Controlling thoughts from a distance. Thought transfer experiments. Limitations and possible consequences

In this article, I want to tell you about the most effective methods I know of how to convey thoughts to a person at a distance, as well as warn against possible dangers that lie in wait for you along the way.

My name is Maria, and for 6 years now I have been practicing mind suggestion techniques at a distance. In books it is written very simply about this, but in reality you need to have great motivation and constantly pump your willpower! Let me tell you how I achieved my goal. If you are persistent and do not quit after a couple of workouts, then everything will work out!

I studied in the first courses of the psychological faculty, when I became interested in psychoanalysis and Jung's theory. Then I went headlong into the theory of the collective unconscious. Its essence is as follows: our mind, in addition to personal information, has always had and will have access to universal knowledge. It's like a web that touches everyone. And just as we communicate over the telephone network, the collective unconscious allows us to “get through” to another, to transmit thoughts at a distance. As F. Begbeder wrote:

"The more boldly I play with your subconscious, the more meekly you submit to me."

How to prepare for the suggestion of thoughts at a distance?

It is important to understand that telepathy is not work with consciousness, but with subconscious structures. The best preparation there will be techniques that will make you go beyond the boundaries of the usual "I", for some time to abandon the restrictions familiar from childhood. In my case, yoga and meditation helped me, which I had been doing for several years by that time. Another good way touch the subconscious lucid dreaming. Art. LaBerge wrote many practical books on the subject. The main thing - remember: if you decide to do this, you can not stop halfway. Your determination is the key to controlling the thoughts of another person from a distance.

Technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance: stages

So, you have learned to tune in to the subconscious and are determined to continue working. Excellent! Most importantly, remember: if you want, everyone will do it!

  1. Room preparation. For practice, you need to choose the conditions that are comfortable for you. Which do you like better - cool or warm? With light music in the background or with incense? In the dark or in the light? Create all the conditions to relax as much as possible, and go ahead!
  2. Preparing yourself. Sit (or lie down) in comfortable posture, disable mobile phone. Concentrate on your breath: inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 8.
  3. Visualization. Most people are visuals, like me. This means that it is easier for them to perceive visual information. At the first attempts to instill thoughts at a distance, it was easier for me to work with a photograph of the person to whom thoughts are instilled. Hold the photo in your hands for a while, tune in to the person, remember him.

If there is no photo, or you already have some experience, close your eyes and mentally imagine your goal. Her or his hair, smile, walk. What can this person do now and how does he do it? If you are an auditory person (someone who perceives information more easily by ear), concentrate on remembering the person's voice. Is he loud? What tone? For kinesthetics (such people are more accustomed to navigating the world based on tactile sensations) good helper there will be a thing associated with the object. For example, it can be a gift from this person, a personal decoration or a pen with which he wrote for a long time.

  1. telepathic influence. Only when you are fully attuned to the person and it seems as if he is standing right in front of you, you can begin this stage. You need to send a clear request or phrase to the person you influence. Confidently, firmly, in a voice that does not require refusal, say your request. Better to listen. To get started, you should use simple tasks like “call Marina” or “Do you want to eat.” It is important not only to convey a verbal command, but to feel it. In the telephone example, imagine the object calling the specified number. And with food - convey the very feeling of hunger. Be persistent, but don't get stuck here too long! 3-4 minutes is enough.
  2. Exit the state. A very important point that is often overlooked by beginners! After transmitting the information, concentrate on yourself, the sensations in your body. Hug yourself, you can pinch. You need to feel yourself within your body. Look around, focus on familiar objects. So, you are a huge fellow if you have come all this way! Allow yourself to rest a little or eat sweets. For example, I prefer to go for a short walk.
  3. Workout. The technique of suggesting thoughts at a distance is not always obtained the first time. It is important to remember: You have already done more than most beginners before you! You can no longer stop there! I'm ashamed to admit it, but I once gave up after the first two attempts. I only resumed training a few months later when I met my current mentor who could do really scary things to people if he wanted to! Repeat your workouts 2 to 5 times a week. Remember, the harder you try, the faster you will achieve what you want. And I checked for myself: every person has such abilities. By the way, this has even been proven in the neuropsychological laboratory of the brain.

Limitations and possible consequences

There are more suggestible and less suggestible people. You can influence anyone - the main thing is to guess the moment when he or she is least protected.

  1. The easiest way is to influence loved ones who do not put boundaries between you and them. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, convey a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most unprotected periods of a person's life are moments vivid emotions(grief, joy, fear), sleep (using the above technique, you can learn to influence a person’s dreams), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers are as weak as possible when they enjoy each other’s company).
  3. Remember! When you establish a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is just as open to him, although to a lesser extent than his. You should not start training by influencing enemies, assassins, or just dark people. The consequences can be very dire!
  4. Don't forget the boomerang effect. Negative impact will result in negative consequences for you.

A technique for quickly influencing a person's thoughts

I began to apply this method when I achieved the first successes in the technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance. It is not always possible to allocate enough time for telepathy, especially with my pace of life it is difficult to find a suitable place for this whenever there is a need.

So to use this method, you need to write a request in a clear wording on a small piece of paper. While you are writing what you want to convey to another person, mentally remember his image, voice, character. What you write should be addressed specifically to the object of your influence. It is desirable that at this moment nothing distracts you.

When the message is ready, the most milestone. Crumple up a piece of paper, tightly squeeze it in your fist, close your eyes and mentally repeat the message again. And then, without undue delay, burn the sheet with the message. Even with the use of a lighter, even candles - as it will be more convenient for you. That's all, the action can be considered completed, and you can return to normal life!

telepathy with animals

Often, methods of suggestion of thoughts are used on animals. This is especially true for trainers: only deep subconscious contact with the animal will allow you to achieve heights in training. Unlike a human, in order to “communicate” with an animal, you need to see it, and it must see you. Here is important eye contact and prolonged communication prior to the use of telepathy techniques. Therefore, the best object would be domestic dog or a cat.

When you are fully prepared and attuned to the animal, sit opposite it (or pick it up) and stare into its eyes. Catch the moment when the animal catches your eye, and mentally send an order or request. The message should be as simple and natural as possible for the being (“obey me”, “respect me”). Repeat this ritual daily to fix the effect on the animal.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog! I am sure that events have happened in your life, for example, when you thought about some person whom you had not seen for a long time, and he immediately calls you, or when you became worried about your loved one, and, as it turned out, he that moment was very bad... This feeling of each other is called suggestion of thoughts at a distance, and today we will learn to do it consciously.

The object of suggestion should be at the moment of performing the technique in a state when his consciousness is relaxed, for example, when he is sleeping or under the influence of alcohol. Only not drunk at all, but slightly drunk. The bottom line is that in this case it lacks logic and the ability to criticize information, the subconscious mind does not know how to evaluate and filter for the necessary and unnecessary. Or, in the case of training, when there is an agreement, it is set to receive messages from you.

By photo

This technique is suitable in cases where the intended object is on long distance from you. And also for beginners, because there will be no need to imagine and hold a rosary image of another person for a long time. It is enough to have his photo. You should make sure that no one disturbs you, sit comfortably in an armchair or on a chair, you can even lie down, the main thing is to be comfortable and not stressed. Relax and focus on the photo when you feel confident in your abilities and are as focused as possible - start saying one command to yourself, many times, with each pronunciation, feeling more and more confident in the result.

At a short distance

Also for beginners, for the purpose of practice. This will require a person who agrees to be a test subject. You can stay in different rooms, the main thing is that he should give himself an attitude that he is ready to accept what you will send him, also relax, close his eyes and clearly introduce you. Accordingly, you must do the same and follow the above recommendations. By the way, this approach is mutually beneficial. If a partner is interested in how to read minds, then at the same time they can practice this with you.

Animals and plants

An interesting method by which it is possible to heal an animal or plant, as well as communicate with it. The only condition is that it must be yours, and that you have been taking care of for a long time. To do this, sit opposite, enter a state of light trance, that is, when thinking is slowed down, you are relaxed, breathing is deep, and the effect of emptiness is in your head. Look closely at your pet, close your eyes and clearly reproduce its image.

Repeat this several times, closing and opening your eyes, until the inner picture begins to completely match the real one. When this happens, it means that you have managed to establish a telepathic connection, and now you can proceed directly to suggestion. As I said, on the exhale, from the area between the eyebrows we give a certain message. Then listen to your feelings about what is happening to you. This will be a response from the pet, in the form of a picture or even a sound. At the end, thank your animal or plant for the response and willingness to communicate with you. By the way, over time, with practice and strengthening of telepathic communication, you will be able to contact him with some questions.

Human treatment

The same thing can be done with a person, I mean heal him, improve his well-being, provide support and even help him cope with something. This method is called positive telepathy. By the way, it is unconsciously used in relation to each other by loving and very close people. But the most powerful are mothers who worry about their child, they are sometimes really able to work miracles with the power of thought, even if their child is on another continent, they can feel something is wrong in advance, and even help to recover, survive only by the power of their desire.

So what to do. Imagine how a ball is sent to a conceived person, which consists of energy, warm and healing, both for the soul and the body. As through the point between the eyebrows, he inhales it, and this energy fills him, every cell and organ. How his mood changes, he smiles and feels that you are near. How the messages you conceived get into his mind. It is very important that you yourself at this moment feel the state that you want to convey to him.

Step-by-step instruction

How to influence the actions of the intended person or make him feel love for you.

  • Sit comfortably, relax each part of the body in stages, then take 3 deep breaths and exhalations.
  • Close your eyes and think about the text you want to convey, it is important that it is clear and short.
  • Then imagine this person as if he is right next to you, and you really feel him, right down to the smell.
  • Begin to speak out your order or persuasion. For example, so that he now writes you a message.
  • Ignore ideas that will spontaneously pop into your head.
  • Now start visualizing what you want him to do. That is, how he takes the phone, opens the necessary application and starts writing you a message.
  • Want it very much, and then the suggestion will reach him, because his brain will pick up your purposeful messages.
  • Pay attention to this exercise for at least 15-20 minutes daily, and over time you will definitely learn telehypnosis.

Message to man

And finally, for those who are interested in the question of how to send a quick, so-called, message about yourself. When there is no time and opportunity to tune in to the performance and so on, but you urgently need to make yourself known. To do this, think about the message, necessary person, then take a deep breath and exhale very sharply, at which your message flies to the addressee.


In the article, I said that everything negative comes back to us, only tenfold. Be careful about your intentions and take care of yourself, and don't forget to subscribe to my blog, there will be many more interesting things ahead!

Feeling another person in the distance. Empathy. The transmission of thoughts at a distance. Telepathy. Soul connection.

  1. I don’t know if this is cunning or wisdom ... as one asked me about that wonderful person.... but I always answer him that ... this is a GIVING)))))))))))
    Like a gift .... and either you have it or you don't ...
    And someone can’t stand it and considers it a curse .... after all, you don’t always glorify only the positive)))
  2. about souls, this must be known in the next world. To me, this is all heresy.
  3. I lived in Moscow. She is in Dnepropetrovsk. Long-distance calls could only be made from the telegraph. And every time we found ourselves - each in our own city - at the phone when we wanted to talk: without telegrams about the call, without an agreement on the time of the call .... just by feeling.
    She lived in a small town in upstate New York. I am in the New York. Distance - more than a hundred kilometers, one and a half to two hours. Once I had to quit my job and rush headlong to her - I felt trouble. I even knew which one. I arrived. Spent 3 days there. After 4 years, I received material confirmation of this situation from other people: they were preparing documents for her adoption, but when they saw me, they abandoned this idea.
    She was insecure and uncomfortable. As if life is numb, like a hand in a dream, and there is no strength to overcome it. You need something strong, a push - but what? as? from whom? I told her: - Go to Volgograd. May 10, go to the station to the Krasnodar train. In the middle of the train there will be a wagon from which a black-haired woman will exit. Her name is Marietta. Come to her. Name yourself. She will talk to you. And everything will pass. My friend did just that. They met. We spent two weeks together. We made friends. The life of the sufferer has completely improved. I knew Marietta, but we did not agree on this meeting. The woman I sent to meet her, Marietta had never seen before, and knew nothing of her existence.
    You can continue indefinitely. In the 80s, I had a nickname in Moscow, the Magician. The people amused themselves by the fact that, having gathered at someone's house, they called me. And they were waiting for a miracle. I had to give. Give the name of a person and give a description of his appearance, who, for example, made an ashtray from the roots of a tree as a gift for the hostess of the house. Or telling someone from those present that their cat will lamb the day after tomorrow, and there will be five kittens, and the sixth is dead. Oh, not much. There isn't enough room here anyway. And is it necessary? I myself knew many people capable of much more "interesting" things. For example, the doctor of the Morozov hospital, who knew how to stop the bleeding of a patient with one of her desires. In any situation. Moreover, she learned this herself, consciously, because she decided so.
    I just want to tell you that this has nothing to do with psychology. I once had to read something like a seminar at the Department of Psychology of Moscow State University for students of 2-3 courses. So - the direction of my knowledge and their science did not coincide at all. Serious uncles called all this nonsense paranormal. For people like you, it is associated with stupidity. I have nothing to say to this. You, apparently, will have to wait until the "official" science releases textbooks on "these nonsense" in order to listen to the printed pages with full confidence. True, by that time "nonsense" will again go far ahead, and perhaps the instantaneous movement from Russia to Brazil will also be called an "unscientific" phenomenon, who knows ...
    And in parting one more case: I lived in the mountains. A secret Muscovite physicist came to see me. A man in his 50s. He had a problem with women. Serious, in his opinion. We talked, and, parting, I promised him a meeting in Moscow. - But how will you find me? - I'll just call. - Now I will write you my home phone number! - No need. In October I will call you at work. - But you can't do that! The laboratory is classified, phones cannot be recognized! Well, well, in October, when I returned to Moscow, I called him directly to his laboratory :)
  4. The fusion of souls - this connection does not stratify even after life ... This is a gift, and like any gift, it is very difficult...
  5. Telepathy and other possibilities of the brain. Method of M. V. Bronnikov "Information development of a person".
  6. How many of you have experienced this? Did you feel your loved one at a distance and what did this very person feel at that time? Who has had a similar experience? --- There was an experience .. but it would be better if it wasn’t, I also felt betrayal. At that moment, I felt everything - it was a nightmare and torture - I don’t want to anymore. It was a long time ago, but the acuteness of the sensations was so strong that to this day there are echoes. It's like telepathy, or like they're both reading the same thing - either way - in a bare and harsh way. That's how to live -when its how you feel? It was unbearable for me personally - the past still knocks on my door in his face - but I don’t need it - I have a family.
  7. Well, let's just say that empathy isn't just about feeling another person at a distance. not necessarily at a distance. You can "read" emotions up close. uh, a lot of things are possible. . "read" emotions, adapt to a person, how to be this person, understand his mood, recognize him (that is, if you once received certain emotional information about him, you can easily recognize him when, for example, he is absolutely looks different (well, if you have visual memory bad))). .
    literature... um, how would you say that. . it is impossible to learn this from books, this is a property of the psyche-empathy. . As a tip, develop the heart chakra (it is responsible for empathy), work with your own energy, and, you see, such an ability will appear. .
    Felt. Yes, I feel it. And a loved one (for all his "closeness"), and other people. . Live and from photography.
    I have not come across telepathy yet, to be honest.
  8. I don’t know where to read it, but it happened to me, I thought about him and knew, felt that he was thinking about me. Now we are not together, but for some reason sometimes I still feel this connection and in those days I accidentally meet him on the street, I don’t know why this happens.
  9. Actually, it's teleportation! You can find a lot about it and everywhere! Read, especially how shamans in the north do it, right up to virgin births!
  10. many questions... I feel ESPECIALLY THE CALL OF BLOOD, I feel state of mind my descendants, even if I am at a distance of 15.0 thousand km from them ... I do not know why...
  11. If with the departed souls, then I find it difficult, but I read somewhere and the living souls all rest on space. Allegedly, our souls live in space and communicate or feel each other through space; signals go there and there, through these impulses, contact occurs. This is a long story and you need to talk face to face
  12. I feel husband and daughter, and they me. more often associated with calls. I think they are calling.
  13. it is impossible to read about it.
    This needs to be taught.
    Most the best teacher and Christ would remain.
    New Testament
    A Course in Miracles
    The link is blocked by the decision of the project administration
    Practice is always better in a couple M+F
    let's hit the road.
  14. Deir -_-
  15. Do not worry (((
  16. Here's the moment: if you want to feel a person, if your soul is fully attuned to some person, if you think about them, then Something still happens. How to explain this without falling into "dark" terminology, such as "summoning" the astral or mental body? Don't know. But I know for sure by myself - there is: you think about a person - and he responds in some way, - be it a call, wherever he is, - a message, etc. As if the Universe responds, fulfilling an "order" in the form of execution desire...:) If an opposite desire in the form of doubt, or self-negating thoughts, interferes with desire, nothing happens: the Universe, as it were, also "thinks"...;) How did the person to whom the desire was directed feel? According to reviews, the need to "answer" - call, write, come ... Sometimes it happened almost instantly, sometimes after a while, but the "answer" in the form of a feeling to meet was necessary. I think there is a certain energy-information field (noosphere according to Vernadsky), to which we connect emotionally and mentally, and there is an interchange of feelings and thoughts. No one has yet refuted Vernadsky's theory of the noosphere, therefore, it is quite scientific 😉
  17. And why all this?
  18. They all gathered something together.)) Empathy and telepathy are not connected. Explanatory literature about telepathy? To begin with ..)) Science says that everything around you is information. But, it is recorded on different languages- numbers, letters, waves...)) And, no paranormality...))
  19. Yes, it was in the time of the strong emotional feelings the feelings are gone and gone telepathic connections.
  20. almost like a wave

Today, science is interested in such a question as the possibility of transmitting thoughts at a distance. We all know that thought is expressed in words and transmitted over a distance with the help of radio, television, newspapers, books, movies. In half-erased cuneiform, the thoughts of ancient ancestors reach us; the treasures of the libraries keep the thoughts accumulated over the centuries. Without the transmission of thought, communication between people and the development of society would be impossible.

And someone else's thought may come to mind.
Valentin Domil

Myth or reality?

Feeling someone else's gaze

While reading a book, we suddenly feel that someone is looking at us. We turn around and really see someone else's eyes fixed on us. How could we feel it? If someone begins to look at us carefully, focuses his attention, he changes his behavior to some extent: he begins to breathe differently, stops moving, his heart beats differently, etc. And, although these are very weak signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause a reaction.

We do not even suspect how complex perturbations occur in the body during changes external environment. And many of them are not reflected in consciousness at all. This does not at all indicate the limitations of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all signals, then thousands and millions of irritations would continuously interfere in our lives and violate the integrity of perception. outside world.

Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature has created mechanisms that turn off the flow of non-essential this moment signals from the internal and external environment and retained only the most important, the most significant signals and impressions. This enables a person to concentrate on the most important objects, that is, to concentrate.

Thus, what we feel, but do not catch with consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare it supernatural testify to a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or a deliberate distortion of facts.

Thought transfer experiments

As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing the laws of electromagnetic induction, some scientists have suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations that propagate, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by some other brain, tuned, so to speak, into "resonance".

In order to prove this, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in an ordinary room and in shielded chambers, the walls of which absorbed radio waves. Moreover, they made sliding screens and closed or opened them imperceptibly for the persons in the chamber and transmitting thoughts. Such experiments showed that metal screens impaired or completely excluded the possibility of thought transmission.

It would seem that this spoke of the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. However negative side of such experiments was that they, however, like all experiments on the transfer of thoughts in general, could not be repeated by other researchers.

Meanwhile essential condition any scientifically reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce the experiment in similar conditions. Thought transmission experiments did not satisfy this main condition. It's hard to say what's going on here. Whether the experimenters were mistaken and, as a result of any circumstances of the experiment, received erroneous conclusions, passing off wishful thinking.

Or was the phenomenon itself so complex that repeated experiments did not take into account any unknown circumstances, which made it impossible to reproduce it?

It is possible that both took place. But be that as it may, the facts themselves were in doubt and continued to remain a mystery.

The appearance of thoughts

Let's try to understand some aspects of this phenomenon. First of all, let's answer the question: is it possible at all for the emergence of thoughts that are not connected with any direct external impression? Can thoughts arise due to some non-sensory impulses?

This question has been the subject of philosophical debate for thousands of years. Idealists, churchmen believe that thoughts arise without any visible connection with the phenomena of the external world, acting on the central nervous system man, that the cause and source of thinking is the “divine soul”.

Materialists claim that whatever thought arises in our brain, it is the result of certain influences. human environment environment or nerve impulses entering the brain from internal organs with various violations of their activities.

The entire history of the development of science exposes the fanatical inventions of the churchmen and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I.M. Sechenov for the first time showed that the basis of thinking is the mechanism of a reflex - a reaction to external irritation, and the genius of I.P. Pavlov was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms reflex activity and give the world the main laws of the brain. Thus, idealism was dealt a crushing blow in its main refuge; only obscurantists who neglect scientific facts could cling to the old views.

In order not to be distracted, we will not dwell on very difficult question about physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. We only note that, although thought is a product of the work of the brain, thinking itself is also due to the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

Human thinking cannot develop by itself. Even the most complex creation of nature - human brain cannot give birth to a single thought, being left to itself. The brain is only an instrument of thinking, while the content of thought is given by the environment around us.

Instincts, some desires are not always realized, but they reflect certain biological needs of the body. Sometimes you can watch how children eat chalk; they gnaw it greedily like sugar. This is an expression of the need of a growing organism for calcium salts, necessary for the construction of the skeleton. The reasons for such reactions are not always reflected in consciousness.

Direct transmission of thoughts from person to person

Reports appeared in the foreign press about attempts to directly transmit thoughts from person to person. In particular, they talked about such an experience. The submarine plunged into the open sea; there was a man in one of her cabins. Staying alone in certain hours he sat down on a table on which were scattered a lot of paper cards. On each of them one of five figures was drawn: a circle, an asterisk, a cross, three wavy lines, a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose any one. Then he put the card in an envelope and sealed it with the date and time. The captain locked the envelope in the safe. After many days of sailing, a pack of envelopes had accumulated in the safe.

Another person was in a room in one of the buildings on the shore. There was a drawing machine with thousands of cards showing the same five figures. The machine automatically shuffled the cards and certain time threw out one of them. The person took the card and looked at it attentively, as if trying to convey the thought of it to another person on board the submerged submarine. Then he sealed the card in an envelope, wrote the date and time on it and gave it to other people who locked the envelope in a safe.

When the boat returned from sailing, a special commission laid out the envelopes so that there were those marked with the same date and hour next to them, and then opened them and compared the cards. It turned out that in 70 percent of cases the figures on the cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to draw a startling, though unlikely conclusion: through a great distance and through the water column, the thought of one person was transmitted to another without any auxiliary means!

Upon learning of this, the military was alarmed. Indeed, messages and commands can be transmitted in this way. According to the theory of probability at five various signs random coincidence is possible only by 20 percent; therefore, 70 percent of the matches could not have come about by chance. Such a comparative accuracy of coincidences is sufficient to convey any information using such conventional signs. How important! After all, with all other methods of transmission, information can be intercepted and decrypted.

But is such a simple and amazing transmission of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why did mankind need to use signal fires, carrier pigeons, invent the telegraph, telephone, radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report about experiments on a submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some thought that similar way the transfer of thoughts is a hoax, others believed in it and gave numerous examples of premonitions, the coincidence of thoughts and actions in people who are at a great distance from each other; they also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in the literature, opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

There are no words, such facts are described. However, the environment in which they arose, and often their very content, deprived all these facts of scientific reliability. Moreover, messages of this kind were usually distributed and are being distributed by all kinds of obscurantists to prove "communion of souls", "divine revelation", etc.

Telepathy is the hypothetical ability of the brain, which does not have reliable experimental evidence, to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation.

Naturally, real scientists and in general serious people they brush aside such messages in the same way as from fairy tales about goblin and brownies. In science, the final judge is only experiment, experience. And similar experiments have been repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If we exclude the numerous hoaxes of charlatans like spiritualists, etc., then studies that fully meet the conditions scientific experiment, not much was delivered.

Our consciousness

The works of academicians K. M. Bykov, V. N. Chernigovsky and their collaborators proved that our internal organs send a lot of nerve impulses to the brain. These signals reach the higher parts of the brain, but usually are not reflected in our consciousness. However, this only happens as long as the internal organs are healthy.

As soon as the disease sets in, that is, as soon as the signals from the internal organs acquire great power, the person begins to feel them. He feels sick liver, heart or kidneys.

These facts show that there is no impassable gulf between what we are aware of and what we are not aware of. Some processes may, as it were, disappear from consciousness. Anyone who has ridden a bicycle for the first time knows what effort, attention and will are needed at first to keep their balance.

And then, when the skills have already been acquired, these actions are performed automatically, and the person no longer thinks about what movements need to be taken in order to maintain balance. This activity takes place outside of consciousness. A person who knows how to ride a bicycle does not think about the signals that carry information about a change in the position of the center of gravity and an imbalance. Worked out conditioned reflexes continue to be carried out without control of creation.

The reason for the emergence of such automatic skills is clear to the person himself - the cyclist remembers how he learned to ride. But it happens that some conditioned reflexes can arise under the influence of signals that from the very beginning remained beyond the threshold of consciousness. Let's take an interesting example as an example.

The man was in the Pavlovsk "tower of silence", isolated from the outside world. No accidental sound, light, smell could penetrate there. The man kept his hand on the electrodes. As soon as a current was passed through them, he pulled his hand away, as he felt pain. Each time, before switching on the current in the chamber, a special apparatus gave a very weak sound - so weak that the person was not aware of it, and it seemed to him that there was silence in the chamber. After a number of combinations of "inaudible" sound and current, they began to turn on only the sound, without reinforcing it with current. And the person had the same reaction as with the action of the current!

This experience can serve a prime example so-called premonition. A number of weak signals, unnoticed by us, can cause certain reactions to appear; however, their causes for the man himself remain incomprehensible.

Transmission of thought by sight, touch

The activity of the brain is more complex and broader than our consciousness. Consciousness is the result of the work of a group nerve cells, the most active at the moment. This group is not permanent: new and new cells are constantly switched on and off. However, even in cells switched off from intensive work, certain processes continue that are not directly reflected in consciousness. But even these cells will instantly convey vital signals to our consciousness.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain influences, which themselves remain unnoticed. But the question may be asked: are not the experiments with "thought transfer" something unusual, which cannot yet be explained by science? After all, artists perform on the stage with amazing experiences. In a crowded hall, spectators come up with problems, write them on paper and pass them on to the jury.

The artist at this time is behind the stage, then he is taken to the stage and one of the spectators who came up with the task is invited there. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and he, concentrating, begins to perform the task. The only form of connection between the spectator and the artist at this time is the spectator's hand, tightly squeezing the artist's hand.

Sometimes they don't even do that - the viewer is just next to the artist. How does the artist find out what he has planned? It must be emphasized right away that these experiments have nothing in common with the topic to which this article is devoted, because what is happening here is not the transmission, but the guessing of thoughts.

This process is reminiscent of the common children's game of "quiet music". One of the players leaves the door, while the others hide an object. When the child starts searching, someone plays a musical instrument. If the seeker approaches the subject, the music intensifies; when he moves away from the subject, the music becomes quiet or completely silent. Focusing on the strength of the sound, the seeker, in the end, finds the object and fulfills the intended order.

Approximately the same way the artist guesses the task, with the only difference that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who conceived the desire. Without noticing it, a person squeezes the artist's hand with different strengths and the stronger, the more the artist's action resembles the condition of the problem. You can use other reactions of the audience.

An artist who has been training for a long time easily picks up any reaction and is guided by it. You do not need to have any supernatural instinct for this. After training, each of us is able to perceive impressions that previously went unnoticed. It is well known how subtly the blind feel sounds, how subtly their sense of touch and smell are developed.

So is it possible to transfer thoughts?

Thus, science cannot yet answer the question of the possibility of thought transmission. Scientists are working on this now. It is possible that some new, hitherto unknown phenomena will be revealed to us. After all, amazing things have been discovered recently. The ability of ultrasonic location bats, the secrets of the mysterious "dance of bees", with the help of which the insect transmits to its fellow hives the exact information about the location of the flower field.

It is possible that in the described facts of the transfer of thoughts, some kind of ability is manifested. human body use natural phenomena that we have not yet studied. Perhaps this form of communication is a "relic" - a legacy of past times, lost by most people as an unnecessary form of communication, as more advanced ways of communicating people appeared and developed - word and speech.

All these questions can only be answered by future research. If these phenomena and facts exist at all, then they cannot have anything in common with mysticism, idealism, and priesthood. The Church has always tried to capitalize on ignorance and exploit the difficulties that arose in the study of nature.


Only a materialistic worldview is a tool for understanding the world, and there is no doubt that this is the only the right way man will decipher many more "wonderful" things in nature. And no matter how complex these phenomena are, a person will make them serve him.

I'll tell you about the technique of telepathy, there is nothing complicated in it. In fact, people unconsciously - or subconsciously - use this technique, but because of its unconsciousness, the signals are blurred, as it were, or poorly perceived by objects (those to whom they are directed).

First you need to enter an altered state of consciousness - the so-called "Alpha", or - a light trance, or - a light meditation, or - stop the internal dialogue, the "thought stirrer". The head should become empty, not a single thought should slip through. How it's done - there are many various techniques, about them not here.

"In order to convey a thought, you must first feel yourself, listen to yourself. You need to feel what feelings, what words and thoughts can make the person you have chosen" - respond to your message.

“Next, mentally you must imagine this person, imagine the place where he is. You must feel him, mentally overcoming all possible barriers and distances. It should turn out as if there is some kind of connection between you and that person beyond all distances. Perhaps you you will feel that this person is now at home and is busy reading a book, or maybe he is at school and writing a test, or just walking on the street ... When you feel that this person is near, right next to you, then try to keep these feelings and nothing to be distracted by."

Next - we convey the thought: clearly and with reinforcement by EMOTION - this is very important note. The strength of the transmission depends on the strength of the thought, and the thought is pumped up - by the emotion behind this thought. In other words, this is our psychic energy, which reinforces the thought, and the thought is primary, and the emotion follows it.

"Create this thought or feeling in your head and feel how it appears in that person, how he feels it, how he reacts."

In some cases, if you just want to convey feelings to a person, for example, joy, to cheer him up, it is enough to generate this emotion itself: your thoughts will remain unconscious, or subconscious, unexpressed, but you will also successfully convey the emotion. Actually, the latter is what people constantly transmit to each other, unconsciously. On this is based the unconscious energy vampirism between people, a fairly common phenomenon, I'm still just studying it.

How to ask the person you need to mentally answer you? Everything is the same - you just start a dialogue with him ... thoughts will be perceived as your own - or he will send vague ones, in the form of sensations or emotions. The clarity of transmission also depends on the power of thought (pumping, potential psychic energy) and - the ability to concentrate (to convey the actual words and phrases)

Also, many hypnosis techniques are based on this technique.

From my feelings I can say: during the transfer / translation of my thoughts to another - a feeling at the forehead, warm, as if a soft hoop is put on. When taking - sensations of a slight tension in the back of the head. If the person you are addressing is "closed" and does not want to talk to you, or if he has set a block from unwanted interference, headaches may occur in very unexpected, "unusual" places.

Today, many people have quite strong telepathic connections between close people. With strangers - you already need "dexterity" and experience. But I have learned to transmit already to interlocutors on the network - taking as a basis not physical body for representation, but some kind of energy phantom, energy - or mental body - "feeling" it through the character written by him and the thoughts and ideas generated by him. Yes, this is also how you can "feel a person!" :-) I have a lot of experience in developing this ability, and I even noted what sometimes bothers me: randomly caught thoughts of people around me who are not interested in me "sound" in my head like "white noise" of radio waves. Today I have almost coped with this task - cutting off unnecessary, chaotic "transmissions". Now the question remains - how to "protect" your thoughts - if someone has something to suggest, I will be grateful!

That's actually all. Good luck in developing "body" abilities! :-)

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