Designations on the labels of wedding dresses. The label on the garment is a care instruction for the garment. Blended and artificial fabrics

Expensive washing powder or softening conditioner.

So that clothes do not lose their appearance after washing, you need to know exactly what care conditions are optimal for each specific material.

Manufacturers abbreviate this information on labels. To find out how to wash and iron correctly, whether you can use bleach and high rpm during spinning, you need to take the trouble and carefully consider the signs drawn there.

And in order for these pictures to cease to look like an incomprehensible encryption, it is enough just to remember the table of designations used by all clothing manufacturers.


Designation and interpretation of icons for washing:

  • Wave basin- washing and soaking are allowed.
  • Numbers 40, 60, 95 denote the maximum temperatures in ° C that can be used to wash a garment. The fabric can be boiled at 95 ° C.
  • One parallel line under the basin- gentle wash is shown. You can not squeeze out at high speeds.
  • Two parallel lines under the basin- delicate wash required. When machine washable, fill the drum no more than one third full. Exhibit delicate treatment and don't wring.
  • Hand submerged in a basin- only hand wash at a temperature not exceeding +40 ° C with hand spin. It is used for silk, guipure or satin items.
  • A schematic representation of a washing machine enclosed in a circlemachine wash prohibited. Usually, such signs denote clothes decorated with a large number of beads, sequins and rhinestones.
  • Crossed basin- can not be washed at home. This concerns outerwear- jackets or coats that require professional dry cleaning.


If it is necessary to subject the product to chemical bleaching, be sure to read the rules, since the incorrect use of aggressive media can permanently ruin the thing.

  • Empty triangle - bleaching is allowed, crossed out - prohibited.
  • The symbol Cl is drawn in the triangle - you can use chlorine-containing products for bleaching.
  • Three parallel lines on right side triangle - you can bleach the material, but without chlorine.


An incorrectly selected spin mode is dangerous due to deformation of the fabric. Clothes may lose their presentation - they will shrink or become one size larger.

  • A circle enclosed in a square - you can use an automatic spin, including the most intensive one.
  • Crossed out circle - do not wring in a typewriter. Only with your hands, without using force.
  • Two parallel lines under the square - delicate spin cycle at low rpm.
  • If a twisted piece of clothing is drawn on the label, crossed out with two lines, the item cannot be wrung out or twisted. It should dry naturally.


There are two ways to dry washed clothes - in the drum of an automatic dryer or in the old fashioned way, on fresh air... The information on the label will show you how to do it correctly.

  • A square empty inside- the product can be dried in the machine or suspended.
  • Strikethrough empty square- drying by machine is prohibited.
  • A square with a horizontal line inside- dry only in horizontal position spread out on a flat surface. This drying is recommended for woolen and knitwear so that they do not stretch.
  • Three vertical lines will tell us that this thing cannot be twisted.... It needs to be hung vertically so that the water will drip gradually.
  • If two diagonal lines are drawn in the upper corner of the square- do not allow direct hit sun rays on the material. This applies to those fabrics that can fade quickly - white sheets or shirts.


  • Iron- ironing or pressing is allowed.
  • The number of dots inside the iron indicates the temperature regime of the process.- from the minimum (one circle) to the maximum (three circles). This is very important information. If you don't know correct temperature ironing, you can easily burn your favorite thing without the possibility of recovery.
  • Crossed-out iron- the material is not ironed. These are nylon, terry and very fuzzy products.
  • The bottom surface of the iron is crossed out- when ironing, do not use steaming. Such conditions apply when processing satin and silk fabrics.

Note! The number of dots used to indicate degrees on the label is the same as on the iron. This allows you not to make a mistake in the selection optimal temperature ironing.

Text designation

Some brands, especially classic British brands, do not use identification marks. They traditionally write their care recommendations on clothing labels.

  • Machine wash- machine washable.
  • Hand wash only- hand wash only.
  • Wash separately- wash the garment separately, as it may stain other fabrics.
  • Hot wash- most effective result when washing in hot water.
  • Warm wash- wash at a temperature not exceeding +40 ° C.
  • Cold wash- wash in cold water below +30 ° C.
  • No wash / Do not wash- must not be washed. Dry cleaning only.

Where can I find shortcuts?

Labels and information tags are small strips of fabric made of synthetic materials.

How to decipher symbols on clothing labels?

Signs on the product label give a lot of important and useful information... After all, with the help of them you can find out how to care for a purchased item, besides, find out the composition of the fabric, where and how any product was produced. This information really gives a lot of useful information about the thing.

In this article we will figure out what such mysterious signs on the product label, let's talk about the properties of the material, and most importantly, we will learn how to properly care for things, for example, dry, iron and wash.

What does the label say?

If you look at the clothing label, all of this can be terrifying. After all, there is great amount various, at first glance, incomprehensible signs. And many do not understand what to do with it. However, all these badges are necessary in order not to spoil the clothes, and so that they retain their original appearance. They provide the most basic and important information to take proper care of your fabric. With proper care, clothes can last for years.

Consider what clothing manufacturers are trying to tell us through the icons and letters on the clothing label:

  • Information about the company that produced the item;
  • Country of Origin;
  • Care rules are information on how to wash, dry and iron a thing in order for it to serve for a long time;
  • The size;
  • Information about the fabric and its percentage.

First, you need to figure out what the icons on the clothing label mean. Many are afraid of them. In fact, there is nothing to worry about here. There are only about 30 such icons and it will not be difficult to understand them. It is worth noting that they are generally accepted all over the world, and therefore it is not so important Russian production thing or not. And in either case, these icons will be the same. There are 6 main icons that indicate what conditions are necessary to maintain quality. Let's consider them:

  1. The wash is an icon that resembles a basin of water.
  2. A triangle with signs inside indicates that bleaches can be used.
  3. A circle with signs indicates the possibility of using dry cleaning. This sign is necessary so that dry cleaning employees know how to perform professional cleaning.
  4. Ironing is an iron.
  5. A circle within a square means that drying inside the drum of the washing machine is allowed.
  6. Drying is a square with stripes.

So we examined the main meanings that can be seen on the label of your product. But besides this, you can find dashes under them. It may exist alone, or several, or not at all. One dash says that the thing requires a gentle wash, several dashes, says that delicate and gentle washing is allowed, if there are no dashes, then the thing can be washed as usual.

Washing the product.

The wash sign is needed in order to understand which washing mode fit better Total. After all, not all types of fabric can be machine washed. For some fabrics it is allowed to use only handcrafts. It also contains information about what temperature it is permissible to use for a thing. Thanks to this information, you can easily find correct mode washing. So let's take a closer look at each of these icons.

There are a huge number of temperature regimes. Consider what types of fabric they are suitable for.

30 degrees- This temperature setting is suitable for washing things made of artificial or synthetic fabrics, or for washing down jackets.

40 degreesgiven temperature suitable for almost all textiles. If the item is very dirty, it is recommended to soak it in a stain remover before washing. This temperature setting is ideal for washing colored items.

50 -60 degrees, this temperature mode is ideal for washing white and colored clothes made from natural materials.

90 degrees Is boiling. This temperature regime is suitable for disinfection, they are recommended to wash diapers, clothes for newborns, as well as natural bedding.


Whitening has to be used quite often when washing products. Let's take a look at what the whitening icon might represent.


Drying is also an important process in the care of things. But not everyone gives it the attention it deserves. And it’s in vain. Indeed, with improper drying, a thing is just as easy to ruin as with improper washing or bleaching. So, drying is indicated by a square.

From correct ironing things will depend not only on how good it looks, but also how long it will last. Each item has a certain mode in which it can be ironed. Let's talk about this in more detail.


You do not need to focus on the Circle sign, since this information it is necessary mainly for dry cleaning workers in order to properly clean the product and not harm the material. But let's talk about these signs.

Alphabetic code.

In addition to various icons on the product, which indicate how to properly care for it, you can also find an alphabetic code on clothes. These are the names of the fiber from which the product was made. With the help of these letters, you can find out what the product was made of, as well as its useful properties.

AS - artificial fibers. Most often they are added to natural fabrics... They give things extra elasticity. It helps things to better maintain their original form... Also, these fibers make the fabric soft and pleasant.

CA is hemp fiber. Most often they are used together with flax. These are two fairly strong materials. Most often they are used for the manufacture of home textiles. Since this material is very durable and resistant to any impact.

CO is cotton fibers. These fibers have a number of distinct advantages. Firstly, this fabric heats well and is not electrified. Secondly, it absorbs moisture. But it also has a number of disadvantages, it wears out rather quickly, and, therefore, the service life of cotton items is very short.

CU - copper-ammonia fibers. This fabric is very pleasant to the touch, it is smooth and delicate. And also very elastic. Most often it is used for knitwear. Also included in some carpets.

EL is elastane. Elastane is a synthetic fiber. It is added to various fabrics so that the thing stretches easily, is very elastic, and also easily takes its original shape. This material is quite wear-resistant and will last a long time. And also he always sits on the figure, because he easily accepts various forms.

HL - This is a linen fabric that also includes other fabrics. However, there cannot be more than 5 percent of them.

LL - this meaning of letters means 100 percent linen. It should be noted that linen is an excellent fabric that has a huge number of advantages. In winter, such clothes will be warm, and cool in summer. Also, linen perfectly absorbs excess moisture and allows the skin to breathe. It is also very wear-resistant and will last for more than one season. However, with improper care can sit down. Linen is often used to create home textiles and bed linen.

LU is Lycra, although in Europe these fibers are called elastane. It is used in many things to add elasticity to fabrics. However, it cannot be more than 2 percent. Often this material used for making tracksuits... After all, this fabric does not interfere with active movement, it is very wear-resistant and dries quickly. This material can stretch almost 6 times, and then return to its previous shape.

MA - This icon denotes modified acrylic.

MD - this type of fabric is made from cellulose. It is actively used in the creation of clothing, because it is very durable and wear-resistant. This type of fabric washes easily. It is quite durable, and you can wear such clothes for a long time. Moreover, it is pleasant to the body. Great for summer as it cools the skin and absorbs water perfectly.

PA - polyamide, it is synthetic fabric... Most often, nylon products are made from it. Such fabric is strong enough, does not wrinkle and quickly comes into the desired shape... However, it has several disadvantages. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. She doesn't drink water well. You need to treat it carefully and carefully, it is worth washing such things very carefully, taking into account the information on the label. Because improper washing can easily ruin a garment.

ME - metallized thread. Used to create custom designs. It is also used for extra strength and durability, but this happens much less often. This thread is made from strips of thin foil, and it can also be dyed in any color.

PC - acrylic. Acrylic is a synthetic wool. This fabric has many advantages and disadvantages. It is similar to wool, just as warm, soft and pleasant to the body. It keeps its shape perfectly, is not afraid of moisture. Also, unlike wool, it does not need special care... It is this type of fabric that can be dyed in a variety of popular colors, and it does not fade when washed. The disadvantages are that pellets quickly appear on acrylic clothes and it is very difficult to get rid of them, and this material practically does not allow the skin to breathe. And wool is much more pleasant to the body.

PL is a synthetic thread, quite often it is added to cotton and wool. This fabric is very often used by designers, because when heated, it easily applies various shapes and this allows you to create an individual design in clothes. However, it must be washed very carefully and carefully.

RA is a tough fiber made from nettle. It is very durable and at the same time pleasant to the body. It is very often used in the creation of expensive clothing and jeans.

SE - silk. This fabric is considered one of the most expensive in the world, it is used to create the most beautiful and expensive clothes. Silk has a number of advantages, it allows the skin to breathe and also absorbs water quickly. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is also very pleasant to the touch. This fabric must be treated very carefully. Only hand wash at 30 degrees is allowed here. Also, silk should not be rubbed or wrung out. It is important to remember that this type of fabric must be ironed very carefully and carefully.

VI - viscose. Outwardly, this fabric is similar to silk, but by its characteristics to cotton. This fabric is very suitable for different types figures, and has a number of advantages. For example, it absorbs water well and allows the skin to breathe.

So, we have covered the main letter designations on the clothing label. Of course, in reality there are many more of them. But, these are the most common materials that are used quite often in the manufacture of clothing and other products.

Next to the label, you can find small piece fabrics. Many people believe that it is needed for patches. However, this is not at all the case. In fact, a lot of information about fabric can be learned with it. This requires several tests. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Test 1.

It is necessary to lower the fabric for 30 minutes in soap solution, and then into a container with cold water... If the water is not stained, then this type of fabric does not fade and can be safely washed with other things.

Test 2.

First you need to measure the fabric and then put it in warm water for 30 minutes. After that, it is necessary for the fabric to dry. Next, you should measure it. If the fabric has become smaller, it may shrink after washing, if it remains the same, then this means that you have nothing to worry about.

Test 3.

Powder or other detergents are also worth trying on this piece of fabric. To see how the fabric behaves.

So, in this article, the main meanings on product labels were considered. In order for things to serve as long as possible, and there are no unforeseen situations that happen to him often enough. For example, things have faded during washing, or the thing has sat down. All this happens very often, and in such cases it is almost impossible to fix what happened. But all this can be avoided very easily and simply. After all, for this it is enough to look at the clothing label and understand how to care for this or that product.

Also, quite often it happens that people see the badges on the product label, but they still wash, dry or iron the thing at their own discretion, completely oblivious to the badges. You can't do that. Since, the icons on the labels of things are indicated for a reason. After all, the manufacturer makes sure that things serve as much as possible, and the buyer should be satisfied. Therefore, in order for the thing not to lose its appearance after washing and to be suitable for further use, it is worth paying attention to the icons that are indicated on the label. So you will definitely not spoil the soybeans, and they will serve you for a very long time.

In order to be exactly sure how this or that thing will behave after washing, the indications on the label are not always enough. But in this case, the pieces of fabric that come with the item will come to the rescue. If you want the thing to retain its original appearance as long as possible, and also please you for more than one season, then you need to do the tests that are indicated above. This will help keep the thing in perfect condition and avoid unforeseen situations.

So, it should be noted once again that when washing things, you should definitely look at the label. Where you will find all the information you need to avoid further operational problems. And subject to these simple rules, the thing will delight their perfect views long time.

Any factory fabric necessarily has a marking indicating the composition of the fibers from which it is made. Such data is indicated both on rolls and on tags on fabric samples. Often, the name of the fiber material is written in its entirety, but most often abbreviations are used.

Fabric composition information is important for many reasons:

  1. It primarily determines the mechanical and external characteristics of the fabric, its durability, shrinkage and other parameters.
  2. The cost of different types of fibers can vary significantly. As a rule, they are more expensive than synthetic ones.
  3. Knowing the composition of the tissue, we can assume with a fair degree of confidence suitable mode washing, drying and ironing (if allowed at all).
  4. The area of ​​application directly follows from the intended mode of care. For example, 100% linen tulle in the kitchen will inevitably collect grease, and it will need to be washed regularly, which will certainly lead to shrinkage of the fabric. Conclusion - it is better not to use this type of fabric in the wrong place.

The order of the abbreviations for blended fabrics is sorted in descending order of percentage. For example, 53% PES, 40% VI, 7% LI

In the case of equal content, the sequence can be any.

Fabrics that are 100% made from the same fiber type may be labeled “All” instead of “100%” 100% CO = All CO.

In case the percentage of material is less than 5%, such fiber can be referred to as “other fiber” or “other fibers”.
This rule does not apply to characteristic fibers that radically change the properties of the fabric, for example, 1% of lurex is enough to make the fabric shine with sparks. The same is true for spandex and some other specialty fibers. Also wool cannot be declared "other fiber".

Reduction Decryption Description Detailed description
AB Abaca (Manila hemp) Manila Hemp, Fiber Sheet Fiber extracted from tropical plants, the so-called "textile banana"
AS Acetato
Acetate (and triacetate) fibers are man-made.
Acetate and triacetate fabrics hold their shape well, are resistant to microorganisms, elastic, and pleasant to the touch.
Acetate is part of yarn with cotton, wool, mohair. They are often used as additives to natural fibers to give the fabric elasticity.
AF / EA Sonstige fasem
Another fiber
Autres fibers
Other fibers
AG Alginate Alginate Polysaccharide, a viscous rubbery substance extracted from brown algae
AS Asbestos Asbestos fiber Mineral fiber
CA Canapa
Hemp fiber, Hemp fiber - hemp fiber found in the bast layer.
In terms of hygroscopic, anti-electrostatic and high physical and mechanical properties, hemp is close to flax fiber. Characterized by strength and resistance to salt water. It is often used in a mixture with linen for household fabrics (sheets, towels, tablecloths, etc.).
CC Coir (coconut) Coconut fiber Coir(from malayal. kayaru - rope) - fiber from coconut intercarp.
CL Chlorofibre Chloride fiber
CO / COT Cottone
Cotton Cotton - fiber vegetable origin is a commonly used textile fiber. It is highly preferred due to its many useful properties. Cotton is the worst heat conductor of plant fibers and therefore appears warmer than, for example, flax.
Cotton also has good property absorb moisture, which makes cotton products more pleasant to wear, they do not electrify, they are easy to dye and finish. Among the disadvantages are low wear resistance and a high percentage of shrinkage.
CU Cupro
Copper ammonia fiber, cupro Copper-ammonia fiber is obtained from cotton fluff and refined wood pulp. The cellulose is dissolved in a copper-ammonia solution and pressed through the spinnerets.
In terms of physical and mechanical properties, copper-ammonia fibers are superior to viscose. The fiber is even, smooth, with a soft pleasant shine, well dyed, in a dry state it is stronger than viscose, more resilient and elastic.
Copper-ammonia fiber is used in the production of knitwear, and mixed with wool - for the manufacture of fabrics and carpets.
EA Altre fiber
Other fibers,
and also AF
Other fibers Additional fibers, which are added to the main ones, with a percentage of less than 5%.
EL Comma
Elastane is a synthetic polyurethane fiber, the main property of which is extensibility. Elastane is also an unusually strong, fairly thin and wear-resistant fiber. Typically, elastane is used as an addition to base fabrics to give garments specific properties. Due to the extensibility, things with a small percentage of elastane fit better on the figure, they are tight, but after stretching they easily return to their original shape.
Elastane is quite resistant to various kinds of external influences, and things with its content can last a very long time. The advantages of elastane include the fact that when this fiber is added, things practically do not wrinkle.
FLS Flos Flos Synthetic analogue of viscose
GL Glass Fiber Fiberglass
HA Pelo
Bristles, hair thread, pile
HE Henequen Mexican sisal
HL Limisto
Union linen
Linen with admixtures, semi-linen fiber Flaxseed fiber with added other fibers (usually less than 5%).
JU Jute Jute Jute is a plant fiber extracted from the jute plant. The main property of jute is hygroscopicity. Today, jute is mainly used for the manufacture of ropes, twines, sack containers, various types of furniture and packaging fabric.
KE Kenaf (Hibiscus hemp) Kenaf
KP Kapok Kapok (plant fluff)
LI Lino
Flachs, Linen
Linen - the world's oldest fiber of plant origin. Linen is highly hygroscopic, quickly absorbs moisture and dries just as quickly. In winter, linen clothes keep you warm, and in summer they help you to survive the heat more easily.
Linen is several times stronger than cotton, and as a result - high wear resistance of linen clothes, which will last a long time.
Linen wrinkles, but not as much as cotton. To avoid this, cotton, viscose or wool fibers are added to it. From frequent washings does not lose its softness.
LY Laychra
Lycra Lycra (in Europe "elastane", in the USA and Canada - "spandex") - a highly elastic synthetic fiber developed by DuPont, is a segmented polyurethane. Under the microscope, it looks like a bundle of tiny filaments. It is always used in combination with other fibers - natural or artificial, and gives the fabric specific properties, namely, it provides freedom of movement and retains its shape, as well as prevents the formation of folds. Washes easily and dries quickly. Only 2% lycra is enough to change the properties of the fabric.
Lycra stretches 6-8 times, and when the load stops, it easily returns to its original state.
MA Modacrilice
Modified acrylic Modacryl - fiber chemical origin, modified acrylic fiber from polyacrylic (with a minimum content of 85%) and other vinyl components.
ME Metal
Metallic, metallized fiber Metallized thread is a thread made of very thin metal foil, cut into narrow strips and covered with the finest plastic film or metal-sprayed polyester fiber. Colored in different colors... Mixes with other fibers for strength or decorative effect.
MD Modal
Modified viscose fiber - cellulose fiber obtained from wood.
It is stronger than viscose, and in terms of hygroscopicity it is one and a half times superior to cotton. Incredibly light - 10,000 meters of this fiber weighs just 1 gram making it the perfect companion. Gives a soft shine to fabrics, makes them soft and pleasant. Increases the wear resistance of the fabric, does not fade, does not fade and does not shrink during washing, and also does not lose all its properties after repeated washings. Incredibly comfortable to wear: pleasantly cool and non-irritating.
Of the shortcomings, it should be noted: it is slightly inferior in elasticity to viscose and is quite expensive.
MG Maguey Mexican sisal "Maggi"
MO Modal Modal (long staple cotton)
Ny Naylon
, polyamide Polyamide is the general name for a whole group of various synthetic fibers, including nylon, nylon, silon, and perlon. This is the first "" on the fabric market. Polyamide fibers are obtained by processing various organic raw materials - oil, natural gas, coal. The main properties of polyamide products: sufficient rigidity, surface smoothness, lightness, high dimensional stability and strength, low light fastness, low hygroscopicity, high wear resistance.
Does not wrinkle and dries quickly.
PA, PAN Acrilica
sometimes nylon, polyamide Acrylic is a synthetic fiber High Quality produced from oil and is known on the market as PAN fiber, acrylic, nitron, orlon, prelana, krylor, redon ”, etc. Acrylic is similar in many characteristics and appearance to wool, for which it was named“ artificial wool ”.
PB Polycarbamid Polyurea
PC Acrylic Acrylic Acrylic
PE Polietilen
Polyethylene fiber Polyethylene is a polymer, chemical fiber. This unique material combines most valuable properties and the ability to be recycled.
PI Paper Cellulose fiber
PL, PES Poliestere
Polyester, polyester fiber Polyester is a synthetic polyester fiber. Has a very useful property it is good to fix the shape when heated, which is very often used when creating folds. However, when heated above 40 degrees, they can form jams, which are not easy to get rid of.
Polyester is used in various combinations to add durability and an anti-static effect to the garment. The most popular blend of polyester and cotton, however, due to its softness and fast drying properties, polyester is added to both wool and rayon.
PP Polipropilene Polypropylene fiber Polypropylene fiber is a synthetic fiber that is made from polypropylene. Elastic, resistant to bending, has good thermal insulation properties, resistant to chemicals. Polypropylene is used for the manufacture of ropes, nets, carpets, blankets, fabrics for outerwear, knitwear, filters.
PR Protein Protein
PU Poliuretanica
Polyurethane Polyurethane fiber - synthetic origin, blends perfectly with other fibers, giving them strength.
RA Ramie Nettle fiber (ramie) Rami is a high quality natural thread similar to linen, smooth with a beautiful matte effect. Obtained from Chinese nettle.
Ramie fiber has good strength, does not rot, and can be used for making ropes and sail fabric. The shine of ramie fiber resembles silk, it is easily dyed without loss of silkiness, therefore it can be used in expensive fabrics. Often used in denim as an additive.
Rs Rubber artificial Rubber, artificial rubber Just like natural rubber is made from latex, artificial rubber is made from synthetic latex.
RYN Rayon A synthetic material derived from cellulose.
SE Seta
Natural silk is one of the noblest and most expensive materials... The main thing is thermoregulation, i.e. the ability to adapt and maintain the temperature of the human body depending on external influence... It can provide good breathability in summer and keep you warm in winter. Silk evaporates moisture very quickly and dries, requires careful handling.
Silk sheds a lot during washing, so it should only be washed by hand at 30 degrees and with a soft special means... A silk item must be rinsed well first in warm, then in cold water. Silk must not be rubbed, squeezed, twisted or dried in a dryer. Wet items are carefully wrapped in a cloth, lightly squeezed out of the water and hung or laid out in a horizontal position. Iron on a certain mode.
SI Sisal or Silk Sisal or Silk Processed fibers of textile agave, also often this sign denotes silk
SW Silkworm Silkworm
TA Triacetato
Triacetate Received from primary acetate by chemical action.
Differs in low hygroscopicity, easy to stain. Does not require ironing, retains creases well even after washing. They are mainly used for the manufacture of fabrics for ties, tyudya, bedspreads, lace, pleated skirts.
TR Residut tessili
Textile residual
Restlich textil
Residu Textile
Production weaving residues, composition is arbitrary
TV Trivinyl Trivinil
VI Viscosa
Viscose Viscose is a concentrated solution of natural compounds - hydrated cellulose fibers.
Viscose fiber is the most versatile of chemical fibers, it is close to cotton. The fiber has a loose structure, resembles silk in appearance, has excellent hygienic properties- breathable, has increased hygroscopicity, great strength, good ironing ability.
The disadvantages are sharp shine, strong shrinkage during washing, loss of strength when wet. In connection with these, it is not recommended to twist and squeeze strongly. It is used very widely in pure form and in combination with other fibers. The improved viscose fiber is a siblon that is less wrinkled, less shrinkable, durable and shiny.
VY Vinyl Vinyl
RVC Polyvinylchloride
Polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride Polyvinyl chloride is a polymer of vinyl chloride. Differs in resistance to chemicals. Does not burn in air, but has low frost resistance up to (?) 15 ° C. Withstands heating up to +65 ° C.
PVC is also often used in clothing and accessories to create a skin-like material that is smooth and shiny.
PVCF Polyvinylchloride fiber PVC fiber Polyvinyl chloride fiber is a fiber of synthetic origin, which is made from solutions of polyvinyl chloride. Resistant to many chemicals, flame retardant. Overalls, non-combustible drapery fabrics, and thermal insulation materials are often made.
WA Angora
Angora (karin)
Angora Angora is a very soft and fluffy woolen fabric with a characteristic delicate pile. In its pure form, angora is practically not used - it is expensive, and the fibers in the yarn, due to their softness and smoothness, do not hold well, the yarn sheds, but in a mixture with wool or acrylic, which are added to increase strength, it is simply ideal.
WB Beaver Beaver fur There is a famous anecdote about the beaver
WG Vicuna Lama Vicuña
Wk Camello
Camel's wool The main advantages of camel wool are lightness. It is about 2 times lighter than a sheep's. Low thermal conductivity. Products made from such wool optimally maintain body temperature, warming in the cold and protecting against overheating in the heat. High hygroscopicity allows moisture to be wicked away from the body, leaving the body dry. Due to the high antistatic properties, which of all types of wool is characteristic only of camel wool, the products do not get dirty for a long time, and are easy to maintain and maintain.
WL Lama
Llama wool fiber Llama wool is a protein fiber and does not contain natural oils and lanolin. Llama wool is light and soft, retains heat well. She does not call allergic reactions, is capable of repelling water and, unlike other types of wool, regulate its moisture content in a range convenient for humans.
Llama wool has an exceptional variety of natural shades, from white, ash pink, light brown, gray and silver to dark brown and black. White wool is dyed using natural dyes.
Wm Mohair Mohair, specially treated wool of angora goat Mohair is the wool of Angora goats found in Turkey (Angora province), South Africa and the United States.
It is one of the warmest and most durable natural materials, while exceptionally light and silky with a natural resistant natural shine, which remains even when stained, does not fade.
Mohair products require careful storage and delicate care.
WO Lana
Wool Wool is a textile fabric that is mainly produced from sheep's wool. Wool has a low thermal conductivity, therefore it has very high heat-shielding properties. To ensure high wear resistance of the fabric, synthetic fibers are often added to woolen fibers. Fine wool (lana merinos) - fine and soft, pleasant to the touch and elastic.
Quality control wool yarn, fabrics and products made from them are carried out by the International Wool Secretariat. After passing this control, the wool manufacturer has the right to put the Pure wool or Woolmark mark on his products - a certificate of quality wool.
WP Alpaca
Alpaca a kind of llama. Lives in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of 4000-5000m. v extreme conditions(bright sun, cold wind, sharp drops temperatures).
possesses extraordinary properties: soft, light, with a silky shine, which lasts the entire service life of the product, very warm, with good thermoregulatory properties, durable.
WT Otter Otter fur
WU Guanaco Llama Guanaco Wool
Wv Fleece wool
WY Yach
Yak wool Yak wool has a unique ability to keep warm, hygroscopic, soft and lightweight. The wool has good adhesion, excellent stretch and wrinkle resistance. Like camel hair, the down of the Tibetan yak cannot be dyed, it is durable and unpretentious when worn.

Clothes, regardless of price and quality, tend to get dirty. Correct, gentle care can significantly extend its service life, otherwise - after several unsuccessful washings, the thing will turn into a shapeless rag. To prevent this, review or keep in a conspicuous place the decoding of the icons on the label.

In caring for a product, we, as a rule, include basic concepts: washing, drying and ironing. Only a few things require bleaching and dry cleaning. But the label on the clothes should provide information to the consumer about all possible operations for care: washing, bleaching, ironing, dry cleaning and drying.

Let's take a look at the basic symbols:

  1. wash - a basin of water;
  2. whitening - triangle;
  3. ironing - ironing;
  4. dry cleaning - circle;
  5. drying - rectangle.

Additional common icons:

  • one horizontal underline - delicate mode;
  • two horizontal underlines - especially delicate mode;
  • crossed out main sign - prohibition of the operation.

Table with decoding of icons on clothes

Badges on clothes for washing

The washing temperature can be indicated by both dots and numbers inside the basin. If there are one or two horizontal lines at the bottom of the basin, use the most gentle rinse and spin program with permissible temperature.

Washable without restrictions
Washing at temperatures up to 30 ° С (without heating water)
Corresponds to a temperature of about 40 ° C (the most comfortable mode for most products)
Washable at 50-60 ° C
Boiling possible
Hand wash only, do not rub or twist too much when spinning
The thing can not be wrung out either with your hands or in a typewriter. Let the water drain and then hang to dry.
Can't wash, take it dry


The most tricky process in clothing care. Always sort your garments well so as not to inadvertently bleach bright, colored fabrics.

Whitening can be done with modern oxidizing agents
Whitening is prohibited
Allowed with chlorine-containing substances, the symbol is rarely used, since whitening with whiteness is not the best The best way give clothes a snow-white look
You can whiten, but with gentle means (no chlorine)

Dry cleaning icons

Modern dry cleaning can be dry or wet. The letter in the circle represents active substance... For wet dry cleaning, it will always be the symbol "W", which means wet (translated from English. Wet, wet)

Routine dry cleaning with reagents according to the list marked "P". All specialized enterprises know well what means to use in this case.
Gentle cleaning with reagents according to the "P" sign list
Cleaning using hydrocarbons with a boiling point of 150-210 ° C and a flash point of 38 to 60 degrees.
Gentle cleaning with list F reagents
The symbol is rarely used, permits dry cleaning with all known solvents
The product cannot be dry-cleaned

Ironing symbols

These icons are perhaps the easiest to decipher. It is not necessary to remember the temperature at which you can iron, it is enough to set it to correct position regulator on the iron.

The product cannot be ironed. The fabric may have pile or other characteristics that are incompatible with exposure to hot temperatures
Can be ironed at high temperatures up to 200 ° C. These are cotton and linen products.
Iron at medium temperatures (up to 150 ° C). Suitable for clothes with a mixed composition.
The lowest temperature (up to 110 ° С). Mode for the care of synthetic products.
Do not use steam when ironing or use a garment steamer


Conventional washing machines are rarely equipped with a drying function. But those to whom this household bonus is available should pay attention to the rectangle icon with a circle inside. It points specifically to the tumble dryer mode.

Dry horizontally, after straightening the product
Do not hang clothes in the sun while drying
It is forbidden to wring out and tumble dry

For better memorization legend we suggest you watch the video:

Designations of fabric composition on clothing labels in Russian

The composition of the fabric directly affects its properties and appearance. Products can be either from one type of raw material, or from several. In any case, the manufacturer must indicate the percentage of all components on the label.

Consider the types and basic requirements for care different compositions fabrics:

  1. Woolen products - have good heat-saving properties, but are rather capricious in their care. They must not be machine washed; hot temperatures can cause shrinkage of clothes. Woolen products are delicately wrung out by hand and dried horizontally. In today's market, it is rare to find 100% woolen fabric, it is usually "diluted" with synthetic fibers. This extends the life of the product and lowers the cost.
  2. Cotton products are natural, soft and comfortable. The scope of application of cotton in textile production is practically limitless. Cotton is not whimsical to care for; it can be ironed at high temperatures using steam. The main subtlety - do not overdo it with colored products, they cannot be bleached and washed in too hot water. There are no such restrictions for white cotton.
  3. Linen products are durable, hypoallergenic and pleasant to the touch. But they have a big minus - they crumple too much. Linen is used for shirts, summer women's clothing and bedding. Products should be washed and ironed in accordance with the information on the label.
  4. Silk clothing - has a special chic and comfort. 100% natural silk too expensive to ignore the basic rules for its care. He, like wool, can shrink. Do not machine wash it. Handwash barely warm water will extend the service life of silk clothes. You need to dry it away from the sun, iron it when low temperatures from the seamy side.
  5. Viscose products are very similar in properties to cotton. But in caring for them, you need to be more careful. You can iron viscose on a double grade without steam. Delicate wash.
  6. Leather products cannot be washed; use dry cleaning services to take care of them. If while wearing leather clothes rubbed, it can be painted.
  7. In caring for knitted fabric which can be wool, cotton or synthetic, always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. The jersey should not be twisted too much; it is advisable to dry it horizontally. Take special care of woolen products... After washing, lay them out on a towel and reshape immediately.
  8. A special niche in the textile industry is occupied by synthetic clothing... That which for several decades was perceived as something new, has reliably blended into our everyday life. Synthetic fibers are found in most modern clothing. They not only extend the service life of the products, but also make them more practical.

Among the main synthetic components in clothes you can name: polyester, nylon, spandex, lycra. The main rules for caring for clothes with synthetic fibers are as follows:

  • do not use too high temperatures during washing;
  • 100% synthetics are ironed on one, mixed compositions - on two;
  • it is impossible to bleach synthetic products;
  • clothes with a high content of elastic fibers are recommended to be wrung out in a gentle mode;
  • to make clothes less electrified - use fabric softener;
  • dry products, preferably in a horizontal position.

Where can I find the label?

Each type of clothing has its own place for the label, which is regulated by GOST 10581-91 “Sewing products. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ".

Consider selectively the attachment points in the most common products:

product name Label attachment location
Coat, jacket, jacket, lined suit back lining - in the middle;
at the junction of the lining with the hem;
near the inner pocket;
lining shelf.
Cloak, cape back lining or yoke in the middle;
the junction of the lining with the hem.
Pants, bib, shorts seam for attaching a belt; rear part trousers, middle seam;
near back pocket;
side seam (not less than 5 cm from the seam of attaching the belt).
Jacket, dress, suit, unlined blouse, T-shirt, T-shirt the middle of the neck of the back;
seam on the back, side.

If the product does not have side seams, it is allowed to stitch the tag into shoulder seams or armhole. If necessary, the manufacturer can also change the place where the marking is attached.

Decoding table

Care different products has a lot of subtleties. Remembering what this or that symbol on the label means is difficult, and, in truth, not necessary.

Keep a laminated cheat sheet with the decryption always close at hand and follow the directions carefully. Then in your wardrobe there will never be things with stains, tan marks or uncharacteristic colors!

Keeping the product in its original form is important for many people, especially when it comes to favorite clothes. It is very simple to do this, you just need to be careful and proper care behind a thing, which depends on the material, the presence of decorative elements. Icons on clothes, indicating how to wash and iron them, will be able to help in choosing the right care option. Before starting work, it is important to carefully read the symbols on the label, and what a particular image means is described in detail below.

Designation of the laundry modes

Thanks to the icons on the labels, it is easy to know exactly how to wash specific products. To provide long term the service of things and an attractive appearance, it is important to strictly adhere to the rules for caring for it. Before following the labeling, you need to understand one point - some manufacturers use to indicate the same action different symbols, as a rule, this concerns the temperature regime.

In order to easily understand the icons on clothes, you will have to learn the classic symbols - this will allow you to take care of things as accurately as possible. Before washing, you should pay attention to the label and, based on the icons depicted on it, choose a cleaning method, ironing temperature and products that can be used for specific laundry. Watch the video to find out which symbols you should pay attention to:

Icons indicating wash modes:

  • The numbers on the label indicate the maximum permissible washing temperature.
  • The presence of a horizontal line at the bottom of the sign indicates the need to use a delicate mode and it is recommended to wring out this kind of laundry manually.
  • The two horizontal lines drawn indicate the need for delicate wash options. In the presence of such a symbol, it is important to adhere to several rules: the load of the machine should be a maximum of 1/3 of the maximum allowable amount; force mechanical impact machines should be kept as low as possible. You should refuse to spin (you need to shake off the product slightly) or perform this procedure manually with the utmost care.

Washing machine signs

It is especially important to adhere to the rules of washing clothes in washing machine so that after the procedure the product retains its original appearance - not a village, does not fade and does not lose its attractiveness. The figure below shows common signs, consider the meaning of each of them:

  1. Possible to wash clothes quickly in washing machine.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to machine wash the product.
  3. It is not recommended to use washing machine.
  4. It is recommended to use the gentle mode.
  5. Washing with a maximum t 30 ° C is possible.
  6. Symbol denoting delicate wash.
  7. Clothes must be hand washed.
  8. Boiling can be used.
  9. A sign indicating that the product must be washed at t up to 50 degrees.
  10. Wash at t up to 60 ° C.
  11. Washing colored clothes in a washing machine with a water temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.
  12. Wash clothes at a minimum temperature of 30 degrees.
  13. Spinning is not recommended.

Ironing icons

Ironing clothes allows you to smooth out the wrinkles that have formed after washing or a long time in the closet. In order not to damage the thing, it is necessary to set the iron to a certain temperature or mode, and it is generally worth refraining from ironing some things in order not to spoil them. Designations of icons on clothes (in the picture below):

  1. Ironing is allowed.
  2. It is possible to iron things with maximum high temperature 200 degrees (3 points on the iron).
  3. The maximum temperature of the iron is 140 ° C.
  4. It is allowed to iron linen with a temperature of 150 degrees (applies to fabrics such as silk, wool, polyester).
  5. Ironing can be done at a temperature of no more than 110 degrees (nylon, nylon, viscose). Do not use steaming if this icon is present, as it may damage the fabric.
  6. Ironing is prohibited.
  7. It is forbidden to steam a thing.

Deciphering symbols for cleaning laundry

To spend proper cleaning things, you must correctly decipher the letters on the label:

  • "P" - Perchloroethylene, perchlorethylene.
  • "F" - Flammable, highly flammable material.
  • "A" - Any, any kind of cleaning is possible.
  • "W" - Wet, only wet cleaning is permissible.

Dry cleaning signs

Before you send the product for dry cleaning (or if it is possible to carry out the procedure yourself), you need to know the designation of the signs on the clothes.

  1. The icon is extremely rare and indicates that cleaning can be done by any means.
  2. The use of funds that are acceptable for the "P" mode is allowed.
  3. Dry cleaning with the use of hydrocarbons.
  4. Gentle dry cleaning is used.
  5. Refers to the "F" mark. Cleaning can be with hydrocarbon or tri-flotrichloromethane.
  6. Dry cleaning allowed.
  7. The use of dry cleaning is prohibited.

Wet cleaning marks

When wet cleaning, it is important to know and understand the following signs:

  1. Regular aqua cleaning of the product is allowed.
  2. Wet cleaning in a sparing mode.
  3. It is possible to use a particularly gentle wet cleaning.
  4. Aqua cleaning of linen is prohibited.

Whitening symbols

In some cases, bleaching is necessary to give the garment its original whiteness. However, not all things can be processed in this way. Bleaching-related icons on clothes and their meanings:

  1. A whitening procedure can be performed.
  2. It is forbidden to bleach things. This sign also prohibits the use of chlorinated solvents.
  3. Product bleaching is possible, use is allowed chemicals with chlorine content. It is worth washing in cold water, and it is allowed to start the procedure after the powder has completely dissolved.
  4. It is permissible to whiten linen, but with products that do not contain chlorine.
  5. It is possible to whiten things with oxygen-containing agents.

Garment labeling table with care symbols

Having learned the standard icons on clothes, which indicate the rules for caring for a thing, it is possible to extend its service life and maintain its original appearance. On labels and labels, as a rule, symbols are placed that help to choose the correct mode of washing, ironing, determine how the thing can be cleaned, and establish whether it is possible to carry out bleaching. The table below contains all the signs that will come in handy in laundry care.