What are white blue gold collars. What is the difference between white and blue collars? White, gray, half, ductile and ductile irons Microstructure formation, properties, markings and applications

It turns out that there are not only "blue collars", but also "white", "gray", "pink", "blue". This expression is, of course, figurative. This is not literally about this item of clothing, but about the dress code of certain categories of workers, depending on their professional responsibilities. Also, the expression "blue (white, blue) collars" is used to denote the status of a person.

Let's figure out what lies in these "multi-colored" concepts.

So, blue collars.

This is the name given to workers who are mainly engaged in manual labor, often in large enterprises. The concept came to us from the West (from the UK), where it sounds like "blue-collar worker". Traditionally (historically) it is the working class. This expression denotes skilled workers or workers employed in the field of physical labor in factories, workshops, on construction sites. Uniform these people are literally most often dark blue or blue in order to avoid quick contamination, which is the reason for the name.

In contrast to the concept of "blue collar", there are "white collars". They represent the caste of employees, officials, employees of the administrative apparatus, managers, engineers and technicians, personnel engaged in mental labor. This category of workers prevails in developed countries over the number of production workers.

Scientists-sociologists (for example, E. Giddens in the textbook "Sociology"), considering the structure of society, namely class systems, suggests such a division of large-scale groups of people:

The upper class (its representatives are rich people, big businessmen, industrialists);

The middle class (represented mainly by white collars and specialists);

Working class (includes blue collars, manual workers).

Peasants (people who provide their livelihoods with agricultural production).

In addition to these two main gradations, there are also the following:

- “pink collars” are mostly women who work in the office as secretaries, typists, telephone operators, etc.;

- "gray collars" - so called workers in the industry and the service sector;

- "brown collars" - so called service workers.

Similar figurative expressions denoting genus professional activity, at the same time, class affiliation is also determined, since their status depends on the well-being of people and their occupation.

The current trend is towards a shrinking working class and an increase in the white-collar category. This is due to democratization in the developed countries of the world, the availability of higher education, and the development of foreign economic relations.

Surprisingly, such a detail on clothes as a collar appeared only in the Middle Ages, representing a narrow strip on men's shirt... But today collars are important details, characterized by a huge variety of sizes and shapes. Per centuries-old history the collar has managed to be wide, and huge, and miniature, and soft, and hard, and lace, and even frame. And only a few decades ago he became what we can observe today on the male and women's clothing. Modern fashion actively uses the main types of women's collars, which we will talk about.

Peter Pan... Most often, a fold-over collar with soft, rounded ends is used to decorate clothes, the fasteners of which are closed with planks. These collars look very elegant and feminine. His name is indirectly connected with the character of the famous fairy tale, since in the production of the same name the actress Maud Adams took part in a dress with just such a collar. The outfit for her was sewn by John White Alexander, who is considered the "parent" of this collar.

Sailor collar... Easily recognizable shape resembling a jack. It is not at all necessary to use blue and white colors. A large enough triangle with a deep V-neck can be of any color. Usually used for decoration summer tops and dresses. This kind female collar very popular today, as it is a trend summer season... It should be noted that the traditional jack in the interpretation modern designers looks very stylish!

Collar without stand, turn-down... If we consider the most common types of collars on a dress or blouse, then this one is perhaps the most popular. This collar got its name from the ability to bend the edges. It differs from the classic shirt by the absence of a rigid stand. Fold-over collars often used by designers who create clothes in vintage and.

Rack... The most simple, elegant base view, characterized by a snug fit to the neck and associated with a strip sewn to the neckline. Most often, these types of collars are sewn on coats, blouses and uniforms.

Halter... Incredibly spectacular detail that is evening dress looks great! It is an elongated loop, exposing the shoulders and emphasizing the length of the neck.

Turndown with buttons and stand... It differs from the usual shirt one by the presence of buttons with which the ends of the collar are fastened to the shelves of the product. It was invented by the Brooks brothers for sports polo shirts, and this type of collar appeared on women's clothing only in the early sixties of the last century. It should be noted that buttons or buttons have no practical function.

Mandarin... A very stylish collar, characterized by compactness and elegance. Looks great on blouses and dresses. In fact, it is a modified "stand", but without fastening and closing the ends.

Frill... Removable or sewn on - it doesn't matter! On blouses, dresses and even coats, a frill collar associated with exquisite vertical shuttle, looks impressive, adding femininity.

Ascot... Wide "stand" with elongated ends that can be tied with a tie or bow, in the center or at the side. Ideal for creating an office or business look.

Golf... We used to call turtlenecks that way, but the word "golf" denotes their collar. It is an elongated "stance" that rolls down and fits tightly around the neck. In warm knitwear and knitted things such a collar is irreplaceable!

Now you know what types of collars are on women's clothing.

If we talk about removable collars, then its prototype can be found already in Ancient egypt... it "Official necklace" in the form of a small striped mantle. The color of the stripes indicated the type of service. For example, the military wore an "official necklace" with red stripes.

And in Ancient Rus there was an ornament - a mantle, or barma in the form of a small round cape, which was the property of a princely or royal family.

On solemn occasions, men wore it over a shirt. The mantle, or barms, were richly decorated with embroidery, pearls and precious stones; it was removable and fastened with buttons.

portrait of Ivan Kalita

If we talk about the European history of costume, collars first appeared in the 13th century in the form of a narrow strip in the neckline.

A little later, in the XIV-XV centuries, this piece of clothing began to stand out as a separate element and gradually by the XVII-XVIII centuries. collars began to transform into fashion accessory, which was an integral part of the attire of an aristocrat of that time.

G. Holbein Portrait. Elizabeth seymour

Francois Clouet. Portrait of Mary Stuart

It should be noted that fashionistas and fashionistas of the Old World knew a lot about shocking clothes and collars played an important role in their wardrobe. Especially, in the history of the collar, Spanish fashion of the Renaissance is interesting, because it was at this time that such a famous collar as "Stuart" appeared - a rigid stand-up collar with a ruffle at the chin. During this period, the no less recognizable collar "Freza" or, as it is also called, "Bryzhi", also appeared. It is a large round folded collar, which was popular not only among wealthy nobles and kings, but among the common people. In the future, instead of the Bryzha, women begin to wear the Medici fan-shaped collar.

Collar "Stuart"

Collar "Fleece" (Milling cutter)

Collar "Medici"

Gradually, the fleece ceases to be worn, and the right of citizenship in the twenties of the 17th century acquires a large turn-down or Swedish collar, trimmed with lace or entirely lace. Protestants and Huguenots wore collars without lace. V folk costume lace was also missing.

Hilliard. Portrait of Jacob 1

The Swedish collar is even brighter in this painting by Van Eyck.

Below are more modest, looking perfectly modern-day Puritan-era collars.

In the fifties of the 17th century, they began to wear a wig. The collar changes shape. Rabat is a small collar in the back with rectangular ends in front, sometimes with a wide lace strip. The increased size of the wig made the collar unnecessary; it was replaced by a tie of white cloth with lace ends.

François Michel Le Tellier par Ferdinand Voet 2nd Quarter, 17th century

Let's look at the Dutch fashion of the same period in the paintings of Jan Vermeer of Delft

Only at the end of the 18th century in France, and then in others European countries English cloth coat with a stand-up collar comes into use. English costume of the 18th century - mostly civilian costume. The English costume was created under the influence of the struggle between two directions in English culture - the progressive bourgeois and the conservative feudal. After the English Revolution of 1640, the royal court no longer played the first role, and fashions were created by the bourgeoisie. English style the suit is characterized by a striving for simplicity, the predominance of straight elegant lines.

From english fashion magazine, 1865

A stand-up turn-down collar with a lapel is called English, as at that time they called English high hats with brim (a prototype of a cylinder) and boots and boots with lapels made of yellow skin... Stand-up collar is one of the most popular to this day.

For all the whims of fashion, a stand-up collar with sharp corners is always graceful, therefore it is called classic (classic - perfect, exemplary). Currently, the name "English collar" is not used in official terminology.

Now let's look at the ladies' collars. In many ways, they follow a parallel course with men's fashion.

Theaterzeitung, Vienna. The emancipated woman of 1848.

Delivery to Courbet, Country Ladies.

The design of collars gradually began to lean towards simplicity and minimalism, and in the XIX-XX centuries. this accessory (false collar) has completely disappeared from the designers' field of vision (except, perhaps, strict straight collars). Although this does not mean that they were not worn. Now the fashion for false collars is reviving again!

The collar on the photo is from 1917.

Quite an interesting history of occurrence detachable collars.

The history of men's detachable collars of the BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY is very interestingly presented here - http://la-gatta-ciara.livejournal.com/44883.html In this post, as well as in Wikipedia on English language about the inventor of this element of menswear it is said as follows: It is believed that the detachable collar was invented in 1827 in New York by the housewife Hannah Montagu, who was tortured to tidy up her husband's shirts. In the end, she tore off the collar from the shirt, washed it and sewed it back on.

In another source about the invention of the false collar, it is said that the American Jamie Turky became the inventor of this wonderful accessory, when putting on a sweater on top of her shirt, she became terribly uncomfortable, and deciding to make her image more comfortable, she cut off most of the shirt and left only the collar with bib. (Apparently, here we mean a false collar for women).

This created element was appreciated by Jamie's friends, and soon his own brand called CeCe Toppings appeared. Today, the designer releases shirt-front with round collars Peter Pan styling, pointed collars and ruffled collars with detachable bows.

terms used by Western political economy and sociology to refer to different persons wage labor. White Collar Engineers and Clerks; "gray" - workers in the sectors of social infrastructure; "blue, blue" - manual workers, usually those who work in the shops, as opposed to office workers, known as " White collar". The name" blue, blue collar "comes from the fact that in factories workers usually wear blue clothes, and the name" white collar "is due to the fact that the clothes office workers usually consists of a white shirt and tie.

  • - "" employees, officials, employees of the management apparatus, firms, engineers and technicians, workers mental labor, which are part of the so-called non-production personnel of enterprises, organizations, ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - "" white, gray, blue - the terms used to designate certain categories of people of hired labor, in relation to their professional affiliation: white collars - engineering and technical personnel and office ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - skilled workers ...

    Economic Dictionary

  • - employees, officials, employees of the management apparatus, firms, engineers and technicians, mental workers who are part of the so-called "non-production personnel" of enterprises, ...
  • - terms in international economic practice and sociology to designate certain categories of persons in hired labor. Blue collars - manual laborers; gray - service workers ...

    Terminological dictionary of a librarian on socio-economic topics

  • - a term that has been introduced by many foreign countries to designate a new category of staff with high computer literacy ...

    Terminological dictionary of a librarian on socio-economic topics

  • - employees, officials, employees of the administrative apparatus, managers, engineers and technicians, mental workers who are part of the so-called "non-production personnel" of enterprises, ...
  • - terms used to designate certain categories of persons of hired labor, in relation to their professional affiliation: white collars - engineering and technical personnel and office workers, officials, ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - terms used to designate certain categories of persons in hired labor in relation to their professional affiliation: white ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - ́ I pl. Details of clothing that are sewn on or fastened to the collar. II pl. The word used in titles different categories persons of hired labor ...

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova

  • - Publ. About hired workers engaged in mental activity. NSZ-70; BTS, 150. / i> From English. white collar worker. Mokienko 2003, 16 ...
  • - Zharg. business The firm's staff with high computer literacy. BS, 77 ...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. pier Shuttle. Have sex. Maximov, 69 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Publ. About the persons of hired labor, engaged in physical work... NSZ-70. / i> From English. blue-collar is a worker. Mokienko 2003, 16 ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - but other -...

    Dictionary of Russian argo

  • - workers, working hands, working ...

    Synonym dictionary


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29. White, gray, half, ductile and ductile irons Microstructure formation, properties, marking and application

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Very often among employees there is an expression "White collars and blue collars" what these expressions mean. In our note, you will learn what these expressions mean, as well as what is the difference between them.

Any medium or large firm and an organization can divide its team into two conditional camps, they are distinguished by the type of activity, as well as the size of wages.

Blue collars are employees who usually wear special uniforms at work. The term originated in America, where employees wore blue uniforms.

All employees who are called blue collars can be classified as blue-collar workers. They perform heavy physical work and usually work on a piece-rate pay system. Very often, these workers receive little wages and spend a huge amount of strength and energy.

The blue color of the uniform for hired workers was not chosen by chance. On clothes of blue color almost invisible traces of dirt and machine oil... That is why the management of most enterprises chose this color.

Thus Blue collar may look neat and clean for a long time. This means that the uniform will need to be washed less often, and it will serve its owner longer. So the company will be able to significantly save on spending money for the purchase of uniforms for its employees.

White and blue collars are very different in the nature of the work they do. Blue collars do not require specific knowledge to work, very often their work is associated with the use of force. Very often, such people occupy positions in the field of service personnel, as well as some working specialties.

White collars- these are specialists who hold managerial positions, as well as narrow-profile professionals who work under a contract and receive a fixed salary.

White and blue collars are very different and the main difference is in their uniforms. White collars are required to comply with the dress code, most often it is a business suit with a shirt and tie.

White collars are required to watch over their appearance, frivolity is not allowed in their work and only business style, both in communication and in dress.

For their work, white collars need a baggage of knowledge and skills. Very often such workers have a higher education, since it is impossible to occupy managerial positions without certain skills.

White collars get their name from the light tones of classic shirts. Typical representatives of this type of workers are directors, top managers, deputies and engineers and technicians.

What is the difference between white and blue collars?

White and blue collars perform different kind work, white collars are only engaged in mental work, while blue collars are only engaged in physical work. Because of different types activity, the place of work is also different. White mainly works in office premises, and blue in enterprises and factories.

Also, white collars wear only business suits, and blue collars only wear a special blue uniform that does not show dirt and stains.

White collars and blue collars have different wages, white collars get higher wages, while blue collars have piecework wages.

In conclusion, I would like to note that blue collars represent the working class, while white collars are managerial personnel who occupy high positions in firms and enterprises.