Children's crafts March 8. Jewelry box "Dear Mom" ​​using decoupage technique. Sculpting a greeting card with your own hands

Master class with step by step photos: A small bouquet for mom. Senior group.

Tsutserova Natalya Alexandrovna, teacher, GBOU secondary school No. 33 - SP "Kindergarten No. 22", Syzran Samara Region
The material will be useful to educators, teachers additional education, teachers primary school, parents and just creative people. Options offered in master class can be done at the teacher's discretion.

Target: teach how to design a gift for the holiday with your own hands.
Refine your knowledge of colors appearance.
Enrich and expand knowledge about flowers (rose, chamomile, daffodil, forget-me-not, cornflower)
Build compositional skills.
Strengthen the skills of working with paper and scissors.
Activate speech.
Materials: colored double-sided paper (red, green, white, yellow, blue color), blue corrugated paper, chopped woolen thread (yellow, of blue color), scissors, PVA glue, napkins, stencils.

Flower templates.

Master class progress:

Guys, I suggest you play the flower volleyball ball game. You need to throw the ball to each other, and after catching it, name the flower.
- Guys, what holiday will be soon? (March 8)
- What holiday is it? (children's answers)
- What gift can you give to your mother or grandmother? (children list)
Guess the riddle:
They are smelly and cute
Weave wreaths from them,
Give for the holidays
What are they called? (Flowers)
- Yes, guys, you can give your mother a bouquet of flowers. We will now make a gift of a bouquet of flowers.
- First you need to remember the rules for working with scissors.
(children list) - When working, you need to be careful and accurate.
- When cutting, keep your fingers at a safe distance, no matter how much you get hurt.
- Pass the scissors with the rings forward.
- After work, the scissors must be closed.
- Now let's get to work. First, we will make weed. How to make it? (children guess)
1. We will take a sheet of green paper.

2. We spread the edge of the sheet horizontally with glue. We bend and glue. We try not to iron the fold.

3. We make cuts along the entire length of the sheet. The width of the cuts is arbitrary.

4. Next, we make a roller, glue the end. The workpiece is ready.

Next, we make flowers (one type at the choice of the teacher):

Option I (rose)

Bushes bloomed in the garden -
How beautiful are their flowers!
Thin delicate fragrance
Fills the garden in summer.
And until the frost
Will delight us ... (rose)
Yes it beautiful flower. Despite the huge number of different colors in nature, many people love it. This flower is called the "Queen of Flowers". But few people know why it was called that. The thing is that the birthplace of this flower is Persia, but in ancient times it was called differently Gulistan, which means “land of roses”.
1. Cut out a square 8 * 8 from red paper.

2. Cut out the circle.

3. We cut the circle in a spiral.

4. Gently fold. Glue the end. The flower is ready.

Next, we collect pink bouquet. Glue the flowers to the grass.

Option II (chamomile)

Guess the riddle:
Here is a flower in the meadow,
The middle will look like the sun
Himself in a white shirt.
Good in the grass ... (daisies)
- Where do daisies grow? (in the forest, in the garden, in the garden) You are right, guys, this is an ordinary wild flower. I want to tell you interesting legend. Many centuries ago, there lived a couple. They loved each other very much. The guy's name was Roman. Into one beautiful evening he saw in a dream a small, delicate, fragile flower, with a yellow center, and white petals. In the morning, Roman saw this flower near his head and gave it to his beloved. The girl was pleasantly surprised and called him - chamomile. Her desire was that the flower, like her, bring and give them to everyone loving hearts. Then Roman went to the realm of dreams. He walked for a long time. Standing before the king, he told the whole story. Then the king agreed, but what a cruel price he paid Roman for the desire of his beloved - he remained in the kingdom of dreams forever. The girl waited a long time for his return, but in vain. Until one morning she saw a clearing of daisies. This is such a sad story.
1. Using a stencil, cut out a camomile. ( blanks of other colors)

2. Cut a fine yellow woolen thread. Apply PVA glue to the middle, pour woolen thread.

3. Glue the flowers to the grass.

Option III(narcissus)

Solve the riddle.
Have spring flower
Signs not to be mistaken:
Leaves like garlic
Ah, the crown, like a prince! (narcissus)
- Why do you think it was called that? (children's guesses)
According to mythology, a young man named Narcissus rejected the love of a beautiful nymph. As punishment for this, he was doomed to fall in love with his own reflection in the water. He stopped eating, drinking, and every day he came to the reservoir, and from this love he turned into a flower.
1. Cut out a flower from white paper according to the template.

2. Cut out a yellow circle, circle it with a red felt-tip pen. String the yellow circle on a pencil and glue it to the flower in the middle.

3. Glue the flower to the grass.

Option IV (forget-me-not)

Guess the riddle:
Blooms from May to June
The colors of the sky petal,
yellow eye in the center
Can you tell me what kind of flower? (forget-me-not)
-Guys, why is this flower called forget-me-not? (children guess)
Once a flower appeared in a forest clearing, it differed from other flowers, except perhaps in color. He was blue. Each flower knew its name, but this flower did not. All the flowers began to ask him what it was called, but he did not know. As a result, all the flowers turned away from the nameless flower, apparently to remain alone. And the flower cried. Suddenly the flower heard a rustle. An ant crawled past and carried a large leaf and whispered something. The flower asked him: Can I help you?
“Perhaps you can help me,” said the ant. - Can you remember something? Of course I can, the flower nodded. Then remember: you need to crawl to the meeting in the anthill by the time the sun illuminates the entire clearing. Remember? I'll remember, - confidently answered the flower.
After a while, an ant appeared in the clearing.
Well, what do you need to remember? the ant asked.
- You need to crawl to the meeting in the anthill by the time the sun illuminates the entire clearing.
-Well done! - praised the ant, - You're straight forget-me-not!
- Forget-me-not? - Thoughtfully repeated the flower and immediately rejoiced: - Hurrah! Now I have a name! My name is forget-me-not! Thank you kind ant.
Like this interesting story about a flower.
1. Cut out a flower according to a template from blue double-sided paper.

2. From yellow paper- an asterisk. We glue an asterisk to the flower, in the middle we put a point with a black felt-tip pen.

3. We connect the parts.

Option V (cornflower)

Guess the riddle:
Like a blue light
Someone suddenly lit in the rye,
Bright field flower.
What is this? (knapweed)
- Why do you think it was called "cornflower"? I will now tell a story.
A widow lived in the same village with her son Vasil. He was a handsome and hardworking guy. From morning to evening he worked in the field, then he went to the river to wash and rest. One day a young mermaid saw him and fell in love. She began to call to her. But Vasil flatly refused to leave his land, his field, he didn’t even want to look at it. The mermaid got angry - if so, then don’t get to anyone, but forever become a flower in your field. A flower swayed in the rye. The flower was blue, like the guy's eyes. And people named him in honor of him cornflower. Here is such an interesting story.
1. From corrugated paper cut out a flower, glue a woolen thread in the middle. Twist the petals of the flower a little - a little.

Beautiful and cool crafts made for the holiday of March 8 with your own hands will become the most the best gift and for my beloved mother, and for my grandmother. To create non-standard presents, children can use both napkins and cotton pads, and paper. Original crafts for March 8 with your own hands can also be made from threads. Using the given video tutorials and photo instructions, it will not be difficult to create a truly non-standard present. The ability to make simple crafts and kids from the preparatory or junior group of kindergarten, and for students of primary and high school.

Simple DIY crafts for March 8 for the younger group of kindergarten

Properly made packaging will help to congratulate mom in an original way and give her simple, but very cute gifts. Similar gift crafts for March 8 in kindergarten Even the smallest kids can easily make it. The work does not require the special skills of the baby: beautiful paper crafts by March 8 are made quickly and simply. And inside the packages you can put any small gifts.

Materials for making simple crafts for March 8 for kindergarten

  • wrapping paper;
  • tubes from toilet paper(or similar from cardboard);
  • gifts for filling (sweets, varnish, decorations);
  • sequins or other sequins;
  • tape, thread, scissors.

Instructions for making simple crafts for the holiday of March 8 for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself interesting crafts for children of the senior group of the kindergarten by March 8

Please mom interesting craft can be done using a minimum of materials. For example, children can put small gifts for their mother in a small decorated jar and give them to her on March 8th. simple craft March 8 from a child will cause mommy positive emotions, because he will try very hard, collecting unusual present. The photo instructions below will tell you how to make crafts for March 8.

Materials for children's crafts in honor of March 8 for kindergarten

  • green double-sided paper;
  • small gifts;
  • ribbon;
  • jar;
  • white felt-tip pen, scissors;
  • black and brown cardboard.

A step-by-step master class on making crafts for the holiday of March 8 for children

Funny crafts for mom by March 8 with your own hands - step by step photo instructions

Many mothers use modern smartphones and cannot find a suitable case for their phone. To correct this situation and please your beloved mother will help independent production cover. Similar bright crafts on March 8, mom will really, really like it. After all, they are not only beautiful, but also really useful. Such soft cases will definitely come in handy to preserve the integrity of the phone, and mom herself will be pleased to receive an unusual little thing from her child. At the same time, even kids of 7-8 years old can make children's crafts for March 8 from fabric.

Materials for making cool crafts for mom for the holiday of March 8

  • multi-colored felt;
  • threads;
  • buttons.

Step-by-step photo instructions for making crafts for the holiday of March 8 for mom

Beautiful crafts with step-by-step instructions - a gift for March 8 with your own hands

For many mothers stylish jewelry are the best gift. Therefore, fashionable mothers can make very simple, but very beautiful necklaces. No special components or skills are required for operation. But the products obtained after painstaking work will certainly surprise and delight your beloved mother. Step by step master class on crafts for March 8 from improvised materials will help to assemble a non-standard cute decoration.

DIY materials for making beautiful crafts in honor of March 8

  • thick cord for the base;
  • multi-colored threads (preferably acrylic);
  • transparent glue;
  • scissors;
  • jewelry clasp (if desired, you can do without it).

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making a beautiful craft for March 8

  1. Prepare all required materials and tools.
  2. Cut off the desired length of cord. If you couldn’t find the clasp, you should cut it to a length that will allow mom to put on the jewelry over her head.
  3. Fasten a thread of the same color of the winding on the rope: tying it in a knot and gluing the edge with glue.
  4. Carefully wind the thread of the first color around the cord.
  5. When dialing in enough winding length, tie a thread and fix the edge with glue.
  6. Carry out a similar work with threads of other colors. Perform winding from a thick thread of rhombuses, as shown in the photo.
  7. Fix the edge of the diamonds with a tight winding of the wire (it is additionally recommended to glue it). The edge of the cut wire must be carefully inserted into the cord.
  8. Prepare threads for fluffy tassels (determine optimal length decorations).
  9. Make colorful brushes.
  10. Tie the brushes to the base of the decoration. It is important to attach them to the winding of the corresponding color.
  11. Install a jewelry lock or just tie knots in the rope.
  12. Additionally, it is recommended to coat the tips with glue to prevent them from slipping. You can also glue connector caps to them.

Bright paper crafts for March 8 - for primary and secondary school students

Every mom will love this craft that can be used to decorate the house. Therefore, a stylish feeder in light colors is ideal for placement in the bedroom, and for hanging in the hallway or corridor. Both primary school students and children from middle classes will be able to make such crafts for March 8 at school. For work, students can use both paper and fabric.

What materials are needed to make bright crafts by March 8 at school?

  • cardboard box (for preparing the basis of crafts);
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • colored paper or fabric;
  • pencil.

Step-by-step master class for making paper crafts by March 8 at school

An unusual craft for your beloved grandmother by March 8 - video instructions for schoolchildren

The original topiaries are considered great gift for any holiday. They bring happiness, joy and health to the house. Therefore, by March 8, you can make a classic topiary with roses for your beloved grandmother, or simply make cool ball which can be hung in the room. At the heart of such crafts for March 8, grandmother will use foam ball. And the roses themselves can be easily made from cotton pads, and from simple napkins.

Video instructions for making unusual crafts from cotton pads for grandmother by March 8

Beautiful roses from cotton pads are quite easy to assemble, and even schoolchildren can do this task. Having carefully studied the proposed instructions and exactly repeated the preparation and assembly of the craft, you can be sure of receiving correct result. Crafts for March 8 are made from cotton pads quite quickly and simply, but the work must be done very carefully: this will prevent uneven gluing of flowers to the base.

Step-by-step video master class for making crafts from napkins for grandmother in honor of March 8

If you use cotton pads to make flower ball there is no possibility, you can replace them with ordinary napkins. This job is more suitable for kids. younger age, since it does not require special skills in working with materials. But it is especially important when making crafts for March 8 from napkins to observe safety conditions. It is better to work with a glue gun under adult supervision.

Bright and funny crafts made by children for mothers and grandmothers will be a wonderful gift for congratulating them on March 8. You can collect crafts for March 8 with your own hands according to the proposed video and photo master classes from paper, threads, napkins and cotton pads. Simple Instructions suitable for preparatory and younger groups of kindergarten. But for primary and secondary school students, we can offer the manufacture of unusual and original crafts in more complex patterns.

A wonderful holiday - March 8 comes to all women with the onset of spring. For this holiday, all men prepare in advance. In this situation, gifts are chosen with enthusiasm for the most dear women. But in the kindergarten, children under the guidance of educators create wonderful gifts for mothers by March 8th. And in this article, we decided to tell you about what gift to give mom in kindergarten on March 8th. Kids will be able to cope with this task on their own, and mothers will be delighted with a beautiful present.

The best gifts for mothers by March 8

Spring postcard.

Of course, in such a situation, one cannot do without greeting card. In addition, the postcard is considered the most popular gift for Mom. To create a postcard you need to take: cardboard, colored paper, pencil, glue and scissors.


  1. So, the cardboard should be folded in half and laid out horizontally. Draw a circle on it and carefully cut it out.
  2. The mug should be decorated with a flower. To do this, they are cut out of colored paper.
  3. Flowers should simply be cut out of colored paper and glued to cardboard.
  4. Additionally, the mug can be decorated with flowers, which are also cut out of cardboard.

Willow branch for mom.

Here we list those gifts for moms that you can make with your own hands on March 8 in kindergarten. And these ideas can be brought to life by the younger group. March 8 is considered a warm spring day. And a fluffy willow is considered a symbol of spring. Therefore, mom can be presented with a fluffy willow on this holiday, which is easy to make with your own hands. To create it you will need: cotton swabs, colored paper and cardboard, twigs for the base and glue.


  1. Branches should be adjusted in length. To do this, you should lay them on a sheet of cardboard and secure them with transparent tape.
  2. Tear off the cotton part from the sticks and attach it to the twigs with glue.
  3. It is recommended to decorate the finished composition with a beautiful satin ribbon.

On a note! This postcard can also be made from real willow branches.

Fish for mom.

On March 8, it is customary to present pleasant emotions. So next gift we will be bright
and memorable. To work, you may need:

  • disposable plates,
  • paints,
  • cardboard and glue.


  1. First, glue the fins and tail to the fish. These parts are made from cardboard.
  2. Color the fish bright colours and wait for it to dry completely.
  3. A ready-made gift can be given to your mother.

Hands with flowers.

It is not difficult to please your mother on the holiday of March 8. Can be done for her lovely gift which will convey all the warmth and love of the child. To create a craft you will need:

  • pink double sided paper
  • baby palm stencil,
  • simple pencil and scissors.


  1. First, the sheet should be bent in half and attach a stencil to the fold lines.
  2. Circle the palms with a simple pencil.
  3. From colored paper of a different color, cut out individual elements for the flower.
  4. Stick these elements on your palms to create a cute bunch of them.

Vase for mother.

On March 8, it is customary to give not only flowers, but also vases. But children can make this element with their own hands. For this case, you should use any glass container. It could be glass jar or a bottle. You will also need various colors corrugated paper.


  1. Corrugated paper should be torn into small pieces.
  2. Glue is applied to a small area of ​​a glass vessel and already prepared pieces of corrugated paper are glued to it.
  3. Thus, it is worth pasting the entire vessel. Then another layer of glue is applied to the jar.
  4. Now the wonderful vase should dry and you can give it to your mother.

A gift for mom is a fan.

The next gift for mom on March 8 can be made by those children who attend kindergarten. Making it is also very easy. To make a fan it is worth preparing:

  • paper,
  • popsicle ice cream sticks,
  • felt-tip pens or colored pencils,
  • Scotch.


  1. A sheet of A4 paper should be painted with felt-tip pens or pencils.
  2. After that, the sheet is folded like an accordion.
  3. Glue popsicle sticks to the sheet on both sides. In this case, the sticks should protrude 2 cm from the paper.
  4. Wrap the bottom edges of the paper with tape.

Simple application.

The following application will require a minimum of elements. So, you will need:

  • white paper,
  • colored paper and glue.

Creating an application is easy. You just need to glue flower elements to a sheet of paper. You can also sign this postcard.

Memorial candle.

To make a wonderful gift for mom, you should prepare:


  1. On parchment paper, the kids apply the desired pattern.
  2. After that, paper with a pattern is applied to the candle. It is worth attaching it tightly and holding it for a while.
  3. In order for the pattern to be well fixed, you will need a hair dryer, which processes the surface of the candle.

Postcard with wishes.

In creating this postcard, the teacher can help the children. He is at separate sheets paper cuts out the petals and writes on them the qualities of mothers. Example, attractive, beautiful, olfactory, lovely, etc.

  • So, for such a postcard, the middle of the flower is drawn on a piece of paper. But the stem should already be cut out of colored paper.
  • The children now only have to pick up the petals and glue them to the flower.

A few words in conclusion

Now you were able to find out what gifts to make for mothers on March 8 with your own hands in kindergarten. We hope that our ideas will appeal to children and they will be happy to make something unusual for their beloved mothers in spring holiday- March 8.

Good traditions should be instilled in children from a young age. Therefore, it is relevant to choose a gift for March 8 in kindergarten - to your favorite teachers, mothers, grandmothers and playmates.

Here, the parents of boys (and girls, if you decide to congratulate the nanny or teacher) think hard. We can quickly and easily find you interesting option gift!

As we have already noted, on March 8, the young knights will have to congratulate not only the beautiful princesses from the group, but also the teachers, their mothers. Let's take a closer look at what a gift can be for each occasion.


Many parents agree that in the future to be aware of yourself as a woman, to be attractive and feminine girl will help the attitude towards her as a lady from the most young years. The eighth of March perfectly helps to form this feeling.

The gentlemen have two choices: to prepare a gift themselves or to give something carefully prepared by mom and dad.

In the first case, it will be easy for kids to do the following with their own hands:

  • Toys from the test, plasticine.
  • Composition of herbarium, shells, pebbles on plasticine.
  • Drawn postcard.
  • Homemade flowers - from paper, packaging, cardboard.

Purchased gifts depend on the decision of the parent council. What they can be, we will note further.

Advice! can be organized and unusual delivery. For example, place a balloon with a gift attached to it on the chair of each girl.


We all remember how hard we worked in kindergarten on cute and uncomplicated crafts for our parents on Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8th. Many moms and dads long years keep these lovely presents.

Therefore, even today, boys and girls also painstakingly cut, draw, and mold gifts for their dear mothers. However, we note that in order for the present to look beautiful, you need to prepare the kids for it with preparatory classes.

  • Mom's portrait.
  • Magnet toy.
  • A cute craft from a ready-made kit for creativity.
  • Heart from improvised materials.
  • Postcard with application, pattern.
  • Paper, bottle flowers.

Advice! There you are great idea- buy small pots, soil and seeds of an unpretentious, fast-growing and flowering plant (for example, balsam). It is advisable to buy more of everything - gardeners are still young. In advance, with the kids in the group, plant the seeds in the ground, do not forget to take care of them - water them. And by March 8, there will be ready-made live flowers for moms!


There are a lot of options for him:

  • Flowers.
  • Sweets, chocolate, tea and coffee.
  • Gift Certificate.
  • A personalized gift - a mug, a decorative plate, a poster with a custom-made congratulation.
  • Selection of literature.
  • Diary, collectible pen.

Advice! If the parent committee is thinking about a gift for girls, then it would be ugly to forget about the present to the teacher. Try to choose an option specifically for this person - find out what a girl, a woman loves, what she is passionate about, what she needs.

What will we give the girls?

A selection with photos - in the table:

Bouquet of fresh flowers in elegant packaging
Soft toy
Educational game
Toy figurine filled with sweets
toy camera
Hair ornaments - hair clips, rubber bands
Children's cosmetics
Bijouterie, jewelry
Doll sets - clothes, hair ornaments, shoes, dollhouse furnishings
Jewelry boxes, jewelry boxes
Balls, jump ropes, other sports toys
Bath toys
Sets for needlework and creativity - dough, plasticine, clay, kinetic sand for modeling
Coloring books, coloring toys, coloring backpacks. Also interesting are models in which you need to draw not with a pencil, felt-tip pen, but simply with water.
Sandbox toys
Books and children's magazines - a must-have bright, colorful, full of pictures
Toy tableware and household appliances
"Kinder Surprises"
Sweets "For girls"
Educational children's CDs, collections of cartoons, films for kids.

Advice! Girls from an early age love everything beautiful and aesthetic. Therefore, it is worth taking care that the gift wrapping is bright, shiny and festive.

We make gifts

Here we present a series of simple and cute crafts that guys can make as a gift to their mothers, grandmothers, and classmates. children's gift for March 8 is an amazing creation that you can easily create with your own hands.

Handmade soap

To prepare such a gift, it is easiest to use ready set for creativity.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Soap base (its price may be different).
  • Molds for future creations.
  • Dye (this element is optional).
  • Flavors (also optional - give a unique smell to the creation).

And now to work:

  1. Lay out all the necessary items for work on the table.
  2. Find a glass plastic utensils for melting the soap base.
  3. Now we need to divide it (the base) into small cubes - the smaller they are, the faster it will melt.
  4. Everything is ready? Now place the container with the cubes in the microwave to melt it. An adult must monitor the process - the solution should in no case boil.
  5. Once the mass has become liquid, you can work with it. Add flavor and color (about 1-2 drops per 100 g), mix thoroughly.
  6. Now you need to cool the mass to 40-50 degrees.
  7. Now carefully pour the solution into the molds. We are waiting for it to freeze.
  8. Everything is ready! Soap can be beautifully packaged and prepared for delivery according to your desire!

Flower for mother from beads

It is better to involve older children in such work. Prepare for the craftsmen the following:

  • A coil of thin and thick wire.
  • Sachets with multicolored beads. You need at least three shades.
  • Double sided tape.
  • Ribbons 0.5 and 1 cm thick.
  • Cup.
  • Alabaster.
  • Scissors.

We begin to create a miracle - instructions:

  1. First of all, a tight figure eight is made from thick wire.
  2. With a green ribbon 0.5 cm thick, wrap the figure eight over its entire area.
  3. Tie a bow in the middle of the figure eight from the same color of the ribbon.
  4. Now let's move on to the flower. On two pieces (50-60 cm) of thin wire, type flower-colored beads. For example, red.
  5. On a shorter piece of thin wire (25-30 cm), type beads of a different color - yellow, orange, blue, purple, etc.
  6. Be sure to secure the ends of the wires so that the beads do not “escape” from there.

  1. Now, from each piece of long wire with beads, we need to form two petals. And then fasten these segments with the tips.
  2. From a small wire we make the middle - we turn it into a circle in a spiral.
  3. Using wire, place the middle on the petals, and then fix the flower itself on the figure eight.
  4. By this principle, you can make and add a few more flowers to the figure eight.
  5. If this is not enough, then we put green beads on pieces of thin wire (30-35 cm), fix the tips, twist the shamrock leaves. We attach them between the flowers to the figure eight.
  6. Now let's take a glass. Tape everything outer surface double sided tape.
  7. Carefully wind a thick tape on top of the adhesive tape, decorating the cup.
  8. Now we install the figure eight in this decorated cup, fix the composition with alabaster. A wonderful present is ready!

orange crafts

Even the younger children can cope with such work. We will need:

  • Orange peels (2 peels from two oranges = one application).
  • Disposable paper, plastic plates.
  • Velvet colored paper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Glue brush.
  • Scissors.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Napkins for erasing excess glue.

We work like this:

  1. WITH reverse side raw orange skins draw petals and circles.
  2. Then, with scissors, cut out the details along this contour.
  3. We place them on the table to think over the most successful composition.
  4. Now cut out velvet paper along the inner diameter of the plate, glue it to the bottom.
  5. Lubricating the details on the reverse side with a brush dipped in glue, we gradually transfer the composition from the table to the decorated plate.
  6. Excess glue is, without waiting for drying, wipe clean with a paper towel.

More options for crafts - in the video in this article.

A lot of original DIY crafts and postcards for March 8 for mothers and grandmothers can be found in this section, where fellow educators share their ideas and clearly show the results. Make sure that other handmade souvenirs for moms can be very bright, original and varied.

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March 8 is coming! For the holiday of March 8, we prepare gifts not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers. Because we invite both mothers and grandmothers to the holiday. How cool to make a card for your grandmother with your own hands! Such a gift will always be appreciated! Beloved and...

Application lesson in the second junior group "Gift for Mom" Purpose: to teach children to compose an image from details; nurture the will to do beautiful thing(gift. Tasks: 1) to consolidate the ability to use glue and a brush, carefully stick parts and remove excess glue with a napkin, make up a composition; consolidate knowledge of basic...

Hello, Dear colleagues! I registered on this site a long time ago, but I have never shared my experience. Of course, March 8 has already passed, and everyone congratulated the better half of humanity. But still, I decided to show what crafts for moms we did with the older guys ...

Tasks: To develop the ability of children to make flowers using technology voluminous application, to fix the techniques of symmetrical cutting. Learn to work with a stencil. Develop an eye fine motor skills hands, speech of children. Clarify children's understanding of spring flowers. Expand...

A woman likes to receive flowers. However, most often this happens on a birthday and on the eighth of March. Especially lucky women are lucky on their wedding anniversary. Moreover, the lucky woman must first and in advance remind herself of the surprise, write down the place of its purchase and the exact cost of the bouquet, then unexpected gift it will definitely be.

Everything is easier with children. The function of reminding and making a gift is taken over by caring teachers. There is no need to invent anything here. For example, mimosa and napkin roses look alive and look very sweet and gentle. In addition, so that the next souvenir for your beloved mother does not gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer, you can make a photo frame from salt dough. The material for the manufacture is absolutely safe, and the resulting result is very useful for home use.

Great idea for making postcards junior group- a flower from the palms. Surely every mother painstakingly circled the pen of her child in notebooks and signed the date. And here are three sketches - the red palm at the top of the sheet is a bud, and the other two on the sides are the original petals. The postcard is very touching and original.