Happy birthday greetings in verse. On your wonderful birthday. Congratulations on the birthday of a child for parents

On our website you will find over 10,000 original author's congratulations. More than 300 authors work especially for you, new ones appear daily, in verse, prose and sms.

We have already covered many occasions:

  • birthdays;
  • weddings;
  • anniversaries;
  • professions;
  • names;
and we continue to replenish our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable congratulations for yourself.

Congratulation is not just a word.

This is a parting word, and a blessing, and just a wish. It is important to make sure that your energy message, setting for happiness, health, well-being reach exactly the addressee. After all, congratulations can reflect the slightest nuances of your attitude towards a person. On how accurately and to the place it is chosen, its perception will depend on both the hero of the occasion and those around him.

Poems are more romantic in nature, and prose is more businesslike. You can choose any congratulations from funny and comic to quite official and serious. Kind words to mothers, grandmothers, bosses and children - to everyone you want to congratulate from pure heart can be found in the relevant sections of our portal.

Remember that you can give not only a thing, but also a good mood, faith in yourself, and we, in turn, will help you choose best text for your speech.

God bless you warmth and happiness
Let bad weather pass by
May there be joy and success
And in the house - only happy laughter.
Let your life shine with diamonds
And your feelings are not overshadowed by anything.
Let nothing break the harmony of the soul,
And the ardent heat of the heart let the walls destroy everything.
I want to wish you good luck
So that your life is fuller, richer.

Happy birthday to your beloved guy

My beloved man, dear and irreplaceable. It's your birthday today. Congratulations. Today many warm and sincere words to you: wishes of health, success, love, happiness and wealth. And I won’t say anything like that, I’ll just say that you are my life, you are the sun that I reach for, like the first snowdrop that reaches for the first rays after winter. You are the air without which it is simply impossible to live. I love you!

Birthday congratulation

A long time ago, a statement was born
What with the appearance in this world is always
Late at night or on a birthday
A star appears in the sky.
So let your star shine bright
Day and night, illuminating the way.
And every day let him please with a gift
A happy life is its essence.
May your path be easy
May all bright dreams come true
May there be many happy days
After all, you deserve it.

Happy birthday greetings to a loved one

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together, and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything work out for you with ease and joy. So that your life is filled with harmony, and that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, dear!

Funny birthday greetings poem

To make it all fluff
Happiness immediately full house
In order not to scold the director
And the tax inspector
To find a treasure nearby
Above salary.
So that everyone loves immensely,
They came to visit together
Not for eating
And shed balm for the soul.
Beauty and inspiration...
Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to a girl

You are the best today
I hear your cheerful laugh.
You are beautiful and sweet
Both obedient and kind.
You know how to dance
Songs to sing and draw.
You succeed everywhere
You help wash the dishes.
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations, love!
May the Lord keep you
Protects from insults.

Happy birthday sms for girlfriend

You have a special day today
Today everyone congratulates you
And I'm in a hurry to send a text message
Which you may not have expected.
And I want to wish you good luck
And new hobbies, and victories,
And let a huge armful of flowers
A loved one will give you.

Happy birthday greetings to a woman colleague

Always attentive to everyone, friendly, sweet,
Beautiful, charming, kind and cheerful.
In work, she is obligatory, strict with herself,
Responsible, diligent and all day at work.
And in the evening, tired, she goes home,
To rested tomorrow - to work with your head.
To cope with any task - she is a specialist,
And in the team is famous for the example of skill.
Let your eyes shine with happiness on the path of life,
And, if something "does not stick", then you have us.
And then be hearty; both body and soul
Beautiful, carefree and forever young!

Happy birthday sms

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you with all my heart the greatest happiness, festive mood and all the best, bright and beautiful!

Beautiful birthday greetings in prose

accept my my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! I want to wish you great happiness good health, pleasant emotions And interesting events. Let life indulge you, loved ones - appreciate, understand and love. I wish harmony in the heart and warmth in the soul.

Happy birthday to your beloved guy

Happy Birthday sweetheart!
The best and most beautiful
The most intelligent, positive,
In life - strong and active!
Congratulations! Be happy!
Don't forget our feelings
mood, good luck,
Lots of money, big change
And everything you want
Life, light, warmth!

Happy birthday greetings for a girl

On your birthday I want
To tell you just a little:
Let happiness not pass by!
May you be loved by all!
May the paths be easy
What are you going through!
Giving cloudless days
May your Angel protect you!

Beautiful poems congratulations on your birthday

Birthday? congratulations
I love you with all my heart!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And don't rush to get old.
You take luck as a friend
To build a cottage by the sea.
That flowers would bloom on it.
So that all dreams come true!
And let the sun shine
Disperses the clouds of life.
I'm giving you advice.
More happiness, less trouble.

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend poetic

Be nice and have fun
And you are surrounded by affection!
Live and have fun boldly
And make good use of life!
Let surprises await on your birthday
And fulfill all the whims -
Your fans, friends,
I wish you a lot of happiness!

Happy birthday to a woman in verse beautiful

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
Don't get sick and don't get old
Young in mind and body.
The sun, people smile,
Never get upset
Be rich and happy
And always, always loved.

Girlfriend on her birthday

My dear, beloved ***! Congratulating you on your birthday, I'm not just saying banal words to you, I'm not just following the tradition - no! I give you a program for the whole next year, which you will follow relentlessly: bloom, flourish, get prettier, get smarter, get richer, grow up and regret nothing! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to your beloved from the bottom of my heart

I want to find my path
Among the many paths of life!
Love will melt even an ice floe
And know that you are not alone!
I love you, I believe in you
Even though I get angry sometimes!
But the doors are open for you
And I know you are my destiny!
I wish you happiness in a long life
I wish you joy, victories!
Let the mood be cheerful
And success is always waiting for you!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend, sister in verse from a brother

I want wishes to come true
You were always cheerful
All days were filled with good luck!
And great happiness in full!

Funny birthday greetings to brother, friend

Bright emotions, many friends!
Fabulous colors and burning passions!
Thirst big from unearthly love!
Let whatever you want happen to you!
Lots of wealth, big career,
Sweet life, as in a fairy tale night,
Happiness, good luck, success in business,
Let everything be like in your wildest dreams!

Beautiful poems congratulations on your birthday

Birthday is a beautiful date
Nothing compares to this date.
And it was not in vain that it once happened,
Give gifts on this holiday
So that joy radiates from the heart,
So that the eyes glow with caress,
So that the soul is warmed with happiness,
And your dream came true!

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday

I wish you on the road of life
Do not lose the warmth and beauty of the soul.
Let the house of anxiety bypass.
Let happiness fill the spirit in silence.
Let the heart beat with inspiration
And never and never!
Nowhere in the universe
Do not darken your forehead!
Not the pain of resentment, not the pain of separation,
Do not lie traitorous shadow.
Let only a ray of sunshine and joyful sounds
You are accompanied every day.

Happy birthday greetings for a beautiful girl

I wish you a birthday
So that your life goes without worries,
To the sun every morning
Met you with its light
So that there is always joy in the soul,
So that love lives in your heart,
And so many nice gifts
Life gave you day after day!

Happy birthday to mom in prose

My sweet mother! Among the series of everyday life with all the problems, worries and fuss, I do not have time to tell you how much I love you. Know that I think of you when I do good deeds, in the hope that you would be proud of me. I think about you when I have to blush for myself in front of someone, feeling guilty in front of you too. I think of you when I'm scared or hurt and when I feel good. Even if I don’t call you every day, know that everything that happens to me, I share it with you just as you once shared this world with me. As long as you're by my side, I can do anything! I want you to be healthy and happy! Happy birthday to you, my beloved mother!

Comic congratulations to a man happy birthday from friends

May you live deliciously -
Cabbage crunches in the wallet.
Lamborghini in the garage
There is a lady in a negligee in bed.
May you live sweetly -
If you are always shaved clean.
Bury caviar with spoons -
Let your gut relax!
Let's drink cognac today
For a cool guy!
You will not find a flaw in it!
Happy Birthday Buddy!

Happy Birthday Mom Poems

The word "mother" in the life of every person is the very first, most beloved, most important, most fateful! Without a mother, her love, care, support and understanding, no one can cope Living being all over the earth! This word and image is worshiped, sung and idolized! Thank you, dear, for the warmth of your hands, the breadth of your soul and loving heart, for your infinite and selfless love, sleepless nights and happy Days! May the Lord keep you, give harmony, health and happiness! Happy birthday!

Birthday greetings to sister in prose

___________(Name)! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you that grief, troubles and anxieties do not meet on your life path! So that happiness, joy, good luck always go with you! And I also want to wish you success in your work, comfort in your family! So that old age does not come to visit your house, live happily ever after!

Toast: congratulations to Irina on her birthday

Irina is a beautiful, noble and sublime name. She has an abyss of spiritual nobility and other virtues. She always tries to treat others the way she would like to be treated towards her. So let's drink to our Irina, to her beautiful heart and wish her happiness, health, beauty, wisdom and long life!

Cheerful birthday greetings to a colleague

You have charisma
You radiate positivity!
Infect with optimism
Our entire team!
The merry fellow and the ringleader,
In his business, he is simply an ace.
You have both mind and strength,
Good in profile and full face!
On your birthday, colleague,
We wish that always
There was a lot of laughter in life
Well, sadness - never!
Let in the family, and in a career
Great success awaits you!
Break barriers with ease
Be always happy everyone!

Happy birthday to Sergey

Happy birthday, Sergey!
You live beautifully.
May there be no sad days
Be always happy!
And not once, not twice,
And just like that two hundred
Happy Birthday to You
We congratulate together!

Official birthday greetings

On this holiday - birthday,
Significant for everyone!
We wish sincerely, with excitement -
In all matters, let success await!
Health, happiness and good luck,
In the career ladder - heights,
It is easy to solve the fate of the problem,
With a dream to step beyond the horizon.
And happy birthday wishes
The entire staff and our entire team,
The authorities also raise
A glass for life, for positive!

Congratulations on the birthday of a child for parents

A year ago your first child was born! And now every day you will be rewarded: a gentle smile, the first step, the first word, the first kiss. This is all for your difficult, but very pleasant and responsible work! Congratulations, Dear Parents, and your precious child with the main holiday in your life!

Congratulations to parents on the birthday of their daughter

Getting better every day
And shines with dresses
Your daughter is loved
All neighbors and friends
Well, of course, so do I!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Happy birthday daughter!
May it always grow in love
And it will be successful!

Wise birthday greetings

Birthday is a holiday of great miracles,
Warm words, kisses and secret desires.
So let the magic stars from heaven
Great dreams will come true!
Congratulations beautiful big round dance
Let good feelings and thoughts will inspire.
Happy Birthday! You are a year older today
So, exactly one year you are wiser today!

Happy birthday wishes to brother from sister

Brother is a protector. A brother is a friend. Brother is a support. Brother is an adviser. Brother is an accomplice. Brother is brother. native person. We have the same blood. We are connected by family ties forever, for which I thank fate. Thank you brother for having me! I congratulate you on your birthday!

Happy birthday dad

You have always been the right example
You tried to live honestly, wisely.
If you need to make changes
That can neither be argued nor rushed.
You always decide everything on time
This is also an example for me.
You act according to the dictates of your heart
Do not be afraid of anger and loss.
Dad, how dear are you to us, children!
How we love more and more with age!
Happy holiday today
Let's wait for the centenary.

Short birthday wishes for husband

You are my only husband!
Precious and dear!
happy birthday congratulations
And I promise to love!
It's better not to have you
Kids look like you!
Happy birthday - from the bottom of my heart!
Happiness, joy, love!

Touching congratulations to a man happy birthday

Let everything be as it should be in life:
Love, confidence and friendship,
Striving for the goal and always good luck,
And let the heart be hot!
Let the star always burn
Which lights the way for you!
And may it never be
Desires from that path to turn.

Happy birthday greetings to a loved one in prose

I want to wish you happiness
But I'd rather give it!
My beloved, my gentle, kind,
I love you with all my heart.
Happy birthday!

Sincere birthday text

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you success in all your affairs and undertakings, health and optimism, self-confidence and good luck! I want to wish that everything you do brings joy and pleasure, and that there are always relatives and friends with whom it is so pleasant to celebrate success!

Happy birthday son

A spoon for mom and a spoon for dad
A panorama is in front of your eyes:
Baby took his first step
And he got up and went for toys!
He smiles and cries less!
So he throws a fun ball,
IN goes to school with a backpack your son,
He looks with his dad in the car engine!
An assistant and true friend grew up,
May your baby always be happy!

Happy birthday to a woman in verse

Let harmony and happiness fill your home!
And adversity and bad weather bypass you!
Your life was rich in success and love!
Hundreds of cool adventures life gave again and again!

Happy birthday wishes to son from parents

Our dear son! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you a happy, prosperous life, love and understanding from everyone around you! Never be discouraged, go through life with your head held high and overcome all difficulties with dignity! Let everything in your life go the way you want! Be happy!

Happy birthday Irina

Happy birthday, Irina!
Accept congratulations,
You are the happiest person in the world
Just look at your friends.
Is it possible to be unhappy
If there are so many friends?!
If a woman is desired
So don't you dare cry.
Do you believe that life is futile
All hopes for the subject,
But for friends of hope
They will bring their valuable mark.
So boldly you, Irina,
Invite your friends to your house
And calmly, even peacefully
Accept congratulations!

Original birthday greetings to the singer

On your birthday, the muse did not sleep:
Gave you perseverance, voice and talent,
And you sang. And he has sung a lot since then.
So let the fanfare sound in your honor!
Let inspiration not leave
And let the hall be filled to capacity,
Let the audience cry with delight
Overwhelmed by your talent!

Poem - Happy birthday to son

Be cheerful, smiling and loved by all,
God saves you from troubles and hardships!
Lucky, reliable in love and deeds,
Let every dream come true!

Happy birthday to the Governor

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday! Thanks to you, our region is flourishing and developing, new projects are being successfully implemented, and federal programs are being introduced. We sincerely wish you further success and achievements, prosperity, implementation of new ideas and plans, good health and great personal happiness!

Happy birthday to girlfriend

My dear friend! Congratulations on your birthday. Behind the dryness of these words, it is not easy to understand what you mean to me! How much we have lived with you, we have experienced so much! in good and bright minutes, in difficult moments you were always with me. No matter how much we see each other, even if you are on the edge of the Earth, I know that you are near, even if hundreds of roads separate us and you are far from me. More truly and more reliably I have no person. Thanks for being you. Live long and happily. May your destiny keep you. I love you!

Happy birthday wishes to your beloved

Beloved, sweet and desirable,
I love you, my long-awaited,
Like a light in a window at dawn
I'll quietly sneak up on you!
I will hug you tenderly
How much I love you!
I wish you today
You always be with me
And happy birthday congratulations,
I will say that I believe in you!

Happy birthday to son

Let the bad rush past
and luck and success
Let them settle with you
May you be lucky in business - in everyone!
You love and be loved!
Be lucky and happy!
Be healthy and cheerful
And a powerful man!
May the Lord keep you
Wherever you are, and always!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday! Please accept from us the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes, and most importantly, gifts. And let many say that this is not very fun party, because every time he ages us by whole year. What nonsense! Throw away all sadness and doubts today and celebrate your birthday with good mood, with a smile. This holiday brings us cold - warm, on a sad weekday - good mood, on a lonely evening - a long-awaited meeting with friends. Isn't that enough to love your birthday! We want to wish you only victory today in all your affairs, undertakings, disputes! So that there are new meetings in your life, and new songs, and new impressions, and new emotions, and new feelings. We wish you happiness for a hundred years ahead, love and great, well, just total luck. Generally light, light and interesting life without problems and worries!

Today is your long-awaited birthday, and, perhaps, this is one of the most joyful, brightest and most desired days of the year. So let today's congratulations, wishes and gifts become an additional portion of joy for you. I wish you on such a holiday, of course, great happiness, because happiness is what it is. main goal life of any person is to become happy and make other people happy. I wish you to live a very long, interesting, rich, varied and easy life full of wonderful events and fabulous feelings. May there never be bad weather, rainy days in your heart, let only sunlight illuminates you, warm and big mutual love. May this love come to you not for a day, not for a year, but for an eternity, and every year it will only be stronger, stronger and more expensive. Happy birthday!

Congratulations on a wonderful magical holiday from childhood - happy birthday and wish that any day of your life is filled with optimism, fresh ideas And interesting meetings. May you have excellent, heroic health and a cheerful mood that infects with its positive. We also wish that every morning you were greeted with bright sunbeams and smiles of loved ones. May success, luck and luck become your everyday companions in all your affairs and worries, may each new day please you more than the previous one, may hope for the best never leave you, live positively and then you will have no need to worry about your well-being and happiness ! Let fleeting difficulties and worries instantly disappear under your optimistic mood! On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck!

Our years are rushing inexorably and, of course, sometimes it makes us sad, we are sorry that youth cannot be returned back. But we know that youth can be eternal if it lives in the very heart. After all, it is not the passport that determines our age, but our soul. So, I can safely congratulate you on your next eighteenth birthday! I wish you to always keep up with the times, with modern world and never fall behind. May there always be everything in life that you need in order to feel absolutely happy, a free man. May you have something in your life without which it is very difficult to live: faithful and reading love that only grows stronger over the years, sincere and devoted friendship, hope in your heart, faith in a bright future and forever young, beautiful, deep, boundless soul. Happy birthday!

I congratulate you wholeheartedly on wonderful holiday, Happy birthday! On this day I want to give you huge bouquet compliments, and all of them will be the true truth. I admire and admire your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, excellent character and sparkling humor can be envied by many. You always have everything, everything works out, everything works out, everything turns out the way you wanted, fate is favorable to you, and this is very wonderful. May everything you want, dream about, come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health, love, good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, but may fate continue to be kind to you as well. And I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your wonderful and interesting life, fills your soul with love and warmth and gives it to your loved one, without which it is impossible to be fully happy!

> At that moment, when an angel smiled in heaven, the kindest, most beautiful was born on earth, clever man. Before him lay a long road of life with small colorful stops on the sidelines - holidays. Today is one of them, birthday. On this day, the stars rejoice and birds sing, flowers dance, butterflies whirl in a waltz. We wish it to become bright and joyful. He brought the birthday man a lot of love, pouring in an endless stream from all sides. A sea of ​​sincere smiles, an endless dance of fun, a large armful of happiness, a wagon and a cart of good health, a huge chest of money. And also, reliable, loyal friends and heroic strength to accept all this.

They say that when a bright star lights up in the sky, a new pure star comes to earth. wonderful Life and begins to bloom like a rosebud. Today we all want to wish you that your charming flower will please all friends, relatives and relatives for a long, long time. It was fragrant and reached for the sunlight of love, success. May they be long happy days, starry, enchanting nights, amazing sunrises and lovely sunsets. Blossom and smell everywhere and everywhere, fill the cup of years with health. Attract only kind bees of friends who will help in Hard time, gather the nectar of wisdom and transform it into the wonderful honey of experience. We wish you sweet dreams, great undertakings and 100% implementation of ideas. Be generous like the earth, rich like water.

The forest, the river and the field were surprised, the whole world shone with joy, because on this day the best of people was born. Sweet, kind, affectionate, beloved person. Today, together with him, we share a cheerful cup of the birthday celebration. I would like to wish him only infinity, consisting of the bright light of happiness, the lovely music of love, the pure steel ringing of health. May the Firebird of good luck bring prosperity to the house, understanding and peace to the family, respect for colleagues at work. From the first beam rising sun until the last glare of the circle going to sunset, may faith in good always remain next to you, hope for victory, and the all-encompassing love of friends. Happy birthday and good luck. We raise a glass of playful champagne to you.

Birthday happens only once a year and you want it to always be special, from the first ray of dawn to the last scarlet line of sunset. At this time, the verbal wishes of friends, relatives, loved ones have magic power. They can turn wishes into reality. So let all your good dreams and our messages come true with lightning speed. We wish you good health, like mountain granite, endless happiness, like sunlight, good luck going ahead, unshakable faith in the best. Absorb the joy of life with every cell of your body and soul, open your heart to goodness. And it will come flooding in. May the angels protect from troubles and bad weather, shelter from storms with white wings, warm with the warmth of their breath.

All holidays are a lot of fun, dance songs, a magnificent feast. But a birthday is special, even without a beautiful entourage. It is bright and joyful, because it gathers everyone in one place, in the heart of the birthday man. Let the wishes of happiness, good and strong love, long years of life without repairs and stops flow like a river. Always be on top, breathe in full chest joy, health, success, luck, beauty. Smile, dance, sing songs, do not stop in front of obstacles. We wish you a sea of ​​​​gifts of fate, pleasant surprises from your beloved half a lot of money in your wallet. Let the house meet with comfort and warmth, work with calmness and achievements, friends often indulge pleasant meetings. Happy angel day.

Guests knock on the door, carry gifts, sweets, flowers in their hands, smiles on their faces, and love and warmth of soul in their hearts. Everyone came to wish you a happy birthday. How many drops of spring rain or grains of sand at the bottom of the ocean, let you have so many happy years. Be durable and strong like a baobab, persistent like the pyramids of Egypt, healthy like a mountain river. Let an avalanche of good luck cover you with your head, success does not let go of yourself, and youth flies on wings and sprinkles the road of life bright stars. We wish you to dance the incendiary polka tirelessly on your centenary and raise a glass of sparkling champagne with your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Smile, generously this kindness and you will receive a 100% guarantee for the ages!!!

Birthdays only happen once a year, but let festive mood does not leave you all 12 months. May your wishes come true and your dreams come true! I wish you good health, inexhaustible energy and youth. May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors. May work bring joy. Happiness and prosperity in everything!

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! May everything always come true! I wish you many smiles, kindness and joy, so that there are true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great life patience, all unearthly blessings and everything, all the most kind and beautiful and radiant!

Happy Birthday. Let life flow under the sign of happiness and love. And it will be warmed by kindness, tenderness, well-being, and there will be relatives and friends nearby.

Let this day be only home holiday, and not a red day on the calendar, but it is the happiest and most beautiful, because on this day you appeared on Earth. We all, your whole family, heartily congratulate you on this bright day and sincerely want to wish you good health and joy in everything!

Happy birthday! We wish you good luck and happiness, immense love and warmth! I wish you to feel eternal paradise and peace of mind in your soul, I wish everything in your life to be according to Feng Shui ... I wish you always achieve your goal, but maintain sensitivity and gullibility, and childish spontaneity. I wish you to ascend to the heights of well-being, but also cherish friendship!

Congratulations! Best wishes for this holiday. Good luck, health, joy and happiness! Let good luck accompany in all matters and in life there will be many interesting and delightful events!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! May fate save you from grief and misfortune, from the worst enemy, from an evil tongue, from a petty friend, from a serious illness! May the Lord bless you with health, joy and good luck!

Health, Happiness, Happy Birthday! I wish your dreams come true, your luck is always there, pointing life path, may this path be brighter with dreams come true, with hopes that come true, and may well-being always stay in your soul.

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let the family be warm and cozy. Success, luck, luck. Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!

We wish our birthday boy to always keep spiritual youth, because youth is a delightful state of expectation of beauty, it is a feeling that everything is possible, everything is within your power. We wish you health, happiness, may success and good luck always accompany you!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you, I wish you that your dreams come true, your plans come true, and you meet on the way interesting people and deeds. Lots of sounds on birthday good words and wishes, may they be heard by fate and may they return to you with small and big joys and happiness!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! May this day and always all your plans, dreams and desires come true! Let a smile shine on your face more often, and your eyes be filled with joy! I wish you a lot of good, love and good luck! Good health, endless happiness, great and pure love!

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Beautiful birthday party! Especially when you celebrate it! You have everything thought out in advance, You are a wonderful hostess, cheerful girlfriend, jack of all trades! With all my heart I wish you mutual and impartial love, understanding, financial stability and good health like a diamond! Happy birthday!

Please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! May health, love and happiness be poured on you like a summer shower! We wish your house to be a full bowl, and fate always protects!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to bloom like a rose, like a tulip, always be as tender as their petals. So that life in you is in full swing, or rather a volcano. Be strong and mighty, like a pine tree, so that neither a hurricane, nor a storm, nor a strong cold, nor a heat will be in your way. Live, not knowing thunderstorms and troubles, at least another 1000 years!

I want to wish that all hardships rush away, and your future would be filled with the light of joyful happiness. So that advice and love reign in your family, where you are undoubtedly the head, so that your health is stronger! And we, all your relatives, promise never to upset you!

Congratulations to a kind, sincere, magnificent woman! Flutter like a butterfly, bloom like a rose in spring, shine like the sun. You are beautiful, elegant and always irresistible! You are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring joy and hope to our lives. Stay always the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul!

Life is a book. There are people who write it. There are those who read and live as someone prescribed ... I wish you to write "your book" - bright, full of impressions, love, happiness, understanding ... such that there is something to remember ... and others tell!!! Happy birthday!

I will give recognition and tenderness, sincerity and true friendship to the most wonderful woman in this raging world. The most beautiful, I wish you not to depend on men and their whims. Wish career development swift, I wish peace of mind I wish you peace. May all your sweet dreams come true and all your wishes come true. I wish you to find the most powerful guardian angel in the world.

birthday is Blank sheet, new chapter life, full of magical expectations and bright hopes ... So let them all come true - your every dream, every Your wish! Congratulations!

I wish you on your birthday everything, everything and much, much:
If health - the strongest!
If love - then bright, passionate and mutual!
If the work is interesting and well paid!
If happiness - then the real one!
May there be a lot of good things in your life, and only a little bad, so that you do not stop appreciating the good!

Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale!

Hello! Congratulations on your entry into new age! Let him bring you vivid impressions and a new invaluable experience, as well as more joy and happiness!

Good wishes with DR in prose

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Many can envy your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, excellent character and sparkling humor. Everything works out for you, everything works out - fate is favorable to you, and this is very pleasant. May everything you want, dream about, come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, may Fortune continue to be favorable to you. And I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your life, fills your soul with love and warmth. Happy birthday, and may this day be bright, beautiful and happy!

Universal wish from the bottom of my heart

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! May everything always come true! I wish you many smiles, kindness and joy, so that there are true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great life patience, all unearthly blessings and all the very best, beautiful, and radiant!

I wish you live to be a hundred years old! Let the motor in your chest run without interruption and without repairs. Let your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

Happy birthday wishes for a man

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I sincerely wish ...
So that the green "Mercedes" of your life will easily and happily take you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes along blooming garden and there were all those who you need. For your well-being and success!

Beautiful birthday wishes from the heart

I wish you to move to the heights of life, while not being afraid of difficulties, joyfully meet every new day and believe in the fulfillment of a dream. And then, without a doubt, you will succeed! Happy holiday!

Specially for the site

Universal congratulations in your own words with deep meaning

Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink it carefully, in small sips, without spilling a single precious drop. Admire nature, because she also admires you. You have everything you need to be happy and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy birthday!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! May fate save you from grief and misfortune, from insidious enemies, from evil tongues, from petty friends and from serious illnesses! May the Lord bless you with health, joy and good luck! May all wishes come true: modest and most daring! And let them all leave only Nice memories about yourself, so that a year later, on your next birthday, you don’t have to blush, remembering them!

A small wish for a friend with a joke

Are you already old? Come on! Insert your jaw, take a stick and run to celebrate! Happy birthday!

I wish you to spin like a squirrel, be light like a moth, have nine lives like a cat, and friends like ants in an anthill, and listen to the trills of your loved one every day.

Short birthday wishes in your own words

Let the birthday thunder with fireworks vivid emotions, fireworks solemn speeches. Let confidence and determination lead the shortest roads to your wildest dreams!

Specially for the site

Happy Birthday! I want to wish the fulfillment of desires, I wish that your every day be filled with love and joy, good health, enduring beauty, optimism and long years of a happy life.

Specially for the site

Today I want to wish a happy birthday to a dear and close person to me. I wish you love, happiness, luck and health! I want to wish that you were surrounded only loving people and so that bad luck and problems meet as little as possible on your life path.

Specially for the site

Today is a good holiday. Today is your birthday again! Every passer-by seems smiling, eyes sparkle like the sun in spring. How many things I want to wish me: health, love and success in everything. So that the bag brings money to work, non-replaceable happiness night and day.

Specially for the site

Every day is for your benefit, for your accounts of years, increase the percentage of happiness, without loans against flowers, falling stars of desire, new fateful days, loyal to friendship and good luck to your loving friends.

Specially for the site

Today is your day, your birthday. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on him and wish you only success, joy, carelessness, happiness. Let every moment in your life be filled only with indescribable emotions and love.

Specially for the site

Happy birthday greetings good for free

Today I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you to spend all 365 days of the year with no less pleasure than today's holiday! From now on, let the whole world be for you one big road, along which you can travel with a fair wind and true friends making amazing discoveries and finding magical treasures from which you can easily collect your happiness!

Sincere congratulations on your birthday for free

A birthday is a brilliant occasion to see and chat with everyone who is dear at once, accept their congratulations and be surprised once again how many people love you with all their hearts, giving the most warm regards! Today I congratulate you and willingly give you the most good words And best regards! I wish you long years stay as amazing wonderful person and at the same time, become even happier, and always let only the best and kindest be in your life!

I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments. Happy Birthday! Happiness to you, inspiration, and also what you wish for yourself and people close to you - in countless quantities!

Beautiful congratulations on DR man

You have become one year older, this is not a reason to be upset! If you think about it, you have become one year smarter and more attractive!
Don't stop on this amazing journey! Congratulations!