The secret of seven generations of the family: why do you need to know your ancestors? The influence of seven generations of ancestors on the fate of descendants. Prayer that removes "karmic" or generic problems of several generations

The influence of seven generations of ancestors on the fate of descendants

Going to the forefathers, the souls of the deceased do not disappear without a trace, the informational and genetic connection between them and their descendants is preserved. Most of the ancient traditions recognized the significance of the influence of ancestors on descendants. Few people have not heard about the seal or the curse of the family, lying on the seven generations of some terrible sinner. In Greek mythology, seven generations of Tantalus paid for the sin of infanticide. Genealogical studies of the forensic scientist Cesare Lombroso convincingly proved that maniacs, rapists and brutal killers there were already criminals in the family before. Now practically no one doubts that talents, abilities and many psychological qualities are inherited. Astrologers are convinced that descendants inherit not only diseases, external signs and the talents of their ancestors, but in many cases fate itself, often paying for the sins of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

The cumulative influence of seven generations of ancestors in the Avestan astrological tradition was called the "genoscope", which differs significantly from individual horoscope because it's a cliché life situations and events that are likely to be realized in a person’s life if he does not show his personal individual qualities, but simply “goes with the flow”. If spirituality encourages a person to change, to introduce corrective and guiding programs into the fate, the implementation of which in exceptional cases can completely block the influence of the genoscope, free a person from the oppression of the karmic potential accumulated by his ancestors for seven generations. This is rare, but it happens, and only in those cases when a person manifests himself as a bright charismatic personality, lives an unforgettable life and himself becomes the father of many children - the progenitor of a new kind.

Much more often, people, to one degree or another, become "victims" of their own ancestors and sometimes live not their own lives, but a variation on the theme of the genoscope, a kind of potpourri of the fates of their ancestors. There are several basic rules that determine the action of the genoscope: 1. The absence of the influence of the horoscope (when a person is practically not affected by the rhythms of his own date of birth); 2. Repetition of the fate of ancestors, the manifestation of hereditary diseases, psychological complexes and problems of the older generation; 3. Repetition of ancestral signatures (moles, birthmarks); 4. The coincidence of the date of birth with the date of birth or death of ancestors; 5. The birth of a child premature (less than 7 months) or over-term (10 months); 6. Early appearance child's teeth 7. Contact with dead ancestors through dreams.

If at least a few of the above rules take place in a person’s life, then it can be argued with a high degree of probability that his individual fate will largely depend on the genoscope - the collective karma of the ancestors. Such a person will unconsciously lean towards the development of the ancestors that have the greatest influence on him, it will not be easy for him to show his own individuality. In this case, it remains to rely only on the ancestors themselves, because a person can be invisibly led by both the best representatives of the genus, and those ancestors whose influence can be disastrous for the descendant. AT this case everything will depend on the significance in his horoscope of one of the seven planets (visible to the naked eye), since each of the seven generations in the genoscope is associated with a particular planet.

The connection between the fate of the ancestors and the fate of the descendant is precisely determined by the date of his birth, since the astrological influence of the planets is very changeable. To determine which of the 64 ancestors (and there are exactly so many in seven generations) will have the greatest influence on the fate of the individual, whose genes will prevail in his character, it is necessary to study the horoscope of this person well in order to identify the planet - the conductor of the influence of energy Kind. To do this, you need to know that in the genoscope the first generation is associated with the Sun, the second - with the Moon, the third - with Mercury, the fourth - with Venus, the fifth - with Mars, the sixth - with Jupiter, and the seventh - with Saturn.

Let's take a closer look at this point:

Generation #1 - it's us. It is, of course, associated with the Sun - the center of our planetary system, the source of energy and the symbol of life. After all, unlike cold planets, a star named the Sun is in constant thermonuclear boiling, it literally "seething", throwing powerful prominences into space and sunny wind that permeates the whole solar system. In a word, in a word, the Sun is alive, which means that it is associated with the generation of the living, and not just the living, but the young, whose seething energy, desire to shine can be likened to the Sun. So, it all starts personally with us, who are the first generation in the seven-step pyramid of the genoscope.

Generation No. 2 is our parents, there are two of them, i.e. pair. Fathers and mothers are connected with the Earth's satellite, the Moon, which provides a huge impact for the formation emotional world. The unconscious, instinctive, reflex manifestation of a person is subject to the influence of the moon, the change of its phases and the movement of the night star in the zodiac circle. Everything that is laid down in childhood: habits, direct relation to the world and adaptation in it, emotional perception We owe this to our parents. Some people, in whose horoscopes the influence of the Moon prevails, and in adulthood remain big children - emotional, touchy and capricious. Naivety and infantilism, manifested in adulthood, is a negative consequence of excessive love and obsessive guardianship of parents. The second generation is extremely important for the formation of personality, its susceptibility and adaptation in society. If the genetic relationship between children and parents is broken, then a person, even being talented, will not be able to adapt to this world. The possibility of unhindered communication with kindred spirits, the ability to find right decisions in the world around them are absorbed, if not with mother's milk, then they are certainly formed in the first years of life under the direct influence of parents.

Generation No. 3 is our grandparents - 4 people. This generation is associated with the planet Mercury, which is in charge of the spheres of communication, learning, and information exchange. From grandparents, people adopt intellectual abilities, perception abilities, talents, and many behavioral features. It turns out that more important genetic information is transmitted through the generation than directly from the parents. If any of the grandparents was engaged in science, teaching, literature, then one can expect a manifestation of talent or scientific ability in grandchildren, but not in children, because it is known that nature rests on the children of geniuses.

Generation #4 - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers - 8 peoplecentury. This generation is under the celestial patronage of Venus - a planet whose long cycle is exactly 8 years. The fourth generation is considered the middle of the seven generations, and therefore great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are considered the keepers of harmony and balance. Venus (fourth generation) is associated with such concepts as love, joy of life, attachment to material wealth. It is believed that material values ​​earned by honest labor or inherited should be strengthened and multiplied. If the ancestors of the 4th generation were rich, then the ability to earn money will be passed on to them, but if they sinned in the material part, then this sin will lie on the successors of the family and will not allow them to become rich, no matter how much they want.

Generation No. 5 - great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers - 16 people. Mars is associated with the fifth generation, which is associated with willpower, energy, passionarity, the ability to achieve a goal, to win. Mars is the impulse to action. Without will, energy, passion, we cannot achieve anything in life. It is from the generation of Mars that military qualities, decisiveness, readiness for action are transmitted to descendants. Lack of will, cowardice or cruelty, unmotivated aggression can be a continuation of the sinfulness of the ancestors of the 5th generation.

Generation #6 - These are the grandfathers of our great-grandfathers.These ancestors are 32. The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter - the planet of power, authority, spirituality and worldview. Number 32, each of them is represented as a totem or also symbolically represented as one of the 32 teeth. Early lost teeth speak of the destruction of the connection with this generation. This means that not only the connecting thread of time was interrupted, but the connection of real generations, the historical connection, was interrupted. According to the sixth generation, an invisible connection is made between a person and a national spiritual (including religious) egregore. The ancestors of the sixth generation contain huge collective (egregorial) forces, they can become for us connecting links in the chain of transmission of traditions, commandments, true knowledge and teachings.

Generation #7 - These are the great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers.Total 64 people. The most distant generation from us in time is connected with the planet most distant from the Earth - Saturn. Just as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other celestial bodies remain invisible to the human eye, the influence of the ancestors of the 8th, 9th and 10th generations on a person is practically indistinguishable. To know anything about the life of ancestors who lived more than 200 years ago, only the descendants of noble families, of which, of course, there are very few, can. This connection indicates the problems of the seventh generation, by which one can see predestination, real fate, fate, destiny, inner law and the true duty of a person. This is the most serious generation.

So, 7 generations (64 people) influence our lives in the following way:

1st generation- this is ourselves, our "I", Ego, as a starting point. Associated with the energy of the sun.

2nd generation- parents (two, i.e. a couple). Associated with the energy of the moon. It is they who form our inner circle, emotional attitude to the world, the potential of health. It is also an opportunity for further adaptation, the ability to find your place in life. Especially strongly affects people with a strongly pronounced Moon.

3rd generation- grandparents (4 people). They convey to us the ability to perceive, intellectual capabilities, talents, as well as sociability, the ability to communicate.

4th generation- great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers (8 people). They shape in our destiny love scenarios, the ability to live in harmony, as well as the level of material well-being.

5th generation- great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers (16 people). Gives us passionarity, will, aspiration and ability to win. back side medals - aggressiveness.

6th generation- grandfathers of our great-grandfathers (32 people). Reflects in our destiny a connection with traditions, teachings, principles that we adhere to in life. It also grants social exaltation.

7th generation- great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers (64 people). It is this generation that indicates fate, fate, destiny in our destiny.

Interesting fact: external resemblance to parents - if a child looks like a father, then he has a stronger genetic connection with his ancestors, and if he is more like a mother, then he is free from many problems of the family, more independent in his choice.

Knowing your family tree is necessary not just for history, but in order to better navigate both in the present, and in the present, and in the future, which is a direct reflection and continuation of the past.

To know as much as possible about the ancestors is the task of every person who wants to choose his own life path. The merits of good ancestors can be an excellent example for selection proper development personality, while the knowledge of unresolved problems and sins of not the best representatives of the family tree will help to avoid repeating their mistakes and aggravating the negative karma of the entire Family.

Prepared by: E.G. Pankova (Cultural and Educational Public Foundation Altai Territory"Heritage of Ancestral Origins").

Literature: Globa P. Zodiac forecast for 2009. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2008. - 1996 p.

After death, the souls of the deceased do not disappear without a trace, the informational and genetic connection between them and their descendants is preserved. Most of the ancient traditions recognized the significance of the influence of ancestors on descendants.

Few people have not heard about the seal or the curse of the family, lying on the seven generations of some terrible sinner. In Greek mythology, seven generations of Tantalus paid for the sin of infanticide. Genealogical studies of the forensic scientist Cesare Lombroso convincingly proved that maniacs, rapists and brutal killers in the family already had criminals before. Now practically no one doubts that the talents, abilities and many psychological qualities are inherited. Astrologers are convinced that descendants inherit not only the diseases, external signs and talents of their ancestors, but in many cases fate itself, often paying for the sins of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The cumulative influence of seven generations of ancestors in the Avestan astrological tradition was called the "genoscope", which differs significantly from the individual horoscope, since it is a kind of cliché of life situations and events that are likely to be realized in a person's life if he does not begin to show his personal individual qualities, but will just go with the flow. If spirituality encourages a person to change, to introduce corrective and guiding programs into the fate, the implementation of which in exceptional cases can completely block the influence of the genoscope, free a person from the oppression of the karmic potential accumulated by his ancestors for seven generations. This is rare, but it happens, and only in those cases when a person manifests himself as a bright charismatic personality, lives an unforgettable life and himself becomes the father of many - the progenitor of a new kind. Much more often, people, to one degree or another, become "victims" of their own ancestors and sometimes live not their own lives, but a variation on the theme of the genoscope, a kind of potpourri of the fates of their ancestors. There are several basic rules that determine the operation of a genoscope:
1. Lack of horoscope influence(when a person is practically not affected by the rhythms of his own date of birth);
2. Repetition of the fate of the ancestors, the manifestation of hereditary diseases, psychological complexes and problems of the older generation;
3. Repetition of ancestral signatures(moles, birthmarks);
4. Date of birth match with the date of birth or death of ancestors;
5. Having a baby prematurely(less than 7 months) or postterm (10 months);
6. Early appearance of teeth in a child;
7. Contact with dead ancestors through dreams. If at least a few of the above rules take place in a person's life, then it can be argued with a high degree of probability that his individual fate will largely depend on the genoscope - the collective karma of the ancestors. Such a person will unconsciously lean towards the development of the ancestors that have the greatest influence on him, it will not be easy for him to show his own individuality.
In this case, it remains to rely only on the ancestors themselves, because a person can be invisibly led by both the best representatives of the genus, and those ancestors whose influence can be disastrous for the descendant. In this case, everything will depend on the significance in his horoscope of one of the seven planets (visible to the naked eye), since each of the seven generations in the genoscope is associated with a specific planet. The connection between the fate of the ancestors and the fate of the descendant is precisely determined by the date of his birth, since the astrological influence of the planets is very changeable. To determine which of the 126 ancestors (and there are exactly so many in seven generations) will have the greatest influence on the fate of the individual, whose genes will prevail in his character, it is necessary to study the horoscope well this person in order to identify the planet - the conductor of the influence of the energy of the Sort. To do this, you need to know that in the genoscope the first generation is associated with the Sun, the second - with the Moon, the third - with Mercury, the fourth - with Venus, the fifth - with Mars, the sixth - with Jupiter, and the seventh - with Saturn.

Rod's scheme. 7 generations that are behind each of us, only 256 people
Let's take a closer look at this point:
Generation #1- it's us. It is, of course, associated with the Sun - the center of our planetary system, the source of energy and the symbol of life. After all, unlike cold planets, a star named the Sun is in constant thermonuclear boiling, it seems to “seeth”, throwing powerful prominences and solar wind into space, penetrating the entire solar system. In a word, the Sun is alive, which means that it is associated with the generation of the living, and not just the living, but the young, whose seething energy, desire to shine can be likened to the Sun. So, it all starts personally with us, who are the first generation in the seven-step pyramid of the genoscope.
Generation #2 is our parents, there are two of them, i.e. pair. Fathers and mothers are connected with the Earth's satellite, the Moon, which has a huge impact on the formation of the emotional world. The unconscious, instinctive, reflex manifestation of a person is subject to the influence of the Moon, the change of its phases and the movement of the night star in the zodiac circle. Everything that is laid down in childhood: habits, direct attitude to the world and adaptation in it, emotional perception - we owe this to our parents. Some people, in whose horoscopes the influence of the Moon prevails, and in adulthood remain big children - emotional, touchy and capricious. Naivety and infantilism, manifested in adulthood, is a negative consequence of excessive love and obsessive guardianship of parents. The second generation is extremely important for the formation of personality, its susceptibility and adaptation in society.

If the genetic relationship between children and parents is broken, then a person, even being talented, will not be able to adapt to this world. Ability to communicate seamlessly with kindred spirits, the ability to find the right solutions in the world around them are absorbed, if not with mother's milk, then they are certainly formed in the first years of life under the direct influence of parents.
Generation #3 is our grandparents- 4 people. This generation is associated with the planet Mercury, which is in charge of the areas of communication, learning, and information exchange. From grandparents, people adopt intellectual abilities, perception abilities, talents, and many behavioral features. It turns out that more important genetic information is transmitted through the generation than directly from the parents.
If any of the grandparents was engaged in science, teaching activities, literature, then one can expect the manifestation of talent or scientific abilities in grandchildren, but not in children, because it is known that nature rests on the children of geniuses.
Generation No. 4 - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers- 8 people. This generation is under the celestial patronage of Venus - a planet whose long cycle is exactly 8 years. The fourth generation is considered the middle of the seven generations, and therefore great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are considered the keepers of harmony and balance. Such concepts as love, joy of life, attachment to material goods are associated with Venus (fourth generation). It is believed that material values ​​earned by honest labor or inherited should be strengthened and multiplied. If the ancestors of the 4th generation were rich, then their descendants will be given the ability to earn money, but if they sinned in the material part, then this sin will lie on the successors of the family and will not allow them to become rich, no matter how much they want.
Generation No. 5 - great-great-grandparents and great-great-grandmothers- 16 people. Mars is associated with the fifth generation, which is associated with willpower, energy, passionarity, the ability to achieve a goal, to win. Mars is the impulse to action. Without will, energy, passion, we cannot achieve anything in life. It is from the generation of Mars that military qualities, determination, readiness for action are transmitted to descendants. Lack of will, cowardice or cruelty, unmotivated aggression can be a continuation of the sinfulness of the ancestors of the 5th generation.
Generation No. 6 are the grandfathers of our great-grandfathers. These ancestors - 32. The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter - the planet of power, authority, spirituality and worldview. Number 32, each of them is represented as a totem or also symbolically represented as one of the 32 teeth. Early lost teeth speak of the destruction of the connection with this generation. This means that not only the connecting thread of time was interrupted, but the connection of real generations, the historical connection, was interrupted. According to the sixth generation, an invisible connection is made between a person and a national spiritual (including religious) egregor. The ancestors of the sixth generation contain huge collective (egregorial) forces, they can become for us the connecting links in the chain of transmission of traditions, commandments, true knowledge and teachings.
Generation number 7 is the great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers. There are 64 people in total. The generation most distant from us in time is associated with the planet most distant from Earth - Saturn. Just as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other celestial bodies remain invisible to the human eye, the influence of the ancestors of the 8th, 9th and 10th generations on a person is practically indistinguishable. To know anything about the life of ancestors who lived more than 200 years ago, only the descendants of noble families, of which, of course, there are very few, can. This connection indicates the problems of the seventh generation, by which one can see predestination, real fate, fate, destiny, inner law and the true duty of a person. This is the most serious generation.

So, 7 generations (126 people) influence our lives in the following way:
1st generation- this is ourselves, our "I", Ego, as a starting point. Associated with the energy of the sun.
2nd generation - parents(two, i.e. a couple). Associated with the energy of the moon. They form our immediate environment, emotional attitude to the world, health potential. It is also an opportunity for further adaptation, the ability to find your place in life. Especially strongly affects people with a strongly pronounced Moon.
3rd generation - grandparents(4 people). They convey to us the ability to perceive, intellectual capabilities, talents, as well as sociability, the ability to communicate. 4th generation - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers (8 people). They form in our destiny love scenarios, the ability to live in harmony, as well as the level of material well-being.
5th generation - great-great-grandparents and great-great-grandmothers(16 people). Gives us passionarity, will, desire and ability to win. The other side of the coin is aggressiveness.
6th generation - grandfathers of our great-grandfathers(32 people). Reflects in our destiny a connection with traditions, teachings, principles that we adhere to in life. It also grants social exaltation.
7th generation - great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers(64 people). It is this generation that indicates fate, fate, destiny in our destiny. An interesting fact: external resemblance to parents - if a child looks like a father, then he has a stronger genetic connection with his ancestors, and if he looks more like a mother, then he is free from many problems of the family, more independent in his choice. Knowing your family tree is necessary not just for history, but in order to better navigate both in the present and in the future, which is a direct reflection and continuation of the past. Knowing as much as possible about the ancestors is the task of every person who wants to choose his own life path. The merits of good ancestors can be an excellent example for choosing the right development of a personality, while knowledge of unresolved problems and sins of not the best representatives of the family tree will help to avoid repeating their mistakes and aggravating the negative karma of the entire Family.

Family tree - family history - our past, present and even future. Every person has a past and ancestry. Each person's life is affected by SEVEN generations of his ancestors. The past deeds of the ancestors and their thoughts, dreams make our life today the way it is.

We, in turn, are the successors of this chain and form the foundation for the fate of future generations.

Family and ancestors support your health, give strength to cope with adversity, good luck, success, confidence.

Do you know who your ancestors were? What were their names, what fate befell them?

How many generations of your family can you remember?

Practice shows that the vast majority of people have difficulty remembering the names of their great-grandparents, and, alas, they can say little about their life. But ideally, a person should know his ancestors up to the seventh generation! In life, some seek answers by discovering horoscope, many do not look for anything at all.

No wonder the word "family" consists of two components: " Seven" and " I". The tradition of knowing and honoring one's ancestors was well known to previous generations and completely forgotten in our time.

We now live in an amazing time, the Day of Svarog has begun, knowledge that has been stored in a knot circle from generation to generation has begun to penetrate into the world of people. But not only such knowledge. Much that exists in one people or country began to be translated into different languages peace. Many people began to actively engage in spiritual practices, go to church, ashrams, mosques. The fact is that in the era of information collapse, when there is a lot of information, but there is no result, only frustration, intuition comes to the rescue.

When a person is not sure what is behind him powerful protection ancestors, without faith in his father, husband, he begins to look for this faith at least somewhere: in the profession, self-realization, etc. Thus, more and more plunging into the illusion, into the abyss. And with each generation, deeper and deeper - our next children.

In order for the energy of the family of the whole generation not to be interrupted, it must be passed on to your children. It is not enough just to give birth to a child, one must skillfully transfer knowledge and energy to him. It is then that our children will no longer be controlled by someone, but will grow up confident in their abilities and in love.

Why is it important to keep in touch with Rod:

  1. It is important to understand the strength of one's kind, to see one's place, to accept one's history, only then will confidence, knowledge, strength and energy appear.
  2. Seven generations affect our present day. Do you know who influences you? Everyone is important, even unborn and excluded from the family, because their influence is also there and they should be in the chain of generic energy.
  3. Restore the flow of women and male energies in your life, it is most important to you yourself. Because it starts the flow warm relations within the family, it harmonizes relationships with the opposite sex, the health, success and future of your children.

Going to the forefathers, the souls of the deceased do not disappear without a trace, the informational and genetic connection between them and their descendants is preserved. Most of the ancient traditions recognized the significance of the influence of ancestors on descendants. Few people have not heard about the seal or the curse of the family, lying on the seven generations of some terrible sinner. In Greek mythology, seven generations of Tantalus paid for the sin of infanticide.

Now the tradition of preserving the history of the family has remained the strongest in royal families . They know that it is important - they study, remember, they do not want to lose their regalia and wealth.

A little more about the seven generations of the Family

Generation #1 is ourselves. It is, of course, associated with the Sun - the center of our planetary system, the source of energy and the symbol of life. After all, unlike cold planets, a star named the Sun is in constant thermonuclear boiling, it seems to “seeth”, throwing powerful prominences and solar wind into space, penetrating the entire solar system. In a word, The sun is alive, which means that it is associated with the generation of the living, and not just the living, but the young, whose seething energy, desire to shine can be likened to the Sun. So, it all starts personally with us, who are the first generation in the seven step pyramid.

Generation No. 2 is our parents, there are two of them, i.e. pair. Fathers and mothers are connected with the Earth's satellite, the Moon, which has a huge impact on the formation of the emotional world. The unconscious, instinctive, reflex manifestation of a person is subject to the influence of the Moon, the change of its phases and the movement of the night star in the zodiac circle. Everything that is laid down in childhood: habits, direct attitude to the world and adaptation in it, emotional perception - we owe this to our parents. Some people, in whose horoscopes the influence of the Moon prevails, and in adulthood remain big children - emotional, touchy and capricious. Naivety and infantilism, manifested in adulthood, is a negative consequence of excessive love and obsessive guardianship of parents. The second generation is extremely important for the formation of personality, its susceptibility and adaptation in society. If the genetic relationship between children and parents is broken, then a person, even being talented, will not be able to adapt to this world. The possibility of unimpeded communication with kindred spirits, the ability to find the right solutions in the world around us are absorbed, if not with mother's milk, then they are certainly formed in the first years of life under the direct influence of parents.

Generation No. 3 is our grandparents - 4 people. This generation is associated with the planet Mercury, which is in charge of the areas of communication, learning, and information exchange. From grandparents, people adopt intellectual abilities, perception abilities, talents, and many behavioral features. It turns out that more important genetic information is transmitted through the generation than directly from the parents. If any of the grandparents was engaged in science, teaching, literature, then one can expect the manifestation of talent or scientific abilities in grandchildren, but not in children, because it is known that nature rests on the children of geniuses.

Generation number 4 - great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers - 8 people. This generation is under the celestial patronage of Venus, a planet whose long cycle is exactly 8 years. The fourth generation is considered the middle of the seven generations, and therefore great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are considered the keepers of harmony and balance. Such concepts as love, joy of life, attachment to material goods are associated with Venus (fourth generation). It is believed that material values ​​earned by honest labor or inherited should be strengthened and multiplied. If the ancestors of the 4th generation were rich, then their descendants will be given the ability to earn money, but if they sinned in the material part, then this sin will lie on the successors of the family and will not allow them to become rich, no matter how much they want.

Generation No. 5 - great-great-grandfathers and great-great-grandmothers - 16 people. Mars is associated with the fifth generation, which is associated with willpower, energy, passionarity, the ability to achieve a goal, to win. Mars is the impulse to action. Without will, energy, passion, we cannot achieve anything in life. It is from the generation of Mars that military qualities, determination, readiness for action are transmitted to descendants. Lack of will, cowardice or cruelty, unmotivated aggression can be a continuation of the sinfulness of the ancestors of the 5th generation.

Generation No. 6 are the grandfathers of our great-grandfathers. These ancestors are 32. The sixth generation is associated with Jupiter - the planet of power, authority, spirituality and worldview. Number 32, each of them is represented as a totem or also symbolically represented as one of the 32 teeth. Early lost teeth speak of the destruction of the connection with this generation. This means that not only the connecting thread of time was interrupted, but the connection of real generations, the historical connection, was interrupted. According to the sixth generation, an invisible connection is made between a person and a national spiritual (including religious) egregor. The ancestors of the sixth generation contain huge collective (egregorial) forces, they can become for us the connecting links in the chain of transmission of traditions, commandments, true knowledge and teachings.

Generation number 7 is the great-grandfathers of our great-grandfathers. There are 64 people in total. The generation most distant from us in time is associated with the planet most distant from Earth - Saturn. Just as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other celestial bodies remain invisible to the human eye, the influence of the ancestors of the 8th, 9th and 10th generations on a person is practically indistinguishable. To know anything about the life of ancestors who lived more than 200 years ago, only the descendants of noble families, of which, of course, there are very few, can. This connection indicates the problems of the seventh generation, by which one can see predestination, real fate, fate, destiny, inner law and the true duty of a person. This is the most serious generation.

Each person bears the seal of 7 generations both on the paternal and maternal lines, which in total is 126 people:

the first generation is ourselves,

the second - parents (2 people),

the third - grandparents (4 people),

the fourth generation already gives 8 people,

fifth - 16 people,

sixth - 32 people,

seventh - 64 people.

So, first generation- we ourselves.

Second generation- our parents. What do we get from our parents? Therefore, father and mother, first of all, act on our problem of choice, the problem of our entry into society, as well as the problem of the homeland.

Through the second generation, we can cliché partner marital relations. In this, children often copy their parents, repeating the same mistakes both in relation to each other and in relation to their partners. Marriage problems, most often, pass from mother to daughter, from father to son. It is rare that talents and abilities are passed on through the second generation, but parents can determine the resonant sphere in which these talents will manifest themselves.

Even from dad and mom, their small habits, inclinations, emotions, as well as their voice, manner of speaking, expressing themselves pass to us. But how will all this manifest itself with us, with
good or bad side depends on our parents. At the same time, the child may not look like his parents in appearance. third generation(two grandfathers and two grandmothers). It is grandparents who pass on to us intellectual ability. They determine the milestones of our destiny with their lives. This line of fate does not depend on education. Many diseases are also transmitted to us from grandparents. But most importantly:

Creativity, activity, initiative, attitude towards God are passed on to men from paternal grandfather, and to women from maternal grandmother;

Men from their paternal grandmother, and women from their maternal grandfather, are given the ability to properly treat material values, money, the ability to properly manage the household;

The ability to learn, to communicate with relatives and other people, to make contacts, to marry are transmitted to men from maternal grandfather, and to women from paternal grandmother;

Secret abilities and opportunities, as well as attitudes towards home, homeland, and place of residence are passed on to men by maternal grandmother, and to women by male grandfather.

fourth generation. This generation includes 8 people and our protection on the chosen path of life largely depends on them. They determine the possibilities of a person's orientation in time and space. And they, in turn, determine the goal of a person's life - what you need to focus on in life, what to bet on, in what area of ​​activity free choice will lead to desired result. When we choose some kind of life path, we invisibly connect with one of our ancestors and can receive protection and help from him. Through the fifth generation, the most deeply rooted sins and vices, spiritual outrages are transmitted, or, conversely, holiness and law .

By fifth generation we determine for the sins of whom we pay, it is with this generation that retribution and retribution are associated. The ancestor who was most zealous in the execution of the law is our judge, our lawyer, intercessor, he restores harmony in our lives. The righteous way of life of the ancestors protects us from temptations, promotes the accomplishment of good deeds.

AT sixth generation 32 ancestors, questions of harmony connect us with them. Genetic harmony or disharmony, stability or disorder, balance or imbalance - all this depends on what our ancestors of the sixth generation were like. The ancestors of this generation develop our intuition, push our consciousness to what needs to be paid attention to. They are the protectors of our families.

seventh generation the most important thing for us. It includes 64 ancestors. These are the strongest ancestors, each of which infuses us with a piece of their strength so that we can change.

As we see, even short review seven generations of the Family Tree speaks of how important information about ancestors is, what huge role play in our destiny, how many sacraments and mysteries concerning our life are kept.

Our conversation will begin with the foundation, on which the whole family rests - This is the 7th GENERATION.

DIRECTLY RELATED TO OUR DESTINY. Ownership of property, houses, land, factories, palaces, etc.

All fateful meetings that happen in our lives, lucky tickets, luck, unexpected rewards, success - or as we say: "the wheel of fortune" determines

No wonder the teeth were judged on generosity and goodness, the nobility of the family. Now we laugh, but before choosing a pair for children, we looked at the teeth, knowing that they can determine the pedigree, with whom you mix blood, and we took this very seriously.

Without their support, it is impossible to meet a loved one or a loved one. They create meeting moments for us, introduce us, they choose a couple and lead us to this meeting.

Now it is clear that if the family does not line up, then someone in the 6th generation has sinned or received a curse. Who has problems in the 6th generation - very difficult relationships in the family - often marriages of convenience, coldness, intransigence in relationships, restrictions in space, in leisure, in friends. People communicate little, they are afraid of going out, they are squeezed.

Look what is happening around - how much will it be happy families? What kind of love, loyalty, devotion will be discussed - we already see our legacy

Previously, they were afraid to commit a bad deed, to disgrace their family and doom their descendants.

The depth of understanding of the connection between generations helps to build a strong Family and happy destinies of each individual.

All our thoughts, secret and secret, are known to the 5th generation. The ancestors of the fifth generation are our judges, prosecutors and lawyers. Through them the recompense for our sins comes to us. They are, in a way, servants of the Law and Conscience.

It is them that we deceive when we change and betray friends, gossip, participate in conspiracies and hide something. They collect and put on the scales all our deeds and deeds.

Now it is clear why even thoughts should be pure.

They try to yell at us - Be honest when you say no, be honest when you say yes.

If there are innocent convicts, you are in litigation, you have litigations with relatives, you were thrown in business, you lose courts and so on - this is the goddess of justice - in the 5th generation there was someone who violated these installations.

Or maybe it's you??

And at the same time, if there is no connection or there is a curse in this lineage, we get into accidents, plane crashes, we get into awkward situations, we break our hands and we get boomerangs for our actions in the same or in time.

It is they who fine us when we bad thoughts, somewhere we are going, rob, trying to switch our attention. Or sent to pay off debts.

They are responsible for our career and social status. It is they who reward the ability to dominate the team, to shine. To occupy leadership positions, determine the economic level.

If everything is cool in the 5th generation, then people travel a lot, or their work is related to movement.

If you cannot decide on the choice of profession, cannot stay in one place or get fired, despite the fact that the specialist is highly qualified, you are not promoted and all the time, someone passes you at the turn - there is no support in 5 generation.

The desire for fatherhood, participation in the upbringing of the upbringing of children - the 5th generation is laid m.

If the 6th generation is like a matchmaker chooses a couple for us, then the 5th generation is responsible for the distribution of roles and the upbringing of children and training, the transfer of experience, professionalism, any learning process.

If the father does not participate in the upbringing of children, then there are problems in the fifth generation of the family and we can correct this if we begin to show not only interest in our children, but also actively participate in their upbringing, be close.

We are part of the system - when you hold the image of the pyramid, you will realize the unity and your consciousness will be rebuilt.

This is an internal meditation - preserving the conscious image of the Family, your Mandala and connection with generations (go back to the article of the Mandala, and now you will perceive this information differently, you will realize why you need to know your Mandala) - then in moments of anger - you need to release this an image from your memory bank and understand who you are striking at, which generation will suffer from your act, what will you tell your relatives at the "court" ???

And most importantly, what will you be working on? next life in your own system. No one else in another system, Rodu, will do it for you. That's the way the universe is.

Good union 5th and 6th generation - high probability achievement of well-being and wealth, luck. Order and organization. This is how the power of the Family is manifested.

The fifth generation is responsible for meeting with different kind people to see how we will act in this or that situation, if it concerns society, work.

Where did he come from in our team? No more strength to endure it! is your 5 generation trying to get through to you...

If there are problems in the 5th generation, it is necessary to do charity work.

4th generation - Ancestors of the fourth generation - there are eight of them - this is our intellect, knowledge, mind.

Assimilation of information, its creative comprehension, intellectual features and abilities, as well as definite line relationships with the world, with other people

4th generation is responsible for our speech, vocabulary, oratorical talents. They help you achieve your goal. This is their merit in the ability to plan everything and achieve goals.

With a strong 4th generation, people easily realize themselves in journalism, working with the word in all areas: writers, screenwriters, poets, directors, TV presenters, etc. perhaps their ancestors were good storytellers.

Who strong kind in the 4th generation - good scientists, analysts. The 4th generation in the Family gives talents.

At the level of the 4th generation, there is a division into logicians, philosophers, esotericists.

Many of them are related to the transfer of information - channeling, clairvoyance, this is work in close contact with the 4th generation.

If, in the 4th generation, there are violations, then this can manifest itself in isolation, constraint, the desire to check information to the smallest detail, they don’t trust anyone, they don’t know how to share work and family relationships. Difficulty in expressing your feelings, or their suppression - Marriages of convenience.

Those who constantly swear, use foul language - one must think that he will pass on to his generations - the purity of speech and the power of the word are very important in our life.

Our willingness to receive information, learn, ignoramus, mediocrity, or vice versa gifted child, for this the 4th generation is responsible.

The more we now comprehend, read, study, the more knowledge our descendants will have. And of course, it is difficult to force a child to learn or to put knowledge into him if contact with the 4th generation is broken.

Just imagine - here and now - at the same time 8 people who do not yet know through whom their meeting will take place receive knowledge, study so that they can transfer the acquired experience and information to someone, and if one of the 8 shirks, then this will be a lack of information or a gap in the knowledge of the next representative, for whom these 8 will someday become representatives of the 4th generation.

The ways of the Lord are inscrutable and it is difficult to think who will be in your family in this bundle. That is why some - in whatever field of knowledge you don’t ask - are well-versed in everything, while the other cannot cope with even one task.

Everything that we receive during our lifetime does not disappear without a trace, this baggage of knowledge is passed on through the inheritance of the Family.

And if the 7th generation predetermines the place of residence, country, city, and the quality of the house, its size, cost, then the 4th generation works directly with the house that was destined by fate, equipping and filling it inside.

Eight cardinal directions - eight possible orientations of the house in space. Four of which are favorable to us, Four are not.

They help with the choice of material, workers, foremen, and many people know how work goes well for some, while for others everything freezes or many difficulties arise and the house is no longer a joy. And for someone, repairs have not been made in their entire life.

The eight-pointed star, corresponding to the ancestors of the fourth generation, protects us like a tent in space and time, shelters our path from dangers and mistakes. This is a symbol of fertility - the mother of cheese Earth - the guardian of the Family.

The third tribe is grandparents. There are four of them.

They can be used to judge what tasks we are focused on - the realization of the future, the correction of the past, or we are focused on the present, i.e. usual everyday life. Moreover, it is this generation that sets the main milestones of fate for us.

Four ancestors give a cross - these are the crossroads in our life. They answer what position we take when making decisions: active, take the initiative or creative development, we are waiting for help, we remain on the sidelines or we have a pessimistic attitude.

And someone has a chance to maintain relationships, collect all the information about grandparents. Establish connections if they are broken for some reason.

Through them we can see what we were like in one of our lives - how we acted, how we behaved, what habits and interests we had. They are a visual mirror of us in past reincarnations. And if you figure it out, you will understand what you need to work on and what to prevent in the future.

Lucky for those who good grandmothers and grandfathers, so you can praise yourself, you will stop judging them, because you will understand that you are talking about yourself. By evaluating them, we evaluate ourselves.

Realizing this, you will reconsider your attitude towards them. Some are brought up by grandparents, and this is not just like that.

Grandparents directly reward us for our actions in past lives, either love or blame.

In tales and legends, she carried the story of her ancestors. This is a family memory passing like a banner from generation to generation.

Start writing them down old recipes, signs, jokes, sayings - this is our heritage - it is they who orally transmit knowledge, wisdom, and many say I don’t know how I know, I heard, once. Hear them and try to write them down in our crazy time, you will have something to pass on to your grandchildren - after all, you yourself will soon become the 3rd generation. And someone is already the 3rd generation, who knows 4 well, and possibly remembers 5.

Now it’s clear why you are here - your 5th generation - gave you information, and it’s up to you to work with it or not - right now you will create your future, but look wider - the future, your future incarnation !!!

And never allow a curse from the 3rd generation - this leads to blood feud and violent death.

These problems are passed on from father to son, from mother to daughter – i.e. these are the next really visible workings.

We get from them habits, manners, problems in marriage, genetics, attachment to the place of birth, emigration, exile, isolation.

After the second generation, we may be clichéd about partnerships in marriage. In this, children often copy their parents, repeating the same mistakes, both in relation to each other and in relation to their partners.

Marriage problems, most often, pass from mother to daughter, from father to son. It is rare that talents and abilities are passed on through the second generation, but parents can determine the resonant sphere in which these talents will manifest themselves.

Who grows up in complete family- this is your working off - in the past you left your children, destroyed other people's families, left the family. Now you are fully aware of what it is to grow up alone - and first of all - the task is to create and learn how to build relationships within the family.

And the Mandala of harmony is the same for everyone, both for men and women. There is no triangle in it - but that's another topic.

And since mom and dad are a dual world, this is a problem of choice. This is the same whole separate topic.

It is important for us to find contact with parents, even if they are alcoholics.

After all, now you and I understand that not everything depends only on them alone - you see what teamwork happens in our lives, and it is we who have the opportunity to make changes, to acquire the Power of the family.

And of course, the 1st generation You yourself - the Sun - where I want, to whom I want that and a candle .

I am a creator - none other than an architect of my own kind. Who else if not you yourself are laying the foundation for the future 7 generations.

I owe nothing to anyone, we say - yes, of course - because you create everything yourself, with your own hands, words, deeds, in the name of yourself and the continuation of your kind.

We are not talking about duty - this is a conversation about who we are, what we are made of, who is the creator of our destiny, who are the roots of our tree and what is its crown?

And to whom, if not to yourself and your family, to ask - Lord, why do I need everything - this ???

What you cook - then eat ....

The Universe is arranged in such a way that all questions are addressed to oneself and one's family. And, how else, if you have already realized the meaning of the construction of the Universe, its laws.

Learn to build your Mandalas , in them you will find answers about the connection with your Family, about the Family's karma, Family curses.

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