Lace for dress how to do. Lace wedding dress. Wedding dress with lacing

Hello, Dear friends. Not so long ago I published an article about wedding dresses with a corset. Reviews and comments have shown that not all girls know how to lace up a corset on a wedding dress correctly. That is why I decided to devote a separate article to this issue.

After reading it to the end, you will also learn about what types of corsets exist, why these models are most often chosen. modern brides why the corset can fall down. Stay with me and all your questions will not go unanswered.

Corset Benefits

This amazing piece of women's wardrobe can transform you in minutes. Most often, of course, the corset is used in wedding dresses. Almost all collections of 2017-2018 contain such. It can be combined with puffy skirts, short or elongated bottoms, which opens up a lot of possibilities for your imagination.

It is thanks to the corset that you:

  • look feminine and graceful;
  • you can hide flaws;
  • emphasize the waist and chest line.

What dresses to choose

A properly selected dress will hide flaws and emphasize the dignity of the figure, create a beautiful silhouette and impeccable posture.

A good choice would be, that is, a standard or elongated corset in combination with a very fluffy organza or tulle skirt. If there are imperfections on the legs or hips, the skirt will easily hide them from prying eyes.

The lowered bodice harmonizes very beautifully with a mermaid or fish style dress. But such a toilet is not suitable for everyone. It is worth buying for owners of a narrow waist and tall. A very similar option is a year-style dress.

Gentle and elegant look lace options with a thick satin ribbon. Depending on the type of cup, they are able to visually enlarge the breast or, conversely, support it.

Transparent models look great. They are not vulgar, they immediately attract attention and are suitable for brave brides. good decision will be decoration with embroidery, stones, rhinestones or pearls.

How to lace up

I found out that not all girls know how to properly lace up a corset on a wedding dress. Today, several types of lacing are used in this type of bodices.

  1. Holes through which a thin cord is threaded (fabric may be present to adjust the size).
  2. Wide ribbon loops.
  3. Narrow cord loops with zipper.

Lacing pattern

In fact, there is nothing complicated. Proper lacing is a guarantee that the bride's outfit will fit perfectly on the figure. I must say right away that you won’t be able to do it yourself, you without fail need an assistant. Practice before the wedding so that on the day of the celebration you do not waste time on this.

If you don’t know how to lace up a corset for, then try to do everything according to the technology that I offer you. If everything works out, you will feel comfortable.

Write in the comments how helpful the tips were.

Lacing rules

Knowledge of the principles of lacing is a pledge good mood bride.

  • Lacing is done only on the bride. If there is a zipper, then it is fastened first. Only after that a ribbon or cord is threaded. The direction of lacing is from top to bottom, not otherwise.
  • When lacing crosswise, you need to look so that the ends of the tape are identical. The cord itself is not tightened too much, you need to adjust after. It is important that the tape is not twisted.
  • Next, a tightening is performed: the ends of the tape are held together, in the places of its intersection, a tightening is carried out. Repeat the procedure several times. The tightening is done until the corset fits snugly around the camp.
  • While tightening the corset, the bride should hold the bodice, and not keep her hands on the waist. This is necessary so that the chest is not tightened too much.
  • In the chest area, the bodice is slightly released, but in the waist, on the contrary, it is tightened. This will provide comfort and a beautiful silhouette.
  • Excess material is carefully tucked under the bones in different sides. The clasp itself should be exactly in the center.

Below you can clearly see the diagram.

When the dress can fall

There were situations in my life when the bride had an incident with a dress at a wedding. If you chose an outfit with a corset, it can only fall off because of the corset itself. There can only be two reasons:

  • the dress is too big for you;
  • very loosely laced corset.

A simple experiment will help you understand if the dress fits: just put on the outfit, and then try to stick your finger between the lacing and open back. If you succeed, the dress needs to be sutured. To prevent the lacing from unraveling, it is necessary to lace up from the top down, and not from the bottom up.

I am sure that after all that you have seen and read, you understand how to deal with a corset. All that remains is to choose the right accessories, make beautiful make-up with a hairstyle, put on a veil and, take it in hand, and you are 100% ready.

Rest assured, the brides of such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg do not choose outfits with a corset for nothing, because they will be popular even in 2019. Just look at the photo. How different and beautiful design solutions, what exquisite decor, what images!

And that's all I have. Do not forget to subscribe to updates, share the article in in social networks. Also, take a look at where you can take help and advice from leading experts. I will be glad to see you again. Until we meet again, friends!

At first glance, there are no secrets on how to lace up a wedding dress. Then it turns out that this process has its own peculiarities and nuances, because the lacing can start at the top and end with a bow at the waist, it can start from the bottom (and this is also not easy to deal with), be on top of the zipper and perform an almost decorative purpose.

Habitually lacing up sneakers or boots turns out to be so easy compared to wedding chores that fiddling with weaving ribbons seems like a difficult job. It's just that this process has its own rules.

The rules for lacing a wedding dress are different, depending on whether it is done from top to bottom, to tie a bow, or from bottom to top, when it is necessary to lace up the corset not for decorative purposes, but in order to give the chest nice shape and squeeze the sides a little.

The main requirement is not to squeeze chest because the bride will not be able to fully breathe. The remaining conditions must be met so that the corset on the wedding dress sits as well on the figure as possible, without violating the harmony of the bride's appearance. Inaccurately executed rows will spoil the impression and give the appearance of sloppiness and sloppiness.

Incorrectly laced corset weaving will not fulfill its intended purpose: after a while it will disperse, the sides, and the corsage will sag ugly. Sometimes the cause of an inaccurate appearance is an incorrectly selected corset size, or insufficiently close edges.

The minimum distance to which it is necessary to tighten is 3–5 cm, but no more, and if this fails, and the lightning does not converge, the dress is chosen incorrectly.

Strongly tightened lacing usually digs into the body, especially if the thickness of the laces is small, and the necessary decorative effect disappears from the ribbons, they wrinkle and also begin to cut the skin.

The opposite effect is obtained when it is tightened to the stop, and you can still stick your finger under the weaving - then the bride is forced to constantly worry about the falling corset, and furtively correct it.

This is not the most pleasant thing to do on a significant day, which should only leave Nice memories. The corset is never laced up on its own, for this you need an assistant who has at least a little idea of ​​​​how this is done. But the bride can make the initial stitches on the dress herself while it is still hanging on the hanger.

After that, the wedding dress will have to be put on through the legs so as not to damage the already finished hairstyle and makeup.

You should always consider the features of the device wedding corset, especially when buying in the hope of future weight loss:

  • a model with a fabric backing will allow you to slightly increase the size if the corset is frankly small;
  • thin laces are usually elastic and allow lacing, but they cut hard into the body, and it looks unappetizing;
  • the most beautiful one is laced with a ribbon, but it must be perfectly sized.

How to tie a corset on a wedding dress taken off - tips

While the dress is not on the bride, you can start lacing it on a hanger. Sometimes it is advised to lay it out on the bed, but this way it can be easily crushed, and the process is not particularly visible.

The lace or ribbon is threaded into the upper or lower extreme loops (depending on what kind of lacing is planned - with a bow that is made with a ribbon and is located at the waist, or coquettishly - just below it) or with an elastic cord, the edges of which are tied into a minimal knot and hidden over the edge.

The loops can be under the knots (and this is the most common way) or on top, hiding the crosshairs. But for the last way requires skill and dexterity, which for some reason are not found in any of those present.

That third of the lacing that is not fixed on the bride should be as tight as possible, so the lace or ribbon is pulled on itself with force before the ends are threaded into the next loop and fixed again in a criss-cross position.

In the photo, such a process rarely looks intelligible, so you can see the picture below.

Instructions for lacing a corset on the bride

The wedding dress begins to take on its final form when it is already on the bride. If the process starts from the waist, it is much easier, because the initial fixation in the waist area (just where the part of the wedding dress should fit as close as possible) has already been done.

When lacing starts at the top, the edge on the back is left relatively loose (it is pulled up at the end, sequentially, from bottom to top to ensure maximum fit, but the closer to the waist, the more the tape or lace is pulled together). The main condition in both the first and second cases: the ends of the lacing means must be absolutely equal in length. With center alignment, any lacing method begins.

To tie a bow of such a size that the author of the model was counting on, the corsage must be selected strictly in size. Even if there is an insert under the lacing that masks the lack of edges, the length of the tape will go extra centimeters, and the bow will be small or primitive.

After a perfect match is achieved between the ends of the lacing device, the ends are threaded into loops with opposite sides, that is, the left one is pushed into the right loop, and the right one into the left loop.

Then the action is repeated in the same sequence (again, the left end into the right loop, the right end into the left loop). As soon as the segment of the necessary rapprochement comes, the intersection of the ends is tightly held with a finger free hand, and it's better if someone else does it.

When the preliminary knot is tied, the lacing is sequentially pulled along the loops in the right direction so that it is not difficult to stick a finger under it.

Here you will see more clearly how to properly lace up a wedding dress corset:

This dress looks very elegant. And what kind of dress did you have at the wedding, and how significant were the difficulties if it was laced? Share with us your opinion on this matter.

In this release:

This trend is one of the youngest in the fashion world. Stylish dresses on lacing found a huge number of fans. In list modern models There are both everyday and evening styles. However, lacing is often located on simple knitwear. She adorns business and street outfits. In this issue, we will find out why such decor is needed, what it helps to hide and why it is becoming more relevant in 2019.

Dress patterns and lacing arrangement

Girls are wary of a lace-up dress, but foreign fashionistas have long fallen in love with it. Perhaps this is related to climatic conditions. in warm countries various models wear constantly. But, the only exceptions are business images. They use more restrained black dresses with lacing in front or as a small decor, for example, at the hem. Let's see the best styles, decorated with such an element in the photo, and read their description.

On the back or back as a corset

This good options the location of the lacing on the dress. Models look very reserved. If desired, you can wear a sweater, jacket or coat to hide the ties at the back. More often, lacing on the back is located on corset wedding dresses. It is also any evening style. As everyday option, choose model from material noodles. The lacing on the back looks good on the product "golf" or "sweater". The most important thing is that the neckline is not too deep and frank.

Dress like the photo below suitable for a girl from slim waist and neat back. Red color emphasizes all skin imperfections and pallor. Therefore, we recommend a style for the summer or take with you on vacation.

And here is Club dress with lacing at the back. Pay attention to how the product clearly emphasizes every curve of the model's body. Velvet can be slightly fuller:

Front: chest and hem

In 2019, such models are common. The lacing is located on a breast and forms a decollete. The most relevant material when creating products is noodles and knitwear. But, the ties can be on the hem in front. This dress is better to choose for creating everyday summer look. Actual colors seasons: brown, green, blue and black.

The white dress looks simple. But, it will be a great outfit for summer holidays. Choose a style of light gas materials so that it is not hot.

Another casual style option that will suit slim and full girls:

Side lacing

The product is a bit like a dress with stripes. Side laces elongate the silhouette. But, the decor is only slim fit women. full figure looks nice too. However, if it is not framed, then lacing will ruin everything. Wide ties hide body flaws and distract attention. Therefore, we recommend trying sundresses for girls with small breasts and full hips. To create dresses, designers use dense materials - viscose, cotton and more solemn options.

Ties at the waist and sides look great on black and nude.

Wedding dress with lacing

Lace on a wedding dress is not a decorative, but a practical detail. Lush dresses, decorated with a corset, laced up at the back are very popular with some brides. A rigid corset came to us from the past, namely from Victorian era. Medieval floor-length dresses with crinoline and voluminous skirts are still a symbol of that time.

To put on a lace-up wedding dress, you need someone else to help you do it. It is important that before the ceremony, the person practice several times on a mannequin. The corset during lacing should fit the figure. It must not be allowed to bulge and stick out in different directions. Less hassle will bring a wedding dress laced up in front. On it, lacing plays a more decorative role than a practical one.

Wedding dress lacing: video tutorial

For those who are faced with this issue, we recommend watching a video on how to lace up a wedding dress. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this, and after some practice, you can skillfully manage the lacing of the outfit.

Video: how to make do-it-yourself lacing on a dress

On any dress and sundress, you can make lacing with your own hands. This requires basic sewing skills, as well as tools. These are scissors, rivets (needed so that the holes do not fall apart), threads, a needle and lace (you can use tape). In the video below, you can see in detail how to make lacing on a dress with your own hands with a minimum of time and money.

Corset - amazing detail women's toilet. She is able to instantly make a woman slimmer and more attractive. Nowadays, dresses with a corset are usually sewn for brides. Girls in such decoration look feminine and graceful. These factors encourage brides to choose outfits with a corset for the wedding ceremony. However, not everyone has an idea how to properly lace up a corset on a dress. This process has its own subtleties and secrets.

Varieties of corsets on wedding dresses

A properly selected wedding dress can hide all the flaws of the figure, reduce its volume and create a beautiful silhouette with a royal posture. What types of wedding dresses can have a corset? A princess wedding dress will look great with this element. This style consists of a long corset located below the hip line and very fluffy skirt. The figure of the bride in such a wedding dress acquires perfect shape, voluminous skirt hides all the imperfections of the hips and legs.

A corset with a low waist goes well with a mermaid dress. This outfit is suitable for brides with pronounced breasts, narrow waist and proportional hips. A slight tightening in a mermaid dress will make the beautiful silhouette of the girl even slimmer. The bride and groom will look great in such clothes. Wedding Dress in the style of "godet" is similar to the "mermaid" model. It goes well with an elongated corset laced with ribbons, which allows you to model the waist and part of the hips.

Romantic and gentle looks wedding dress with a lace corset and beautiful lacing. It will help the newlywed small breasted visually increase the volume of the bust. For brave girls from perfect figure perfect model of a wedding dress with a transparent corset. Exposing some parts of the girl's body, he does not make the image of the bride vulgar. A transparent corset is often decorated with embroidery - this will give the bride and groom more femininity and romance. Embroidered corsets in wedding clothes will help to emphasize the waist and chest.

When choosing an outfit with a drawstring, pay attention to the shape of the chest in it. Models with a low neckline will suit the owners of a magnificent bust. They are stressed beautiful breasts and make the silhouette of the bride feminine. For visual magnification chest fit corset with bulging cups, decorated with ruffles, folds or other decorative trim(embroidery with beads, pearls, sequins).

IN wedding dresses use the following types corset lacing:

  • With loops, cord and zip fastening.
  • With wide loops, ribbon.
  • With holes, cord, fabric insert to expand the model by several sizes.

How to lace up a dress: a diagram with a description

To make the dress look perfect on the bride, you need to properly lace up the corset. For this process, you need to choose assistants and understand the details. Such preparation will allow you to quickly and easily lace up your wedding dress on your wedding day. This will help the bride to avoid discomfort in the waist area and stiffness in the body, which will positively affect her mood and well-being.

Principles of proper lacing of a wedding dress:

If the bride is pregnant, the lacing process wedding clothes will differ from the method described above. A girl in a position should not tighten the waist area too much so as not to harm the baby. In this case, tightly lace up only upper part attire and tie the ribbon in a knot, and then make a free tightening down. With this method of tightening future mom will not experience discomfort at the celebration.

Video: how to tighten the corset of a wedding dress

Do you dream of a wedding dress with a corset because you want to be feminine and elegant at your celebration? But you don't know how to properly lace up such an outfit, and this stops you from choosing the model of your dreams? In the video, the specialist will clearly talk about the intricacies of tightening the wedding dress. Also, the master will reveal the secret of how to visually enlarge the chest when lacing up a wedding dress.