Can I smile. If a person is gloomy, then he should ask himself how to learn to smile, there are secrets here. Smile for the right reasons

Most people do not smile in photographs, not because they want to create a serious image, but because they do not know how to do it right. At the same time, a beautiful smile is not so much healthy teeth and the ability to show them as widely as possible, but the ability to correctly strain the muscles of the face.

The main muscle that works during a smile is the large zygomatic muscle, which runs from the corner of the mouth to the upper part of the jaw on the left and right sides of the face. Smiling using this muscle is quite simple - however, it is precisely such a smile that is perceived as false as possible.

The Secret of the Hollywood Smile

Hollywood actors are well aware that the right smile begins with friendly eyes. No matter how hard you try to portray joy solely with the help of lips and mouth, motionless and wide open eyes give the impression of a cold and extremely artificial grimace.

That is why a smile seems natural and beautiful only when it involves not so much the mouth and lips as the rest of the muscles of the face - including the small muscles surrounding the eyes and various muscles of the forehead. Only this will create the impression of a relaxed and happy smile.

How to smile with your eyes?

The right smile is, first of all, relaxed facial muscles. Your face should not show that you are tense, trying to "pull" on yourself happy emotion. One of the key ways to relax the face is to touch the back of the front teeth with the tip of the tongue.

To learn how to smile correctly, it is best to practice in front of a mirror, covering your mouth with your palm. Think of something pleasant and smile lightly (without seeing your smile), carefully watching the position of the eye muscles in order to “catch” this position and then repeat it.

Smile in everyday life

Americans and Europeans know how to smile beautifully in photographs, and because smiling is part of their Everyday life. Catching the eye of a random person on the street, they first of all smile (this is the main sign of “good intentions”), and only then say hello.

Maintaining such a "mini-smile" throughout the day literally trains the facial muscles, making them more mobile. If you walk around with a scowl on your face for weeks and then try to force a smile out of yourself in a photo, it's no wonder you don't like the result at all.

How to smile in a photo?

The main secret of a correct smile in photographs is happy eyes and the maximum width of the mouth opening. You need to smile about 20% wider than you think is sufficient at first glance. The upper teeth should lightly touch the lower lip, and the cheeks should rise slightly.

Look at yourself in the mirror, then smile in such a way as to show the six middle teeth of the top row. Smile wider, showing the side teeth as well. You will feel ridiculous, but you will look like a Hollywood star. Remember that the bottom row of teeth is shown only by children and television announcers.

What physique? Why relief press and clean skin more important than pumped muscles?

Right and wrong smiles

The width of the smile helps to change the visual perception of the face and the shape of the skull in the same way that different kinds haircuts and. For example, people with oval type facial fit like a modest smile closed mouth, and wide Hollywood - it all depends on the overall image.

Owners of square and round faces the aforementioned wide smile will help make the face visually more oval and “correct”. At the same time, people with long face it is recommended to focus primarily on the vertical aspect of the teeth and not to smile too widely.

Smile and lip shape

Remember that the width of the "correct" smile depends on the shape of the lips. If you don't have much big lips, an overly broad smile will create an impression of tension. Learn to smile so that the fangs of the upper row of teeth only lightly touch the lower lip.

If the top row of your teeth is irregularly shaped, it is better to smile in such a way that it partially hides your teeth. underlip. Another non-obvious secret of a sparkling smile in the photo is wetting the front teeth with the tongue, which creates the impression of brilliance.


The Hollywood smile is not just the widest possible mouth, but rather the conscious ability to smile with the whole face. A correct and beautiful smile is a combination of eyes shining with kindness and joy with a moderate tension of the facial muscles, which allows showing only the upper row of teeth.

Many, considering new issue women's magazine, saw celebrities there, whose smiles look beautiful and sincere. Is it possible to learn to smile as beautifully and radiantly?

Why is it so important to be able to smile beautifully and how can you learn it. What is the role of dentists in fulfilling this dream?

Smile - it's beautiful and fashionable

Beautiful smile- this is important, it is important in communication, it helps to melt the ice and defuse the situation between the interlocutors.

But not everyone knows how to smile beautifully, and some are reproached for an insincere and feigned smile. How to be?

A beautiful smile is really difficult, but achievable for every person. Difficult because it involves several different moments.


  • daily workouts and simple exercises;
  • solve the dental issue with, and other cosmetic and medical problems;
  • understand what the psychology of a beautiful and sincere smile is;
  • undergo cosmetic procedures.

Exercises for every day

An important requirement for an attractive smile is symmetry, so you will need to practice. Scientists say that with a smile, about 20 facial muscles are activated, and with a wide and sincere smile, all 40.

You can try the following: go to the mirror and smile. All warps and any lack of symmetry will be visible to the naked eye.

Need to experiment, try different variants, proportions, until you find the perfect smile. When this succeeded, you should press the tips of the lips and press down with your fingers for a few seconds. After that, count to seven and release, then repeat this procedure several times. This is called muscle fixation.

If something doesn't work, try again until you find it. ideal options. Then you should close your eyes and continue to smile. Count to thirty and then open your eyes. You need to keep the smile, then you can learn to smile beautifully.

Other sources advise different exercises, which will help expand the capabilities of your facial muscles:

  1. For example, smile as wide as possible and freeze in this state for a few seconds. This will allow you to use all the facial muscles and train them.
  2. Another exercise is to close your lips and stretch them forward. After that, try to draw a figure eight with your lips in the air. It won't work right away, but you have to keep practicing.

It is worth understanding why this should be done, this is not just antics in front of a mirror, but simple exercises that allow you to use different muscles and will even help prevent the appearance of early facial wrinkles.

If the mouth is wide, then for natural lung smiles a hint of it will suffice.

Smile with your eyes!

It is often said that kind and sincere person smiles with his eyes. Many people notice that when a person smiles beautifully and fervently, his eyes narrow somewhat, and rays of a smile appear next to them, small wrinkles.

What is a smile without healthy and beautiful teeth?

It should be understood that a beautiful smile is a complex concept and that if your smile is symmetrical, but at the same time others , then it will be an unattractive spectacle.

To make not only a beautiful, but also a healthy smile, you need to contact a dentist, if there is a need for this. The doctor will help, if necessary, conduct a complete one.

Also be sure to follow personal hygiene. By the way, you should understand that you need to visit the dentist systematically, at least once a year, and not only when everything is getting worse.

So, fresh breath and white even teeth are the components of a beautiful and attractive smile.

If a person knows that he has problems with this, then smiling naturally and sincerely obviously will not work. You will be uncomfortable and embarrassed yourself. A beautiful smile needs to be made!

Psychological aspect

It should be understood that it will not work to smile just because it is necessary. Such facial expressions will seem strained and forced, so it is important not to forget about the inner mood.

Some psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile at yourself, at the whole world and think that something good and pleasant awaits you.

You can also train in your mind: when you need to give your face a pleasant and smiling state, you should remember something good, such as a vacation, the birth of a child, or something like that.

cosmetic issue

For an attractive smile, such moments as the right make-up are important, healthy state lips, and healthy skin. It is clear that a smile from ear to ear against the background of incomprehensible makeup or unhealthy skin will look weird.

Lips and skin should not be dry, flaky or red. You can use special protective lipsticks, balms and other cosmetics.

A frozen moment of your life

Many people do not like to be photographed, and one of the reasons is that they cannot smile beautifully for the camera. But it's not hard to learn.

It is important to act naturally, try different facial expressions, and not freeze with a spasm on the face. Act like you're flirting with camera and then in the photo you will turn out naturally and with a beautiful and attractive face.

It is worth working on the symmetry of your smile, which will help simple everyday exercises, but you need to do this sincerely and from the heart.

A broadly smiling person opens his teeth to the gaze of those around him, which means that they should also be deprived of cosmetic problems.

In addition, you need to remember that the behavior and smile should correspond to the situation, which means that it’s better for the boss not to make eyes as provocatively as your boyfriend or husband - you may not be understood that way. The smile should be appropriate, sincere and healthy.

Smile is a reflection of feelings and inner peace, so it is very important that she be friendly, soft and laid-back.

Smiling sincerely and openly, a person becomes more attractive to the opposite sex, wins over his interlocutors and achieves significant success in his career.

Many people want to know how to learn to smile beautifully.

If you follow certain rules and recommendations, this is easy to achieve. Special exercises, maintaining the beauty and health of teeth, proper care for the skin of the face and lips, as well as a positive inner attitude will help to find a charming smile close to the ideal.

How to smile correctly

A correct and harmonious smile depends on several important points- facial symmetry, as well as the condition of the teeth, lips and skin. Facial expressions are also very important here, which should have nothing to do with an evil grin, a malicious grin or fear.

During a smile, the main work is performed by the large zygomatic muscle, which, from the left and right side The face extends from the corner of the mouth to the top of the jaw.

But if you use only this single muscle, the smile will look insincere and even false.

It is impossible to smile beautifully and freely when internal stiffness and a sense of tension interfere.

A smile, formed through force, turns out to be feigned or crooked, acts repulsively on others and can completely spoil the impression.

The correct smile implies not only a certain combination of lips and, but also a benevolent expression of the eyes. Therefore, the muscles of the entire face, including the forehead and small muscles around the eyes, should be involved in it.

How to learn to smile beautifully and laugh

Natural smile and beautiful laugh - faithful companions successful and kind people.

It is important to learn to sincerely enjoy life, and then an organic, natural smile will become an ornament.

Regular training will help to achieve symmetry, thanks to which the smile will always be pleasant and harmonious.

To begin with, you should sit comfortably in front of a mirror in a well-lit room, completely relax and smile to yourself. If you don’t like the reflection, you should adjust and change the smile until it becomes as natural and relaxed as possible.

In addition, on this stage you can easily identify all the existing flaws in appearance that need to be corrected. To do this, you need to soberly assess your appearance- pay attention to the shape, color and condition of the teeth, the skin of the lips and face, as well as the expression of the eyes. This will help determine what needs to be worked on.

Laughing beautifully and loudly is no less important, because it is a reflection of an individual character, as well as the main source of happiness, health and longevity.

  1. Record your laughter on a voice recorder or video camera. Of course, this should be done in a relaxed atmosphere - for example, while watching a funny comedy or meeting with best friends. Then listen to the received recording in order to evaluate your behavior, the sonority of laughter and the volume of speech. Thus, it is easy to identify the main shortcomings in emotional manifestation and correct them.
  2. If there is a habit of laughing out loud in inappropriate places and situations, you must immediately get rid of it, because this indicates a low level of upbringing and culture of a person.
  3. In the event that loud and resounding laughter is a sign of emotional incontinence, it is recommended not to tilt the head back too much and not open the mouth too wide.
  4. Ugly and uncultured is laughter, accompanied by wheezing, squeals, as well as sounds resembling neighing and grunting. AT similar cases it is necessary to restrain and control excessive emotions. Some people may benefit from biting their tongue lightly.
  5. Like smiling, laughter can be rehearsed in front of a mirror by adjusting muscles, lip position, and facial expression. In the near future, it will be possible to notice a positive result, having learned to laugh at ease and naturally.


Exist special exercises, which make all facial muscles work intensively, as a result of which a truly charming smile is formed.

The most effective are the following:

  1. Having closed your lips, stretch them forward, draw a figure eight in the air and relax as much as possible. Repeat 3-5 times.
  2. Stretch your lips in the widest possible smile, maintain this position for about 10-15 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this movement 10 times.
  3. Tightly squeeze your lips with maximum tension and stretch them forward as if you want to whistle. This exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.
  4. Use your fingertips to press on the corners of your lips for a few seconds. Then let them rest and resume action. So do 5-7 times.
  5. Stick out your tongue and clasp it with your lips as tightly as possible. Hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated several times until the first signs of fatigue appear.
  6. Inhale deeply so that the lungs are filled with air as much as possible, and then gradually exhale through tightly closed lips. Repeat 15-20 times.
  7. Stretch your lips with a tube, slightly open them, and then release the air with considerable effort, as when blowing out candles on a birthday cake. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times.
  8. Tightly closing your lips, pull them forward, and then open your mouth. Repeat at least 5 times.
  9. Place the tip of the tongue behind the front teeth several times in a row. This will allow you to relax the muscles of the face as much as possible.

Secrets of a beautiful natural smile with teeth

A beautiful and natural smile, showing a slender row of shining teeth, requires some work on yourself. To do this, it is important to learn how to control your facial expressions, train a confident and cheerful look, and also properly care for your teeth and lips.

Dental care

, as well as the freshness of breath must be maintained constantly.

To keep your teeth white and shiny, you need to brush them twice a day with a quality toothpaste.

After each meal, rinse with a decoction of mint, sage, chamomile or calendula.

This will help eliminate bacteria and freshen your breath.

and, formed over time, bring both aesthetic and physical inconvenience. Therefore, it will periodically be required in the dental office. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure 1-2 times a year, depending on individual indicators.

Lip care

The well-groomed skin of the lips is of great importance. It should be tender, smooth and soft without peeling, wrinkles and cracks, and also have a uniform healthy color.

This result can be achieved daily, in the mornings and evenings, by lubricating the skin of the lips with a colorless nourishing balm or regular baby cream.

This simple procedure Suitable for both girls and boys. Additionally, you can do a light massage on your lips 1-2 times a week with a toothbrush applied to it. a small amount honey.

Girls and women also need to take care of proper make-up, choosing the colors of decorative products in accordance with the shape of the lips.

With the help of a well-applied contour, you can make the lips more symmetrical, as well as visually increase or decrease their volume if necessary.

facial expressions

There are more than forty different facial muscles in the face area that actively work during a smile. With the help of simple exercises discussed above, you can train them. As a result, stiffness and tension will completely disappear.


Even the most perfect smile with snow-white teeth and impeccable form the lips lose their value if the gaze remains indifferent or distracted.

Therefore, it is necessary to always take care that the eyes radiate joy, health and goodness.

To do this, it is necessary to prevent overwork, regularly do special exercises, and also provide the skin of the eyelids with proper care.

To instantly revive and refresh your eyes, you should rinse your eyes with a strong decoction of black or green tea.

Any diseases of the teeth and gums must be treated promptly. This will give confidence in everyday life and ensure the beauty of a Hollywood smile.

What can be achieved with a sincere smile

A sincere and attractive smile helps to achieve success in any area of ​​life.

She adds charisma to men, and natural charm to women, so she plays one of the leading roles in the art of seduction.

In everyday life, a sincere smile - win-win way win over the interlocutor and inspire confidence. Not without reason in the famous song is sung: "friendship begins with a smile"!

Smiling helps you overcome stressful situations. Even if it is very difficult mentally, you need to try to smile through your tears. After that, a certain signal will enter the brain and the state will begin to improve.

It is important to be able to use a smile correctly in a work environment. A soft and modest, almost childish smile will help you avoid annoying mistakes, and an open and confident smile will help you make profitable deals with business partners.

A sincere smile is a reflection of positive emotions, confidence and love of life. Smiling beautifully is an art accessible to everyone. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the health of the teeth and care for the delicate skin of the lips, as well as train the facial muscles. However, this is not enough. It is important to always and in everything find a reason for joy - because only in this case the smile will be truly radiant, with cute little dimples on the cheeks and eyes shining with happiness.

A beautiful smile… What could be more beautiful? Cheerful and radiant, crafty and cunning, kind and open. Each one carries positive energy but only if it is sincere. A smile can remove fatigue and tension from your face, and it also tells other people about your sympathy and goodwill towards them. Agree that it is much more pleasant to communicate with a smiling person than with a gloomy and gloomy one. He disposes to himself. Smile - important element a good photo, so you should not portray seriousness in front of the camera. In this article, we will talk about how to smile beautifully in a photo, share some secrets.


In our country, oddly enough, the Americanism “cheese” has become common, which is pronounced by the photographer a few seconds before the camera clicks and means that right now you need to smile. What do most people do when they hear this? Magic word"? Raises the corners of his lips and depicts something very vaguely similar to a smile. But it's so stiff and formal... Just like the American one. But we are not residents of the United States, which is why the smile should be really cheerful and sincere.
"How to smile beautifully during a photo shoot?" - you ask. Here are some actionable tips.

How are you feeling?

Take pictures only good location spirit, as the camera captures your mood very clearly, and it will certainly be displayed in the picture. You don't want to get frowning and dissatisfied with life? Exactly. Therefore, take pictures only if you really want to. And then you will not be tormented by the question of how to smile beautifully.

Feeling sad? Good memories help

If it so happened that for some reason you are a little sad, or your thoughts are busy with business, remember something fun or pleasant: the face of a loved one, a funny incident. It can be any little thing that will make you smile. Your face will transform by itself from positive thoughts. Dream up. It is very important that this moment is captured by the photographer.

Don't freeze in front of the camera

You should not stand with a frozen smile for several minutes while the photographer chooses the best angle for the picture. Experiment, laugh, smile as if you are flirting with the camera. It is then that the photo will turn out to be the most attractive and natural, and no one can accuse you of pretense.

Smile - to the ears, and the eyes are indifferent ...

Sometimes you can see a photo with a smiling person, but something in it is embarrassing. If you look closely, you can understand what it is. A smile like a full mouth, but insincere. It's very easy to figure this out. Lips laugh, but eyes remain indifferent. real smile affects them too. The look becomes warm and cheerful. If you can't laugh with your eyes, practice in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your eyes while smiling. The muscles around them should also be involved. Try to smile in different ways, at the same time and understand which smile suits you best. You can cover your mouth with a piece of paper, laugh only with your eyes. Here is one of the main secrets of how to learn to smile beautifully. A few workouts will help make your face natural during a photo shoot.

male smile

Many representatives strong half of mankind are wondering how to smile beautifully at a man. Of course, seriousness is also suitable for a guy, but a few cheerful photos will not be superfluous. There are no special advice, you just need to be sincere and remember something or someone really pleasant while photographing. However, it should be remembered that a man better fit a mysterious smile that can intrigue and charm women.

How to smile beautifully with teeth?

A rather difficult question that interests both women and men. A radiant smile, during which snow-white and even teeth are visible, can make an amazing impression both in life and in a photograph. Well, if the teeth are beautiful, but what if their condition leaves much to be desired? yellow tint, curvature, irregular shape- all this can discourage any person from smiling with teeth. That is why in the photographs you can often see a forced smile so that the teeth are not visible. Some may even have complexes on this basis. How to smile beautifully in this case? If you decide that you want to sparkle your teeth while smiling, you need to visit a dentist who can whiten your teeth, remove stones from them, and in individual cases correct curvature. It is worth noting that the above services can be expensive, but the result will exceed all expectations. You will no longer experience a feeling of tightness and embarrassment during a photo shoot. Also, do not forget about regular brushing of your teeth to avoid cavities and other unpleasant problems with the oral cavity.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

"Are there any special exercises?" - you ask. Of course there is. We are pleased to present them to you within the framework of this article. So, first read carefully, and then get down to business.

  1. Start by smiling as wide as you can. Hold your lips in this position for a few seconds, and then relax. During this exercise, the muscles of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face are involved. If you practice regularly, over time, your smile will become more beautiful.
  2. The second exercise is to close your lips, stretch them out and try to draw a figure eight in the air. At first it may not work out, but a little effort - and everything will work out. You need to repeat the exercise 5-8 times.
  3. Do not forget about the cheeks. It is necessary to take in a lot of air so that they become round, then tighten the lips and slowly exhale the air through them. Repeat several times.
  4. Pull out the tongue, then tightly clasp it with your teeth. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then relax.

It is advisable to do all these exercises in front of a mirror. After a while, you will be able to adjust your facial muscles much better, respectively, and your smile will become more charming.


Another important component of a woman's smile is properly applied makeup. Choose the shade of lipstick or gloss that suits you best. Do not use flashy tones. Everything should be harmonious and natural. Apply lipstick gently so that it evenly covers the entire lip area. It is undesirable for young girls to use a lip pencil, especially bright colors. Everything should be in moderation. A beautiful smile of a girl will decorate a photo, and can also become a powerful tool for charming a man.

It is necessary to tell about one more miraculous power of a smile. She is able to cheer up even the person from whom she comes. Psychologists advise immediately after waking up to smile to yourself - stretch warmly, dreamily and sweetly. It is also worth thinking about the fact that the coming day will be positive and successful. Only then can you get out of bed and start your daily morning routine. It is very important that this seemingly trifling ritual become a daily one. You will see how your life will change soon, because you will begin to think positively. Smile, laugh as often as possible, and not just in front of the camera.

We hope that after reading this article, you have received an answer to the question of how to smile beautifully, and you will be able to shine with a radiant smile. And last tip. Look at the smiling face of the child, kind, sincere. Children do not know how to smile under compulsion, which is why their smile is so real. Try to take an example from them. Laugh as if you have no problems, enjoy life for any reason and ignore the stereotype that Russians are unsmiling people. You can change this opinion.

The face of a person is unique and there are no two absolutely identical faces in everything wide world. Different nationalities and cultures have their own individual standards of beauty. Measures of the attractiveness of the human appearance are so different that sometimes “beautiful” among Europeans is disgusting among African tribes, and vice versa. But the "language" of a smile is understood all over the globe.

Smiling is a response to kindness, happiness, or an expression of positive emotion. Even the most wild tribe in New Guinea smiles and understands the meaning of these mimic actions.

It is surprising that the most ordinary and inexpressive face, smiling, becomes softer and more pleasant. It is not necessary to smile at "all 32" to charm others. Remember the famous masterpiece of painting from under the brush of Leonardo da Vinci. His Mona Lisa barely raised the corners of her mouth, but in general her image is narrower. long years captivates the curious viewer.

Is it possible to learn to smile beautifully?

The best critic is yourself, and the best adviser is the mirror. Everything can be learned. Including a beautiful smile. There are courses and trainings on the art of smiling. It can be noted that a person with a wide smile seems good-natured and conducive to communication. If you are a representative fair half humanity, you have heard or even armed with the power of a charming smile.

An interesting fact is that people who smile often and openly get wages 15% more than closed and pessimistic employees. Pay attention, the ability or not the ability to smile stretches from deep childhood.

School photos show how the child will grow up. But even if you grew up as a calm and phlegmatic person, and with the flash of the camera you try to hide your teeth and lips, then we suggest listening to a few tips to smile without complexes and do it beautifully.

Learning to smile

  1. Stand in front of a mirror. Take a close look at your lips. Rough and cracked lips cannot be attractive. Spend cosmetic procedures right in your bathroom. Do a light peeling with a toothbrush, then lubricate with a nourishing cream.
  2. A beautiful smile is when only the top row of teeth is visible. Applying a series gymnastic exercises, you can achieve best result. You can train anywhere, in the elevator, at home in the bedroom, taking a shower.
  3. Try taking selfies. When you are by yourself, you can pose, fool around, try to smile and take various pictures. Looking at yourself from the side, it will be easier for you to see your strengths and weak sides and work on the bugs.