How to dye denim shorts blue. How to dye jeans, and how to do it manually and in an automatic machine. Caring for painted products

Despite the fact that there are enough in stores a wide range of clothes for every taste, every woman in her wardrobe will surely have a thing that she will not exchange for any other, because not only the model itself, fashionable cut, but also how well it “fits” on your figure is important. Comfortable to wear, durable, high quality tailoring and a good fit are not so often combined in one piece of clothing, so if we are lucky enough to get, for example, jeans that meet all our wishes, we call them “good”, we don’t want to part with them, and we try to possible ways prolong their life.

It is especially disappointing when the jeans themselves are still intact, but the fabric has faded, or by negligence you “planted” a stain that cannot be removed in the most inconvenient place (where it is clearly visible), and any homemade application will be out of place. In this case, there is only one option - dye jeans again. Luckily, you can do it yourself at home.

Regardless of which painting method you choose, you must first wash and dry jeans, otherwise the paint will not take well.

So, how can you dye jeans at home? You can dye jeans in several ways using special dyes.

Fabric dyes can be purchased at the market or at the store (in the department household chemicals). They may differ in composition and method of staining, be sold complete with or without a fixative, etc., so when painting, be guided primarily by the information that the manufacturer gives directly on the paint package that you bought. Below we will consider two options use of dye at home so that you have general idea about the dyeing process.

In the washing machine. In order to avoid uneven staining of the fabric, the appearance of streaks and stains, it is necessary to first dilute the paint in a small amount hot water (about 0.5 liters). Thoroughly mix the water with the dye, make sure that there are no lumps left, and pour it into the drum of the machine, adding a little salt and soda (if indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer).

Place the jeans you want to dye into washing machine, select the wash cycle for cottons and linens temperature 95 C(the longest one) and wait for the process to finish. After the machine has stopped, remove already dyed jeans from the drum and soak them in a solution of vinegar (about 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water, or more) for 10-15 minutes. Then wash the jeans using washing powder in a fast mode, at a temperature of no more than 40 C. This completes the dyeing process.

Advice: for the next two washes in the same machine, try not to load white laundry into the drum, or after the end of the dyeing process, turn on the empty machine in the rinse mode, pouring 50-60 ml of chlorine bleach into the drum.

At home, jeans can be dyed in enamelware(pot, bucket). Dissolve the dye first in 1 liter of hot water, add salt and soda there (if required according to the instructions), then pour it into a container in which the jeans will be dyed. There should be about 6-8 liters of water in it (including dye dissolved in 1 liter of water). Dip the jeans in the prepared solution and "boil" at a temperature of 75-95 C for 40-60 minutes, stirring occasionally. After cooling, rinse them first in warm water, then in cold water, soak for a while in a solution of vinegar, then wash with the addition of washing powder.

How to dye jeans blue? To refresh the color of faded blue jeans, you can use blue, but keep in mind that it does not stain the fabric like special dyes, but only gives it a blue tint, which, moreover, will be washed off after a couple of washes. However, this drawback is somewhat redeemed by the simplicity of the procedure: just soak the jeans for 2-3 hours in a blue solution, and then rinse in water acidified with vinegar.

Great for decorating jeans acrylic paints- they fit well cotton fabric. With their help, you can apply a wide variety of patterns on clothes, and for this you only need the paints themselves, brushes the right sizes(made of natural, fairly stiff bristles) and an iron to fix the image on the fabric by ironing with reverse side. Unfortunately, even the highest quality acrylic paints, after being applied to the fabric, shed over time, lose their brightness, so they should not be applied to jeans intended for everyday wear or subjected to frequent washing.

Have your jeans lost their color, or are you just bored? It doesn't matter, we will show you how to dye your jeans at home and give them a second life.

More than 60 years have passed since jeans appeared in our country, and they still have not lost their popularity. On the contrary, this type of clothing is becoming more and more in demand.

Jeans have found their niche and occupied it so densely that it looks like it will stay with us forever. Once they were considered work clothes, then they moved into the category of everyday clothes, a little more time passed - and they began to wear them for almost all occasions.

We love our jeans, and sometimes we can leave them on for a whole day, which leads to the fact that they gradually wear out and lose their original color. Of course, you can buy new jeans, but the models well-known firms are not cheap, and therefore not everyone can afford to change jeans once a month. But jeans, unlike simple trousers, have one difference - they can be updated! How can you dye denim? Read about how to dye your jeans and save your money.

What are we going to paint

So, we think: how to dye jeans? If you decide to make your favorite, but already old jeans new, then this can be done in several ways, and many different dyes are sold for this purpose.

When buying bags of paint, see the instructions on how this paint can be used, whether this method will be available to you.

Do not try to invent something of your own, because you can ruin your jeans. Be sure to wash your jeans and dry them before painting, and then you can already experiment.

how to dye jeans Blue colour to get the right shade? There are two main ways to dye blue and faded jeans, we will look at both in detail. For such staining, it is necessary to purchase powder paint for fabrics (cotton, linen and viscose fabrics). Dyeing methods: using a washing machine (preferably an automatic machine), and simply in a bucket on a gas stove.

Method one - washing machine:

  1. How to dye jeans in the washing machine? In order for the jeans to be streak-free and the fabric to be dyed evenly, the paint must first be dissolved. Take half a liter warm water and pour a bag of paint into it, then mix thoroughly. Strain the resulting solution through a sieve, because not all the powder can dissolve immediately. Do not allow undissolved pieces of paint to get on jeans.
  2. Pour this solution into the drum of the machine (not to be confused with the flask for powder and conditioner), and if necessary, add soda or salt (see instructions on the paint label).
  3. Throw your jeans on, set to cotton mode, and set the maximum temperature indicated on the jeans tag. We immediately warn you: if you have not washed jeans before with such high temperature, be prepared for the fabric to shrink.
  4. Wash time for full staining tissue, should be at least 30 minutes.
  5. While the machine is running, prepare a bowl of cold water. Add vinegar to the water, in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  6. Take the jeans out of the machine and soak them in a bowl for 15 minutes.
  7. After that, they should be washed again in the machine, but with the addition of washing powder, and at a water temperature of up to 40 ° C.

Method two - a bucket for gas:

  1. Dissolve the paint in a small amount of hot water, add salt or soda if necessary, strain so that there are no lumps.
  2. Pour the paint into the bucket and add enough water to completely submerge the jeans.
  3. Put the bucket on the gas, bring to a boil, reduce the flame to a minimum, and leave for 1 hour, and be sure to stir with a wooden stick so that the color is even.
  4. At the end of one hour, remove and rinse the jeans in cold water.
  5. Just like in the first method, jeans must be soaked for about 20 minutes in water with vinegar.
  6. Wash in warm water washing powder and rinse again in plain water.

Before you can dye your jeans black, you need a denim dye. The Tekhnokhim dye has proven itself well, the composition is Jeans, it is sold in hypermarkets, or in needlework stores.

Jeans dye is a blue-gray powder. Before dyeing black jeans or jeans blue color, put on rubber gloves, pour coloring powder into the drum of the washing machine, 200 grams of salt, and jeans soaked in water.

We select the program "cotton" 60 or 95 degrees. The longer the wash time, the richer the color will be. We are waiting for the end of the process. Further, after the end of the washing mode, it is necessary to fix the black color. To fix the color in the cuvette of the washing machine, pour 5 tablespoons of vinegar, and turn on the “rinse” mode. Do not turn on the spin mode! Otherwise, dyed jeans will turn out to be streaked.

Two more simple ways to resuscitate jeans

In the distant, distant times, the USSR did not exist special paints to restore the color of jeans, but there were jeans themselves, and they, like today, were quickly wiped. It was then that simple, but effective ways dyeing jeans.

We make "dumplings"

In the 80s of the 20th century, the so-called "varenki" were especially popular. They were terribly expensive, and it was almost impossible to buy them. But craftsmen found a way out - how to make super fashionable dumplings in a bucket in the kitchen of a Soviet apartment. Everything turns out to be very simple, and you can repeat this experiment with old jeans. Manufacturing steps:

  • Roll your jeans into different sides as tightly as possible, then twist them into one lump, and tie them with ropes.
  • Pour water into a bucket, add 200 grams of whiteness, and lower the twisted jeans there.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
  • We try to constantly keep jeans under water.
  • We take out, untie, rinse, dry.

How to blue jeans? In some cases, when jeans are not yet completely killed, to give them more fresh look blue can be used. How it's done:

  • Pour warm water into a basin or bucket and add a little blue, the amount of powder must be selected independently.
  • Soak the jeans in the solution for 2 hours.
  • Remove, wring out, and rinse in cold water with vinegar.

Everything is simple, but this method is not enough for a long time, usually after the third wash, the jeans return to their previous state.

Fast and easy! Three additional ways

How to dye jeans? If you like to experiment and you like clothes that others don't have, then you should try one or all three of the methods described below:

  1. You can dye your jeans any color with hair dye. The paint dissolves in water, jeans are soaked for 1.5-2 hours. But the truth is, for a long time this coloring is not enough, after several washes, all the paint will come off.
  2. Jeans can be painted acrylic paints, any drawing is applied, everything that your imagination will give out. You can fix the pattern by ironing it and laying paper. But again, after each wash, the pattern will become paler until it disappears altogether.
  3. And last way, and probably the fastest - coloring with aerosols. You don't need anything other than paint cans. Your imagination is not limited by anything, if you are an artist at heart, you can create a real masterpiece on your jeans!

In dry cleaning, they will most likely paint more professionally, but they will also take a lot of money. If you have old but still intact jeans, you can make something with your own hands that your friends will ask about - where did you buy such beautiful jeans.

In the video: dyeing jeans black at home.

Every year, fashion designers create a certain design of trousers, which instantly flies around most countries of the world. Blue or "boiled" jeans, decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads, are approved by most of the fair sex. The pricing policy varies depending on the decor and the original shade, as a rule, it is quite high. In order not to spend hard-earned money, many girls resort to home coloring which helps restore the original color of the jeans.

Ways to dye jeans

  1. Blue. The first place is rightfully occupied by blue, it belongs to more affordable drugs and fits perfectly on the fabric. A negative characteristic of staining is short-term durability. The composition is washed out of the fiber structure almost after the first wash. If you prefer this method, be prepared for the fact that the color of the trousers will have to be updated regularly.
  2. Powder. Bulk dyes are very popular because they can be poured directly into the washing machine. During wet processing fabric color is updated. A negative feature is that powder dyes have a fairly small color range.
  3. Potassium permanganate. Staining technology requires attention to detail, the method is not considered simple. However, in the end, you will be able to get everyone's favorite "varenka", which occupies a leading position in the fashion world.
  4. Acrylic. Paints on a similar basis are considered ultra-resistant, thanks to the unique composition, jeans can be washed in a household machine and even boiled. After the final drying, the drawing with acrylic paints stops responding to external factors, which is an undeniable plus.
  5. Special compound. You can buy a gel or suspension at the hardware store to change original color denim. The disadvantage of the method is considered to be a high pricing policy, the advantage is a long-term effect. An analogy to technology is the use of hair dye as a means of updating the color of trousers.

How to dye jeans in a washing machine

  1. Choose your coloring powder desired shade, dilute it according to the instructions. As a rule, 45 gr. product accounts for 0.5 liters of water.
  2. After dilution, stir the solution with a spatula so that the granules are completely dissolved, make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Next, add to the solution 15 gr. crushed salt and 10 gr. soda, stir again. Such components are needed to maintain color, they are added to the powder if the manufacturer's recommendations are available.
  4. Send jeans to the machine, set the longest wash (about 2 hours). Normally, the processing function of cotton and linen is suitable, the main thing is that temperature regime was at least 90 degrees.
  5. Pour the dye solution into a special compartment, wait for the cycle to complete. After that, pull out the jeans, proceed to the preparation of the soaking composition.
  6. Pour 5 liters of water into the basin, add 325-350 ml. table vinegar(concentration 6-9%). Place trousers in a container, wait a quarter of an hour.
  7. Rinse the jeans with your hands, then send them back to the machine, set the shortest wash (20-30 minutes) at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Be sure to add powder to wash off excess paint.

In subsequent washes, treat jeans separately from light-colored laundry. After washing the trousers, put the machine on a double rinse, pour in bleach or bleach to wash the pigment from the drum cavity.

  1. Choose the optimal container in which jeans will be dyed. An enamel pan with a thick bottom and walls or a bucket is suitable.
  2. Dilute powder dye Mix according to the manufacturer's instructions until the crystals dissolve. Add soda and salt, if required by the instructions, then proceed with the procedure.
  3. Pour 8 liters of water into a pre-selected container, add the prepared pigment there, mix thoroughly again. Place the bucket/pot over medium heat, bring the solution until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power to a minimum.
  4. Place the jeans in a container, drown them with tongs or a wooden spatula, boil for 1 hour. Periodically stir the solution, turn the trousers over so that they are evenly dyed.
  5. After specified period wait for the solution to cool room temperature, then use tongs to remove the jeans from the container. Rinse them by hand.
  6. Prepare a solution by mixing 5 liters of water with 300 ml. vinegar, soak in jeans, wait 20 minutes. After that, wash them in the machine at 40 degrees, add conditioner and powder.

how to dye jeans blue

  1. It is important to understand that blue is suitable for short-term staining. She does not give jeans at all new color, but only makes them an order of magnitude bluer. The pigment is washed out after 2-3 washes.
  2. The inefficiency of the method is easily offset by the relative simplicity of the procedure. Prepare the blue solution strictly according to the instructions, soak the trousers in the resulting mixture, leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not forget to periodically stir the composition so that the trousers are stained evenly. After the specified time, proceed to the preparation of the soaking solution.
  4. Dilute table vinegar in a basin, rinse jeans in it. Repeat the procedure until the water becomes clear. Replace the old vinegar solution with a new one as you use it.

  1. Every year, the so-called “boiled jeans”, which came to us from the 80s, are gaining more and more popularity. Similar effect can be done using the well-known potassium permanganate.
  2. A positive feature of the technology is considered to be complete absence boiling, coloring is performed without heat treatment.
  3. To create a "varenka" cook 80 gr. potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and 135 ml. table vinegar with a concentration of 6 to 9%. You will also need a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in an amount of 30 ml.
  4. Mix the listed components in one composition, dilute with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Twist the jeans with a tourniquet, fix with white hair ties.
  5. Place the pants in the solution, leave for 20 minutes. Every 5 minutes, “drown” the product in the mixture so that it does not float. After the specified period, remove the jeans.
  6. Rinse them with your hands, then send them to the machine for a double rinse. Add gel powder and fabric softener.

It is not difficult to dye jeans if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available methods. Carry out technology using potassium permanganate, purchase at a hardware store special powder to change the color of the fabric. Decorate the trousers with acrylic paints, giving them the desired pattern. Consider dyeing with special gel pigments that are designed for denim.

Video: how to dye jeans

We all have our favorite things that we hate to part with. Even if jeans, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt have already lost their original color or are decorated with stains, they still remain in our closet. But such things do not have to be thrown away or sent to the country. They can still be revived. For example, denim clothes you can dye it, sew a fabric appliqué on a T-shirt, decorate a sweater or sweatshirt with leather inserts. There are a lot of options here, and the choice is limited only by your imagination.
Today I will talk about how to dye your own jeans. These recommendations will come in handy not only in order to update old things, but also in order to transform conventional models in super fashion.

how to dye jeans blue

If things have lost color, having faded after repeated washings, restore the original saturated shade quite affordable household dye will allow. Blue is sold in any hardware store. Various manufacturers It is produced either as a powder or as a liquid. How to dye jeans with blue? There is no specific technology. Everything is as simple as two and two.

Boiling the fabric in this case is not necessary. It is enough to immerse the jeans completely in water at a temperature of thirty degrees and leave for a couple of hours. To keep the color longer, add a couple of tablespoons of table salt, and then rinse thoroughly in a weak acetic solution. Please note that blue is not the most suitable dye, and the thing will certainly shed. In addition, after several washes, it will wash off, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Special funds

If you want to achieve a more durable color, use Dylon products that have proven themselves well. They behave well in the sock and For dyeing, the item must be boiled in aqueous solution With salt. When rinsing, use the same table vinegar.

Use a wide dish that fits the whole thing so that the fabric is dyed evenly. An aluminum basin or laundry tub is best suited for this purpose. During boiling, the solution must be stirred periodically so that stains do not form on the fabric.

The required proportions are indicated on the dye packaging. Try to follow the right dosage, otherwise it will be very difficult to remove the excess.

Do not forget that the dye settles on the walls of the dishes. Therefore, at the end of the process, it must be thoroughly washed with a hard sponge with trisodium phosphate.

You can buy today not only in household supermarkets, but also in shops that sell materials for creativity.

How to dye jeans with potassium permanganate

Many of you are familiar with the word "varenka". The peak of popularity of this denim came in the mid-eighties. But today, fashion designers are once again returning jackets, blouses, shirts, skirts and trousers to the podium with this original design. Do you want to have the same fashionable outfit? Then advice on how to dye jeans with "potassium permanganate" will come in handy.

In this case, there is no need to boil the thing. A mixture of potassium permanganate (100 g) and table vinegar with a strength of 9% (150 ml), reacting with hydrogen peroxide, brightens the fabric.

First, jeans are treated with the first composition. Then the hydroperite tablets are crushed into powder, water is added and the pattern is fixed with a fresh solution using a sponge.

Now a little about how best to apply the drawing. A combination of strong wear with light (actually white) spots is now fashionable. small size. You can get these with a stiff brush and a metal mesh. The technology is very simple. First, the brush is dipped in the composition, then it is sprayed onto the fabric through the mesh.

The traditional way

This technology has been known in Russia since the birth of the cooperative movement. It should be noted that this secret was known not only to novice businessmen. Any self-respecting fashionista was aware of how to dye jeans at home.

For this purpose, the usual "Whiteness" is used in the amount of one glass per bucket of water. First, the jeans need to be twisted well and fixed with elastic bands. Then they are completely lowered into a bucket with hot water and boil for fifteen minutes. In this case, you need to ensure that the jeans do not pop up.

The pattern is quite large. If you want to get a drawing in the form of diverging circles, use the same technique as in batik. The bleaching composition is poured into already hot water. Unfortunately, this method has a huge disadvantage - pungent odor bleach.

Do not rush to throw out jeans if you are tired of them. If you figure out how to dye your jeans at home, you can breathe into them new life. You can paint both with the help of improvised means and paints for fabrics.

How to dye jeans at home

Various means allow you to dye jeans in almost any color. The dyeing process is as simple as possible, even those who have never dyed fabric will cope with it.

How to paint jeans with powder paint or other means

Choose a tool depending on what color you want to get.

  • Blue. It is in the arsenal of almost all hostesses. Refreshes the blue color of the jeans. Not very resistant, you will have to periodically repaint the jeans again.
  • Potassium permanganate. You need to work with it carefully, otherwise you run the risk of heavily painting your hands, and the pelvis, and the bath. However, potassium permanganate will help you create stylish "boiled" jeans that are always in fashion.
  • Aniline paints. The easiest option to use. They are not very durable.
  • Powder paints. It is also very easy to use and also very durable. Minus - a small selection of colors.
  • Acrylic paints. Using them is a little more difficult, but there are a lot of color options. Acrylic is absolutely not afraid of washing, jeans can fade only if you decide to boil them.

The described paints can be bought at fabric stores. They are relatively inexpensive, so you can upgrade your favorite jeans for a fraction of the cost.

how to powder coat jeans

Let's take a closer look at the coloring process denim pants powder dye.

  • Dissolve paint in water. This is necessary so that there are no streaks on the jeans and their color is uniform. Stir the mixture until all lumps are dissolved.
  • Pour the paint into the drum of the machine. Read the instructions carefully. Sometimes the manufacturer requires an additional addition to the machine baking soda or table salt.
  • Lay down your jeans and select a wash cycle at around 95°C.
  • In a bowl, dilute vinegar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Soak the jeans in the solution for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the jeans in the machine again on the shortest setting at around 40°C.

To clear washing machine from the dye and not stain things with it in the future, make it work once empty. Add some bleach while working. It will neutralize the paint.