The development of speech. lexical theme "domestic animals and their cubs". Pets and their importance in the development of children

For our youngest readers

Dear friends! If your family has small children, then let them learn more about animals.

Children are especially interested in observing the relationship between parents and children in animals. This will allow the baby to better understand the order of distribution. social roles in any community. Young children actively absorb everything new, and interesting information about the family life of animals helps them to more correctly determine their place in their family and in the team.

So, to start with pets.

Dog, dog and puppy

The dog is the very first animal tamed by man. It happened 14 thousand years ago. Now there are hundreds of different breeds of dogs, and not only decorative ones. Dogs are hunting, guard, shepherd, service, etc. Dog cubs are called puppies. The father of a puppy is called a dog.

Cat, cat and kitten

Cats, like dogs, have been tamed by humans for a very long time. Even now they not only delight their owners, but also protect the home from mice and other rodents. The kitten's father's name is cat.

Bull, cow and calf

The cow is a very useful animal. She gives people milk. Her cub is called a calf. The father of the calf is a bull.

Goat, goat and kid

The goat gives people very healthy milk and wool. Her cub is a goat, and the goat's father is a goat.

Ram, sheep and lamb

The sheep gives people warm wool. A baby sheep is called a lamb. The father of the lamb is a ram.

Horse, horse (mare) and foal

The horse is used as a vehicle for riding and transporting goods. A baby horse is called a foal. The foal's father is a horse.

Donkey, donkey and colt (donkey cub)

Donkeys in the southern and mountainous regions are used as a means of transport.

Camel, camel and baby camel

The camel is a very hardy animal, which is indispensable in the deserts for the transport of goods. In addition, camels give very good wool.

Rabbit, rabbit and rabbits

Rooster, hen and chickens

The hen lays eggs. Chickens hatch from eggs, and their father is a rooster.

Drake, duck and ducklings

This is a drake dad, his head is green, unlike the gray mother duck.

Goose, goose and goslings

Turkey, turkey and turkey poults

And now a little about wild animals.

Elephant, elephant and baby elephant

lion, lioness, cub

Tiger, tigress and cub

Bear, she-bear and cub

polar bear, polar bear, cub

Panda, baby panda

Cheetah and cheetah cubs (kittens)

Leopard and leopard cub (kitten)

Wolf, she-wolf and cubs

Moose, moose, calf

This is papa moose. He, unlike the moose cow, has huge horns.

Deer, deer, deer

Hippo, hippo and baby hippo

Rhinoceros, female rhinoceros and baby rhinoceros

giraffe, giraffe, baby giraffe

Buffalo, buffalo and buffalo

Bison, buffalo and bison cub (calf)

Gorilla, female gorilla, baby gorilla

Zebra and zebras

Walrus, walrus and walrus

Seal, female seal and baby seal (pup)

penguin, penguin and baby penguin

Swan white and black, swans

Owl eared and owlet

Turtle and baby turtle (turtle)

Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog

That's all our examples. Did you remember everything and repeat?

We invite you to watch the video as well.

Here is a video with animal names:

There are also baby animals here:

And here the animals "speak":

What if pet not yet - is it worth getting one, at what age can a child respond to his request to have a pet, and how this event will affect family life? Suddenly the child will harm the pet? Or vice versa?

On the other hand, everyone knows how many fresh emotions pets can bring to our everyday life; and their importance in the development of children is difficult to overestimate.

It is nature that becomes the most important means development and education. World pedagogy considers main goal education comprehensive development personality of a growing person, including intellectual, aesthetic, moral, as well as labor and physical. So, first things first.
Without a doubt, animals are the source of the child's first knowledge of nature. The child, seeing the animal, reaches out to it, learns the names and differences between different animals, gets acquainted with their behavior.

In addition, animals are an excellent means of sensory development. Here, not a single, even the most perfect, educational toy can compare with nature! In communicating with animals, the child learns to perceive the object through the senses: to feel the shape, size and color, as well as smell, location in space, type of movement, softness of wool and its texture, and many other "parameters".
Animals provide ground for development logical thinking in children. On the basis of the ideas about animals received from life, the child learns to see various connections and dependencies: for example, a cat meows near a bowl - it means that she is hungry, hid and pressed her ears - she is hunting ...
Animals stimulate a lot various kinds activities: observation and play, work, creativity, competitive process - as a result, the child develops a healthy curiosity, he learns to be observant, he develops a fantasy.
In the course of communication with animals, the child develops a sense of beauty: children learn to see natural beauty pets. And this beauty, in turn, stimulates children's creativity. The child seeks to reflect his experiences with the animal in poetry, stories, and mainly in the visual arts.

There is another sphere of influence nearby, namely - moral education child with the participation of animals. Pets become a source of both first experiences and first joy. In communication with an animal, the child experiences first of all positive emotions, but in modern society it is these that are often lacking.
At the same time, when communicating with an animal, a child naturally learns to show a careful and caring attitude towards the entire animal world. So the child is taught the concept ecological culture, which is integral part spiritual culture.
The child gets acquainted with the simplest labor operations. Under the guidance of adults, he acquires the first skills in caring for animals. At the same time, the child also receives additional knowledge about the living conditions of animals in nature and at home.
Animals are indispensable in strengthening the physical and mental health children: in the process of walking with a dog, playing with a cat or a rabbit, and even when caring for a pet, children improve physically.
Let's not forget that animals are a kind of "psychological emergency" for children: compensating for loneliness, pets relieve psycho-emotional stress, give them the opportunity to play and even talk to themselves, stroke or cuddle themselves - this is important, especially when adults do not have enough time and energy to communicate with your child. The animal will not replace parental love, but communication with the fluffy will be very useful for the child.
Pets often replace friends for indecisive and closed children, and then children trust the animal with their secrets, joys and sorrows, brag about their achievements and abilities - after all, the animal will not brush it off, will not laugh and will not tell anyone. And thanks to the pet, such a child can easily make friends among children, for example, during joint walks with a dog in the yard or park.

Children are self-centered: they cannot put themselves in the place of another and understand what he feels. Animals simply do not know how to hide their state and feelings, and when observing and communicating with animals, children learn sympathy, empathy, understanding of others - and this is important for a child's life in society.
Excessively mobile children in communication with animals successfully “dump” their excess energy, while directing it to right direction.
Animals do not speak, but make sounds, announcing their needs and moods, movements, posture, and gaze. So children learn to understand both animals and people without words.
The presence of an animal in the house disciplines: the child is faster and understand better that all living things require care, nutrition, perhaps - restructuring the daily routine in accordance with the needs of the animal. A child is brought up with a sense of responsibility, the need and ability to take care not only of themselves, but also of others - and this is the best inoculation against selfishness, especially if the child is alone in the family.
Children, as a rule, are not afraid of dogs and show interest in them. But if for some reason your child began to experience a fear of dogs, the best "cure" would be to get a puppy - always a small, cute one that causes extremely positive emotions. Communicating and playing with him, the child will gradually cope with his fear of other animals, gain self-confidence.
Everyone who has ever had or has a pet will appreciate and their importance in the development of children in terms of character development. So, psychologists say that children who have a cat at home are distinguished by spontaneity and softness, but at the same time independence, combined with creativity. Children who have dogs show accuracy and composure, a tendency to leadership, they are disciplined, sociable. These character traits are caused by the behavioral traits of the animals themselves: it is logical that the dog’s need for the leading role of a person and its readiness to obey him, as well as its ability to train, develops responsibility in the child, leadership skills, the need to take a friend for a walk several times a day disciplines the child.

The last - but perhaps most important: communicating with animals, taking care of them, the child learns love, kindness, careful attitude to all living things - something that our society very often lacks.

Almost all children ask to have a pet. Often such requests appear even if there is already a pet in the house. Can a child get along under the same roof? Which pet is better to choose as a gift for your beloved son/daughter?

How to prepare a pet for replenishment in the family?

Many young couples first get a dog, cat or fish, and only after that they are puzzled by the appearance of their own offspring. Upon learning that a baby will soon appear, future parents are often in disarray, and some even decide to give the pet to good hands for fear of possible complications. In fact, this measure is extreme. But if a pet already lives in the house, it should be prepared for the appearance of a new one. Future parents should understand that Small child and any animal (even the sweetest and most harmless) is a danger to each other.

First of all, evaluate the pet's living conditions: if it is a bird, rodent, fish or other animal that lives in a confined space, its house should be taken out of the room in which the crib will stand. Place the cage/aquarium/terrarium at a level out of the reach of a child. Things are a little more complicated with a dog, cat or other animal moving freely throughout the house. The most important thing in this case is to wean the pet to sleep in the same bed with the owner, to climb the table. It is also important that the animal is not aggressive - try to personally pull the pet's ears, tail and evaluate its reaction.

Important introduction

Animals and a child can become the best friends if the elders properly educate each of them. The kid should be taught to adequately handle the animal. Tell how you can behave with a pet, do not ignore the moment if the child shows cruelty. Avoid categorical prohibitions - do not be lazy every time to explain that these actions cause pain to the animal and can harm its health. Be sure to involve your child in pet care. Even if he spills food or toilet filler, but over time he will be able to perform all the necessary manipulations no worse than you. Caring for an animal develops a sense of responsibility and other positive qualities.

The child asks for an animal ...

The day when a daughter or son comes to his parents with a request to buy / adopt some kind of pet comes in the life of any family. How to respond to such persuasion? You don't have to give up right away. First of all, answer yourself - are you ready for the appearance of an animal in the house. If you don't like this idea try to justify it specifically. It is no secret that many thoroughbred and exotic animals are quite expensive today. If this is the main reason for the upcoming refusal, explain to the child, offer to wait until a major holiday, save up personal pocket money (if any) or refuse to buy a new computer / expensive toy. The maintenance of many animals is associated with certain difficulties (this loud sounds, damage to household property and furniture, excess garbage in the apartment). Most problems can be solved right upbringing pet. A trained dog will not rip wallpaper, cats are easily toilet trained, and if rodent cages are cleaned regularly, bad smell will not appear. Discuss with the child in advance all the features of keeping the animal and make sure that he wants to take care of himself.

How to reach a compromise?

Often children ask their parents for something completely impossible. But even in this situation, any request and desire should be discussed in detail. If you are ready to adopt a pet, but you are not comfortable with a particular choice of a child, suggest worthy alternative. Try to explain that they are no less affectionate and beautiful than kittens born from champions. A large dog should not be kept in a small city apartment, but fish or a parrot is quite possible. Animals and the child should feel comfortable next to each other. Poisonous snakes and spiders, as well as furry owners of sharp claws and teeth - this is not best company for preschoolers or elementary school students.

Choosing the Right Pet

What animal to buy for a child? First of all, you should focus on the wishes of your beloved child. If the desire to simply have “animals in the house” comes to the fore, the whole family can go to some kind of exhibition or to a small petting zoo. A good place for an excursion is a large pet store. General rules The choices are simple: the animals and the child must not pose a danger to each other. Refuse to buy poisonous exotics, aggressive breeds dogs and cats. You should not buy a pet that requires complex care and special conditions. Remember grief from loss pet immediately overshadow the joy of its acquisition.

Animals for children 3-5 years old

Purchasing a pet for a child of 2 years does not make sense. But at 3-4 years old, you already have a growing personality, quite capable of becoming a real master. In addition to universal for everyone and dogs, good 4 years are: birds, large rodents, fish. Parents should understand that adults will have to take care of the acquisition. In addition, older family members should constantly monitor the child and, if possible, not leave him alone with the pet. Do not be afraid, over time, a daughter or son will be happy to help, perhaps, and will take care of the animal completely on her own.

Pets for children 6 years and older

If your child is preparing to go to first grade, you can choose an animal based on the wishes and possibilities of the family. Before purchasing a pet, discuss with the future owner of his responsibilities. At the age of 6, children can be entrusted not only with feeding, but also cleaning the cage / toilet, washing bowls and drinkers, even walking small dogs outside. But even in this case, it will be better if the child will communicate with the pet under the supervision of one of the elders. A good animal for a child of 6 years old is a bird. You can also get fish or amphibians, any rodents.

How do animals affect children?

At proper preparation The appearance of a child in the house of a pet is always a joy. Very often, dogs bought for children become favorites of all the closest relatives of the family and neighbors. Not less joy can bring turtles or hamsters. It is important to understand that, having received an animal as a gift, the child becomes the owner, that is, someone older and more important. It is important to explain to your daughter or son that without constant care and attention, any creature quickly fall ill and possibly die.

It is useful to develop similar behavior with early childhood. Even street cats for children should be not just toys or " wild animals”, but living beings above all. If you regularly take your child to the zoo, feed stray animals and street birds together, it is not at all difficult to develop such qualities as kindness, mercy, and responsiveness. Own pet also teaches responsibility, awakens selfless love and the ability to empathize.

A pet is a member of the family, not a toy!

If you are afraid that your newly acquired pet turtles will quickly bore your child, do not be too lazy to regularly stimulate his interest in animals. Read together about your pet, watch documentaries. If possible, play with your pet, try some tricks. The first line in the ranking of pets forgotten by young owners after purchase is occupied by fish in an aquarium. But even they can be done indefinitely. Fish cannot be taken for a walk or fully included in the game. But on the other hand, you can always change the interior in the aquarium, acquire new tenants and plants. Do not forget to give names to the fish, think about them interesting stories and find new facts about the breeds that live in your area. Similarly, you can include family life and any other pets.

Cats, Dogs, or Territory Animals

Every living being has its own character and personality. When it comes to animals, do not forget about instincts. There is an opinion that small dogs are very aggressive, persian cats capricious, and rats are smart and quick-witted. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but if you are buying an animal as a gift for a child, the choice should be made on a species / breed with a good reputation. Consider and physiological features, for example, turtles sleep too much, and fish in an aquarium require very complex care, following a whole list of rules for each specific species. Regardless of which pet you choose, start by gathering information about that breed and species. And only after that go to get acquainted with a particular individual to the breeder.

Possible problems

Do not forget that our smaller brothers are able to carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. You can reduce the likelihood of a home epidemic by visiting the veterinarian regularly and following simple hygiene rules. Wash your hands after each contact with the animal, clean its toilet thoroughly and in a timely manner, do not be too lazy to comb out the hair and so on.

Remember that cats for children are not only best friends, but also a living allergen. Unfortunately, many people only find out about wool allergies after they get a pet. Pregnant women should be careful with animals. The disease "toxoplasmosis" can be obtained "as a gift" from a pet: small dogs can be carriers, but it is quite easy to get infected from cats. Precautions are simple: a pregnant woman should not clean herself cat toilet, feed the animal raw meat. If you follow basic sanitary and hygienic rules and do not forget to visit the veterinarian regularly, serious problems never touch your family. Do not forget that any pet is alive. Be prepared for the fact that, like any other bird, a parrot will make loud noises, a cat or dog can scratch or bite if mistreated, and rodents do not smell very good if you stop cleaning their cage.

Educators and psychologists have long come to the consensus that children living with pets begin to feel responsible for their actions very early. It is unlikely that such a valuable human quality will develop in your child if he is only in society. plush toys and computer.

The role of animals in a child's life

In the course of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that a pet for a child becomes a close friend, to whom the baby trusts his secrets, experiences and fears much more willingly than always busy parents.

90% of 7-year-olds surveyed ranked their pets as the most important part of their lives. In fairness, it must be said that mom is in the lead in this list, dad is in second place. However, many children consider a cat or a dog more important than other relatives and teachers!

It should be noted that children are amazingly realistic about the role of animals in their lives. Of course, none of the children interviewed expects their four-legged, feathered or crawling friend to help in case of illness. But what especially struck the scientists was the choice of a favorite interlocutor. Imagine it turned out to be a dog!

Some parents, motivating their reluctance to have a pet, say that the child is torturing the unfortunate dog (rabbit, hamster, etc.). First, torturing an animal is not so easy. Even the most little kitty can take care of himself. In extreme cases, he will simply run away and hide. And secondly, this situation largely depends on the behavior of adults. If parents are happy with a new family member, they care for him, caress him, respectively, and the child will copy their behavior. If the living creature that appeared in the house is for adults a kind of interior item, then this pet for the child will cease to exist as such. And it's far from the best bad option. Worse, if he begins to show cruelty towards a new friend.

Thirdly, parents should be aware that a child who has barely reached three years of age will not be able to take care of their pet on their own.

Pets and small children

The appearance of a pet in the house should be thought out and organized in the most careful way. It is more expedient to start an animal or a bird when the child is 5-6 years old. Please note that looking at pictures and photos of pets for children is a very exciting activity. At this age, they can already decide with whom they most want to communicate. Before you get a pet, you need to explain to your daughter or son that his future friend- not an ivy toy, but a living creature that needs his care and love. A six-year-old child is already able to independently feed a kitten or a puppy, a parrot or a hamster, go for a walk with him.

When your child is 9 years old, you can safely buy him guinea pig or a rabbit. The child will no longer strangle them in his arms.

By the age of 10, he will be able to take care of snails, turtles, aquarium fish.

At the age of 14-15, you can buy any animal - a son or daughter will already be able to independently care for even big dog or long haired cat.

If you can in words or your personal example convince the child that the animal should be treated as if it were dear friend, then your pet will live a long and happy life in your house.

How to choose a pet

The best pet for a child is the one he chooses. Of course, the help of parents is required. It is necessary to gently and correctly explain that not all pets are suitable for children. Special literature can help you in this matter. Look through the encyclopedia together, look at photos of pets. It is very important for children that parents accept Active participation in fulfilling his dreams.


According to statistics, most often people have cats as pets. And this choice is easy to explain. The animal is clean, does not require large financial costs. He does not need regular walks on fresh air. The purring of a cat calms, they are able to evoke positive emotions. To date, there are about 256 breeds of these affectionate animals. The question immediately arises: what best cat for kids?" Let's try to answer it.

The first contenders are Scottish fold and straight-eared cats. They are very peaceful and friendly creatures. They get along great with children, do not bother them with excessive meowing, do not bite or scratch. These are quite worthy companions.

angora cat

This fluffy beauty playful and cheerful, silent, easily adapts to new conditions. Quickly establishes contact with children and other animals.

Siberian cat

This is a large and calm silence. Extremely sweet and gentle. Likes to play with children even in adulthood. Despite the luxurious fur coat, does not need special care for wool.

Usually cats, dogs, birds, fish, rodents live with people. In other words, traditional pets. The list for children is somewhat limited. For example, don't get dogs. large breeds, which are classified as aggressive. An animal can, in a fit of jealousy (oddly enough, dogs often experience this “human” feeling) offend the baby. In addition, if your child suffers from allergies, it is necessary to do all the necessary tests before the appearance of a pet in your home.

There is no better friend than a dog

And although the all-knowing statistics say that most people prefer to get cats, according to our observations, millions give the palm to dogs.

Psychologists in Germany, based on numerous studies and experiments, came to the conclusion that a dog in the house affects the upbringing of the child, the formation of his character. They convincingly proved that communication with this animal forms in the baby such valuable human qualities as:

  • honesty;
  • generosity and the ability to forgive mistakes;
  • devotion;
  • tolerance for shortcomings;
  • compassion.

How to choose a dog for a child

it great happiness- Pets! For children, this is a permanent school of communication with four-legged friends. Soon you will notice how quickly your child, who has received a cherished friend, will begin to change. He will grow up before our eyes, prudence and poise will appear - because now he is responsible for his pet.

When choosing a dog breed, consider the age of your son or daughter. Even if your child is already a teenager, remember that the weight of the dog should not exceed the body weight of the owner, otherwise he simply cannot cope with the pet in a critical situation.

For many people, large animals are best dogs. For children, the selection criteria should be somewhat different. Not every adult can handle a service dog. These animals are very strong character and recognize the leader only in a psychologically strong person. A child, while he has not yet formed as a person, needs a companion dog - friendly and affectionate, who can play with him and mourn when necessary.

And one more piece of advice: a puppy that has appeared in the house, from the first days, must be brought up and trained in the rules of behavior both in the apartment and on the street. To do this correctly, you need to study a lot of literature. This will allow you to find out the habits of the breed you have chosen, the advantages and disadvantages of the pet’s character, which can be eliminated with the help of everyday and hard training. So, we will present you several breeds of dogs that are most suitable for a child.

Golden retriever

Energetic and at the same time very patient dog. She is smart, completely devoid of aggression, loves to play with children. Recognized as the best companion for a child.

Labrador retriever

A very popular family dog ​​breed. These pets seem to love the whole world - people, animals, birds ... But they give special preference to small owners, to whom they become attached with all their heart and are ready to spend day and night with them. Plus, they are very cute dogs.


Often these dogs are purchased for children. They make real friends - they are kind, very patient. And one more important argument in favor of this breed: it is one of the safest for allergy sufferers, because poodles practically do not shed.

irish setter

This spectacular handsome man very playful. Moreover, he loves to frolic not only with children, but also with pets. The Irish Setter is ideal for living in a private home with a large yard.


Charming and kind "bear cub". He takes care of children so reverently and tenderly that he received among the people affectionate nickname"babysitter". These dogs are smart, and even an angel will envy their patience. best friend for a child of 10-12 years old you will not find.

Pets for children should match the character and temperament of their young owner. Playful and cheerful dogs are more suitable for active and mobile children, and phlegmatic ones are more suitable for calmer children. It is necessary to engage in the upbringing and training of a puppy from the first days of its appearance in your home. Many parents mistakenly believe that this applies only to large breeds. This is a deep delusion. A small dog (for a child, this is perhaps best option) no less large animal needs education. If you miss the moment, then instead of a pretty companion you will get an uncontrollable "hooligan".

Choosing a small breed dog for a child is not as easy as it seems. Quite often, these babies do not tolerate being treated roughly or simply carelessly. This is primarily a Chihuahua, Pekingese, Mini Pinscher and Spitz. In response to pranks, they can growl and even bite. In addition, small dogs (especially pocket breeds) are very fragile and can be harmed simply by carelessness.

Of the small dogs, girls are most often chosen yorkshire terrier. They love to comb his silky fur, tie bows. But before getting a dog, parents should learn as much as possible about the chosen breed. For a boy, an English bulldog is more suitable - a kind dog and very fond of children.

Parrot for a child

Before you go to the pet store, watch your child - this will help to understand what his soul lies in. Watch movies with him that show the best pets. It is very important for children that his opinion is listened to, and not imposed by a parental decision. Perhaps cats and dogs, which you love very much, leave your baby indifferent. Let him make his choice.

If your son or daughter likes to watch birds, then you need to get a parrot. But what? The thought of wavy individuals immediately comes to mind. These small, undemanding birds have settled in many Russian homes. "Waves" are easy to learn, make contact with a person, remember sounds well and short words. These cute birds live from 10 to 25 years.

Gray parrot Jaco

This is a fairly large bird. Its length (with a tail) can reach 35 cm. It slowly gets used to a new place and conditions of detention. Jaco miraculously read psychological condition his master, therefore, it is necessary that the owner be completely confident in his abilities, only in this case Jaco will obey and begin to fulfill your requirements. As you understand, such a bird can become a pet for a teenager of 13-15 years old.

Karela (Nymph)

Unlike the wayward Jaco, this is a very friendly bird that is twice the size of budgerigars. They come in white, gray, light lemon color. Karela is unpretentious in food. With regular training quickly remembers a large number of words and even short sentences. If you buy a parrot for a child, it is better to buy a very young bird - it will quickly get used to its young owner and will be easier to train.

aquarium fish

For too active children, you can purchase an aquarium. Bright fish will help calm your fidget for a while, and he, in turn, will be fascinated to follow life in the underwater world.


Many children are attracted to rodents. If adults often give birth to ferrets, chinchillas, jerboas, then children most often buy hamsters. These are evening pets. It is important for children to know that they become active in the late afternoon, and in daytime they usually sleep. Therefore, they should not worry in vain.

We told you about the popular pets that families with children most often have. We encourage you to accept your child's choice, even if it doesn't exactly match yours. Remember your childhood and your cherished desires. Then you may understand how important it is when the closest people understand you and help make your dream come true.

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