Match robot. How to make a space robot out of matchboxes. Amazing matchbox crafts

March 20th, 2013

To come up with a child new toys or do simple craft don't need much. Usually enough free time and our imagination. And what to do? - available at hand. My son and I already have a whole flotilla of yogurt jars, and the most best ships we got from viola jars and soft butter. We will devote this review to toys and crafts that you can make with your child from all sorts of "garbage" - boxes and boxes, cardboard, plastic bottles and much more.

1. Cardboard boxes and boxes

Let's start, perhaps, with crafts from boxes and smaller boxes. Boxes of different sizes regularly appear with each of us (especially during the holidays), but we usually try to get rid of this "happiness" as soon as possible, since it is quite inconvenient to store them. But you can immediately put them into action

Big boxes.

From the boxes from the large size are obtained completely amazing toys for kids

Or an airplane

House-mill. detailed wizard class by reference

Pirate treasure chest. Description

Parking for cars.

how to do


Or a more complex version


And another version of the castle


From smaller boxes

Or those dinosaur feet


Storage monster boxes

Great storage idea out of the box and cardboard rolls


small stove


catapult game


Train with wagons





More ideas from cardboard sheets



Or such


And here is the castle of the knight and princess

If pasted over decorative paper and decorate with something gift wrap for all sorts of sweets




And you can also make such an aquarium with your children


Boxes and cardboard are real scope for creativity, if you wish, you can do whatever you want, I think we will return to this topic in the near future, we have something interesting in store

2. Cardboard rolls from toilet paper and paper towels

Easy crafts you can do with your kids







A lot of different animals with patterns can be viewed at the link


Binoculars for children or Spyglass from a roll of towels


Or at children's holiday make princess crowns


And here is an amazing idea on how to make crackers for the holiday. Description


racing cars


3. Disposable tableware - paper and plastic plates and glasses

For disposable tableware you can also find the original application

Paper plates are very convenient to paint

And from deep plates you can make such jellyfish


Or even make a garland decoration for the holiday


From a plate and a glass you get such a pretty house


Spider glasses


cup dragon


It is very easy and fun to turn ordinary cups into freaks. Great idea for kids parties

And here's an advent calendar idea


And even Christmas garland can be made from cups


4. Plastic bottles and containers



For children on a holiday


From bottles and spoons

If it's raining outside or guests with children come to you and you need something to keep them busy - home bowling


And in small bottles it's fun to germinate grass. Just in time for Easter


And the bottles turn into ...... a rocket, more precisely, into the main attribute

Planes and ships from shampoo containers

5. Wooden sticks for ice cream and medical spatulas

These are very simple and cute crafts can be made from ordinary wooden ice cream sticks

puppet theater people



Raft ship


It's also easy to make an original puzzle game.

Can you make a whole house?

Chests from medical spatulas. Description

6. Straws for cocktails

With the help of such tubes, it is very interesting to draw with cartoon bubbles.

And the tubes are great as a mast for boats.

You can think of many different games with these tubes. For example, you can arrange "air" football. Roll up a small ball out of paper and use the tube to drive the "ball". By the same principle, you can play who will fly the ball farther or who will get to the finish line faster. This kind of games are very useful, it is a kind of breathing exercises.

7. Sponges

Even the most ordinary sponge can turn into ....

a garden bed (it's fun to germinate seeds in a large-pored sponge)

Or make stamps for drawing or just paint with a sponge (rainbows come out especially well)

And to make it more convenient to draw with such stamps, you can glue them, for example, on wine cork, like here

You can also make sponges, for example, heads for robots

8. Wine corks

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of photographs on the topic of crafts from traffic jams, but we will limit ourselves to stamps only.

9. Tin cans

for flowers

By the way, if you have buckets of paint left in your country house, do not rush to throw it away.




old town game


here and

Jar with wishes or Smile box

this is such a jar or box filled with small pieces of paper with various wishes, pleasant phrases, anecdotes, encouraging slogans or declarations of love.
Get her at home like a jar. This is a real generator of daily good mood.


Snow storm or, as it is right, snow globe, but in this case rather glitter jar. Description

And in the summer for street holidays jars can be used for drinks. Look very unusual and stylish

And finally, very original crafts from an old light bulb


When compiling this collection, materials from the Kokokokids blog were also used.

Send us your interesting finds of crafts from what is at hand, and also share with us what you did! This topic is inexhaustible and I think we will return to it more than once

Every parent tries to give the baby the best: interesting educational toys designed specifically for children's needs. And the kids will definitely love it!

But is the finished toy always beneficial to the child? Many of us have observed how modern children have a moment of “satiation” with blessings. Then they simply lose interest in toys: there are too many of them. Often, when meeting, children do not come up with joint games, but are simply engaged in “sorting out” toys - they only have time to get acquainted with the toys at a party, but not to play.

And parents only shrug their hands: we would have such toys in our childhood! What did we play, remember? We made furniture for dolls from matchboxes, cardboard houses; grass and fruits in the yard were the most varied food: yellow dandelions - eggs, dandelion leaves - cucumbers, acorns - zucchini, chestnuts - pumpkins, "helicopter noses" - bananas, leaves were banknotes. Yes, and the houses themselves, the store, the hospital, we sometimes arranged on a tree. Was it interesting? Certainly!!! After all, we ourselves invented all this, and in the country of children's fantasies, attributes are not so important. No wonder they say that before, to become a princess, it was enough just to put tights on your head. But with our children, for some reason, we go the other way, taking away the opportunity to experiment and invent.

The fact is that the mass of ready-made toys interferes with the flight of children's imagination. Who can prove that beautiful plastic vegetables and fruits are better than our children's dandelions? For children, the process of playing and inventing is important, and not the result - a specific object - a toy.

The portal offers to plunge into the world of forgotten crafts from matchboxes. We will show how they can be used to build military equipment, furniture for dolls, fairy tale characters and animals, interesting details.

Military equipment

On the eve of the holiday on February 23, we will first of all talk about models military equipment. They can be presented to dad, grandfathers, taken to kindergarten and school, used to play at home.

See what theater of war your son or grandson can play. With the independent production of such toys, the child develops well fine motor skills hands, perseverance and the desire to achieve the goal, the child has interest and motivation, he gains self-confidence from the fact that he himself can do all this. Let's not deprive our children of this, shall we?

Special equipment

Various cars can be made from this wonderful improvised material. For example, an ambulance fire engine, bus, taxi, traffic police car.

With such crafts, you can participate in various competitions.

Heroes of fairy tales, animals

Using colored paper, glue, matchboxes, you can make heroes of your favorite fairy tale or cartoon. Look at the heroes of which fairy tale are shown in the photo?

Wonderful African animals and our native Cheburashka are also made from matchboxes.

Young children love small toys and interesting attributes to them. Inside a matchbox, a whole house for an unusual animal may well be located. You can put it in your pocket and take it everywhere with you.

Educational games from matchboxes

On the basis of matchboxes, you can make games for the development of the child.

It can be an association game, learning letters and numbers, and so on. Make thematic images: who lives where; who eats what.

Matchbox toy furniture

Matchboxes are the basis for making toy furniture, and then it all depends on your imagination and decor material.
The furniture assembly scheme looks like this:

You can decorate furniture in your own way: with colored paper, fabric, toothpicks, wallpaper and self-adhesive film, decoupage technique.

With help matchboxes can be done and unusual items interior: TV, washing machine, piano, suitcase, frame for photos or paintings in a doll house.

Once again, we emphasize that everything ingenious is quite simple. And the interesting new is the well-forgotten old. Now you will most likely not throw out matchboxes and miss out on the material for a wide variety of creative designs!

Sources of diagrams and photos:

Galina Kaptsova

Goals: to teach children to make a geometrically correct and accurate product that the children intended to make (robot) ; teach children to see the shape of the future robot; develop the ability to monitor the progress of their work, learn to work with different material (matchboxes, Scotch); develop creative imagination; cultivate patience and accuracy in work, and artistic taste.

materials: 9 empty matchboxes, adhesive tape, PVA glue, scissors, colored paper.


1. First, glue with adhesive tape 4 matchbox is the torso.

2. Then each boxes and glue the body with colored paper using PVA glue.

3. When all the individual parts are pasted over with colored paper, we immediately begin to create a figure robot.

4. On one small box painted robot eyes, nose and mouth with a black marker, and glue it to the body.

5. After that, we make an antenna for robot. We take a piece of plasticine, make a ball out of it and insert two matches, attach it to the head of our robot.

These are so wonderful we got robots!

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Childhood is a wonderful time in which even a simple cardboard box can easily become a home for dolls, spaceship or funny robot. Making a robot out of boxes with your own hands is not difficult for any parent, especially since you can easily involve your child in this process, who will be delighted with both the result and the manufacture of crafts. In this article you will find detailed instructions for the manufacture of various robots from improvised materials.

What You May Need

Before you start making a robot out of boxes with your own hands, check that you have prepared all the tools that you may need during the work:

In order for your work to bring you only joy, read these simple advice:

  1. Do not glue the boxes to each other with PVA glue - it soaks the cardboard and does not allow the product to stick well. Also, do not resort to the help of a glue stick - it is too unreliable. The best solution would be glue - a moment or a glue gun.
  2. Let the layer dry well. water-based paint before coating the product with spray paint.
  3. Only spray paint your robot outdoors, on a balcony, or in an entryway to prevent inhalation a large number harmful fumes.

DIY box robot

In order to make such a blank for the robot:

  1. Pick up boxes different sizes and install them one on top of the other.
  2. Swap the boxes, try to make different compositions.
  3. Secure the boxes with glue.
  4. Glue all the joints of the boxes with paper tape so that these joints are not visible under the paper or paint.
  5. If desired, glue the entire surface of your future robot with white paper or simply paint it with water-based white paint.
  6. Decorate your robot as you wish.

Craft with a child "big robot"

in a great way to cheer up your baby at a time when it is impossible to go for a walk and you need to occupy him with something at home, making a robot out of boxes with your own hands can become. A great feature of this type of creativity is that you, most likely, will not fully represent the final version of your product, because you will come up with the appearance of your robot on the go. To get started, collect all the boxes that you have around the house. Immediately remove those in which equipment was sold, the warranty period of which has not yet expired. With the rest of the boxes, you can create as much as you like. It is desirable that the cardboard on the boxes is not glossy, as other materials do not adhere well to it.

Stack the boxes in several ways. Mark the arms, legs, head. Experiment! Perhaps your robot's arms will not be made from boxes at all, but, for example, from an old hose or a foil pipe for ventilation. Do not be too lazy to find the materials remaining after the repair - the remains of skirting boards, ceiling tiles, wallpaper and more.

When the image of your craft is thought out, glue the parts together with a glue moment. Working with material such as fast-drying glue is best not to trust a child under 10 years old. Take this part of the work on yourself.

Now spread the whole robot with PVA glue or a pencil and glue the paper on top. You can leave the robot in its original form.

Connect all the fantasy when decorating it: give your child plasticine, paints, matchboxes, ropes, bottle caps of different sizes and colors. Imitate levers and light bulbs. Such an activity for the evening will definitely be a great pastime for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the main thing is that the parent himself be passionate at this moment.

DIY boxed robot suit

Popular in the West, Halloween is firmly established in Russia. Now in many educational institutions having a party, dedicated to the day all saints, when both children and adults are happy to dress up in various characters. great idea for a costume party, there can be a robot costume. To make it you will need:

  1. Pick up two boxes for the head and torso. One more, and the other, respectively, somewhat less. Check that the head can easily pass into one, and the body of the child into the second.
  2. Cut a hole for the head in one box, and in the second, remove the bottom edge, also cut a hole for the head and two holes for the hands on top.
  3. In the box that should serve as the head of the robot, cut a hole for the eyes. You can make antennas out of wire and fix them from the inside.
  4. Paint and decorate both boxes. Choose silver paint to simulate the steel body of the robot.
  5. Put foil pipes on your hands and feet or just wrap them with foil.

In such a hand-made robot suit out of the box, your child will definitely not have the opportunity to go unnoticed.

matchbox robot

The robot you are going to make with your child doesn't have to be full size. It can quite fit in the palm of your hand, while remaining absolutely charming. In order to make a matchbox robot with your own hands, take 8-10 boxes, fold the robot out of them and glue the boxes together with any glue. It is possible to use even an ordinary glue stick here, since the boxes are very light.

Now gently paint the product with a brush, after waiting for the glue to dry completely. Decorate the product to your liking.

Robot head out of the box

In the event that you don’t need a whole one, and the child really wants to feel like this particular character, you can limit yourself to one helmet. Make him a robot head out of the box with your own hands, and he will be incredibly happy. To make this toy:

  1. Find a box that is the size of your child's head or slightly larger.
  2. Glue it well so that it does not open.
  3. Cut a hole into which the head could fit.
  4. Cut out a hole for the eyes.
  5. You can make ties at the bottom so that the helmet is firmly held on the baby's head.
  6. Paint the box with a water-based emulsion and tint it from a spray can.
  7. Add a grin or a smile, make antennas or ears-locators, glue a couple of temperature sensors.

Ready! Your child will be fascinated by playing robot for more than one day.

Thus, you learned how to make a robot out of boxes with your own hands and realized that such an activity can be turned into a hobby for you and your child. Show some imagination and even ordinary material can make your child happy.

At first I thought that the book "I am a robot" was ready template, from which it only remains to assemble a toy craft. And what turned out? This is a comic - a story about how a large cardboard box turns into elegant trousers into a robot! V short dialogues a little engineer with his mother has a lot of humor that is understandable to preschool children. We read a book with Toha at home, in kindergarten with our expert group. Everyone laughed. And we were really looking forward to when we would start making a real robot.

Spread: instructions in comics

The right box just turned up. And work began to boil. Anton himself clearly followed all the steps from the book. The pictures helped. Some of the words I tried to read myself. Of course I had my own plans...

Robot stickers

But all our intentions ended with the cutting out of the visor - that's how we named the hole for receiving and issuing. And gave out arranged nearby. In the book, one of the characters is a cat, which is pulled inside the robot. Therefore, on the valve of the issuing compartment, Tokha depicted, just in case, a cat and crossed it out several times - to enhance the effect. Even though we don't have a cat...

Then the colors came into play.

Robot function

The page with the Rules of Work can be cut and pasted in the workshop where the creation of the robot will take place. Conveniently. Because it is one thing when parents simply give instructions, and another thing is when they read the instructions-rules in the book.

Safety - for the workshop

And this is also a very important piece - for parents. Remember, I wrote a little higher that I had my own ideas about our robot? So the child himself began to be creative, without our help. The game went on for a whole week. Every day brought new ideas, improvements along with testing the robot.

Instructions for parents!

Apple-Apple Anton Vladimirovich (just like a surname-name-patronymic))) stuck and said that it was a spout!

Our robot

Sushi chopsticks were useful for green antennas - they were waiting in the wings. It became scary to leave things unattended: the yogurt lid was expropriated in the kitchen and turned into an auditory hole by Toha. In Cologne, they bought a coloring book with children's mandalas - for relaxation and concentration ... So a fellow engineer painted them, cut them out and glued them himself, and then pointed them around the mysterious dots with wet felt-tip pens with Crayola paints and importantly said: “He has such a design!” A day later, stickers appeared.

Antennas and hearing aids

The packaging from the watch turned into the main antenna, and the round timbers that remained after cutting out the viewing holes, Tokha himself glued to the strip from the visor, then to the robot, then painted it - it turned out to be flashing lights!

Top of the robot: antenna and flashers

I never thought that such an idea on the surface could provoke so much creativity, independent searches, solutions. It's good that we stopped in time and gave the child the opportunity to invent and create!

Robot serial number

Get a job!

After reading it in kindergarten, I told the children that Anton and I were making a robot at home. She promised to bring to show. And then the morning came. Of course, almost everyone immediately wanted to get inside - to test the car. A queue formed. Empirically, it was found that our model lacks holes for handles.


Restless Ron (he somehow got from us, remember?) dragged an unripe pomegranate into the garden. And now his robot began to take and give out. And after breakfast there was a real stir - after all, they had already arrived in the garden. And everyone urgently needed to visit again inside the robot. Here, for testing, they added a box of chocolate - in the book - this is fuel for robots. And so it turned out two queues: one - inside the robot, and the second - to hand the chocolate to the robot and take it away ... And everything is so intense that there was no question of a camera. If only to have time to put a robot on everyone who wants to put it on ...

It would seem, where is it easier? Plain cardboard box! And how many impressions, enthusiasm ...

We're leaving for lunch. I turn off at study room light and hear a child's voice: "But what about the robot?" We were going to feed him...