Facts about nails and manicure. Interesting and informative facts about manicure. Building and drawing

Manicure is one of the ways to take care of the human body. The procedure includes the treatment of nails on the fingers, consisting of massage, baths, polishing and shaping the nails, their decoration and extension (optional). We offer you to get acquainted with the facts about manicure, which you probably did not know.

  • Word manicure originated more than 3 thousand years ago and turned out to be the addition of the bases of the Latin words "hand" ("manus") and "care" ("cure").
  • Nails are plates which can only be updated every 4 months.
  • Nail plastic appears in the fetus already in the third month of pregnancy.
  • Tools for nail extension superimposed on the place of the cuticle, from where the nails grow.
  • IN Ancient Egypt nail plate color already existed, and was strictly regulated according to social position. For example, queens had bright nail colors, while slave girls had dark ones.
  • In the burials of ancient Egyptian mummies fingernails painted brown and green were found.
  • According to archaeologists and historians, The preferred nail color was terracotta.

  • IN Ancient China nails painted also in different shades, the most common were red and black tones.
  • Nail paint was prepared by the Chinese from a mixture of gelatin and egg white, where were added natural dyes. It is difficult to call these substances varnishes; rather, they resembled a paste.
  • This colored paste was applied in a thick layer on your nails and wait for the color to soak in and dry. Then the surface was polished to a shine, using pieces of suede.
  • Ancient China had a kind of false nails- they were tips made of gold. Naturally, they were worn by high-ranking nobles.
  • On the territory of Europe coloring pastes appeared during the reign of Catherine de Medici - approximately in the 60-70s of the 16th century. Then it was not recommended to have long nails and wear bright manicure. However, this one has settled down to this day in Europe.
  • Observations have proven that for those who work at the computer, the nail plates grow faster. This is due to the fact that keystrokes are perceived as a massage that stimulates the bloodstream.
  • First in the world colored varnish, which we know today was created by Charles Revson while working at Revion. It took place in 1933.

  • also put forward the idea of ​​matching the colors of nail polish and lipstick. Today it is one of the leading principles of fashion and style.
  • In the 30s of the 20th century a manicure cost only 38 cents. It is difficult to imagine how much it would be at today's exchange rate.
  • Special tool for manicure was created for the first time in 1830 - small elegant scissors and a "hoof".

The human body is such a versatile and sophisticated mechanism that every part of it deserves special attention. Interesting facts about nails - find out what you have not even heard of before! What determines the rate of nail growth? How quickly do nails on a person's hands regenerate?

Interesting facts about nails on - this is a selection of the most unusual and fascinating information. Let's start!

1. Human nails begin to develop in the womb in the third month of pregnancy.

2. The average human nail growth rate is 1 mm per week, of course, this number can be a little more or less depending on various factors Key words: genetics, nutrition, care, state of health. If you want to be healthy and strong nails- go to (in this article I share very useful tips).

It is also interesting that in 4 months the fingernails should be completely renewed.

3. IN winter time years, nails grow more slowly than in summer. It is a fact.

4. If you want to accelerate the growth of nails, then apply care products (creams, oils, masks) to the cuticle and the nail plate itself at night. And at this time of day, nails grow faster than during the day.

What determines the rate of nail growth?

5. Do you work at a computer or are you fond of playing the piano? Then your nails should grow faster. After all, light percussive movements with the fingertips are good massage. For the same reason, nails right hand in the right-hander (and on the left - in the left-hander) they grow more quickly. Interesting fact, isn't it?

But be careful, the habit of tapping the rhythm with your nails on a hard surface can cause your nails to split.

I have already described in detail how to stop the foliation of nails. Be sure to check it out!

6. Unusual, but not confirmed fact: on long fingers nails grow faster than short ones. Did you notice it?

7. Did you know that the length of the root of the nail is about a third of the length of the nail itself?

8. Interestingly, 10% of the world's population has the habit of biting their nails.

Interesting facts about nails

9. If the nails are kept in water for a long time and often, they will become thicker. A controversial fact, but it is connected with the fact that the nails have the ability to quickly absorb water.

10. famous women All over the world, false nails were invented by dentist Fred Slack. Having injured his nail during his work, he applied a piece of foil to it and covered it with filling material. Having washed down the “filling”, he found a nail, quite similar to a natural one.

11. Interesting fact: the world's first nail polish was red.

12. Nails grow faster during pregnancy than during breastfeeding.

13. The color of nails in ancient Egypt depended on the estate of a person. The darker the shade, the person is of the highest rank. It was very popular green paint for nails.

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French manicure on short nails. Photo

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Nowadays, women have forgotten about foot care, although a flawless pedicure is a very important aspect of a summer pedicure. This year, new rules for the care of toenails have been introduced, because summer shoes with open toes and feet have gained popularity in the season, and girls should devote a lot of time to caring for their heels and nails. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing complicated in a summer pedicure, just paint your nails with bright varnish, but such a pedicure will draw attention not only to the advantages of your legs, but also to their shortcomings too. Therefore, it is simply necessary to devote a few minutes daily to your nails.

Women are aware of a huge number of problems that are very relevant in living conditions. This is the presence of corns, redness, cracks, broken nails. Of course, this must be fought for the sake of beautiful pedicure And healthy legs, because nothing attracts the attention of men like well-groomed nails, and not only on the hands.

Shade selection

The choice of color and shade in any case depends on the girl herself, regardless of whether she does the pedicure herself at home, or the master does it in the salon. In this case, one should not rush, but make a balanced and deliberate decision. After all, the arsenal bright colors very large, although light, pastel, soft color. Such manicure will do to any bow, it will always be appropriate and optimal. Such delicate shades hide the disadvantages, do not attract undue attention, given the open summer shoes.

Concerning bright pedicure if a girl still prefers such a color scheme, then this season it is worth giving preference to a red and orange palette. But it is worth considering such an aspect that the red color is suitable for summer shoes With thin straps, and orange should be selected for a specific image.

Everyone knows that summer exists for rest, holidays, travel, relaxation. Girls want to look stylish, attractive, but not infrequently, forgetting about comfort, the legs lose their attractiveness, redness, calluses, chafing, brittle nails appear. You may need not just cosmetic, but. Podiatrists recommend not to forget about your feet and give them a few minutes every day and take good care of them.

One of the most effective advice, which does not require financial costs and time is the advice, which consists in using powder or talcum powder for the body before putting on shoes. This will help the legs look nice and not wash them.

Building and drawing

Beautiful toes depend on two important aspects– an attractive pedicure and beautiful varnish. Extremely actual way nail decorations have the opportunity to build up nails and nail art, which means their decor.

This season, nail art is not characterized by unusual and bright colors. Experts recommend decorating manicures and pedicures in the same way, but not forgetting the aspect that the toenails are very small and not every pattern can be made attractive and it may look like smeared and dirty nails from the outside. French and geometric decor will always be relevant.

Building is necessary procedure for some ladies, because it reduces the percentage fungal disease, nails become stronger, and the nail plate is almost perfect. The legs become attractive, beautiful, healthy and it becomes possible to wear chic shoes on high heels without worrying about the beauty of your pedicure.

6 common myths about manicure and pedicure

Nail polish prevents your nails from breathing

There is a strong opinion that periodically you need to remove the varnish and be sure to stay uncoated at least one day a week so that the nail breathes. However, nails, like hair, in principle do not breathe, and this is an indisputable medical fact. There are no pores in them, and, growing, they are only a hard keratinized plate, devoid of nerve endings. Only the basal part, called the matrix, is alive. Therefore, the varnish can be worn constantly, without taking breaks for recovery. The main thing is to regularly remove the old coating and apply a new one.

Nail polish remover ruins nails

Dishwashing liquid damages nails washing powders and other detergents, and nail polish remover has so little contact with the nail that it is simply not able to do harm. In order to get a burn, it would take at least half an hour to keep your fingers in acetone, and modern drugs so light and safe that they are not even capable of this.

Trimming cuticles is good for nail health

The purpose of the cuticle is to protect the nails from damage and harmful external influence, so removing it certainly doesn't help make them healthier. More right kind manicure - the so-called European or unedged, when the cuticle is softened with the help of special tools, and then carefully pushed back to the base.

Is shellac gel polish good or bad?

Gel polishes from different manufacturers differ in the depth of penetration into the structure of the nail. It is impossible to determine this at first glance, but if after 5-6 applications, your nails become rough, then shellac penetrates too deeply into the nail and it is better to replace it with another brand.

In winter, you can not do a pedicure

Hygienic pedicure should be done once a month all year round and regularly remove dead cells from the feet, moisturize and soften the skin, file nails, especially on thumbs, and also treat the cuticle with an orange stick. In winter, you can not cover your nails with colored varnish, limiting yourself only to transparent or healing strengthening. In summer, it is important to give the skin enough moisture and nutrition to avoid cracks and peeling.

Razor - the best remedy from corns

The classic Soviet pedicure, when the keratinized skin on the heels was removed with a sharp razor, should remain in the past forever. By doing a regular pedicure, such a traumatic intervention can be avoided and you can take care of your feet carefully and with love.

Manicure is a word of Latin origin. In Latin, the word "manus" means hand, and "cure" means care. Together, these two words indicate such an action as hand care. Exist different opinions about where exactly the manicure first appeared. And what do we now know about manicure? These are beautiful and well-groomed nails. Beauty salons provide more and more opportunities for those who wish to take care of their hands. All women want to have beautiful nails, but not everyone has the opportunity to constantly go to the salon.

Nail care is within the power of every woman, these are hand baths, nail shaping, etc. It is much more difficult to build and decorate nails at home, but still it is real. There are such mini-kits for the home that allow you to decorate your nails simply and quickly. Artistic manicure is in trend now. It is suitable for nails various lengths and it can be done at any age, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

Interesting facts about manicure:

- In ancient Egypt, it was believed that long nails are a symbol of wisdom, and also that they help to communicate with the gods. In this regard, only noble people had the right to grow their nails, and the slaves cut them short. That is why the length and brightness of the nails indicated the position in society, the longer and brighter nails the higher the position in society.

Cleopatra painted her nails with henna because she wanted them to have a terracotta hue.

- In ancient China, long nails also indicated a high position in society. Women wore long nails to show they weren't engaged. physical labor, and in men they were a symbol of masculinity.

- In China, nails were enlarged with silver tips (primitive nail extension). Nails were painted in gold or silver, and only later began to be painted in black and red.

- In the 17th century in France, men grew a long nail on the little finger, at the same time it was customary not to knock on the door, but to scratch with a fingernail.

- In the East, they came up with a method that allowed nails to grow immediately painted. This was done with the help vegetable dyes, which were introduced into the base of the nail by injection.

— The man with the most long nails this is Nelvin Feisel Booz, he did not cut them for 25 years, due to which they became 953 cm long.

orange stick for manicure appeared in 1830.

- Year of birth" European manicure 1917. This date coincides with the creation of cuticle remover. It was created by Dr. G. Koronya.

- First nail salon appeared in 1918.

- In 1932, the first nail polish appeared, it was bright red. Invented nail polish by Charles Lashman.

- In the 60s, acrylic extensions appeared. Inventor acrylic building is an American dentist.

- French manicure appeared for the first time in 1976. The idea belongs to the ORLY company, which created it for Hollywood actresses with the aim that it would fit various images and outfits.

- Nail lengthening was done earlier with the use of other people's nails. In addition, materials such as gold, film, rice paper were also used. In 1935, nails began to be built up using linen paper, which was glued with varnish. Only by the 1980s did the first ideas of modern extensions begin to appear.

- Statistics show that modern woman spends 1/10 of his time on manicures.

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To accurately apply a color coating, you need to know the very important and greatly facilitating the process of the “three strokes” technique. First of all, draw varnish on the brush and remove the excess. Start painting from the central part of the nail, then step back a little from the cuticle. Then put a dot in the middle nail plate and stretch with a brush from the base to the edge. Then brush on both sides of the line in the same direction. And so, by making just 3 strokes, you will get the perfect manicure.

Keep the polish in a dark cool place

For example, in the refrigerator. So it will retain its “freshness” longer and will not dry out a couple of weeks after the first use. And, of course, do not forget to close the bottle tightly.

Never shake varnishes

What do you do before you open the varnish? Right (or rather, wrong), shake it well. Instead, roll it between your palms while holding it vertically. This “shaking” method will ensure that there are no air bubbles in the varnish and no swelling of the coating on the nails.

Makeup brush helps to remove imperfections

Lacquer that is outside the boundaries of the nail plate will be the easiest to remove fine brush. You probably have a couple of old thick lip brushes lying around. synthetic pile. Soak them in nail polish remover and rub them off like an eraser on leather.

Find the right colors

Like lipstick, shadows, blush and tone, varnish also needs to be matched to skin color. Have you noticed that sometimes with a certain shade of coating, the hands look either somehow dirty, or strange unhealthy color? Use tips when choosing a tool ( artificial nails showing the color of the varnish). Usually they hang or lie next to the funds. Just apply them to your nails and see if the shade suits you (be sure to be guided by knowledge of your color type and understanding whether the shade is cold or warm according to color scheme you choose). This is especially important when you need to get a nude shade.

Use cuticle oil regularly

The oil will soften the skin around the nail, making it much easier to remove the cuticle. In addition, healthy, hydrated skin looks much neater than dry skin. Secondly, the daily use of oil will save you from the problems of burrs and cracks, which means that the manicure will have a presentable look longer.

Avoid fast drying polishes

Tools labeled "manicure in 60 seconds" can damage the nail due to substances that speed up the drying process. Better to use traditional varnishes, and apply drying already on top of the color coating. If you still decide to take a quick-drying varnish as the main one, before you start painting, apply the base on your nails in two layers. This will help protect the plate from the harmful effects of varnish.

Always use a base coat

The base is necessary if you really want your manicure to last a long time, and the dyes of the colored varnish do not penetrate into the nail and stain it in an unpleasant yellowish tint. And one more important point: the base is just the tool on which you can not save. If colored varnish can be cheap, then the base should be from trusted brands. Better if enriched with a vitamin complex.

White lacquer enhances color

For example, to make the neon look even brighter on your nails, apply a white or beige polish as the first coat. In principle, this can be done with any shade - a dense light base gives depth to color coatings. Note also that such an additional layer of varnish does not cancel base coat with which, in any case, a manicure should begin.

Paint in thin layers

In order not to overexert yourself with drying and not to wait an hour for the varnish to dry completely, it is better to apply several thin layers than one thick. Dip the lacquer brush into the tube. Carefully remove excess funds by running a brush along the inside of the neck. Checking if you have not overdone the varnish is very simple: raise the brush vertically and check that nothing drips from it.

Don't be afraid to use solvent

Buy special agent, with which it will be possible to make varnishes a little less thick. Firstly, it will help to "revive" the old drying pet. Second, if new varnish will be too dense, do not have to throw it away. Most importantly, do not dilute the varnish with acetone. This spoils not only the product itself, but also the nails, which you will later cover with this explosive mixture.

Use glitter for long-lasting manicure

Glitter polishes last longer than traditional finishes. Keep this in mind when you are going on vacation or somewhere where you obviously will not be up to a manicure. Though in space, for example. In addition, such coatings are easier to tint, if suddenly the varnish begins to peel off. Well, chips, especially on light glitters, are not so noticeable.

Always use a top coat

The top will not only prolong the life of the manicure and save it from exposure hot water, but will also add shine to the color coating. Note also that base and top coat are not the same thing. Simply put, there should be two tubes of clear liquid.

Remove cover carefully

To easily remove the glitter coating, soak a cotton wool with nail polish remover, wrap it around your fingertips and wait a few minutes. After such a simple manipulation, removing the sparkles will be as easy as regular varnish.