Scarf tying options. Visual photo instructions on how to beautifully tie a scarf, scarf and tippet (17 photos). how to tie an accessory in the demi-season period

None decent girl Can't do without this super-necessary accessory! The scarf is not only designed to protect the neck from the wind, it can work wonders with it! What else will add zest to your image and make even the simplest outfit interesting? Pashmina, woolen scarf, light scarf, scarf-blanket ... so many options and possibilities! If you know only one way to tie a scarf (like your grandmother did), then we advise you to explore other, more interesting options.

How to tie a scarf: method 1

In just a few seconds you can make your scarf insane beautiful accessory. Choose a scarf from light, flowing fabrics.

Tie a small knot, making sure your head fits snugly into the loop. Unfold the scarf so that the ends and part of the loop form three future "strands" of the braid.

And start weaving a regular braid!

Leave the ends of the scarf hanging freely or completely tie them into a braid - it's up to you! Experiment!

How to tie a scarf: method 2

Ideal to add style to simple clothes. Even in a T-shirt and jeans you can shine! Don't worry, it looks much more complicated than it looks. You can do it!

Throw the scarf around your neck with the ends back.

And then throw them forward, crossing at the back.

Twist the loop with a figure eight.

And tuck the ends of the scarf into it. Pull on the ends to tighten the scarf a bit and... you're done!

How to tie a scarf: method 3

Great way to grab attention, don't you think? It looks even more difficult, but believe me, it will take you no more than one minute! Check out the detailed video!

How to tie a scarf: method 4

Blanket-like scarves often scare girls. And all because they just don't know how to tie them! Don't give up stylish accessory, but just try this insanely easy way!

How to tie a scarf: method 5

A silk scarf can be worn even in summer! And to make this possible, learn how to wrap it beautifully around your neck. Use our hint!

How to tie a scarf: method 6

Don't know how to deal with a huge handkerchief? Let's teach!

How to tie a scarf: method 7

Let's make it harder! Try this option for bad weather.

How to tie a scarf: method 8

Scarf bow? Why not? Great option for coquettes! And recreating this look is easy!

How to tie a scarf: ideas

It is not necessary to have a thousand scarves in your arsenal (although it would be nice) to change your look according to your mood. One stylish accessory, a little imagination, a couple of drops of courage are enough to be the most fashionable! Get inspired!

Before you beautifully tie a scarf around your neck (photo), you need to choose the right material and color for the style. Depending on their type, the node itself and its location are formed.

Material selection

Before choosing a tying method, you should carefully choose the fabric and colors of the scarf itself. After all, with the help of even exquisite accessory you can destroy a carefully thought-out image if its texture is incorrectly chosen. So, fur, thick drape or knitted fabric is absolutely not combined with thin airy scarves, no matter how elegant they may be.

They should be selected according to common style clothes. Coarse models made of thick fabric or yarn are unlikely to fit a luxurious mantle. Only dense silk or light cashmere will be ideally combined with it. For down jackets, you should choose jacquard products or knitted fabrics from dense yarn with relief patterns.

Advice!Warm and voluminous knitted accessories again at the height of fashion. But they look perfect only with classic things and co sportswear. In an office setting, they will look more than ridiculous. In the cold season, it is permissible to throw only a wide stole over the shoulders. Do not get carried away with too voluminous products and fragile girls.

Well, now let's finally learn how to beautifully tie a scarf around the neck (with step by step photo).

The simplest knots

The fastest option is the "choker" - a double-folded scarf wrapped around the neck, with the ends threaded into the resulting loop. You can complement the accessory with a brooch that is suitable in color and style. A more effective option can be obtained if the fabric is twisted before tying.

Wrap fast enough long scarf around the neck as follows:

  • First, its ends are tied.
  • Then the fabric closed in this way in a circle is wrapped around the neck several times and evenly straightened.
  • This method is called "infinity".

More difficult option such a method is to twist it before putting it on crosswise. The fabric in this case will fit denser. This method is an excellent protection against chilly wind.

Advice! The fabric from which the scarf is made should always be slightly thinner than the thickness of the fabric of the clothing itself.


An ordinary knot is not able to "beat" a stylish accessory one hundred percent. How to learn how to beautifully tie scarves (see photo) around your neck? Try wrapping it in such a way that it resembles a wreath in shape:

  • To do this, first sketch it in such a way that the ends hang down on the back of the back.
  • Cross them at the neck and then throw them forward.
  • Now take both ends and run them through upper part the loop formed around the neck, stretching the ends outward.
  • Another option is to pull the ends not through the top, but through the bottom of the loop.

Advice! original lightweight The scarf goes well not only with a jacket, but also with a dress or blouse.

Knot "a la tie"

Outwardly, such a knot really resembles a tie. Let's learn how to tie it on ourselves first. In the future, the skill can also please a spouse or friend. After all, for some reason, tying a tie is a complete torment for them.

But tying it, it turns out, is not difficult at all:

  • The scarf is folded in half, thrown around the neck, and both ends are passed into the loop formed at the same time.
  • Now it remains to wrap them under the loop, lay both ends in the resulting ring and pull them out.
  • In a similar way, you can tie not only a scarf, but also a thin neckerchief. Of course, it must be of the appropriate size - it is unlikely that it will be possible to tie such a short knot.

Advice! A rough tie knot will just look ridiculous on a thick scarf. It is better to choose a silk fabric or not too dense jacquard for this option.

Knot with ears

First you need to put on the fabric and wrap it around the neck 2 times. Moreover, this must be done so that one end is much longer than the second.

Now the free edge is pushed through one of the layers. Ready. It remains only to tie the loose ends.

Advice! If you have chosen clothes in muted colors, match them with a contrasting scarf. Let him be the main focus.

How to tie a scarf so that there are no ends?

The beginning of knitting is similar to the previous one. The number of turns can be arbitrary depending on the length of the scarf - only small ends should be left. They must be tied into two knots and hidden under the folds.

Advice! Canvas with small patterns is more suitable skinny girls or women. A larger drawing can be chosen by a woman who is prone to fullness.

Knot "eight"

We get the "eight" by twisting the knot:

  • Fold the scarf in half.
  • Now we will need to wrap it around the neck and stretch both ends into the loop formed after folding.
  • Pull one end through the loop again.
  • Now we need to twist, unscrew the loop with our hands.
  • We straighten it so that the knot looks quite voluminous (although its size can be adjusted to your liking).
  • We stretch the second end through the same loop.
  • Pull out the ends.

Madeleine knot

In this case, we almost completely wrap ourselves in a wide and long scarf or stole, fixing it on the shoulder with a small knot. For this you need:

  • Throw it over your shoulders.
  • Take the edges of the scarf by the corners and tie them with a double knot.
  • Move the resulting knot to the shoulder.
  • Gently tuck loose ends inward.

Option called "glamour"

An ideal voluminous drapery will turn out if we first put this accessory on our head, then cross its ends and tie them in a knot at the back. It remains to lower it on your shoulders and - voila - enjoy the result.

The second way of "glamour" is also simple. Before throwing the product on the shoulders, fold it in half, and tie the ends. Pull the ends and tuck them under the edges of the collar of the clothes. This option can be made asymmetrical by placing the knot on the shoulder.

Advice! Use lurex models in such a way that they can be tucked under the collar. Otherwise, the foil threads will rub the skin too much.

We imitate snood (scarf-pipe)

This option is similar to the "infinity" method that we described at the beginning of the article. The only difference is in this case not the ends themselves are connected to each other, but only their tips. To get a clamp, you need:

  • Twist the scarf.
  • Throw it around your neck.
  • Tie together its ends at the very edge of the canvas.
  • Wrap it around the neck 2-3 times (the number of turns depends only on the length of the fabric).
  • Gently straighten it, hiding the knot in the folds.

Advice! A colorful scarf or scarf can only be combined with plain clothes. Conversely, a blouse or dress with a pattern will be combined only with a plain accessory.

classic bow

Bow - This elegant knot will only hold the knot if the fabric is thick enough, but not too thick:

  • First, the fabric is thrown over the neck.
  • Align it so that one of the ends is much shorter than the other.
  • The short end wraps around the long end to form an Ado loop.
  • reroll long end around short.
  • Now we need to make a loop at the short end.
  • Rotate it at an angle of 90 degrees to the long canvas.
  • Pull the long one through the loop, first slightly up, and then inward.
  • Make a second loop at the end of the scarf on top.
  • We should get two loops lying on the same line.
  • Tighten the knot.

Bow rosette

This method is only suitable for tying thin fabrics. It is quite simple. First, one bow is formed. Then a second one is made on top of it. It remains to align the resulting loops.

Advice! If you really like a blouse or dress but are embarrassed deep neckline, hide it with graceful thin scarf tied with a light knot.

Autumn version

In order for the scarf to fit snugly around the neck, it is necessary:

  • Wrap it around your neck twice.
  • Tie a knot at the back.
  • Then take one of its ends and wrap it around one of the turns made around the neck.
  • With the second end, twist the second layer-turn of the scarf.


A light but voluminous square scarf or tippet can be designed as follows. First, they are folded diagonally in a triangle. Then wrap around the neck, while the ends are tied at the back. Now we fill the edges under the formed triangle. The scarf with this method is loose and not too close to the body.

Advice! Have you already used all the options with scarves? Take two contrasting ones and twist them together, tying them in a suitable knot. New look ready.


This method will not save you from the cold, but the model designed in this way will look very elegant. It is quite possible to replace beads or a necklace with it.

  • First, a thin narrow scarf with a length of 160 cm or more is folded in half.
  • A loop is made at one end. The second, free one is held with two fingers: thumb and forefinger.
  • Now we stretch it through the loop made and pull it out a little no more than 3 cm.
  • Pull the end through the new loop again.
  • Repeat the movements until the chain is ready.
  • We complete the work by tightening the free end.
  • We make the resulting chain around the neck and tie the ends or fasten them with a brooch.

Advice! A long scarf also looks good, simply wrapped around the neck with knots tied at the very ends. This method is called "dovetail".

french knot

The method is suitable for narrow short scarves or scarves. They need to start wrapping their neck in front. After one turn, the ends are brought forward and tied into a tight knot.

There is another similar way. It is somewhat similar to the method of tying pioneer ties:

French knot scarf. Step 1-2

Advice!A strict men's shirt will only be combined with a small narrow scarf or scarf. With a blouse and a sweater, you can use more voluminous accessories. Their volume, of course, varies depending on the model of clothing.

weaving loop

We fold a long scarf, put it on the neck. Its ends should be threaded into a loop in a checkerboard pattern. That is, at first one end is threaded through it. Then the loop unfolds and the second tip is threaded through it. Distribute the loop so that it looks as natural as possible.

Weaving loop. Step 3-4


The fabric for this method should be chosen thin, but dense enough so that it can hold the shape of the folds. To create the butterfly effect, you will need a small clip ring. Even an ordinary wedding band is quite suitable:

  • The scarf is thrown around the neck. Its ends are aligned.
  • Now each edge is folded in the center and folds are formed from it.
  • Do the same manipulation with the second edge.
  • Without straightening the folds, gently pull them through the ring towards each other.
  • Lay the butterfly on your shoulder, spreading the free ends in folds.

This option looks very elegant.

There are many ways to tie scarves, but, as a rule, they are varieties of several basic ones.

In cool seasons, a scarf is more relevant than ever. This is an aesthetic and practical accessory! He is able to noticeably change any image, adding to it a unique charm and zest. There are countless ways to tie a scarf. When choosing them, it is worth, first of all, to focus on the external features of the scarf (length, shape, thickness) and your inner feelings(mood, image, style).

Most of the ways of tying a scarf can be divided into "final" - with hanging ends of the accessory - and "endless", when these ends are hidden in a closed scarf semicircle. The last type - the so-called "Infinity scarf" - is gaining more and more popularity in fashion world. This style of wearing a scarf is often referred to as "Parisian" because of its particular popularity among French women. Here, for example, are twelve ways to tie an "infinite" scarf.
The first 4 ways are especially chosen by street style fans. The highlight of such wearing a scarf is in its voluminous, round shape. She not only creates interesting image, but also allows you to slightly "retouch" some of the flaws in the figure. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can simply drown in countless scarf rings.

A few words about each of the presented methods.

1. This is the most classic french way. Having tied the ends of the scarf into one knot, you need to wrap it around your neck 2 or 3 times. The knot should be hidden, while slightly stretching and fluffing the scarf to the left or right side.
2. After the double circle around the neck, slightly pull the edges of the scarf to the sides, creating volume and adding width to the shoulders, which in turn will help to hide the fullness of the hips. If there is nothing to emphasize already massive shoulders, then it is better to make the scarf slightly asymmetrical, tightening it a little more to the left or right.

3. Here you just need to wrap the scarf around your neck 2 times and hide its ends. It should look like the collar of a sweater or jumper, and actually become part of the outerwear.
4. This method differs from the first four only in that most of the accessory is pushed forward a little.

5. After the first turn of the scarf around the neck, wrap the remaining ends around the shoulders and upper arms like a shawl or stole. The ends themselves are fixed from the side at chest level. Improvisation is always welcome.

6. Very similar to method number 5, but it looks more careless, as if random. The ends of the scarf are hidden behind, forming a voluminous semicircle in front.
7. A scarf tied with method No. 6 needs to be pulled out a little more back, turning it into a cute hoodie.
8. Unlike the previous method, the hood here consists of only one layer of a scarf. It is desirable that at the same time the hair color does not merge with the shade of the scarf.

9. A scarf that is too tight for this method will not work. You need to wrap the accessory around your neck twice, and then tie its ends. single knot and hide them. This V-shaped scarf lengthens the neck somewhat.

10. One part of the scarf, tied in the previous way, needs to be pulled down a little, dividing it into two rings different sizes. This is one of the most interesting and textural ways to wear an infinity scarf.

11. This method differs from No. 9 only in a large number of rings. The ends of the scarf should be twisted more tightly, and then give it volume.
12. A scarf tied twice around the neck should be slightly raised at the back of the head, and slightly V-shaped in front. Thanks to this method, you can focus on the face and shoulders.

There are more difficult ways tying "endless" scarves:

But there are also many ways to tie a scarf with visible ends. It is important to consider the length and thickness of the accessory. Massive, dense and wide scarves are difficult to give in to all sorts of tricks with knots. Here, for example, are some of the most common ways to tie a warm scarf.

For those who prefer bulk options, the following options are available:

You can complete the option with a blue scarf in two ways: leaving the ends of the accessory hanging, or hiding them, turning them into complex weaves of an “endless” scarf.

There are ways with an emphasis on the middle of the chest, like a massive tie:

And here are a few ways for those who love all kinds of twists and turns, knots and complex patterns. The main thing is not to get confused ...

Not too wide knitted scarves look elegant and cute in the shape of a regular bow.

Two originally tied scarves look quite impressive at once. For this method, it is better to choose contrasting shades.

If you don't like complicated shenanigans with a scarf, then you can throw it around your neck by simply hanging its ends in front, over your coat. For such an occasion, it is better to choose a bright and contrasting scarf to show it in all its glory.

Bright looks interesting wide scarf over a plain coat. The ends of the accessory should be passed under the belt.

Finally, a few demi-season bows with scarves.


Beautiful scarf or neckerchief - great addition for a stylish look. But how to tie a scarf so that it is both a fashion accessory and warm in cool weather?

There are many ways to tie a scarf, and today we will cover 5 of them, accompanying fashion tips a series of informative photos.

Even the most everyday things will be transformed beyond recognition if you beautifully tie a scarf or scarf over a coat, jumper or shirt. But for a new fashion accessory has taken its rightful place in your stylish images, it must have a list of important qualities.

How to choose a scarf

  1. When choosing a fashionable scarf, first of all, pay attention to its composition: only a thing made of natural material such as cashmere. But if you are not ready to iron the product every time before going out, then choose a scarf with a small content of synthetic thread - such a scarf will wrinkle less when worn and washed.
  2. To beautifully tie a scarf around your neck, it must have sufficient length and width. The rule for choosing the size of a fashionable scarf is this: it should not be much shorter than the span of the arms and reach the distance from the chin to the chest in width.
  3. Another important criterion when looking for a new thing, the color should become. A scarf tied around the neck is located directly in the portrait zone, which means that its shade must match yours very closely in order to decorate the face, and not expose imperfections and age-related changes. Don't forget about , no matter if you choose fashion scarf in bright or muted colors.
  4. And the last thing: you must initially clearly decide what clothes the novelty of your wardrobe will be worn with. If you intend to wear with a scarf, then the scarf should be made of a dense heavy material (for example, wool). If a trendy scarf is to be worn with a shirt or jumper, it can be made from lightweight knitwear or viscose.

How to tie a scarf


curly knot

1. First, fold the scarf in half lengthwise and throw it around your neck.

2. Passing your hand through the loop formed on one side, pull one of the two ends of the scarf hanging from the other side through it.

3. Turn only the loop once and pull the second free end of the scarf through it. Straighten the ends, lay the knot nicely.
4. Straighten the ends, lay a beautiful knot.

The advantage of this method of tying a scarf is its versatility: both very voluminous scarves and stoles, as well as very thin scarves and scarves, can easily fit into such a knot.

How to tie a scarf


A la tie

1. Throw a scarf around your neck and tie a loose knot at one end.

2. Wrap the free end of the scarf once around your neck.

3. Pass the free end of the scarf through the knot tied at the other end.

4. Raise the knot to the level you want by pulling it up slightly in the same way as a tie is tightened.

This way of tying a scarf is best suited for thin fabrics and is more suitable for wearing with a dress, tank top, jacket and blazer.

How to tie a scarf



1. First, throw a scarf around your neck with the ends back and bring them to your shoulders.
2. Wrap one end of the scarf twice, passing it through the center section towards the inside (towards the face).
3. Repeat this technique with the second end of the scarf.
4. Straighten the ends of the scarf, gather them to the center and pull them up as you see fit - they can be the same length or hang asymmetrically.

This easy way to tie a scarf is perfect for silk and other lightweight scarves and shawls and is the perfect complement stylish look with a shirt,

How to tie a scarf



We already talked about that in a separate article. And today we propose to consider a way to tie an ordinary scarf so that it turns into a scarf-pipe (infinity scarf).

1. Throw the scarf behind the neck so that its ends hang down in front, and tie them tightly double knot. Tighten the ends as much as possible and make sure the knot does not untie.
2. Twist the resulting ring once in front of you so that it forms a figure eight.
3. Throw behind the neck that part of the eight that remains in your hands so that the knot at the ends is behind.

4. Unfold the scarf so that it forms two equal-sized rings, and make sure the knot is securely hidden at the back under the scarf.

This way to make your own snood is suitable for both very thin silk scarves and cashmere stoles. If the scarf is made of very dense bulk fabric, you can tie its ends not into one big knot, but tie the corners in pairs into two knots.

You can also make a snood with your own hands by slightly sewing together the ends of an ordinary scarf with threads to match the product.

How to tie a scarf


scarf necklace

The basis of this method of tying a scarf is the usual Milanese knot, somewhat transformed in order to emphasize the beauty and tenderness of chiffon or silk beautiful scarf. It is such a summer scarf - long, with a bright print, that will look most advantageous as a necklace and decorate with dignity fashionable image in casual style or more elegant smart casual.

1. First, twist the scarf by twisting its ends in opposite directions.

2. Connect the ends so that the scarf itself can wrap itself into a tight tourniquet.
3. Throw the resulting tourniquet around the neck and thread free edges scarf into the resulting loop.

4. Straighten the edges of the scarf. You can leave the edges in the middle or move them closer to the shoulder.

There are ways to tie scarves, scarves and scarves great amount. Today we have considered with you only 5 of them. However, now you know how to tie a scarf beautifully without extra effort and create a fashionable accessory with your own hands, which will be an excellent finishing touch to a stylish look.

Warm voluminous scarf Surely every woman has one. And as soon as the temperature on the thermometer drops to zero, we remember him, because this The best way Protect yourself from the cold in style and safety. So that the scarf does not look like an ordinary functional detail, accidentally lost among other things of the image, you need to know how to tie it correctly. Well, it still doesn’t hurt to understand what colors to use and what things to combine it with. Let's turn to the two main types of voluminous scarves that are most often seen on modern fashionistas.

Wool oversized scarf

These scarves are warm and slightly less imposing than their knitted counterparts. But in the images they are just as variant. The simplest and traditional way tying a woolen scarf - in the manner of an Arafat. To do this, fold the scarf into a triangle, cross the ends at the back of the head and bring it forward. You can leave them loose or tie them under the scarf/top of the triangle. This method is great for sets with a deep cutout.

Of course, wool scarves go well with any form of outerwear. They are strict enough classic coat and unpretentious for or puffy down jacket. Very often, outerwear has an original print or color, which makes the image more interesting. If the woolen voluminous scarf itself has a pattern, then it is important that the colors of all the components of the ensemble overlap.

In general, voluminous wool scarves go well with the same textured items. In cold weather, they can be worn not only with coats, fur coats, down jackets and sheepskin coats, but simply as a stylish accessory with a pullover, sweater, knitted dress or turtleneck. The photo below shows a few original variants how to tie a scarf and wear it with such clothes.

Knitted voluminous scarf

For knitted scarf you can also use several methods of tying. For example, a voluminous scarf made of thick yarn can be wrapped around the neck several times, then hiding the ends in folds, as the girl in the next photo did. Great alternative. But this way of tying is good if the top is not too voluminous. In this case, you can combine a scarf with a light down jacket, jacket, sweater or thick shirt - beautiful, stylish and spectacular!

Another option: throw the ends of the scarf back, cross behind the neck and release forward. This is the simplest, but no less spectacular way. It is with a voluminous scarf simple methods tying looks boring. A similar type of neck accessory is successfully used with sweaters. coarse knit, coats, down jackets and light jackets. Make sure the patterns are on knitted things didn't argue with the scarf.

Naturally, the color of the scarf must meet the criteria color harmony image: intersect with outerwear, bottom, the color of the yarn on the sweater, headwear, shoes or accessories. Shades can be just similar or go tone to tone. And for bows completely in neutral tones a bright voluminous scarf will play the role of the main accent, even if it is simply thrown over the neck.