Draw ballerinas with voluminous skirts. Paper ballerina: templates for cutting. How to make a paper ballerina

When graceful snowflakes-ballerinas made of paper are merrily spinning in the air, it seems that the magic is already very close, and the soul is filled with a joyful presentiment of the holiday.

fold it into a triangle (first we bend it diagonally several times, and then we turn the edges towards the center);

put a stencil on this triangle;

carefully outline with a pencil;

cut out.

Only after that we expand the triangle and enjoy the result: we get a very beautiful openwork snowflake. Using different types stencils, you will get the basis for creating different figures of ballerinas and skirts.

So we get a ballerina and her snow-white openwork tutu.

We put on a ballerina skirt. We fix it with a drop of clerical glue.

And at the base of the hands we tie thin threads that will keep our beautiful dancer on top.

This is how you can make wonderful ballerina snowflakes! The templates for creating them are quite simple, even a child can cut them out, especially with the help of an adult.

Arm yourself with sharp scissors, print stencils and decorate your home with a round dance of dancing ballerinas! The main thing is to find for each ballerina appropriate place. It could be a Christmas tree...

or window opening.

And it can be any place in the room, classroom and school office!

Snowflake ballerina ideas with photos:

The thread can be decorated not only with a ballerina snowflake, but also with an ordinary paper snowflake. It will turn out very elegant.

A snowflake skirt can be made from thin tulle or lace fabric. You will get a real ballerina in a tutu.

Snowflake - ballerina (video master class):

Snowflake-ballerina (master class):

How easy it is to make a ballerina snowflake:

The magical ones are coming new year holidays, and many have already begun to think about how to effectively decorate their home. DIY decorations always make the room warmer and more comfortable. Paper ballerinas are replacing traditional tinsel and Christmas balls. Made in various techniques They look elegant and light.

Paper ballerinas replace traditional tinsel and Christmas balls

One of the most simple options contemporary New Year's decor is a similar figurine made from improvised materials.

To make the simplest model you will need:

  • A sheet of white paper or cardboard. The size depends on the desired size of the dancer.
  • Sharp scissors for neatly cutting out contours.
  • Square paper napkin for a skirt.

One of the simplest options for modern New Year's decor is a similar figurine made from improvised materials.

Making a garland or individual ballerinas is very simple:

  1. print ready template or draw a silhouette of a dancing girl on a sheet.
  2. Carefully cut out the shape with scissors.
  3. Fold the napkin in half twice. Bend the resulting square diagonally. Cut out a triangle with stationery or nail scissors various patterns, remove the top corner.
  4. On ready-made ballerina put on the resulting light skirt.

To such original snowflake you can attach a thin white thread of any length and hang it on a window, a chandelier, if the decoration does not touch the guests, a Christmas tree, make a whole garland of graceful girls circling in the dance.

To make the ballerina even more interesting, you can find a color image on the Internet, for example, in the Victorian style. All that remains is to print it on thick matte photo paper or a regular A4 sheet. To make the girl beautiful on both sides, they make two pictures at once in a mirror image. They are cut out and glued together.

A simpler option for making a skirt is to fold two rectangular sheets of paper 10x5 cm in size with a frequent accordion, fold in half and stick to the silhouette on both sides. Depending on the size of the snowflake, the skirt can be reduced or enlarged.

So simple and fashionable way guests will like painting the apartment for the new year. They will probably ask for a master class.

Gallery: paper ballerinas (25 photos)

Silhouette of a ballerina for cutting

It will take no more than 10 minutes to create an original dancing snowflake thanks to modern technology. The finished template can be downloaded and printed on a printer. The pose of a girl in a light dance can be any.

The pose of a girl in a light dance can be any

These familiar silhouettes are being replaced by quite unexpected options. For example, a baby ballerina or a fabulous one that will complement the interior of a children's room.

These familiar silhouettes are being replaced by rather unexpected options.

For those to whom a girl dancing alone seems sad, there are templates for ballet couples.

For those to whom a girl dancing alone seems sad, there are templates for ballet couples.

Decorating a room in this way is limited only by the imagination of those who live in it. You can choose the most unusual silhouettes from fairy tale characters to your favorite actors or animals.

Ballerina in the technique of vytynanka

Graceful and openwork decoration it will work out if you make it from plain paper, but cut out the silhouette not with clerical scissors, but with a more accurate tool. This type work involves a detailed study of the contours, the presence of many intricate curly cuts.

To create a vytynanka you will need:

  • sharp sharpened scalpel or paper knife;
  • special rug made of dense material;
  • A4 sheet of any color, preferably dense, so that it does not tear while cutting out small parts.

To create such a delicate ballerina, you need to draw it in advance or print a ready-made template, preferably with a skirt outline, and work with it as follows:

  1. Lay the paper with the image on the prepared surface.
  2. Carefully cut off excess with a blade.
  3. Next, proceed to the design of the skirt. It all depends on the imagination of the author, since you can cut out with a scalpel openwork patterns any shape and size. The main thing is not to divide the ballerina into parts.

To create such a gentle ballerina, you need to draw it in advance or print a ready-made template.

The craft is attached with water or diluted starch paste to a flat, non-absorbent surface: window glass, doors. It will turn out very beautiful decoration which none of your friends will have.

Do-it-yourself ballerina card

idea with dancing girl useful not only as a New Year's decor for an apartment or a school class, but will also take its rightful place on a congratulatory message.

To make a postcard, you will need the following materials:

  • A sheet of colored cardboard. You can choose any shade as you wish, but keep in mind that the ballerina should not merge with the background.
  • A4 white paper.
  • Printer and ballerina template.
  • Openwork napkin for cake.
  • Glue stick or PVA.
  • Sharp scissors, stationery knife for paper.
  • A special rug made of dense material, if the use of the vytynanka technique is supposed to be used.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.

Workflow for creating beautiful postcard do it yourself:

  1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half with the colored side up.
  2. Using a ruler, measure the width and length of the part and mark the middle with a pencil.
  3. Print a picture of a ballerina. You can use an outline or a color image. It all depends on the characteristics of the printer and the age of the person to whom the congratulations are intended.
  4. Carefully cut out the dancer along the contour, stationery knife or with a sharp scalpel, create additional patterns on the skirt if it is not supposed to be created from other materials.
  5. fold round napkin for a cake with openwork edges in half twice. Cut off an acute angle according to the size of the ballerina's waist.
  6. Use glue to attach the figurine to front side postcards. Attach the top of the skirt to its top base. The bottom edge must remain free. The decoration will be voluminous.

A ready-made postcard with an application can be sent to a friend, mother or sister on her birthday, March 8 and other holidays. This good idea for wedding invitations. You can also attach a ballerina made in other techniques, such as origami. But it will not turn out so gentle and elegant.

How to make a ballerina out of napkins

Another very interesting and easy way to create a dancing snowflake is to use only plain white, blue, pink or any other paper napkins.

In addition to this available material, you will need:

  • Wire without plastic braid.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.


  1. Make a frame in the form of a human figure with a head, arms and legs. It is better to fold the wire in two layers so that it is strong.
  2. The napkin is divided into thin layers and torn by hand into thin strips.
  3. The wire is wrapped tightly enough so that it does not shine through, from time to time the structure is lubricated with glue.
  4. Take a whole napkin, fold it into a triangle and cut it out ordinary snowflake for a skirt.
  5. Raise the ballerina's hands up and put on "clothes" on her.

Another very interesting and easy way to create a dancing snowflake is to use only plain white, blue, pink or any other paper napkins.

The finished product can be hung on a Christmas tree or a chandelier. The advantage of such crafts is the ability to give it any position by bending your arms or legs at the desired angle. In addition, you do not have to use a printer to print the finished stencil.

Ballet is so mysterious, alluring, extraordinary. The ballerina is a fabulous creature that makes the heart flutter. Thin lines, gentle silhouette fascinate. And the hands are reaching out to create this beauty! And then you are wondering how to make a paper ballerina?

Ballet is so mysterious, alluring, extraordinary. The ballerina is a fabulous creature that makes the heart flutter. Thin lines, gentle silhouette fascinate. And the hands are reaching out to create this beauty! And then you are wondering how to make a paper ballerina? Our hand-made platform will tell you!

There can be many reasons for creating a ballerina. Adorable handmade paper ballerina will decorate your home on New Year, they can decorate rooms for the birthday of a daughter, a ballerina can be presented to a friend, colleague. And if you have a familiar ballerina, then you can’t imagine a better gift!

Dancing ballerinas

This master class will tell you how to create a whole \'\'ballet\'\'! Hang the ballerinas on the chandelier and enjoy the gentle dance with every breath of the breeze. Let's get started!


  1. paper (for printer, whatman paper, white cardboard)
  2. scissors
  3. tulle
  4. tape or paper clips
  5. string or thread

First you need to enlarge and print your favorite paper ballerina templates.

It is better to cut the ballerinas themselves from thicker paper than printed ones. Whatman paper or white cardboard is perfect.

We attach the printed ballerina template to thick paper using tape or glue and carefully cut out our ballerina along the contour.

Thus, we cut out another 3-4 ballerinas. Then our ballerinas need to be dressed! To do this, we simply cut out snowflakes from paper, as in childhood, and dress ballerinas like skirts. It turned out lovely ballerinas that will decorate the house for the new year! And if the reason for the holiday is different, then they can be dressed in tulle skirts. To do this, you need to sew simple skirts from different colors and dress ballerinas in them. Hang your ballerinas with a fishing line or thread from the chandelier and enjoy the gentle dance!

Ballerinas in the form of snowflakes

In the next master class, we will explain in more detail how to make a paper ballerina in a snowflake pack.


  1. scissors
  2. dense White paper- for the figure of a ballerina
  3. thinner paper - for snowflakes

You can draw the figure yourself or just print out the finished paper ballerina stencil. Cut out on thicker paper.

Then we make snowflakes. To do this, take a sheet of A4 paper and cut out an equilateral square from it.

Folds it into a triangle and bend \'\'wings\'\' towards each other

Using scissors, cut out various fragments different shapes and magnitude. The thinner the "feathers" of a snowflake are, the softer it will turn out. We dress snowflakes on ballerinas and rejoice!

Garlands with snow ballerinas

You can even make garlands from our charming ballerinas. Everything is completely simple and easy here. They can be hung on the Christmas tree or decorate the room.


  1. paper
  2. scissors
  3. Christmas tree garland

We print out the ballerina template from paper and cut it out with scissors. For your convenience, we specially offer a half figurine. Fold a sheet of paper in half and circle the template near the fold of the paper. We cut along the contour, open it and get a whole figure.

Then we cut out snowflake skirts for ballerinas and dress them. A diagram of how to fold paper for snowflakes is shown above. Then the finished ballerinas need to be strung on Christmas garland and here it is a miracle! You got the whole dance!

Video: Beautiful ballerina performance

We have already talked so much about tutus, ballet and ballerinas, let's move away from the topic of creating a paper ballerina a little and just watch a beautiful performance.

Ballerina- a symbol of sophistication and grace. The dance itself is about 400 years old. It originated in Italy, but developed mainly in France. Initially, ballerinas performed at the courts, entertaining the nobility during the Renaissance. Then, the dance began to accompany the opera. Ballet was singled out as a separate art form only a couple of centuries ago.

Classic suit appeared even later. The usual short tutu, pointe shoes, tight top - a set of the late 19th century. It can not only be sewn, but also cut, folded from. Let's learn how to do it right now. Naturally, we will create not only an outfit, but also a ballerina as a whole.

How to make a ballerina out of paper?

Ballerinas are associated with lightness. The ease with which the dancers perform the most difficult steps leads to thoughts about her. When girls stand on pointe shoes, they seem to be torn off the ground, which also symbolizes lightness.

In addition, the standard of choreographic schools is thin-boned and thin ladies, they don’t take others. Such lightness is reminiscent of snowflakes, like the white tutus of ballerinas. Therefore, figures of dancers are often used as Christmas decorations and winter interiors.

The result of the work is visible. It remains to do something similar. The work always consists of two stages. The first is the manufacture of the dancer's body. The second stage is the creation of the pack. How to make a paper skirt for a ballerina raises no questions.

Everyone knows how to cut snowflakes. The problem may be the contour of the dancer. Not everyone can draw people. However, there are simplified schemes that are subject to almost everyone. One of them is shown in the following video:

How to make a paper snowflake ballerina, if it was not possible to draw the simplest contour? Templates will come to the rescue. There are a lot of them on the Internet. You just need to choose the right one and print it.

It remains to cut and put a pack on it. If desired, the template is painted or sprinkled with sparkles. This gives the craft a shine, and adds a festive atmosphere to the house.

In question, how to make paper ballerina,templates are important even when time is short. If you need to decorate a room in an hour, it is better not to shun blanks, even if you have artistic abilities.

By the way, skirts also do not have to be cut out yourself. The stores have openwork napkins and ready-made snowflakes from. The teacher will tell you how to use them fine arts Ekaterina Kravchenko.

Ekaterina offered two versions of the skirt, one of which was knee-length. However, in the history of ballet there were also long costumes. In some performances they are also used by modern choreographers. A floor-length tutu makes the image of a dancer close to the image of a princess, a royal person. If follow next instruction she will visit your house. Let's call it the Snow Queen.

Outcome winter theme let's make a contrasting sentence. The ballerina's tutu is also black. IN dark color some perform and the silhouette of a dancer. It turns out a sort of black swan from the ballet of the same name. In 2010, a psychological thriller starring Natalie Portman was also named this way.

The picture was favored by critics. But black paper ballerinas earn accolades from designers. Dark figures are an easy way to add mystery to any interior.

How to make a paper ballerina with additional materials

In question, how to make paper ballerina skirt, non-standard is not only the color, but also the choice of material. At the word "paper" ordinary, stationery sheets, albums, drawing papers are recalled. Meanwhile, napkins are also paper. She often finds a place on the table, but rarely in creativity. Let's fix the situation. Author next video will tell you how.

As you can see, the body of the dancer also does not have to be made of cardboard, and in general, paper. Wire figurines are more durable and more voluminous. But, there are times when a planar composition is needed. Talking about postcards decorative panels for walls.

In this case, to the instruction " how to make paper ballerina step by step"Added the section" how to make a skirt for a dancer out of fabric ". Textiles are another material suitable for crafts. Here are examples of finished images:

Such compositions can decorate any girl's room, dance class or art gallery. The pack can also be made from yarn, threads of beads, tinsel. The latter is ideal if decided make a ballerina out of paper for the New Year.

How to make a paper ballerina - video available to everyone. But the grace and stretching of the dancers for many remain only a dream. Psychologists say if you surround yourself beautiful things, you involuntarily begin to look up to them, hold and behave differently.

So learn your lesson how to make a paper ballerina with your own hands means to get closer to the desired ideal. Decorate your home with graceful figurines and enhance your own grace.

Passion for ballet is worthy of kings. For centuries, they have not only watched dance performances, but also participated in them. Thus, Louis the 13th played one of the main roles in Cassandra and several supporting roles in other productions. Yes, and ballet was born, as you remember, at court, among aristocrats.

It is pleasant to create a New Year's fairy tale with your own hands. All you need is paper, scissors, skillful hands and inspiration. Recall the magical fairy-tale ballets The Nutcracker, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty. Let's cut out the graceful silhouettes of ballerinas in lace skirts and decorate the Christmas tree and the house with them. They will immediately create a festive mood in it. Usually the windows of houses for the New Year are decorated with intricate openwork snowflakes. But much more original and refined will be the composition of the silhouettes of fairy-tale houses and dancing ballerinas in cut-out skirts in the “vytynanka” style.

Required materials and tools:

  1. Paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Templates of houses and stencils of ballerinas from snowflakes.
  • draw yourself fairy houses. You can copy them from children's coloring books, you can find them on the Internet.
  • Cut out the houses and attach them to the window below. At the top, attach the silhouette of the month also cut out of paper.
  • Cut out small snowflakes and stick them occasionally on the window from top to bottom.
  • Print a paper ballerina stencil. Cut out according to the template flat figures of dancers in lace ballet tutus in the style of "vytynanka" and attach on the window among the snowflakes.
  • The window will become fabulous and elegant.

Mobile of dancing snowflake ballerinas

Figures of ballet dancers can not be glued to the window, but hung on a thin fishing line or on a shiny thread on a cornice, on a chandelier, in doorway. Delicate graceful ballerinas made of paper in lace airy skirts will spin from the slightest breeze.

What do you need to work:


  • Prepare a pattern, template or stencil for cutting figures. You can attract children to make ballerinas and openwork snowflake skirts. They will be happy to take part in decorating the house and Christmas tree. The manufacturing process is simple, and schoolchildren will cope with it.
  • Cut out the desired number of silhouettes in different poses characteristic of ballet steps. Don't forget to cut out a small paper tutu to keep the fluffy lace snowflake skirt from falling off.
  • Prepare snowflake skirts. For those who already have experience cutting paper snowflakes, this will not be difficult. For a change, it is good to use patterns for cutting on the Internet. If you put 2-3 snowflakes on one ballerina, then the skirt will be more fluffy. Skirts can be cut not only from white, but also from colored napkins or with a multi-colored pattern. They can be different lengths: the bottom is the longest, the top is the shortest.
  • Put skirts on ballerinas, dripping a little glue. Make a hole in the figurine with a needle, insert a thread with a knot at the end and hang the ballerinas. You can attach several snowflakes-ballerinas on one fishing line or thread. If you weave a few shiny threads or raindrops, you get original lace for hanging dancers from ceiling to floor.
  • To attach a ballerina to a branch on a Christmas tree, you can use a thin colored gum. A Christmas tree with such decorations also looks elegant and unusual.

If the figures of dancers are used to decorate a birthday party, a dance party, then organza, tulle, light thin lace are used to make skirts for them. Cut a strip of fabric into two lengths of the skirt, melt the edges on the fire, fold in half and gather at the top. Put on the figurine and attach. Keep skirts short and puffy to make the ballerina look light and graceful.

How to make snowflakes

Snowflakes need to be made in advance. They can be cut out of paper thinner than a ballerina figurine. You can use special tissue paper, tracing paper, colorful napkins. When the silhouettes of the girls are ready, then put skirts on them, combining them by color, pattern, size.

For work you will need: paper, pencil, scissors, sketches of patterns for cutting, protractor.


Christmas garland

Necessary materials:

  1. Colored and white paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Rain or tinsel.
  4. Sequins.

Stages of work:

Store shelves are bursting with Christmas decorations and toys. But do not rush to buy them at New Year's fairs and kiosks. Manufacturing New Year's crafts with his own hands will unite the whole family, fill the house festive mood and waiting for magical events. It doesn't matter if openwork crafts far from perfect little man, who concentratedly worked on its manufacture, will enthusiastically admire it throughout the holiday.

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