Maternity capital for the funded part of the mother's pension. How to send documents. Conditions for obtaining maternity capital spent on the formation of a pension

Maternal capital can be used in different ways: to buy a home, pay off a loan or study, purchase special means for disabled children and the formation of the funded part of the mother's pension. You can use family capital funds to form a pension in full or in part. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund branch and attach documents to it. The money can be sent to both public and private pension funds.

Maternity capital - a measure state support families with children. It can only be used for certain needs: improvement living conditions, education of children and the formation of the funded part of the mother's pension.

Maternity capital for the mother's pension can be used 3 years after the birth of the child. The procedure for applying the assistance received is not limited to the choice of only one method, since the funds can be used partially. For example, a woman has the right to use the funds received for the education of one of her children and the formation of a pension. The ratio of shares is determined by the parents themselves.

The formation of the funded part of the pension is not popular, but it has obvious advantages:

  • increase in the size of the pension;
  • increase in the amount of the subsidy through investment.

It is established that at any time before retirement, a woman can withdraw money sent to the Pension Fund and use or pay educational services.

Where to go

The Pension Fund is responsible for considering applications for the use of family capital funds. Accordingly, you should contact its territorial branch. It is determined according to the place of residence, permanent or temporary, confirmed by a stamp in the passport or a separate certificate.

In addition to a personal visit to a specialist, documents can be submitted electronically through Personal Area on the Public Services Portal.

Documents for translation

So, the family decided to allocate funds for the formation of the funded part of the pension. To do this, you need to prepare some documents:

  • statement;
  • original or duplicate of the certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • passport;
  • certificate of registration at the place of temporary residence (if the place of actual residence does not match the registration on the passport);
  • for a representative: power of attorney and passport.

How to fill out an application

An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds is filled out in the prescribed form. It specifies general information about the applicant: full name, including the one obtained at birth, passport data, information about the place of residence. The document includes information about the certificate: date of receipt, issuing authority, number.

The application shall indicate the method of using the funds. IN this case- the formation of the funded part of the pension, as well as the amount that should be directed to these needs.

By submitting the application, the woman confirms with her signature that she:

  • not deprived or limited in parental rights Oh;
  • did not commit a crime against a child;
  • adoption was not cancelled;
  • the child was not selected.

After submitting the application and documents, the specialist issues a receipt to the applicant, which confirms the fact of applying to the Pension Fund, puts the date and his signature on it.

for the transfer of mother capital for the formation of a pension.

There are four ways to apply: in person, by mail, online, or through a representative.

Attention! The term for consideration of the application is one month. After that, a decision is made to satisfy the application or to refuse.

If mom changes her mind

If it became necessary to send money for other purposes, for example, to pay for housing or educational institution, a woman can always refuse to send maternity capital to a funded pension.

To do this, you need to contact the branch of the Pension Fund and write a statement in which you indicate a different direction of use and indicate the amount of the withdrawn funds.

Consideration of the application takes a week. After the end of this period, a decision is made.

Note! If the money was in the state pension fund, the withdrawal period will be one working week. For NPFs, it increases to one month.

You can also withdraw a notice of withdrawal. But this can only be done within seven days.

Ways to provide pensions

There are two systems of pension insurance in Russia: state and non-state. Until the onset of retirement, personal accounts accumulate cash, which will be evenly distributed over certain period. Such an individual fund is formed from the insurance, funded and voluntary parts.

The accumulative component of pension provision is formed at the personal request of the future pensioner. It may increase as a result of participation in the co-financing program, as well as through voluntary contributions, including from family capital. The big advantage of this part is the possibility of its inclusion in the estate.

Attention! In the period from 2014 to 2019, a moratorium was established on the formation pension savings for payments from family capital.

So form funded part is possible only for those who get a job for the first time and during the first five-year labor period.

Retirement Options

The law provides for three options for receiving family capital funds after retirement:

  1. Urgent payment. The mother of the child herself determines during what period of time she will receive the funds directed by her and the income received from their investment. The minimum period is established by law and is equal to 10 years, the maximum is not limited.
  2. Funded pension, which is paid for life every month. The final amount is determined in accordance with the expected period of payment of the pension content. To do this, all the money in the woman's personal account, including mother's capital, is taken into account.
  3. One time payment. It is only possible if the funded pension is less than 5% of the insurance pension. In addition, women who have, or, state security, can count on her.

Important!“By default” (in the absence of an application), the second option is always applied - funded pension.

For example, a woman born in 1989 in 2017 wrote a statement about the direction of mother's capital for the formation of a pension. The amount of allocated funds is 453,026 rubles.

If age limit, with the achievement of which retirement is associated, does not change, then it will be equal to 55 years, as it is now. Therefore, she will be able to receive pensions in 2045. Prior to this date, funds transferred to the management of the Pension or other non-state fund, will be invested and generate income.

The return on public and private funds is different. For example, in the Pension Fund it is 7.8%, in the NPF of Sberbank - 8.4%.

Until the moment of retirement, the woman remains 27 years old. During this time, the amount of savings will be as follows: 453026 rubles. × (1+7.8%) 27 years = RUB 3,998,653

Thus, if a woman chooses an urgent payment for a period of 10 years, her monthly income will be 33,322 rubles. With an indefinite option - 16661 rubles.

This calculation is background information. Pension legislation is constantly changing: the age is increasing, other reforms are planned related to the accumulation of pensions.

Non-state pension fund

The funds allocated by the state as support for families with children can be directed not only to the state, but also to a private pension fund. The most solid of them belong to the largest corporations: Sberbank, Gazprom and others.

In order to transfer your savings to a non-state pension fund (NPF), you need to conclude an agreement with the NPF and submit an application to the Pension Fund for the transfer of existing savings. The money belonging to the applicant will be transferred within five years after the application is submitted, either to next year– depending on what is stated in the application.

There are no restrictions on the choice of NPF and the possibility of changing it. The latest amendments determined that when savings are transferred to another NPF, the income received from investments is preserved.

Note! NPF can offer more favorable conditions through successful investments.

Table 1. The difference between a state pension fund and a non-state one

State Pension Fund Non-state pension fund
1. Invests in stocks, bonds of municipalities. Dispose of at your own discretion.
2. There can only be one management company. Can involve any number of management companies.
3. The client undertakes to comply with the established conditions. When transferring funds, an agreement is concluded containing the rights and obligations of the parties.
4. Upon inheritance, the funded part passes to the legal heirs. Funds are transferred to the person specified in the contract.

The decision on which of the many pension funds to direct your funds to should be taken only after a detailed study of the conditions of each of them.

Answers to individual issues regarding the direction of maternity capital funds, see the video:

Author: . Higher legal education: North-Western branch of the Russian Academy of Justice (St. Petersburg) Work experience since 2010. Contract law, consulting on taxation and accounting, representation of interests in state bodies, banks, notaries.
June 24, 2017 .

Maternity capital for the funded part of the mother's pension - great way ensure high level life for a woman in her old age. Each certificate holder has the right to use it by transferring funds to a public or private pension insurance body. What is the legal background this process and its features, it is worth considering in more detail.

When can I use the right to use maternity capital?

The transfer of funds from the mother's capital to the funded part of the pension is possible only after the child reaches 3 years of age. In this case, we mean the baby who gave the right to receive a certificate. You can use both part of the funds and their full size at the request of the mother.

The option of using maternity capital for pension accumulation is not very popular, despite this, it carries a large number of advantages:

  • increase in monthly pension amounts upon the onset of retirement age;
  • the possibility of increasing the amount of maternity capital at the expense of investment income;
  • compensation for the unpaid period of childcare, which is not taken into account when calculating the pension (from 1.5 to 3 years).

Manage funds by increasing the funded part pension contributions as soon as the child is three years old. Mom should contact the nearest PF with the list of documents necessary for registration.

In the event that after a few years the certificate holder changes her mind and wants to use funds to purchase real estate or any other, statutory purpose, she can write a refusal to transfer funds to the funded part of the pension. In this case, all funds are returned to the account of the certificate.

IN Russian Federation There are two types of pension insurance: state and non-state. The first is the well-known pension fund. The latter may be opened by various licensed institutions. For example, the well-known Sberbank opened its own NPF.

Despite the choice of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the pension will be formed at the expense of:

  1. insurance or social contributions;
  2. cumulative part;
  3. voluntarily contributed funds.

If we cannot influence the first point, since deductions are made in strictly defined percentages, then the value of the second and third depends only on us. When contributing funds to the funded part at the expense of mother capital, it will significantly increase the total amount of the pension. Thus, if a woman wants to secure a comfortable old age, then this method of implementing a certificate should not be neglected.

The funded part of the pension has some disadvantages. Among them, one can note the lack of indexing, i.e. a person will not be insured in the future against the depreciation of money. Despite this, there are significant benefits beyond the increase in the pension itself. So, in the event of a woman's death, the heirs will be able to receive the funded part of her pension.

How to use the mother's capital to increase the mother's pension?

The holder of the maternity capital certificate has the right to:

  1. form the funded part of the pension at its discretion;
  2. choose the organization for the transfer of funds and their amount.

It is important to understand here that it is possible to benefit from mother capital only after reaching retirement age, and this requires patience.

Receiving funds after their transfer to the account of the funded part of the pension is possible:

  • for life - the amount is distributed equal shares for 20 years;
  • urgently - the payment period is reduced to 10 years;
  • lump sum - the amount is paid at a time, given that it does not exceed 5% of the amount of the insurance pension.

You can use the funds by applying to the PF. Since the laws are periodically modified, it is worth consulting in advance about your rights and the possibilities of using the certificate with a PF specialist.

The owner of the MK certificate can apply to any state branch of the PF with an application for the disposal of funds. In this case, it does not matter whether the appeal will be transmitted at the place of actual residence, since this can be done in any city of the Russian Federation. Employees of the PF do not have the right to refuse to accept documents and applications.

The application for the disposal of funds, as a rule, contains the following data:

  • about the certificate and its owner;
  • about the child, after the birth of which the right to issue a certificate was obtained;
  • about the legal representative (in case of using a power of attorney);
  • on the chosen direction of use of funds and their amount;
  • about the absence of restrictions on parental rights.

At the end of the application is the date and signature of the certificate holder, which is the official confirmation of the request for the use of funds.

Together with the application it is necessary to provide a package of documents:

  1. MK certificate or its duplicate, issued in case of loss of the original;
  2. copies and originals of documents confirming the identity of the certificate holder (passport, SNILS);
  3. documents of a trustee (passport, SNILS), in case of using a power of attorney.

The owner of the certificate must not be deprived of parental rights. This is very important, because in this case she is deprived of the legal right to use the MK.

You can submit an appeal in three ways:

  1. visiting the PF in person;
  2. sending documents to e-mail;
  3. sending documents by registered mail.

After receiving the documents, the PF employees are given one month to decide whether to satisfy the request or refuse to execute it.

All residents of the Russian Federation have the right to choose between state and non-state PF. Here key role only desire and individual decision-making play. The NPF also makes monthly contributions from wages, as in the state, while there is the possibility of creating a funded part of the pension. In the case of the intended use of the MK, the certificate holder is obliged:

  • apply to the PF with an application for the transfer of funds to the NPF;
  • conclude an agreement with the NPF.

The right to change the fund remains with the citizen. Thus, for some reason, it will be necessary to change the NPF to a state fund, all accumulated funds are transferred to its accounts.

Refusal to use MK funds for the funded part of the pension

The owner of the certificate can use the right to refuse to transfer funds to the funded part of the pension. The conditions for such refusal are:

  1. the choice of another direction for the use of funds from the mother's capital;
  2. there is no purpose of payments.

Thus, the woman does not lose anything by transferring funds to the account funded pension. As soon as it becomes necessary to return them to the certificate account, it is enough to apply to the PF department, providing reliable information:

  • personal data of the owner of the certificate or his authorized representative;
  • selection of a new direction of funds;
  • amount of withdrawn funds.

Within one week, PF employees check the accuracy of the information, the amount of the refund and the balance of funds. In case of legal approval of the return, the PF will transfer the money to its accounts no later than 5 days, when using the NPF - 30 days.

An application for a refund to the certificate account can also be canceled, however, this must be done no later than seven days from the date of application to the PF.

By how much will the pension increase after the use of maternity capital?

Since the transfer of funds from the mother's capital to the funded part of pension contributions is carried out at the request of the certificate holder, it is he who regulates the amount of transfers. So, you can transfer both 400 thousand rubles and 100 thousand rubles. The rest remains on the account of the certificate, it will be possible to spend it for any other purpose established by law.

Thus, the increase in pension will depend only on the amount and period of its use. For example, if the insurance pension is 10 thousand rubles, while 400 thousand rubles were transferred from the mother's capital, taking into account urgent repayment over 10 years, then the amount of the increase will be 40 thousand per year or 3,333 rubles. in one month. The total amount will be a little more than 13 thousand rubles. This increase seems insignificant at first glance, but it is more than enough to pay utilities, For example.

Do not forget that the amount of the funded pension can be increased through voluntary contributions. So, it can be ten times more, which guarantees good financial security in old age.

Can a father count on an increase in his pension at the expense of maternity capital?

The official holder of the certificates is a woman, hence the name "maternity capital". Despite this, the law provides for cases of its receipt by fathers or adoptive parents. At the same time, they have every right to direct funds from mother capital to create a funded pension.

The reason for obtaining a certificate by a non-mother of children may be the deprivation of parental rights or the onset of death. In this case, the right to receive it is transferred to the legal representative of the children. Note that in practice such cases are rare.

Maternity capital is a profitable investment in the mother's future pension

Given the above, we can sum up a little. The mother's certificate opens up a good opportunity to ensure a comfortable old age for the mother. Funds can be transferred to a PF selected by the certificate holder personally. You can cancel your selection at any time on legal grounds. There are quite a few advantages of transferring funds for pension accumulation, while the risks are minimal.

Does it make sense to allocate maternity capital to the mother's future pension?

Maternity capital funds can be used to form the funded part labor pension mothers. To do this, you must submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or to a non-state pension fund (private management company).
It is worth noting that citizens who have made such a decision can subsequently refuse it. To do this, you need to send an application for refusal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to do it before the day of the appointment of a pension.

There is a special article with which you can evaluate the surcharge to future pension at the expense of maternity capital:
If the owner of the certificate for maternity capital allocates funds for the formation of the funded part of the labor pension, after assigning the specified part of the labor pension to her, she will have three options for receiving these funds.
The first option is in the form of an urgent pension payment. The term of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years.
The second option is in the form of a funded part of the old-age labor pension. This payment is for life. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the certificate holder accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund are taken into account.
The third option is in the form lump sum payment, if the amount of the funded part of the labor old-age pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the labor old-age pension.
In 2012, a 40-year-old woman directed maternity capital funds (387,640.3 rubles) to form pension savings. In 2027, she will reach the generally established retirement age of 55 years. For 15 years before her retirement, her pension savings were invested and multiplied by the management company she chose.
If for the calculation we take the profitability of the state management company 7.52%*, then by 2027 the amount of pension savings formed at the expense of maternity capital and increased through investment will be approximately: 1,150,185.15 rubles.
* Average annual return on the expanded investment portfolio of the state management company Vnesheconombank in 2009-2011.
At the same time, the amount of the monthly supplement to the pension at the expense of the MSC will be approximately:

At the same time, an urgent pension payment for 10 years.
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 120 months = 9,584.88 rubles;

When paying the funded part of the old-age labor pension
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 216 months* = RUB 5,324.93
For an approximate calculation of the increase in pension in this example the expected period of payment of the pension, relevant for 2012, is taken - 216 months. From January 1, 2013, the duration of the expected period of payment of the funded part of the old-age labor pension will be determined annually federal law based on official statistics on the life expectancy of recipients of this part of the labor pension.

If the owner of the state certificate dies AFTER the appointment of an urgent pension payment, the balance of the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity capital used to form the funded part of the old-age labor pension, as well as the income from their investment, are subject to payment to successors from among persons entitled to additional measures state support for families with two or more children. First of all, this is a spouse (father or adoptive parent) and children (child).

Maternity capital can be directed to the mother's pension, but not everyone knows how to do this and why? How will you receive money after retirement? How can you spend them? Pros and cons of the decision to accrue MK funds for mom's pension.

Funds (part of funds) of maternity (family) capital, at the request of a woman who has received a certificate, can be included in pension savings and transferred to trust management of a management company or to a non-state pension fund - at the choice of the mother.

Where to apply for the transfer of maternity capital funds for my mother's pension?

An application for the disposal of maternity capital can be submitted to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence.

Is it possible to return the MK funds if you change your mind?

Yes, you can. Women who initially chose this option for using maternity (family) capital funds can later change their choice to manage MSC funds in other areas (improving living conditions or getting a child's education). To do this, you need to send an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence to refuse to send MSC funds or part of it to form a future pension. The main thing is to do this before the appointment of a pension.

In what form can I receive MK funds after retirement?

The legislation approved three options for obtaining these funds:

· in the form of an urgent pension payment . The duration of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years. Assigned and paid, including at the expense of maternity capital funds aimed at the formation of a funded pension, and income from their investment;

· in the form of a funded pension . Paid monthly and for life. Size monthly payment determined taking into account the expected period of payment of the pension. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the owner of the certificate accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia are taken into account;

· as a lump sum payment if the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension, including taking into account fixed payment, and the amount of the funded pension, calculated as of the date of granting the funded pension. Also, such a payment is established for citizens who receive insurance pension due to disability or loss of a breadwinner, or receiving a state pension pension provision who, upon reaching the generally established retirement age, did not acquire the right to establish an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the necessary insurance experience and (or) the amount of pension points of at least 30 (subject to transitional provisions).

What documents to provide for registration of MK for a pension?

· a written statement of a woman who received a certificate on the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital. The application form is issued in territorial body Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence;

certificate for maternity (family) capital or its duplicate;