Winter shoes with a heel without fur reviews. How to choose winter boots

Do you believe in the quality of boots marked "China for Europe"? What felt boots are better - on micropork or hemmed? Can I return a used pair? In anticipation of the seasonal hype, experts gave valuable advice readers of "RG".

The first rule of safety for the buyer is not to take shoes from hands and on breakups. There is a chance to find something good there, but there can be no question of any guarantees for the protection of your rights. In stores, especially specialized ones, all products usually have the necessary certificates, including hygienic ones.

In civilized retail outlets, you can safely purchase Chinese boots and not be tormented by suspicions about whether there are any harmful materials there, the merchandiser assured trading network Olga Bolgova. - Do not think that the inscription "China for Europe" is just a publicity stunt. Almost all major global shoe manufacturers are now shifting production to Asia in order to save money. And factory China works on orders famous brands. Someone is localizing production in Russia ... Some distrust of domestic footwear is a relic of Soviet times. In fact, it is comparable in quality to the European one. Sometimes there are complaints about the glue, but German shoes are also unstuck in wet weather - most likely, this is a marketing calculation. It was in the 19th century that boots were made that served for decades ...

Nevertheless, the country and company indicated on the price tag are an important guideline. The fullness and shape of the foot, size range- each manufacturer has its own preferences. Of course, you can experiment and try, like the sisters of Cinderella, to squeeze your Central Russian leg into a model Italian ankle boot, but keep in mind that if you can’t stand it even for a week, you won’t be able to take a pair to the store.

People hear that shoes without marriage, which do not fit in size, style or something else, can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, and they begin to actively use the new thing. Then they bring it to the store: they say, when trying it on, everything was fine, but now the leg is swollen or has begun to dangle, it presses somewhere, rubs, presses - in general, “I can’t stand it, return the money.” But in this norm of the law it is said about unworn shoes good quality! Olga Bolgova warned. - There is only one way out - after the purchase, measure the kilometers around the house.

In order not to get confused at the sight of an extensive assortment, determine your preferences in advance. What exactly do you need shoes for? If for everyday wear in winter - there is nothing to look at the shelves with patent leather boots ... Then formulate wishes for the material. Faux leather usually cheaper than natural, less durable - but not so wet. You can also find synthetic High Quality, the so-called eco-leather passes air well. But in general case feet in shoes made of such materials will sweat. If your main requirement is durability, then the best option becomes smooth leather.

Naturally, along with the air, "breathable" natural leathers also let in moisture. But people don't think about it. They buy good-quality shoes, where the upper is sewn to the sole, and not glued, and they are amazed when water penetrates through the holes from the needle through the rain. We receive similar complaints in spring and autumn, we explain that this is not considered a defect, that there are waxes, emulsions, impregnations ... - Bolgova said. - Wetting shoes is a sign of marriage only when it is caused by peeling of the sole.

By the way, about the soles. AT luxury shoes they are sometimes also made of leather. But such a design will not last long: two to four hours of socks a day (indoors) - and in a month you will wipe the holes. prolong life leather sole you can, if you immediately put a polyurethane sole on it. In an effort to reduce the weight of shoes, manufacturers use foam materials and microporing. There is a fear that the sole will be "cold". Although it is more likely that it will simply sag under your weight (especially if it is a wedge) or be damaged on some sharp stone. The latter often happens with felt boots on micropork. Experts advise beaded models (and on a flannelette lining) - the main thing is not to flaunt in them in the slush.

For other shoes, molded plastic is more reliable. Alas, such lightweight soles usually do not have protectors. To protect against slipping, you will have to buy special stickers or stick a patch on the heel.

As for the lining, it can be artificial materials and shoes with natural uppers. Fur lining is optimal for the winter.

Felt is often used inside. It is warm, but until it falls off, it constantly leaves hairs on your socks, like after a cat ... - Olga Bolgova added. - Today, in shoes with fur, they make a smooth heel, otherwise it is always rubbed due to bumps and protrusions on the heels. However, the seam in such a heel rubs calluses, the leg is hard and cool. If you choose shoes with a "furry", but convex heel, then the lining will not grow so much bald, and the foot will be comfortable.

tight or too tight wide shoes will cause calluses, finger deformities, circulatory disorders

When choosing shoes or boots, consider them carefully. The details on the right and left half-pair should be the same, the seams should be even, the fastening of the sole, heel and decorative elements- reliable. Be sure to test the fasteners, pull the fur, bend the shoes as you would when walking. On the inner surface shoes should not have folds, wrinkles and protruding fasteners.

It is important not to make a mistake with the size, they differ in different manufacturers- said the expert of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Region Lyubov Skopina. - Better try on winter shoes at the end of the day, when the legs are a little swollen, and on warm sock. The foot should neither dangle nor be compressed. There is no need to hope that the boot that is “back to back” with you will then stretch.

Flat feet, protruding "bones", severe swelling- if you have such a problem, forget about model shoes. Before thumb should remain up to a centimeter of free space. Shoes that are too tight or too wide will cause blisters, toe deformity, poor circulation, ingrown nails, and improper distribution of stress on the spine.

Feel free to put on both feet at the store and walk around for a few minutes to make sure you're comfortable. If hidden defects appeared after the purchase (the sole or some part came off, the paint peeled off, the backs settled, the heel fell behind, the lining stains the socks), then you have the right to contact the seller with a claim within the limits established by him. warranty period- Usually 30 to 90 days. After this period, there is a chance to achieve justice within two years, but here you will need to conduct an examination at your own expense.

By the way

You can check the naturalness of fur and leather with an old old-fashioned way- for a moment bringing a few hairs or the most inconspicuous part of the leather part to the fire. A characteristic, not "chemical", burnt smell will appear. Ashes should remain from the hairs, and not a melted ball. A light dark spot will appear on natural leather, which can be rubbed with your hand.

Shoes under warranty: advice to the consumer

1. Require and do not throw away the warranty card and receipt. The cash receipt must contain the name and article number of the goods, otherwise the buyer is issued a sales receipt signed by the seller. If the goods were in use or under repair, the buyer is obliged to inform about this orally and in writing (on a label, receipt or otherwise). Without these documents, "swing rights" is difficult.

2. Do not ignore the rules collected in the instruction manual for shoe care, and then consider defects that have arisen due to incorrect wearing as manufacturing defects.

3. Having brought a claim to the store - which is drawn up in two copies - make sure that the seller signs for both. If the notice of receipt of the complaint is marked, then the response time is counted from this day (seven days are given for the replacement of the goods, 10 days for the return of money, 20 days for the examination and decision-making). For violation of the deadlines and non-compliance with the requirements, the consumer must pay a penalty for each day of delay in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods. If the seller refuses to accept the claim, it must be sent by registered mail with notification.

4. Argue when the seller refuses to bear the cost of checking the quality of the goods (which he is obliged to order) or does not allow the consumer himself to be present at it. If the examination shows that the consumer himself is to blame for the problems with the purchased shoes, then the costs will have to be repaid by him.

5. If serious defects are found, do not agree to a repair instead of a refund or exchange for another pair of shoes.

6. If there are problems with the return poor quality shoes don't have to go to emotional conflict instead of contacting the consumer protection society.

The more expensive, the better?

In spite of huge selection It is not easy to choose high-quality and comfortable winter shoes that will last more than one season. High price does not guarantee quality. Winter tests shoes for strength every day - with snow, slush, reagents, temperature changes. How to choose shoes or boots whose heels will not fall off in a week, the soles will not crack?

The best material for the top of winter shoes is genuine leather, everyone knows this. She just happens different quality. How to choose the best one? One of the benchmarks is the price. Women's boots made from genuine and well-tailored bovine leather can't be cheaper than $100, consultant says shopping center shoes "At Avtozavodskaya" Mikhail Simakov. Men's shoes should cost at least $70-80.

Of course, the price of a winter pair also depends on the manufacturer. Russian, Turkish or, for example, Chinese is cheaper than Italian, Spanish and Finnish. "Real Italian winter boots from genuine leather cannot cost less than $ 130, - the sales assistant of the salon warns Italian shoes trading house "Moskvichka" Tina Daraselia. “If a pair is cheaper, then the leather is not natural, but artificial or pressed.”

According to experts from the Central Research Institute of the leather and footwear industry, modern technologies allow you to make leather fabric from scraps and waste. And even a professional does not always distinguish one from the other. And pressed leather boots will last a season, no more. Although she, looking like a natural one, behaves like an artificial one: she breathes poorly, does not let moisture and air through, breaks and peels off.

“The leather from which the top of winter shoes is made should be well molded, glossy, it repels water better,” says Lidia Shmakova, inspector of Rospotrebnadzor. - Before the first exit to the street, any shoes must be treated with a water-repellent compound, otherwise even the most quality leather quickly lose their appearance, and shoes - consumer properties.

High-quality soles for winter boots and boots are no less important. Genuine leather is absolutely not suitable for her. It is better to give preference to shoes with soles made of thermoplastic rubber, rubber or polyurethane. Such soles are light, durable, do not wear out quickly and do not break when bent. True, it is recommended to wear such shoes at a temperature not lower than minus 15 degrees. Shoes with soles made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) tolerate frosts much better. It is difficult even for a specialist to distinguish rubber from TPE by eye. You can touch it: TPE is a denser material and not as flexible as, say, rubber, however, you can also miss. It is safer to read what the shoes are made of: manufacturers are required to indicate this data on the box. And if they are not there, it makes sense to demand a certificate of conformity from the seller, where this information is definitely there.

“Most of the women's boots that are sold today are only pretending to be winter boots,” explains Lidia Shmakova. - To save costs, manufacturers often insulate demi-season boots with fur or simply limit themselves to fur insoles and pass off boots as winter boots. Such shoes can be distinguished by thin smooth sole without characteristic winter corrugation and unstable heel. In it, the legs will freeze and slip.

A real winter shoe should have a stable grooved sole.

If you like the model, and the sole is too thin, the insoles can save the situation. Special multi-layer thermal insoles are the most popular product for those who buy demi-season shoes for winter, says Victoria Timofeeva, director of the ESSO-Valdai store. The insoles are made up of three layers. The upper one is made of wool, the middle one is made of insulating material, the lower one is made of aluminum foil.

How the upper connects to the sole is also important: it is either glued or molded. Various molded details of the bottom are also used with imitation of seams, false welts, etc. For winter shoes, glue, injection, welt fastening methods or their combinations are better suited.

Inside, winter shoes are finished with a fur lining, more often from natural sheepskin, less often from faux fur or a rabbit. The biggest demand is for winter shoes lined with natural fur,

but buyers rarely pay attention to the insole and what is under it. And in vain.

“In winter shoes with a fur lining in the heel, there must be a leather pocket instead of fur, otherwise the fur on the heel will quickly break through,” Lidia Shmakova warns. - The insole must be removed so that it can be dried. If it is glued, it is impossible to determine whether it is solid or sewn from pieces, where the seams are located, on which cardboard it is “planted”. Some manufacturers glue the insole onto boxboard, which soaks quickly. Only one seam is allowed in the insole, it must be stitched around the perimeter. In addition, if the insole is glued, there are no visible defects inside the shoe - protruding nails, bumps, unsealed seams.

And finally, one more important detail Shoes, like food, have an expiration date. Sole at long-term storage loses elasticity and may crack. Therefore, look at the date of manufacture and do not buy stale goods.


The cold breath of winter is already fully felt: the first snow has fallen on the street, night temperatures are already creeping over the zero mark and rushing lower and lower, the cold wind rips off the last leaves from the trees ... It's time to take care of purchasing high-quality, warm and reliable shoes for the upcoming winter season! But how exactly and by what criteria should you choose winter shoes for yourself so that they do not fall apart in a couple of months? Let's find out.

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Somewhere at the gene level, we have a belief that the most convenient option winter shoes were and remain felt boots. They are always warm, which means that the possibility of catching a cold of vital organs is completely excluded. But is it possible to appear in the society in felt boots? Of course not. Therefore, go ahead, choose elegant and warm boots. There are practically no problems with the first selection criterion - the choice of elegant shoes is wide and varied, but the quality and "frost-resistant" properties of some models cause, to put it mildly, concerns. So that your legs do not freeze, and your boots have a marketable appearance for at least a couple of seasons, you need to be extremely careful when choosing winter shoes.

Leather boots - it doesn't get any better
You yourself know perfectly well what material to give preference to - this, of course, is genuine leather. She, on the one hand, perfectly retains the shape of the bootleg and toe, and on the other hand, she knows how to gradually adapt to the lady's leg. At the same time, genuine leather, unlike synthetics, also "breathes", so the feet do not sweat. Of course, you will not be able to determine, for example, the method of tanning the skin, although this important characteristic quality, but pay attention at least to its thickness. The thinner the top of the boot, the colder foot no matter how they insulate the shoes from the inside.

How to distinguish genuine leather from imitation
The problem is that the skin is different. Today it has become possible to make material for boots from the smallest waste of leather production. And at the same time, the manufacturer can safely, without prejudice, claim that he offers shoes made of genuine leather. A product made of pressed leather looks great at first glance, you can’t distinguish it from high-end leather, but its characteristics leave much to be desired. Poor-quality skin often “sheds”, just like artificial, it does not let air through, wrinkles appear on it, which quickly turn into cracks, at least smear it with cream, at least don’t smear it. And in the cold below minus 10 °, this "natural" becomes so hard that it is impossible to bend the leg.

And it's quite a shame to believe the assurances of an "honest" seller and shell out money for boots from "leatherette". For winter shoes, this material is simply not suitable. How to distinguish leather from leatherette? It is very difficult to do this. Manufacturers have learned to imitate the pattern of the surface of the skin, glue the inside thinnest layer natural split. And even the smell real leather susceptible to falsification. Still, there is a little trick. Place your hand on the surface of the boot. Genuine leather will not only "absorb" heat, but also give off, warming the fingers. However, there is an even easier way to determine the quality of a product. Compare prices. Boots from natural material European output is simply impossible to buy for less than 7000-8000 rubles because of the complexity of production technologies and the level of world prices.

Leather sole - a mandatory feature of classic model shoes, put on "Italian" winter boots, betrays the Chinese and Turkish "manufacturer" with his head. Even if it is duplicated with a thick layer of rubber, it will absorb moisture, swell, and then break. But any cold will withstand the sole made of thermoplastic elastomer.

You can recognize this material by its density and elasticity. Less frost-resistant, but also durable, light and elastic sole made of special rubber and rubber. True, sometimes they try to pass off a cheap fake for these materials. In order not to miss, ask the seller for a certificate of conformity, in which all materials must be accurately indicated.

Before buying winter boots
Due to difficult weather conditions, the soles of winter boots often come off, so you should carefully study the method of attaching it to the main part. Combinations of several connection methods are most reliable: for example, glue and thread stitching.

Molded or welted sole attachment options are also suitable. Before you part with the money, bend the sole. If it turns out to be unyielding, then the foot will feel uncomfortable.

Just in case, carefully inspect the butt joint around the entire perimeter, try to slightly separate the parts. Seeing gaps with traces of glue between the upper and the sole, go to another store.

Some firms produce the same models for the autumn-spring and winter seasons, warming the latter only with thin fur inserts. Gives out "werewolves", again, the sole. For high-quality boots, it is thick and profiled so as not to slip, while for cheap boots it is thin, as light as possible.

When choosing winter shoes, you should definitely look inside the boot. The lining is, of course, natural. It is better if it is sheepskin, and not lapin, which will doubt and wipe off in one season. Synthetics inserted inside genuine leather shoes can lead to excessive sweating of the feet, and walking in winter with wet feet not very nice. There should be no "bald patches" or breaks in the fur cover.

Thick insole - required attribute winter shoes. It's bad if it's glued on. In this case, you will not be able to replace it with textile, woolen or thermal, and most importantly, you will not be able to dry it normally. Removable insoles also need to be carefully checked. To adequately retain heat, it must be a single piece of fabric, dubbed with leather or fur, and be stitched around the perimeter.

Look at the "bottom" of the boot: the edges of the toe cap and the heel should not protrude inward. No rough wrinkles, nails or dents. There should be a leather insert in the heel area, not fur. Remember: the presence of an arch support is a significant advantage of shoes, and a cardboard lining under the insole is an obvious disadvantage.

Are you tired of going to the store yet? Then take one last piece of advice. Shoes, like many other products, have an expiration date. Even if it just lies in a box in a warehouse, the skin dries out, the glue loses its strength. It is hardly worth buying boots made three years ago, even if they have not gone out of fashion.