The baby is red. From what the newborn has marbled skin. Common types and causes of diaper rash in newborns

Learn to decipher the infant "language" - difficult task, but most parents successfully cope with it during the first weeks after discharge from the hospital. However, in some cases, it is not easy to understand the actions of the crumbs. How to react if the newborn pushes and blushes? Ignore or call a doctor? Correct option answer depends on overall picture, since the reasons for such behavior can be different: from banal discontent to serious problems with health.

The newborn most often pushes and grunts during bowel movements. At the same time, his face turns red due to the rush of blood due to the exertion. This behavior does not mean that the baby has constipation. Work it gastrointestinal tract is in the process of establishing, and with the removal of undigested food residues from the body, difficulties arise. Features of the physiology of the baby:

  1. undeveloped abdominal muscles do not help food move through the intestines;
  2. soft, unformed stool does not put pressure on the anus;
  3. the rectal sphincter is unable to contract sufficiently.

In addition, the force of gravity does not affect the defecation process, since the baby lies all the time. As a result, to empty the intestines, he has to strain. Often, the baby poops while suckling the breast, when the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract relax.

The urge to urinate can also cause straining and redness. It's all about muscle weakness Bladder that get stronger as they get older. But it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the genitals.

If "wet deeds" are accompanied by crying and screaming, this may indicate phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin) in boys and synechia (fusion of the labia) in girls. The child needs to be shown to a pediatric surgeon.

Discomfort signal

If the baby blushes, grunts, arches and pushes, it is likely that he is experiencing a little discomfort. Many children express their dissatisfaction with just such a “language”, turning to screaming when their parents stubbornly refuse to understand the essence of the problem. And they do this not only during wakefulness, but also in a dream.

Possible reasons:

  1. hunger;
  2. difficulty eating - unusual taste of food, milk / formula flows too much or weakly from the breast / bottle;
  3. wet diaper;
  4. uncomfortable clothes;
  5. hot or cold;
  6. crusts formed in the nose due to dry air;
  7. there was a desire to feel mother's care and so on.

So that the “grunts” do not turn into crying, parents should adequately respond to the behavior of the crumbs: feed, change the diaper, take off excess clothes, check if tight elastic bands are pressing, and so on. If the baby shows severe anxiety, refuses to eat and seems lethargic, it is worth taking the temperature and seeking help.


The immaturity of the enzymatic and nervous systems of the baby leads to the appearance of colic - severe pain in the abdomen, caused by stretching of the intestinal walls with gases and food. Usually they disturb the crumbs after eating, but they can also begin in a dream. At the same time, the newborn cries, pulls up his legs, blushes and pushes, trying to get rid of gases. How to help him?


The main measure to prevent colic is to avoid increased gas formation in the intestine. At breastfeeding in the diet of the mother should not be foods that provoke flatulence, including:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • fruits with peel;
  • smoked meats, marinades, pickles, spicy dishes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fatty meat and so on.

If colic bothers the "artificial" baby, you may need to change the mixture. Most often, problems arise if the product contains too much fat, lactose and maltodextrin. The best option- a mixture with pro- and prebiotics that help improve digestion. Regardless of the type of food, it is important not to overfeed the baby.

Another direction of prevention is the prevention of swallowing air and facilitating its exit. Key recommendations:

  1. lay the crumbs on the stomach for 3-5 minutes;
  2. make sure that the newborn captures the areola of the nipple;
  3. express a little milk if it flows very strongly;
  4. make a small hole in the nipple of the bottle;
  5. hold the child after eating "column" until he burps the air.

In addition, it is important not to overheat the baby. Too warm clothes heat indoors and low air humidity lead to the fact that the baby loses moisture. His intestinal juices thicken, and food is less digested.

Ways to help

You can relieve painful spasm and facilitate the passage of gases with the help of massage and application of heat. It is worth putting a warm diaper or scarf on the tummy and stroking the top with your hand near the navel in the direction of the clock. Many babies are calmed by laying their belly on their mother's bare belly, another option is to place the baby on the adult's lap with its back up. You can also do the “bicycle” exercise with him or bathe in warm water.

In agreement with the pediatrician, the baby can be given medications with a carminative and analgesic effect - "Espumizan", "Bebinos", "Baby Calm", " dill water”, Chamomile tea, Plantex. Another way is to put a gas outlet tube.


Does the newborn blush, push, moan and cannot poop? It is likely that he is constipated. Artificial babies must empty their bowels every day. With natural feeding, stools are usually observed several times a day or, conversely, 1 time in 2-3 days. But pediatricians believe that a deviation from temporary norms is not a sign of constipation, since a child under one year old may have an individual bowel movement schedule. The main symptoms are soreness on exit. stool, them dark color, bad smell and very firm texture.

You can prevent constipation in an infant by adjusting the diet. A nursing mother should not eat too much white bread, meat dishes, nuts, milk, rice and bananas. In the heat, the baby should be sure to give water.

At artificial feeding it is important not to make the mixture too thick and provide crumbs enough water. Sometimes it is advisable to introduce a fermented milk mixture into the diet.

If you have problems with bowel movements, you should consult your doctor. He may prescribe a laxative based on lactulose or suppositories with glycerin. Abdominal massage and gymnastics help well with constipation. An effective exercise is pulling the legs bent at the knees to the tummy. In extreme cases, an enema should be given.

The child may experience "hungry" constipation due to lack of nutrients. At the same time, the baby tries to empty the intestines, but there is not enough feces. Other signs are underweight and lethargy. Baby needs formula or more frequent applications to the chest.


In rare cases restless behavior and redness of the crumbs may be due to a hemorrhage in the brain (intracranial bleeding). It occurs due to the rupture of one or more vessels due to lack of oxygen or mechanical damage.

Provoking factors

Hemorrhage is detected immediately after birth or in the first days of life. The main provoking factors:

  • childbirth much earlier or later than the term;
  • baby has a large head and/or narrow pelvis at mother;
  • rapid or prolonged labor;
  • illiterate intervention of doctors;
  • hypoxia, infections in the prenatal period.

Prematurity is considered the most significant premise. The frequency of hemorrhage in newborns who have appeared ahead of time with a weight of up to 1.5 kg - 50%. The risk of pathology in babies born at term is 0.1%. In addition, intracerebral bleeding can be the result of a traumatic brain injury.

Types and symptoms

Depending on the localization of the affected vessels, several types of hemorrhage are distinguished: epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, ventricular. Each of them has its own symptoms.

Epidural hemorrhage is observed when the vessels located between the dura mater and the bones of the skull rupture. Its signs:

  1. convulsions;
  2. suffocation;
  3. decrease in pressure and heart rate;
  4. dilatation of one of the pupils.

Subdural bleeding is characterized by damage to the vessels located between the hard and soft cerebral membranes. Its symptoms:

  • deviation of the eyeballs;
  • different sizes of pupils, lack of reaction to light;
  • neck muscle tension;
  • sopor, coma.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vessels between the substance of the brain and the arachnoid. It is most common in newborns. Its signs:

  1. excitation of the child - redness, crying, sleep disturbance;
  2. an increase in the volume of the head;
  3. neck muscle tension;
  4. convulsions, strabismus.

Hemorrhage into the ventricles and brain substance is diagnosed in premature babies in the first days of life. Its symptoms:

  • blue skin;
  • bouts of respiratory arrest;
  • lethargy, apathy.

Diagnosis, treatment, consequences

Intracranial bleeding in an infant is detected on the basis of external signs and instrumental methods - computed tomography, x-ray, liquor research, electroencephalogram, blood test. As a result of the diagnosis, the doctor determines the degree of brain damage.

The main method of treatment is the removal of accumulated blood through surgery. If a surgical intervention inappropriate, supportive therapy is practiced:

  1. drugs that increase blood clotting;
  2. thrombus transfusion;
  3. diuretics;
  4. medicines that reduce the excitation of the central nervous system;
  5. vitamins and so on.

The consequences of a hemorrhage depend on its severity and location. With subdural and epidural bleeding, the prognosis is unfavorable: there is a possibility lethal outcome and serious pathologies CNS in the future (cerebral palsy, developmental delays, epilepsy). If vascular damage has led to hemorrhage into the subarachnoid space, ventricles or brain substance, then the chances of a full recovery are high. For some time, the child will need rehabilitation measures - massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy.

Reddening of the baby in the vast majority of cases is not a sign of health problems. Usually blood rushes to the skin because the crumbs have to make an effort to satisfy their natural needs or signal to adults about discomfort. Other common causes are colic and constipation. You can eliminate them with the help of normalization of nutrition, massage, gymnastics and medicines prescribed by a doctor. Extremely rarely, excitement and redness are caused by a serious pathology - a hemorrhage in the brain due to difficult childbirth, hypoxia, or trauma to the skull. This condition is always accompanied by other symptoms of trouble and requires urgent help.

The more useful information mom and dad have, the less worries and problems in newborns.

The first months of a baby's life are a happy and very exciting time. As soon as the condition of the crumbs ceases to fit into the norms voiced by pediatricians, parents get an excellent reason to panic. Let's find out: when it is really worth worrying, and when there is no reason for anxiety. Usually initial information parents receive information about the condition of the newborn from a neonatologist.

2. Problems of newborns - Difficulties of transition.

The biggest worries for new parents are in the first three months. The first 100 days are a special period in a baby's life. Baby after 9 months of quiet maturation in amniotic fluid enters the "waterless" world, experiencing extreme stress at birth. All this cannot but affect appearance and the state of the baby. Many of these "weird" babies are normal and do not require special treatment.

Physiological erythema. The skin color of a newborn is red, the baby resembles a tomato or a boiled lobster. By the end of the second day, erythema reaches a maximum, and then gradually, by the end of the week, the skin color acquires a pale pink tint.

Sexual crisis. On the 8-10th day of life, some children (both girls and boys) can be seen. There are often discharges white color from the mammary glands and swelling of the genital organs. In newborn girls are not excluded bloody issues from the genital tract. All these phenomena are associated with maternal sex hormones, which continue to circulate in the bloodstream of the child for some time after birth. After 2-3 weeks, these symptoms will disappear on their own. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden (!) to squeeze out the secret from the mammary glands and treat the breast of the crumbs with any medicines.

Milia. On the nose, chin, forehead of the baby, smooth, white acne, the size of a pinhead, is noticeable. This is a secret accumulated in utero sebaceous glands crumbs. Again, there are no reasons for concern - in a month or two they will disappear.

3. Problems of newborns - Control measurement.

Usually in the first month, the baby adds at least 300 g to the weight at discharge. In the second month, the increase is greater - from 900 to 1100 g. Then the monthly gain is an average of 700 g, and so on for up to six months. From 6 to 9 months, when the baby begins to actively move, weight gain slows down and the monthly increase is about 500 g, and from 9 months to a year, the weight increases by 300-350 g per month.

However, the kids do not always want to meet the standards drawn up by pediatricians, and then the young mother begins to worry: is her baby starving, is there enough milk for him? This problem is especially relevant when breastfeeding when the volume of food eaten is not so easy to measure.

The easiest way is to test for wet diaper". During the day, the baby is left without a diaper and count how many times he pees. If the baby has urinated at least 10 times, then everything is in order with food. You can also weigh the baby before and after each feeding. There are several ways to calculate the amount of milk your baby needs.

According to the Shkarin method, an infant at the age of 8 weeks needs 800 ml of milk per day. If the child is younger, then he should receive 50 ml less for each week, if older - 50 ml more. For example, a baby at the age of three weeks should eat per day: 800 - 50 x 5 \u003d 550 ml. A volume breast milk for a 10-week-old baby: 800 + 50 x 2 = 900 ml.

The Heibener and Czerny method is based on the ratio of the volume of food and the weight of the child. During the first weeks of life, the amount of breast milk is 1/5 of the child's weight, up to 3 months - 1/6 of the weight, at 3-5 months - 1/7 of the weight, and in the second half of life - 1/8 of the weight.

Maslov's method proposes to determine whether the baby is starving, based on scientific data on the calorie content of breast milk, which contains an average of 700 kcal. A baby up to 3 months needs 125 kcal per 1 kg of weight, from 3 to 6 months the need decreases to 110 kcal, and from 6 months to a year it is about 100 kcal per 1 kg.

4. Problems of newborns - Imprint.

No less than the diet, young parents are interested in the contents of the diaper. If this content is delayed in appearance or its appearance is different from the usual, restless parents become uneasy.

First, let's take a look at timing. Of course, babies often get their diapers dirty after each feeding or 1-2 times a day. But in general, it is believed that in breastfed babies, defecation once every 2 days is also quite normal phenomenon. So if your baby hasn’t pooped for a couple of days, but is cheerful, cheerful and happy with life, it’s too early to worry. But if the child groans, strains and cries, and the stool is hard and not mushy, be sure to go to the local pediatrician. By the way, a careful acquaintance with the contents of the diaper can also be very useful. So: sticky, sticky, black or black-green stools of a newly born baby are normal, this is the so-called meconium. It is worth worrying if meconium does not appear in the first week of a child's life.

regular chair infant granular, cheesy or uniform yellow or mustard color. In children who are on artificial feeding, more mature stools, usually light brown or yellow color. Frequent bowel movements at watery stool greenish color indicates diarrhea, hard stools in separate pieces with mucus or blood are a sign of constipation. In addition, bloody stools can indicate the presence of an anal fissure or an allergy to milk, and slimy stool green or light yellow - about the presence of a virus in the body, such as influenza, or the presence of a stomach infection. If your baby is taking iron supplements, his stool will most likely turn black, this is normal. And finally, having introduced the grown-up crumbs to banana puree, you can find something resembling worms in the diaper. Don't worry, it's banana fiber!

5. Problems of newborns - Eternal call.

In the first months after the birth of a child, mothers usually discover with disappointment that their rosy dreams of a baby sleeping sweetly in their cozy cradle do not seem to come true - the baby is actively nightlife, screaming and crying. Let's look at the problem from the other side. Your baby is a helpless creature who has no other way to communicate his needs except through whimpering and crying. But this, of course, does not always mean that the baby is bad or hurt. Perhaps he is uncomfortable lying on his back, or the baby is signaling a wet diaper, his desire to be closer to his mother. Don't Be Nervous, Consistently Eliminate possible reasons:

♦ change your baby's clothes;

♦ transfer to a barrel;

♦ caress the baby, take him in your arms and walk around the room.

As for sleep, it is hardly worth worrying that the baby is not getting enough sleep. Very tiny children are perfectly able to sleep while eating. Therefore, arrange a comfortable place for feeding and relax while the baby is napping at the breast. By the way, sucking movements are a natural relaxant, it alleviates the child's anxiety due to colic or teething. Try using a sling - a device that allows the baby to relax next to his mother, and you - to get freedom of movement without parting with your beloved baby.

An attentive mother can (and should) notice all the above described problems of newborns even before discharge from the hospital. However, these are only external problems. BUT internal symptoms, such as, a change in the shape and size of the brain (when the baby passes through the genital tract), etc. can only be detected when ultrasound examination. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do an ultrasound before discharge. internal organs baby (with a mandatory description-conclusion of the doctor), as well as ultrasound genitourinary system young mother (as is done in all civilized countries).

It wrinkles and softens, and then becomes unnecessarily dry. Now, if you think about the fact that your newborn was in a "bath" of amniotic fluid nine months, you will better understand why his skin looks like this - most likely dry, cracked and flaky. If you think about it, it's truly amazing that a newborn's skin doesn't look any worse than it did after birth. While we have found that almost all new parents come to us looking for remedies for dry skin, there really isn't much you can do other than be patient. Skin moisturizers only serve to temporarily remove dead, flaky skin, which will fall off anyway. Many babies have very sensitive skin, so we recommend avoiding lotions in the first month of life unless prescribed by a doctor.

The skin of a newborn is usually soft and smooth. Sometimes it is prone to peeling or looks dry, wrinkled and saggy. Don't worry, it's time will pass. It also happens that the baby's skin is covered various stains: brown, reddish or vascular. Most of them pass with the growth of the child or they will become smaller. Typically, these spots do not require treatment. Sometimes a newborn has a sudden change in skin color, which is associated with immaturity. circulatory system. It is possible in the first weeks of life on the face of a child to see small whiteheads (or a red oily rash), which make the cheeks rough. This will pass in 1-1.5 months and is associated with the formation endocrine system newborn. In such cases, the task of parents is to touch the child’s face as little as possible in order to exclude infection, prevent him from scratching his face and regularly wipe it with warm boiled water with soap to remove excess sebum. But if acne has spread to hairy part head, this indicates a beginning allergy to milk or mixture. In this case, it is necessary to find the source of the allergy and eliminate it.
In addition, excess moisture lingers on sensitive skin with constant friction and lack of access to fresh air (which is inevitable with the constant use of diapers and diapers), is the cause of diaper rash. The use of "breathable" diapers can facilitate their manifestation. Be sure to harden the child and arrange air baths. Let it breathe! To do this, open the child from time to time and substitute for 10 minutes sunbeams at the closed window.

Instead of powder, you can use potato starch as it is hypoallergenic.

It is necessary to wash the child after each emptying.

If you are not going to bathe the baby at night, then you need to wash it, even if the diapers are clean.

When caring for your genitals, keep in mind:

  • girls must be washed in such a way that the water flows from front to back. This is in order to intestinal infection from the anus did not enter the genital tract. During water procedures put the baby back on the forearm of your hand, and wash with the other hand;
  • the boys are washed away, putting their hands on their stomachs on their forearms. The narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis) in infants does not go beyond the norm, so touch foreskin until it's worth it.


In newborns, a rash often develops on the skin, for the most part it is very common and harmless. In order to tell you about what you can see (since many newborns have a rash on the face), we have created following list. Whether it's due to maternal hormones or tiny pores that clog easily, this common baby rash rarely requires anything more than patience and a "hands off" approach on your part, short of occasional wiping with a damp cloth.

  • Baby acne. Although baby acne usually doesn't show up until about one month old or so, we call it the first condition on the list because it's the parent's biggest concern. Just like during puberty, these acne occur due to the influence of hormones on sebaceous glands, only in infancy The mother's hormones produced during pregnancy are to blame for childhood acne. Baby acne tends to last for several months before disappearing, and may even get worse before disappearing altogether.
  • White pimples (milia). These small pimples usually on babies' noses and usually disappear after a few weeks without any intervention from you.
  • Toxic erythema. This red, blotchy, bumpy rash with small, blistering areas in the center makes the newborn look like it has been attacked by fleas. This erythema often appears shortly after birth - within hours or days - and can be expected to resolve within a week. Individual spots may actually come and go in a few hours (like hives) and should not be squeezed, poked, or otherwise treated. Since any blistering rash requires medical attention, be sure to get confirmation from your doctor that you are dealing with toxic erythema.
  • Prickly heat. Warm clothes or sweat can cause small pink pimples on your child's skin - most often on the face and in skin folds. Try to keep the child cool and dry to avoid prickly heat or get rid of it if it occurs.

colored birthmarks

  • Pink or red. Flat red or pink spots on the eyelids, forehead, on the back of the neck and on the head are called "angel's kiss", salmon spots or a trace of the key of a stork (the medical term is nevus simplex). These spots often fade and disappear during the first years of life and may become brighter when the baby cries or cries. Darker red patches on the skin are called flaming nevus (remember Gorbachev's forehead). Hemangiomas are lumpy, strawberry-like collections of blood vessels that can be seen on any part of the body and can be of any size. They often increase slightly in size during the first year of a child's life, before gradually decreasing over the next few years. Some disappear on their own, while others may require laser treatment or even surgical operation(if they are in areas* such as the eyes or near the neck or throat).
  • Blue. Mongolian spots are bluish-green flat birthmarks that occur in children with more dark skin. They are often located in the lower back or buttocks, but can also occur elsewhere on the body. They may fade over time, but until they do, it's worth making sure they're recorded on your baby's medical record to reduce the chance they'll be mistaken for an unexplained impact mark.
  • Brown. Flat, light brown birthmarks are called café-au-lait spots. They usually do not require any intervention, but sometimes (usually if someone has more than six of them) they can be associated with other symptoms, or rarely they are associated with neurological conditions. The spots, called moles or nevi, can also be brown, but they are usually darker and raised in some cases.

Blue or marble

Because babies don't have very good blood circulation, it's not uncommon to see baby's skin become "marbled" or even bluish, especially on the hands and feet. If you notice this, just make sure your baby is warm, cover cool arms and legs, and shift your baby into a different position to improve blood flow. If the child's lips or the skin around the mouth appear bluish, on the contrary, contact the pediatrician immediately, as this more concentrated blueness may mean that the child is not getting enough oxygen.

/  Redness of the skin (erythema) in newborns

In the first days of your baby's life, soft skin just getting used to environment. It is possible that the reactions to this very environment will not be the most pleasant for you and the child. Sometimes, on the delicate skin of newborns, erythema appears - redness and inflammation caused by a number of reasons. Let's talk about each of them in detail in our article.

From the article you will learn what constitutes neonatal erythema. We'll talk about the reasons skin inflammation babies and find out how to treat them.

Causes of erythema

The first days of a baby's life are actually a struggle for life and adaptation to the outside world. There is nothing surprising in the fact that this very adaptation can cause not the most pleasant reactions of a small organism. One of them is skin erythema, which manifests itself in the form of red spots and inflamed areas.

Erythema has two forms: physiological and toxic. From the first, everything is clear: the differences between the conditions inside the mother's belly and the big and harsh world outside require time to adapt - the skin reacts to this in the manner described above. The baby blushes all over or only in the limbs for 3-4 days after birth, and after 7-10 days everything goes away by itself. At the moment when the skin turns red, doctors recommend air baths and baby cream to the child.

With toxic erythema, everything is somewhat more complicated. It happens much less often than physiological. And it can have a variety of reasons:

  • heredity;
  • occupational hazard in the mother;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • mother taking medications;
  • repeated pregnancies;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • late initiation of breastfeeding.

To the list of reasons mentioned above, experts often add an allergy to breast milk as a foreign protein. As in the case of physiological erythema, doctors advise walking on fresh air, sometimes it is advised to give the child some water and gently hygiene procedures so as not to damage the skin. Usually after a month, there is no trace of toxic erythema. Note that from the physiological toxic erythema differs in that not only irritation appears on the skin red-grey but also vesicles on the face, head, chest, limbs and buttocks.

In addition, the toxic form may be accompanied by a deterioration in the child's condition: anxiety, fever, slight inflammation of the lymph nodes. But this is rare, not the rule.

Diagnosis of erythema

Of course, it will be difficult not to notice the erythema - it will be visible to both you and your doctor. Once the doctor establishes the form of erythema, the course of the disease will be carefully monitored. If in the near future the child's condition improves, and the symptoms disappear altogether, everything is normal. But if the picture does not change, then doctors will probably need additional microscopic analyzes and samples of breast milk. So experts will identify the allergen that does not allow the baby to become a rosy-cheeked toddler with clean skin.

“Our erythema began in the maternity hospital, but passed without any intervention from outside. They didn’t take any tests from us, they just looked that everything was not critical and said “it will pass by itself”. So it turned out in general, but I think we were just lucky, because I myself know cases when the erythema did not go away for quite a long time. ”

Happy mother Anna Mikhailenko

Prevention and treatment of erythema

In order not to provoke erythema, it is very important to observe hygiene requirements: change diapers and diapers in a timely manner, use only natural and non-rough fabrics, do not forget about walking in the fresh air (such baths help the child adapt to the new world very well): start with one minute, and then increase the time period.

Another mistake is rubbing the skin after bathing, do not do this, especially in the first weeks of life. For the delicate skin of babies, this will not be useful at all. Use a cream or oil suitable for newborns to avoid redness.

If your pediatrician allows you to bathe with the addition of a variety of decoctions, then after consulting with your doctor, you can start stocking up on string and chamomile - both are great for soothing the skin.

Sometimes erythema can be treated only with your help, especially for babies who are breastfed. The mother's diet should not contain foods that can cause allergies (eliminate spices, chocolate, red berries and fruits, honey, nuts, citrus fruits, seafood).

Baby is 4.5 months old. With tension (joy, discontent), and sometimes half of the face (left) just blushes like under the ruler - fullness, half forehead and most of all the eyes. The eye is swollen. Mucus is sometimes discharged from the left nostril. It can be seen that the child is unpleasant, rubbing his head. We also have a congenital eyelid coloboma (7 mm) on the left eye. After a sharp redness, after a few seconds, strong redness disappears, and a red dot appears on the nose in the middle. Previously, redness was rare, at first I even thought that he had rubbed his eyes with a pen. And today and last night as constant attacks. Help, tell me where to go with this problem and what it could be?

ANSWERED: 03/31/2016

Hello, it’s hard to say without seeing the child, but judging by the description, such a reaction is vegetative nervous system. Show the child to the neurologist.

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 03/31/2016

Hello, Natalia. There are 2 options here, either it’s really nothing to worry about and this is a vascular reaction that will not interfere with life, or a manifestation of a more severe vascular pathology. To exclude it, ultrasound and MRI of the brain are necessary, BUT only according to strict indications after examination by a specialist.

clarifying question

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