Meeting of kindred souls. What are soul mates. Your soulmate accepts your physical disabilities

It doesn't even have to be about romantic relationship, sometimes we find a kindred spirit in a friend, relative, mentor. And the relationship with this person is not always cloudless. “He does not always turn out to be an embodied ideal in terms of appearance or life circumstances - and difficulties are possible in relationships. But these difficulties will only further strengthen the connection, help to go through together difficult periods in life and to be yourself, "- says the founder of The Lodge dating club Keilen Rosenberg.

But how to understand that a person is special to us? This is what those who have found a soul mate say.

1.From the beginning of the relationship, his presence gave a sense of calm and comfort

“Randy and I met on the Internet, and when we first met, I didn't feel anxious or anxious. I felt how the song is sung that “my soul is good”: something in him immediately seemed close and familiar, his presence gave me a sense of peace and quiet. He was handsome and could not take his eyes off me, but instead of "butterflies in my stomach" I felt something else, as if my soul saw its missing part in him. Time seemed to stand still - I heard only the beating of my own heart and did not see anything or anyone but Randy. " Christina, 36 years old

2. You may be very different, but at the same time balance each other

“I realized that my wife is a“ soul mate ”for me when I realized that differences balanced us, and similarities helped us grow and develop. This is a kind of unreal feeling, a surge of adrenaline: "How perfect you fit me!" Victor, 42 years old

3. You have an almost tangible feeling that you have found your person.

“When I met my soul mate, I didn't even really know what it meant - well, only by those stories in the spirit of“ and they lived happily ever after ”that are usually told to us. My friends and I went to rest on Hawaiian island Maui. I was sitting in a bar, a man came up to me and asked if I would like to go with him to the wedding tomorrow. His best friend was about to get married, and he needed a companion. It was as if I heard the voice of my psychotherapist, who urged me not to be afraid to take risks and live to the fullest, and therefore agreed. Waking up on next morning, I regretted my decision, but when he called and left a message on the answering machine - to find out my last name and ask which I prefer - chicken, beef or fish - I realized that this was fate. And I decided to go.

We immediately liked each other, he kissed me, but then everything is clear - for the next 10 years we were either together or parted. It seemed to me that I had known him all my life, and when he kissed me, this feeling became even stronger. Intuitively, I understood that he was “the one”, my “soul mate”. I remember well one strange incident during our first meeting - he went out for a short time (to the toilet or somewhere else) and I thought: "I can't remember what he looks like, I hope I recognize him when he returns." As if I was interested and attracted not by his body, but by his soul, or some kind of energy. Our relationship lasted more than 10 years, and he is still with me every day - in my soul and heart. The bond between soul mates is never interrupted. " Maria, 46 years old

4. Your life principles and values ​​fit together

“I realized that he was“ the one ”, because our moral values and lifestyles matched perfectly. We fell head over heels in love with each other. Two weeks after we started dating, I realized that I want to live with him all my life. We spent most of our time together, and with him I felt the indescribable. As the saying goes, "you will understand when you feel." It was like I took some kind of drug, from which I was in seventh heaven. I called a friend to tell her that I had found a “half”, and it seemed to her that I was drunk (I practically do not drink) - there was so much joy in my voice. " Katerina, 27 years old

5. You have seen this person during difficult periods of his life, and you still love him

“I met my best friend and a kindred spirit when I studied in a specialty I hated. My whole life plan was crumbling. Together we rented an apartment with a shared kitchen. Then I didn't even understand what was happening. Only when I decided to return home and start all over again, I realized what a close person she had become to me. She did not turn her back on me during the black streak in my life. Three years later, she is still close to me, almost like a sister. Together we go towards any trials and adventures, always supporting each other. " Anna, 33 years old

6. You care about each other so much that you feel his pain as yours

“I realized that I had found a kindred spirit when I began to feel his pain as my own. We went to college together, and between classes he talked about his seriously ill relative. I saw how hard it was for him, and when we parted, I was sitting in the toilet, locked in a booth, sobbing and praying that everything would be fine and he would not suffer anymore. When I realized that I was worried about his family members, whom I had never even seen, no less than about my relatives, I realized how strong my feelings for him were. " Lisa, 24 years old

7. Touching creates an electrical discharge

“When you meet your soul mate and fall in love, it’s an all-consuming, unique feeling that awakens the soul, makes the knees tremble. Suddenly, you intuitively understand that this person is like an extension of you, and you feel insanely attracted. When you hold hands, it is as if a spark jumps between you. You are perfect for each other. No matter how much time you spend together, any separation is still painful. " Margarita, 34 years old

8. In your relationship there are difficult periods but they only help you develop

“Our“ halves ”are like a mirror that shows all our flaws. Sometimes it is very painful to see it. Many people want to run away, which is why these relationships are often unstable. You part, reconcile, part again. But even during separation it seems as if you are together, because energetically you are really together. This connection brings you together again - until the pain forces you to flee again. And the cycle repeats. Sometimes many times - as was the case with me. " Mikhail, 48 years old

9.With this person, you can relax and be yourself

"A soul mate is a best friend, a teammate, to whom you are not ashamed to show all your oddities and eccentricities that you usually hide from outsiders." Max, 35 years old

10. You realize that this person has appeared to teach you an important lesson.

"The second half" is our best teacher... The one who challenges us, drives us to a frenzy, awakens the dormant passion inside and presses on the most secret "levers" of the soul. He or she gives us the opportunity to rethink our ideas about ourselves, about what we really want and do not want, in love. Unfortunately, relationships sometimes end too quickly, because it is difficult for many to rethink their lives. " Sofia, 47 years old

Many people, at least once in their life, when communicating with any person, felt as if they knew him. for a long time... In such a situation, you feel very comfortable and calm, as if a soul mate is next to you. On this issue, people were divided into those who believe in its existence, and skeptics.

What is a soul mate?

There is such a theory that every person, throughout his life, is looking for those whom he has already met in another world. Perhaps the souls have some unfinished business or the Scientists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that the feeling of love and attraction is an analogy that arises in the memory of the person with whom you once saw. In simple terms, pictures appear in memory that reflect the past. It is because of this that the person you meet on the way seems to be an old acquaintance, and you think that it is your soul mate that is in front of you.

In general, you can give a definition of this expression, which more or less describes the essence of this concept... A soul mate is a person who may not have a blood connection with you, but at the same time is very close in spirit, and you have common interests and habits. Such people can tolerate any flaws and unacceptable character traits of each other. They can communicate practically without words, and between them there is a feeling of absolute mutual understanding. Over time, such partners may notice that they began to do the same thing, for example, start sentences with the same words and literally guess each other's thoughts.

Soulmate - who is she?

Everyone deserves to meet a close-minded person, but for some reason fate gives someone such an opportunity, and someone does not. This is mainly due to the large number of misconceptions that affect the psyche:

  1. People who believe that it is very easy to meet a soul mate, and indeed she will come into their lives, are deeply mistaken. It is necessary to do everything possible to bring the date of the meeting closer. You should not start searching among friends and even strangers, you first need to study yourself. If you are at odds with yourself and your inner self, then the chance of finding someone like you is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Another serious mistake is the belief that the found soul mate will not go anywhere, and you will always be together. As you know, all relationships are subjected to various tests, and over time they can significantly deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that even with soul mate you need to constantly strengthen and maintain contact.
  3. Many believe that it is impossible to maintain trust and strong relationships with a lot of people. Therefore, they deliberately shorten it, but this is completely wrong. In fact, it is contact with a large number of different people that helps to fully open up and find like-minded people.

More often than not, people find that a soul mate is a person who was not even a member of the circle of acquaintances and potential candidates for a given position.

The understanding that this is the person in front of you happens literally on an intuitive level. We create a certain emotional image for ourselves, and when we meet, there is almost instant recognition. Women are mainly capable of this, since their intuition is better developed.

Long-awaited meeting

Oddly enough, but such fateful meetings occur at the most unexpected moment. How do you know that it is your soul mate? With such a person, there is a feeling of amazing closeness that you have never felt with anyone else. It is very important not to confuse your soul mate with the desire for romantic or love relationship, it is perfect different concepts that have nothing to do with each other. Sometimes such close people do not come to life forever, but only in order to fulfill a certain mission, for example, to calm down, help to believe in a miracle, change, etc.

How not to make a mistake?

In this case, you must completely trust your heart and inner feelings, since the impulses of the brain can distort reality, and you can lose your person. You will certainly feel that in front of you is exactly the person with whom you need to go in the same direction. A soul mate is not necessarily a person of the opposite sex to whom you feel warm feelings, it can be a friend, sister, etc. If you put it in the language of physics, then such people have the same energy, which, entering into resonance, increases the potential of everyone, while the return increases during common work.

Description of soul mates

The famous writer Doreen Verce compares such people to companions. She says that you should always remember that a person originates not on earth, but in heaven. It is there that souls find strong bonds, form certain groups and couples. They differ in quantity and may be in different dimensions. It all depends on what specifically connects them to each other. The writer says that the partnership that arises between soul mates has a certain reason... When people achieve what they want, the bonds between them are significantly weakened, and they part to start searching again. The writer says that between such people there is always a feeling of love and gratitude for the happy moments of life.

Illustrative examples

Very often you can see that people who consider themselves soul mates speak and gesture in the same way, many have a suspicion that they are brothers and sisters. Quite often you can hear the opinion that people who have been married a large number of time become similar friend on a friend. Some experiments show that even their heart rate is synchronized. Such people live in full understanding with each other, it is this feeling that can be called real happiness.

From the world classics, you can also give an example - the main characters of M. A. "The Master and Margarita". The man, after communicating with the girl, realized that he had loved her all his life. This is a clear example of soul mates.

The other side of the coin

V Lately for many people, attracting a soul mate is practically the main meaning of life. They are simply sure that the other half should love and understand them without changes, not contradict anything and love, no matter what. In addition, the second half is simply obliged to perform extraordinary actions and do everything possible and impossible for the happiness of the partner. This is precisely what is a huge obstacle for many people to meet loved one and find harmony in life.

Why is a person looking for a soul mate?

Many people spend a lot of time looking for a soul mate, but the result remains zero. In this case, you need to ask yourself the question for what purpose are you looking for such a person? There may be several reasons:

  1. You feel inferior. Most often this can be a consequence, etc.
  2. You think that a soul mate will help solve all problems and make you a happy person.
  3. Bad experiences from the past are constantly reminiscent of the wrong choice of partner. Because of this, you want to meet the right person.


We hope that now you don't even have any doubts as to whether there are kindred spirits, or if this is still a contrived myth. It is very important to believe that such a person will certainly meet on the way, and you will be happy with him, no matter what. Remember that your significant other will appear next to you at the most unexpected moment, because this real gift fate.

Meetings with Soul Mates are special events in our life. But let's first understand the terminology. Soul mates are souls from the same “family” in the Spirit world, with a spiritual identity and vibrations that complement each other.

The closest kindred souls are with you in the primary spirit group. This group usually has 5 to 25 people. Together they develop and learn at about the same pace. Often such souls incarnate next to you over and over again, changing only their roles: father, mother, sister, friend, spouse, etc.

There are kindred souls of the second "circle". These are the souls that develop in the closest to your spiritual group. There are other related "circles" in higher world... There are those who do not belong to any kindred group, but are karmically connected with us. You can read more about this in the books of Michael Newton.
There is a common misconception that there can be no conflicts or misunderstandings between Soul Mates. It is enough just to meet your Soul Mate, and you can relax and live together happily ever after. However, this is not the case.

Soul mates can be with us both in harmonious and inharmonious karmic connection ... It may even seem like your Soul Mate is deliberately torturing you, but it doesn't have that task. As a rule, you torment yourself only yourself, not fully understanding the goals and objectives of your meeting.

How do you recognize your Soul Mate from your spiritual family?

This meeting changes your life or yours. internal state, moreover, in short time... Sometimes a Soul Mate appears on your life path in its most difficult moments, literally pulling you out of the abyss. She shows you a different way, she teaches you love, patience, she awakens in you the ability to be creative.

It always important person in life, even if your meeting lasted only a few minutes.

A deep spiritual closeness arises almost immediately upon meeting. Contradictions are possible at the intellectual level, but this does not in any way interfere with the feeling of warmth and deep understanding of another person. There is a feeling of a kind of family closeness, as is the case with people with whom you grew up together in childhood and met again. Warm stream calm love felt in the chest area. Moreover, it seems that this is so natural, as if it has always been so. Falling in love very often occurs, even if the partners are same-sex (not to be confused with homosexuality). I want to be close to this person, just to be there.

It is important not to impede the free flow of love when meeting a Soul Mate. There may be several such souls during a lifetime. These can be people below or above you. spiritual development... But each time these will be meetings that will radically change you and your life for the better.

It would be a big mistake to think that a Soul Mate comes into our life to stay in it forever. And many begin to cling to such partners, set conditions for them and suffer as a result. Soul mates come to us in the right time and leave in the same way, having completed their tasks. This is a sacred relationship. Be patient and careful with such partners, for unfulfilled desire can lead to disappointment and even personal tragedy. You just need to enjoy the fellowship and be imbued with positive spiritual energy without clinging or getting attached.

Any meeting with karmic partners, including Soul Mates, exacerbates internal problems, reveals psychological blocks, raises old traumas to the surface. The flaws of the soul, coming even from past incarnations, are brightly highlighted. The struggle between good and evil begins. This process is sometimes quite painful. And there is only one strategy of behavior - just stay in the flow of Love, which has a Divine nature.

In modern esotericism, there is also the concept of "Twin Flames". It is believed that these are two halves of one whole, which, having met, acquire the highest harmony. There can be many soul mates, but there is supposedly only one Gemini in the soul. Personally, I cannot say anything about this phenomenon. Such information did not come to me, and I just don’t believe articles on the Internet. I have not had such experience, and I have not come across in my practice vivid and provable examples of such connections. Therefore, today I treat it as a beautiful, but utopian legend, nothing more. At the same time, I admit that, perhaps, my opinion will someday change. And then I will have something to tell you on this topic.
Each soul is self-sufficient and at the same time is part of a single whole, and everything that a soul needs to achieve the Divine essence is contained in itself.

(c) Irina Fedorova (Elleirina)

Incredible facts

When we talk about soul mates, we imagine the person we are all looking for. This is the person we meet and immediately understand that this is him. We fall in love, become inseparable and can understand each other without words.

Though soul mate, which is our true love, exists, along the way we encounter other types of soul mates. We meet them when we least expect them, but when we need them most..

And while these relationships can end and break our hearts, each of them can change us and teach us a lot.

At some point in your life, you will meet these five types of soulmate.

Human being a soul mate

1. Stranger Soul

A stranger soul mate is a person we meet by chance. Perhaps you are on the same bus, on an airplane, or just walking down the street and collided with him. When you meet a stranger with a soul mate, you you immediately feel that you recognize him, but you cannot understand where.

It is possible that it is someone from your past life... Your communication with him may be very short, but he shares with you the wisdom you need to hear... These can be words of recognition, a push in the right direction, or a feeling of comfort.

2. Soul-healing power

This person is a friend who appears for a specific purpose. It occurs when you need it most and teaches you a valuable life lesson.

Your healing soulmate feels the pain you are experiencing and stays by your side to help heal your mental wounds.

This type of relationship or friendship develops very quickly... And even if the relationship is not destined to last, this person came to your aid when you so desperately needed him, so you will always be grateful to him for it.

3. Soul-destructive force

This type of soulmate comes into your life, when you need a change... Its purpose is to shake you up. He challenges you, pushes you, and turns you upside down. When you meet this type of soul mate, you feel a sudden sense of love and passion.

Such a person makes you look at things in a new way and reflect on your life and plans. Ultimately, your destructive soulmate will disappear from your life. But you learn a lot about yourself through this relationship. You will no longer be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and go after your goals..

Friend is a soul mate

4. Twin soul

Your twin soul mate helps you overcome emotional and spiritual barriers. This a person you can talk to for hours, and the topics of conversation between you will not end. You think alike and end sentences one after the other. You can easily do everything together as a couple.

When you meet your twin, you feel a sense of integrity... It seems to you that you have known him all your life. Your relationship is natural and easy, and you rarely break up. Your twin soul mate often becomes your best friend.

5. Soul true love

It is this type of soul mate that each of us is looking for. Your true love or divine soulmate is human with whom you will spend your whole life if you are lucky enough to meet him.

This soul mate is a combination of all of the above types. You have a sense of similarity, a feeling like you've known him all your life, strong bond, deep friendship and amazing love.

You understand each other on a deep level... Your true love is passionate and amazing love that you experience for the first time. If you meet your loved one, you will always want to hold on to her.

A happy chance is circling somewhere nearby!
In a crowd of people or in a foggy haze
Soulmates are looking for each other
On this restless Earth.

Peter Davydov

Have you ever had the feeling that you have known a person for a thousand years, even though you met him for the first time?

Has it ever happened to you that in a conversation with another person with whom you have not communicated before, you suddenly realize that you know “everything” about him? You understand what he is feeling at this moment and what he is thinking about.

So what is a soul mate?

Writer Richard Webster reveals the topic of soul mates in a very interesting way:

« The relationship between soul mates is a bond between two people that has existed over many reincarnations, in which partners help each other learn certain lessons and fulfill the tasks set by each particular life.».

Throughout life: we make plans, create projects, events, our reality. Just as now we are planning something very important and obligatory, so ours create events, gather certain souls into one team for the implementation of special tasks.

We come into this life, grow, develop, learn professions, acquire certain skills. And when the moment comes important events, - the period for which the task was planned, then they begin to gather completely different people, like-minded people, those who think on the same wavelength and act together.

« A soul mate is one who shares our deepest aspirations, our chosen direction of movement. If the two of us are alike balloons moving up, it is very likely that we have found in each other the right person " - Richard Bach

Such souls feel like one family - best friends, colleagues, partners. But, as soon as the task is completed, the project is launched or brought to life, the team can safely disperse. The task is completed, the experience gained - the result is obvious.

Tandem of two souls

The interaction of two souls in different periods of their existence on Earth. Every time they come to different roles, aspects, can change and come in both masculine and female body, but can interact in same-sex bodies.

It's not only married couples Are partners who fulfill a task throughout their lives. Even earlier, somewhere else, they agreed to come to this world at the same time and interact in certain events, to carry out a special task necessary during this period.

Often there can be global events that change the course of history, or just interaction in one family, embodiment in one family, but in different roles.

As a rule, soul mates try themselves in many aspects and, through a variety of lessons, receive valuable experience... It is quite possible that in one of their lives they agreed to meet after death, and the Universe provides them convenient option and brings them together in the next incarnation.

« Perhaps you will communicate throughout the incarnation. Perhaps you will become companions, co-workers, co-creators on your Path of destiny. And this is beautiful in all appropriateness!"- Richard Webster.

Are spouses soul mates?

Not at all necessary, but this option is not uncommon. Soulmate - this is how you can call someone who is close to you, despite the distance, life principles, age and different kinds obstacles. Very often, they walked "hand in hand" throughout their lives, overcoming obstacles and comprehending this life in all its diversity.

And not always couples can live in harmony and call their union happy, because soul mates are, first of all, souls that learn the same lesson. Perhaps even earlier, before incarnation in these bodies, they agreed to live a certain experience and comprehend all the lessons of this existence.

People often resist the circumstances that emerge from the experience of past incarnations, often act according to old patterns of behavior that were laid down a long time ago, and most likely, even in a past life. And so sometimes it's hard to realize your mistake and radically change everything, it's hard to accept a person who caused so many problems.

“There are people who come into our lives to open our hearts even more. They rush in at the right time like fresh breeze, carrying with him good, lovely news. "

How many soul mates do we have?

Oddly enough, but we can have many kindred souls, and it depends on the tasks that were set earlier. One person may well have several marriages, and about each he can say that he lived with a kindred spirit.

At first he loves one, and believes that this is the only one in the world, but time passes, circumstances change, experience is worked out, and people may well disperse in a completely different reasons... That's it, the task is completed, it's time to say goodbye.

Cases and love triangle, which is formed from one life to another and flows into a variety of relationships. The task is obvious, souls must be able to interact and find mutual language, and most importantly, to accept Love in all its manifestations.

« Find your soul mate and stay "a little crazy" and loving friend friend - always"- Richard Webster.

There are many examples of kindred souls, starting with mythology, the Bible, history and people already known to us. If you start with mythology, then these are Isis and Osiris, from the Bible, of course, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, history presents the names of Anthony and Cleopatra, literature - Romeo and Juliet, etc.

And if we turn to the more famous names that can be accurately studied and traced the course of events, their relationship and life itself - this is Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Lewis C.S. and Joy Davidman. Lesser known are Catherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murray and many others.

The human soul is immortal, it is unique, endowed with free will and chooses for itself the path of development and improvement. The soul chooses for itself fellow travelers and teachers, but when they get to Earth, many souls forget about their decision, and it begins interesting game called "Life".

« A soulmate is the one who makes you start living real life" - Richard Bach.