How to love your husband again. Tips for seducing your own husband. Heart to heart conversations

Hello! I come to you with such a question that can interfere with loving your husband.
The fact is that I read your answer to one girl who asked how to live with unloved husband. And you advised her to think, to figure out what prevents her from loving her husband. Is it possible to fall in love, even having understood this?
I have a similar situation - my husband loves, and I ... I don’t even know, I don’t feel passion, happiness from one touch and other things, other things, other things that are typical for lovers. And never experienced. I’m not at all drawn to sex, My husband (Dima) works on a rotational basis and is almost never at home, we have been married for 6 and a half years, we have a son, he is almost 6. I am often annoyed, but if you imagine that Dima doesn’t my husband is the most dear person to me, my best friend and one can say like-minded person. I can’t even imagine that we are not together, it’s cozy and comfortable for me to communicate with him, as with a friend, but this is not romantic feelings. I often think about it and it makes me sad. How I wish I truly loved him, as he wants and deserves it, to be in love and happy, everything would be much easier.
Sometimes I get depressed on this basis, there is a lump in my throat, that I seem to be deceiving him. But if I tell him that I love, I do it sincerely, at that moment, I think I feel it. Maybe this is not a romantic trembling in the knees when the legs give way. I kind of tell him I'm really glad you're with me now. Sometimes I sincerely cry into my pillow, I miss him, because he is not at home for a long time. Sometimes I can easily endure separation, as if I don't care, sometimes it's very hard to let go. I trust him with everything and believe him, I want everything to be fine with us, so that I want him, love him. What should I do? I do not know. Sometimes I'm on the verge of telling him that I can't take it anymore, but I'm afraid of losing him completely. No, of course, I know that I won’t lose him for good, but we have a son and he will visit him, although he will no longer be able to live in our city, he has no one here except us, he will live in the village where his mother and brother. In general, infrequently he will be able to come. And I don't want him to suffer, I know he will be hurt. And I'm also afraid that I will want to return it in this case, I will understand that I love, but it will be too late, and even if not too late, then what kind of man is this back and forth. I don’t know, but it’s psychologically difficult for me. Your help is required. In what direction can you think constructively?
And I also know what it is to be in love, to see a person and from this already experience happiness. I don’t feel this with my husband, we weren’t together with that person, he didn’t know, and he won’t know, but I had these feelings for about 10 years for him. I forbade myself to think about him, everything is fine in his life. Before him, I was in love with another person from the age of 5)) and almost until graduation. Then I fell in love with the one I wrote about above. Both of these feelings of falling in love were very similar, as if I experienced the same thing, but to different people and in different time. The same trembling in the knees, fear that the object of love will know about my feelings, happiness from one look in my direction. The feeling for the 1st person gradually passed, or maybe it was supplanted by the feeling for the 2nd, almost identical, as I said just as strong. "I still dream about it, I used to dream about how we would be together with him ... Having started dating Dima, I forbade myself to dream about something else. Something (outwardly, slightly) Dima reminded me of that person, but inwardly they were completely different. He is outwardly very confident, Dima - no. Sometimes I dream of that person, although I don’t think about him at all, I wake up and in frustration. By the way, this is rare, and if you think about Dima, I also sometimes dream that I am insanely good with him, as if I'm in love, but waking up for some reason I don't attach it special significance(Unlike dreaming about something else). More than 1.5 years ago I saw that person and even talked a little, I was nervous, knowing that fate had prepared for me a meeting with him (there was a reason), but what was my surprise when I looked at him (we went with Dima to where he lives family) I didn’t feel anything, maybe from the stress that Dima was nearby, I don’t know. Somehow he didn’t seem like that to me, although before that I had met him a year before that moment and behaved like a fool (Dima wasn’t around) and after that a year later I also saw him and again everything seemed to come to life (Dima wasn’t around either was, but there were other people, we never met in private). In general, very strange. I can't sort out my feelings. Can you help me with advice?

Hello dear readers!

How few couples around me have retained such an attitude towards each other! How many partners complain that feelings go away already in the second or third year cohabitation. I tried to imagine myself in the place of a woman who fell out of love with her husband and understand how to love her husband again and is it possible?

Reason 1

It's all about the hormones! At the beginning of a relationship, dopamine literally blinds us, from which it blows the roof from love. However, after a couple of years, it is replaced by a more restrained oxytocin, and then the process of rethinking values ​​​​is launched in the head. And we suddenly begin to notice that a loved one, it turns out, has a bunch of unbearable qualities!

Reason 2

Say no to routine! If nature can be blamed in the previous paragraph, then this case everything is in your hands and only you can bring it to a state where everything repeats itself every day.

Reason 3

The appearance of a child can both unite the couple even more and create an abyss between the partners. If a man has all his needs left in place, then motherhood begins to dominate in a woman, and the husband is often relegated to the background.

Reason 4

One of the most important reasons why partners appreciate each other is the ability to give in. Over time, this becomes a habit on both sides, the main thing is to take the first step. As a rule, the side that was given way feels gratitude and warmth. In families to whom the word “compromise” is alien, feelings often fade away after a year or two.

Reason 5

Not all representatives of different social strata, cultures, religions manage to carry the cup of love to the end of their lives without spilling it. Most often, besides themselves, the environment decides a lot.

Reason 6

The appearance of connections on the side. It often happens: a wife began to hate her husband because of the realization that he has another. But there are opposite situations when a woman cannot forget her lover, which will definitely affect the climate in the family.

Signs that feelings have faded

Previously, watching a movie without hugs was not complete, but now "move back, it's too hot"? Actually, if everything that used to be considered cute begins to annoy, then a crisis is coming.

To gauge how far you've come, ask yourself a few questions honestly.

  • Do you want to spend as much time with him as before? Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we begin to avoid meetings and try to arrange personal space in another room?
  • Does the mind stir the thought of his touches and kisses?
  • How often do you think about him and you together during the day?
  • Do you often find it interesting and fun in the company of your spouse? Do you share your thoughts, opinions, impressions with each other?
  • How do you feel about quarrels? Do you make attempts to understand, analyze, reconcile?
  • Do you compare him to other men?

Probably, it’s clear: the more negative answers, the sooner you need to start saving your relationship. If you still need it, of course. And in order to assess how relevant this issue is for you, imagine that this person is no more. Not only with you, but in general (so that if something happens, you would not be able to get through to him).

Stay with this feeling for a couple of hours. Listen to the sensations - do you feel that you already miss it? So there is work to be done!

Is it possible to return love

In Japan, there used to be a custom to send spouses to desert island if they often had conflicts. One of the main fears of a person is the fear of loneliness, it was he who played the role of a conciliator, contributing to the rallying of two people.

Why can't you love your husband again?

Maybe you never really loved him? Or, on the contrary, happiness and love in marriage began to disappear after infidelity (and it doesn’t matter on whose side)?

In both cases, you have to break yourself and make incredible efforts in order to again accept a man who causes dislike, so the best way out is to take a time out. A week apart - lovely way to understand whether you are ready to give up this relationship, or can love still be returned?

And if there is no hostility, but there is pity? Also not best situation. And yet, if you have confidence that you no longer have any feelings for this person, it is better, trying not to spoil the relationship, to give each other freedom and the opportunity to find more suitable partners.

Many believe that it is possible to influence people and their feelings with the help of magic. But remember that using conspiracies and other magical things, you first of all destroy yourself. Is the game worth the candle?

Better just try to praise your husband. In this way, you fix in your subconscious that he is not so bad, and he will make him want to do something else to get a compliment. Video on the topic: how to praise a man:

Try to imagine that you are no longer together, he is not yours. Then watch him make a sandwich and imagine that now he will carry the sandwich to her. Go further, imagine that he stopped meeting you in the car after work or doing some of the things that you used to do together, and at this time he enjoys life with another. Once you get jealous, love will slowly return.

Remember how it all began. Write a list of 100 things you loved about him. Take 5 items from the list and analyze where it went? Try to see again or help awaken them, and you will see how feelings begin to warm your relationship again.

Stress, whether positive or negative, can either increase or shorten the distance between you. The main thing is to plan everything correctly. Coelho has a novel called Adultery, in which main character falls in love with her husband again after paragliding. It is not necessary, of course, to go to extreme measures if you are afraid of heights and extreme entertainment.

But know: according to most psychologists, once in a new environment, unexplored places, overcoming fears and difficulties, and even more so, doing some unusual act together, spouses usually return home, like after a honeymoon.

Reprogram yourself. Perhaps in the past something influenced you so that it is difficult for you to let go of pessimistic thoughts, but now you are the author of your own destiny. Retune. Promise yourself for 3 days to see only the good in him and in your family. It is quite possible that after this time a spark will appear in your eyes again!

  • If the partner has ceased to attract externally, try to take the initiative in your own hands. You are the creator of your own happiness and own husband! Recovered? Take a joint gym membership or go hiking together. Dressing inappropriately? Arrange couple shopping! Don't like manners? Play a game: create cards, write questions with rules of etiquette and several answers on them. Choose three cards each, according to the text of which you will spend the week. For the correct answer - an incentive prize, for the fulfillment of the conditions - something more substantial.
  • When a wife's feelings for her husband cool down, she compares him with other men, against the background of which her own does not look very attractive. Psychologists recommend not to forget that the impression of strangers can be false, since we tend to see only advantages and our assessment is likely to be biased.

  • Each pair of early stages relationships experienced happy moments. Create a collage, memory diary or video clip of photos, pictures of places or events, and phrases that mean something to your couple, use music that reminds you of pleasant moments. Glue on small souvenirs or tickets, whatever the romance started with. Do not evaluate, do not write phrases like "then you were like that, but now you will not expect anything from you."

Just state the facts. Arrange " cozy evening". For some, these are gatherings on the floor with a hookah and fruit platter, for someone a roof, blankets and mugs of hot chocolate or fragrant tea are more suitable. Think over the evening so that you can interest in an unusual, but comfortable atmosphere for both. Scroll through the memories together, maybe this way you will be able to restore feelings?

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to love your husband again. You will find out for what reasons can weaken past feelings. Check out valuable tips.

How to understand that feelings have cooled down

In order to realize that you no longer have a strong feeling towards your husband, you need to answer a few questions.

  1. Do you want to spend all your free time next to your spouse?
  2. Do you dream that your husband will touch you, show his tenderness, kiss you?
  3. Do you think about it throughout the day, remember at least once?
  4. Do you like to spend time in the company of your husband, is it interesting to communicate with him?
  5. Do you tell your spouse about your worries, share your opinions and thoughts?
  6. Do you try to avoid quarrels, to compromise?

If the answers to the questions are negative, then it's time to save your relationship, because how feelings disappear.

Why does love fade

Before you think about how to love your husband with the same strength, you need to understand the reasons that led to the disappearance of past feelings:

  • romance disappeared from the relationship;
  • changed appearance men (he got better, stopped taking care of himself, became untidy);
  • the spouse, compared to other men, looks less successful, not so attractive;
  • domestic problems, quarrels ate the former passion;
  • problems in intimate relationships;
  • different outlooks on life.

It happens that a woman feels the need to love ex-husband or the current one, for whom feelings have cooled, but it doesn’t work out for her. Why can this happen? Maybe, true love never existed or there has been a betrayal (whether on the part of the wife or husband), after which the woman cannot pretend that nothing happened.

I bring to your attention the advice of psychologists, allowing you to awaken past feelings.

  1. If the whole problem is external changes spouse, then the woman may try to make her partner more attractive. If the husband has overweight it is unacceptable to reproach him with this. So you will only run into new conflicts. The wife should be wise, for example, you can offer to enroll in gym or visit the pool with the whole family. A man will not be so offended, because you are also going to practice. In addition, a joint visit to the pool or gym will further strengthen family relationships, and will also have a beneficial effect on your health. If a man has lost his taste for clothes, has begun to dress ugly, then his wife can take care of acquiring the right things, present them as a gift.
  2. Sometimes a man may appear in a woman's life who will stay in her more strong feelings than a spouse. Often this passion can push for treason. At such a moment, it seems to a woman that she loves a new boyfriend, does not feel anything for her lawful husband. In fact, the monotony of relations with a spouse, a boring life can be to blame for everything. And the appeared gentleman allows you to feel your need, to add variety, passion, which was in marital relations only at the beginning living together. But you need to think about whether what you feel for your lover can really be called love or is it just passion and over time everything will fade away. Try to analyze your husband without thinking about a new gentleman, remember how you treated him when your family was just being created. Is it worth ruining everything now, or is it necessary to make changes in life with your husband and awaken past feelings?
  3. If your pair is missing proper communication, which would be of interest to both spouses, perhaps you do not talk about your worries, then you need to try to find ways of contact, to identify topics that would be of interest to both of you. After all, fruitful communication has a significant impact on feelings in the family.
  4. If you realize that feelings began to fade due to the fact that you have too much free time or just find fault with your spouse, then it is necessary that some kind of hobby appear in life that could absorb you. Then you will understand that you carped too much, all out of boredom.
  5. Female psychology is such that sooner or later, a woman begins to compare her partner with other representatives of this species. It begins to seem to her that other men are much more beautiful and successful, they are more attractive. If you are faced with such a problem, you need to be aware of the fact that the perception that has developed about other people is most likely false. You only see positive features these people. Your task is to stop comparing your spouse with other men, and try to identify his positive qualities, to realize that a worthy person turned out to be next to you.
  6. It so happens that female feelings fade due to lack of proper attention from the spouse. If you notice that your partner has begun to treat you indifferently, then you need to make adjustments in your life. Try to do everything to awaken former feelings in your spouse. While you are trying to impress him, making changes in your character, appearance, making a lot of efforts to achieve his location, you realize that he is very dear to you too, feelings have become stronger than before.
  7. If life has eaten your relationship, you need to go on some kind of journey with your husband, stay alone with him, remember the past romance, the feelings that you experienced many years ago.
  8. You can also do self-hypnosis, every day to convince yourself that feelings for your spouse are strong, just your mind is clouded. Praise him, admire him in your thoughts.
  9. If feelings for a man have disappeared due to the fact that he has ceased to satisfy you intimately, then you need to diversify your close relationships yourself. Try to change something, intrigue your husband,

Mendelssohn’s “March” has long ceased to sound, everything is like everyone else’s, quiet boring evenings ... But everything was like yesterday ... And cheerful parties, and so I wanted to retire, and walks until the morning, and I didn’t want to leave ... Boring, gray, monotonous family life .

Has the love for her husband gone? And what now - divorce? How to save a marriage? Maybe there is still an opportunity to return love to her husband? And my husband still loves me. How to love a husband who loves you?

To return love to her husband and, you need to love your husband again. But how to do it? Is this even possible?

And yet there was love, there are your children, and you are sure that your husband still loves you. You can try to regain the lost feeling. To do this, ask yourself a few questions:

1. Does it make sense to return the lost.
2. How comfortable you are with your husband, in this question we are talking about what kind of person your husband is, whether he corresponds to your idea of ​​​​a man.
3. Does your family have domestic violence, aggressiveness, humiliation, both physical and moral, alcoholism, drug addiction, obsession, turning into mania.
4. Are you confident in your husband's feelings?

If you were able to give answers to all your questions that led you to the idea of ​​returning love to your husband, then let's figure out how to do it.

Analysis of the past

First, think about what negative aspects of your or your husband's behavior made you indifferent. Be alone with yourself, remember all the good, bright things that once united you with your husband and made you both happy. Talk to your husband about this.

"Working on bugs"

V family life there are many negative moments, if they do not repeat and do not interfere with you, then you will most likely forget about them, but if they stick in your memory for a long time, it is better to deal with them so that they do not poison your family life in the future.

Lack of romance

At the beginning of your life together, your husband was a romantic, he always came up with something new, dropped, casually tried to realize his desire, he was always neat, fresh, and intimate moments always brought joy and positive to your family life. And suddenly you noticed that all this was gone, so you need to try to fix everything yourself.

Intimate sphere of life
Many couples who have been married for quite a long time, there comes a moment when the intimate side of life becomes monotonous and boring. Memories of the time when everything was at the peak of inspiration can come to your aid. Think about what you would like to try, experiment, only you know how you could surprise your husband.

Start seducing your own husband, perhaps your husband will take over and want to seduce you. Share with him what most once attracted you before, remember together all the good things, maybe fun, turn the evening into an amusing trip in the past of your relationship.

beauty and health
Over time, all people physically change. And in order to remain outwardly attractive, you need to monitor your health, and physical health will undoubtedly give external beauty. Agree with your husband to go to the pool or gym together. Offer on weekends leisurejoint trips on nature. Think about changing the image of your and your husband, start with small presents.

"Is my husband better or worse?"

You can look at magazines with photographs of men, watch movies with your favorite actors, admire the husband of a friend, neighbor or acquaintance, compare your husband with all other men, but for quality comparative analysis you need to know as much as possible about your "idol".

You admire your neighbor's husband, you always see him with bags full products. In the yard he is always for a walk with the children, always cheerful. And try to admire him in front of his wife, tell her that her husband is gold, and earns, and helps at home, and takes care of the children, that she was lucky with her husband. Of course, she agrees, but every woman has secret grievances against her husband, and after a while you will learn a lot of new and, perhaps, not entirely pleasant things about your neighbor. For example, what does a neighbor earn, but he can’t. And it's been going on for quite some time, or, he better go with children for a walk, than he will help around the house - does not like homework, and perhaps he likes to drink and then becomes aggressive and unbalanced, and all his help is an attempt to apologize for misbehavior.

You will undoubtedly feel sorry for your neighbor, but you should take a closer look at your husband, mentally list all of his positive sides. Be glad that your husband may not be so cheerful, but wonderful - he is appreciated at work, children love him, he will always help in household and teaches children to do so. Every family has its own "skeletons in the closet", and yours are dearer, and only you know how to deal with them in critical situations.

negative thoughts

You are always being followed negative thoughts, something can happen between you, you have become uninteresting to your husband, he can find himself another, you will soon stop loving him.

Remember, thought is material, thinking about the bad, you attract negativity into your life. Maybe, former relationship with men you did not develop very well, but it was all in past life, in life before marriage, do not contribute to your present life unsuccessful experience.

Since we said that thought is material, program yourself for positive, for happiness, think in a joyful way, everything in your family life will be fine. You create your own future, and your love grows stronger day by day.

To return love to your husband, you can still try a few simple tricks:

1. Try hosting an evening of remembrance. think about wonderful days when you were in love, about a joint vacation, invite friends of your youth to visit. Ask each other what they liked when they first met, what qualities attracted attention. Remember how love came, what you felt from kisses, hugs. Remember the feeling when love came to your husband. Perhaps there will be a desire to repeat all this again. Your memories will help save the marriage.

2. The most important thing in the relationship between husband and wife is communication. Show interest in each other's affairs, find out what worries your spouse, if you have problems, share with your husband. Be sincere and show your interest. When a man loves a woman, he always strives to help her, tries to take on the solution of all difficult issues. Perhaps the participation of a spouse will help you fall in love with your husband again.

3. Always call for help from your husband, let your husband do all the male work. The number of men's work also includes making responsible decisions, help him be your support, let him be your knight, ready for any feat.

4. Men's and women's view of the world is very different. Men think differently and everything that seems to you important man does not attach importance, over time it becomes annoying, and you begin to notice more and more shortcomings in your husband. But you wise woman, only you can turn all the shortcomings of your husband into virtues. A woman can handle all household chores at the same time, while a man can do one maximum of two things with high quality, so ask him to do what he does best, you will be absolutely sure of the result.

5. To love your husband again , take a closer look at him, there are such life issues in which he understands better than you. Ask him to teach you something, he will do it with great pleasure, and you will understand that your husband is a very smart person.

6. If you feel that love for your husband is fading, take clear sheet and write all his virtues, for which you once fell in love with him. Most likely you will see that the advantages have not gone away, and with the shortcomings you already know what to do.

7. Very often couples who are in crisis, psychologists offer to imagine every day that love and understanding has returned. Imagine that you can love your husband again. So you will get a mental attitude, and when the soul is set to positive, everything will work out for you.

It's strange, where does the feeling of love suddenly disappear? No, not that fleeting love when, as a young girl, you were looking for a real prince and packaged guys for good and bad. And the one when you were already sure that you fell deeply in love with a person, agreed to marry him and swore to be with him until the end of your life.

How did it happen that you stopped loving your husband, but test old feelings fail again? And it seems that he didn’t do anything bad to you, but there is no that very “wave” in which you want to “choke”. Everything is ordinary, boring, even irritable. Is it possible to return everything as before?

When a girl first marries her young man, she still does not suspect that life is not always sweetie. She still does not understand the difficulties of everyday life, a serious grinding of character, major conflicts. As long as everything is rosy.

And then it starts, especially when children are born, and relatives get into relationships. Drop by drop, and instead of “I love”, the words “zadolbal”, “fuck you” and “divorce” appear.

But all this happens because none of the spouses has a desire to look at their once beloved with different eyes. Those, the former, when he was still the best. Yes, and ask how he lives.

It often happens that “the husband infuriates”, literally in small things. How a person eats, sleeps, walks, sits at a computer. And now let's do auto-training and see if everything is so running. Is it possible to look at a husband with tenderness, and not with irritation? As once his mother looked at your still small spouse.

Here try:

    He came home, hung up his jacket. His jacket is already kind of ridiculous: the sleeves are frayed, the collar is frayed. My poor husband doesn't complain, doesn't whine like me that there's nothing to wear, wears this stupid jacket and is silent.

    He washed his hands and sat down at the dinner table. He sits tired, his back is slightly hunched, the back of his head is disheveled. Cheeks like a hamster - chews with appetite. Completely hungry. I did not even notice that the cutlets were a little burnt. You can still see that you like dinner.

    He sat down to play a little on the computer before going to bed. He deserved it because he was tired. He plays in "Tanchiki". Probably, in childhood, he also arranged the soldiers on the carpet and created the atmosphere of a war. And now little has changed - the same child. Rejoices in every hit on the target.

    He went to bed. He snores a little, but that's okay - he can't control himself in his sleep. And what a smell he has: native-native. So he turned and grabbed me in an armful without waking up. So he loves. Loves strongly.

    He woke up with a fever. I'm sick, poor thing. Temperature 37.1 and makes a preoccupied face, eyebrows a house. Well, in principle, like all men love to make a tragedy out of nothing - such is the psychology. But I feel sorry for him, we must give him aspirin and a handkerchief.

That's how it is in everything. Look for solace in the little things. If you have a son, you will understand. Here you have a boy who will grow up, become an adult, marry. How would you like to see the further family fate of your son? Or the daughter-in-law will throw a frying pan on the table with the words: “Eat, you brute!”, Or she will beautifully lay out dinner for him on a plate, kiss him on the back of the head and say: “ Bon Appetit, Sun!"

There is a constant exchange of energy between people. With what mood you meet him, he will treat you the same way. Even the irritation accumulated by him at work will be removed as if by hand if you are affectionate with him, and you yourself will definitely have a rush. former tenderness to him.

If suddenly your loved one began to annoy you, then in many ways you are to blame yourself. There is some kind of stupid habit among women - to discuss their husbands in an unsightly light. Just a real epidemic. And what infection was the first to come up with?

Look - whatever you touch, all the time men are lowered "below the plinth": anecdotes, aphorisms, jokes, jokes are simply full of humiliation. And for some reason it's considered funny. But any psychologist will tell you - if you agree with these nonsense, it means that something similar is happening in your family.

Look. You "poured a bucket of slop" on your husband, telling what a "goat" he is. Now your girlfriends are firmly convinced that your spouse is not worth your little finger. Therefore, they shamelessly come to visit you, not noticing and not respecting him, completely ignoring him. Of course, he's nobody.

If you are on it Once again Complain to your girls - they won't be surprised, they say, what did you want from this penny?! But you yourself launched this boomerang of disrespect! He returned to you! And so you began to look at your spouse with disgust - thanks to your own words.

But if you launch another boomerang, tell the people around you what a golden man your husband is, how you adore him and respect him, how much positive qualities, and you will see how your spouse will change in your eyes for the better. Because your Nice words about it will come back to you - only from other people. And this helps to fall in love with a spouse again.

Chekhov has such a story "Darling". In it, the main character is Olga Semyonovna, sweetest woman that everyone loves. And she was madly in love with her husbands. True, they untimely passed away one by one, but that is not the point.

The secret of her love for her husbands is that she understood and shared their interests. By the way, this is rare. Usually modern women they do not like to share the hobbies of men, a priori considering them a waste of time. And rarely any of the wives will try to delve into the essence of the hobby.

But here's some advice for you. Depending on your spouse's hobby, try to get interested in it yourself:

    Watch at least 10 minutes of his fight in "Tanks". Try to drive this virtual colossus yourself. You will see how your heart stops when you hide your tank in the bushes from the enemy, and how indignation boils in you when you are finally shot down!

    Do you love fish? What about catching? What does "Nah" mean? Try it, go fishing with your husband with an overnight stay. Let you sit for an hour over the fishing rod in vain, but when your float jumps in the water or spinning pulls, then every vein of yours will twitch from adrenaline. Awesome feeling!

    Husband watching stupid football on TV again? Yes, indeed, this mournful noise and voice of the commentator sometimes just freezes. And you make a bet with him: whose team loses, he makes dinner. You will see for yourself how nervous you will be for your own.

Interests bring together, and there are more topics for conversations. You will begin to understand your spouse, and you will no longer want to scold him for idleness. Well, one more step towards love is made.

change everything

Of course, in order to love your husband again, he must change, not you. But then the article would be completely different.

And if he does not know about your cooled feelings? And you so want, without offending him, to return everything as before.

    Make yourself Honeymoon Or at least a honeymoon weekend. Move to a place where you can take a break from everything. One condition is everyday problems not a word, but leave the children to their parents.

    There is no way to change the situation at home - at least move the furniture in a different way. It will seem that some good changes have taken place in your life.

    The more positively you look into the future, the rather a husband wants to make your dreams come true, which will add honor to him. Unless you push him, of course.

    Do not be selfish - your husband is not the Lord God, so do not demand the impossible from him. In general, in love it is more pleasant to give than to take.

    Buy him a new jacket! Let it be beautiful in your eyes! And he will love your attention.

If you have completed all the points, and something has changed in your life in better side, then imagine a terrible thing - what if this man will never be in your life again ?! Yes, you will suffocate with horror even at one such thought! And that is what love is.

Finally, an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the superpower to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: you look at a man - and you immediately know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You would hardly be reading this article now in search of a solution to your problem - you would not have any relationship problems at all.

Who said it's impossible? Of course, you won’t read other people’s thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a candidate of psychological sciences, and her methodology has helped many girls feel loved and receive gifts, attention and care.

If interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 seats specifically for our website visitors.