Congratulations congratulations on the day of the physician. Beautiful congratulatory pictures for the Day of the Medic. Congratulations in prose

Day medical worker celebrated on the third Sunday of the first month of summer. In 2019, the holiday falls on June 19. Everyone who took the Hippocratic Oath, as well as nurses, participate in the celebrations. researchers, support staff, their relatives, friends and relatives. Doctor's Day in the Russian Federation is considered by teachers, students and interns of specialized educational institutions.

Throughout a person's life, diseases are encountered. In these cases, it is necessary to contact medical institutions for qualified help.

The increase in life expectancy over the past few hundred years is due to medicine. This area of ​​knowledge has become one of the most sought after. Responsible and most an important profession revered in all cultures. Medic Day is dedicated to her as a tribute to people in white coats.

History and traditions of the holiday

Doctor's Day began to be celebrated at the official level more than 30 years ago. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980, the date for the celebration of the Day of the Physician was set. The tradition has been preserved in the Russian Federation.

Celebrations gather at the festive tables of doctors, nurses, support staff, as well as their relatives, relatives and friends. Congratulations, toasts, wishes of health and success in this responsible profession sound. Colleagues exchange experience, tell cases from clinical practice, share news and plans for the future.

Medical Worker Day 2019 is marked by solemn speeches of the first persons of the state, officials of the Ministry of Health. Their speeches are filled with gratitude. The best employees receive certificates, their achievements are celebrated valuable gifts handed over from the hands of respected people of the country. Patients give sweets, alcohol, money as a token of appreciation for the work of specialists. Students have a tradition of filling glasses with alcohol.

About the profession

Aspiring to become a health worker must undergo multi-level training. It begins with admission to the profile educational institution: higher or secondary special.

University students attend lectures and seminars ( practical lessons), as well as internships in hospitals. After completing six courses, you can enter an internship. In it, postgraduate education is more applied in nature and is mandatory for obtaining a full education in the profession. It ends with the issuance of a medical specialist certificate.

Average medical education built by analogy with the higher. Schools suggest a shorter path to a specialty, but it is considered less prestigious, and tasks are not highly responsible.

People in white coats (doctors) are required to confirm their own qualifications, showing the necessary knowledge base, and can receive higher ones. The complexity of the work to which a professional is allowed depends on it. Top category requires at least 20 years of clinical practice.

Doctors day today
From the city, from the villages -
Everyone comes to get treated
Doctors can't sleep now
During the day work, at night - duty,
And the salary is not thick,
So they give money and warmth,
And my own life to be.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath
Once upon a time, health workers
That will never be abandoned
Those who are in trouble
Who got hurt, hurt
Sick, fell from a tree,
Got poisoned
To always heal everyone.
And you have a bag of health
More money and luck
So as not to see grief in life,
There was a rich man.

Various nurses, oculists,
Doctors and healers, and masseurs,
For different workers of all hospitals
I wish you happiness and health without borders!

We appreciate and cherish your hard work,
Let all the hardships in life pass you by,
And your thoughts and dreams, and plus efforts
May it come true and exceed all expectations!

I'll say without further ado
There is no life without doctors!
You came to the white world
Meets the doctor: "Well, hello!",
Measure, weigh, wipe,
It will lead you further in life.
Diseases will be cured
There is no better job!
I congratulate you heartily
Happy holiday friends
You can be praised endlessly
And here you can't complain at all.

Because you don't give
You burn out ahead of time
You are fighting for life
It's expensive to watch!
I wish you success
In personal life and in work,
More joy and laughter
More happiness according to fate!

Medic Day! Medic Day
Come visit us today!
All Medics! All Medics!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you mood
Good luck and love
mutual understanding
With loved ones on the road!

We also wish you
Get some rest
And, quite naturally,
Help all people.

I'm sitting on a bench
And I look at the doctor.
dear doctor,
Give me sick leave!
I'll serve you.
I'll go through a fluorography
I'll take a urine test
I'll even get vaccinated
From the Arabian locust.
I will give you candy
I will buy a bouquet of chrysanthemums.
Just give me an excuse
For a walk in the color of years.
Without him I can't
IN easy chair sit.

Those who will pump us out of drunkenness,
Those who do not sleep at night on duty,
Those who drink diluted alcohol,
Those who tolerate us and tremblingly watch.
All dear laborers of medicine,
Proud men, young nurses.
We are crazy about your robes
And we nervously go out to smoke in the yard.
Forgive us, sick disobedient.
" Thanks a lot!" - let's tell you together.

On the day of great medicine
Stay at home, don't be arrogant
And not with the fountain next to it
They will hang with stars
Doctors are hot people
You better not joke with them
And not you with bandages
Wrapped to death!
And stained with green
Plaster the legs in the pelvis,
And in the place where you sit
Your eyes will be strained.

Lawyer, priest, doctor and teacher -
A quartet of professions without which societies
The timeless epilogue will come
The end will come of society, in general.

But among them stands alone
There is only one profession, because the gift is from God
Treating people is not familiar to everyone,
Not everyone will master this difficult road.

We do not sing odes to everyone,
Worthy only that this cross is carried.
Allowances at least do not make the weather,
But let them pay more for their work!

If something hurts
We ran to the doctors
To find out what's wrong
How do we need to be treated?

And after doing the procedures
The ones the doctor ordered
We will become healthy again
Glory to our doctors!

For many years, every third Sunday of June in the CIS countries celebrate the Day of the medical worker. At the same time, each medical institution has its own atmosphere. The most sincere and beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Medic 2017 will be received from their colleagues by women and men working in healthcare. Because this professional holiday always falls on a weekend, the homes of health workers will please relatives by reading to them comic wishes in verse or prose and handing over postcards with funny pictures.

Comic congratulations to colleagues on Medic's Day 2017

The doctor is one of the oldest professions in the world, remaining relevant at any time. In hospitals, experienced surgeons, cardiologists, pulmonologists, oncologists and other specialists save human lives give joy to the sick. Shelters are the most difficult places for the work of doctors, nurses, nannies and nurses. Employees of sanatoriums who help patients undergo a rehabilitation course or simply improve their health should show the usual human attention to everyone. Such hard work always causes stress, so June 18, 2017, for the Medic's Day holiday comic congratulations fit the best.

Examples of comic congratulations on Medical Day 2017 for colleagues

The profession of a doctor is one of the most stressful professions. daily workers medical institutions and ambulance workers communicate with seriously ill and dying people. Fulfilling their professional and human duty, they forget about their troubles in order to alleviate the suffering of patients. Following the Hippocratic oath, modern healers never leave without medical care needing her. On Medic's Day on June 18, 2017, comic congratulations in poetry or prose received from colleagues will help doctors relax a little and just relax.

Medic Day! Medic Day
Come visit us today!
All Medics! All Medics!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you mood
Good luck and love
mutual understanding
With loved ones on the road!

We also wish you
Get some rest
And, quite naturally,
Help all people.

To all my patients wise advice:
We urgently cancel the disease!
Doctors are waiting for everyone today a banquet,
We congratulate them on the holiday.

Let the nurses wear shorter skirts
The proctologist bought a suit,
The psychiatric hospital walks until late at night,
The Ministry of Health washed down the whole day!

Doctor, nurse, nurse, nurse
Physicians are our relatives,
Stay healthy for you and your family.
And let the sick be respectful.

Today, on a wonderful day,
On Medic's Day, charming
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish loving:

To be bright days life,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.

Funny congratulations on Medic's Day 2017 - Funny poems

On June 18, 2017, the country will celebrate Medic Day. Today everyone wants to live long active life. To do this, health workers work almost seven days a week. That is why it is better to congratulate them cheerfully by organizing not only a festive table, but also coming up with a cool one for the healers of our time. entertainment program, including funny poems and ditties.

Examples of funny poems for Medic's Day 2017 - Funny congratulations

People trust healthcare workers with their health and life. This requires doctors to have a deep knowledge of the art of medicine. Of course, Medic's Day 2017 is a holiday not only for doctors, but also for nurses, paramedics, junior staff, who are wholeheartedly related to the chosen case. However, despite the seriousness of this profession, doctors are people with a wonderful sense of humor. It is jokes that help them relieve stress - constant companion every careless doctor. Congratulating healthcare workers on June 18, read cool poems to them.

I'm ready to argue with anyone
It's hard to live without doctors.
It's just that hardly anyone
And suddenly he will start arguing with me.
After all, everyone knows medicine,
From the diseases of all - a vaccine,
No profession is needed
How to treat sick people!
Dear doctors!
It's time to congratulate you
After all, the Day of the physician has come,
And we put you all on a pedestal,
Today we raise together
Love, health, we wish you
More joy, smiles,
And work without errors!

From a phonendoscope
I'll post a heart
I'll cut with a scalpel
A whole bunch of roses
From sterile bandages
I'll make a ring
I'll smooth it with a spatula
A strand of your hair.
Congratulations on the holiday
Being a doctor is a calling.
I sincerely wish
You didn't get sick.
I wish you luck
happiness wishes
I'll whisper softly
Right into the otoscope.

Who will lend a helping hand
When it's not good
And who does not hurt the injection
And cuts with a scalpel easily.
Who are we afraid of as children,
When the device buzzes in the mouth,
And we call on the carriage,
03 is hammered into our phone.
He proudly bears the name - physician
And our low bow to him,
Today is your day and we will celebrate -
We are together your holiday and mine.

Congratulations on Medic's Day in postcards with cool pictures

On the Day of the Medic, healthcare workers feel their importance and need especially. They are proud of their knowledge, achievements, successes. On June 18, 2017, we will express our great gratitude to them, thanking each of them for their mercy and sensitivity. Doctors, nurses, nurses, paramedics can be awarded Greeting Cards and cool themed pictures.

Examples of congratulations on Medic's Day - Postcards with cool pictures

Health care workers protect our life and health with hard daily work. Patients who wish to congratulate their beloved doctors and nurses, all those who take care of them, helping them get better, can hand over to the medical staff of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and rehabilitation centers postcards with funny pictures. Such wonderful congratulations received on Medic's Day, healers will carefully keep all their lives.

Congratulations on Medic's Day to colleagues in prose

On June 18, 2017, on the Day of the Medic, the chief doctors of hospitals and clinics, other medical institutions will definitely congratulate all colleagues on the holiday. Someone will do it a little earlier, remembering that the holiday is celebrated on a day off. Other medical workers on duty that day will rejoice at the warm words at the workplace. Doctors will thank colleagues for everyday work and support, sensitive hearts, skillful hands. They wish all doctor friends good health understanding of loved ones, love, career success.

Examples of congratulations to colleagues on Medic's Day - Wishes in prose

On Medic's Day, fellow doctors and nurses receive the best congratulations in prose from the leadership of medical and preventive institutions. The media often talks about the high-profile achievements of individual cardiologists and plastic surgeons, but the doctors we turn to several times a year often remain in the shadows, and this is unfair. Their work is just as important. Colleagues of employees of polyclinics and sanatoriums know this for sure, who themselves chose not to quiet life but daily hard work in the name of maintaining the health of patients.

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of my own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live full life and often just save lives! I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you great success in your noble and such necessary labor. I wish you the respect and love of colleagues and patients, long and happy years life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Dear medical workers! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to others. On this day, we wish you joy, happiness, Great love and a piece of that huge health that you generously give to us. May your families on this holiday see your smile and sincere pleasure from the nationwide recognition of your merits.

Best congratulations on Medic's Day to a female doctor

On June 18, 2017 Russia celebrates Medic's Day. By tradition, this holiday for people in white coats is not only a reason to escape from everyday worries, but also a milestone at which some results are summed up and plans are made for the future. Works in national healthcare great amount women involved in medical and nursing activities. For them, their favorite chosen business is hard work, because they combine it with household duties, motherhood, caring for a spouse, and children. On this day, relatives and friends should support them by congratulating each doctor and nurse with the best, warmest words coming from the heart.

Examples of the best congratulations to a woman on Medic's Day

According to tradition, on the eve of the professional holiday of health workers, doctors, nurses, nurses gather at a table organized in a cafe or at the home of one of their colleagues. Every female doctor on Medic's Day is congratulated in a special way. IN warm words best wishes from colleagues and relatives, words of gratitude are heard for their kind heart, containing care for both patients and each family member.

A little naughty health - in crying ...
Who will help? Only a doctor!
A toast without poses here we declare:
Doctors, loving, we congratulate!
This is what Hippocrates taught you:
Smart, bright to be a hundredfold,
Young, pure through the centuries, as before -
Heal us from troubles, adversities
And give the sick the keys
To our immortality in hope!!!

You are not the owner of yachts, cottages, summer cottages,
You are a flower girl, which is not more tender ...
You are better: you are a simple Russian doctor,
And there is no you more reliable and necessary.
At any time of the year, day and hour
There is nothing more useful than you in this world:
You cut, sew, heal us
From all sorts of ailments and diseases!
And in this life a glorious anniversary
Do not care about orders or medals ...
Our doctor, we ask you: do not get sick!
We are not doctors and we can hardly cure!

Treat, save - what could be more important?
More humane, whose work will be?
Whose hands can be stronger and more tender?
Who is asked for help and called?
The doctor inspires good hope in us,
He collects faith bit by bit.
Takes risks, risking himself before
And he fulfills his duty to the end.
We wish you what the struggle is for,
Health to you in a difficult task and patience!
Never know wrong decisions
Choosing your own path at the moment of doubt!

Congratulations on Medic's Day to a man

Doctor is a profession from God. These people not only treat, but also save lives. The work of male orderlies is no less important - they help doctors cope with severe physical work and are always the first to help. On June 18, 2017, hundreds of thousands of congratulations will be received by ambulance paramedics, surgeons, urologists, proctologists, rehabilitation specialists and doctors of all other specialties, SES employees. On this day, the warmest heartfelt wishes will be addressed to people in white coats.

Examples of congratulations to a man on Medic's Day

“Thank you, doctor!”, - it is with these words that most of the congratulations of paramedics and men working as doctors and orderlies begin on Medic's Day. Healers tied their fate to the best of the most noble professions. In medicine, knowledge is always required. highest quality and education. However, good doctor selflessness, humanity, mercy are always needed. It is for these qualities that our doctors are valued by their patients, friends, relatives and colleagues.

There is no nobler occupation
How to restore people's health.
And I congratulate you today
With special love.
You save human lives
And I want to wish you
So that the guardian angel protects you
And did not let you lose heart.
I wish you big salaries
And more patience
So that a white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!

My friend, I hasten to congratulate you on the Doctor's Day,
And wish you, of course, not to get sick,
And glorify the medical worker,
But at work in the coals do not burn out ...

You warm with even bright light,
Let—as you enter, the ward is so happy!
Do not forget to heal and console
Be true to the honest Hippocratic oath!

Cool congratulations on the Day of the Medic 2017 on June 18 will be received by women and men doctors, nurses, nurses. Colleagues in prose wish them professional success, and friends will give postcards with pictures and comic poems.

June 17 - date for 2018

"Into whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick, being far from everything intentional, unjust and pernicious."

Medical Worker's Day, or Medic's Day, is celebrated in Russia every year on the third Sunday of June. This professional holiday is celebrated by doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants and orderlies.
We all know that there is nothing in the world more important and dearer than health! Everyone dreams of living a life without diseases and ailments, health is our wealth.
Therefore, every person at least once in his life turned to doctors for help.
People have been sick before, and people are sick now. Therefore, medicine is an ancient science. A doctor is an honorable, respectable, noble, and at the same time a very responsible profession.
These people protect our health, heal, help new lives to be born.
The working day of a medical worker is communication with people, providing assistance, and often psychological. People often come not only for medical assistance but also for understanding and compassion.
This day is usually holiday concerts, dedicated to everyone whose profession is somehow connected with medicine, banquets and receptions are arranged. Small warm feasts of medical colleagues. Someone, according to tradition, draws wall newspapers for the day of medical workers, composes poems, remakes songs. And of course, not without congratulations and toasts.
The editors of the SuperTosty site congratulate you, medical workers!
On Medic's Day, I really want to wish you success in your work, on which the most precious thing that a person has - health depends. And also wish you to find a panacea for those diseases that still torment humanity without hindrance, and to ensure that they leave our lives forever. Happy holiday, doctors!

O green knights! Vassals of potassium permanganate!
Descendants of Hippocrates, whose brother is X-ray!
Let me congratulate you, comrade health worker,
On the day of your personal glory, on your medical day!
Fill beakers and test tubes with pure alcohol,
Eat aspirin and drink in two sips.
Let all other professions be forgotten -
But a doctor will always be needed. For all ages! ©

Congratulations on the day of the physician in verse
Let them cry over the doctor's salary
Doctors do not know another way -
Stethoscope and pen worker,
At heart, a romantic, a little altruist.
Let's congratulate those who from night to morning
He heals us, not sparing the weary legs,
He is yours, June holiday, nurse,
Love to you, Aesculapius, what is from God! ©

Congratulations on the day of the medical worker
Being a doctor is not easy at all -
See the pain of other people
You have to have a big heart
Save lives, heal the sick!
Let's say to you for everything: "Thank you!",
Let's drink to health!
We wish you happiness, peace,
Dream fulfillment! ©

This day will go down in history!
Today everyone is wildly happy:
Solemnly signals "ambulance",
The old Hippocrates rejoices,
Patients open their mouths
Shine to the main of the phrases:
Happy Medical Worker Day
Today I congratulate you! ©

Your work is responsible and important,
because every, every person
gives his life once
in the hands of physicians.
Today I want to say "thank you"
tell you wholeheartedly
and wish only to live happily,
desired to reach the top! ©

When we are healthy, why do we need a doctor?
But a little headache...
At such a moment, well, who will help you,
He will prescribe the medicine, put him in the hospital.
We will be healthy as long as we have
Nurse, doctors, doctors super class.
Today we congratulate you on the day of the doctor,
Good luck and happiness with all our hearts! ©

Every year on the third Sunday of June, congratulations are heard on the Day of the Medical Worker. These congratulations are for people whose profession is to cure diseases, save lives, give joy and hope. Those who knew how to heal were treated with respect and reverence at any time, because they are trusted with the most precious thing - health.

It is interesting that the profession is ancient, and the Day of the Medic began to be celebrated relatively recently. International Doctor's Day was established in 1971, but in the Soviet Union, doctors received a professional holiday 10 years later. In 1980, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On festive and anniversaries The day of celebration was determined - the third Sunday of June.

A professional holiday is a summing up, an assessment by the management of the professionalism of doctors and junior medical staff gratitude of the patients. And, of course, on this day there are many words of gratitude and best wishes to those who are in charge of our health.

Do not forget to congratulate your favorite doctors, colleagues, acquaintances and medical workers close to you on the Day of the Medic. On this page you will find the most different congratulations- in verse, prose, postcards. You can congratulate personally, make a toast to festive table, as well as use modern means communication by sending wishes to e-mail, through social media or sms to phone.

Cool audio congratulations on the phone

One of the ways to congratulate familiar health workers is to send them an audio greeting to their phone. Doctors are people with humor, so they will appreciate cool congratulations from celebrities.

Congratulations on the day of the medical worker in prose

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the Day of the Medic! You care about our health, and in return we want you to remember to take care of yours. May there be many in your life pleasant moments May you always be surrounded loving people, faithful friends and friendly team. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Our dear medical workers. You are people of the most humane profession, you bring good to the world. So let what you give to people return to you doubly. Be happy, healthy and full of energy. Thank you for your hard work.

Happy Holidays to all doctors! We need your work and professionalism so much, you help to live healthy life. From the bottom of my heart I wish you health for long years life, love and respect of colleagues and patients, let there be many reasons for joy. Good luck in your noble and difficult work.
Happy professional holiday to you, our dear doctors and nurses. You give people hope, you do everything possible to keep them healthy and happy. Patience to you, kindness, let the work bring only satisfaction, and your professionalism grows for the benefit of people. Be healthy and happy.

Happy Nurse's Day! Low bow to you for your noble work. I wish you good health, calm work shifts, grateful patients, pleasant surprises from life and management. May your life be happy, rich, full of love, gratitude and warmth.

Poems for Medic's Day

Although I'm not a coward,

And I'm afraid to go to the doctor.

But now I'm walking boldly

And I congratulate you skillfully!

Because today is a special day

Day of paramedics!

I wish you strong nerves

Respect and love.

Happiness in the house, wealth, peace,

And a whole lot of health!

Doctor's Day - it is very important

For you doctors and nurses.

It's important to us too!

When health fails

we want help from you.

And on this special day

We want to congratulate you!

nice patients,

wish from the bottom of our hearts.

So that they only live in happiness,

So that dreams come true!

One can argue, of course,

That "not very" treat us.

Only who to help first

Will he come to you in difficult times?

What's wrong with health

Without medicine, we can not!

On the day of the doctor, we hasten to congratulate

Doctors and all medical staff!

Peace, sun and kindness

We wish you always.

Let all good things happen

Pay increases!

One Sunday in June

We will honor doctors!

But not everyone at the table

Celebrates his holiday

Not everyone has a day off.

Doctor and nurse or nurse

Kind words in your honor today.

Happiness to you, health,

Peace and good.

Let dreams come true,

Life smiles at you.

Everyone is celebrating Doctor's Day today!

A good reason to contact you.

For help? Maybe…

After all, you are on guard of our health

As on weekdays, and holidays - always!

But still today to you

Come with warmth and gratitude!

What to wish?

Of course, the patient's kind look,

Harmony and happiness

Health, long years,

As well as prosperity and victories!

Short SMS

To all those who serve medicine,

We want to say from the bottom of our hearts

Our loud "Thank you"

And wish you good health.

Congratulations, paramedic

Happy holiday to you!

Joy, happiness and prosperity

May you always have!

With medicine you are on you

It's great for patients!

Let dreams come true

Life will be great!

On Medic's Day, I wish

Health, happiness and kindness!

Help people with your heart

You will be credited in full!

We hasten to congratulate doctors on the holiday

And we put you on the podium!

And on this day we wish from the bottom of our hearts

Health, happiness, work in joy.

Colleagues Happy Medical Worker Day

Congratulations in prose

Dear colleagues! Today is the Day of the Medical Worker - our professional holiday. From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you and wish you patience in our work, and, as often as possible, see joy and gratitude for your work in the eyes of our patients. May there be happiness and love in your personal life. Health to you and your loved ones.

Dear colleagues! I want to congratulate all of us on the Day of the Medic! Let work bring joy, and you had a desire to grow and be the best in your field. Personal life let it be filled with pleasant and joyful events, so that you would be surrounded by love, care and understanding of your relatives.

Today, on the Day of the Medical Worker, I heartily congratulate you, my colleagues! Let your desire to help people live healthy and fulfilling lives never dry up. Be happy, healthy, let your life be as good as possible less stress and more happy days.

Dear colleagues, happy holiday to you, happy medical worker's day! You successfully cope with the ailments of our patients. Honor and praise to you for this! Our path is friendly and close-knit team does not give up its position. I wish good health to you and your family, good luck in all your endeavors, may all your dreams come true!

My colleagues! In that holiday I want to once again to say that we, medical workers, do important and necessary work for people every day. May the number of patients who have received relief from their ailments constantly grow, thanks to your skill and professionalism. Take care of your health, know how to fully relax from everyday work, may you always be surrounded by your relatives and true friends.

Congratulations in verse

Happy Medic Day, I congratulate you!

God bless you in your hard work!

I wish you, colleagues, from the bottom of my heart

May happiness be with you everywhere.

Good health, rich life,

Let your salary allow everything,

May you enjoy our work

Treating people - there is no more important concern!

On a warm, bright June day

I am glad to congratulate my colleagues.

You who perform a miracle

And does not expect rewards in return.

Stay healthy doctors and nurses

Strength and patience to you.

Let it be appreciated

Our work is invaluable.

Happy Medic's Day, dear colleagues!

I wish you joy, happiness and love.

Good health, good luck

On your life path.

Staying true to the Hippocratic Oath

With pain and suffering you fight

Know: patients believe sacredly that

That you can handle any illness.

On the day of the medical worker, I wish

To all of us: nurses, doctors,

So that we walk to work with a smile

And with a good mood in the morning.

So that patients do not wait in line,

To have enough time to help everyone,

To trust us calmly in life,

And there were no problems with drugs.

So that there are bright, cozy chambers,

Where the sick are impatiently waiting for us,

And there was always pay

For our priceless, noble work.

Postcards for the day of the physician

congratulations pictures

Congratulations to all doctors on the holiday!
Don't forget to wish happy birthday to those who were born in June.

Elena Kastova. See you by the fireplace.