The best brands of women's clothing. Russian brands of women's clothing: list. Plus size clothing brands for obese women

The best brands of womens and male items wardrobes have a centuries-old history, which for such a long period has been saturated with many interesting facts and traditions.

Leading Italian clothing brands 2019: list with names and logos

Top brands italian clothes known to many fashionistas and fashionistas. Famous and talented designers work on the creation of such products, thanks to which the product is distinguished high quality and corresponds to the latest fashion trends.

The list of brands of Italian clothing known all over the world is made up of the following manufacturers:

  • Giorgio armani;
  • Dolce & Gabbana;
  • United Color of Benetton;
  • Massimo Rebecchi;
  • Laura Biagiotti;
  • Patrizia Pepe;
  • Miu Miu;
  • Donatella de Paoli;
  • Francesca by Sottini;
  • Roberto Cavalli.

Such brands of women's and men's clothing from Italy as Prada, Gucci, Julia Garnett, Imperial, Please, have also become legendary. To understand what each of the brands of Italian clothing is, first of all, you need to know the characteristics and specifics of each of the brands. All clothing stores have this information. Italian brands who have a good reputation.

The logos of Italian clothing brands are known to many, especially those that are popular worldwide. A logo is applied to each product in the process of its production, with the help of which you can find out about the belonging of clothes to a certain Italian brand.

The most famous and expensive Italian clothing brands

Giorgio armani- perhaps the most famous brand of Italian clothing, which has won the hearts of many fashionistas. This trade mark dates back to 1974, it was at this time that the first collection of the same name by the famous designer appeared. Giorgio Armani produces fashionable signature clothing, accessories, shoes, watches and perfumes. Giorgio Armani garments are worn by celebrities such as Julia Roberts, Robert De Niro, George Clooney.

Dolce & gabbana Is a leading brand of Italian clothing, which has managed to maintain its leading position among brands of global importance for many years.

Massimo rebecchi- Italian brand fashionable clothes and accessories for women. The main characteristics of the products of this brand there is a verified cut, exclusive ornaments and expensive fabrics. Most of the collections are made up of casual and office styles.

Laura biagiotti Is also an expensive brand of Italian clothing, which specializes exclusively in “comfortable models”. Wardrobe items from this famous creative designer are distinguished by soft lines, warm fabrics and an abundance of draperies. The range of this couturier includes items such as cardigans and woolen suits.

Patrizia pepe belongs to the most famous Italian brands of clothing for women. The purpose of the work of a world famous designer is to create fashionable wardrobe items that will fully meet the requirements modern woman... Each fashion collection Patricia Pepe is unique, she never repeats the same elements. To create an original female image, the designer uses exclusively branded accessories.

Popular Italian fashion brands

Prada Is another popular Italian clothing brand that dates back to 1913. Fashion items, footwear and accessories are produced under this brand. The history of the brand began in Milan, in 1913, Mario Prada opened his own small shop of elegant bags.

To arouse the interest of buyers and be successful in this field of activity, the novice designer sewed bags from walrus skin. Connoisseurs real luxury drew attention to this unusual novelty, thanks to which the enterprising Italian soon became rich and began to produce not only bags, but also clothes and shoes under the Prada trademark.

GAUDI Is an Italian brand specializing in premium denim garments. The brand's collections consist of several parts, which include GAUDI fashion - holiday outfits, designed for social events, and GAUDI jeans - and basic jersey.

Donatella de paoli Is a trade mark belonging to Italy, its history goes back over 25 years. During this time, the brand pleases its fans with high-quality and incredibly fashionable clothes, made according to the latest fashion trends. Donatella de Paoli presented the best clothes of Italian brands 2019, which is highly regarded all over the world. Winter collections are especially brightly presented, they are distinguished by a large abundance of knitwear and stylish, as well as outfits for every day. Donatella de paoli Special attention pays attention to the quality of the yarn from which it produces knitwear... In the production process, expensive yarns of high quality are used, these are cashmere, lana, wool and merino wool. Donatella de Paoli's summer collections are always characterized by tenderness, they contain products with original prints and ornaments, it is this feature that distinguishes the clothes of the fashion house from other Italian brands.

Clothes from Francesca by Sottini are worn by all high-ranking women, not only in Italy, but also in other European countries... She has a characteristic calm, balanced style that allows her to create the image of a successful and self-confident woman. Many elements female wardrobe decorated with Swarovski stones, which gives them luxury and high cost. Francesca by Sottini creates fashionable clothes for owners of any body type - both slender beauties and ladies with curvaceous. Openwork knitting- another element present in many collections Italian designer.

Julia Garnettright choice for those fashionistas in whose wardrobe there are items that differ creative design... The brand dates back to 1978 and all this time belongs to the Kalovan family. The items were created especially for girls and women who are not afraid to experiment with the aim of creating an individual look. In the collections you can find stylish cardigans with an asymmetric cut and jumpers with a complex collar, original knitted coats, ponchos, capes.

Men's clothing from famous Italian brands

Italy is known for more than one popular brand of men's clothing.

Boggi Is one of the most famous brands of men's fashion clothing. The first item store men's wardrobe was opened in 1939 in the Italian city of Salerno. In 1964, the company's central office was located in Milan, at that time a whole network of Bodgi branded men's clothing stores was opened throughout Italy. Male representatives of the classic Bodji suits, created especially for successful and self-confident men, first of all appreciate them for the impeccability of the cut, the choice of high-quality materials, impeccable style and affordable cost.

Brioni Is the most prestigious and expensive brand of Italian clothing for men. It was founded in 1945 in Rome by the famous tailor Nazareno Fonticoli, who had a unique talent, and merchant Gaetano Savini, now his family owns this trade mark. Brioni became world famous in the 50s and 60s thanks to the popularity of clothing among actors in Italian and Hollywood cinema. Today, a quarter of all Briony products are custom-made for regular customers... Initially, exclusively men's clothes were produced under this brand, today Briony also sews items for women's wardrobe.

Camicissima Is a well-known Sicilian company that mainly specializes in men's clothing classic style, and also works in the casual-glad style direction. The trade mark dates back to 1931, but was officially registered under the name Camicissima quite recently. In the stores of this company is presented wide range of men's shirts, ties, trousers and suits designed for business men. Every year this Italian company opens new outlets throughout Italy.

Anna Turetskaya - editor of the "Fashion" column, fashion expert of Colady magazine


In Russia, girls have their own preferences in clothing and in the choice of brands. We analyzed search queries, main trends in fashion, polls in groups in social networks, as well as our personal surveys on the site site. Now we can present you a rating of the most fashionable brands of women's clothing in Russia according to the women themselves.

  • Savage

This company works for Russian market branded clothing is already almost 15 years old and all these years it has not changed its direction.

The Savage brand develops clothes for girls and women under 40 who follow fashion and love to combine various subjects wardrobe.

In the Savage collections you can find both classic items and bright objects wardrobe that will undoubtedly attract the attention of customers.

The most important thing that attracts young girls is the low cost of clothes.

  • ZARA (Zara)

Another brand that targets young women.

ZARA produces fashionable items that are really popular and in demand. Once you look into their brand store, you will never see it empty. Usually, even in the fitting rooms there will be a line of the fair sex and their lovers, waiting for the girls to choose at least something from the variety of clothes presented.

The price in ZARA stores is affordable, but still bites a little. Although this does not scare the girls at all, because for the high-quality and nice clothes you have to pay.

  • Incity

The Insiti company has existed since 2003 and cooperates with many other fashion brands.

All clothes of this brand are combined with each other, which undoubtedly attracts customers. Also, the store has enough wide choice related products - here you can buy almost everything, from hair bands to underwear.

One more important point, which is liked by absolutely all female representatives - the low price of things.

  • Lacoste (Lacoste)

There is probably not a single girl who does not recognize the famous logo in the form of a small crocodile.

Since 1933, the Lacoste company has been delighting its consumers with stylish clothing. sports style. Business card this brand has become polo shirts, which are present in the wardrobe of every third girl.

This brand, although not included in the budget list, still continues to attract customers.

  • SELA (Sela)

This store was founded by two brothers who at first just sold Chinese things. After a while, they began to produce their own clothing lines, which are extremely popular to this day.

The brand focuses on young girls who follow fashion and adore experiments in clothing.

In addition to bright things, prices also attract attention - they do not bite at all.

  • River Island

This brand was created for young girls who prefer experiments and combination bright colors in clothes.

River Island clothing is a hurricane of varied textures, prints and fantastic colors. Each collection attracts attention and makes you want to buy at least one thing.

Clothing from this brand will help you stand out from the crowd and add zest to your image.

  • Mango

This brand set as its goal - to stylishly dress girls with an average cash income... It was this brand that was one of the first to create its online store in order to sell things all over the world.

Bright and stylish clothes Spanish brand has been popular for only a few years, but it is already known to customers in 45 countries around the world.

  • Nike

One of the most recognizable sportswear brands. Nike sneakers have been popular among girls for several decades.

V recent times Nike emphasizes femininity, which is why you can already find platform dresses and sneakers in their collections.

It is also worth mentioning the price range: Nike is a manufacturer of non-budget clothing, but the wallet will not lose much weight from the purchase, since the quality of this clothing allows you to wear it for years.

  • H&M (H&M)

This brand attracts girls with its availability and huge choice clothes. H&M manufactures everything from hairpins and underwear ending stylish jackets and shoes.

H&M continues to delight its customers for many years with low prices, promotions and numerous discounts.

I am also glad that the company does not rely on a certain age, therefore, in the store of this brand, both grandmother and her granddaughter will be able to pick up clothes.

  • Adidas

The company is known as the most popular manufacturer of sportswear and footwear.

Perhaps only Nike can compete with this brand. So what is it about this brand that attracts customers?

The most important thing is the quality of clothing and the style that runs through all Adidas collections (all of them associate Adidas with three white stripes on a dark background).

The price is also pleasing - buying a T-shirt or a sports skirt from the brand will not empty your wallet.

Not all of us can buy clothes from expensive global brands. The history of each of the Fashion Houses included in the top 10 of such brands is interesting. The highest bar for total annual revenue is $ 12.7 billion.


The proverb about “meeting for clothes” has not lost its relevance today - on the contrary, the trend of following fashion is only gaining momentum every year. Many designers have made a name on the desire of people to show their style, taste and status. Exactly which brands can be ranked among the most expensive clothing brands, you can find out by looking at the rating of fashion houses.

List of the richest clothing brands

Why do people buy expensive things? The reasons may be different, but such buyers would like to know what place the elite item purchased by them occupies in the rating. Interesting is not only the sum of the assessment, but also the history of each brand that got into the coveted rating.

V modern society clothing is the defining criterion for his success. It is important for many consumers that the label is in the top number.

Table 1. Income indicator of the top 10 most expensive brands clothes


Issue items

Annual income, 2016

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • textile;
  • accessories..

$ 12.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$ 11.4 billion

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories;
  • books.

$ 8.7 billion

  • clothes;
  • specialized things (for yachtsmen);
  • perfumery;
  • cosmetics.

$ 7.3 billion

  • clothes;
  • shoes;
  • accessories;
  • perfume;
  • flower service;
  • sweets.

$ 1.8 billion

denim clothes

$ 544 million

  • clothes;
  • accessories.

$ 364 million

  • clothes;
  • perfumery;
  • accessories.

257 million euros

$ 79 million

  • luxury clothing;
  • underwear.

$ 22 million

What is the idea of ​​"instant fashion" and how much does it differ from top brands? Read on.

Pedestals of luxury clothing in 2017

278 boutiques - this is the number of sales departments owned by this most expensive brand in the world. Founded in 1921 by designer Guccio Gucci, today, in addition to clothing, it also produces textiles, perfumes, interior items and accessories. What are the differences worldwide famous brand? Experts note the presentability of each line of clothing. Conservatism and adherence to traditions are felt in each thing, which does not interfere with experimenting with materials and styles. Critics complain that every new collection becomes too predictable, but fashion designers argue that for clothes to be popular, they must be wearable.

2nd place is occupied by Prada, created in 1913. This fashion house is represented in 250 stores around the world. 979.2 million in annual profit secured their place “under the sun” in the fashion industry. Not the least role here is played by the ability of designers to combine clothes and try to combine fabrics and styles.

Today, the Prada collection includes not only luxury dresses for social events, but also trendy accessories. The main motto is: “Our clients should not prove anything to anyone,” expressing in this the whole essence of wealthy people. Exactly wealthy people and can afford to purchase the shocking offered by the brand.

Italians became the "bronze medalist", this time the duet of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, whose work was embodied in the brand of the same name. The company is one of the young - the year of foundation was 1985. The bet was made on Hollywood - the actresses putting on outfits from designers stood out very much among their colleagues. The style from the brand is chosen by bright and dynamic people - it is frankly sensual and sexy ("at the suggestion" of designers, underwear style and ripped jeans came into fashion).

In fourth place is Chanel. The brand began its victorious fashion march at the beginning of the last century. Simple little black dress turned out to be synonymous with luxury and raised its creator Coco Chanel to the Olympus of success. 100 years later, nothing has changed - “comfortable luxury” (the company's credo) continues to excite the minds and, along the way, empties the wallets of those who want to buy such clothes.

Today, Coco Chanel products can be bought in 310 boutiques located on all continents. The style of the brand has changed little over almost a century - it assumes minimalism of color and convenience. Most often it is a clearly defined silhouette, although clothes have acquired more democratic shades - in summer collections even shorts appeared.

« Golden mean"Goes to the brainchild of another Italian designer - Giorgio Armani. He presents both everyday models and collections high fashion. Distinctive feature style - negligence (it is not for nothing that the brand's clothing is popular among young people). The company produces both casual collections and high fashion. The fashion designer started with the rework of the classic men's jackets.

Experts distinguish minimalism of images - Giordio Armani does not like unnecessary details. Simple formula: ingenious simplicity and incomparable elegance helped Giorgio Armani S.p.A. in the opening of 13 factories and 300 stores around the world. The brand is considered one of the fastest growing and most promising brands.

In sixth place is the Guess company, whose creators tried to convey that you need to live beautifully every day. The brand is relatively young - it was founded by the four Marciano brothers, who became one of the first popularizers denim clothes in 1981.

How could jeans from casual wear grow into a real dream? Guess brand tries to make each of her models bright, fresh and sexy. Competent work of marketing and advertising services helps the brand to stay at the top of the fashionable Olympus. A lot of world-class stars are filmed in advertising - Eva Herzigova, Claudia Schifer, Naomi Campbell and Laetitia Casta. And to consolidate the success in a series of videos, the shocking socialite Paris Hilton was filmed.

Seventh place is occupied by American Marc Jacobs, former creative director design house Louis Vuitton, whose collection from 2015 was a real breakthrough. The style is bold geometric shapes using patent leather and others creative solutions... The brand is very fond of celebrities - in different time it was advertised by Chloe Sevigny, Victoria Beckham and even the Russian group Tatu. Today, this "post" is Miley Cyrus.

Finally, a Frenchman is on the list - Christian Dior is in eighth place in the ranking of the most expensive clothing brands. It all started in the post-war years, when the first collection of women's clothing from this brand was able to revolutionize the world of post-war fashion. It was Dior who came up with the idea that every fashion designer should have his own mark.

After the death of the fashion designer, the Fashion House was headed alternately by Yves Saint Laurent, Marc Bohan, Bernard Arnault and Gianfranco Ferre. Each of them tried to preserve the elegance inherent in the style. Brand designers try to avoid being too pretentious.

Today the brand employs 56,000 people. The company has more than 160 boutiques around the world. Annual income - $ 24 billion.

We are approaching completion - the ninth place is taken by Gianni Versace. This Italian company did not cease to exist even after the death of its founder Gianni Versace - his sister Donatella continued the family business. The very first boutique outside Italy was opened in 1991 in Glasgow, Scotland. Today the number of stores has reached 80.

The brand is considered luxury - most outfits emphasize well female beauty, but without the appropriate accessories, they look "on the verge of kitsch." A large number of creations are made for girls with model appearance- slim and tall. The brand does not forget about men either: every Russian knows a crimson jacket from the nineties (also a creation of Versace).

And the top ten expensive clothing brands are closed by the Valentino trademark. The Italian luxury apparel and lingerie manufacturer was founded by Valentino Garavani back in 1959. Now the brand is part of the Valentino Fashion Group.

The key signs of the corporate identity of this trade mark are bustiers and red clothes. The master insisted: “ Red goes all women. There are 30 shades of this color - it is important to find your own. "

The second priority is white, the apogee of love for which was the dress of Jacqueline Kennedy for the wedding with Aristotle Onassis. Modern tendencies take a benchmark on youth fashion... In these outfits, the stars also prefer to walk the red carpet.

Any brand needs to be realized. Such an assistant is, for example, the Wildberries online store.

Potential competitors

Despite the confident positions in the top ten, none of the brands presented above can be sure that they will not be dethroned tomorrow. Competitors are very serious:

  1. The international concern Fendi is famous for its high quality clothing, fur, accessories. Experts say: bags of this brand will never go out of fashion.
  2. Hermes began operating in 1837, but expanded its production by 2008. In addition to clothing and leather goods, the brand also produces other items, from jewelry to gloves. The consumer likes it - it impacts $ 730 million in annual revenue.
  3. Ralph Lauren has many subsidiaries and more affordable models (Polo Sport line). A prime example serves as Jennifer Lopez's dress at the 2000 Grammy Awards. Now the brand's designers are dressing the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump. Annual income went up from $ 776 million.
  4. Burberry specializes in outerwear - the company has been at its peak of popularity for more than a century. Everyone knows the brand's signature trench coats. Brand revenue is $ 323 million.
  5. Louis Vuitton is known for connoisseurs of quality accessories and bags. The company has more than 460 stores in 50 countries around the world.
  6. World celebrities are dressed by Oscar de la Renta. Jacqueline Kennedy preferred the brand. Today there are no less fans - evening and wedding dresses with this name are so attractive.
  7. A potential competitor is the Italian brand Brioni, which specializes in men's fashion... The brand is named after the fashionable resort - the clothing it produces meets the expectations of elitism and quality.

Even fashion designers once started with a small atelier. It is quite possible to open it at home.

Learn more about expensive world fashion trends you can find out from the video:

Every company wants to stay at the forefront of fashion. To do this, they not only follow the accepted trends, but also bring their own vision, creating Her Majesty Fashion.

Despite the fact that Heidi Klum likes to be reminded in every episode of the project Podium that today you are on top, and tomorrow overboard, talented designers can hold out much longer. Here 14 most extravagant fashion designers of 2015 that won't disappear anytime soon.

Marc Jacobs has come a long and difficult journey. He started out as the creative director of the French designer Louis Vuitton from 1997 to 2013. Jacobs made the list 100 most influential people Time magazine... A year has passed independent activity and many critics said that the fashion designer was not very interesting.

His 2015 collection was a breakthrough refreshing style with bold geometric shapes, patent leather and his brand name dresses celebrities like Miley Cyrus. Such a fashion designer cannot remain in the shadows for a long time. Check out the article 10 Designer Totes Not Just For the Rich, which features Jacobs's bag.

Fendi is an Italian multinational company founded by Adel Fendi and Eduardo. Despite its 90-year existence, Fendi could not gain popularity until 2001, before the expansion of the international concern. Fendi is now known for high quality clothing including fur and handbags. Refer to article 10 bags that will never go out of style.

In 2014, the brand announced that it was planning to use drones for displays. Fendi are famous for combining classic ideas and bold decisions... By 2011, the company reported more than $ 1 billion in profits.

No fashion house can compete in elegance with Hermes. The French concern has been known since 1837. By 2008, Hermes has developed production:

  • leather products,
  • scarves,
  • ties,
  • men's and women's clothing,
  • perfume,
  • hours,
  • office,
  • shoes,
  • gloves,
  • varnishes,
  • decorative ornaments,
  • dishes,
  • jewelry.

By 2011, the company had revenues of $ 730 million. Check out the 12 most exclusive bags in the world.

Ralph Lauren is the most accessible name on the list. Along with high fashion lines, the brand offers more affordable models such as Sports Polo Line(opened 1993), sold in department stores like Macy at low prices. The company was founded in 1967 by designer Ralph Lauren.
Since then, many subsidiaries have emerged, such as:

  • Ralph Lauren's Black Mark,
  • Ralph Lauren's Purple Mark,
  • Ralph Lauren's Blue Mark,
  • Club Monaco and Guys.

The label of the company has always had a splash bright color... In 2014, the luxury brand announced a profit of $ 776 million.

Founded by Gianni Versace in 1978, the luxury apparel company has gained international prominence for a decade. Very quickly, he realized that the stars can ensure success if they appear everywhere in his outfits. So, he managed to get such famous clients as Madonna, Princess Diana, Elton John and Tina Turner.

Versace's name was on everyone's lips when actress Elizabeth Hurley appeared on the red carpet in Incredible beautiful dress, which caused a wave of admiration and gossip. Just as Versace was at the height of fame, he was shot by a serial killer in 1997. His sister Donatella Versace took over and the brand continues to be very significant. Check out the 10 most exclusive boutiques.

The company created the dress that Jennifer Lopez wore to the ceremony 2000 Grammy, which hit the front pages of all newspapers. The Brand Sexuality First Class is a $ 79 million brand name generating revenue each year.

Thomas Burberry founded the company in 1856 in Basingstoke, Hampshire, selling high quality outerwear. The company opened its first store in 1891. 100 years later, the brand is still at its peak. The company is featured among 6 fashionable clothing brands available only to the wealthy.

The most famous coat, made from peacock feathers, retails for about $ 35,000. The whole world knows the brand khaki trench coats and plaids. In 2014, the company reported $ 323 million in revenue.

There are few brands that make you think. Armani can be found among 10 brands that are popular with young people. The fashion house was founded in 1975 by Giorgio Armani and Sergio Galeotti. The brand is known everyday models, high fashion collections.

By the late 1990s, Armani had over 2,000 stores worldwide. Armani's designs don't just happen by accident. It is worthy of powerful men and women. This is why the company generates $ 1.8 billion in annual revenue.

The popular Italian company was founded in 1985 by fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. They quickly made a name in Hollywood by creating extremely graceful and eye-catching dresses. By putting them on, models, actresses stood out in the crowd.

Famous emblem D&G on bags and accessories has become recognizable all over the world. Check out the 10 most expensive sunglasses in the world. The 2015 D&G collection is inspired by fantasy and fairy tales. The company made it to the front pages of newspapers, and advertising campaigns are considered by many to be very risky.

Another major trendsetter in fashion industry- Gucci. The name alone was created specifically for fashion. The company was founded by clothing designer Guccio Gucci in 1920. In 1921, the first store opened its doors to visitors, where the brand quickly gained popularity thanks to its high quality leather goods... Today, the company generates approximately $ 4.2 billion in revenue.

Christian Dior founded the luxury fashion house Dior in 1946. Products include:

  • finished products,
  • skin,
  • accessories,
  • shoes,
  • jewelry,
  • perfume,
  • cosmetics,
  • skin care products.

Many fashion designers are accused of not creating essentially anything new, working without inspiration. But Dior continues to develop original collections, modern and new, avoiding the over-the-top pretentiousness of haute couture. In 2011, the company posted more than $ 24 billion in revenue.

The name Chanel has become synonymous with haute couture and has been known for decades. Perhaps due to the fact that the brand appeared at the moment when the fashion designer Coco Chanel released the first line of perfume and presented the first model of clothing to the general public. Check out the 10 most expensive perfumes in the world. The little black dress took Chanel to the pinnacle of success.

Quote from Coco Chanel " Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury", has become the motto of many young designers. Almost 100 years later, Chanel remains in the spotlight and never loses ground, constantly expanding horizons and offering something new. This is probably the reason for the annual income of $ 7 billion.

Few names evoke luxury thoughts like Prada. With an approximate company value of $ 9.4 billion, the price of the model is consistently high. Prada products include everything from ready-made leather and fashion accessories, to shoes, suitcases, watches, outerwear, and much more. In 2007 Prada collaborated with Lg electronics starting the series mobile phones Prada, capturing the attention of the company's loyal fans.

Louis Vuitton is a popular name known to connoisseurs quality bags and accessories. Check out 10 stylish bags for new moms. Many can boast of products popular brand... Although bags and suitcases are Louis Vuitton branded products, everyday and evening wear brands are also not in the last place.

Founded in 1954 by Louis Vuitton, the company specializes in footwear, watches, jewelry, accessories, sunglasses and books. The LV logo is one of the most recognized brands in the fashion industry, as well as one of the most copied brands. More than 460 stores are open in 50 countries of the world. In 2014, Louis Vuitton announced the value of the company - $ 28 billion.

Oscar de la Renta is one of the greatest names in the fashion industry as he dresses world famous people... He made a name for himself in the 1960s, when the first lady of the United States, Jacqueline Kennedy, opted for this particular brand. Since then, the popularity has only grown, not a single solemn event does not do without the company's models, from the gala to the inauguration of the president.

In October 2014, the famous designer died of cancer at the age of 84. Many famous people gave speeches praising the designer's talent and many years of work. The company remains at the forefront when it comes to creating luxurious wedding dresses and evening wear.

An interesting video about some Russian clothing brands. Cognitive information that is not communicated to wide range consumers.