Who said that looks are not important. Do you agree. That for a woman appearance is not the main thing? Me not. About the phrase "Appearance is not the main thing" ()

Max: My teacher said that true beauty is within a person.
Fletcher: That's not what they say beautiful people.
(quote from Liar Liar)

When I hear the phrase “Appearance is not the main thing in a person,” I laugh. What nonsense!

V I have already raised this topic. When I was plump, I was rigidly friendzoned. It’s interesting to communicate with me, but you don’t boast much in front of your friends) Then I lost weight to 50 and those who swore friendship began to call me on dates. Well, then the reverse process happened, and they began to tell me again what kind of person I am. good friend) So I'm actively losing weight.

About the fact that appearance does not matter, I hear from two types of people. Some are objectively beautiful, others think so, but are wrong: D

Nice people work on talents and inner peace, because they already have cuteness. If they know about their beauty, then they skillfully use it. And they will certainly agree that appearance plays an important role. If they are modest, then they are sure that it is a matter of charm. But others still see their pretty face, nothing can be changed here). Everything is given to beautiful people as if in itself: they are willingly taken to work, called on dates.

The second type thinks that they are beautiful, but their personal failures (“Here I have good looks and figure, and where is my prince? ") are shifted to the inability to be a bitch, for example, or modesty.

And now about the men

Once upon a time I was not like everyone else. Thick, short-haired, in giant rags. And she believed that "all these hens on high heels" are dummies, and I am a goddess. How wrong I was! Somehow, you know, everyone was chasing dummies, but I, smart and talented, were offered friendship. Then my friend told me great thing: “Here is your ideal man Bam Margera. And what is he? Courageous! Look what kind of women he has. Feminine! Not boys like you, but princesses. " Then it turned my mind upside down.

What I wrote about hairpins, it is clear that this is conditional, right? As an example of femininity.

Now tell me: why should a fucking guy be content with a mediocre, unkempt girl, even if she has a soul? Why? When there are a lot of beauties around, by the way, smart, interesting and with a sense of humor? And with the same good character?

So what you want, but I don't want to meet with a chmoshnik)) I like smart, beautiful and interesting men... And in order to please them in return, I assess myself objectively and see what needs to be changed.

Look at the wives of Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Brad Pitt. They won't let their women look bad. Near successful men There are ALWAYS beauties-clever-souls.

The reverse situation also works. Some bastard won't get a pretty girl for sure.

Do you know those classic movies where the coolest guy in school falls in love with a shy girl? Have you noticed that she was always beautiful? She just dressed like a schmuck. And so, at the end of the melodrama, she is so on high heels and in a dress and everyone is in shock. Here! Because looks are important!


I am amused by the phrases "Oh, always fat in leggings goes arm in arm with a handsome man, and I'm so lonely." This is a pitiful excuse for my unwillingness to work on oneself)) To be honest, I see such couples, well, how rarely! And this is the exception, not the rule. You never know what they have there. All my life together and she recovered after giving birth, well, anything can happen. You shouldn't be guided by such moments at all!

I'm losing weight for myself

Also a lie. It took me a long time to realize that EVERYTHING guys and girls do with their appearance is to get each other's attention. Garbage it's all about myself, self-lies! Everyone loses weight and breaks their legs in heels to please others! It is a fact.

Of course, the morality of others comes through the pleasure of oneself. This is logical. But looking at yourself in 100kg and without a twinge of conscience to consider yourself a beauty is self-lies!

So if there is little attention from the opposite sex, you need to improve your appearance. The rest will catch on.

A separate item about "beautiful, but stupid."

Being obsessed with your appearance is just as bad as ignoring it. But, you must admit, when you already have character and a sense of humor, it is not difficult to tighten your appearance and become ideal. But intellect cannot be attached to super beauty.

What is the main thing?

Not everyone is a model, it's a fact. But there is a total must for continuous improvement:

1. Figure
There is even nothing to add here. Floated sides and +20 extra kg will not be liked by anyone. Maybe at first it will ride, but this is until the first weekend on the beach)) Now the world is ruled by fit fit-babies. You should not fall into insanity, but do the minimum - yes.

2. Hair
Clean, combed, well-groomed. This is not difficult. The ends should be trimmed once a month. Well, all sorts of masks. Before going out, I run a little hair dryer so that my straight hair becomes like silk)

3. Nails, hands, feet
The main thing is grooming. Complete manicure, pedicure. I use cuticle oil all the time. This has already become a habit.

4. Face, skin
Clean, acne free, with a minimum of makeup. Well, it's simple and obvious, I think.

5. Image
It took me 4 years to get out of the sweatshirts and start following the style. At least minimal. It was VERY difficult. You need to follow the trends and shoot cool bows on the sides. Again, not leading to a cult. But I began to receive compliments “You dress cool” much more often.

6. General grooming
Nice smell from the body, clean things, well, that's all.

7. Teeth
At least clean)) Ideally - Hollywood smile... Now they put veneers and do whitening. For example, I took the braces. The pleasure is not cheap and pleasant, but what can you do)

If you have a well-groomed appearance, then the next stage is modesty, good manners, education and a sense of humor.

For those who will prove to me, about “I don’t want to try just for the sake of men, a lot of honor, they went.” Then do not whine about the lack of attention to your person and envy beautiful well-groomed girls when they are presented with flowers.

Unfortunately, I myself had done it by the age of 22. And before that there was an unkempt kid, not like everyone else, and believed, sincerely, that appearance is not the main thing.

Maria M.

I remember when I was 14 years old, my mother read in the newspaper about casting for a city beauty contest.

- Do you want to participate?

Of course, Mom jokingly asked. At that moment - thank you transitional age- in size "s" I only had socks. And in terms of growth, I did not hold out. Although in elementary school there were hopes: she was one of the first in the line at physical education (although when the tallest boy in the class hangs out only a couple of people after you, this is not particularly happy).

Like most girls, I was told that appearance is not the main thing in this life, which, of course, is right. They talked while weaving bright bows into pigtails and dressing up in pink dress for the matinee. Apparently, in it my inner world of four years was seen better.

In fact, the cult of beauty has been instilled in us since childhood. Unobtrusive, but regular. Remember fairy tales. Of the three sisters, the youngest, who will receive both gold and a prince in the end, is always the most beautiful. And those two, angry and hung-back - either a crooked nose, or a wart all over their face.

Heroines in the film adaptation of the fairy tale "Frost"

Something I have not heard a single story where the main character would not be lucky with her appearance. Only if in "Shrek".

Unfortunately, it is not customary to “cling” men to intelligence in our society. And this also fits in my head since the days of school. I don’t remember that school acquaintances began with the words: “You won the Russian Olympiad! Wow!". And in general, we are used to: if the conversation begins with "you wonderful person"- nothing good can be expected. Then there will certainly be a "but" - and your love story will end before it has begun.

And all these stories about kind, inconspicuous, but in the end happy Cinderellas should be left for films about these same Cinderellas. Which, by the way, always end with a transformation: you noticed that gray things are always changed for a fashionable - preferably tight-fitting - outfit.


(No, no, attractive looks have nothing to do with it! Just old clothes broke by the end of filming and had to re-record in that luxurious evening dress, which turned out to be at hand!)

American sociologists have already proved that beautiful girls study better. In terms of: their grades are better... Either because the teachers pay more attention to the beauties in couples and carefully explain the material, or because they simply give them high marks for their big eyes.

It’s not true, you’ll say: the girls in the study were simply beautiful and smart. But why, then, on online courses, where the teachers did not see the students, the results of the beauties were much more modest?

It's the same at work. Employers still insist: the resume should include a photo. One of the Minsk recruiting agencies said that secretaries and assistants are still being selected for some companies on the basis of external data. To, so to speak, correspond to the corporate style.

And even all kinds of women's trainings, which, by the way, assure us that we need to accept ourselves as they are, for some reason necessarily include self-care seminars. As if hinting that without good makeup and stylish clothes you won't be able to be yourself. A " the best version yourself ”- and even more so.

At beauty contests best girl countries are chosen according to quite clear criteria: height from 175 cm, age up to 24 years. And so that she looks good in a swimsuit. Neither the number of books read, nor the IQ level (relative indicators, of course, but still) are not a passing threshold. I'm not saying that the contestants are stupid. But nobody is interested in their content on this TV show. The theme of the inner world is not revealed either at the first or at the fifth defile. Say: there is also an intellectual competition there. Oh well. The answer to the question "What will you do if you receive a million dollars?" does not change from the day the competition was founded.


Beauty is not the main thing? But most will not even have time to get to know us better in order to draw conclusions based on anything other than appearance. Although, I would like to believe that people who are important to us will still have time to notice more ...

Finnish scientists recently named perfect woman(by the way, why do such studies always concern only women?). Most of the men surveyed believe that this is a girl between the ages of 23 and 28. Among other parameters, he is engaged in intellectual work, good companion, looks after herself. About natural beauty- not a word. Either it really doesn't matter, or it should be a priori. Let's think that the first one.

Show me at least one woman who would not see flaws in herself. V modern world such "nuggets" have disappeared, but every beauty considers it her duty to correct something in herself: a figure, small breasts, thin hair, expressionless eyelashes.

What determines the happiness of a person

We are ready to torture ourselves with the toughest diets, inject injections under the skin, wear uncomfortable shoes, to rape the body in the gym, just to be beautiful and in demand, if only everyone loved us. Men, by the way, are not far off either, it is just that in their world it is customary to place bets on money and power, which give the same advantages. But our article is about looks and why they give it such an overwhelming importance?

A post shared by (@love_istyle_) on Jul 28, 2017 at 1:21 am PDT

True love cannot be earned, it is either there or it is not. And the most rich borscht, perfect ass, beautiful manicure or flexible character- nothing guarantees it. Unless your chosen one will have the same low self-esteem, and he will want to make up for his dissatisfaction at your expense, giving great value your beauty and talent. However, confident men such a substitution is useless! What makes people fall in love? Character, smell, timbre of voice, some associations that are understandable only to them. Clings non-steel press and marbled leather, not stylish outfits and virtues, but the state of mind that we experience in the presence of a person, his will, self-confidence, an inexplicable zest, something that makes us want to come back again.

02/12/12, Hello from heaven
I often come across the fact that there are beautiful people, but they are scum, since they are spoiled by their appearance and attention to themselves because of the same appearance, they realizing that they stand out from the crowd of others, take advantage of this. beautiful women use their looks to cheat a rich guy for money.

03/12/12, Reactor13
As the saying goes, they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds. With a singing look, you value a person in appearance, but when you communicate more with him and recognize him, you begin to appreciate completely different qualities. Personally, all sorts of pontores and aggressive types, no matter how superbeautiful and beauties they are, will not cause respect in me.

07/12/12, Sushine
Yes, not the main thing. From appearance, I pay attention only to the guy's eyes. And everything else does not interest me, perhaps that is why I do not have an ideal? I do not understand all this endless talk about height, weight, what is the size of the legs, hair length, nose, nail polish? It feels like the whole world is obsessed with appearance and sex, and the soul ... the soul is dirty, embittered and hypocritical people, not ready to lend a helping hand in difficult times, ready to walk over corpses, for the sake of money. .. Appearance can change at any moment and not for the better, be it any illness, injury, surgery or just old age ... This is a wrapper, but what is your filling? No, I'm not saying that you don't need to take care of yourself now, this, of course, is necessary, but why push yourself into the framework? Diets through force, sports to exhaustion? It's easier to love yourself, love the world and good people will be drawn to you, love will find you ... Appearance is not the main thing. Not the main thing. I had a boyfriend, he was overweight, but I had a strong feeling for him. I don't give a damn about looks if you love me.

08/12/12, Salvador machete
It is important to be clear about what this phrase means. If what a disgusting appearance and its bright defects, coupled with sloppy look trying to justify the mythical "inner world", which must be unspeakably rich from such a dull outwardly creature, then clearly, this is an excuse for a typical smear. In fact, appearance is not the main thing, and not even a soul that is torn to holes in such themes, but the ability to present all this. Believe me, even if you do not have the desire to dress stylishly or your appearance has been disfigured during a facelift surgery, all is not lost for you. Queen Cleopatra was not at all a beauty, of which many denounced her, but she possessed incredible magnetism. Charm and the ability to create something magnificent out of the simple have been welcomed at all times.

13/12/12, DCdent
I love, but only when appearance means what Mother Nature has endowed, and not two weeks of unwashed head and uncleaning of teeth. In the end, you have to love yourself the way you are, because the main thing in a person is SOULAAA! .. No matter how worn out it sounds, but it is so! For me, the concepts of "pretty face" and " ugly face", but there are -" pleasant "and" unpleasant. "And the former often do not fit into any classical canons.

13/12/12, DCdent
There are people who look as if they are beautiful, but they open their mouths and bare their darlings, and their beauty is no longer a joy. And if an ugly person is endowed with intelligence, honesty, and everything else, then in his appearance you begin to find something pleasant. Probably the phrase "You are so ... spiritually beautiful! .." would be the coolest compliment. Only, I'm afraid, many would answer her "and not spiritually I'm a freak, right ?!"

14/12/12, Inara
It means something else. Appearance is NOT THE MOST IMPORTANT. And this is how it is. Appearance is not the main thing, but it does matter. What's most important is what's inside. It is character, soul. And the exterior is the shell. Appearance is a wrapper. And not always for beautiful picture something good is hiding. The main thing is the soul of a person, his individuality. It often happens that a person is handsome, but stupid, and there is absolutely nothing to talk to him about. Of course, people lie a little that appearance is not the main thing, because first they look at how a person looks, and then at everything else. The main thing is what is hidden inside, behind the wrapper. The most important thing is precisely that packaging of the inner world of a person, and not what wraps it, although this is also important. And if a person loves, appearance is really not the main thing.

18/12/12, Ryudomira
Appearance really isn't critical. A cute face will not help if the person is nothing else. And in general - if the initial data is not very good, no one bothers to have a sexy fit body and dress with taste.

18/12/12, Maja23
Of course, appearance is not the main thing, the main thing is what is inside you. Well, when there’s nothing inside either, it’s bad, very bad. If there is kindness, humanity, tenderness, and there is no selfishness, then we can say that this is an ideal person, albeit ugly in appearance.

20/12/12, Hoxton
Indeed, appearance is not the main thing, but it gives a head start in any endeavors. Appearance as extra bonus to the already existing intellect, charisma, charm, sense of humor, etc. If, apart from appearance, there is nothing of this, the advantage will quickly evaporate, and those around you will be doubly disappointed.

24/12/12, people0
Appearance is not the main thing, no matter what people say, claiming their Not beauty. Delirium, sorry. The main thing is character and charisma. I can also say that I was slightly cheated by my appearance, but I always had friends, because I was awarded with character. Gaiety, sparks in the eyes. When you are gloomy and withdrawn, of course, who will need you, also annoying about your ugliness? It's easier then to lock yourself up and not go out at all. You need to be more open to others, to be yourself, and people will reach out. It always happens that way. One has only to try. And also refrain from listening to the Alien IMHO. In any case, unfriendly.

25/12/12, Black Rose
I am completely confident in the correctness of this phrase. The body is just a temporary shell for the soul. In the first place, every person should have work on his soul, thoughts, character, and then on his body. Of course, the people around them pay attention mainly only to their appearance, since they perceive themselves and others exclusively as a body. But this illusion does not change the essence. Plus, this delusion makes us suffer a lot when the time of death comes.

31/03/13, The corpse of the murdered girl
Just because appearance is not the main thing. surprising to some, huh? only there are a lot of examples around me when not really attractive girls by nature (while not suffering from cillulitis at the age of 20, obesity - no need to go to extremes), but well-groomed and tidy are in great demand. Whatever one may say, of course at first they pay attention to a pleasant appearance, but if the inside of the shell is empty, then it will not catch anything. I also know a lot of examples beautiful girls, but stupid / harmful / cold / arrogant (underline as appropriate) from that and suffering in their loneliness. who needs this, albeit beautiful? probably the same as her.

01/04/13, Herman10
Because appearance is actually not the main thing, the main thing is the soul of a person and his actions

14/05/13, Ortus Cerberus
Hahah, red column, but how do you like this example: a man (no matter who) is the first handsome man in the city, and his face is perfect, and his figure is chiseled, and everything is a bullet. And on the character ... if you say a piece of shit - it will be a compliment. I'm just interested to observe from the outside how long you will endure the last bastard in the Universe just for its beauty. I don't think you can last more than a week. If it is longer, then you are either desperate, or blindly in love (soon passes), or a last-degree nihilist. Anyway, beauty passes, and rather quickly. And not only for natural reasons... Live better alone and do not shake your nerves either to yourself or to anyone. Better yet, order yourself a sex doll for a special order and the issue is resolved))) yes, it is insanely expensive, but for the beauty, I can see, you are ready to sell your mother

14/05/13, Ortus Cerberus
And about everything else. Yes, beauty is a subjective matter, to each his own, etc. etc. that's why human relations and die, that's why beauty industries are created, because only now everyone needs it. And then you howl that there are no "clean and loving girls“that“ I don’t like being judged by their clothes ”... you don’t need to run yourself either, it’s clear. In short, all the problems of ugly people come from ideals imposed by the media, people don’t have their own opinion, that’s all

26/01/14, Lost Akyoko
Not important, but important. If you start from the beginning, that is, with instincts, then beauty is a sign of health, by which an individual chooses a partner for itself to continue sex. We add the hygienic component here. We go further in the same direction. If someone can take care of themselves and nice clothes- this speaks of his well-being, that is, next to such a person and a partner, and joint children will not be cold or hungry. If the same character also skillfully disguises his external flaws or turns them into a zest, this speaks of the level of intelligence and resourcefulness, which is also a plus. and so we will evaluate not only possible spouses, and all in a row, so we will form an idea of ​​our place in the world. We don't think so, but nature is wise. everything else is superstructure over instincts. They will allow you to select priorities: better availability the character has external flaws than irreconcilable spiritual contradictions with you, etc. And here appearance as an option will not play the role of the first violin.

23/04/14, DCdent
No, well, what nonsense is it all the same - to judge a person by appearance! .. In the sense - by height, oval of the face, shape of the nose ... then, and if the lips are something like that, it means that a person is such a thing, "my hand itself reaches out to my face. You can judge by the expression on the person's face, by the manners, general energy- it's true. I can smell people, Strongly Sense ™ Once I read a book about Zoya and Shura Kosmodemyanskiy, and there Shura, while still a boy, said: "I love whoever is beautiful for me." I adhere to the same principle. In reality, if a person is very impressed with me, then outwardly I begin to like him, no matter how imperfect his appearance may be. Sometimes, I look at such a friend and think: how handsome he is, eh! .. While for others he is completely familiar or even ugly. And on the contrary: if someone is unsympathetic to me, be it even a clone of Alain Delon, his physicality becomes disgusting to me.

25/04/14, КRREILSI
Because this is true. IMHO, the word "looks" speaks for itself. The wrapper, by definition, cannot be the main one. Today, some wrappers are in vogue, yesterday there were others, tomorrow there will be third ones ... In addition, hatred and love make you evaluate your appearance subjectively. There are disgusting beautiful faces, you know ...)) And then ... appearance belongs to the owner to a very small extent. In a matter of minutes, a creepy walker can remain from her, so it's stupid to bet on her.

18/05/14, Pablo
Here you meet a person who, perhaps, is not very perfect appearance... So you talk to him, get to know him better ... And after a while you don't care that he is not very handsome. But you will find out that he is kind, sympathetic, funny, interesting. Or vice versa: you meet a handsome man, and he turns out to be some kind of envious, mean, petty, and so on. It is clear that you are no longer drawn to communicate with him.

17/10/06, gorgeous
I am not making excuses with this phrase and I follow my appearance. But the social circle I choose is not at all due to appearance ... I know a lot of people who are not with model appearance, but I am much more attracted to them than to the beautiful know-it-alls with whom I have nothing to talk to.

17/10/06, BonBon
Of course, not the main thing. By this I do not mean to say that I absolutely do not look at appearance, communicating with a person and choosing people for my circle of friends. But it is said that it is not the main thing, it means that there is something more important. For example, wit, sense of humor, charm in the end. After all, no matter how beautiful a person is, if he is not interesting internally, he will not hook me for a long time.

17/10/06, scarlett91
Because this is true. I have an acquaintance. In appearance, well, a doll is straight, but as your mouth opens from it, you want to run away from a kilometer. There is so much pathos, vanity and disdain for others in her. And I have another acquaintance, most likely even a friend. Her appearance is not so bright, but she is very sweet, sociable and modest. Few would call her a beauty, but I see that it is a pearl in a nondescript shell. She is very attractive in her own way, although she herself does not think so. She reminds me very much of the famous Mona Lisa: the same high forehead, the same mysterious smile, black eyes ... It's much more pleasant for me to spend time with her, and not with a beautiful, but rude girl.

17/10/06, scarlett91
It goes without saying that everyone should take care of their appearance, and 80 percent of his attractiveness depends on the person himself. You need to be neat, nicely smelling and tastefully dressed ... Yes, I do not deny that I always look only at handsome guys. BUT! I would never fall in love with a guy if he were handsome a thousand times over, if he were narcissistic, proud and mischievous. When you often see a person, his beauty becomes commonplace. You are already starting to look in this person besides attractive appearance noble qualities ... And then oops! Have arrived! They are not there. As the people say: "They are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds."

17/10/06, All you need is
Not important! Done exactly. I love people not at all for what beautiful features their faces, pumped up arms and straight teeth. This is silly. The main thing in a person is the soul!)) If a person is cheerful, kind and there is something to talk about with him, then what the hell does it matter how many centimeters of growth he has?! =))

17/10/06, Andy
Unfortunately, my own practice has shown that this is the correct expression ... Alas, a pretty woman, not without brains, was exchanged for an outright ugly woman without reason and potential ... I admit that appearance is not the main thing ... Some do not care about appearance at all, and in the presence of brains, it also happens ...

17/10/06, Eurydica
Appearance is certainly very important. But much more important is the human soul, consciousness, philosophy. It is important with what thoughts and actions each subject goes through life.

18/10/06, OLZ
We're still talking about human appearance, right? I would say the main thing is not appearance, but APPEARANCE, which is not quite the same thing. Of course, it is much more pleasant to look at a person dressed with taste than at a collective farm, for example ... (the thought goes so makar, in general) ... I would paraphrase: BEAUTY is not the main thing ... As life shows, the main thing is CHARM , SELF-CONFIDENCE AND ABILITY TO SUPPLY YOURSELF ...

19/10/06, Martini baby
Of course, appearance has some meaning, but NOT IMPORTANT. It will be much more pleasant for me, as you and I think, to communicate with a kind, understanding person with normal habits and normal speech and not very good-looking than with a redneck outwardly beautiful, but cursing, rude and behaving like a pig.

19/10/06, Olesya
I'm not talking about myself, but in general. A person, no matter how he looks, will always be the same. His character will not change from a change in appearance. And if, say, you paint a faded girl, she will still feel like an empty candy wrapper, but a superstar. Beauty is inner self-awareness, how you see yourself and feel. The way people around you see you first of all depends on this. It is foolish to attribute everything to appearance. It doesn't solve anything. And if an ugly, in fact, person is confident in himself, feels himself a leader, the King of the world, then everyone will perceive him that way, in spite of what he is from the outside. Appearance is a myth.

21/10/06, Zabila
Because it really is NOT IMPORTANT. Certainly important, but not the main thing. Hardly anyone would deny the importance of appearance, in the end, the first impression is precisely from the appearance, with the exception of cases of correspondence acquaintance. Of course, everyone likes beautiful people. But I will never turn my back on a person, just because he is not too handsome outwardly, if at the same time he will be interesting to me as an interlocutor, for example. And the perception of appearance, again, is a rather subjective thing ...

22/10/06, Atemlos
this is true. in any case, in my perception. appearance and the concept of beauty is corrected and changed in accordance with. others. it's hard to say what exactly.

22/10/06, EngeL
I believe that you need to learn to look deeper. It goes without saying that everyone should look after their appearance, observe basic hygiene rules, be able to dress tastefully, and so on. Then no one will notice any purely physical imperfections.

26/10/06, scarlett91
It happens that such a beauty is written, but so stupid! Is it interesting with such? Well, I looked, admired it once and everything became boring. And also a person can be a freak, but internally emit light, be witty, amusing and benevolent. Everyone will like such a person, and no one will even remember that he has ugly facial features. Appearance is of course a big plus, but if the face is beautiful, and there is emptiness in the soul and head, then this is already a difficult case. I do not deny that good looks are very important for me, but as I get to know a person better, I begin to pay more attention to his character and mind.

06/11/06, like everyone else
And now I seem to have to write in the left column. I've noticed that even the most beautiful appearance becomes boring over time. And then you no longer see the person you met. Then his inner qualities come out. And if it's shit inside, then I think that no beautiful appearance will save you. I used to think that like, without appearance, nowhere, if you have a cellulite ass, then no one will start a relationship with you, but now I understand that if a guy really likes a girl, then he will choose HER, despite the fact that the other better figure or a face, or something else. So I don't bother with this nonsense anymore. And in general, you very quickly get used to any appearance, and then you already look at a person's character. In principle, appearance is needed rather in order to make a first impression, and then you make an impression not with your appearance, but with your soul, character and the notorious "inner world".

17/01/07, scarlett91
Not only a pretty face paints a person, a person is no less adorned by his skill, talents, skills, mind. Illustrative example my friend is a high school student, whom I already wrote in the topic about tango. Previously, I did not even know that behind this simple (I would not call him handsome) face, short stature and SUCH person is covered by unimportant assessments. Having danced with him several times, I just stopped noticing that he was not at all handsome. For me, he appeared in a completely different light (and by the way, not only for me :). I also heard that Cleopatra was far from beautiful, but she danced so easily, femininely and gracefully that she conquered even such great people as Julius Caesar. Anyway, I think it is foolish to single out some quality of a person and call him the most important. Everything in a person should be beautiful, and the face, and actions, and thoughts. Who would want to be friends with an uninteresting, stupid, always pouty, empty but very handsome idiot?

17/01/07, like everyone else
Of course, appearance is not the main thing, I am firmly convinced of this. And it is a mistake to believe that beautiful people are happier than those who are less endowed with beauty. The beautiful also have their own problems, appearance is, of course, important in life, but not so much as I thought before. I've fallen in love with a guy who is outwardly ordinary, to be honest with you. Not a freak, he's just ordinary. He is tall, very thin, he should build up muscles .. :) But for me it doesn't matter. He carries me in his arms anyway, and I hope he will continue to wear me. I just love him madly. And I also have several girlfriends who do not shine with beauty, but they are very good people. So the main thing in life is not appearance. It's enough just not to be a very repulsive person outwardly. But there are few of them.

29/01/07, Cyanide
I didn't know which column to write in ... On the one hand, this phrase belongs to those who are greatly deprived of this very appearance. On the other hand, appearance is really not the main thing. Undoubtedly, you need to keep yourself in shape, observe basic hygiene rules, dress appropriately at least at the end of the last century. But this is not the kind of thing to dwell on, forgetting about everything else. I have seen a lot of people (mostly women, of course) for whom the taste of the candy is not important, but the color of the wrapper is important. All the conversations which boil down to the discussion of the appearance of the guys. And not a single one ever said: "He is so funny!", "He has such a rich inner world! "- all the time:" Oooo, what cool shoes he has! "... In short, people who think that appearance is the main thing are absolutely inadequate and not adapted for survival.

18/09/07, Ipnomfa
yes, I agree. because if there is a soul too, then it is more cool than just a beautiful or strange appearance. I personally do not know whether I am handsome or not, because I have come across both evil and not evil people or they were pretending ... I'm really really surprised by this because I consider myself either super cool or super not cool. I can’t help myself. because I'm even afraid to approach the cool girl. for two reasons - I'm afraid that she will - because one of them was either making fun of me or not making fun of me - she said a lot of evil to me on the phone. I don't even know what to do with my thoughts, maybe they are there - the girls - are changing? they just do not fit seeing that I am defenseless or not defenseless. I am afraid that they will not guess that without their serious intervention I am probably nobody. although it suits me, to be honest, only one or two girls that I saw in the pictures. I'm just romantic. but I also happen to be completely different ... in short, I am scared often.

14/04/09, Manyunhentsiya
OLZ is correct). That's for sure) I now hate it when men ask if you like me, and when I directly answer that no - they take offense and say "appearance is not the main thing .." ... damn it! Everything annoys me! A! I'm mad!!!

21/08/10, Erika ella
Let's just say I agree with the idea that this phrase expresses. Although I see no reason to voice this truth. Of course Dear friends, looks don't matter. I am sick of those who fight back with phrases that you need to take care of yourself only for the sake of an aesthetic impression made on others, take out the trash on high heels, with makeup, etc. ... This is complete insanity!

21/08/10, Surreal
Indeed, appearance is not the main thing when for beautiful appearance inner ugliness is hidden, or when behind beautiful face an empty head with a single gyrus associated with animal needs ((But sometimes it happens that knowing all this, you meet an ugly, but smart and sincere person and all the same, the general impression is bad ... they say, they meet by their clothes ...

21/08/10, Jonson
The most important thing to get peace of mind, by achieving any material goals - the absence of weighting agents, i.e. moral principles. Everything else, be it looks, insides, money, knowledge of the Japanese language and seven more - absolutely nothing guarantees.