your shoulder - it makes a wavy parrot perfect first bird for younger family members.

Not! Birds can create a mess ... a real mess. You will have to brush the cell daily and the adjacent territory. In addition, keep in mind that not all wavy parrots speak, even if they have such an ability.

Keep it up! If you like, like birds imitate the human voice, and at the same time you do not have time, money or place for a larger parrot - a wavy parrot will be an excellent choice for you.

For more information on how to keep in the house of these birds, you can find in the article "".


Yes! Are you allergic, limited space in the house or do you just like the exotic? Despite the fact that the fish is relatively cheaply in the content, there is a whole science on the care of them and the organization of a healthy habitat. And what a pleasure can be obtained from the observation of the life of the fish!

Not! If you need a petThat will follow you everywhere, lick your face and play with you - scaly friends with fins, most likely not for you.

Keep it up! Get everything in advance necessary equipment, well study the question of the content of fish and find out what kinds of fish can be contained together. If you have already studied all this, you probably know that ordinary gold fish Can live for more than 10 years with proper care!


Yes! Not very smart, hamsters are restless little rodents who are very popular among children, and wonderful pets for residents of close apartments.

Not! Do you know that hamsters sleep during the day and very active at night?

Keep it up! You are ready to start a hamster if you are a midnight owl and / or you will not disturb the process of food intake by your pet, endless digging, sheburding and the work of a hamster wheel in the predestal clock, when so you want to sleep.

P.S. Syrian hamsters The Spirit does not tolerate their relatives and therefore should be contained alone. Dwarf hamsters are more sociable and can live together, so make sure you know what kind of rocks brought home hamsters.

For getting for more information Check out the article about.


Yes! They can be trained to use the garbage box, they will respond and fit when their name is, and their favourite hobby - Run and chew - they are constantly busy. Did you know it? Sometimes a cute, sometimes sassy rabbit can become a great pet for a good family.

Keep it up! If, after some doubts and studying the lives of homemade rabbits, you like how they constantly chew something and merge, meaning you are ready to start a rabbit as a pet. Sterilize your new fluffy animal or not - to solve you.

What kind of pet start And what to pay attention to when choosing - the site Pedom.ru will help to consider everything "for" and "against", and also tell about possible pitfalls.

We will tell what animals to someone to start, and also - what animal to buy a child.

How to choose a pet?

1. The solution should not be impulsive

In the pet store or the bird market at the sight fluffy cats And charming playful puppies should not succumb to a momentary whim or pity. Pet stay with you on long yearsTherefore, the decision must be weighted and deliberate.

2. Pick the pet under your lifestyle

Animals, like people, have their biorhythms. For example, ferrets or sugar posses in the afternoon prefer to sleep, but awake - in the evening and at night. The kitten will raise you at 6 am - it is in the morning the cat is most active.

Some animals, for example, ferrets or birds require constant communication. What kind of pet can be started if you are not enough at home? An animal that calmly transfers loneliness - rodent, fish or, in extreme cases, a cat.

3. Pick the pet according to your housing conditions

A large animal is unlikely to be comfortable in a small apartment. But the cat or the middle-sized dog is quite suitable. If you are removing accommodation, do not forget to ask the landlord, which pets can be reserved by a removable apartment.

What kind of pet start?

Choosing animals for home content Now huge .. In addition to difficulty feeding and content, the search for the veterinarian taking extends will also turn into a problem.


Contrary to the proven opinion on the independence of this animal, most cats are sociable and love attention. However, cats are not as demanding as dogs, although they need caress and game. Cats, with rare exception, non-commissioned in nutrition and quickly seek to the tray, but they love the filler to be dry and clean, so you will have to clean regularly.


Dogs - social animals and constantly need to communicate with a person. If you decide to make a dog, then be ready to give her at least a few hours a day.

Large and massive dogs are not the best way Suitable for content in the apartment. Some breeds require long and intense walks, others - thorough care for wool. Therefore, carefully come to the selection of the breed. In a family with a child, it is better to take a small or medium-sized dog, better - a companion dog, like Labrador.

The dog is not enough only to feed and walk, she needs love, attention, respect and care. By purchasing a dog, you take another family member to the house!


Birds are parrots and canary - smart and sociable, however require a lot of attention.

They need to pay at least 2-3 hours a day, and the rest of the time to find it. From the bird can be a lot of dirt, and a lot of time will leave for cleaning the cells and surfaces around it.


What kind of pet is better to start, if you have a small apartment and there is no free time? The answer is rodent.

Rodents - hamsters, mice, rats, gerbils and guinea pigs - Quite non-addicts and easy to care. But they, unfortunately, very short life. Hamsters live for about 4 years, and rats and gerbils - only 2.

  • Chinchilla - Very gentle animals, they often have health problems, and they do not tolerate the temperature above +25.
  • Rabbits - Small and sociable, but unstable to stress and need rest. They will be bad in the house of a big restless family with a dog and a cat. In addition, rabbits are affectionate, but with age, aggression may appear. In addition, without visiting the veterinarian, it is not necessary - rabbits vaccinate twice a year.
  • Ferrets

Ferreers have a cheerful and playful temper, they are very sociable and affectionate. However, their content requires a lot of strength: a special diet, daily cell cleaning. Ferrecks can not be left for a long time, they should walk enough (at least in the apartment) and all the time is supervised, since their curiosity sometimes leads to sad consequences. If you rarely go home, you have little children or hard work, ferret, probably not the best choice.

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What is your pet to make a child?

All children have a different character and temperament, therefore, perhaps you can decide what kind of pet is better to make a child. The main thing is what you do not need to forget - all the responsibility for the pet will still fall on your shoulders, no matter how the child has promised to take all the care of himself. If you agree, you can start almost any animal. Of course, not tarantulas, snakes and lizards, and someone more traditional.

What is your pet to make a child? What you agree to care!

If the child is quite small or in your family never had animals - you can start with fish. They do not require much care, but even a baby with daily feeding can cope.

Rodents Suitable for children older. Guinea pigs - best choice. They are cute, affectionate, rarely bite and not so fragile as hamsters or rats. In addition, what is important - live up to 8 years.

Turtle - Another suitable pet and easy pet. Although it is related to a non-contact animal, she quickly gets used to the owner and recognizes it, allowing it to feed the shell with his hands and stroke.

Most often, of course, the choice is stopped on cat or dog. But the upbringing of them should be done. Neither the cat nor the dog will perceive the child as its owner - this role always belongs to adults.

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In our article, we want to talk about how to choose a pet and whether to start it at all. Of course, every child dreams of him. But for parents, this is definitely the problem, because they understand that all responsibility will fall on them. It is hardly worth believing children's promises that the kid himself will follow and care for a cat or a dog at least at first.

Homemade pet: take or not take?

Before you take an animal home, you need to understand that it will require your attention and heat. You need to decide on whom you would like or your child.

Some love dogs, others - cats, and the third - rodents or birds. In addition to sympathies, when choosing a living being, it is important to study the nuances of care for him and his habits.

Think about whether your pet is in favor of you, can you provide him with decent care. Very bad if you take yourself an animal, and then, disappointed, want to get rid of it.

So you can not do. Any creature gets used to its owners. Believe me, for your attention and love, it will also answer you affection and caress.

Best Homemade Pet - Dog

First, decide why you need four-legged friend. What kind of dog are you looking for. After all, U. different breeds different tempers. If you want to send your love and care to it, then you need a pet with a funny mischievous character. If you need a security guard, then it is already quite another matter. Then you better take a big dog of some kind of service breed. You will not be able to collect all the features in one animal, because we suspend the selection of the breed. First of all, you need to be guided by whether you can give a worthy care and the upbringing of the ward. For example, service dog Need to train. And for this you will need to spend a lot of time or hire a film. Are you ready for this? If yes, then boldly

Nuances that need to remember

Remember that the big dog will take some part of your apartment. And if you have so little space, it can become a problem. Yes, and in feeding there a big difference between the content of a little bone or big Shepherd. You understand that the ps of solid sizes must be prepared separately. He will not be able to eat remnants from your desk.

With small dogs a little simpler. They eat less, and there is no much space to them. And with raising easier. For example, the pecinez leaves can be referred to as partings. But the shepherd is definitely impossible to afford. However, small dogs require a lot of attention to their individual, moreover, they are very jealous.

Choosing a dog as a pet, remember that you have to radically reconsider your life, maybe even change something in the apartment. Remember that you will have at least twice a day in any weather to bring your child for a walk to the street. But you will receive this true friendwhich will always wait for you at home and rejoice at your arrival.

There is one more important moment. The life of pets will bring you a lot of joy, but also gives certain inconveniences. This is especially true of your possible departures. For example, you want to go to relax, or your job is associated with frequent business trips, and you have four-legged friend. Here you need to foresee, who can take care of it during your absence. You can hardly take a pet with you. Not to mention the fact that you will miss you, because there is no more devoteed friendthan she.


If your dream is a pet cat, then you most likely expect to get warm and affection from her after heavy labor day. Do not be so naive. Many breeds possess, frankly, not at all an angelic and nonlaskic character, but rather, on the contrary, aggressive. Therefore, do not chase the thoroughbred copies. Do not think that outer beauty - This is an indicator inner world Animal. Not at all.

Before making your choice, carefully examine the peculiarities of the behavior of different breeds. And then make sure that you want.

Pros and cons of home cats

Remember that whatever breed you have to face such a problem as an abundance of wool in the apartment. And this means that either will have to be cleaned more often, or just not pay attention to it.

There is one more unpleasant moment in the behavior of cats. They can intensively make the territory of your home or apartment, expressing their discontent so. Sometimes it becomes a serious problem. But this also depends on the nature of a particular animal. All like people. One kind person, and the other is harmful or evil.

Cats have one wonderful feature. They are able to take stress well and quickly calm the owners, normalizing pressure.

Cat - a good pets pet in terms of walking. Unlike dogs, it does not particularly need them. Very often, the owners do not produce their favorites at all, turning them purely in the home creatures.

Consider when choosing an animal that porn cats Pretty naughty in food and are more susceptible to various kinds of diseases, and therefore it will have to spend money on veterinarian services.


A pet is not necessarily a cat or a dog. Choosing more wide. You can, for example, start a bird: parrot or canary.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time on a pet and listen to their wonderful singing, then you need a bird. The winged are good because they do not need to walk, and the feed is inexpensive for them.

However, be prepared for such inconvenience as feathers flying around the room. Cleaning will need to do much more often, especially in the period of poultry molting. But you will always enjoy wonderful singing.

As a rule, the cells are not very large sizesTherefore, I will need to give the opportunity to fly around the apartment to soften the wings. Here you need to be prepared for the fact that the bird can spoil wallpaper or furniture. Despite small sizesSuch pets have a strong beak capable of breaking even carpet.

Homemade rodents

Now in pet stores are offered huge selection Home rodents are rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas. As a rule, they are unpretentious in care and often breed. Children they like because of small sizes.

In general, rodents have plenty of advantages. But the disadvantages include a specific smell that appears with not very thorough care. However, if you use special fillers for cells, which are now a huge selection in stores, it will be quite able to cope with this problem.

And the greatest drawback is the small life of such a pet. Hamsters, as a rule, rarely live up to two years. And loss little friend fraught negative exposure On the psyche of your child. This moment must be taken into account.

Rodents are not amenable to treatment. They are small and ill and they are striking them very quickly.

Hughs rodents

About pets there are a lot of information. The future owners is better to study their habits so that there is no unexpected surprises. For example, most rodents lead a nightlife. For them, this is the norm. So do not be surprised if in the middle of the night you will hear the roar of the wheel in its cage. This suggests that your hamster went for a walk. In the afternoon, they are usually sedimed and staying in Dremot, but at night active activity begins.

Rodents will not resist at all if the child starts to play with him, and sometimes even squeeze. As a rule, they are peaceful. Yes, and with a cell, you can easily travel or give it to relatives at the time of departure.

Such a pet is easier to attach for a while than a dog or a cat, because they are easier in care. In general, hamsters are very funny, they will be wondering for them to watch the child and play. Such anxury will never harm the baby.

Exotic pets

Pets who are familiar to us since childhood. However B. lately It became a fashion to start exotic animals: spiders, snakes, crocodiles, insects, snails, etc. Let's start with the fact that it is extremely dangerous. It is not clear what people are generally guided, making a choice in favor of exotic.

It's certainly not a desire to get love and attention, rather, somehow shove in front of friends.

Remember tech possible riskswhich you are exposing not only yourself, but also members of your family, acquiring exot. Explore everything as follows with this topic. Such representatives of the animal world can become carriers of all kinds of infections.

Instead of pre-school

A good pet is primarily safe. It must be remembered if you decide to start it for a child. After all, communication with him should bring the youngest family member only joy and positive emotions, and at the same time and to teach gradually to the fact that you need to care for animals.

It will develop a sense of responsibility for the ward. Such skills will be very suitable for his future life.

Anna Base

People lead different arguments and arguments about the purchase of pets. Some love animals and do not imagine life without them, others acquire them, fleeing from loneliness, and others want to have a friend for a child.

Pets positively acts on a person's psyche and discharges the tense and rolled outstanding at home. They calm down with them during walks and games.

By purchasing a pet, you must treat them with full responsibility, care, because they fully depend on you. The owner of four-legged friends should carefully care for, walking, feed. Realize that after purchasing pets, you will be tied to them, and they will become full family members. Each pet requires special care. Comfortable will feel or not an animal will depend on you. Therefore, if you have chosen a pet, react to it with complete mutual understanding and obligation.

Psychologists conducted research and found out the following interesting facts.

Movable and active children who lack attention from adults, heat from a domestic pet. They charge calmness from them and cope with personal feelings. As a result, establish links with parents and friends.
The child becomes responsible, caring, faithful if the favorite pet is nearby. And why? Yes, because for hamster, parrots, fish and other pets need daily care. For kittens need to be removed, and the dog is walking.
Pet pets help children become sociable. Walking the dog, get acquainted with new guys and will become friends with them.
A child with autism, adapts faster to the surrounding environment, if a dog lives in the house.
The kid will become caring, kinder, supply, if a puppy, kitten or other pet live in the house with him. This is explained by the fact that he is care for them, and knows the world of animals.
Doctors and psychotherapists may be beloved pets. So, contemplative aquarium fish, nerves calm down, and kittens will help get rid of headaches and lead pressure to normal.
Any creature from the animal world will help the baby will not be bored and will free from loneliness.

Best pets for children are:

dogs. They develop the responsibility of the child. Kids, like four-legged friends, become faithful.
cats. These pets help to communicate children in the team.
aquarium fish. They improve attentiveness.

When to buy a pet for children?

For proper care Child for animals, you need to take into account his age. So, 3 - Summer or 4 - summer kids Still they will not be able to care for them and take care of them. So, if you get friends from the animal world for them, then tune in that you, adults will bear the obligation for them. Children will be happy to play with them, and follow their actions. In this case, fish, birds, guinea pig are suitable.

In 5 - 6 years, the child becomes already in some extent independent. He is pleased that there are animals in the house, and he can communicate with him. During this period, he learns some skills to care for them. The child of this age is also recommended to buy guinea pigs, birds, fish.

Children, who turned 7 to 8 years old, can trust a pet. They can play with them, remove them, put them in order their cage, feed and walk. Parents can make a cat or a dog, a parrot, a turtle without hesitation. For a child, cognitive is the comparing behavior of various pets. Therefore, buy a canary and turtle, fish and hamster immediately.

Child character and selection of pets pets

Pay attention to the character and temperament of the child. How will it be combined with the character of a pet?

Calm, quiet child - phlegmatics do not give a frisky dog, as she exhausted him. He is suitable for a mischievous child, such as a sanguine or a choleric that runs, jumps, noise. And what to give melancholic? Give him a turtle, hamster, fish. Carefully contemplating them and keeping dreaminess, he will gladly continue his observations.

Choosing a cat, observe them for their character, as they are quiet, lively or movable.

Housing conditions and selection of pets

Before the establishment of pets, take into account your territory in the house. Big dog Discovers will cause you if you live in a small apartment. She needs a spacious apartment or own housewhere she and you will feel good. Maybe it will be comfortable in a small cozy apartment, but in the absence of hosts for the whole day, he will suffer from solitude and boredom.

Which pet choose?

Parents, given the desires of kids, acquire the animal that they like. Do not take in the apartment of animals, badly getting together. So, who choose cats, dogs, birds, fish or rodents?

The dog is a defender of children and at home, and the cat is not.
The dog is leaving for training, and the cat is not.
The dog understands what to do and what not to do. The cat does the fact that she is nice.
At first, the dog will nourish the apartment, and the cat from the very beginning does everything in a pot.
It is necessary to take a dog to walk, even if there is no special desire and sufficient time. The cat does not interfere in the owner's routine and walks where she will do.
A big dog needs a lot of space, food. A lot of finance is spent on it. The cat costs cheaper if it is not exceptional breed.
There are such breeds of dogs that are aggressive and can harm little child, as well as threaten his life. Cats in the worst case can scratch.
Both animals can get sick. Veterinary help them are necessary.
Wool of both animals can cause allergies.
And cats, and dogs contain in impeccable purity, in the opposite case, children will be subject to infectious diseases.

If you do not want to buy four-legged friends, cholect birds, parrots. The birds also have positive and negative sides.

They are suitable for small, and for a spacious apartment, because there are not much space.
You don't have to change the pots and walk with them.
Bathing, you do not need to comb.
You can not play with them anywhere: neither at home or in the yard.
It is impossible to caress them.
They are noisy with tweet.
They pollute and satent.

A large number of children ask for parents to buy a hamster. They are inexpensive. These little rodents have many advantages and disadvantages. They necessarily need a "house" - a cell so that they themselves do not leave it.

Hamsters have a specific smell. Their lodge must be cleaned daily.
Hamsters can not be castrated. Constantly, once every 3 months they give offspring.
The duration of their life on average is three years. When they are not, it will very much on the child.

Then maybe you will start fish? Along with the advantages, like everyone else, they have disadvantages. Fish care is not so easy. Aquarium needs to be constantly cleaning and change water. They also get sick, so they need continuous enrichment of water fresh air, as well as special backlight. Observe the temperature mode is also necessary. The material of the bottom of the aquarium, its size, plants is important.

Watching the beautiful swimming fish, get aesthetic pleasure. They calm the nerves and bring human soul harmony. According to many people, there are no allergies from fish. But this is a lie, as it can be from feed, and from water in aquarium. It is better for them to care for adults, because even 10 -12 - summer child difficulty will fulfill such work on their own.

Note for future owners

Where to buy animals? With the purchase and acquisition of the animal, be extremely careful and attentive, because by purchasing in the market, you can purchase animals with various diseases. They may be on the market from dirty basements. On the bird markets, animals are infected from each other with a high speed. Therefore, take the animal from pet stores, special clubs.

In order for the pet to be healthy and full need to be taken to veterinary clinic For inspection and vaccinations and give good feed With vitamins.

Now take or not take an animal into the house? There is no definite answer, since any animal of children teaches caringness, communicability and obligation. For parents, these are financial costs, troubles. But, many parents, seeing the grateful and happy eyes of a child and joy in anticipation of the fact that an animal will appear in the house, decide this question in favor of your favorite children.

Dear parents, defencing the choice and choose the pets correctly, as children watching your caring attitude towards them, they study goodness, loyalty and care. Good luck and success in choosing pets.

March 15, 2014.

Many parents and psychologists believe that the child is simply necessary for a pet. But what animal is better to start in the apartment? After all, the animal in the house is an additional burden on parents.

Birds and fish as pets

Babies still lying in the cradle capable of watching fish in aquarium or listen to birds singing. Fish can be the first and most safe option Dating a child with wildlife.

There are no allergies on the fish, the care is rather simple. At the age of two years, the child is able to feed fish, daily poured the food of the food rate prepared by the parents.

You can start with the most simple fish. Guppies, swords, Mallyonsia are perfect in small aquariums. It requires a cleansing pump, compressor and backlight. Water can be changed once a week, merging the ΒΌ part of the aquarium and pouring a new one directly from the tap.

Immediately after the birth of the baby, singing birds are as good. Forest Schiegol, Chizh and Klest with their unobtrusive and native Russian chirping, are packed not only by the baby, but also of all family members.

The wavy parrots are very sociable, so they are suitable for a child, which can feed them, and even teach talk.

Large parrots - birds with character and not harmless to the kid. The keys are large and strong and they can intentionally cause the child injury.

What animal is better to start in the apartment?

For children over two years, it is better to make a pet in the apartment with which it is possible tactile contact. Stroking and touches for guys and animals mean attention and affection.

Land turtle, for example, a good choice. If you do not need extra trouble. She can half a year to do without food and hiding in a hibernation in a cool place.

Turtle is difficult to drop, it is reliably hiding in its shell. Meanwhile, the turtle is not at all sluggish, you can communicate with it, talk and stroke it.

Not deprived by the attention of the animal may even respond to the nickname. Studging claws runs up to the owner, eats with hands and applies his head for caress.

Such domestic animals as small rodents can also be kept in the apartment. Provided that the child has no allergies. Mice are not very suitable for content in the apartment because of the unpleasant, indestructible smell.

And here are animals like hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, dwarf rabbits - more suitable option animals for keeping in the apartment. They are miles. Pleasants to the touch and unpretentious in the content.

Many kept in the apartment as pets - rats. Some zoologists consider them smarter even dogs. Rats in the apartment will require more attention, but not in care - it is enough to clean the cage regularly and feed.

The rat is active and intelligently and she needs to play with her, they took her hands, talked to her. Even trained. Without attention, she can suffer.

If you are not ready to give all your free time Communication with the rat, then you can get her same-sex friend.

Then it is better to buy two at once and put into the cage at the same time, then there will be no bloody conflicts. Different rodents keep in the apartment is not worth it, unless you decide to engage in their breeding.

The most popular pets that are better to contain in the apartment of course dogs and cats. Take a kitten or puppy in the house better for children over 3-4 years. But remember what fluffy cat Or a dog, especially allergenna his wool.

Of the cats, the most allergenne is the Persian breed. The least allergenic - Siamese, sphinxes, Russian blue, Abyssinian.

Pet nature living in the apartment

To form a character at the pet in the right direction, take the animal in the apartment you still need a young, just taken from the mother. But some animals are not amenable to training, nor upbringing.

Exotic animals for the apartment, especially with a small child, are not suitable.

First, many of them, for example, snake carnivores. That is, periodically will use live food in front of the child - mice and frog.

Secondly, for example, monkeys are different inadequate behavior, It takes care of them sometimes you need even more than about the child. And the varana and crocodiles are able to attack.

The most tolerable to children's dogs - Senbernara, Newfoundland, spaniel, german shepherds, Labradors, boxers, Schnauzers, Erdelterier and docks.

With children, there are poorly charming toyters, dachshunds, lesters and greyhounds, bulldogs, bull terriers, South Russian Shepherds.

Among the cats, specialists are considered the most friendly Angora, Burmese, Himalayan, Maine, Korat, Burma, Ragdoll, Burmilla, Russian Blue.

What an animal is better to make you solve you in the apartment, but remember some rules.

After two years, the baby is able to assimilate the rules of animal behavior.

Forbid the child to take the food from the animal, pull it behind my paws, ears and tail, do not lie on it.

Teach the child to comply with the rules of hygiene: do not kiss the animal especially in the nose where many bacteria.

Wash your hands after each communication.

Choose an animal for accommodation in the apartment along with children. All - collar, leash. Cell Try to buy along with the child. So the child will immediately feel responsibility for the pet.