Where Russians are loved the most. Which suitors are still better: ours or foreigners. The main opinion is something like this

Posted on: 26.04.2015 /

Categories: Uncategorized

I want to find a husband! Sooner or later, but every young lady wakes up with this thought and falls asleep with it. A good husband. What is there, the best! And, preferably, a foreigner. The demand for overseas suitors today is very high. In turn, overseas princes are not averse to acquiring a beautiful Russian wife. Is it enough just desire for an acquaintance to end in a wedding? does not think so, because there is one the most important nuance - the groom's nationality, which can sometimes turn out to be real " dark forest". How to find good husband by nationality and will not get lost in this forest?

There is a myth that men of other nationalities are better than our domestic ones. But this myth is explained in a primitively simple way: "It's good where we are not" or "Another's wife (read husband) is always more beautiful." In any case, there will always be someone who will definitely want to check it out. In our age of globalization, when there are inexpensive air tickets around the world and study anywhere the globe, - there would be a desire and opportunity - fall in love with a foreigner at least every day. And for a long time no one is surprised when your boyfriend is Chinese, Indian or black.

Whom should you choose as your husband? Courageous German, passionate Spaniard or? Or maybe neither one nor the other, nor the third, nor the fourth?

Men of different nationalities have different attitudes towards marriage and family. And this is absolutely true. The mentality will always manifest itself, whatever the upbringing and manners. And many do not hide this mentality, considering it their trump card. Italians are more relaxed, the French are seductive, and the Greeks are even after eighty (well, they say so).

An internet dating site, as a rule, is where the search for a foreign husband begins. There are a lot of such resources, and no one will guarantee that you can find a good husband on one of them. advises to do without intermediaries - look for a foreign gentleman when traveling. For example, you decided to arrange for yourself, so don't waste your time - look after the Italian groom.

Pay attention! Citizenship and nationality are different concepts... It is one thing in which country he was born, and another thing - what kind of blood flows in the veins. In a word, an African husband can be found in.

How do women see their future husband? Reliable, smart, caring, affectionate, attentive, wealthy and attractive. - terrible force and in men. It happens from one appearance the girls are dizzy. What nationality men are the most beautiful? It is hardly possible to come to a common opinion. But there were attempts. The Misstravel.com portal conducted a sociological study, polling 31 thousand women. The question was the following - the most handsome men, nationality.

The answers were as follows:

1. British

2. Irish

3. Brazilians

4. Swedes

5. Americans

6. Spaniards

7. Scots

8. French people

9. Greeks

10. Puerto Ricans

Another research site OnePoll.com puzzled 15 thousand women (actively traveling around the world) from 20 countries with another question - how good are men of different nationalities in bed.

"These results open the eyes of thousands of men around the world, and women traveling can appreciate the potential of new lovers," the researchers said.

Worst lovers in the world:

1. Germans (too smelly)

2. English (too lazy)

3. Swedes (too fast)

4. Dutch (too domineering)

5. Americans (too rude)

6. Greeks (too corny)

7. Welsh (too selfish)

8. Scots (too noisy)

9. Turks (too sweaty)

10. Russians (too hairy)

 Where do the best lovers live?




However, those who do not cherish illusions about foreigners, but have experience close communication, can tell you how things really are.

1. Foreigners count money and don’t give expensive gifts ... Those who expect that a foreign man will immediately begin to throw flowers and gifts at the beauty are mistaken. Unless it is oriental men, for whom it is accepted as a sign of gratitude and admiration. But our woman is unlikely to agree to accept gifts in exchange for modest clothes, under which the presented jewelry will have to be hidden. There are, of course, among the Europeans rich and generous men, (for example, Silvio Berlusconi is a joke), but they are hunted by hundreds of the most beautiful top models, actresses and singers from all over the world, so the concentration is low, and the competition is great to spend energy on the overseas prince.

2. Foreign men are not that passionate lovers... As well as among Russians, there are different ones. It has nothing to do with nationality. The southern peoples are rather more demonstrative, while the northern ones are reserved. But believe that italian man will certainly prove to be an excellent lover, and an Englishman in bed will be boring and monotonous, wrong. The Italian will talk a lot in the process and fuss, and the Englishman will "take his own", as they say, without further ado. Although it may well be the other way around.

3. They are beautiful as bodybuilders, but not different. high intelligence ... Many complain about the unprepossessing appearance of the male environment, especially at the age of a little over 30. There is no mass accumulation of Apollo anywhere, except perhaps in a male striptease, but this does not count. While all in the same England, Sweden and Germany, it is customary for men to do fitness and pump muscles. Men with beautiful body in european countries are much more common than in our open spaces. But, alas and ah, their owners, who spend too much time in gym, it is not left to pump the brain with knowledge. Therefore, it is better to simply admire them (the owners and their bodies) from a distance. Well, or, two times. Enjoy it, and then go read Dmitry Bykov's column.

4. The language barrier can be overcome. Mental is harder... “The man who hooked” for a Russian woman is a serious motivation to learn a language. Hungarian at least. The main thing is to understand when he is. Later it will be necessary to understand what he wants for dinner, as well as what ring he will give for the engagement. If you learn his native language so well that you can host local TV talk shows, chances are high that you will not understand each other anyway. But as long as there is love, the peculiarities of culture, traditions and customs and the prevailing way of life in his family will hardly bother you. So what is next? Well, who thinks about what's next when he's in love?

5. Foreign men are also in no hurry to go down the aisle... Our people follow their example and also take care of themselves, being afraid to settle down and settle down, spending on one woman best years... In the best years you need to walk, and when you feel a deterioration in health and presentation, then you can attach yourself to someone. To take care of, love the way she is, take care - in general, "create a sanatorium" for a man pre-retirement age... Of course, foreigners are not all like that. In small towns before, but in capitals and cities with a population of one million, men, as in Moscow, walk while they are young.

6. Worthy men local ladies quickly disassemble... Which is natural. A queue lined up for them and it would not even occur to them, and even beyond the distant lands. Lovely girls sitting on dating sites "for Russian women with foreigners", think carefully before looking for a groom on such a resource. You will find adventure, husband - big question... Perhaps you are flying somewhere at the expense of the receiving side, which is not a great gesture for someone who has serious intentionsrather a way to have fun. Some really.

For example, a lonely Australian farmer breeding ostriches in a place far from civilization. He certainly needs her - on this farm there is no one else to talk to except with timid ostriches. Or a retired Spanish architect with older children. He still works and even functions quite well as a man. But you hardly want to become a caregiver who provides intimate services to someone whose attractiveness has dimmed even in photographs. In general, if you want to find a worthy foreigner, you need to search not remotely or within the framework of tourist trip, and on the spot, having moved to the country of dreams. Or without leaving their homeland - in large Russian cities there are now many foreigners who have come to work under a contract.

7. Foreign men do not engage in manipulation and do not understand them... This is really a plus because russian men they think one thing, say another, and do the third. Many foreigners are not familiar with this "seduction technique", so they do and say what they think. In this sense, it is easy for us with them, but it is difficult for them with us - young ladies, accustomed to the confrontation of the parties and counter resistance.

As a result:perhaps this is not the ultimate truth, but still - you should not blindly believe in the princes of the overseas. The fact that men who speak another language are special. They are men too. They can offend, change and earn little. Being in active search, it is better to think wider and just allow yourself - local and foreign. Will add up to those with whom love happens and it will be possible to build strong and harmonious relationship... But you need to learn at least English, just in case.

Already married abroad

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Instead of a preface from the editor Among the topics that cause the greatest excitement among the readers of the "Man and Woman" column, there is the following: "Who is better - our men or foreign ones." Especially hot are those who have purely theoretical experience in this area. Opinions are polar. "All Russians are unshaven and not affectionate." Or "foreigners are all homosexuals and misers." Tatyana Ogneva, our sex columnist, closely followed the course of the discussions, and last Saturday - congratulations! - took and married an Italian. The week in her new capacity gave her enough material to speculate on a given topic professionally. Personal experience - No, no, dating a foreigner - no way! I only care about Russian men! - my friend Zhenya recalls these words to me to this day. And laughs mockingly. I have always believed that you should marry only a Russian and give birth only in your own country. And she is the opposite. I did not see the Russian macho at close range. But as any fashionable Australian she comes across in a Moscow club, or a Swedish-German-Englishman is blown to her feet by the wind, well, everything, delight is pouring in. They are both educated and sophisticated, and they open the car door, and beautiful words, even in their gibberish, but babble without stopping. And the Russians, they say, are all completely uncouth dorks. I had my own arguments. First. It is always easier to agree in your own language. Second. Well, something, but the education of Russian men is much higher than any average European. Once a foreign top manager, half French, tried to court me, so he did not know who George Sand was! He thought it was a man. Well, how could I meet him after that? Third. If for many foreigners it is normal to split the bill in a restaurant, then for any Russian man it is bad manners. (So \u200b\u200bour readers are discussing this) Besides, relations with the Russian are always somehow sharper and more unpredictable. A Japanese friend once said: "I want to fall in love with a Russian man." She was asked in chorus: "Why is this all of a sudden?" And she is in all seriousness with a tear in her voice: "To suffer!" And the other day I married an Italian, whom I met at a friend's wedding. Everyone says that we look alike. We understand each other without words, and thoughts often coincide. Apparently, that's why my Italian is still far from the original. He does not know who George Sand and Angelina Jolie are, but for some reason it only touches me. And Zhenya's friend fell in love with a Russian jealous person and now ran away from him to Goa in search of the meaning of life. Now to the point. 1 Who is more romantic? We are still surprised that in American films the heroes now and then say "I love you" instead of "see you later." It is not customary for us to talk too much about feelings. Guess, they say, yourself. "I love you, you fool!" - this is how my husband confessed his love to me for the first time, when he drank properly, and I was going to leave him! " - says Anna on the website kp.ru. “My husband, only when he became an ex, six months later said that he had always loved me, that he missed our joint awakenings ... But if I decide to return to him, then this conversation did not happen! It's funny! " - writes Marina. And I don't even know what is more romantic - a man who hides his feelings to the last, and then pours them out in one stream, or the one who turns the word "beloved" into your middle name? Russian women lack compliments and expressions of feelings. And the Russian guys are afraid that she will be arrogant. As a result, she is easily blown away by a talkative Turk from a lack of emotions. In a Russian, love is hidden deep in his soul, and he is silent about it, and a foreigner tells about any of his emotions with enthusiasm. Here, perhaps, a draw.

2 Who helps more in everyday life? Most of all, readers are not satisfied with the attitude to everyday life in Russian men. Rare man does not consider it shameful to wash the dishes or cook dinner. Vacuuming - accomplished a feat. The owner came home from work - and on the sofa, and the wife must serve food, then clean everything and redo a lot of things. A couple of months ago, we wrote as many as two articles on this topic, so much it turned out to be discussed. The men complained that the women went wrong, that their mothers were killed in the kitchen and did not squeal. And women do not want to be, like mothers, slaves. So far, a Russian husband who lives on a par with his wife is a rarity. And abroad it has long been the norm. “Now my German husband is busy in the kitchen, preparing meat. By the way, this is our standard situationbecause from Friday to Sunday I don't really do anything at home, and my husband, who has days off, tries hard, ”says the Guest. Here the victory is for the foreigners. 3 Who is sexier and more beautiful? We once wrote about the results of a foreign study, according to which Russian men took the "honorable" 10th place in the list of the worst lovers. And do you know why? For unshaven. No, have you seen these waist-shaven European machoes on the beaches? Yes, Western beauties are more careful about their appearance, and some have more wardrobe than women. And often they competently cover up flaws in appearance with good clothes. But the fact that all men are “there” is a myth. Men are, on average, the same everywhere. And many Russian women who left to live in another country with Russian husbands say that the locals pale against their background. In our country, some men are generally afraid to dress stylishly so as not to be branded as homosexuals. And yet I, for example, now waiting for my first child, no matter how much I love my Italian husband, I want our child in many ways to resemble my Siberian grandfather on my mother’s side. That's where sexuality and beauty are in pure form! In general, ours won. 4 Who and how does it relate to infidelity? - Now the situation is such that, even if you do not change, you must at least pretend that you have a mistress. And then you are not a man! - a friend told me. - Because all the friends around are bragging about their details. personal life on the side. And the letters to our "Keyhole" heading are all about infidelity and about who to choose - a wife or a mistress! And of course, older women are especially unhappy with the attitude of men. In this sense, foreigners more adequately perceive the traces of time on woman's face, do not reproach his wife with wrinkles and cellulite. Those whom Russian women marry are often attracted by respectful attitude to the family and to the wife. Of course, among them there are fornicators, but still, it seems to me, much less often. If you have already married, then all ties on the side are broken completely. Here the account is in favor of foreigners. 5 Attitude towards money Most of the women are unanimous in the opinion that here the primacy belongs to Russian men. There are, of course, misers, but the general trend is still old-fashioned courageous. If you are with a man, be calm, he basically pays for everything. And the wife chooses whether to work for her or not. He, the head of the family, should plow and carry a penny into the house. Another question is that the economic situation in the country is not easy, as in the whole world. But only in Russia do men pay their wives and report their income. And if he earns well, he makes gifts on a grand scale. “I hastily married an Englishman. And only later it turned out that he assumed that we would run the budget together, on an equal footing. I explained to him that no, dear, I am a Russian woman and this is not accepted in our country. For me - the household and future children, behind you - earnings. And if you don't like it, okay, a beautiful Russian woman will return to her homeland. He understood everything and accepted it, ”the reader Elena writes. And again ours are ahead.

Or maybe it's not always about the men? Of course when it happens beautiful story love, it doesn't matter who she is with - a Russian or a foreigner. But what is clearly noticeable: for many women, the phrase, they say, men in Russia have been translated, is just an excuse. And often they do not marry a man, but a country. Under the pretext that everyone in Russia drinks, they beat their wives, and so on. Sick people are everywhere, and women who are psychologically sharpened to search for marginals, wherever they are looking, find amazing specimens in any country of the world. And then they write stories, they say, "all Englishmen are pigs, because I got a pig," "all the French are cheaters, because mine is cheating." IN formal logic this is called generalization error. Have true love no geography. Here is a Muscovite friend of mine who went to Turkey to rest, met a Canadian citizen on the beach and ... the day before yesterday they celebrated three years from the date of their wedding. The most wonderful couple! They live in Moscow with their baby and sometimes go to Canada to visit her parents. And for her, for sure now the most the best men in the world are Russians. P.S. I've only been married for a week, but we love each other already more than a year... And I never even thought to compare: how would a Russian man behave in the place of my Roberto? I just don't care. I'm happy. READING FORUM "He will stop the galloping horse, but does not want to pay for himself in the restaurant" "KP" wrote about the assessment of the appearance and behavior of Russian women in the foreign press. This article provoked a heated discussion of readers on our website (see "A look from abroad at Russian women: they walk on ice on high heels, rarely cry and never pay for themselves", "KP" dated February 19, this year and website kp.ru). MEN'S LOOK Igor: Guys, don't believe the beauties, I got fucked up with my wife! When he got married, he also thought she was a beauty. Broke off. In the morning he gets up without makeup - swollen, slit eyes, unkempt moth. Terrible! True, then he covers up the bruises, mascara, lipstick, trinkets - and hoo. So our beauties made themselves, and under a layer of cosmetics colorless physias often hide. Cucumber: Russian women are wonderful devoted girlfriends, ready to share all his difficulties with their man and always support and give energy to move forward. This is the best thing in Russia. Cherry: I believe that it is high time for women to pay for themselves, regardless of nationality. The custom of paying for a woman goes back to the times when women did not work, but only took care of the house and, naturally, could not pay for themselves. Now the situation has changed dramatically. If two adults and independent person go to a restaurant, why should a man pay for a woman? A real man and a favorite of women: Personally, I love it when women pay for me. I don’t understand why you should pay for a lady. This is unprofitable and uninteresting. You stop the galloping horse, but you don’t want to pay for yourself in the restaurant. Shameless. K.Matroskin: What also distinguishes our women favorably is that they are more inclined to listen to their husbands and partners. American woman is more independent, often earns at times more husband and often a big boss at work. It is difficult to expect from such a person that in the evening she will listen to her husband - school teacher... If you ask a foreigner who has dealt with Russian girls, then the first they call not beauty, but just character. Urus: Specificity russian women that some of them are not self-sufficient. As a result, the woman is not confident in herself. Therefore, she is more ready to adapt to her partner than he is to her. And she often has fewer requirements. This is very attractive for many men. Leonid, Canada: The fact is that he is not nice for good, but good for a good. This is old folk wisdom... And there is. And they love not for the manicure, but simply love, that's all. Accept as it is. Russian women compare favorably with others in many ways. For example, modesty, education, reliability, affectionate attitude to loved ones and children, the ability not to bother with material problems. These best qualities open only with loved ones. If you want to have such a friend, be on the level yourself. And an ordinary fool gets an ordinary washcloth. Kind critic: Our women abroad are not used to paying for themselves. They are used to paying with themselves. I have always wondered who and when inspired our ladies that men are so primitive and so obsessed with sex that, having slept with him, you can achieve anything from him? WOMAN'S LOOK Lara: Girls! Let's honestly admit that we are all so stunning and beautiful for one simple reason: many Russian men are just horror, so we have to be always on the alert, forever in the parade - what if love! And any foreigner is a chance to change the drinking manager Nikolai with bad skin and unmeasured requests for a positive, optimistic Nick, next to whom we will also be able to feel loved, protected and beautiful even without stilettos, mini-skirts and makeup, like at the Oscar. Sofia: I envy American women. Thick ones, without makeup, in pajamas and flip flops, will calmly and confidently go for groceries or for a walk. They will always sincerely, friendly and joyfully praise my figure, my smooth skin and heels. No matter how much I live among you, American women, I cannot become so relaxed and self-confident and not think about the opinions of others about my appearance. I don’t know how to get rid of my filthy Russian mentality and start enjoying life? Lola: Both the clothes and the behavior of Russian women both in Russia and abroad are determined by socio-economic factors. First of all, the fact that there are much fewer men in Russia. In Russia, unlike other countries, getting married is tantamount to a feat - well, how to make a career in the West and become an executive director, for example. Therefore, for the majority of Russian women, all actions are aimed at one thing - to find and bind a man to themselves. That's why war paint, and heels are always worn, even in inappropriate situations - what if a peasant turns up? Dayana: A man will pay a penny, and then problems with him for a ruble. The fact is that from now on he begins to consider himself the master of the situation. I remember a weirdo on the first date bought me a hundred grams of soy bars and immediately put his hand on my waist. It's scary to think what he would count on if he gave me a chocolate bar! Annette: I work in London, in my office English women dress in ugly boots, wear coats made of plastic cloth. And they wonder why they sit in girls, and the Russians take away their suitors. Maria: As the head of one of the international marriage agencies said: "For a foreigner, a Russian wife is an opportunity to buy a new car at the price of a used one." From Germany: I have been living in Stuttgart for 10 years. Our girls and women on the street can be seen from afar. There is even a saying among our compatriots: “I SEE you speak Russian”.

Another love story from our couples! Anna and Alexander met on our website in May this year, and already in November they got married. Interestingly, Alexander is a Russian living in America, and Anna is a Ukrainian. It was very easy for them to communicate, because they both speak Russian. So, at Elenas Models you can also find a Russian husband abroad!

There are also foreign men living in Russia and Ukraine among the members. Sometimes you come across foreigners who are ready to move and live with a Russian or Ukrainian wife in her homeland.

In general, people in the Western world today travel a lot around the planet and moving to another continent, temporary or permanent, is not perceived as something strange - rather as a way to see and experience more in this life. The difference in mentality and culture is seen as an exciting adventure, not a problem. After all, learning something new is always interesting!

Do you remember how in the early 90s the program “Lonely Hearts” was shown on the first channel of Russian TV about foreign men who dreamed of meeting Russian girls? At that time, even before the Internet, it was a curiosity and quite difficult, you had to write real letters on paper and send them by mail.

Later, marriage with a foreigner became commonplace, and today in any country in the world you can meet Russian women and girls from other countries. the former USSRwho married foreigners and left to live in another country, as well as our compatriots who immigrated on their own. That is why it is possible to marry a Russian living abroad.

We have in store the history of Russian men and women who live in the Emirates, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Sweden, and other countries of the world. Someone left to work on their own, someone fell in love with the country as a tourist, and someone got married or got married. Reading these stories, you understand that you can live anywhere - our people are able to adapt to everything. Without knowing the language and culture, they boldly take the first step and quickly begin to understand life in a new place, and after a few months they calmly communicate in the local language.

Does it make sense to meet foreigners or Russians living abroad? Why not?! In the worst case, you will chat and learn a lot of new things about real life in other countries, . If communication is mutually interesting - go abroad on vacation and see beautiful places... IN best case - perhaps you will find your love!

If you are lonely, you will not lose anything, but you can find happiness for life. (All services for women on our site are free.)

Our my sincere congratulations and the most best regards to our newlyweds Anna and Alexander! May you live happily ever after!

A lot has been written about how foreign men relate to Russian women, and almost nothing about how foreign women treat us, Russian men.

Little of. Around the attitude towards our ladies, a myth has been created that, they say, everyone loves Russian women, that they, they say, are valued for their modesty, hard work, patience, etc.


I have not met a single foreigner who, having been the husbands of some of our "unremarkable" Nastenka, would then speak positively about this Nastenka, that is. without the viper hiss and the mat there.

There are, of course, exceptions, but rarely. It's just at first everything is like in the movie:
- Is it tyebye, djevitsa? .. Is it tyebye, krasnaya? ..
- Yes, warmth, father, warmth, Morozushko ...

And the eyes are so kind, clean, honest, unscrupulous. Like Teletubbies, or rather, Teletubbies.

Well - Frost and swam like an ice cream in the oven. And then our kind-eyed, a year later, grab this American or German Frost by the scrotum (she pulled out his beard before) - and go to court, sue his house and half his fortune. And after all he will sue. Our unscathed. The Teletubby is good-hearted. The pure-eyed is deadly.
Then, having thrown Frost in his Berlin deytreut, he will return to his homeland. Walking with school friend Stasik. With college friend Maksik. With her first husband Tolik. FROM best friend first husband Maratik. And again - go under the tree. Wait for the next French or Japanese Frost, so that he can play some castle on the Loire River or an island from the Sikashima archipelago.


She, of course, is both a galloping horse and into a burning hut. But - if she needs it. And if not necessary - a horse for a sausage, and a hut for an office. I, of course, exaggerate, but not much.

You know, for example, that one of our girls married a Swiss, who was 84, then his son, who was 50, and then a twenty-five-year-old grandson. And all three have sued everything. That is, literally. She left all three, like mountain goats, without pants to walk in the alpine meadows.

Another - got into the harem of some sheikh. She lived for a year. I'm tired of it. I asked the sheikh to go home. The Sheikh did not let go. Then she strangled him with her chest and ran away. History is nowhere more real. Now she lives somewhere near Arkhangelsk, a milkmaid. Only our Nastenka can strangle a man with her chest.

So it turns out that at first foreigners think well of Russian women, and then - let's put it mildly - they find out the truth.

The situation is quite different with us men.

At first, foreign women do not think at all or think badly about us. But then ...

What are we, Russian men, in their poor understanding? We are drinking. We don't wash. We have a mysterious unpredictable soul. We are the mafia. We are bearded bears. We go to winter hats, with balalaikas, knocking down icicles from birches, etc.

A drunken, smelly, unpredictable bearded bear in a hat, with a balalaika and a submachine gun. Having read, moreover, Dostoevsky and therefore even more unpredictable.
A survey of foreign women who did not have long-term direct contact with Russians, on the subject of what concept they associate with the phrase "Russian man", gave approximately the following results:

... ≈ 25% - drunkenness, vodka
... ≈ 25% - Mafia
... ≈ 25% - bear
... ≈ 25% - beard, hat
By the way, a similar survey among our girls (what do you associate with the phrase "foreign man"?), However, who had contacts with foreigners (ours almost all had contacts with foreigners), gave a different kind of results:
... ≈ 25% - money, welfare ("we must take!")
... ≈ 25% - dullness ("brains like a woodpecker")
... ≈ 25% - greed ("per roll toilet paper strangle himself ")
... ≈ 25% - boring ("flies howl, dogs drown themselves and camels drink too much")

So, going back to the attitude of foreign women towards Russians. The opposite is true. Those who have not seen us think we are bad. But those who, so to speak, contacted us, all almost unanimously say: Russian men are very good. Honestly.

The main opinion is something like this

In many reviews, the same idea can be traced: Russian men are not bright on the outside, but bright on the inside.

For example, from an essay by a Chinese student (I reproduce it in full, with errors):

"Russian peasants are positive. They do not immediately catch the eye, but then I understand: a good man, kind. interesting brain and a warm soul. "

Those. warm.

The Japanese woman writes:

"I like Russian men. They are not greedy, I read a lot, loves to celebrate. Tough character. The German is taller, the American body is fatter, richer, but the Russian soul is cooler."

You see: they are "fatter and richer", and we are "cooler souls". In the sense - the soul. It's not about cases, after all.


"Russian manhood - good man... He is not only interested in dengi, he has an interesting spiritual world. "

Everything is correct. We are, of course, "interested" in money (try not to "take an interest" in them now!), But about spiritualism - this good, as they say, is higher than the crown of our heads.


"The external data of Russian men are not always attractive. New clothes, do not always shave the bottom of the face, do not brush their hair, do not always wash shoes. But if you do not pay attention to this circumstance, you can see the internal attractive qualities of Russian men. They are kind, generous, cheerful , not boring, real friends, and always give help when there is a problem. "
Well done girl. She described everything in detail about us, "non-teddy men". Even a tear breaks through. And so a mean man's tear rolls down to the unshaven "bottom of the face".

But the Spanish woman:

"The Spanish Muschin hot body and a cold soul, the Russian Muschin basically has everything hot, above all, the inner world. "

Yes, our "inner world" is hot, I know from myself.


"Despite drinking vodka and not being friends with the bath, the Russian male mentality has a lot of positives."

Thanks for that too.


"Russians drink beer in the morning. How does it work then? These are bad things. But a Russian man kind heart... These are good deeds. "

Oh you, sweetheart. You know everything: where are "good deeds", where are "bad". Is that beer in the morning to drink - "bad deeds"? This is just normal. Blow out half a liter of vodka in the morning - then there will be business. And about the heart - right. I hit the point.


And of course, I overdid it about our girls. They are good too. Only with us, not with them. So they, the local men, should, even if the bastards, do not put their eyes on someone else's. But there is something to put something on, to be honest. Our girls, if you look closely, are beautiful, kind, loyal and intelligent. And outside. And inside.

And our, Russian men, dull appearance is a trick. So that all sorts of Honduras there do not worry.