Regressive hypnosis - past lives from A to Z. Hypnosis in past lives. Sessions of immersion in the memory of past lives

Secrets of reincarnation, or Who were you in past life Lyakhova Kristina Alexandrovna

CHAPTER 4 Hypnosis and Voluntary Memories

Hypnosis and voluntary memories

Cicero once said: “The proof that people knew a lot of things before they were born is the fact that even as small children they grasp any information very quickly. Apparently, this is not the first time they perceive all this, but they remember from their past.

And indeed, probably, almost all people who came to some locality or city for the first time suddenly had the feeling that they had already been here and had seen all this once. Or suddenly fragments of some memories, sensations come up that you can’t put in order and “remember to the end”. For some, the feeling that they lived in a different place and at a different time does not leave them.

When such a “memory” begins to excite a person more and more, it can eventually lead to painful condition. Naturally, he tries to find some explanation for this and, in order to get rid of the obsessive sensation, turns to hypnotists.

The problem of accumulating impressions during life or "remembering" experiences in another existence is not new. It has existed for a long time, and specialists dealing with this problem solve it with the help of hypnotic sleep, during which a person “remembers” a past life (hypnosis is an artificially induced state of sleep in a person, which does not cover the entire brain, but only its parts, which allows contact with the hypnotized).

Therapeutic hypnosis

The method of therapeutic hypnosis makes it possible to very quickly access the subconscious.

After all, hypnosis is a kind of sleep, during which a good hypnotist is able to make the patient remember in detail the events that he does not remember at all.

Many probably imagine how a session of therapeutic hypnosis takes place. The patient sits on a chair, and the hypnotist invites him to relax, calm down, close his eyes and listen only to his voice, after which he introduces the patient into a deep hypnotic sleep. A person who is relaxed and detached from everyday worries, the hypnotist tries to return him to the past, and often to his former life.

What can be seen in a state of hypnosis

Hypnosis is currently one of the few research methods in reincarnation. Scientists trying to find proof of the existence of the transmigration of souls and using this method have achieved the greatest results in this area. Being in a state of hypnosis, a person “moves into himself” through time, begins to speak in an unfamiliar language, gives many signs, details, events that you can know about only by really living at that time and in that place.

The most interesting thing is when people answered the hypnotist in an unfamiliar language, from which they could not remember a word in the waking state. And the experts involved in experimental work, established that this dialect really existed, but several hundred years ago.

The experiments were carried out mainly with adults with fragmentary memories of their previous lives. But the most compelling evidence was obtained during work with children. Especially when children of four or five years old began to talk about a past life, they mentioned their names, by which they were called then, places of residence, under what circumstances they died. They talked about their friends and relatives.

Once, 15-year-old American teenager George Field was brought to the hypnotist Loring Williams. Williams introduced the boy into a state of hypnotic sleep and gradually returned him not only to the moment of birth, but also further, almost a hundred plus years ago. The teenager identified himself as Jonathan Powell and said he was born in 1832. He lives near the town of Jefferson, located in North Carolina. During the Civil War of North and South in 1863, he was shot in the stomach by soldiers.

During the session, George reported the details of events along the way, describing the places he had been to and which could not be invented, but only known. The session was repeated in the presence of a historian studying this area, and the boy, presenting himself as a peasant, accurately named all the fathers of the city by name, described in detail their houses.

But it was not possible to document the words of the teenager about the existence of Jonathan Powell, since the registration of births and deaths in this area began to be carried out only from 1912. But indirect evidence still managed to establish. So, for example, the peasant's grandmother was called Mary Powell, and in one of the documents of 1803 it was confirmed that she bought a plot of land in this area.

Loring Williams published the results of his experiments. After a while, George Field received a letter from a woman. She informed him that her maiden name was Powell and that she is the great-niece of Jonathan Powell. The woman told in great detail about the life of her great-uncle, who was really killed by the Yankees.

Not less than unusual case Described in Jan Courier's book No One Dies Forever. One physician living in Philadelphia used hypnosis quite often as a treatment method. And then one day his wife fell ill, he also prescribed a series of therapeutic hypnotic sessions for her. Noticing how easily she was hypnotized, he decided to return her to the past. And suddenly the woman spoke in a low male voice with a Scandinavian accent. She claimed to be a man and his name was Jensen Jacobi, and continued to answer Courier's follow-up questions in Scandinavian.

For the next session of hypnosis, the doctor invited several specialists in the group of Scandinavian languages, among whom was the famous Swedish scientist Nils Sahlin, the former director of the American-Swedish History Museum in Philadelphia. He concluded that the woman in the image of Jacobi spoke in obsolete Swedish, but fully understood the questions that were asked of her in modern Swedish.

The pioneers in the field of reincarnation are Sorwald Deslefsen and the American psychologist Helen Wombach. They did a lot of similar experiments, collected and processed a huge amount of the results. Ian Stevenson, a professor at the University of Virginia, also did similar work.

The theme of reincarnation gained particular popularity in the late 50s of the last century. Such interest was aroused after the Pueblo businessman published Dr. Moray Bernstein's account of his hypnosis sessions with a housewife, Virginia Teage. The book was called The Quest for Bridley Murphy.

A woman under hypnosis remembered a previous reincarnation and that in former life she was Bridley Murphy's Irish girlfriend.

book in as soon as possible became a national bestseller and held the top spot for several weeks. The Search for Bridley Murphy gained almost the same popularity in England.

The American Society for Psychical Research in their writings called Volume 26 "Twenty Cases of Alleged Reincarnation." All cases were described by Ian Stevenson, MD. All cases included in the book were selected from 200 similar cases and carefully investigated by the Society. Some are similar.

For example, one tells how a child at the age of 2-4 years began to remember events, cases and people from a past life. Parents, interested in his stories, decided to check their veracity and turned to one hypnotist for help. After that it turned out: everything they heard from the child completely coincided with what had happened before.

Another case occurred with Shanti Davy and is described in the article "More Unusual Than Science" by author Frank Edward. The woman was born in 1926 in the city of Delhi. At the age of 7, she told her parents that in her former life she lived in the city of Matra and her name was Lugi. Parents did not believe her stories, but still turned to the hypnotist. Whereupon Shanti described in great detail her former life, her marriage and her two children; told that she died when she gave birth to the third.

This story was soon forgotten, but in 1935 a man accidentally came to their house on business and, seeing the girl, began to claim that he was her husband's cousin and also lives in the city of Matra. When he was still a child, his cousin lost his wife, Lugi. They decided to check this circumstance and brought Ludja's husband to the house, without saying anything about it to Shanti. But the girl instantly recognized her "husband" and threw herself on his neck. She was brought to Matra, and here she correctly guessed the names of the streets along which she was led, recognized people and spoke with the relatives of the deceased Luja in the local dialect. Moreover, the girl even eyes closed could guide the stroller around the city and recognize local sights. She immediately recognized her two older children.

In 1956, professional hypnotist Henry Bliss of Torquay, Texas, conducted a hypnosis session with his housewife, whom he had been trying to stop smoking for a long time. He even recorded some sessions on a long-playing record. When listening to them, it becomes clear that the hypnotist, after Naomi Henry (that was the name of the housewife) fell asleep, tried first to return her to childhood, and then to past lives.

After a series of sessions, it turned out that Naomi was an Irish woman named Marie Cohen in a past life and said something about the year 1790. The hypnotist then tried to bring the woman back to her wedding and it turned out that Marie did not want to get married, but her mother insisted, because she did not want to have an unmarried daughter. The girl died from the fact that her husband severely beat her and even broke her leg. Henry Bliss brought her back several years after her death and Naomi's breathing stopped and her heart stopped beating for five seconds.

The woman then described her reincarnation as Clarissa Helliver, born in 1880. She worked as a nanny and died of an enlarged goiter and put her number on the grave.

Thus, the conclusion is that deep hypnosis is a valuable tool for the study of previous reincarnations.

One day a patient came to Dr. Branen Weiss for a session of therapeutic hypnosis. Being in a state of deep sleep, she told what happened to her about 4000 years ago. For the doctor, this was a real shock. It was after this incident that he, who never believed in the transmigration of souls, began to study in detail this question. As a result of his work, he came to the conclusion that reincarnation does exist.

A native of New England, Katherine was undergoing treatment with Brian, aimed at suppressing the girl's various fears and depression. Traditional Methods did not restore health desired results because there was no noticeable improvement. Then Dr. Weiss decided to use hypnosis. Having immersed the patient in a state of deep sleep, the doctor asked her to mentally return to the times when her phobias appeared.

The doctor's surprise knew no bounds when the young woman began to talk about her life in the past. It turned out that 4000 years ago she was a resident of some Middle Eastern country and died as a result of a severe flood. Thanks to these data, the doctor discovered the alleged reason for the presence of a rabies complex in the girl's psychology.

During the hypnotic dream, Katherine also revealed that several hundred years after her previous incarnation, she ended up in Greece. The patient especially emphasized that at that time she was acquainted with Brian Weiss, who was none other than her teacher!

After the first treatment session, the girl's condition improved significantly: the fear of choking, which haunted her all her life, disappeared, and her general mental state almost returned to normal. The fact that the patient's account of her reincarnation was very complete and had a large number of specific details that are difficult to describe as the fruit of a sick fantasy led the doctor to believe in real existence this phenomenon in real life. It should be noted that all the data received from Catherine was carefully checked and proved to be accurate.

During one of the sessions, the girl began to tell the psychiatrist in detail about his personal life. It turned out that she was aware of not only well-known, but also purely personal facts of the biography of Branen Weiss. For example, Katherine knew about baby doctor who died a few years ago rare disease hearts. The detailed awareness of the girl in this matter was a real shock for Weiss.

He was deeply convinced that the patient could not have access to this kind of information, since she worked in the hospital as an ordinary laboratory assistant, and not as a private detective.

The "memories" of the girl during the treatment with hypnotic sleep radically changed the worldview of not only the doctor himself, but also Katherine.

Ever since such a unusual discovery, more than 20 years have passed. More than 2,000 patients visited Weiss' office. The doctor understood much better the mechanism of the manifestation of human memories related to past incarnations, and what is behind this process.

It should be noted that for an inexplicable reason, only 60-70% of people can remember their past life.

For some, the behavior in these moments is emotionally colored, while others lead the story in more restrained tones.

Sometimes it is very difficult for a specialist to understand at what moment a person's imagination, fantasy plays, and at what moment it is real memory that manifests itself. However, there are cases in history when a doctor could say with firmness that a person actually remembers a past life.

Some patients during hypnotic sleep began to speak in an unfamiliar language. real life foreign language, others - told such details from the history of mankind that they simply could not know.

One of Dr. Weiss's patients easily read the number on the uniform of the prisoner, whom he thought he was in a past life. When the psychiatrist checked the information received, it turned out that such a person really existed.

The doctor, in a state of hypnosis, also recalled some moments from his previous incarnations. He found that around 1000 BC. e. lived in Babylon and was a clergyman. However, the fact that he often used his position for own benefit, upset him uncomfortably. V next life Weiss was also a priest, but preached the faith already in Scotland. Branen died at the hands of the Inquisitors. After analyzing the information, the doctor came to the conclusion that a painful death in one life was nothing more than a retribution for Babylonian sins in another.

There is another way of manifesting certain abilities that a person possessed before reincarnation. For example, some people easily managed to navigate in an unfamiliar city, building, room. There is a case when a man found a secret room in a church, the door of which was walled up 300 years ago.

In this way, the legacy from the former life in the form of skills and talents pass into the present life. Having spent a large research work, Dr. Weiss came to the conclusion that facts and events from previous lives have something to do with connecting to the "collective unconscious." Many well-known creative people have this ability.

Some scientists believe that it was thanks to her that Thomas Edison made most of his discoveries. He introduced himself into a state of trance, sitting in a special chair, under one of the handles of which was a metal bowler hat. During the session, he squeezed several bearings in his hand. When Edison fell into a hypnotic sleep, the hand relaxed, unclenched, and the bearings fell down. As a result, he woke up, finding himself in a state of trance. It was at this moment that he comprehended the highest wisdom.

It was well known to the literary world that Taylor Caldwell was writing global historical works with little to no prior research or research.

The very famous English psychiatrist Arthur Guirdham, long a chief psychiatric consultant at Bath, believes in reincarnation. In one of his works, he talks about a patient with extraordinary knowledge of medieval Europe. Her stories during the hypnotic session were confirmed even by two

professors in this subject. The patient was a member of the Catharist sect and without pre-training demonstrated rituals and ceremonies in some detail. It was completely excluded that she received her knowledge of their books and Catharism at this time.

The woman saw herself as a priest wearing a dark blue cassock. Subsequently, it was established that they really wore clothes of this color. Guardham believes that if all the patient's knowledge of kekatarism could make up a whole book.

Evidence of the existence of reincarnation was also sought by the English hypnotherapist Joe Keaton. After many years of work, he received for himself indisputable facts. In 1879, in the English city of Brighton, he received a copy of the death certificate of a certain Reuben John Stafford. A messenger delivered a copy to him.

At one time, when the doctor was therapeutic hypnosis, during one of the sessions, his patient Ray Bryant told him under hypnosis about some of his past lives.

And so, during one of the sessions, Ray identified himself as Reuben Stafford and that he was wounded during the Crimean War of 1853-1856, the patient began to list all the medicines that the nurse girls treated him with. They worked under the guidance of the English nurse Florence Nightingale and known as the organizer of the front-line first aid medical service.

In the story, John Stafford mentioned his home at Preston in Preston, Lancashire.

Physician Keaton brought the patient in a hypnotic state to the moment of his death, and Stafford imitated it exactly as described on the death certificate. The track record found also confirmed the accuracy of Stafford's stories.

Bryant himself, although he did not believe in his existence in the image of Reuben Stafford, admitted the possibility that there was something of a soldier in him. “Perhaps there are some particles of it in me. Probably, the whole point is that the consciousness of a person does not all die with him. Some part of it remains to live,” he said.

Undoubtedly, a mental journey into a past life can bring massive changes to the present. People are usually afraid of the unknown. But if we understand that the soul exists forever and sooner or later again acquires a bodily shell and even meets again with people dear to the heart in a past life, then the fear of inevitable death will disappear.

Arbitrary memories

History knows many cases when people themselves, without any external help, recalled their past lives. Let's talk about some cases that have become widely known.

The first case occurred in 1951 with the Indian Mishra. One day he took his three-year-old daughter (along with other children) on a long trip. On the way home, Svornlata (that was the name of the girl) asked the bus driver to turn to her house. But since at that moment they were far from their town, the driver did not give this request of great importance. A little later, when the travelers arrived at Canti and stopped there for a little rest and a cup of tea, Svornlata again mentioned some home of hers and added that she would be pleased to visit her home and sit in familiar surroundings. Of course, this time the girl's father and all the other members of the family were very surprised, because none of them had ever lived in Canti. Then Svornlata told them about her "former life" in Kanti in the Pathak family. And although the relatives were surprised by her words, nevertheless they did not attach much importance to them. What won't he say three year old! Soon this incident was almost forgotten, but two years later the girl suddenly began to perform songs and dances unknown in the area where she lived.

In 1959, Professor Banerjee became interested in this story, who went to Kanti and sought out the Pathak family, of whom Svornlata considered herself related. To his great surprise, the professor learned from them a lot of things that the girl had told him before and that she simply could not know, not being really their relative. At Banerjee's suggestion, the Pathaks visited the Svornlata family, who recognized them all and called them by name. Everything she told them about her "past" was very similar to the life of Biya Pathaka, who died eight years before Svornlata was born.

It was then that the assumption was made that Svornlata is the reincarnated Biya, which seemed obvious to everyone and did not require other proof. However, one point remained unsolved: during her lifetime, Biya spoke exclusively Hindi and did not know Bengali, and Svornlata performed Bengali songs and dances.

Another case is an example of xenoglossy - the ability to understand a foreign language without learning it. So, in 1973, Lydia Johnson, as usual, helped her doctor husband in conducting experiments on hypnosis. The hypnotist husband suggested to her during the session that she should return to her previous life. Suddenly, Lydia, who easily fell into a trance, clutched her head and screamed heart-rendingly. Johnson immediately stopped the session, brought his wife out of the trance and asked her to tell him everything that she saw.

In response to this request, Lydia told him that she had seen a river in which elderly people were forcibly drowned. She felt that they also wanted to drown her, and then she felt a blow. What happened next defies any logical explanation: Lydia spoke in a low voice in an unknown language (as it was later established - Swedish), and when asked about the name, she invariably answered: "Jensen Jacobi." During repeated sessions, she spoke in detail about her life and work on the farm.

After that, Lydia's husband invited other specialists, and they decided to complicate the experiment: they put various objects in front of the woman and asked questions about them. Being Jensen, Lydia Johnson easily identified the 17th century ship model and accurately named it in Swedish. In addition, she had no difficulty in identifying two types of wooden utensils used in the same century for volumes of grain, and many other items that were in use three centuries ago. All the experiments carried out showed that Lydia feels great in the role of a Swedish farmer and speaks completely at ease in a language that she has never learned in her real life.

The third case took place in India, in the town of Bareilly. Bisham Chand, at the age of one and a half years (and he was born in 1921), began to ask questions regarding the town of Filbhit (near Bareilly). The Glukhamov family, in which the boy lived, was perplexed about this, since none of them had ever been in that town. Later, Bisham Chand began to tell his parents about how he lived before he was born into their family. According to him, earlier his name was Lakshmi Narain and he was the son of a wealthy landowner (he described the house in which he lived in great detail).

strange behavior and unusual stories the boy was interested in the local prosecutor, who wrote down everything Bisham said and decided to check. They found that much of Narain's life was told by a boy from the Deaf family.

After analyzing these cases, scientists made the assumption that they can be attributed to the phenomenon of clairvoyance. However, clairvoyance is a universal ability, while here we are faced with a different situation: one perceives the life of another specific person as your own, and this is no longer clairvoyance.

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Hypnosis Simply, briefly and intelligibly about hypnosis and the technique of its application, I have already written in the Secret Techniques of Modern Hypnosis. Here I will express a few more thoughts on this topic. The first thing I would like to note is that hypnosis, like self-hypnosis (self-hypnosis), has

There are many stories about hypnosis and its effect on the human psyche. There are also many descriptions of combat hypnosis, which is successfully used by the special services of all countries. But quite often, hypnosis is remembered in connection with the reincarnation of a person. Let's take a look at some of the most famous stories, which are cited by supporters of reincarnation as evidence of the reincarnation of a person and the possibility of the existence of the next life.

Such stories about hypnosis and reincarnation can be cited a large number of. They can be treated differently - skeptically, cautiously, you can simply dismiss them, but it cannot be denied that they arouse our interest in their unusualness and mystery. Reincarnation gives us a chance at immortality.

In 1824, a 9-year-old boy named Katsugoro, the son of a wealthy Japanese peasant, told his older sister that he was absolutely certain that he remembered his past life. This case is one of the first to be officially recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, witnesses and carefully documented. It is more often brought up by people who claim that reincarnation is real. Physicians, historians, police and even local healers worked with Katsugoro for a long time and carefully. The boy conquered everyone with his vivid and picturesque memories of a previous life in great detail and a mass of small details that could not be known to a child of such a young age.

First of all, Katsugoro said that in his former life he was the son of another peasant and lived in a completely different village, located on the island of Okinawa. V adulthood he became seriously ill and died of smallpox in 1810.

Little Katsugoro was cross-examined by the police under the direct supervision of a psychologist and doctors. The boy told investigators about more than 50 different stories and cases from the life of the village from the island of Okinawa. In addition, the boy revealed the secrets of his previous family, which could only be known by a person close and trusted of the same family. It should be noted that Katsugoro himself never left his village and did not visit the islands of Okinawa.

The boy's memories of own funeral which he described in great detail. The boy called the exact date own death and date of burial. The investigators checked and compared all the facts about which he told them. All of them have been validated. Worth noting: Katsugoro gave the investigators the home names of his former relatives, as well as the nicknames of pets: dogs, cats, cows. In Britain, they often recall the story that took place with the intelligent swimming instructor Graham Huxtable and the psychotherapist-hypnotist Aymoll Bloksham, which took place in the second half of the 20th century. In any case, the British consider this story, if not proof of reincarnation, then proof of the possibility of flight and travel of the human soul through time.

One day, Graham Huxtable volunteered to participate in a hypnosis session that psychotherapist Eymoll Bloxham conducted at the University of Cornwall (Wells. Immersed in hypnosis, Huxtable not only began to remember his previous life, but, as it seemed to numerous witnesses of the experiment from among scientists, he moved into the body a certain man named Ben. Even with a superficial test, it turned out that Mr. Ben lived in the 18th century. He served as one of the gunners on the royal military frigate. Reincarnated as the cheerful and brave gunner Ben, Huxtable, under hypnosis, began to speak in a marine vocabulary, which was dominated by obscene expressions and purely military orders of a maritime orientation.At the same time, university professors, who recorded the entire session on a video camera, very quickly recognized that Mr. Ben's vocabulary fully corresponded to the language of the commoner of the British Isles of the 18th century. audio recording, considered that the speech of Mr. Ben was fully consistent with the vocabulary, vocabulary and slang of sailors of the 18th century, which are not used today. Judging from Huxtable's speeches, he, during the experiment, got on board the frigate at the moment when the sailors were fighting with some enemy. According to Huxtail's cries and groans, he was wounded in the left leg in this fight.

Some difficulties arose in the psychologist Bloksham in bringing the patient out of trance into living reality. Ben didn't want to “get out of the fight and leave his battle number in the guns. When the hypnosis finally ceased its influence on the patient, the first thing Huxtable reported was that his leg was numb. Huxtable was later allowed to watch and listen to a recording of his session. He was shocked and claimed he didn't remember anything.

Therefore, over time, hypnosis can either prove or disprove claims that a person can be reincarnated.

edited news Core - 21-02-2011, 20:40

One of the most mysterious topics in the history of mankind is what life after death can be like. I propose to reflect together on such a mysterious and unidentified question. And in the article I will give evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. If you have other thoughts, comments are open. Write your point of view.

Origins of the theory

The version of reincarnation came from Buddhism and Judaism. These religious currents are based on love for the world, enlightenment and eternal life. Thanks to these commandments, the human soul was endowed eternal life. Our body decays and dies over time, but the soul can live forever. I think many have had to deal with the loss of a loved one.

Unfortunately, in life it is almost impossible to avoid death. If you believe the theory about the transmigration of souls, then it is possible to meet the deceased once again in life, only in the form of another person, animal or phenomenon.

There are many cases when close relatives of a deceased person see him in dreams, notice his character in small child or, for example, the same black raven flies to their balcony.

Such things can be interpreted as unhealthy inventions or coincidences. And you can listen to your own feelings.

Scientific facts

Scientists, esotericists, philosophers have been struggling for centuries to unravel this mystery. As a result of the long-term war for the truth, amazing theories have arisen.

According to one version, the human soul is able to maintain a kind of natural balance, as well as to be saturated with experience. Therefore, after the death of the physical body, the soul can only move into the body of the opposite sex.

If the body of the deceased was incorrectly laid to rest or his grave was abused, then in the next life a person with this soul will suffer serious psychological illness. Schizophrenia, persecution mania, split personality - all these are signs of an unfortunate death in the past.

By the way, take a good look at your own body . Are there any inexplicable marks on it with which you were born, birthmarks? According to one version, such marks are scars from a past life. In other words, if a person has a large birthmark, then, probably, in a past life, his body died from a wound in this place.

Exists heated debate over what form the soul can take in a destitute life. According to the law of vitality, the human spirit cannot spend its existence in the body of an animal.

V Eastern philosophy everything is a little different. Many Japanese sages say that the soul pays for the sins committed. If serious moral crimes were committed in the human body, then in the next life, energy matter will drag the existence of a dung beetle or an iron.

Some people claim that they remember events from their past life. To be more precise, various memories periodically pop up in front of them, events that definitely could not happen to them. It remains only to hope that this happened sometime in a past life.

Each of you, at least once in your life, has experienced such a strange feeling as deja vu. There are many theories about the origin of this phenomenon.

Some believe that this is a layering of intertemporal segments, others attribute this to the closure of intracerebral impulses. It's just that at some point it starts to seem to you that it all happened. You have been to this place, you know what the interlocutor will say and almost predict further developments. But such a coincidence cannot be. You, perhaps, have never been to this place, but here is your soul ...

Cases from science

Experiments to identify the movement of the soul began to be carried out long before scientific research.

Even in ancient times peoples Eastern countries patented original tradition. A deceased relative was put an end to some part of the body, and the hope was that it would be inherited by a new family member and become a mole. So moles on your body may not just have formed there.

Later, this superstition became interested in a certain Jim Tucker. Some interesting cases were cited in his works.

One of them had a grandfather who died a year before he was born. Before burial, they put a coal mark on left hand. The baby was born with a mole in the same place.

According to the source, a couple of years later the boy called his grandmother the name that her husband affectionately called, that is, the boy's grandfather. Since the death of a man in the family, grandmother was no longer addressed like that. Later, the boy's mother admitted that, while pregnant with him, her father came to her in a dream and expressed a desire to stay with his family.

And here's another example.

Diane worked in one of the social clinics in Miami. The woman was first head nurse in the clinic and then as a patient.

While working, she cared for a patient with acute lung disease. He suffered from asthma attacks and coughing. He had a crescent mole on his shoulder. The man went on the mend, and the young people began an affair. Later, the couple got married and spent many happy years together.

But before these glorious events, the woman was observed by the psychotherapist of the clinic. In one of the sessions, she described her visions.

That in times of conflict North America, she, in the body of a native settler, was hiding with her baby in her arms. Suspecting the onset of the enemy, the girl covered the child's mouth with her hand, as a result of which she strangled him.

And everything in this story would not be so scary if there was not a crescent-shaped mole on the back of the child’s head.

By the way, according to one of the scientific versions, those who died from asphyxia in a previous life suffer from asthma.

In one of the cities of Turkey, scientists could observe the story of one boy.

He allegedly remembered the life of a soldier who was shot with a gun. By the way, a case was found in the local hospital about a man who was wounded in the right side of his face and died a week later. At the same time, the guy himself, who talked about his visions, was born with numerous facial defects, of course, on the right side.

Evidence for the existence of reincarnation

Many psychologists and psychotherapists develop on its basis different techniques allowing you to look into the subconscious of a person. One of them is hypnosis.

Hypnosis puts the patient into a trance state. A person unconsciously recalls facts from his childhood, past and from another life. When the client wakes up, he most likely does not remember anything. This practice allows you to understand many of the nuances of the human worldview. History knows several cases that can probably confirm the phenomenon of the transmigration of souls.

There is such a thing as false memories. A group of scientists conducted a survey among groups of children different ages. Many of them spoke in detail and colorfully about their death. It attacked in most cases by force - a person was killed. The death occurred a few years before the birth of the interviewed child. Samimi clear stories were the guys aged two to six years.

Psychoanalyst Brian Weiss describes in his scientific papers sessions With girl Catherine.

During a trance, she told the doctor that she saw the presence of his father and son in this room, gave their exact names. She also mentioned that her father died due to a weak heart, and her son also died for the same reason. Katherine knew little about the doctor's personal life and could hardly deliberately operate on such facts. Such a hairdryer, when a person sees the dead relatives of his interlocutor, is called twilight zone.

In the seventies, at the age of two, a boy named Kevin. He had a compound leg fracture that escalated into a more serious illness and killed the baby. The child underwent a course of chemotherapy. The catheter was inserted through the right side of the neck, and above the left ear there was a noticeable scar from the deformity of the eye caused by the tumor.

Ten years later, his mother gave birth to a son, but from another man. The strange thing was that this child also had a scar, a birthmark on the right side of the neck, and problems with the left eye. As soon as the boy began to move independently, he strangely began to limp. He had no defects or diseases.

As he got older, the kid claimed that he remembered the medication course, could name the exact location of the catheter - Right side neck. Later, he began to talk about his old place of residence, describing exactly the house in which Kevin lived, although the guy himself had never been there.

Psychiatry teacher Ian Stevenson mentions little girl from Burma. She was born in the sixties of the twentieth century.

A three-year-old baby began to talk about herself as a Japanese soldier who was burned alive by the Burmese residents, tied to a tree trunk. Also, the girl was very different from the locals and ignored their national mentality.

She was attracted to boyish clothes and short hair. Didn't like the traditional spicy cuisine. She did not accept Buddhism. And in fact, in the distant years, Japanese soldiers attacked a Burmese settlement. Just like they slapped local residents, the girly treated her peers.

The most amazing thing was that she was born with unusual hands: on the right hand middle and ring fingers were fused, like frog membranes.

Only a few days old she had them removed. On the left hand, some phalanges were completely absent. The girl's mother claims that there was a mark on her right hand that looked like a burn and traces of ropes, but over time it disappeared.

One Indian village there lived a boy named Taranjit Singh. At the age of two, he said that he lived sixty kilometers from his native village and called himself Satnam Singh.

He called himself a student who, at the age of sixteen, was hit to death by a man on a scooter. His books were covered in blood, and in his pocket at that time was a piece of paper with a denomination of thirty rupees.

Nobody believed the child for a long time, but he did not stop telling this story. As a result, it occurred to his father to find out if there was at least a grain of truth in his words. The teacher of the local school told him that in fact, there was once a young man with that name, who died as a result of a ridiculous accident. The man, along with his son, went to the family of the deceased guy.

The parents confirmed the facts about the bloody books and the currency in his pocket. After the child was able to identify that unfortunate person from the photo. This story quickly spread to the local outskirts. Local experts and authorities, after conducting an examination, compared the handwriting of two boys who turned out to be similar friend on the other, like two drops of water.

Medical practice knows many examples of when people begin to speak fluently in a language unusual for them. As a rule, this happens after a traumatic brain injury, clinical death or severe stress. In parapsychology, this phenomenon is called xenoglossy.

Since the native speaker cannot learn, for example, Spanish in his usual habitat, and then begins to speak it fluently. The only rational explanation would be that he was fluent in it in a past life.

In practice there was a case with one little known American. A woman in her forties lived with an immigrant family who spoke Polish, Russian, Czech and English throughout her childhood. She herself, having moved to Philadelphia, began to study French. Turning to a psychoanalyst for help, she began to show unimaginable things.

During the hypnosis sessions, the woman spoke of herself as a Swedish peasant. She spoke naturally in Swedish. The woman calmly answered the questions asked in this language, using new words and expressions. The English language hasn't gone away either. The public was initially skeptical of such indicators. The woman was repeatedly tested on a polygraph and for knowledge of languages. The results proved that there was no deceit in her actions.

Conversations with family members and friends also led to the fact that she could not cross paths with this language anywhere. A team of experts found that the Swedish that the woman countered was mixed with Norwegian. The vocabulary of the man, in the form of which she came, was very meager, and he himself did not shine with intellect.

All this information is just a grain in the sea of ​​the unknown phenomenon of reincarnation. As you have noticed, all the facts and examples that history gives us are not scientifically proven. All soul transmigration concept is located to this day under big question. Everyone has their own truth. Moreover, it is much more pleasant to live, realizing that this is not the last guise in which the light has yet to be seen.

You can check on yourself the methodology for remembering past lives, who you were before this incarnation, at. But first (not hypnosis), with the help of which past lives are remembered.

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< Елена Изотова >

concept regressive hypnosis or hypnotic regression not so long ago it came into use and gained mass use in the practice of psychologists, and even more so of the broad masses of those interested in this method of hypnosis. Existence itself is not only a concept, but regressive hypnosis as such, appeared in ancient times when a person first consciously introduced himself into a state of deep trance, and then conducted this experiment on a fellow tribesman.

Indian yogis have long been known to be able to control the functions of their body up to a complete cardiac arrest, “turning off” pain receptors, and stopping bleeding. These abilities are achieved with the help of another type of influence - self-hypnosis, which is one of the main components of hypnosis in general.

Starting to talk about regressive hypnosis First of all, it is necessary to find out what hypnosis is and what regression is. Hypnosis at its core is a state of deep sleep, when the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person turns off, and goes into complete submission. external influence and control of the hypnotist (while being in active physical wakefulness). Regression is a return to the past that has already been passed, hence the concept of regressive hypnosis is the departure into the past of a person in a state of deep, “superficial” sleep. Initially, regressive hypnosis techniques were used to treat mental disorders caused by stressful, tragic, and physical injuries experienced by a person in the past, which led to a malfunction of the nervous system.

The hypnologist, having introduced the client into, "takes away" his memory at the time when this failure occurred, finds out the specific cause of this failure and "reprograms" the client's subconscious, "erasing" the feeling of fear, depression, shock from his memory. As a result, returning to real world, a person no longer feels the echoes of what he experienced, forgets them, or treats them quite calmly, as in a normal, standard situation.

Recently, although this statement is not true - in history, and in ancient history, the moments of the return of a person to past lives, or incarnations, under the influence of priests or sorcerers are mentioned. By the way, their methods of influence are no different from modern ones. Except perhaps the word forms with which the priests accompanied their manipulations. They (word forms) corresponded to their era and concepts.

Recently regressive hypnosis returned its historical foundations, and anyone who wants to know who he was and where he lived in the past, or the life before, can with the help of a specialist hypnologist who has the ability and is fluent in this type of hypnotic influence. However, with the advent of the concept regressive hypnosis and the publication of the results of its practical application, the question arose among curious observers - is this not a show? Does it exist and reincarnation how is it at all?

And here the opinions of experts differ sharply. One, skeptical side argues that the possibility of reincarnation, or reincarnation, is the fruit of a rampant fantasy of hypnotists with a sharp religious bias, and their version is built solely on the basis of religious literature. Their opponents, who devoted many years to research and practical experience, for their part, give a set real evidence confirming not only the possibility existence of reincarnation, but also concrete facts, by the way, documented. These disputes have not subsided for many years, and will not subside as long as humanity exists, because it is natural for any person to doubt.

But it's far from the only one controversial issue, which strains the situation in the world of psychologists and psychics. - Why is this necessary, because the violation of the mental state of a person is caused by his current life, real events that happened to him in his current incarnation, and in no way what happened to him a hundred or two hundred years ago does not affect his current state. To this question, skeptics have one, specific and indisputable answer - this is a waste of time, since reincarnation does not exist in principle, then doing this is a waste of time and effort.

Psychics and hypnologists, who recognize the transfer of information and "archives" of memory not only at the gene level, but also in an intangible, spiritual way, as it is commonly called "karmically", believe that with the help of regressive hypnosis it is possible to save a person from many mental disorders caused precisely by tragic events experienced in past lives. Or, for example, to get rid of the current obsessive fears that are the result of tragic death in the past.