Synopsis of a winter walk with children of the senior group of compensatory orientation. Synopsis of a thematic walk in the senior "on a visit to the winter-winter"

Program content:

Clarify children's ideas about winter natural phenomena;

Improve previously mastered achievements in outdoor games;

Encourage children to show creativity in active motor activity;

· Develop creative potential, curiosity, ability to analyze;

To educate children in endurance, friendliness, positive emotions;

Vocabulary work:

Continue to teach children to use generalizing words, related words with a diminutive suffix and relative adjectives in children's speech.

Methodical methods:

Surprise moment, riddles, observation, proverbs, folk omens, art word.

Preliminary work: throwing at a target, walking on a log, crawling, classes on the topic "Wintering birds", "Coniferous trees", memorization folk signs, a conversation about winter, observation on a walk, reading the work of B. Sladkov "Forest bedrooms"


1 “Learning to observe and tell” Elkin, Marinichev

2 "For children about nature" Lucic

3 "Introduction of preschoolers to nature" Veretennikova

4 "Mobile games in winter"

Winter comes to the children in the group and asks to solve the riddle (who am I)

Who, guess

Sedentary mistress?

Shakes the feathers -

Above the world of fluff. (winter)

That's right guys, I'm Winter. I want to invite you for a walk in the winter kingdom and see how you can navigate the map, overcome obstacles, play, read poetry and have fun. In order for you to get to my winter house, I will give you a map, and you will find out what obstacles you need to overcome.

Children go to the site and read the legend.

1. We pass along a narrow path;

2. We pass between the stumps;

3. We crawl under the arc;

4. We are moving down the hill;

5. Throwing snowballs at the target;

Look, we got into the forest, what is the name of this forest? (coniferous, taiga). Name the coniferous trees that are shown here (spruce, fir, larch, pine, cedar).

Hare: a wolf chased me from the forest, barely escaped.

B: Guys, let's help the bunny, drive away the wolf and the fox. (throwing snowballs at a target).

Bunny: Thank you guys!

(children invite the hare to go with them to visit Winter)

Pay attention to the map.

On the way there is a snowman.

Q: Are you so sad?

Snowman: The children blinded me and forgot. I am alone, I have no one.

Q: You have words - relatives, now the guys will call them to you (snow, snowflake, bullfinch, snowdrop, snowfall, Snow Maiden). And now, to cheer you up, we will play the outdoor game "Snowballs".

After the game, the children invite the Snowman with them.

Winter tells the children that they have overcome all obstacles, but more trials await them. Pay attention to the weather in winter.

Winter: And now I want to introduce you to my faithful companions, and who they are you will find out by guessing riddles.

Riddles about frost, sun, blizzards, snow. Children solve riddles and put on masks.

winter: And who is sitting here at the feeder? (wintering birds). They are also my guests, name them (children call wintering birds).

And now, my faithful servants, tell me, what have you been doing all winter?

The sun - I shone, but did not warm.

Frost - I built bridges on the rivers, put the animals to sleep, froze their noses and hands.

Snow - And I wrapped the grass, earth, trees with a warm white blanket.

Blizzard - I already tried: all the roads swept.

And you guys, what did you do in winter? (children's answers)

Winter: And I was harsh this year, but to become kinder, think of me sweet words(winter, winter, winter, winter)

Yes, after these words I became much kinder. I hear that the wintering birds want to play with you the outdoor game "Birdcatcher" (the catcher catches birds and calls their names "I caught a bullfinch")

Guys, you played with the Snowman, with wintering birds, but you didn’t play with me. Let's play a game with you, you will tell me why the images in the picture (skis, sleds, sheepskin coat, Christmas tree, fur hat) are associated with the word "winter".

Guys, look at how sad they sit, toys, they are bored without you. And the Bunny is crying again, he stuck his lip to the piece of iron, help him, what needs to be done?

Children: pour warm water or blow.

The lion also cried. What happened to him?

Lion cub: The paws are cold.

Let's. Guys, let's rub the lion's paws with a mitten and warm them to him.

And now let's go build a slide for dolls, clear paths and decorate the Christmas tree, and Winter will go with us and watch how you work.

Q: Guys, did you like visiting Zima?

Zima: I also really liked you guys. Today you were dexterous, courageous, easily overcame all obstacles, read poetry well and worked hard. On next year I will definitely come to visit you. See you soon!

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter walks in the senior group, Lesson notes, GCD speech development
Title: Outline of a walk for senior group, in winter "Visiting Winter"

Position: teacher of the 1st qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU kindergarten No. 17 of the combined type "Alyonushka"
Location: Svobodny settlement Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Synopsis of observation on a walk in the senior group

"Watching Poplars in Winter"

Purpose: Formation of knowledge about the features of tree life in winter



Continue to learn to highlight characteristic features in observed objects

Expand and systematize children's knowledge of nature,

To generate interest in the problem of nature conservation,

To acquaint children with the norms and rules of behavior in nature,

- learn to establish connections and patterns in nature.


To develop in children the desire to make a feasible contribution to the environmental education of the population,

Develop horizons, thinking, connected speech.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Bring up careful attitude to plants (do not touch branches and buds that are fragile from frost, as they break).

Progress of observation

  1. Introductory motivational part

The teacher brings the children to the poplar and makes a riddle

Handsome giants

We entered all the yards.

They have a lot of fluff in the summer,

And in autumn - foliage.

There are many of them in our city,

And everyone understands

They don't just grow

And the air is purified. (Poplar).

Educator: That's right, this riddle is about poplar. What do you know about poplar?

Poplar is a very interesting tree and today we will learn more about it.

  1. Main part

Guys, why are there no leaves on our poplars?

Now we will take a closer look at the tree trunk. What is he?

Which tree do you think is older? Why do you think so? Again, how did you define it? (in height, in trunk width)

Guys, you can determine the age of the poplar by the bark, let's take a closer look at it on both trees. What did you notice?

Let's run our hand along the trunk, which trunk is very rough?

The old poplar has a strong and cracked bark, while the young poplar has a pale bark and almost no cracks on it.

And you can also determine how old a tree is by saw cut, you just need to count the rings. (I show the children a saw cut of a tree, we count the rings)

And who among you will remember what color of the bark the poplar had in the summer (greenish).

And now what? (grey) Why do you think the color of the bark has changed?

Let's look at the branches of our poplars, what can we say about them?

And why, when the wind has a lot of branches lying on our snow?

Of course, poplar branches are very fragile.

In winter, when everything around is frozen, and the whole plant world “seems to have fallen into hibernation”, you need to especially carefully walk near the trees so as not to break the twigs that are fragile from frost.

Poplar is a very light-loving, moisture-loving tree. What does it mean?

Poplar is a fast growing tree. How do you understand this word?

Poplar grows very quickly and propagates easily. A poplar seed in white fluff will fall to the ground and will soon sprout as a young poplar. And then from the root a sprout will bore into the ground and, behold, another poplar was born ..

Please note that around a large, adult poplar, poplar children are always nearby - young trees. Even if you cut down a poplar, shoots will begin to grow from the hemp.

What do you think about the benefits of poplar?

From poplar wood used to make barrels, troughs, bridges, wooden utensils. Poplar wood catches fire easily. When it burns, it hardly smokes. Therefore, now paper, plywood, matches, wood chips are made from poplar wood, and it is used for fuel.

Branches and leaves of poplars are readily eaten by wild and domestic animals.

Poplar buds and bark have medicinal properties able to cure certain diseases.

From the leaves and buds of poplars, bees collect a sticky substance, from which they then make propolis, which is very useful for human health. The dense crown of poplars protects the windows of houses from dust. Poplars are not afraid of exhaust gases and other harmful substances. Poplars release into the air great amount oxygen, clean the air from dirt and dust. One poplar produces it as much as three lindens, four pines, seven firs.

Poplar, growing near the house, also serves as an excellent lightning rod. Gore and lightning will strike the poplar, but the house will not suffer.

Tall, slender poplars with greenish-gray smooth trunks and a dense green crown adorn the squares and streets, squares and parks of our city.

  1. Final part

Did you learn a lot of new things about poplar today? What do you especially remember? Let's save nature native land? What for?

And yet, our poplar is a little magical tree.

In the old days, people believed that if something hurts, then this place should be leaned against a poplar. And you can also complain to the poplar if you feel bad at heart or someone offended you, while you need to hug the poplar with your hands and stand like that for several minutes. Poplar will banish sadness and bring relief.

Now we will test this ancient sign!

D / I "Conversations with trees" (for the development of aesthetic perception of nature)

During the game, children in contact with natural object observations, touching a tree should tell about the features of its appearance, development or care for him, about cases of careful or cruel attitude people to plants.

Purpose: to teach children to see and emotionally respond to the beautiful in nature; cultivate a humane attitude towards her.

Game progress


The girls will come up to one poplar, and the boys to another, we will hug the tree with our hands and stand for several minutes with eyes closed, and it will bring us relief and drive away sorrow, and also listen to what it “tells” you. Return at my signal.

Returning, the children optionally talk about "their" tree.

Walk in the senior group.
Purpose: To increase the motivation and interest of children in a walk.
- Development of communication skills.
-Expansion and refinement of the dictionary.
- Ability to observe the environment.
- Ability to play team games.
-Development general motor skills.
-Development of optical-spatial relations.
- Involvement of children in labor activity.
Materials and equipment:
- sports equipment (hoops, wooden sticks, ball).
- buckets, shovels, two plastic bottles(volume 1 liter), bubble, playground scheme (treasure map), box with<<сокровищами>> (dry cookies, gold and silver chocolate medals).
Walk progress:
1. Organizational moment. Activation of attention.
Music sounds (sounds of a blizzard, wind, snowstorm). After listening to the recording.
- Guys, what season of the year did you hear now? (children's answers).
- Why did you decide that these are the sounds of winter? (children's answers).
What do you think winter is like? (snowy, harsh, frosty, angry ....)
- And what kind of fun does winter meet us with? (skiing, sledding, skating, playing snowballs, downhill.)
- Come on, guys, we'll dress quietly and play an interesting game on a walk.
Q: Guys, stand in a semicircle. Let's look at me with our eyes.
D: Look at the teacher.
B: The boys are gathering
fun to play together
And of course they won't forget
Name a few rules.
D: On the site you have to be careful, do not push a friend, do not ride down the hill on your own. Be able to share toys, etc.
V: Well done!
2. Expanding children's knowledge about the world around them.
Snow watching. In December, there are often snowfalls, low clouds appear, everything around gets dark and snow begins to fall: it seems that fluff is flying from the sky in a continuous stream. Everything around is filled with movements and amazing silence. Tell the children about the snowfall, find out their attitude to it. Turn children to the beauty of nature when the snow is just falling. Conduct an experiment with falling snowflakes on the palm
B: Last walk we talked about snow. We examined snowflakes through a magnifying glass and what did we see?
D: Snowflakes are interconnected by rays. Between the snowflakes there is a space filled with air (oxygen). The snow is light and fluffy.
Q: Look around, how many trees, bushes. What are they?
D: They are without leaves.
Q: Yes, in winter the trees rest and gain strength. But why don't they freeze? Turns out snow can keep you warm. The more snow under the bush, the warmer it is. Let's try to figure this out.
I have 2 in my hands plastic bottles filled warm water. You can see for yourself.
D: They touch the bottles with their hands.

Q: We will leave one bottle in a visible place, and we will bury the other in the snow. At the end of the walk, we will check which bottle is warmer.

D: Help the teacher to sprinkle the bottle with snow.

3. Development of general motor skills. mobile game<<Снежинки>>.

Q: Now we will all turn into snowflakes for a while. I have 3 hoops in my hands. The guys to whom I distribute them will try to form the largest and most beautiful snowflake. To do this, they need to catch as many guys (snowflakes) as possible with a hoop.

D: Under musical accompaniment children spin and run. The child who was caught also takes up the hoop and, together with the one who caught him, catches other children.

Q: Turn off the music and sum up the game (the game can be repeated 2-3 times).

4. Introducing children to work.

V: Guys, we played so much that we didn’t even notice how much snow had accumulated on the site. Divide into pairs. I will give you buckets and shovels. We will not just clean the site, but we will warm the trees and bushes with the collected snow.

D: Pair up. With the help of shovels, they fill the buckets with snow and together pour it under the tree.

B: Supervises children. He says that loose snow retains heat better, so it does not need to be trampled down.

While the children are busy, the teacher quietly tosses a card (rolled up and wrapped in bright gift paper) under one of the bushes.

B: Praise children. He says that all the trees are already well insulated.

5. Development of optical-spatial relations. Suggest to children role-playing game <<Путешествие за сокровищами>>.

D: One of the children finds a map and carefully examines it, calling the other guys.

Q: Oh, children, what did you find here? He unfolds the roll and shows it to the children. Guys, it's a map. What is shown on it?

D: Our site.

Q: Look at the map for treasures. So they are hidden somewhere. And who usually looks for treasures?

D: Pirates, travelers.

B: He takes out pirate scarves and hats. Selects 3 children to lead the journey. Well, what's on the way?

Children, together with the teacher, overcome a number of obstacles: jumping on hoops, running a snake, moving down a hill, riding in pairs on horses (sport sticks), running through soap bubbles. Find treasures. HOORAY!!!

Q: Only now our chest cannot be opened in any way. Who knows poems, any tongue twisters? Tell me.

D: They tell a few rhymes.

V: Well done! Here is the chest opened.

D: They look into the box and rejoice at seeing sweets. They also find a new ball.

B: You are great! I'm proud of you! When we return from a walk, we will definitely share the treasures among everyone. Do you agree?

B: Ah, you can play ball now.

6. Self play activity children. A game<<Съедобное-несъедобное>>.

B: Invites the children to stand in a circle and play a game<<съедобное-несъедобное>> all together.

Suggest outsourced material. Children come up with games with this material, and the teacher takes three children aside for an individual lesson with them.

7. Individual lesson to develop spatial concepts.

B: Gives 3 guys a hoop. We will also play with you. I will pronounce different instructions, and you will try to fulfill them with the help of a hoop.

Get in a circle

Get out of the circle

Put the hoop on your hand

Raise it above your head

Stand next to (near) the hoop

Jump over the hoop

Get in front of the hoop

Get behind the hoop

Hide the hoop behind your back, etc.

D: trying to complete the tasks.

B: Smarties!

Calls everyone else. The teacher reminds the children about water bottles. Compares them together with the guys in temperature. It turns out that the bottle that stood in the open space is much colder than the one that was sprinkled with snow. This confirms that the snow retains heat. Then the teacher asks everyone to take part in collecting toys and sports equipment.

All well done!

D: Collect toys and build in pairs.

Together with the teacher they go to the group.

8. The result of the walk.

In Group kindergarten children together with the teacher discuss the walk. What did you like? What do you remember? After lunch, the teacher treats the children with cookies.

Walk No. 1 "Observation of seasonal changes"


- to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night grows, and the day decreases);

- to teach to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, to recognize their signs in poems.

Progress of observation

What is outside the window?

Light up in the house!

This snow lies like a carpet,

The very first, the whitest!

That's what I've been whistling about all night

Wind outside my window!

He wanted to talk about snow

And about the fact that he met the winter.

Dressed up and mountain ash

In a white holiday dress

Only clusters at the top

They burn brighter than before.

The teacher makes riddles for the children, talks about signs.

♦ Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (Water.)

♦ Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut. (Freezing.)

♦ December ends the year - winter begins.

Warm winter for a cold summer.

♦ The sun warms in summer and freezes in winter.

White, cold winter came to earth. Forest drowned in snow. With the onset of winter, it became even colder than in autumn. The sky is almost always covered with clouds. It's not raining, it's snowing. Snow covered the ground, roofs of houses, tree branches. Streams, wild rivers, lakes were frozen. The more snow falls on the ground, the better the plants will grow. Snow protects them from frost. The day is getting shorter and the night longer.

♦ What month does December follow?

♦ What season is November?

♦ How has it changed general form plot compared to autumn?

♦ Why are tree roots covered with snow?

♦ How do people dress in winter and autumn?

Labor activity

Covering tree roots with snow.

Target: educate the desire to help living objects.

Outdoor games

"Get in the hoop", "Pair run".

Target: continue to learn to run in pairs, throw snowballs at the target.

Individual work

Gliding exercises.

Target: learn to run along icy paths.

Walk No. 2 "Bird Watching in Winter"


- to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of birds in winter;

- to cultivate the desire to take care of the birds, highlighting the signs of the living.

Progress of observation

There are no paths in the forest,

There are bushes in sheepskin coats.

Dormant beetles and larvae

He covered the snowfall under the bark.

Fly, pichuga, to people

And hide behind the window

And we will feed you

Bread crumbs, millet.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What birds do you see near your house in winter?

♦ Why do they fly to a person's home?

♦ Why do people make bird feeders in winter?

♦ Why should wintering birds be fed?

♦ How many birds come to our feeders?

♦ What food do they prefer to eat?

♦ What else did you see while watching the birds at the feeder?

♦ Is there a feeder near your house?

Labor activity

Site clearing younger preschoolers from snow.

Target: nurture a desire to help the younger in age.

Outdoor games

"A tricky couple".

Target: to develop an eye, achieving a good result.

"Hit the target."

Purpose: to learn to follow the direction of a flying object, calculate and perform movements.

Individual work

Throwing snowballs into the distance and at the target.


Walk No. 3 "Observation of the state of nature"


- to teach to see the beautiful, to distinguish the characteristic signs of winter, to recognize them in literary texts, poems;

- to consolidate the ability to perceive the description of patterns on the window.

Progress of observation

An amazing artist visited the window,

An amazing artist painted a window for us:

Palm trees, ferns, maples - the forest is dense on the window.

Only white, not green, all shiny, not plain.

There are flowers and leaves on the glass - everything sparkles, everything is white.

But without paints and without a brush the glass is painted.

A wonderful artist visited the window.

Guess, guys, who painted the window? (Freezing.)

It got very cold during the night. It's a frosty morning. Some amazing drawings appeared on the glasses during the night. The snow pattern on the windows is beautiful both on a sunny day and on a cloudy one.

Why do snow patterns appear on the window? How does frost draw them? Transparent water vapor, which is always in the air. There is also between the frames. warm couples water settles on the cold glass of the windows and turns into ice crystals, connecting with each other. Ice particles are grouped on irregularities, on barely noticeable scratches of glass, and an icy garden with unusual flowers gradually grows on the window.

Labor activity

Filling colored water buildings on the site.

Target: develop teamwork skills.

Outdoor games

"Don't Stay on the Floor", "Oncoming Runs".

Target: continue to teach to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

Individual work


Target: learn to perform turns on the spot and on the move, climb the hill with a ladder and descend from it in a low stance.

Walk No. 4 "Watching a tit"


- continue to arouse interest in birds;

- to acquaint with the titmouse, its habits, habitat, features of appearance.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle, conducts a conversation.

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

Loudly shadows: “Shadow-shadow!

What a beautiful spring day! (Tit.)

The painted tit whistles without getting tired.

I'll hang it outside the window

I am a piece of fat

To be warm and cheerful

It became a poor bird.

♦ What is this bird?

♦ What does it look like and what color is it?

♦ What changes occur in the life of tits in winter?

♦ What do tits eat?

♦ How do people take care of them?

♦ What benefits do tits bring?

♦ When is Titmouse Day celebrated? (In November.) People say: "The titmouse bird is not great, but even then it knows its holiday."

Labor activity

Clearing paths from ice and snow.


- to consolidate the skills of working with a shovel;

- to cultivate perseverance, independence.

Outdoor games

"Traps with a ball."

Target: pass the ball, precisely coordinating the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words.

"Keep on target."

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: practice jumping on two legs moving forward a distance of 2 - 3 m.

Walk No. 5 "Watching pets in winter"


- to consolidate knowledge about the life of pets in winter time of the year;

- to form the idea that a person takes care of pets (prepares food, cooks food, cleans the home).

Progress of observation

I love pets very much.

I feed, cherish and caress.

Dog and cat, goat and pig

I consider my friends.

Our helpers are a cow, a ram

And a dark-maned black horse

Live next to us, attached to us,

Confident, peaceful.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What pets do you know?

♦ How has the life of pets changed with the onset of winter?

♦ Why were animals no longer driven out to pastures?

♦ How do people care for pets?

♦ Tell us about your observations of the life of pets in winter.

♦ Compare how domestic and wild animals live in winter.

♦ What is the difference between the life of domestic animals and wild animals in winter?

♦ Why do people breed and care for pets?

Labor activity

Clearing the path to the feeder.

Target: Improve your ability to use a snow shovel.

Outdoor games

"Bears and Bees".

Target: teach climbing "pass" over an obstacle.


Target: learn to perform movements on a signal.

Individual work

Do exercises to maintain balance.

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Walk No. 6 "Watching the snowfall"


- to form an idea about the properties of snow;

- to consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Progress of observation

Snow came from the clouds

I wanted to lie down on the ground.

Looking for a place - will not find,

Stopped at the gate.

White snowflakes fall, lie on the ground, on the roofs of houses. Snowflakes look like white stars. You can catch and examine them, but you cannot breathe on them. Sometimes they roll together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks white stars, turning them into fine snow dust. Snowflakes are formed in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. When it's cold, the snow creaks underfoot. It's the rays of the snowflakes breaking. Snow is a lot of snowflakes.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Why does the snow creak?

♦ Where do snowflakes form? Why?

♦ What does snow feel like?

♦ When is snow wet, when is it dry?

♦ What kind of snow is easier to sculpt? Why?

♦ What is snow?

Draw attention to the falling snow. Reach out your hand in a mitten, catch a few snowflakes. Consider them (size, find the same).

♦ What do snowflakes look like?

♦ What will happen to a snowflake if it falls on a bare palm? Why?

Labor activity

Cleaning the area from snow.

Target: learn to collect snow on a stretcher, pour it into a certain place.

Outdoor games

"Geese-swans", "Who will jump better?".


- continue to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game;

- Strengthen the ability to jump.

Individual work


Target: learn to roll the puck to each other in pairs.

Walk No. 7 "Observation of the spruce on the site"

Target: clarify knowledge about the differences between natural spruce and toy.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ Why is spruce classified as a coniferous tree?

♦ What is the main feature of conifers?

♦ Compare trees, what are their differences?

♦ What tree is artificial?

♦ How did you know which tree is alive?

Live spruce grows on the site, except for the trunk, branches, needles, it has large roots, with the help of which the tree receives moisture and nutrients from the ground and firmly held in one place. Toy Christmas tree is small, inanimate, made of artificial material(plastic), it has no roots, it does not grow.

Guys soon. New Year! It is celebrated around smart Christmas tree. And it would be very good if on this holiday at your house there was faux Christmas tree, not alive. After all, if a tree is cut down, it will dry up, die, and there will be no tree in the forest. And the artificial Christmas tree is also very beautiful, and if you decorate it, it will bring less joy in the New Year.

new year days,

The snow is frosty, prickly.

lights lit up

On a fluffy tree.

The ball swung painted,

The beads rang.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow; construction of a hill for sledding dolls.

Target: educate diligence, the desire to work together.

Outdoor games

"The Fox in the Chicken Coop", "Airplanes".

Purpose: to exercise in running, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher, jump off the bench.

Individual work

"Bring the bag."

Target: practice balance.

Walk No. 8 "Observation of wintering birds"


- to consolidate knowledge about wintering birds;

- to form an idea of ​​obtaining food by wintering birds;

- educate the desire to take care of them and protect them.

Progress of observation

The blizzard broke out again

Breaks snow caps.

The pichuga completely froze

He sits with his paws crossed.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What birds are called wintering birds?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What winter birds do you know?

♦ Why don't wintering birds fly to warmer climes for the winter?

♦ How can a person help wintering birds?

Wintering birds do not fly away from us to warmer climes, as they find food in winter. They feed on buds, seeds and fruits of plants, hidden insects, and look for food near human habitation. Some birds die from the cold in winter. People can help wintering birds - titmouses are given unsalted fat, sparrows love millet, seeds.

Labor activity

Collection of snow for the construction of a winter town.

Target: improve work skills, the ability to work together.

Outdoor games

"Who is faster on the track?".

Target: learn to perform jumps in series, side jumps.


Target: learn to jump on two legs with advancement forward by 2-3 m.

Individual work

Improving running technique (naturalness, lightness, energetic repulsion).

Target: develop coordination of movements.

Municipal Preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 6 "Sun"

Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region

Synopsis of a thematic walk in the senior group.

Theme: "On a visit to the winter-winter"


Sheveleva Natalia Vitalievna


Koryazhma, 2017

Subject: Synopsis of a thematic walk in the senior group. On a visit to the winter-winter.

Goals: 1. Learn to overcome difficulties. 2. Develop the ability to crawl under an obstacle without touching the line. Develop the desire to achieve the final result. 3. Exercise in the ability to jump on two legs, land on half-bent legs, maintaining balance. 4. Cultivate a sense of collectivization, mutual assistance.

Tasks: 1.Boost motor qualities and abilities of children through organized motor activity on a walk.

2. teach children to navigate the map, work with diagrams, act independently in a team.

3. develop dexterity, coordination of movements, speed, thinking.

4. educate aesthetic taste, curiosity, a sense of camaraderie.

Equipment: route map, letter from winter, cones, rope, hoops, baskets, small stuffed balls, cube, toy soft hare, a basket, leaves with riddles, a target, a box, colored ice floes, patterns with patterns, a picture depicting paints and brushes, a casket, bright red arrows (indicators of movements), red and blue caps for outdoor games.

Stroke: The teacher with the children goes outside.

Educator: guys, guests came to us in kindergarten (the arrival of a wolf).

Wolf: hello guys, I brought you a letter, very urgent, and from whom it is, listen to the poem and guess.

Rushing in an ice carriage

Zimushka - winter,

The wind beats its wings

Sleepy houses.

Blooming squares, parks

Snow white.

And the frost builds parks

Above the forest path!

Wolf: what do you guys think, from whom is this letter?

Children: this is a letter from the winter of winter.

Wolf: right, guys (gives the letter).

Wolf: it's time for me guys to go to the forest, I completed the assignment of winter-winter, goodbye.

Educator: what does the zimushka write to us, let's read (opens the letter, reads).

“Dear guys, every year I come to visit you. I had a misfortune, lost my magic box, which helps me perform miracles. Please, please help me find him. The road will not be easy, obstacles await you on the way, you must overcome them. And so that you can overcome obstacles, I'll send you a hint, I'm sending you a map.

Educator: will the guys help the winter-winter?

Children: help.

Educator: children, then let's look at the map (look at the map). Well guys, it's time to go. We will follow the signs - arrows. And here is the first task.

1 point of the route: "Fairytale labyrinth". You need to run a snake between the cones, stepping over obstacles (stuffed cubes).

Educator: Well done, guys, you have overcome one obstacle. Let's see what the next task is. We are waiting for:

2 waypoint: this is a house, we move to the house along the arrows - signs (children follow the arrows). And here is the house, and a bunny is sitting in the house. Look, he is holding a basket in his paws, and there are some leaves in the basket. Yes, these are riddles, for you children! Listen.

    I live under the roof

Even scared to look down

I could live higher

If only there were roofs.


2) The white blanket is not made by hand,

Not woven and not cut

Fallen from heaven to earth?

3) He entered - no one saw,

He said no one heard.

He blew on the windows and disappeared

And the forest grew on the windows!

4) Scattered Lukeria

silver feathers,

Swirled, swept

The street became white.

5) Without boards, without axes

The bridge over the river is ready.

Bridge like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light.

Educator: Well done, guys, they guessed all the riddles. Look at the map, what's next? That's right, we move straight along the path, and turn where? Left.

3 waypoint:"Snow crossing"

Educator: you need to jump from hummock to hummock and crawl along the ropes under the ropes without hitting them with your head or back (the children complete the task).

Educator: everyone coped with the task, although it was difficult. What's next on the map? Workshop of Santa Claus. You need to follow the signs. And here is the workshop, look, it is marked with paints and brushes.

4 waypoint:"Art workshop of Santa Claus"

Educator: guys, look at this magic box of Santa Claus (opens). And there are colored ice cubes in it. You need to lay out the patterns, but not just like that, but according to the schemes (gives out schemes, children complete the task in pairs).

Educator: what wonderful patterns turned out in the snow. You did a good job doing the task together, paired with a friend. Santa Claus will be very happy. Well, it's time for us to move on. A place with a target is indicated on the map and again you need to move along the arrows (the children move and find a place near the hill with the target).

5 waypoint:"Accurate shooter".

You need to hit the target with a stuffed ball (children throw 2 times each).

Educator: Well done, children. Almost all of you have succeeded. What's next on the map?

Children: a clearing with a surprise.

Educator: how do we need to move?

Children: straight, to the right (children move in the indicated direction).

6 waypoint:"Glade with a surprise."

Educator: here we are in the clearing, here Zimushka-winter dropped her chest. Look carefully at the map, the place where it lies is marked with a red cross (the children carefully look at the map, discussing exactly where to look - the casket lies under the snow near the Christmas tree). Children seek and find.

Educator: guys, you are great, real treasure hunters. This chest must be given to Zimushka-winter.

Zimushka - winter: hello guys. You are great, you reached me along the tangled fairy paths and found my magic casket. I suggest you play. We will play the game "Two frosts" (children play).

Zimushka-winter: Guys, you are visiting me and I want to treat you (opens a magic box, and there are candy roosters).

Educator: thank you, winter-winter, it's time for us to go to kindergarten (children say goodbye).

List of used literature

1. Physical education outdoors with kids preschool age. Handbook for kindergarten teachers. Frolov V.G., Yurko G.P. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983. – 191 p.

2. Preschool pedagogy. Tutorial for students of pedagogical schools / Ed. S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy" 2007

3. Blinova G.M. cognitive development children 5-7 years old. Toolkit. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 128 p.