What varnish looks beautiful on tanned hands. Almighty manicure: what shades of varnishes make hands beautiful. Ideas for design

Beautiful I. well-groomed hands - this is business card Each woman. In society, people often look at the manicure. By hand unmistakably determine social status and the scope of women. And naturally, gorgeous nails - the final element unique Image. Harmoniously complements appearance women. So that it is perfect, you need to think over some moments, such as the type of appearance of a woman, shade outfit and so on.

Manicure on tanned hands Looks especially effectively. So that it looks absolutely, you can not forget the details and give time to select the color of varnish, drawing or rhinestone. To hands look elegant and stylish, they need careful care.

Main rules of manicure on tanned hands

Summer is the time of year, when everything blooms and smells, the world is gaining paints and becomes brighter. Women also bloom. They want to look irresistible, add colorful elements to your image. Choose saturated, juicy shades of varnish. But in this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it.

In trend so women try to purchase smooth tan. For this, some are sent to the sea coast, others (if there is no possibility) - visited solariums. Summer manicure on tanned hands kneading just perfectly. Especially if he is properly correct. Since the shade of varnish has great importance, It should be spent some time to decide on the color that will benefit from the dark of the dark hand skin.

Red shades

On tanned hands olive tint Great varnishes of red flowers. Such tones always look spectacular. With such a manicure you can go to business meeting or party. For women older, a red-orange color will fit. This shade focuses on natural beauty. He neutralizes an unpleasant, painful, reddish tint

Coral color will suit Young girls. It looks saturated and at the same time pretty cute.

Yellow shades

Beautiful manicure on tanned hands with varnish of yellow shades looks great. Bright colors are more suitable for pale leather. But more light tones look at Ducklumba. To make an emphasis on tanned hands, use honey colors varnish. Such yellow tint It looks natural and effectively.

Brilliant shades

Many girls want their image to be impeccable to a specific time of the year. Therefore, they carefully select not only the elements of the wardrobe, but also nail polish. But it is important not to guess the color. Designers advise not to use golden and copper shades varnish, if the skin tanned greatly. So the hands will merge with the nails and look very dull. Best shade For skin of this color - silver and dark metal. A win-win - Black tourmaline. Performing a manicure on tanned hands in the summer, it is worth considering that dark marigolds look just unmatched. At first, the color will seem too dark, but when you get used to, appreciate elegance.

Blue shades

The sea is what the dreams are women in the summer. It is associated by S. blue shades. You can perform a manicure in neon, shiny tones. It also looks like cold aquamarine and gentle blue. It is better not to use such colors as the blue classics and the color of indigo, they obviously do not fit, especially if the tan is already dark enough.

Green shades

Green is a summer color. At this time, all nature shines with paints, so many girls use in creating an image bright tones. Among all shades prevails precisely on tanned hands in such a color - it's just a find. Emerald color looks perfectly. Also designers advise turquoise tone varnish, it combines 2 shades: blue and green. You can decorate the nails of this color with rhinestones of silver or metal color.

Body and neutral shades

Such shades look not only on pale, but also on tanned skin. If the girl has not yet decided on which manicure on tanned hands to do, it can safely choose a shade out of a bodily gamut palette. All tones from chocolate to the light beige will look great.

It is quite elegant and unusual on tanned hands look such shades like silver, white and gray. These neutral tones will fit almost every image.

How to make a manicure on tanned hands at home

Women are sometimes characteristic of acting impulsively. They want to quickly update their manicure, try another new color. And in the cabin you must first sign up and wait for the campaign to the master. But there is a way out - try to independently make a manicure at home. To determine the design of the future masterpiece, you can first see the photo of the manicure on tanned hands. It will inspire and prompt possible options.

Ideas for design

In the creation of a manicure you can use fantasy. Here are just a few ideas for nail design:

  • The subject of the sea today is more than ever in trend. It is increasingly used for nail design in summer period. Popular as a monophonic painting with blue and blue varnish, and Neil-art, for which you need to use such shades like white, blue, perhaps add red. These colors will fit tanned women and benefit from the skin of the hands. It is very easy to make a simple manicure: to completely make items some of the shades, and then, using a screwdriver (sticky tape and thin brush), draw strips with different color. In this way, there are vests, combining blue and white.
  • Franch, or french manicure Always looks stylish. It is suitable for both romantic and for business image. AT classic style It is made in beige-white tones. But not worse, a manicure will look with saturated, bright colors. For example, you can highlight the pale blue, blue, and top - White. Women who prefer romantics worth a try moon manicure. He is still at the peak of popularity.

  • The theme of the flora is well suited for romantic nature. Such women will like the idea to decorate nails with an interesting floral pattern. You can draw anything related to the topic: Sunflowers, forget-me-not, roses. Here you can give the will of fantasy. The main thing is to stick to a clear contour and lines. If the picture does not work, you should not worry, you can correct and make "a la impressionism".

To get inspiration, you can first see the photo of the manicure on tanned hands. They are easy to find interesting ideas For decoration of nails. The flight of fantasy is important. Do not be afraid to experiment: use a variety of colors, add rhinestones, lace and other additional materials.

It is important to follow the season in which the manicure is made. In summer, bright tones with many stickers and rhinestones are preferred. Interesting designs make the owner of such nails on the center of attention. For autumn, girls choose natural or red shades. They are suitable for any image and outfit. Winter for some reason causes depression from the weak floor representatives, which is reflected in the state of nails. Girls prefer more gloomy tones, mostly black, dark blue and purple. And in the spring, as soon as the feelings are wanted, pink is an integral color of the created image.

Many factors affect the choice of varnish color: you can give in to your mood, follow fashion, try something new, etc. It is said that the shade of lipstick, which you go, should also be perfect for nails. However, this rule is not always possible to check, because in fashion dark, neon and silver colors.

Varnish color and skin shade

Very often, many girls choose the color of nail polish depending on the clothes. But even more often nail polish serves as a kind of accessory capable of completely change the image and give you a highlight. In the event you need to know several rules for choosing nail polish depending on your skin tone. It is mistaken to believe that all colors will look perfect on your marigolds. Of course, you can choose any hue, but it is better to do it with the mind, so that the manicure brings joy not only to you, but also others. It is also important to know that different shades The same color varnish does not always look winning, for example, you greatly fit the blue color of the varnish, and the blue no longer looks so winning.

Bright skin

Girls S. light skin Most of all lucky, most varnishes are suitable for them. However, if your skin has a pale subton, from dark flowers It is still better to refuse. Dark Lac. Attracts too much attention to your nails.

The most winning colors for light skin are beige, light pink, light lilac and red. Also try the blue color of the varnish, an excellent solution for bold girls With light skin.

The most important rule when choosing a nail polish is bright to bright, dark to dark. Choose light shades Flowers you like, and you will look stylish and tastefully.

light pink varnish red varnish

Dark skin

AT this case We choose the opposite shades. WITH dark skin perfectly combined dark colors Nail polish: dark chocolate, burgundy, dark green, dark blue. These colors are now enormous popular.

Gold and bronze shades as it is impossible to emphasize the beauty of your skin. However, girls with tanned skin can be tasted and brighter shades, such as beige, light blue, pink, etc.

golden color varnish green color varnish

Olive leather

Olive tone - something average between light and dark skin. For this reason, such girls are easy enough to choose the color of the nail polish, which will look at the nails amazingly. All shiny lacquer shades, from cold (silver) to warm (bronze), are combined with olive skin.

Particularly advantageously peach varnish.

However, it is worth avoiding red, dark lilac, purple, green varnish nail polish. Olive leather Most girls of our country.

golden color varnish light green varnish dark green varnish

A note, the darker of your nail polish, the little fingers will look like. Therefore, girls with light skin still should avoid this variant of manicure. But metal shades, on the contrary, visually make light skin more tanned.

Manicure on the sea is a combination of screaming colors, textures and ornaments. Two basic requirements are put forward to the beach Neil Art: strength and brightness. Despite the presence, it would seem complex drawings Such a manicure is easy to make it yourself. Cute ladies, summer is no longer outside the corner and many of you prepared to it thoroughly, making a visa by paying a ticket to hot countries and buying frank swimwear and sunglasses. Fashionable girl It seeks to always look stunning, and especially in a new place, where are full of beautiful and tanned people. And if so cosmeticslike mascara and highlight girls enjoy only in dark time Day during parties, then fresh and trendy manicure should shine on the girls's handles around the clock.

About everything in order ...

Modern stylists do not recommend making a manicure before going on vacation, explaining this to the fact that the marks should rest and absorb everything to the maximum healing properties Sea water. But many fashionists with this statement categorically disagree. Turning into a lifestyle the rule that the girl should remain beautiful in any situation, they are ecstasized and enthusiastically go to a meeting with the manicure master.

What is Neil-art portrayed on your fingers? Of course, it is better to use all sorts of techniques, echoing with the marine subject. Usually, the masters do not arise difficulties when creating a beach decoration of nails. And for those who decided to make it on their own, we offer a selection the best photos "Manicure on the sea."

Accordingly, the colors in it are used the most juicy and interesting. On the nails can be realized in reality any fantasy and create unique designimpregnated with the golden beach, blue sea and the downhill line of the horizon.

Tip!Whatever fashionable manicure on vacation and the sea you choose, note that the destructive effect of sunlight, sand and seawater can quickly spoil beautiful picture And turn your Neil-art in the lurped, aesthetically unattractive nails. If you make up your fingers at home, for starters take care of giving the manicure of reinforced strength.

Choose colors

For manicure at the sea of \u200b\u200b2017, the performance of a variety of decorations is appropriate. To give the charm and shine notes, you can use all sorts of rhinestones and stones. Seashells, pictures of marine inhabitants, anchors, helpers, waves and palm trees are preferred. You can also portrayed glasses with cocktails, holographic drawings and gold glitter on the nails. All this now belongs to the category "ultra-trees". If you are owned by applying acrylic paintIt can also be applied when creating a trend summer manicure for vacation. Neil-art with UV varnishes look incredibly effectively.

If all of the above accessories are not found at home, you can create an equally stunning decor with several varnishes of bright and juicy shades. At the height of the holiday season, just such a design is especially relevant. The most popular colors are all shades of blue, blue, red, yellow, orange and white.

The use of neon varnishes is welcomed. This is due to the fact that such a manicure looks simply awesome on the background of beautiful tanned skin. Get out of the cosmetics the most juicy varnishes of coral, pink, salad and tomato tints.

Tip! Neon varnishes should be used only when you have the opportunity to correct the manicure at any time. The fact is that they quickly burn out in the sun, so you should put a couple of bottles with neon varnishes in a suitcase.

Manicure with ultramody neon flowers In 2017, such famous fashionists, such as Paris Hilton, Alena Vodonaeva, Masha Malinovskaya, Katy Perry and Olga Buzova have already managed to demonstrate. On their tanned fingers were seen by screaming orange, yellow and salad notes.

If you do not accept extravagance and excess stripping, apply bright colors Only on unnamed and middle fingers, for the rest of the marigolds, create a calm, gentle design in pink, bedtime or gray tones.

5 most popular ideas for the creation of beach neil art

Basic colorsnecessary for the "bombing" manicure - white, blue and red. They can be used to execute a huge number of variations on the topic of the sea. The easiest way spectacular decoration Nail - coating all nails with dark blue varnish and applying white Franch On tips. Such a design looks delightfully, and if you decorate the nobs with stones, rhinestones or shells, the effect will exceed all your expectations. Always impeccably looks manicure into a white-blue or white-red strip with drawings in the form of anchors, coporvalov, sea waves or palm trees. At the same time you can do as horizontal strips, imitating sailor vests, and vertical, visually lengthening thin ladies.

  • Palm print. It looks very beautiful and seductively looking Neil-art, forcing me to remember how great the sunset is on the seashore. To recreate the picture you need to use orange and beige shades For imitation of sand, black and red - for the image of the sunset and green for palm trees. If you are unspecified that you can correctly perform a pattern of palm trees, use special stickers.

  • Fruit performance. Imagine how juicy will look like a watermelon slices on your nails? And how do you have a spectacular decor, symbolizing the marasic or strawberry? Right, it really good solution. Such a design will be appropriate on the beach, and for a long walk around the attractions and a party.

  • Marine life. Even the animated spongebob staying at the bottom of the ocean will look very fun. Here at all you can make a maximum of fantasy. Beautiful fish, corals, sea \u200b\u200bstarsAll them can be placed in the improvised aquarium on the nails.

  • Natural component. As mentioned earlier, the sunset, sea \u200b\u200bwater And the sand is very popular elements when creating decor. Exotic vegetation can be included in this list. For example, it will be very impressive to look at the nobes with the image of wild exotic colors. Their leaves and stems can be intertwined in the Vitious Patterns, giving a manicure of charm and attractiveness.

  • Old good vest. This design has appeared long ago and still does not lose its relevance. To create a blue-white strip, you must first cover the surface of nails with white, and, using adhesive tape, apply blue Luck. Wait for full lacquer drying, otherwise the image will be lubricated when removing sticky stripes. Such a manicure can be decorated with a pattern in the form of ship ropes, anchors and sturvals.

White-pink base

The bright and screaming manicure does not always follow modern fashionists, quickly bored and at some events are simply inappropriate. The most popular design in such cases is neil-art in white-pink tones. To save the maritime themes, everything nails are needed to cover with these varnishes, and several fingers on the hand to decorate the previously listed ways. Such a calm manicure is appropriate if you are planning to spend your vacation not only on a deck chair, and traveling on the famous places of exotic country, campaigns for parties and romantic dates. The design is perfectly combined with both swimsuit and evening or cocktail dress.

The most popular design in such cases remains Neil-art in white and pink tones summing up

Manicure for recreation - very volumeful theme, and it is difficult to capture all aspects fashion trends 2017. In this article, we described the main trends in Neil-Art, which are now at the peak of popularity. Before approaching the summary, I would like to advise you not to follow blindly fashionable templates, and try to show your own individuality, look for your style, include fantasy. Only such an approach to business will turn the process of creating a manicure into an interesting and exciting passion, and your Neil-art is a really stylish and unique decoration of female marigolds. And now about previously said ...

  • To create a manicure you can use great amount a variety of drawings and ornaments, the main thing that they match marine theme. There is where the soul will turn around: vests, anchors, helpers, ship ropes, marine life, exotic plants, palm trees, beach, sunset, sea waves, etc.
  • In this article, we described the main trends in Neil-Art, which are now at the peak of popularity.
    • Best before the release of making nails as short as possible. Trend. summer season 2017 - juicy, mounted manicure on short nails. In addition, this length will allow longer to keep the manicure.
    • The trend of the summer season of 2017 is a juicy, mounted manicure on short nails. In addition, this length will allow longer to keep manicure
      • Another important aspect, not mentioned earlier: manicure and pedicure on the sea must have the same color gamut. The fact is that the sea of \u200b\u200bthe maiden feet is constantly bare and always rushes a pedicure. The discrepancy of the stylistics in this case is a bad tone.

      • A vacation trip is always an important and exciting event for any lady. As always before the departure, you need to make a march of shopping and provide yourself with stylish and fashionable beach dresses for parties and recreation. In this bustle, do not forget to take care of your nails, because of them unclee view It is able to spoil the impression of your image and bring to zero all your efforts to be the most beautiful on the seashore.

First of all comes to mindwhite color, which really copes with the task. He will emphasize even slightly tanned skin. Good I. pastel shades - Mint, light orange, lavender, vanilla, azure and others. It should be borne in mind that these colors of the capricious: especially winning they look at short nails whose plate is perfectly smooth. Otherwise, the texture will be heterogeneous, and the varnish will be laminated.

Blue, Turquoise, Green - Wineware Options

Ideal for sea vacation All shades of greenery, bright sky and the sea. Colors must be bright, even neon are allowed. Carefully need to be only the owners of pronounced veins on the hands of hands. Otherwise any of these saturated colors It will be wonderfully contrast with the tan.

Red, coral, pink - careful!

Everything berry shades - the very summer colors. Bright sea buckthorn, crimson, cruising, strawberry, cherry - will look great on the nails of any shape and length. There is one minus: with aluminum shades you need to be cautious leather owners with pink subtock. In order for the skin contrasted with varnish, it is better to stop on neon tones, or on cold shades.

Blasting, pearl and design - for the most bold

Minimalistic design, wells, geometric lines, polka dots, fruits (especially popular watermelons), palm trees and marine motives (for example, anchors) - decorate your fingers with different drawings. The leading place is still occupied by outer-design: when one color smoothly goes into another. Beautiful and compositions with glitter, the main thing is a sense of measure.

Summer - favorite time For vacation. If you are going to spend it on the beach, please just with suitable beauty products, but also arsenal to look like a hundred.

Shades of lacquers for tanned skin

All those plans to go to hot countries, warn: not all shades of varnish are suitable for tanned skin. Once at school in lessons visual arts We were told about the difference between warm and cold shades - it's time to remember this. Dark skin Shown warm shades. The most winning colors of varnishes are red, coral, cherry, gold, khaki, orange and yellow.

Short nail manicure

© nail_unistella

White varnish perfectly emphasizes the tan and never be boring against the background of the tan. This option is especially good for short nails - It looks simple and elegant.

© nailsbyharlig

An interesting solution is a multicolored Neil-art. Such a manicure creates a vacation mood even in the office.

© nailsbyharlig

Light brown varnish with pinkish subtock - Must-Have for owners of tanned skin. He gently emphasizes her warm tone And it looks restrained elegant.

© nailsbyharlig

A winbrid option for tanned - lemon yellow varnish. The concise solution benefits the skin. If after the vacation you want a simple performed, but original manicure- This is your color.

Summer symbol - saturated berry shades. Warm pink and cherry-red versions of varnishes perfectly rhymes with a tan.

If you do not consider yourself to fans of Neil Art, but monophonic manicure You are bored, choose for each nail your shade out of the red palette: orange, coral, red, rose variations.

Manicure for long nails

Gentle pink varnish - raper satellite tan. Simple pink cover seems too boring? Then add a geometric pattern to it in restrained colors.

Fruits - Another association with the summer. On vacation, we are more often poisoning themselves with exotic fruits. And their image on the nails can make manicure in summer cheerful and bright. We wrote about Neil-Design with fruit.

Light vacation life will create multicolored dots on a transparent background.

The combination of pink and green is one of the most spectacular in the manicure. See how the asymmetric green leaves look original on the nails.

© nail_unistella

Red color will emphasize a golden skin of tanned skin. If a classic manicure It seems a banal with a red varnish, combine matte and glossy coating.

What design will fit tanned skin?

Silver wells serve binder link between pink color The main coating and a bronze tanning tank.

An option for bold - a combination of black varnish and gold races laid out on the nails in the shape of stars. It will not be exactly unnoticed with such a design.

© nail_unistella

So that the manicure has not turned out is unnecessary, rhinestones and stickers are better to "compress" to a transparent coating.

Remember: In order for an interesting design to justify all expectations, the nails must be prepared correctly. How exactly - shown in our video.

What version of the summer manicure for tanned skin most liked you?