When I open my mouth clicks the jaw. Using the articular tire. When opening the mouth or with chewing, what to do when a person notices this "click"

Clicks the jaw: Causes and treatment

Why crouches the jaw

The reasons why the jaw crunches may be somewhat. Click can be called and experienced stress that led to the muscular spa, and after the transferred jaw injury. Chewing crunch can be a consequence of improper treatment at a dentist or orthodontist, but ordinary caries are also capable of becoming possible, due to which the functioning of the entire temporous jaw joint is disturbed.

With an incorrectly supplied seal, symmetry can break, which leads to one-sided loads on the jaw, dismissal displacement and subsequently pains and a hrush

To curvature bite and accompanying a humus can lead bad habits (such as sucking the finger in childhood, Lining hands under the cheek in a dream), diseases of the ENT organs, respiratory disorders (adenoids), bruxism, periodontal disease, etc. With the right bite all teeth upper jaw, With the exception of the cutters, in pairs are in contact with similar teeth of the lower jaw, and the upper cutters are only slightly overlapped. Incorrect bite can cause not only crunch in jaws, but also lead to headache, insufficient food chewing, disorders of swallowing and respiratory functions. Non-discontinued bowel and periodontal disease. Disprinstly large load on the jaw can lead to premature loss of teeth.

Correction of bite in adults

  • More details

What does the clicnnier jaw say

Clicking jaws most often indicates dysfunction of temporal nizhne jewish joint. The classic symptoms of this pathology affect the joints themselves, ears, head, teeth and face. Pains in the ears can appear, in the neck, head or chewing muscles. Due to the proximity of the temporomandibular joints to ear shells Their defeat may become the cause of the stall in the ears, foreigners or even reduce hearing.

Clicks in the Lower Label Susta are not necessarily accompanied by painful sensations. The sound published at the same time can hear others

What to do if the jaw clicks

In most cases, the crunch when moving the jaw is caused by an improper bite - congenital or acquired (due to the example, of improper treatment). The correction of the bite and leveling of the teeth is engaged in a separate area of \u200b\u200bdentistry - orthodontics.

How orthodontist will help fix bite

Orthodontic treatment methods are divided into removable and non-removable. The first include kapa - universal or individual transparent plates worn on teeth. Thermoplastic kaps are pre-soaked in hot water And when equipped with accuracy repeat the shape of the jaw. With more significant deviations from the norm, braces are used, of which the most efficient and economical iron. There are also lingual bracket systems attached to the inside of the teeth and completely imperceptible.

The crunch of the jewish joint is associated with some reasons. All of them are so different that they do not have each other any relationship. It can be the features of the structure of jaws, minor physiological disorders or serious diseases, why the jaw crunches when opening the mouth or chewing, if there were no deviations before?

The reasons

Physiological feature

Usually, such a phenomenon accompanies a person from birth or manifests itself with a constant heavy load on the jaw. During the movement of the muscles in the joints connecting both jaws, the crunch is heard. If there are no other symptoms, then such a manifestation is not considered dangerous, but brings only discomfort.

Children or puberty

During the enhanced development of bones in adolescents or kids in the joints is not always formed sufficient number Sinovial fluid. It becomes the cause of the crunch not only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jewish joints, but also in the knees. Usually, after visiting the doctor, special preparations are prescribed for stimulating the synovial fluid. But for starters, research is being conducted to exclude pathology.

Features of the profession

Often the jaw in chewing begins to make crisp sound in some groups of persons of a special profession. This applies to those who speak a lot, sings. Shchalkanny and crunch develops for many years, passes into a permanent form. But not accompanied by an accession more serious pathologies. After the end of many years of activity, such a deviation comes to normal. This is due to a decrease in the load on the jaw joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The disease affects many bone elements in the body, as well as the temporal mandibular joint. Gradually, cartilage tissues are subjected to extensive inflammation and cannot fully perform the connecting function. Gradually comes their atrophy.

Rheumatoid arthritis of jaw joints arises against the background of injuries, infections and improperly conducted surgical intervention. With the course of the disease, crunch and clicks in jaws are heard periodically, with a certain interval. Symptoms are added to them in the form of an ethony of the lower part of the person, stiffness during facing food and pain.


it mental condition caused by long stressful situations. A person is constantly in the nervous excitement, which is why he can make any different parts of the body. There are no exception and joints of the jaw, because they are constantly in a tense state. Usually crunch or tickling manifest themselves against the background of spastic attacks or immediately after them.


There are several types of bite. Pruning teeth are laid by the fetus during the early intrauterine development. Dentists allocate many types of incorrect jaw closure. If in childhood this deficiency was not corrected, then when the bones are forming, it will affect the joints. In addition to the crunch and the bridge, the bite is manifested in the steady of cutters and molars. Continuous friction of teeth in chewing food leads to cracks and damage to enamel.

Natural tensile ligaments

Each person has the features of muscle tissue individual. Some are distinguished high density and elasticity. Other elastic and quickly succumb to stretching. If muscle fibers have high adhesion, their ability to facilitate and fix the joints is significantly reduced. Such an effect occurs and with a decrease in the tone of the ligament. Gradually, weakening leads to loosening the jaw. Externally, this is not manifested, as the distortions are minimal. But gradually show symptoms in the form of asymmetry of the face, crunch and chewing clips.

Wrong reception of food

Ordinary mechanical actions, if they are inaccurate, can cause disclosure of jaw joints from the articular bag. Often it happens during unsuccessful yawning or quick eating solid food. The crunch is manifested immediately, usually accompanied by a sharp secondary pain and dislocation of the jaw. It is almost impossible to put it in place. Here you will need the help of a specialist - Kostoprava. After refueling the jaw, the unpleasant sensations, clicks or crunch can be saved for a while.

Defeat of almonds

Crunch in jaws incomprehensible reason develops due to inflammatory process in adenoid and gland. If such a problem arose, then in this case, the doctor may register them surgical removal. Against the background of difficult swallowing with increased almonds, crispy sounds are becoming tangible.


Many kids or adults manifests a permanent or periodic brush with teeth at night. In medicine, such a deviation is called Bruxism. During the rest, there is an involuntary compression of jaw muscles and friction of teeth for each other. Such a phenomenon B. daytime Manifested in crunch jaw. Almost in all cases, Bruxism passes gradually by 7 years. Together with him eliminates and crunch in the joints.

Symptoms of serious pathologies during crunch:

  1. Pain during the opening of the mouth, chewing, kneading teeth;
  2. Discomfort when pressing with the right or left side;
  3. Irradiation of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, low part persons;
  4. Noise or slight ringing in the ears;
  5. At a protracted disease, pain appears during the conversation;
  6. Redness, ethnicity.

Important: If the crunch in the joints is associated with any pathology, it is difficult to diagnose on early stages. Many do not pay attention to insignificant discomfort. And only after joining more serious symptoms Man begins to think about the state of his jaw.

Crunch jaw in children in early age manifests itself due to sucking finger. The form of the mouth and muscles are loaded at constant pressure. Since the child's cartilage fabric is weaker, it is reflected in the joints. It is required to trace the baby, perhaps he is constantly sleeping on his hand. Because of this, the joint shutters only on the one hand.


It is important: to identify problems with the jaw, further diagnosis and treatment can be engaged in a maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist, orthopedist.

Usually, for scanning joints and muscles, it is recommended to undergo an expanded examination. Complete picture will give magnetic resonance tomography. With suspicion of rheumatism, arthritis or arthrosis is necessarily done by arthroscopy. This special technique with the introduction of the tool to the joint jaw allows you to see the degree of degradation of the joint. Another accurate study is x-ray.

Treatment methods

Important: Any method for the treatment of crunch is developed individually taking into account the severity of pathology or physiological deviations.

Using the articular tire

This machine is designed to reduce the load on the joint, removal of voltage in the muscles and the restrictions of the brine. The tire acts instantly, eliminating all the symptoms associated with the dysfunction of the joint. The doctor prescribes muscle therapy and additional treatment.

It includes:

  1. Physiotherapy;
  2. Massages;
  3. Exercises for muscle relaxation;
  4. Various compresses.

Important: Individual articular tire is developed for orthopedic treatment of bite height or the ratio of the upper and lower jaws.

What gives the tire:

The tire is made with a thickening that decompresses the joint. The base of the tire is a flexible silicone seal. After installation on the problem area, the maximum relaxation of muscle fibers in the region of the lower problem joint is created. This reduces the intense pain syndrome.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

These include several techniques - therapy with a laser, an impact of ultrasound, electrophoresis and others. Physiotherapy allows you to deliver medicine Immediately B. problem zone. Impact does not cause allergies or other side Effects. Such a complex is necessary for the treatment of damaged joints causing crunch in jaws. Regular physiotherapy promotes the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue and elimination owl syndrome In short time.


Glucocortic creeks are indispensable in the treatment of many chronic inflammatory diseases. They are also used in the treatment of jaw joints in their destruction. They suppress the immune response, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. The introduction of hormones is performed orally, intravenously and directly into the joint. After a few hours, there is a change in the state of bone tissue, the pain decreases. Injections into the joint are injected after pumping fluid from it. During a certain time, the patient is monitored by the body's response.

Anti-inflammatory means

Non-steroidal group of drugs is intended for short-term removal of symptoms. If the crunch in the jaw is permanent and accompanied by pain, then before the further installation of the diagnosis, a person needs to facilitate the state. This can be done only with the help of non-systemic preparations. They do not cause addiction, contribute to the removal of discomfort, waste and redness in the field of the face.

Treatment botulin

Such therapy is applied relatively recently in orthopedic practice. The drug has many contraindications, caution should be saved in the dosage. But the minimum introduction of the drug has a strong medical action. Immediately after the introduction of botulinum, muscles relax, suspend degenerative changes In the joints, crunch and clicks are eliminated. Injection with the drug is injected directly into the amazed joint.


it special group Preparations supporting the joint in normal condition. Reception of chondroprotectors ensures the normal functioning of bone elements, but only before their destruction. The funds must be appointed as early as possible until the joint in the jaw has not fully spoiled from arthritis.

Dental manipulations

Consultation of the dentist is necessary if a crunch in the jaw is associated with a bite, prosthetics or poorly polished seal. Then a special medical course chosen is appointed by a dentist. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of manipulations. Sometimes a bit of bite takes a few months.


The operation is shown in serious complications - immobilization of the joint, the adhesive process of nearby fabrics or chronic dislocation. The most common technique for the treatment of jaw joints is considered to be arthoplasty.

When opening the mouth or in chewing, what to do when a person notices such a "click"?

& NBSP Today, such a problem occurs in very many people, and often regardless of the age of a person. If the jaw clicks and hurts, if you feel that the joint begins to crunch, then know the source of this phenomenon usually becomes the dysfunction of the temporomandyl adhesive joint (OPS). The pain that gives into the temporal area, crunch when driving the jaw, as well as chewing - a complex symptom of such a disease.


& NBSP ENCH - a joint, located in front of the ear consisting of temporal bone and lower jaws. Muscles performing the function of chewing, swallowing and speech are connected to the lower jaw with the skull. It is this device that allows our jaw to move left and right, open and close the mouth, put forward the lower jaw. It works correctly when the lower jaw moves synchronously in the joint and on the right, and on the left - this is a symmetrical organ, so in the event of a violation of one of them, the work of the second also gives a failure. ENCS diseases develop when the lower jaw is shifted during the opening and closing of the mouth and other movements of the lower jaw.

& NBSP Dysfunction meets in all age groupsIn general, people suffering from this pathology, by different estimates - up to 70 percent. Among the causes of its occurrence is a bite disruption, a sharp overwriting of chewing muscles when chewing with solid and coarse food, improper teeth treatment (tooth sealing, prosthetics), bruxism and increased teeth erase, sports loads that lead to the overvoltage of individual muscle groups.

& NBSP Often the cause of the development of dysfunction of the VG-joints becomes stress, as well as incorrect dental treatment, more precisely, errors of orthopedic dentists, orthopedics, therapists, surgeons: Even the treatment of simple caries can lead to the dysfunction of the mandibular joint, if the dentist the therapist put an overwhelmed seal, which violated Symmetry and led to one-sided loads, and then to dismissal displacement, and with him to pain. The causes of this disease can also be the injury of joints, the erasability of the teeth with bruxism, excessive loads during sports.

What happens (clicking a click):

  • running appears after the release of the head of the articular bag;
  • with a slight displacement, the subsequent movement of the bone becomes in place with a characteristic sound.

Take note

Most often, the problem occurs with a wide opening of the mouth. At this moment, the junction of the joint occurs;

The reasons

& NBSP clicks arises with chewing, conversation, food. The most common phenomenon is clicking during the full opening of the mouth. For example, when yawning.
& NBSP This phenomenon can have a wide variety of reasons:

Frequent complaints

  • Pain in the jaws;
  • Difficulties when opening the mouth;
  • Click in the joint: usually jaw clicks on the one hand. It also happens that at the same time it also hurts;
  • Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bneck, temples, eyeboards, strong headaches;
  • In some cases, pain can be in hand, it is often applied to the muscles of the whole body.

Diagnosis of the disease

& NBSP with constant click jaws need to visit the dentist-a trotologist as early as possible, which will conduct detailed diagnosis and gives the direction to other doctors for full examination. If there is no possibility to refer to this specialist, then you need to go to the reception to orthodontist.
& NBSP Diagnostation may include the following procedures:

  • palpation of temporal jaw joint;
  • Ultrasound of the problem area;
  • neurological study of triple nerve;
  • study of bite;
  • chewing muscle electromyography;
  • blood tests for the identification of infectious or rheumatic inflammation;
  • x-ray study; MRI.

& nbsp. Clicking jaws may differ sound intensity and the moment of manifestation. By the nature of the sound, this manifestation is conventionally divided by three types: weak cracker middle Intensity I. strongwhich can hear nearby man.

Clicking at the opening of the mouth:

  • Click, arising in the process of opening the mouth, are conditionally divided into two types: Clicks that manifest themselves with a small opening of the mouth. As a rule, they occur during the thinning of the meniscus during arthritis, appearance on the joint of the tumor, breaking the ligaments, a slight splicing of the joint with cartilage. At the same time, clicks have a repeated multiple character and deaf sound.
  • Clicks manifested with full opening. Most often, such sounds occur with significant changes in the articular head and often serve as a sign of progressive arthritis. During the examination, deformation or defects of the head and meniscus can be detected. In the process of closing the mouth.

Clicks when closing the mouth:

  • At the closure stage there are two points of clicks: at the beginning of the mouth closure process. It occurs mainly due to the stretching of ligaments or breaking the cartilage tissue of the articular bed.
  • Immediately at the end of the closure. Clicks are often observed with incorrect bite, too large seals or poorly installed orthodontic structures, prostheses.


& NBSP As practice shows, most of the patients are not inclined to tie these pain with dental problems. In particular, with previously unsuccessful prosthetics or long absence teeth. Although it is precisely for these reasons that occlusion ( correct location jaws in relation to each other). As a result of improper chewing, the joints of the jaw are overloaded.

& NBSP due to the fact that the dysfunction of the joints is difficult to diagnose, even dentists are not familiar with this pathology and treatment methods. Therefore, most patients do not receive qualified timely assistance and goes to osteopaths, manual therapists, otolaryologists, therapists, neurologists, psychotherapists ... In fact, the dentists should be treated with the treatment of ENCH diseases depending on the cause that caused this condition.

& NBSP To achieve success in therapy, a complete set of measures is needed:

  • orthodontic treatment for bite correction,
  • surgical intervention,
  • teeth glowing
  • prosthetics
  • physiotherapeutic procedures
  • igloreflexotherapy.

& NBSP According to the testimony, the doctor may assign a night wearing of the train - the articular tire, with which the myofascial pain syndrome is removed. It can also be used for diagnosis, and to prevent the erase of the teeth during the bruxism.

& NBSP Treat the Dysfunction of the ONCS necessarily - when the disc shift, the joint surfaces are subjected to restructuring (arthrosis), the coarse connecting tissue is growing in the cavity, which leads to the immobilization of the joint - ankylose.

Gymnastics for the prevention of shortcuts of the lower jaw.

& NBSP with a single manifestation of clicking when driving the jaw or the impossibility of timely appeal to the doctor, you can try to help yourself at home.

& NBSP one of the most effective tools It is a special gymnastics aimed at removing the voltage from the muscles and ligaments, as well as the relaxation of the joints of the jaw. For this use the following exercises:

  • Smoothly open the mouth so that the gap between the teeth was 3 cm.
  • Then also smoothly close your mouth;
  • Slightly open the mouth, perform the jaw movement, first right, then left;
  • Putting a brush on the base of the chin, push it a bit.
  • At the same time, the lower jaw is actively resisting this pressure;
  • Put the lower jaw forward so that her dental row is slightly for the crowns of the upper jaw.

Attention! The information on the site is not a medical diagnosis, or leadership to action and It is intended only for familiarization.

Problems with the temporomandibular joint (mioarthropathy) can wear the most different nature. They can manifest themselves in the form of pains in the temporomandibular joint, restrictions of mobility, crunch and clocking. Most often, the complaints have a light shape, and then spontaneously disappear.

Treatment is required only in 3% of all cases.

Touch testing

Professor Gerhard Undt - Your Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist in Austria

Professor Undt - a specialist officer-personal surgery and dentistry in Vienna. Since 1992, he specializes in the treatment of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint. The range of its services covers all types of open and endoscopic operations in the zone of jaws and faces. Almost at the very beginning of his professional career, Dr. UndT devoted his activities of operational therapy of functional diseases of the temporomandibular joint and surgical treatment fractures of the articular process of the lower jaw. Since 1994, he serves as an arthroscopy of the jewish joint. Under the start of international scale specialists, he has accumulated rich experience and mastered the most different arthroscopic and microsurgical techniques. Today is Dr.. UndT is considered the world's leading arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery surgery in the world. With 2003, Professor UndT is engaged in the endoscopic treatment of salivary diseases.

Symptoms of dysfunction of the jaw joint are not always unambiguous

If the mouth opens only to a limited extent or the pain arise, then all this indicates to Mioarthropathy. Crunch and closure in the joint are also one of the signs of this pathology. However, the symptoms of jewish joint disorders are not always unambiguous. Complaints can manifest itself not only in the jaw region. For example, they can be expressed in the form of headaches and pain in the back of the head, unpleasant sensations In the facial zone, noise in the ears (Tinnitus).

Causes: from arthritis to bruxism

One of the main reasons for the occurrence of diseases of the temporomandibular joint is the overload of the chewing system caused by the compression of the teeth or their grinding. Often this condition provoke stress. Even excessive use chewing rubber It is capable of becoming the cause of Mioarthropathy. Unstable fixed crowns, bridges or prostheses, as well as unprofessionally performed fillings can also give impetus to the appearance of complaints in the jaw joint.

The consequence of arthritis are painful inflammatory processes in the jewish joint. Arthritis is developing against the background of dystrophic-degenerative processes or rheumatic diseases. Injuries, falling and bruises in the chin area or the jaw region can also become a culprit of the emergence of long complaints.

Pain and discomfort in the temporomandibular joint can also be caused indirectly. Possible reasons:

  • Beaming nerves in the field of face (neuralgia)
  • Inflammation and hematomas in the maxillofacial region, for example, after operational intervention
  • Teething teeth wisdom
  • Inflammation of the parole salivary gland
  • Diseases cervical department Spine

Types of crane-mandibular dysfunction

A large number of people faces those or other pathologies of the temporomandibular joint: here can include sharp or chronic, painful functional disorders of the jaw joint, chewing and cervical muscles. As a rule, there are three types of so-called crane-mandibular dysfunction that can manifest themselves in a combined form:

Conservative treatment of diseases of temporo-mandibular joint

In the overwhelming majority, crane-mandibular dysfunction can be completely eliminated with the help of conservative, therapeutic measures used in various combination with each other (rejection of solid food, elimination of exogenous stress sources in combination with various technicians relaxation, tires, therapeutic gymnastics and the use of painful, relaxing medicines). In about 5% of all cases, the operational treatment of articular diseases is shown. K. surgical intervention On the temporomandibular joint, it is advisable only in cases where conservative therapy did not bring desired effect. First of all, adequate, individual treatment with the use of tires should be carried out, in order to reduce the intensity of grinding to the teeth or their compression, or to normalize the disturbed bite, which provoked an increased load on the temporomandibular joint and chewing muscles. Such therapy can last up to several months.

Minimum invasive surgical techniques

If, after the appropriate clinical and MRI diagnostics, it is revealed that the basis of pain syndrome and limiting mobility is the impaired of the temporomandibular joint, then experts resort to the use of minimally invasive microsurgical techniques. Under local anesthesia, washing the temporomandibular joint (also called this procedure is called arthrocentsis or lavage). The upper part of the jaw joint is punctured by two large needles and the liquid is washed under pressure. The effect of this minimally invasive event is to eliminate thin scars and washing from the joint of inflamed cells, in particular protein substances that are responsible for the occurrence of pain. Due to this, it is also often a complete healing of the inflamed articular surface and normalizes the process of developing the joint liquid. A partially possible return of the offset disc into normal position and removal of the blockade of the temporomandibular joint. If the drainage of the joint does not bring a long-term effect, the conducting of arthroscopic jewish joint surgery under anesthesia is shown.

Arthroscopy of the temporomandibular joint

The procedure for arthroscopic surgery is similar to its essence with the arthrocentsis. Through point surgical access to the top department of the temporomandibular joint, optics and various surgical instruments are introduced. These miniature tools (for example, scalpel, scissors Il even laser probes) allow you to purposefully remove pronounced spikes under digital visualization. There is also the possibility of smoothing the affected surfaces of the joint to facilitate their regeneration. The displaced disk, during a long time blocking the joint movement, can be returned to its original position.

Open operations

If all of the above conservative and minimally invasive methods of treatment do not bring the result or severe pathological changes in the temporal-mandibular joint are observed due to injury, information processes, inflammations, growth disorders, developmental defects and malignant neoplasms, then an open operation is carried out. The purpose of the open operation at which the earning of the ear (retro-erotic) or front (pre-iairicular access) can be selected, consists in replacing the affected or changed joint components with their own or artificial fabrics. After wound healing, both places of surgical access on the skin are characterized by an excellent aesthetic effect.

An open surgical operation is aimed at stimulating the regeneration of tissues and adjacent structures. There are operations to restore and remove cartilage, that is, the articular disk, and so-called disk replacement interventions, such as interposition plastic with the help of own or artificial tissues.

With a repeated loss of the joint head of the articular depression, dislocation, it is usually removed from the front articular tubercle (Eminectomy). This makes it easier to refund the joint head into an anatomical position.

Prosthetics of temporary jaw joint

Head removal sustav, so-called condylectomy, is carried out at various diseases joint, such as tumors or severe destruction due to inflammatory process or numerous previous operations. With complete immobility of the joint, ankylosis, which comes as a result of the combustion of the bone ends of the joint, requires condylectomy to restore the articular slot, into which cartilage or muscle components are then invested, ensuring the separation of bone ends on for a long time. If all of the above operational activities do not lead to a stable result, justifying the expectations of the patient, the exit from the situation is the implantation of an artificial, total leather-jaw prosthesis, manufactured individually for the patient. At present, such prostheses are selected based on computed tomography.

Treatment of fractures of the temporomandibular joint

Special species medical care is the operational treatment of jewish joint fractures. Until recently, a priority treatment of tires served as a priority treatment method, with which they often could not achieve the desired functional and anatomical effect. Today, it is possible to completely restore the anatomical position of such fractures through retroauricular access, after which the result obtained is fixed by means of special screws. The only drawback of this operation is the risk of damage to the facial nerve, which is closely interrelated with the operated area. The main advantage of this surgical methodology, which is last years Significantly improved in our clinic, this is an opportunity immediately after the intervention to move the joint and load it.

Postoperative care

Postoperative period after intervention at the temporomandibular joint suggests active participation Patient in the process of rehabilitation and conducting medical gymnastics - All this is a decisive factor in achieving general theoreutic success.

Treatment of ENCH diseases (temporal-mandibular joint): Cost

If you are interested in the methods of treating ENCH in Vienna and you would like to get more detailed information about treatment prices, please, please form feedback And make your request. We will definitely contact you and try to answer all your questions in detail.