Scenarios of various holidays of entertainment for children. Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the mind of the child. Fun in kindergarten

All parents know to develop their babies with early age, and they want their own child to be better, smarter, stronger than their peers. Whereas the moms and dads themselves are not always ready to come up with entertainment and holiday scenarios. That is why children's entertainment is considered the most faithful and organic (in kindergarten).

Fun in kindergarten

In kindergarten it is not only a way to amuse the little ones, to give them a piece of joy, fun and laughter. Another equally important function of entertainment and holidays is mental development and the formation of certain skills in children. After all, children perceive this world through play and fun, and moral teachings and boring stories do not bring any benefit to the development of babies.

Children's entertainment in kindergarten is divided into the main types:

  • daily program;
  • holiday scenarios.

At the same time, both forms of work of a kindergarten teacher are an integral part of the life of the group and make a huge contribution to the development of children, provided they are properly organized.

Kindergarten activities

Activities in kindergarten can be very diverse:

1) Everyday children's entertainment in kindergarten.

3) Thematic holidays.

4) Musical and artistic activities.

Most often, as practice shows, the music director, physical education instructor and educators are only busy preparing for the holidays. They prepare the script, hand out the roles and practice them with the children. In September, the group prepares for the fall or harvest festival. Immediately after it is held, all scenarios of entertainment in kindergarten are reduced to preparation for the New Year's party, then for the Eighth of March, and so on.

Of course, holidays, matinees and preparation for them are an important part of life. children's collective, but far from the only one. Therefore, the work of the educator should be diversified, and the scenarios of the holidays should be thought out so that the children do not have long and painful preparations.

Leisure activities

Rest in kindergarten can also be active and passive. Passive rest includes:

  • muscle relaxation general(sleep, casual conversation);
  • contemplation of pictures, nature, beautiful objects;
  • casual conversations.

Rest can also be active in nature:

  • gymnastic exercises;
  • work in the yard of the kindergarten;
  • outdoor games.

The main essence of rest is that the child must independently choose the type of activity, realize his desires and needs in accordance with his own interests.

Scenarios of holidays and entertainment in kindergarten

Kindergarten entertainment topics can be:

1) Household: meeting the New Year, the release of children to school.

3) Seasonal: farewell to winter, bird day, summer holiday.

One of the most common holidays in kindergarten is the "Autumn Festival". For example, "The Autumn Noisy Ball invited guests to his place", its preparation includes:

  • selection text material and musical accompaniment;
  • script development;
  • learning lyrics and songs for the holiday;
  • prepare the children in advance: tell everything about the signs of autumn and how animals prepare in the fall for winter;
  • room decoration airy decorations, posters;
  • preparation of costumes and other attributes for children.

Characters: presenter, fungus, bunny, chanterelle, bear, tit, birds, as well as vegetables: garlic, tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber and others.

To the sound of music, children enter the hall and become a semicircle. The presenter begins her speech, then each vegetable recites verses about their vegetable. After that, you can perform the song "Autumn has come", "Sad crane" and other compositions dedicated to the autumn theme.

Autumn holidays and fun in kindergarten

Autumn is a dreary and rainy time, but not for kindergarten children, because educators always try to choose the most fun and interesting scenarios entertainment (in kindergarten).

So, the musical theatrical entertainment "Merry Journey into the Autumn". The main characters of this entertainment: autumn, vegetables, squirrels, hares, bear, cat, birds. The role of autumn and the presenter is played by adults, all the rest are children of older groups.

Kids in verse ask autumn, why did she come with frequent rains, with cold nights? Why did the autumn take a cheerful and hot summer? "Better a winter!" Autumn, in turn, replies that she will try to fulfill the children's request and give them snow blizzards, and she herself will go to those countries where she will be very welcome.

Then all the children play the role of trees, squirrels, hares, birds and vegetables to the music. They say that they will not understand what is happening, because the trees did not have time to throw off the leaves, and the hares changed their fur coats, and they barely ran away from the wolf, because they cannot hide in gray fur coats on the white snow. Squirrels answer that they did not shed and that they did not have time to stock up on mushrooms for the winter. And now the Bear comes out into the clearing, he roars, because he did not have time to find a den to sleep, and not to wander through the forest, frightening the animals. And the birds did not have time to fly to the warm regions to the south and now they freeze completely. And vegetables tried so hard in the summer, kept up, but only people did not collect them. And all together - animals, birds, vegetables are asking to return the children to autumn, and the guys are looking for and bringing her.

Autumn has returned again, but not by itself, but with gifts. She carries a basket of vegetables and fruits, and gives the children sweet sweets.

New Year's entertainment scenarios

New Year, as you know, the most favorite holiday not only for children, but also for their parents. Therefore, the organization of this holiday is so important for everyone, and preparation takes a lot of time. Scripts New Year's entertainment exists a large number of, for example:

- "A journey around the world of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and everyone, everyone, everyone." The heroes of this tale are Baba Yaga, Ded Moroz, Snegurochka. Their roles are played by adults. Harlequin, Malvina, Cinderella and other heroes of children's fairy tales are children.

First, the children come under new year composition... Children recite poems about a merry holiday called "New Year". The presenter invites all children to dance around the Christmas tree and make the most cherished desires going up to the green New Year's beauty... Then the children recite poems about the tree or sing a song together.

The Snow Maiden comes out and sings a song. Then Baba Yaga appears, who tells that she has bewitched Santa Claus. Children and adults, not believing her, all together call him. Finally Santa Claus enters and gives everyone gifts. This is the most important thing for children, especially in such magical holiday New Year.

Spring fun in kindergarten

Spring is the time when everything comes to life. We must not forget about the events. For example, you can arrange such children's entertainment in kindergarten as "Bird Day". In such an event, you need to use riddles and sayings about different birds, imitating the various sounds that make winged friends... The teacher makes riddles about a sparrow, raven, woodpecker, while saying: "chik-chirik, kar-kar, knock-knock."

You can also invite children to play such an entertainment called "Birds". Its essence is that you need to draw big circle- this is the sky where birds fly. Each child at the beginning of the game chooses one favorite bird for himself, and one of the children depicts a fox. Children-birds walk in circles, and the fox between children. When she says a verse about one of the birds, for example, about a cuckoo, then the one who chose to be her at the beginning of the game must quickly fly into the circle so that the fox does not have time to catch it. At the end of the game, the birds that escaped in the circle and those that were caught by the fox tug a rope or a stick, competing to see whose team will win.

Most importantly, the scenarios for holidays and entertainment in kindergarten should be bright and varied.

Author's scripts for the holidays, which will help teachers and educators prepare and conduct children's matinees, theme nights and get-togethers, entertainment in kindergarten. All materials were written by members of the Maaam project, many articles contain photographs from the holidays.

Types of holiday scenarios

Works are sorted by categories (sports, music, thematic ...), by state holidays, according to the seasons. Seasonal activities include events such as seeing off winter or meeting summer, bird day, and autumn fairs.

Autumn holidays

Winter holidays

Off-season holidays

Spring Holidays

Summer Holidays

Available in our library original work that are difficult to categorize. For example, "Scenario of the holiday of magic porridge" or "Day of the onion tear", such works are in the section "Interesting Holidays".

Published scripts

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Folk, folklore holidays. Scripts, entertainment
  • Scripts. Sports holidays, physical education, fun starts
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.
  • Holidays for educators and teachers. Scenarios of events for preschool educational institutions and teachers
  • Performance scenarios. Theatrical performances, performances
  • Fire safety. Scenarios of events, leisure activities, quiz on life safety
  • Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Holidays and entertainment scenarios

Showing publications 1-10 of 109644.
All sections | Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees

Reportage Matinee dedicated on MARCH 8 was held in Kindergarten Adults and children know that there is no more beautiful in the world your warm gentle hands, Lovely looks, words and lips. Congratulations on Women's Day, We wish you the sun in life. May your smiles endlessly delight hearts! / Dementieva ...

Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in the senior group of 2019 "For my dear mommy!" Music sounds, two girls and a boy come out. Early this morning, the ringing of the drop woke us up. What happened? it holiday, Mom holiday came And you girls are cute I want to congratulate You are so beautiful I honestly say! Today holiday the best today holiday our mothers are gone ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale for preschoolers "Kolobok"

Publication "Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale for preschoolers ..."
Scenario of a theatrical fairy tale For preschoolers "Kolobok - ruddy side" (based on the Russian folk tale) 2 younger group Purpose: to attract parents to joint creative activities; develop relationships between children and parents through inclusion in a joint ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the New Year's contest "Beauty of Russia" for children of the preparatory group of a kindergarten New Year's musical "Beauty of Russia" Children enter the hall and perform a dance to the song "Hear someone coming" They stop. Read poetry. So the New Year is rushing to us, He knocks at all houses, He calls the people as soon as possible Into his merry round dance, So that they laugh and dance, So that gifts ...

Fabulous entertainment on March 8 Leading. There are many mothers in our hall - Everyone came to our party for the holiday. We will give everyone a bouquet, The dearest in the world. Guess it or not? - These are your children. (Children enter the hall to music) Child. Today is the brightest And beautiful day ...

Mother's Day sports event Purpose: Advocacy healthy way life, familiarizing families with physical education. Objectives: To cultivate love and respect for the mother. Develop the emotional and moral sphere of the child. The course of the holiday: The presenter goes to the center of the hall reading poetry. Presenter: There is an eternal word in our world, ...

Holidays scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Scenario of the holiday in the middle group "Mother's Day"

Holiday script in middle groups e "Mother's Day". Compiled and conducted by: A.Yu. Zagorskaya. The course of the event. Educator. On this wonderful day, we gathered to congratulate our dear and beloved mothers on a holiday, children, and you know with what? What a holiday? Children...

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Holiday "My alphabet" in kindergarten with the participation of 1st grade students Purpose: in game form to repeat and consolidate knowledge on the course "ABC" Objectives: - to awaken in children preschool age interest in learning; - to practice the expressiveness of reading in the first graders, the ability to stay on stage; - instill a love for the book; - create conditions for ...

Ideas for events

Here you can find a lot of ideas for holding any holiday - ecological, sports, musical and many others. And here you will find not only step by step instructions on the implementation of the event, but you will also be able to get ideas for decorating the premises for theme party and even choose suitable suits for yourself.

Events may not be timed to any particular holiday, but simply seasonal. For example, such a funny and amusing "potato holiday". Both children and parents should actively participate in it. Previously, in groups, educators read stories and excerpts from books about the seasons to the kids, hold numerous conversations about fruits, vegetables, berries, their shape and color. You can even choose postcards or pictures with the gifts of the fall, or purchase dummies. I think the kids will be happy to take part in making crafts from potatoes, as well as share their experience of cooking dishes from potatoes.

The material is replenished daily. Not all materials have been categorized yet, but the work will be completed in the near future.

Characters: grandmother, grandfather, Alyonushka, bull, bunny, chanterelle, bear (sometimes a wolf appears in other retellings)

3 different scenarios and a fairy tale by famous history when the cat tells the cockerel not to open the door, not to talk to strangers, and the cockerel does not obey. The fox steals the cockerel ... Characters: cat, fox and rooster

Characters: grandma, grandfather, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse, turnip



The script is based on the fairy tale of Suteev (like a chicken repeating everything after a duckling and almost got into trouble). Characters: duck and chick


A script based on a Bulgarian folk tale (how the fox outwitted the cockerel, and then the cockerel outwitted the fox and survived). Characters: cockerel, fox


Scenario in verse for children of senior and preparatory groups.The story of how the cuckoo flew away from the clock, and the animals tried themselves as a cuckoo.Characters:Cuckoo, Cat, Frog, Lion, Dog



Scenario for the smallest: 1.5-3 years old.Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Fedya, mice, hares, foxes


Script in verse for kindergarten. The fox took away the key from Santa Claus's box. But the animals find her and forgive her. All together go to the Christmas tree, where Santa Claus comes with a box. And in the box ... Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fox, Hare, Squirrel, Bear.


New Year's scenario in verses for nursery group with games, songs and dances. New Year's script in verse for a nursery group with games, songs and dances. Characters: Host, Fox, Bear, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.


The script is based on Suteev's fairy tale (how the animals shared the apple and the bear judged everyone). Characters: Hare, crow, hedgehog, bear.

Pay attention to the pleasure with which your kid runs to kindergarten. How much he loves his teachers and classmates. Not surprising. After all, every children's entertainment in kindergarten attracts children, raises their spirits, and delights them.

It is here that the baby learns why the night changes to the day, why it rains, where what animals live, etc. The brain remembers a lot of information. But all this should be done in a playful way. Otherwise, the baby will be simply bored.

Children's entertainment in kindergarten - a huge impact on the mind of the child

So, in more detail. Each children's entertainment in kindergarten is a bright and joyful event in a child's life. Through various specially designed tasks, the child tries to become deeper aware of his feelings and thoughts. Carrying out all kinds of entertainment promotes moral education kids. Children are united by common experiences, the concept of collectivism is brought up, patriotic feelings, discipline and culture of behavior. In addition, the crumbs expand their horizons, develop speech, memory, imagination and mental development.

A definite idea

Children's entertainment in kindergarten is the participation of toddlers in games, singing, dancing and round dances. Such activities develop and strengthen the child's body, improve the coordination of his movements. Preparing for entertainment should be systematic and planned. That is, the general rhythm of life preschool should not be violated. Well and good educator knows the kids very well, their individual characteristics and interests. Therefore, the entertainment turns out to be joyful and meaningful.

Do not forget that entertainment is based on certain ideas and goals that need to be conveyed to every child. For example, May 1 is the Day of Workers' Solidarity, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. These very ideas should go through the content of the entire holiday. For this, decoration, performances, round dances, dances, music, songs and poems are used. The main thing is to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the kids. The repertoire should be carefully selected taking into account the level of development of motor and vocal skills.

One more important point... Children of the younger and middle groups develop fatigue earlier than older children. Crumbs are not able to perceive too many songs, poems, etc. Therefore, the duration of entertainment should not exceed thirty minutes. Older preschoolers can enjoy a more varied and richer repertoire. The holiday can last about an hour.

Combination of different types of art

Each children's entertainment in kindergarten should harmoniously combine all kinds of tasks, collective and individual work. Different types arts complement each other in solving one topic, increase the emotional impact on kids. It is only important to alternate classes correctly, taking into account the excitability of children and their rapid fatigability.

Entertainment brings joy to the crumbs. Therefore, it is necessary to give every child the opportunity to take part in them as much as possible. With great pleasure children repeat well-known songs, lead round dances, dance. This is the main part of the program of every entertainment evening. Of course, new numbers are also needed.

Types of holidays

When are they organized celebrations in kindergartens? Of course, primarily for the holidays. By construction and ideological focus they are different.

The first group is social and political holidays. These include May 1, Victory Day, March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The second group - household holidays... This is: New Year's party, prom etc.

AND last group- seasonal holidays. These include themed spring, summer, fall and winter fun in kindergarten.

Social and political holidays

And now a few words about each group specifically. Social and political scenarios of entertainment in kindergarten are held especially solemnly. As a rule, such holidays begin with the children entering the hall with flowers and balloons. After greeting the guests, the concert begins. The program, as usual, includes games, dances and round dances. Performances are interspersed with activities that bring excitement and fun. Preliminary preparation they don't require. Children get the opportunity to compete in intelligence and dexterity. The final part also emphasizes the solemnity of what is happening.

Household Holidays

What is the second group? Most often it is musical entertainment in kindergarten, accompanied by a certain construction and decoration. Such holidays are associated with the everyday life and life of kids. They are less solemn. There is much more immediacy in them than in social and political holidays. Special attention in kindergarten is given New Year's party... This holiday is full magical transformations and mysterious surprises.

In the center new year holiday there is a gorgeous Christmas tree decorated with toys and garlands. The luxury of spruce, as a rule, captivates kids so much that the holiday begins with it. To cheerful music, children enter the hall together with the teacher and examine Christmas tree... After going around the tree, they sit down, taking turns going to the center of the hall and reciting poems. However, all the fun begins with the arrival of Santa Claus. A kind wizard appears with fun, jokes, riddles, games and, of course, gifts.

An artificial tree usually stands in the hall for several days. After that, she can be taken out to playground... There she is for some time surrounded by animals made of snow. The spruce is removed as soon as the children's interest in it weakens. In the memory of kids, she always remains smart and beautiful.

Seasonal Holidays

And the last group. Seasonal Holidays often suggest physical culture entertainment in kindergarten. For example, during a summer celebration, kids can demonstrate how they grew up and got stronger in the country, how strong and dexterous they became. These celebrations are held outdoors. Educators and children decorate the playground. For this, garlands made of flowers and greenery are used, paper lanterns, painted balls, figures spinning in the wind, large cardboard huts and mushrooms, etc. Sport competitions cannot but attract the guys. They bring joy and joy to the crumbs, they serve important element their harmonious development.

Teaching staff

Conducting entertainment in kindergarten largely depends, of course, on the educators. They are responsible for the preparation of the events. Educators compose the program together with music director... This takes into account the kindergarten education program. The script is approved at the pedagogical meeting. Also at the meeting, they are determined with the people responsible for the preparation of costumes, decoration of the hall, attributes, etc.

The success of the holiday largely depends on the host. It is also necessary to approach his choice very seriously. It should be a funny, resourceful teacher, well knowledgeable kids, who knows how to keep at ease and freely. Often in preparatory work Parents are included.

At the next pedagogical meeting, the results of the next event are summed up. Here, work is determined to deepen the impressions of the kids on the days after the holiday. As a rule, conversations are held with the children about the past matinee. Children's words can be written down and placed on the parent stand. The teachers clean the decorations after the holiday together with the crumbs. In the classroom fine arts you can draw or sculpt crafts on the theme "Our holiday" from plasticine.

Content of entertainment activities

And finally. Organization of entertainment in kindergarten is carried out quite often. It doesn't have to be holidays. It is perfectly acceptable to hold events without any reason. The main thing is that the children are interested.

By the nature of the participation of adults and children, events are divided into three types. It can be entertainment prepared by the forces of adults; entertainments prepared by the forces of toddlers; and mixed entertainment evenings for adults and children.

According to the form of organization, events are also divided into several types: theme nights, concerts, sports entertainment, fun evenings and children's amateur activities. In short, there are many options. You just need to organize everything correctly. Go for it! Happy entertainment!

In this section you can find scenarios for matinees in kindergarten, scenarios for holidays, entertainment, graduations and other events. Links to a specific scenario are found in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Any holidays in kindergarten remain in the memory of children for a long time, so you need to try to approach the organization of these events very responsibly. Each step and every action should be well planned and timed, always keeping in mind that there may be some unplanned situations. It is imperative to have "freedom of maneuver", a small margin of time and be prepared for the fact that something does not go according to plan. A child may be capricious, someone will forget the words, someone will not want to dance - these things, of course, do not have a very positive effect on the general mood, but it is not worth making a tragedy out of this at all, these things happen regularly and experienced teacher will always find an opportunity to calm down capricious kids and return them to a common holiday.

Preparing for a kindergarten graduation, party or New Year's party has many things in common that can make this process easier. Scenarios of activities in kindergarten that are different in time and nature are worth collecting and analyzing for the future. There are many little things that seem simple and obvious, but which can seriously affect the matinee. Take the process of dressing up children in costumes, for example. If you do not find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children in changing clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in suits and lose some parts from them, and you (the teacher and nanny) are not able to quickly cope with the complication that has arisen.

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