How to get rid of strong stretch marks after childbirth. How to remove stretch marks after childbirth? Photo gallery: factors provoking the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy

- a feature that spoils the mood of many women. Now the birth is over, and the baby has grown up, and the mother has gotten into shape - and the stretch marks all remind of themselves, especially when preparing for the beach season. How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen and hips? When should you do it? We are talking about the most radical methods of dealing with stretch marks, which have contraindications, but really work.

Laser resurfacing after childbirth

A special device (very expensive!) Generates a laser beam of a certain frequency. This ray penetrates the skin, destroys its old layers and starts regeneration processes. We've destroyed the old - let's build the new! In the laser-treated area, collagen production is enhanced and new, smooth and beautiful fabric begins to grow where the stretch was before.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 10 minutes to an hour. The laser beam does not touch nerve endings, vessels, which allows the method to be classified as non-traumatic. However, this procedure can hardly be called painless. That is why the doctor will definitely discuss with you before starting laser resurfacing possible methods pain relief.

For "sanded" areas of the skin will need special care, treatment with ointments. And only after a few months, when everything is completely healed, you can enjoy the result!

Chemical peeling

If you are in the mood for a pleasant spa procedure, coffee scrub and similar manipulations, we have to disappoint you! During deep peeling you won't be able to relax.

On the warpath with stretch marks, some chemical elements from the periodic table go. Usually it is trichloroacetic acid, phenolic acid, or alpha hydroxy acid. On problem areas of the skin (dry and pre-cleaned!), The doctor will apply a solution and leave it for an average of five minutes. At this time, you may feel a slight burning sensation or tingling sensation. After that, the acid will be washed off warm water, and the affected area will be treated with a special neutralizing agent and moisturizer. However, one procedure is unlikely to solve the problem. Plan a course of five to seven treatments!

Preventing stretch marks is much easier than getting rid of them. To do this, you need to regularly nourish the skin of the body. special creams, use natural vegetable oils doing massage and drinking plenty of fluids.

Ozone therapy

Air, familiar and necessary for our body, is the main ally in daily struggle for beauty and health. Doctors realized this back in the 19th century - it was then that the history of ozone therapy began. Healing gas was used to treat depression chronic fatigue, dermatitis. However, our ancestors could not have dreamed of what modern specialists are "doing" with ozone.

For example, to fight stretch marks, ozone is injected under the skin. It improves blood circulation at the injection site, due to which toxins are removed, our skin becomes smoother, striae brighten and noticeably smoothed out. Also, as a result of this procedure, our skin itself begins to recover and renew itself.

How is the procedure done? The area of ​​stretch marks is injected with needles, after which an ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin. After the introduction of the mixture, not only stretch marks become invisible, but the condition of the body as a whole improves. Immunity is activated, microcirculation is improved, and physical and mental performance rise significantly.

Mesotherapy for stretch marks

Not only gas - ozone, but also other substances can be injected under the skin. Intradermal microinjections of biologically active drugs, which allow to reconstruct the structure of the skin from the inside, improve blood circulation and help in the fight against stretch marks - this is mesotherapy.

The composition of "cocktails" of preparations, which may include vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, amino acids, enzymes, each medical Center keeps it secret from its competitors. There is no one universal formula. However, the essence of the action of all injections comes down to nourishing the skin from the inside, stimulating metabolic processes at the cellular level and solving visible cosmetic problems. \

Nice bonus: mesotherapy - effective technique and in the fight against stretch marks, and in the fight against cellulite, and in the fight against overweight... So the procedure will allow you to solve several problems at once. And, by the way, it is quite possible to endure this procedure without anesthesia.

Mechanical peeling

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus, through the tip of which microcrystals produced by aluminum oxide are transferred. Thanks to the effect of these microcrystals, skin cells are exfoliated, and at the same time, they are smoothed and smoothed. After one procedure, the removal of stretch marks as such is not observed, but they become less visible. The course of procedures is prescribed individually, depending on the condition and "age" of the stretch marks. For "old" stretch marks, a course of up to 20 or more sessions can be prescribed!

Cosmetologists like to call this procedure "completely safe and completely painless." And if we agree with the first point, then with the second - not quite. Of course, about general anesthesia and local anesthesia is out of the question, but you have to grit your teeth, close your eyes and endure.

Comment on the article "How to remove stretch marks after childbirth: 5 radical ways"

Stretch marks on the back of a teenager. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. How to remove stretch marks after childbirth: 5 radical ways. How to get rid of stretch marks: mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Laser Tools against stretch marks. Remove stretch marks on the abdomen and hips to summer season?


accept, and even more so they are on the back - then do not look at them

Son will turn 18 in August, at the age of 15 happened sudden jump growth in six months from 165 to 176 cm. Along the spine, on both sides, there were burgundy striae. Now they have turned white, almost invisible. We went through diagnostics, no deviations were found. They blamed it on a growth spurt.

07/02/2018 15:28:38, (vetik

How to return to the normal shape of the abdomen after childbirth, exercises for the abdomen, how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth. How to remove stretch marks on the abdomen and hips? When should you do it? We are talking about the most radical methods of dealing with stretch marks, which ...


I did the grinding. A little less steel.

Grind + meso. I had 3 Fraxel procedures and 6 Collost procedures. Only after all this complex I am again with a smooth smooth skin and with almost imperceptible stretch marks. The doctor told me that I wouldn’t get rid of it completely, but at least I couldn’t see them at all.

Stretch marks (. Sex, fears and prejudices. Pregnancy and childbirth. After the first child, terrible stretch marks on the stomach and sides, for so many years (9 years) I got used to it, and now I look at my stomach and I am horrified: all the stretch marks have darkened again, have become bigger and SEE ...


I like Lierac gel. There are also ampoules, but they cannot be used during pregnancy, and after that it is just right to support the body)))

Yesterday I started using veleda oil, according to reviews it helps against the appearance of new ones and getting rid of old ones. There were no stretch marks, and I put off the start of prophylaxis for a long time.
On the weekend of being a mother, the consultants told me everything in detail, they have a lot of funds there, they praise me most of all, this is natural almond oil.
For the price I found it in a pharmacy near my house much cheaper (when I’m a mother it costs 1490 rubles, in our pharmacy on Annino I took it for 850 rubles) Buttermilk is very pleasant!

(I got stretch marks after childbirth when my belly was gone. Now it’s almost not visible. Pregnancy and childbirth. I smear with sanosan cream for stretch marks ... nifiga doesn’t help - I don’t have them anyway :) what I smeared in the first - - there was not even a hint of stretch marks and now here ...


In my first pregnancy, a couple of stretch marks appeared, after childbirth they were visible only to me, and that because I knew where they were. In the second pregnancy, the belly stretched strongly: ((Because of this, the skin did not tighten long after childbirth, it hung like a bag on the belly. new ones didn't seem to appear, but there are so many old ones, it's scary what will happen after childbirth: ((I'm afraid that they will be wider or deeper. creams do not protect against this, IMHO. You can only soften upper layer skin, and stretch marks also go in the deep layers. When my skin pulls and it hurts from stretching, creams do not bring relief: ((The bandage helps a little, I can't do without it at all, it pulls the skin in the deep layers. In my opinion, my muscles also parted in some places.
Good luck to you! Perhaps you will not have anything new!

My stretch marks appeared only in the 1st pregnancy, but not to say that horror-horror. In the second, nothing new appeared, now it seems like tfu-tfu, too, there is nothing, and I think not to appear :)

Make a belly - do you mean abdominoplasty with the removal of a piece of the belly from the navel and below? A little tightening up - just a sports massage for now? Section: Weight loss after childbirth (the skin over the knees is stretched). And I practically had pillows above my knees, in every way ...


I evelyn smeared right after giving birth, they were the same, they became quite barely noticeable. he removes the depth of the spreading and the blue too

Ol, no anti-scar ointments / creams helped me: (but since I was in the mood for 2 children, after the second I was going to come up with something, but thought of the third :)
Seriously, I found out how much it costs to "make a belly" and found it for 2.5 tons, I'm still scared to cut something. Now I’ll try to first tighten (after the belly 119cm of skin is left in bulk :() and then ... then I’ll look, but with open belly I don't go too much, I'm too old, so there is time to think.
and how and what is done with a laser?

The problem of stretch marks occurs in almost every woman, especially after childbirth. At first, striae do not cause discomfort - the young mother is completely absorbed in the newborn, but several months pass and the newly-made parent pays more and more attention to her appearance (especially if beach season On the nose). This article will tell you how to remove stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach and other problem areas.

First of all, it should be noted that the remedies for stretch marks are not as effective as preventive measures before childbirth (they are used during pregnancy: cosmetic creams, bandages; or even long before planning it: physical exercises). But they will also be productive if you start to act almost immediately after the birth of the baby.

When choosing a method for treating stretch marks after childbirth and during lactation, a woman needs to be extremely careful (many drugs are contraindicated during this period, you should consult a doctor before using them).

In an unequal struggle for beauty, you can use several options for influencing problem areas:

  1. External impact.
  2. Massage.
  3. Salon procedures.
  4. Surgical intervention.

External impact

Stretching is essentially a tear (wound) that is repaired over time by connective tissue. Until this happened (striae have a red-purple tint). During this period, external agents are quite effective. If the stretch is white, you need to choose more effective procedures... Medicines purchased or made by yourself must be used for at least 3 months to start noticing results.

Cosmetics for getting rid of stretch marks

Most available means stretch marks are cosmetic preparations... They can be found in huge amount in stores or on Internet sites: creams, lotions, milk, gels. Prices vary significantly, for a jar of a miracle cure you can pay from several hundred to several thousand rubles. All of them are designed to improve skin elasticity, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, and promote its regeneration.

By and large, their true purpose is prevention. But with timely use, sufficient reserves of your own body and regular use, you can achieve significant results: stretch marks will become shorter, narrower and less noticeable. However, no manufacturer gives guarantees of their complete elimination.

Make it less visible and remove postpartum stretch marks can be cosmetics with a special composition. The ingredients must include:

  • Vitamin A (). The substance promotes skin regeneration and healing. By stimulating the production of protein structures in the deep layers, its own collagen and elastin are restored, which makes the skin elastic and improves appearance generally.
  • Vitamin C, E,. The triad of substances acts in a complex, and together stimulate the production of its own collagen.
  • Vegetable oils (cocoa butter, almond oil and others). They also affect the mechanisms of collagen production. In addition, they restore the water-fat balance in all skin layers, promote wound healing.
  • Plant extracts (in particular onion extract). Extracts from plants are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that act as anti-inflammatory and healing agents.

Folk recipes

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth using folk methods? They act similarly to cosmetic products - they reduce stretch marks, make them less noticeable. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients, most of the recipes contain vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, castor oil) and extracts from plant parts, vitamins A and E, flavonoids and antioxidants.

You need to spend some time preparing home remedies, but you will know exactly what the mixture is made of, and you will individually select the composition according to your preferences.


There are 2 possible use cases:

  1. Place the tablet in water and wait until it is completely dissolved. Rub the resulting solution into problem areas.
  2. Prepare a cream: dissolve a tablet in a teaspoon of water and add to 50 ml of regular baby cream (or another, at your discretion). Store the composition in the refrigerator in a sealed container, apply to stretch marks and the area around them once every day.

Home scrub

You can remove stretch marks after childbirth at home using scrubs. They are prepared on the basis of sugar, salt, coffee with the addition of oils (olive, sunflower), sour cream and honey, or soap solutions(shower gel). Additionally can be included in the recipe Apple vinegar, aroma oils... Optionally, you can prepare two-component ( coffee grounds and sour cream; salt and honey) compounds or multicomponent mixtures.

The composition is rubbed into the skin for about 10-15 minutes (until redness), then washed off with cool water, and after drying it is applied baby cream(you can use store cosmetic creams from stretch marks or cream with mummy from the previous recipe). Scrub exfoliates dead cells, stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Grape juice

It is quite simple to use it: it is necessary to lubricate problem areas with juice. It is better to prepare the juice yourself, it is allowed to store it in the refrigerator for some time.

Hot compress from vegetable oil

Heat vegetable oil (preferably castor oil) in a container to the maximum tolerable temperature, lubricate problem areas, wrap cling film... Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Can be added to oil Fresh Juice aloe.

Recipe can be supplemented preliminary preparation: mix 10 ml olive oil room temperature with 2 ml of vitamin E and 1 ml of vitamin A. Apply the composition to stretch marks, and after half an hour make a hot compress.

Paraffin wraps

Mix olive oil with a few drops of castor and ether (ylang-ylang, rose, palm), apply to the skin. Melt paraffin (you can use a microwave or a water bath), moisten a gauze cut in hot liquid, fold it in several layers and cover the problem area, fix it on top with a plastic bag or cling film. It is advisable to warm yourself with a woolen scarf or belt. After cooling, remove the paraffin.

1. Month after childbirth
2.7 months home care according to the program below

Complex impact

The complex of home procedures consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a mixture of bodyagi powder and hydrogen peroxide (to the consistency of sour cream). With the resulting gruel, intensively rub the problem areas (the procedure is quite painful), rinse without using soap with a stream of water.
  2. Lubricate the treated area with ointment with panthenol from burns, it will slightly relieve redness and will stimulate regeneration.
  3. Make a compress at night. Mix an ampoule of lidase and a teaspoon of water, moisten a gauze cut and apply to the stretch marks. Wrap the top with cling film, wrap yourself in a warm scarf.
  4. Then apply a panthenol-containing cream every day. After about 4 days, the skin will peel off.
  5. Apply a scrub: mix the coffee grounds with liquid soap(you can use honey) and rub (the skin is delicate, so you need to not overdo it).
  6. After rinsing, lubricate the skin with a cream with the addition of mummy.
  7. Repeat points 5 and 6 throughout the month as often as possible (every other day). After healing, the scrub can be applied more intensively.

Bodyagu can be used no more than once a month. Removing stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth (as well as on the thighs and buttocks) is a long process that requires a lot of patience and endurance.


It is not at all necessary to go to a specialized office, striae formed after childbirth can be reduced at home, you need to know a few nuances:

  1. The abdomen should be massaged clockwise.
  2. It is necessary to influence the waist area with movements from bottom to top.
  3. The thigh area is massaged from the bottom up from the knee.
  4. The buttocks must also be worked out from the bottom up.

Such movements promote lymph and blood flow, which improves nutrition of problem areas and promotes tissue regeneration.

To achieve the best effect, you can carry out water massage: all you need to do is direct the shower in the right direction. Aromatic oils enhance the effect of exposure:

  • Rosemary.
  • Citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit).
  • Nuts (almonds, hazel).
  • Wheat sprouts.

They are applied during a regular massage or after rubbing the skin with a towel at the end of water treatments.

If a woman prefers to trust professionals, then a salon can come to the rescue. The procedure is quite painful, but as a reward, the young mother will receive an increase in blood circulation and activation of the regeneration processes not only of the upper, but also of the deeper inner layers of the skin. As a result, the appearance of cellulite will also decrease.

Salon procedures

Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of procedures designed to save the fair sex from cosmetic defects, including stretch marks after childbirth.


Cosmetologists offer cold or hot wraps, as active ingredients can be used:

  • Chocolate.
  • Essential oils.
  • Extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, etc.

The composition is selected individually. To achieve the effect, you must complete a course that consists of 7-10 sessions.


There are 2 variations of this procedure. The first is done by injection, the second by external application. Active ingredient serum acts, which has a complex composition (vitamins, biological stimulants, stem cells, medicinal substances and etc.). When achieved best effect, but the procedure is painful and not every woman decides to take such a step. Therefore, most customers choose outdoor application followed by exposure. In this case, it takes more time for the composition to be absorbed into the skin, and the result will have to wait a little.

Ozone oxygen injections

Injections are quite painful, but an oxygen or ozone cocktail triggers regeneration mechanisms and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. The tissue tear is filled with new healthy cells and stretch marks become less visible.

Many women are interested in the question of how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. You can cope with this problem, but only if you have remarkable patience and use all the means in your arsenal.

Laser resurfacing Elimination of stretch marks Salon procedure
a little olive for stretch marks
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cream spray belly

Get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard, because stretch marks are, in fact, tissue death, accompanied by disturbances in a number of processes in the body. In each case, the treatment is individual, depending on the age of the stretch marks, general condition skin.

Where to begin?

You should start the fight the sooner the better. The best option in general is the prevention of striae. But, if you are wondering whether it is possible to get rid of stretch marks, apparently, you safely skipped this stage, or the remedies you tried did not bring the desired effect.

But this is not a reason to give up and let these stretch marks settle on your bottom, hips, chest and beautiful tummy? Existing methods treatments, both home and professional, will allow you, if not completely remove them from the body, then make them almost invisible, achieve impressive results and significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Laser resurfacing

There are many methods on how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. All of them can be conditionally divided into:

  • home methods;
  • methods of hardware cosmetology.

Folk remedies

If speak about folk remedies, it should be noted right away that they are great as prevention of stretch marks, as well as for those who want to know how to get rid of stretch marks on the hips and other parts of the body that have just appeared. In the fight against fresh striae, folk methods can be very effective, but for old stretch marks they are unlikely to work.

A big plus of these methods is that they are widely available to everyone, you do not need to spend significant funds for their application and resort to the help of a beautician. So how to get rid of stretch marks at home?

The basis for getting rid of stretch marks at home can be called a three-step body care system.

  1. Peeling.
  2. The use of medicinal products for rubbing into the skin.
  3. Massage.

Peeling helps to remove the stratum corneum of cells, to make the surface, color, structure of the skin smoother. Moreover, the elimination of the upper layer of the dermis starts the process of cell regeneration, stimulates the active production of elastin and collagen. Peeling for the skin is a kind of stress, which has the most beneficial effect on the synthesis of biologically active substances.

How deeper scrub penetrates the skin, the higher the effect of the procedure. Making a scrub at home is easy. The simplest recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups vegetable oil.

We prepare and use the scrub.

  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Apply after a shower, thoroughly massage all problem areas (chest, thighs, abdomen) for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.
  4. We carry out the procedure at least once a week, depending on the severity of stretch marks.

Can be used to make a natural scrub ground coffee... With its help, you can not only prepare an excellent body scrub, but give it a unique aroma. A .

The next step is to prepare a healing mixture for rubbing into the skin. Many women who have tried to find out how to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks and hips have noted the wonderful effect that the mummy has on stretch marks. To prepare the product you will need:

  • 4 g mummy;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. warm boiled water;
  • 80 g baby cream.

We prepare and use the healing mixture.

  1. Dissolve the mummy in warm boiled water.
  2. Add the resulting mixture to the cream, mix thoroughly.
  3. Let it stand for a while.
  4. Rub into the skin once a day after applying the scrub.
  5. Do not wash off for at least 3 hours.

To eliminate the specific odor of the mummy, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the healing mixture. Another recipe for how to get rid of stretch marks on the hips - use almond oil or hazelnut oil.

These products contain a large number of vitamin E. It is a fat-soluble antioxidant that inhibits cell breakdown and skin aging. These oils can be used as a base in a scrub, for massage treatments, or simply rubbed into the skin several times a week.

The final stage in the fight against stretch marks is massage. With its help, you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks on the skin, reduce their depth. It is recommended to do a massage using oils enriched with vitamin E, which helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Elimination of stretch marks with massage

Perfect for massage oils:

  • orange;
  • from wheat germ;
  • rosemary;
  • almond.

Massage movements should be gentle, smooth, without strong stretching of the skin.

If you want to learn how to deal with stretch marks on the body, you should prepare yourself for the fact that this process is quite lengthy.

Hardware cosmetology

If you've tried mass folk methods, but they did not help you, you should use heavy artillery. Hardware cosmetology is perfect for those who do not know how to get rid of old stretch marks left after pregnancy and childbirth.

Efficiency salon procedures proven by practice and experience. The most common methods are.

  1. Mesotherapy. The method is the introduction into the dermis of special biological compounds that stimulate the regeneration process. Mesotherapy is divided into injection and non-injection. In the first case, the introduction of drugs is carried out through subcutaneous injections, in the second, various hardware techniques are used: electric current, ultrasound, oxygen pressure.
  2. Chemical peeling. The depth of the impact depends on the severity of the stretch marks. The most commonly used peels are with acids (trichloroacetic, salicylic, alpha hydroxy acids).
  3. Laser resurfacing. Evaporation of the surface layer of the dermis with a laser beam. If you need to understand how to get rid of the few, shallow stretch marks on the chest, then this is done with the help of a "cold" laser. For deep scars on the body, a CO2 laser is used.
  4. Diamond microdermabrasion (mechanical grinding). It is used when it is necessary to remove the upper layer of the epidermis, to level the relief of scars. The procedure involves a combination of resurfacing and massage using mechanical micro-pulsation.
  5. Fractional thermolysis. Very efficient procedure to remove even old and deep stretch marks, implying the removal of skin cells using heat.
  6. Ozone therapy. This method uses healing properties oxygen, which provides delivery nutrients to skin cells, accelerates their renewal.
  7. Carboxytherapy. Intradermal injections of carbon dioxide, replenishing oxygen deficiency in tissues, stimulating collagen synthesis by skin cells.
  8. Bioreparation. The procedure involves the correction of stretch marks and other skin imperfections by introducing a cocktail based on hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins. Thanks to this procedure, natural processes skin renewal.

All hardware techniques are highly effective. Only an experienced cosmetologist can prescribe and recommend them after a thorough study of the structure and condition of the skin. It is important to know that radical methods have many contraindications, therefore, before they are carried out, the body should be diagnosed.

If we talk about prices, then you can get acquainted with them from the table.

It is important to consider that one procedure for getting rid of stretch marks in most cases is not enough. As a rule, hardware procedures are carried out in courses at regular intervals. This allows you to achieve an optimal and lasting result.

Salon procedure to eliminate stretch marks on the skin

During pregnancy, many women find scars on their bodies. They are usually localized on the chest, abdomen, and outer thighs. These scars are called stretch marks, and although they do not pose any threat to health, they cause deep moral inconvenience to the expectant mother. In order to prevent these scars from appearing, the skin must be carefully looked after. But what if the scars are already there? How to remove stretch marks after childbirth.

Where do the scars come from?

Ugly scars on the skin of pregnant women can appear for several reasons:

  • A sharp jump in weight. If a young woman dialed sharply heavy weight during pregnancy, the skin simply does not have time to react by stretching to the increasing volume of the body and the inner layer of the epidermis is torn. This is how stretch marks appear.
  • Hormonal changes. During the carrying of a baby, the level of hormones often jumps in women. Due to these changes, the skin loses its elasticity, and in combination with increasing weight, this leads to the formation of scars.
  • Lack of vitamins when carrying a baby.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Statistics claim that stretch marks appear most often during the first pregnancy. And the older future mom, the greater the chance of this defect occurring. However, even very young mothers can face this problem. Of all pregnant women, about 80% find scars on their bodies. In some, stretch marks can be small and become invisible after childbirth, in others, the scars are large, they require acceptance urgent action to remove.

Is it possible to get rid of scars

Stretch marks after childbirth are a painful topic for many new mothers. The body after the birth of a child, therefore, becomes imperfect, and these bright red or brown scars only add to the anxiety. Many women ask how to remove stretch marks after childbirth. Doctors answer, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of this skin defect at home.

But don't despair. Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth can be made less noticeable. At correct treatment they will significantly decrease in size, quickly brighten and will be practically invisible.

If the stretch marks are too large and are still very visible several years after the birth, they can be removed by surgery.

This procedure is called scar excision. However, resort to this method it is possible only as a last resort if the alternative treatment is ineffective.

Is it possible to play sports without risk for lactation with breastfeeding

Getting rid of scars by changing your lifestyle

In order to effectively get rid of the hated stretch marks, you first need to restore the skin's elasticity. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Without this condition, everything cosmetic procedures will not have positive result... 6 beauty rules.

Rule number 1: At the first signs of scarring, you need to urgently saturate the body with vitamins. It is imperative that you give up any fried food. You need to eat a lot of vegetables, fish, legumes and cereals, dairy and dairy products... The meal schedule should be balanced and gentle. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Such a schedule and diet will not only help restore skin elasticity, but also save you from extra pounds.

Rule # 2: Physical activity... Only exercise after childbirth can restore firmness to your skin. Choose an acceptable complex for yourself postpartum exercise... Do them every day if you have no contraindications. No need to strain and harass yourself physical activity... Daily morning exercises can work wonders. Take 40 minutes in the morning to get rid of flabby belly, and with it and from ugly stretch marks.

Rule # 3: Massage should be an integral part of your Everyday life... In order to restore elasticity to the skin, it is not at all necessary to sign up for expensive procedures with professional masseurs. The procedure can be completely performed independently at home. The easiest way to do this is in the shower. After steaming the body hot water, take a loofah and rub the whole body. Vegetable washcloths are ideal for this procedure. After rubbing, you can apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to the skin.

With daily procedures, your skin will become firm in the shortest possible time.

Rule # 4: Moisturize. Probably each of us has seen withering fruits or vegetables. The shriveled rind, softness and unpleasant appearance of the fruit acquire from moisture loss. So is our skin. She cannot be beautiful and elastic if she lacks life-giving moisture. Humidification should be both inside and outside. Drink as much water as possible and apply moisturizers to the surface. These measures will greatly improve the appearance of the skin and restore firmness and elasticity.

Possibilities of a cream for stretch marks after childbirth and features of choice

Rule # 5: Walking on fresh air... In the regenerative process of skin cells important role oxygen plays. An insufficient amount oxygen in the blood leads to premature aging and skin aging. The cells of the body must be enriched with oxygen every day, in any weather. To do this, you can combine exercise with a walk. Exercise outdoors in the morning. It will give your skin good color, will restore elasticity and saturate all cells of the body with oxygen.

Rule # 6: Cold and hot shower... Contrast shower is a well-known and one of the most effective methods body skin care. Daily routine at home can keep your skin youthful until the very old years. This procedure should do every woman with adolescence... This will help maintain the shape of the breast after childbirth, prevent the appearance of stretch marks and maintain beautiful figure, regardless of the number of pregnancies and childbirth.

We get rid of scars using cosmetic procedures

Today at pharmacy chains you can buy a lot of remedies for stretch marks. It is quite possible to use them. The result, of course, will be, but if the above rules are not followed, it will not be too noticeable. The disadvantage of these miracle creams is their rather high cost. But if you look at the composition of these products, you will notice that they consist of abrasives and nutritious oils.

Thus, you can make a remedy for stretch marks at home. We take one piece of small sea ​​salt, ground coffee beans and any nourishing cream... We mix everything and now, the peeling cream is ready. Apply the cream to problem areas of the skin and rub it in with gentle movements. After the massage, wash off and moisturize the skin. Many women claim that this remedy also provides positive effect and with cellulite.

You need to pay special attention to yourself if you develop stretch marks on your breasts after childbirth. You do not need to use purchased creams while breastfeeding. The breast skin must be thoroughly moisturized with medicinal oils... So, for example, at home you can use baby oil with chamomile or aloe. In order for the breast not to sag after the completion of lactation, you need to do special complex exercise and stop feeding naturally.

Reasons for severe weight loss after childbirth

Prevention of pathological stretching of the skin

As is known, best treatment Is prevention. Indeed, if you start caring for your body at the very beginning of pregnancy, you will not face the problem of stretch marks. In this case, 6 rules healthy way lifestyles will help you avoid styria formation and prepare you for a natural and easy birth.

If you follow these rules, you will not gain excess weight while carrying a baby, and your skin will not lose its elasticity, and you can quickly regain its shape at home after the birth of your baby.

Again about the operation

If you are unlucky and you have a lot of big and ugly stretch marks while carrying your baby. If, despite the treatment, they do not decrease and give you moral inconvenience. You can get rid of these scars by surgery. The operation consists in excision of damaged tissue and the imposition of cosmetic sutures.

This operation can be performed only after the completion of family planning and in the absence of contraindications.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event that parents have been expecting for nine long months. During pregnancy, a woman has a hard time - the body is rebuilt, diseases are exacerbated and cause a lot of trouble. However, all problems are forgotten as soon as the child is born. A little time passes and, moving away from the euphoria, the young mother notices that the figure has changed in an unpleasant way, and stretch marks, otherwise called striae, have appeared on the skin.

WITH various changes appearance after the birth of a child is experienced by almost all women. But if excess weight, disfiguring the figure, can be corrected with nutrition and sports, then removing stretch marks after childbirth is not an easy task. How you can restore smoothness and beauty to your skin, you will learn from the article.

What are stretch marks

Stretch marks are essentially scars created by internal skin wounds. During pregnancy, the skin on the chest, legs (more often the thighs) and, especially, on the abdomen, experience severe stress due to significant stretching. If a woman's skin is not elastic and firm enough, then her inner layers cannot withstand pressure and break, forming a stretch on the surface. different lengths and width. Internal tears are filled with connective tissue, which, unlike the epidermis, does not contain collagen and elastin, which give the skin its firmness and elasticity. The new layer is penetrated with capillaries, so the stretch at the beginning of formation may look pink, bluish or purple.

Over time, stretch marks lose color, becoming almost white, and less noticeable, but still they differ from the main skin color. You can see how the stretch marks look in the photo. Stretch marks, like scars, do not pass without a trace on their own, therefore, they cause a woman serious psychological discomfort due to a non-aesthetic appearance. If the skin is tanned in the sun, then problem areas become even more visible. Therefore, removing stretch marks after childbirth is a top priority for women who carefully take care of their appearance.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is low level collagen and elastin content in the skin. During childbearing, serious hormonal changes in a woman's body.

The increased production of female sex hormones leads to a decrease in the amount of two substances important for the skin, which are responsible for the elasticity and extensibility of the skin. At the same time, the skin, deprived of these properties, begins to stretch intensively, as the chest and abdomen rapidly increase in volume. So the inner layers outer cover belly can not stand and are torn. Stretch marks after childbirth are rare in young women.

This is due to the fact that the skin contains a lot of elastin and collagen, which means it can be easily stretched without being damaged. With age, the skin loses such properties and becomes thinner, so striae occur more often.

Provoking factors

In addition to the main cause of stretch marks, there are various factors negatively affecting skin and provoking rupture of the epidermis, in particular:

  • fast weight gain (speed and area of ​​skin stretching increases);
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins;
  • intoxication of the body (smoking or alcohol abuse);
  • age factor;
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • excess weight.

How to prevent

It is not so easy to eliminate stretch marks after childbirth, but it is possible to prevent their appearance or reduce their severity and quantity if preventive measures are taken during pregnancy.

Such as:

  • v daily diet products containing vitamins, microelements and vegetable fats should prevail;
  • in order to eliminate unnecessary stress on the skin, from the third trimester (as soon as possible), it is necessary to wear a bandage specially designed for pregnant women;
  • it is useful to periodically nourish the skin from the outside, lubricating it with cosmetic creams or gels, high in vitamin E or replacing them with natural oils obtained from peaches, almonds or olives;
  • immediately after the breasts begin to increase, do not neglect wearing a bra, you should select those models that are optimal in size.

Stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth: fixing the problem at home

If the preventive measures turned out to be useless, and stretch marks still appeared, then, first of all, you should try to eliminate them yourself.

The desired effect can be achieved with topical preparations, cosmetics, massage, methods of traditional medicine and sports.

It is best to use these methods in a complex manner, then the result will be more obvious.

Using external remedies to combat stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, it should be understood that they can be effective only if the gap is fresh enough and has not had time to be overgrown with connective tissue. Such striae differ in color - pink, purple, etc., if they turn white, then more radical measures will be required.


To smooth and heal stretch marks, you can use various gels and creams designed to eliminate scarring skin defects. These include drugs such as Contractubex, Dermatiks, Mederma, Kelofibraza, Fermenkol. To apply medicines it is necessary strictly according to the instructions. If a woman has a child who is breastfeeding, then you should first obtain permission from a doctor.

Cosmetical tools

For the treatment of stretch marks, cosmetic creams are suitable, which contain a large number of the following components:

  • flavonoids and antioxidants (found in herbal extracts);
  • almond, peach, cocoa and other plant oils;
  • vitamins A, C and E;
  • hyaluronic acid.

These components promote tissue healing, epidermis restoration and skin saturation. essential substances... They improve the production of collagen and elastin, giving the skin lost elasticity and firmness.

Folk recipes

In addition to finished cosmetics you can cook it yourself remedies. Medicinal plants or their fruits should contain the same components that are taken into account when choosing cosmetics. Stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are most often eliminated by rubbing vegetable oils into them.

They also serve as the main ingredients in numerous recipes for making creams, scrubs or compresses. As additional components mummy, coffee grounds (for scrubs) can be used, essential oils, paraffin, badyagi powder, hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients.


You can eliminate or reduce stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth with massage. This procedure enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, which naturally stimulates the processes of regeneration and the production of necessary substances.

It is not necessary to visit the salon to massage the abdomen, you can do it yourself, following a few simple rules:

  • in front, the stomach is massaged clockwise;
  • on the sides of the abdomen, movements should be directed from the hips to the ribs;
  • the buttocks are massaged, starting from the legs, moving to the lower back;
  • massage of the thighs is performed starting from the knees.


Sport significantly improves the condition of the skin, as it always keeps it in good shape. If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy, and did exercises while carrying a child, then she will not have stretch marks. However, if stretch marks appear, then, unfortunately, playing sports will not help get rid of them.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth: hardware methods and plastic surgery

On forums on the Internet, women often ask each other about what to do if stretch marks appear after childbirth, how to get rid of them forever. Young mothers who have improved their skin after childbirth advise different ways fight against stretch marks. Many were helped by salon procedures - wraps, laser resurfacing, peeling and others.

Salon procedures:

Surgical intervention

If, after the salon procedures, there are still too noticeable stretch marks after childbirth, only the surgeon will tell you how to get rid of them completely. Most often, stretch marks appear on the abdomen. In this case, abdominoplasty will help, which will not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also eliminate the problem forever.

Plastic surgery will be especially appropriate if the abdominal skin is severely stretched (hanging) and does not recover. Stretch marks on the chest can be radically eliminated only if a woman needs to reduce her breasts, which happens quite rarely. An experienced cosmetologist or plastic surgeon will tell you how and in what way it is better to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth. To choose a competent specialist, it is useful to read reviews about him on the forums and study information about beauty salon or the clinic where he works.