How much index pension in. How much increased benefits in February. General information and criteria for retirement in old age

At the meeting of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, with members of the Government, Maxim Topilin told about how a lump-sum payment of pensioners and which will be the indexation of pensions and social range in 2017.

"We reported to the president that all the resources in order to ensure all social paymentswhich are provided for by the budget, is. This applies primarily by the execution of the May decrees of the president - wages to employees of the budget sector. These are doctors, school teachers, teachers preschool institutions, faculty, social workers, cultural workers, "he said to journalists on the basis of the meeting.

The head of the Ministry of Labor of Russia also said that in February the indexation of insurance pensions on actual inflation last year will be conducted.

"From February 1, 2017, indexation of insurance pensions will be carried out in accordance with the level of inflation. Yesterday Rosstat published the consumer price index over the past 2016. This is 5.4%. From February 1, everything will be indexed by 5.4% insurance pensions"," Said Maxim Topilin.

At the same time, from April 1, 2017, the amount of insurance pensions will be once again indexed by a small amount. As a result, in 2017, insurance pensions will increase by 5.8%. Working retirees will not index pension.

In addition, Maxim Topilin announced the indexation of social benefits from February 1, 2017 by 5.4%. According to him, many will be indexed social benefits: Monthly cash payments Disabled people, veterans, Chernobyls, benefits at the birth of children, child care, other types of social support.

Last year, due to budgetary issues, the government was forced to index pensions by only 4%, and not at the rate of 2015 inflation - 12.9%. The second indexation was decided not to be carried out, but to replace it with a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles. Pensioners will pay pay only in January 2017.

"We had a difficult financial situation at the beginning of this year. And we were forced to decide that the indexation of pensions are divided into two parts. At the beginning, pay part, and in the second half of the year. Given the current situation, we paid the first part of the indexation in the form of interest, and the second part of the indexation, as you know and how our pensioners know, we decided to pay in the form of one-time payoutIn order not to create macroeconomic problems, "the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev explained.

According to the head of the Ministry of Labor, "Yesterday (January 10), the Treasury listed funds to the accounts of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Pension Fund has already begun settlements with banks and" Russian Post ".

"Yesterday, on the first day of work with these funds, 4 million pensioners received 5 thousand rubles. On your accounts in the banking system, "said Maxim Topilin.

According to the Pension Fund of Russia, the payment will be made from January 13 to 28, 2017. "The postmanship will be delivered along with a pension in January to recipients who have the date of delivery of pensions to the house, from the 13th and to the end of the payment of the payment period," the FIU says.

Pensioners who receive a retirement from the 3rd to the 12th month of the month, the payment will be made from January 13 to 28, 2017 also with the delivery to the house. For such pensioners, information on the additional delivery date of a one-time payment in January will be informed when delivering a pension for December 2016. For pensioners who receive a pension not through the "Post of Russia", but through credit or other delivery organizations, the same periods of paying 5 thousand rubles are valid. - from January 13 to 28.

The budget contains funds and indexation, and for a one-time payment. According to the law on the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia for 2017, this year the funds of the Foundation for the pension provision of Russians will increase by 327.3 billion and will be 6.9 trillion rubles. Social payments will increase by 262.3 billion and will be 1.2 trillion rubles. The total cost of the budget of the FIU will be 8.584 trillion rubles, it is 9.9% of Russia's GDP. For revenues, the budget of the FIU for 2017 is formed in the amount of 8.364 trillion rubles.

We remember that by law now payments to pensioners are 2 types. The 1st is insurance and will be paid to all citizens every month in the amount, depending on what kind of salary they have, the 2nd is a cumulative. His citizens of Russia contribute voluntarily to the Pension Fund. Definitely, the increase in pensions in 2017 is expected and it pleases.

In the country, they conducted reforms and after that, the accumulative balls for pensioners were subject to change. Common Trade Now it is considered not only the time in which a person worked, but also if he cared for children or ill-friendly relatives and other conditions. This also applies to both sexes. It turns out that the size of increasing pensions of 2017, even if 500 to 700 rubles, but also such concern for the state to people are pleasant.

In 2016, reforms continue. Indexing for pensioners will become more, let it be a little, only 4%, but for pensioners it is much and they are grateful for the care of the state.From 01/01/2016 indexation was at least 12%. Unfortunately, the state can not afford to allocate large sums from the budget pension paymentsOtherwise, prices for products and other goods will increase. Everything in the country is interrelated, money from the air is not taken.

Will there be an increase in pensions?

At the government level, they decided that the elderly people living in the village from 01/01/2016 each month was allowed. It will be generally 1096 rubles, it is 25% of the rustic pension fixed for each insurance part. To get such an additive, it takes 30 years to work on agricultural. Enterprises and that a person at this time exactly lived in the village.There is another condition that such a pensioner, after entering a well-deserved rest, should not work now, it is pleasant to increase pensions 2017.

There is still a nuance if a person moves to the city, the allowance will be removed, and will come back and add it. We say not only about those citizens who are already retired after 01.01.2016. Recalculation will produce for all living in the village just 30 years and more. It happens that there is some kind of law and make recalculations, the amount of pension decreases, in such cases, it remains at the same level as paid before.

Pensions 2017

D. Medvedev, as the Prime Minister stated that in 2017, all previously accrued to citizens of pensions would be precisely indexed. This was not once said other officials. Everything is confirmed, no need to worry, everyone will receive its part, taking into account the inflation that occurred in the country for six months after the last indexation. She will be accrued like:

  • From 01/01/2017, there will be more allowance for pensioners living in the villages.
  • The manual that is issued to all in old age is indexed from 01.02.12017.
  • From 01.04.2017, social. Payments with pensions.
  • Servicemen recalculate their benefits from 01.10.2017.

Pension payments in 2017 were such:

  • 13 thousand 700 rubles. constituted the manual average;
  • 13 thousand 500 rubles. put a pensioner that continues to work;
  • From 13 thousand rubles. and more payments on one child or teenager-disabled;
  • 36 thousand rubles. Get military veterans;
  • 14 thousand 500 rubles. - Such compensation is put on the elderly, not working in Moscow.

Raising pensions 2017 for working retirees

In 2016, the state decided that the indexing increase in pensions of this population category should be temporarily canceled. Working pensioners got an increase in their pensions. This was done at the expense of IPC accumulations and deductions that employed employers in the budget.

A citizen who has a pension by age will receive indexing at it when it stops officially work in some organization. And that amount will be recalculated taking into account the increments that occurred during this period in the country from the beginning of its employment.

Parliamentarians raised the issue that working retirees and not at all need to pay a well-deserved pension, but such injustice did not find the response from the majority. It is surprising that some officials do not understand how hard everyone gets a pension and how much effort we apply to work responsibly and benefit the country. The sea consists of a variety of water drops and the contribution of each elderly person in a common cause over the years of work is huge. If you have a lot of strength, you can continue to work and after reaching pension ageFrom this well everything: you, family and state.

There is an economic forecast that in 2017 pensions those older people who continue to work somewhere, will still be indexed.Will it be recalculated for benefits? Not known yet. Soon politicians will decide on the increase in pensions in 2017 in Russia and we will find out everything.

Insurance pension in 2017

Now in Russia, an average insurance pension If a person came to her to achieve age, there will be 13 thousand 700 rubles. When calculating, the experience of each and charged balls accrued during this time are accumulated. In 2015, they conducted a reform and now after leaving for old age. Your payments consist of 2 parts: accumulative with insurance. Fixed will be insurance and they annually spend putted indexation. An increase in social pensions 2017 is expected in Russia. The accumulative will be only those who were born no earlier than 1968 and takes into account the reason for which the allowance was appointed and there are payments of 3 species:

  1. To achieve old age.
  2. If a person has become disabled.
  3. The family lost the breadwinner.

Now the government has not made any decisions that will be made to the Pension Fund. additional payments From the part of the worker in their places of the population, because social pensions in 2017 will not rise. When the reform was carried out in 2015, they expected higher additions, but it came out as it is. Excellent news that in 2017 we expect a decrease in inflation to 6%, even up to 5% it will decrease already in 2018.

Forecasts are very favorable and pensions in 2017 will definitely increase, inflation will feel significantly, but the average payment of older people will be 15 thousand. 527 rubles.Formally, payments will be more, but really retirees will be able to buy for these means less products or things. Most likely the government will take action and will try to save where it is only possible to overcome the crisis. Raising is expected labor pensions In 2017.

Raising Pension 2019 - whether indexing will be still and for how many percent. Read on this page latest news About the increase to pensions in the Russian Federation.

The topic of raising pensions in Russia today is being discussed very actively at all levels. Still would! The country is unfolding in the country pension reform. We have not managed to get used to the so-called Pension ballsAnd they already want to cancel them. Well, the main thing, the government has submitted a draft law on raising retirement age in Russia to the State Duma. What to wait now to today's pensioners (working and non-working)? What will the indexation of pensions in 2019? When will pensions and for how much percent? There are many questions .. And let's start with what Vladimir Putin said about the increase in pensions.

Putin on indexing pensions in 2019

President of Russia Vladimir Putin in television on issues pension legislation reported pensions indexing plans for 2019 and subsequent years. He in particular said:

"In 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions will be about 7 percent, which is two times higher than the forecast inflation at the end of 2018. In general, in the coming six years we will be able to increase annually in old age pension for disabled pensioners On average, 1 thousand rubles. As a result, this will give the opportunity in 2024 to enter average level Pensions for non-working pensioners at 20 thousand rubles per month. (Now, let's remind, it is 14 thousand 144 rubles). In the future, already beyond the horizon 2024, changes in the pension system will allow formation solid foundation For a stable annual increase in insurance pensions above inflation. "

Raising pension in 2019: when the gain

The words of the president have already found an incarnation in the draft budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2019-2021. The document is prepared. It is prescribed by indexing pensions for the near future. What increase to wait for pensioners and when? Tell.

Usually, the increase in pensions in Russia does not occur simultaneously for all categories of pensioners, but stretched for several months. So, for several years in a row in February, insurance pensions were indexed, in April - social, and in August recalculated payments to working retirees. In 2018, this scheme was a bit adjusted: insurance pensions were raised not in February, but from January 1. In 2019, the situation will repeat. So:

  1. Since January 2019, insurance pensions will be indexed;
  2. From April 2019, they will raise social pensions;
  3. Since August 2019. year will pass recalculate pensions to working retirees.

Scheduled with the schedule. Now let's go to the numbers. Here more complicated ...

1. Indexation of the insurance pension in 2019

In the past three years, on average, the increase in pensions was carried out at 400-500 rubles. So,

  • in 2016, the promotion was 399 rubles,
  • in 2017 - 524 rubles,
  • in 2018 - 481 ruble.

And now, as Putin said, the increase in retirement age will increase the size of the monthly pension to non-working retirees per 1000 rubles!

The President stated that in 2019, the indexation of old-age pensions would be about 7 percent. The pension fund budget is prescribed an accurate figure.

From January 1, 2019, the insurance pension of old-age non-working pensioners will be increased by 7.05 percent. As a result, the average annual size of the insurance pension in the old age of non-working retirees in 2019 will be 15.4 thousand rubles.

+ 1 000 rubles to pensions not all!

However, it is necessary to warn you in advance that some pensioners, having received the first payments for 2019, may be disappointed. After all, it is possible that the increase in them will be less expected to 1,000 rubles. This specifically, the Pension Fund of Russia clarifies in advance:

the increase is individual for each pensioner, and its amount will depend on the size of the pension!

The higher the citizen acquired during labor life pension rights (experience, earnings, insurance contributions, number of pension coefficients) more Size Insurance pension and, therefore, the sum of the addition to it after indexing.

This table site clearly showed the amount of pension increasing from January 2019, based on its established size.

Increase the size of the pension, rub

According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

Pension coefficient and fixed payment

Take up in the subject, let me clarify a few more numbers. So, from January 1, 2019, the cost of one pension coefficient will be 87 rubles. 24 copies, and size fixed payout The Insurance Pensions of Old Time (excluding relevant increases) will be established in the amount of 5334 rubles. 19 cop

For information, we inform that under the next years the law establishes the following cost of one pension coefficient:

in 2020.

93 rub. 00 cop. (1.066 times);

in 2021.

98 rub. 86 kopecks (1.063 times);

in 2022.

104 rub. 69 kopecks. (1.059 times);

in 2023.

110 rub. 55 kopecks. (1.056 times);

in 2024.

116 rub. 63 kopecks. (1.055 times).

The size of a fixed payment to an old-age insurance pension (excluding appropriate increases) is established in the amount:

5686 rub. 25 cop. (growth of 1.066 times);

6044 rub. 48 cop. (growth of 1.063 times);

6401 rub. 10 cop (growth of 1.059 times);

6759 rub. 56 kopecks. (growth of 1.056 times);

7131 rub. 34 cop. (growth of 1.055 times).

It is planned that this will provide an increase in the old age pension to non-working retirees by 2024 to 20 thousand rubles.

2. Enhancing a social pension since April 2019

Pensions under state pension provision, including social, traditionally rises from April 1. As we remember, from April 1, 2017, social pensions were indexed by 1.5 percent, from April 2018 - by 2.9%. As a result of indexation the average size social pension increased by 255 rubles and after increased amounted to 9,062 rubles.

How will our government work out this time?

Putin did not say anything about social pensions. But in the draft budget of the Pension Fund, the following parameters of the increase are indicated.

Social pensions are planned to index from April 1 through the growth index of the subsistence minimum of a pensioner (PMP) for the previous year. In 2019 - by 2.4%.

The average annual size of the social pension in 2019 will be 9,215 rubles, that is, 104.2% of the PMP.

3. Increased pension to subsistence minimum pensioner

What can you add these words? First of all, a reminder that pension in Russia cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum of a pensioner (PMP) in a particular region of its residence. If someone after indexing the size of the prescribed pension does not reach the PMP in your region, then the payment must be paid to minimal.

By the way, inconsistencies may be related to this. real height Pensions and stated indexing percentage. If you have previously reached a pension to minimal with special surcharge, then will also be done in 2019. But not always this real increase will be 2.4% and even more than 7.05%.

By the way, you must remember that living wage Pensioner in each area is different. Somewhere, for example, in Moscow or in the Far East, it is higher than in Central Russia. Accordingly, I. minimum pension There will be more.

4. Indexation of pensions of working pensioners in 2019

As we remember, in 2016, 2017 and 2018, insurance pensions of working retirees were not indexed. In 2019, the increases to wait also do not have to wait.

I even walked rumors that paying pensions to working retirees, due to reform pension system In Russia, they are planning to cancel in general. Fortunately, these are only rumors.

Vice Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova in the program "Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov" on the TV channel "Russia 1" assured that "working retirees as they continued to receive a pension and wagesAnd they will continue to receive and retire, and wages. "

However, after the cessation of work activities, the sum of the insurance pension and fixed payments to the insurance pension will be recalculated, taking into account all indexations that have passed during their work. The recalculation will be produced from the 1st day of the month following the month of termination of work.

The unstable development of the economic situation in the country does not allow the authorities to plan the indexing of a pension a few months ahead. However, the government seeks to take maximum measures to improve living standards among senior citizens. And now it will be about indexing a pension in 2017.

Periods of indexing

At the end of 2016, the budget has found funds for recalculation in 2017. The projected inflation indicators were equal to 5.9%.

In this way, the first recalculation took place on February 1. The amount of pension payments increased in accordance with inflationary indicators, namely by 5.4%. This increase affected only the pensioners who stopped working.

Moreover, the size of a fixed payment is increasing, which will be 4805 rubles. And also increased the cost of PCs ( pension coefficient) to a level of 78.28 rubles (previously equal to 74.27 rubles).

Below offer approximate schedule for recalculation pension deductions In 2017:

  • Januaryone-time allowance in the amount of 5000 rubles.
  • 1st of February - Payments are increasing by 5.6% (affects only non-working retirees).
  • Beneficiaries produced recalculation by 5.4%.
  • April 1 - Improving social benefits. The predicted percentage of recalculation is 2.6%. However, according to preliminary data, the percentage of increasing pension payments will be no more than 0.4%.
  • August 1 - It is planned to increase pension payments to pensioners who continue to actively work. The percentage of recalculation depends on the amount of employer's contributions to the FIU (Pension Fund).

Increase pension to workers to pensioners

According to the law No. 68 of 04/06/2015, working elderly will not receive a surcharge to the current pension in February 2017. Cancellation of indexation is valid until 2019. To obtain increased pension, a retirement citizen must stop the official labor activity.

After dismissal, the pensioner will resume the procedure for recalculating the pension, and all changes and missed indexing periods will be taken into account, which acted during the work period.

In April, the authorities plan to increase social benefits among working and non-working elderly by about 2.6%.

In addition, in August, pensioners who continue to officially work will receive extra charge to pension deductions. The amount of recalculation depends on the contributions that the manual translates into the FIU during 2016.

Military pensioners and recalculation

In addition to January (one-time) payments, former servicemen will receive a surcharge At such time periods like:

  • February 1 - the percentage of 5.4% recalculation.
  • April 1 - an increase in total by 0.4%.

In addition, former servicemen will receive an increase in the amount of 4% due to an increase in the cost of a PC (increasing coefficient) by 72.23 rubles (2016 - 69.45).

When implementing all the above points, for the 2017 pension payments of the former military will increase by about 10%.

Increase payments with the loss of the breadwinner

Citizens who receive pension deductions in connection with death close manIt is entitled to claim indexation on a par with other categories of pensioners.

In 2017, the average size of pension payments due to the death of the breadwinner is 10,000 rubles.

Consequently, February and April recalculation will increase monthly payout On average, 5.8%, that is, about 500 rubles.

Indexing Pensions War Veterans

In most cases, war veterans (hereinafter VBD) receive a worthy level of pension payments, which varies from 21,000 - 30,000 rubles. So, the widow of the VBD gets minimum amount - 21,000 rubles, and direct participants in the war, who have become disabled, have pension deductions of 30,000 rubles.

Despite high level pension deductions this category Citizens can qualify for annual recalculation of the pension in accordance with the specified periods of the first part of this article. That is, average pension VBD It grows about 1200 - 1800 rubles.

Expert opinion on this account, see this video.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that, despite the complex economic situation in the country, the authorities seek to allocate funding to increase the standard of living of pensioners. Therefore, recalculation of the pension will concern all pensioners on different stages time. But in what percentage and who get the first to the first? Read more in this material.