Heartburn during pregnancy: in the later stages, how to get rid of, how to reduce, what to do, the ABC of health. Traditional methods of treating heartburn during pregnancy. Increased growth of the uterus and increased pressure in the abdominal cavity

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Heartburn during pregnancy later dates most often begins due to increased pressure on abdominal region... The uterus, which increases in size, displaces and compresses the digestive organs, primarily the stomach. Digested food with digestive juice cannot stay within the stomach and partly gets back into the esophagus. The woman feels a burning sensation, pressure in the epigastric region. The unpleasant signs of heartburn in late pregnancy are accompanied by a sore throat, sour and bitter taste in the mouth. Sometimes constant feeling burning sensation may indicate incipient diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, at the first sign of heartburn, it is better to see a doctor immediately.

Causes of heartburn in late pregnancy

Heartburn at the end of pregnancy occurs when the fetus sinks and the stomach and intestines move upward. If a woman has a weakened sphincter that holds food in the stomach, some of the gastric contents end up in the lower esophagus. The burning sensation may be insignificant, but if it is accompanied by pain, sore throat, coughing, the acid production process is most likely disrupted.

Then the digestive organs do not have time to neutralize a large amount of hydrochloric acid, the acid-base balance of the stomach is disturbed. The acidity of the gastric contents increases. It is pushed back into the esophagus and adversely affects the mucous membrane.

Factors that contribute to the onset of heartburn in pregnant women:

  • improper nutrition;
  • physical overload;
  • stress, emotional stress;
  • infectious diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

One of common reasons Heartburn in pregnancy is a Helicobacter microbe. In case of infection, the bacterium enters the stomach and esophagus, invades the mucous membranes and destroys them.

High blood pressure on the abdominal region is one of the main reasons why heartburn occurs during late pregnancy.

Heavy food leads to the fact that hydrochloric acid begins to be produced faster, so the acidity of the gastric contents increases. If a woman takes a horizontal position after eating, part of the digested contents almost immediately goes into the lower esophagus and causes severe heartburn. In late pregnancy, it is better not to self-medicate and not try to cope with the symptom on your own. Ignoring the burning sensation is not recommended, heartburn is very harmful and can lead to complications.

Is heartburn dangerous?

Severe heartburn at the 9th month of pregnancy, first of all, it negatively affects emotional condition future mother. Pain, burning, coughing, which occurs due to the irritation of the lower esophagus and Airways, do not give a woman to relax and rest.

Often, heartburn during late pregnancy is accompanied by vomiting and nausea, which adversely affects the fetus. In addition, the burning sensation means that the walls of the esophagus are suffering. When the destructive effect of hydrochloric acid becomes constant, erosion and ulceration appear on the mucous membrane.

Severe heartburn at 37 weeks and earlier can be a symptom triggered by an enlarged uterus and unhealthy diet. However, a burning sensation may indicate the presence serious illnesses that require medical attention, such as gastritis or ulcers. In this case, heartburn begins in women who were treated for these diseases before pregnancy. Severe heartburn in the later stages does not always mean that a woman is sick. She does not pose a significant danger to the mother and baby if a woman visits a doctor and takes measures to alleviate her condition.

How to quickly get rid of

If a woman in late pregnancy suffers from heartburn, you can get rid of the burning sensation and sore throat. The attending physician, gastroenterologist, will tell you how to do this without harming yourself and the child.

Diet and lifestyle

The first thing to look at is the lifestyle and diet of a pregnant woman. Products for pregnant women with heartburn should be fresh and of high quality. In addition, you will have to exclude from the diet:

  • fatty, fried foods;
  • sweet, flour dishes, baked goods;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee, black tea, cocoa;
  • sour fruits and vegetables rich in organic acids;
  • freshly baked bread;
  • dairy products.

If heartburn begins at 39 weeks, a woman needs to be more careful about the position in which she sleeps, and not go to bed immediately after eating. It is better to be in a sitting position and sleep half-sitting, therefore sleeping place the pregnant woman should not be perfectly flat. A high, large pillow should be placed under the head and back.

The menu should include boiled, stewed in its own juice, steamed dishes, whole grain cereals, stale bread, soups with vegetable broth, lean meat, fish, dairy products.

It is not recommended to consume large quantities of vegetables and fruits, especially raw ones, because foods rich in fiber, although healthy, are overwhelming digestive tract... You need to eat often and little, and the last meal should be two to three hours before bedtime.

Tablets and other medications

The ninth month of pregnancy is a crucial period in which a woman must prepare for childbirth and the appearance of a baby. Heartburn complicates the process, makes it difficult to focus on the upcoming event. A woman can seek help known drugs to relieve the condition. It should be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe drugs.

Even if a pregnant woman drank some pills or drops before conceiving a child, and the medications helped her, it does not mean that during pregnancy, at 41 weeks or earlier, you can continue to be treated with these drugs.

The doctor will most likely prescribe antacid medications:

  • Maalox;
  • Rennie;
  • Almagel;
  • Gevikson.

They envelop the gastric mucosa with a protective film, linking the action of hydrochloric acid. However, some of the antacids can cause constipation, while others are weakening. Helps with slightly carbonated heartburn mineral water and herbal medicine.

Folk ways of getting rid

If severe heartburn begins at 38 weeks of gestation, you can take herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • calamus root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lemon balm.

Herbal medicinal decoctions cook by brewing a couple of tablespoons of dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water and infusing for 30 minutes. They are drunk several times a day before meals.

For heartburn during pregnancy, warm milk can also help as a snack on its own.

Before resorting to traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Additional prevention rules

Heartburn on last weeks pregnancy requires a woman to be aware of what and how she is doing. For example, if a pregnant woman slouches, often bends over or stays in an inclined position for a long time, a burning sensation cannot be avoided. If the state allows, it is advisable to visit fresh air, and take short walks before going to bed.

In no case should pregnant women resort to such a method as taking soda. It will alleviate the condition only for a short time, but later will provoke a strong prolonged attack.

A woman in a special position is obliged to lead healthy image life. Then she will be able to alleviate, or even completely avoid, such an unpleasant symptom as heartburn at 40 weeks of pregnancy or more. early dates.

Pregnancy is not at all an easy period in a woman's life. In addition to joyful sensations, a number of difficulties arise that can darken beautiful time carrying a child. Heartburn during late pregnancy is one of them. It affects about 85% of pregnant women.

Cause of occurrence

Heartburn during pregnancy can be triggered by several factors. It should be noted that the causes of occurrence in the early and late stages are quite different. At the very beginning of pregnancy, it can become one of the signs that will help determine the "interesting" condition. Due to the fact that the level of progesterone in the body increases, the muscles lose their previous tone and relax. There is a sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach, and if it does not fulfill its functions, then acid from the stomach enters the esophagus. Heartburn during late pregnancy occurs not only due to muscle relaxation, but also due to an increase in the uterus. Changing its size, it presses on internal organs, the diaphragm is tightened. This provokes not pleasant sensations.


Heartburn is easy enough to recognize. There is usually a burning sensation behind the breastbone, and there may be a sensation of acid in the mouth. The intensity of heartburn is different: from a rather mild form to an intense burning sensation throughout the esophagus. The nature of the food significantly affects this condition, usually the discomfort increases after eating. Lying down makes the condition worse.

It is very important to take corrective action to correct this problem. Although it does not affect the baby's condition, nevertheless, heartburn during late pregnancy, especially if the attacks are prolonged, can change the state of the esophageal mucosa. adversely affects tissues, corrodes them, and this will bring great health problems after the birth of a child. Therefore, it should be used during early and late pregnancy. Today it can be both folk remedies and medicinal preparations... They are rarely prescribed, only if traditional medicine does not help, and the condition is rather serious. It is necessary to pay attention to bad habits... Smoking, which is already harmful, not only during pregnancy, only aggravates the symptoms of heartburn.

Heartburn during pregnancy: causes, treatment. What to do?

First of all, you need to tell your doctor about the existence of such a problem. Only he will recommend how to proceed. There are drugs that a pregnant woman can use without harm to the baby. Most often the doctor recommends simple ways, which help to avoid such a phenomenon as heartburn during pregnancy. In the later stages, some of them will not be as effective. It is worth eating in small portions 5-6 times. In this case, it is better to refuse fried, smoked, spicy foods. Indispensable helpers in the fight against heartburn there will be cereals. Eggs and dishes made from them are not only a source of protein, but also a means of preventing burning. It is worth stopping food intake three hours before bedtime. Milk neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid quite well. It can be consumed throughout the day. It is worth giving up coffee alcoholic beverages as they relax the sphincter.

Prevention of occurrence

Sleep is best done with a pillow under your shoulders and head. This will make it harder for the acid to reach the throat. Tight clothing can also become a factor provoking heartburn, as it tightly fits the body. Correct posture is also important. Do not make any sudden movements, bend over strongly. Hazelnuts, almonds will also be great helpers. Another good option is to use jelly. And, most importantly, it is important to avoid stress and not get upset over trifles. Nervous Disorders will hinder the effectiveness of heartburn treatment. Therefore, if stress cannot be avoided, it is better to take special sedatives, which can be prescribed by a doctor for pregnant women. These 10 proven ways to combat heartburn during pregnancy (nutrition, behavior) will help alleviate, if not avoid, its occurrence.

Soda when burning

One of quick ways to calm the fire in the esophagus is the intake of a solution of soda. Reacting with the acid in the stomach, baking soda turns into carbonic acid, it also decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. It irritates the walls of the digestive organ. This method is fraught with great danger. Although the symptoms disappear quickly, the next time the attack will only get worse. The so-called recoil effect occurs, and acid from the stomach will be produced more strongly. Moreover, if you often use such a remedy, the acid-base balance may be disturbed. The pressure rises, edema often occurs. Therefore, such treatment is not particularly recommended for pregnant women. Only a one-time admission is allowed if other methods of alleviating the condition are simply not available.

Traditional therapy

Heartburn during pregnancy on late lines (and early ones too) responds well to treatment folk remedies. Buckwheat porridge- a popular remedy, you can use it at least every day. Barley grains also help. They need to be chewed well, the symptoms will go away in a few minutes. To protect the walls of the stomach from the destructive effects of acid, you can take a tablespoon olive oil... It will help reduce the acidity of the stomach half a cup warm water drunk on an empty stomach. Many women gnaw seeds, almonds.

Potato juice for heartburn

Widely used and potato juice... It contains many useful trace elements, proteins, fiber, pectin, iron. To prepare it, you need to grate fresh potatoes, then strain it. Drink juice on an empty stomach and before bedtime, 200 ml per day. You can also add a little honey to it. This juice significantly lowers the acidity of the stomach. After the symptoms of heartburn have disappeared, you can continue to take potato juice, but the dose must be reduced to 50 ml. Contraindications are varicose veins veins, diabetes mellitus.

Herbal infusions

Well relieves the symptoms of heartburn. It needs to be crushed into powder, drink a small amount (literally on the tip of a knife) and wash down with water. In small doses, this powder has no restrictions. Flaxseed infusion is also effective. Approximately 2 tablespoons are poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. It is advisable to use the product warm, slightly warmed up. You can insist in a thermos.

The herb does a pretty good job of burning the esophagus. 20 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water. Take the infusion 5 times a day, one tablespoon. There are practically no contraindications, the only thing is hypotension.

Centaury infusion is also quite effective. 1 teaspoon is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. It is recommended to take such an infusion for 2 months, 100 ml per hour and a half before meals.

Herbal teas - pleasant and effective remedy in the fight against a condition such as heartburn during pregnancy. Natural remedies Treatments such as a mixture of anise, cumin and dill are excellent at neutralizing acid. Mint tea with the addition of currant leaves or viburnum when regular use will get rid of unpleasant sensations... Use and fees for heartburn. One of them is St. John's wort, chamomile, plantain leaves. However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before taking any herbal mixtures. After all, even herbs can harm a pregnant woman and an unborn child.

Signs associated with heartburn and pregnancy

Above, it has already been considered how heartburn manifests itself during pregnancy, causes, treatment. The signs that exist among the people are also associated with this state. One of the most famous is this: if a woman suffers from heartburn, then the baby will be born with hair. However, it has no grounds. Of course, the time when heartburn occurs during pregnancy on the late lines coincides with the period of hair growth in the child. But they certainly cannot somehow irritate the walls of the stomach and esophagus. Indeed, often the baby is already head down. In addition, the walls of the uterus and amniotic fluid reliably protect from any contacts. The only thing that is possible is that with an increase in the size of the child, his pressure on the internal organs and the diaphragm also increases. This provokes the release of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Hence the discomfort.

One more popular belief: a child whose mother suffered from heartburn will have enough complex nature... This state certainly has nothing to do with the baby's disposition. After all, they often talk about this after pregnancy, when the child is big enough.

Heartburn during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon: more than half of pregnant women experience it more or less regularly, and some suffer from heartburn for almost all 9 months. Usually, heartburn during pregnancy begins to annoy after the 20th week.

Heartburn (scientifically - dyspepsia) - unpleasant a feeling of bitterness and burning in the chest and throat caused by an increase in the amount of gastric juice and irritation of the walls of the esophagus with this juice. They face her, by various reasons, many people, but it is pregnant women that heartburn is most annoying. Why is this happening?

Heartburn during pregnancy - causes

The causes of dyspepsia on different dates pregnancies are different. Let's see how it arises. Between the stomach and the esophagus there is a special muscle ring - the sphincter, which acts as a valve that prevents stomach acid from going up the esophagus. Normally, if we suffer from heartburn, then only occasionally. However, when pregnancy occurs in female body the level of progesterone increases (the placenta begins to produce it).

The function of the hormone is to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus in order to avoid spasms and hypertonicity. But because of the same hormone, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach relaxes, as a result of which gastric juice enters the esophagus, causing discomfort. Also, progesterone slows down digestion, reducing the contractions of the intestines and esophagus, which is an additional adverse factor.

Heartburn in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

In the 1st trimester, dyspepsia occurs most often due to malnutrition : if a woman eats fried, spicy and fatty foods or eats in a hurry. Typically, this heartburn lasts only a few minutes and goes away quickly. However, if you are worried about prolonged heartburn and belching during pregnancy, and even more so if they are accompanied by nausea, you may need to see a doctor.

To make heartburn less bothersome in early pregnancy, follow some simple rules... First of all, adjust your diet.

Don't overeat- due to a slowdown in digestion processes, it becomes more difficult for the stomach to cope with a large volume of food. Eat small meals more often and chew your food thoroughly.

Do not eat at night- at least 2-3 hours should pass between dinner and bedtime. It is better to steam food than to fry it.

Include lean meats, mashed or stewed vegetables, milk and dairy products in your diet. Avoid carbonated drinks and coffee.

Heartburn in the 2nd trimester

80% of cases of heartburn at this time occurs due to overeating... At this time, the uterus increases in size, intra-abdominal pressure rises and begins to press down on the stomach, which complicates the digestive process. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of food, and women, as a rule, continue to eat as before, or even more, overloading the stomach.

So, heartburn during pregnancy, what to do? If you haven't switched to fractional meals, it's time to do it now. Reduce the amount of food taken at one time, if you do not gorge, it is better to increase the number of meals to 5-6. You may need medications from heartburn during pregnancy, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Heartburn in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

The most common cause of heartburn during late pregnancy is breech presentation baby: when he is located with his buttocks down, his head constantly presses on the diaphragm, which provokes heartburn. This is why it is believed that severe heartburn can be a harbinger of what is expected. large fruit, twins or triplets.

Here, the diet is unlikely to help - most likely, it will be needed medication... Usually doctors prescribe drugs that have an enveloping effect, but are not absorbed through the mucous membrane into the blood and do not change the acid-base balance of the stomach.

Heartburn medications during pregnancy

Not all pregnancy heartburn medications are safe. Even if they are advised to you as absolutely harmless. Even if they were great at helping you before pregnancy. Now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your future baby, so do not self-medicate. If you see your doctor, he or she will most likely prescribe something for you. antacids.

These are the most common over-the-counter medications for heartburn because they neutralize gastric acid without being absorbed into the bloodstream or harming either the expectant mother or the fetus.

Please note that during pregnancy, you should not take those that contain sodium bicarbonate - it can cause metabolic alkalosis, cause excessive swelling. But antacid substances, which contain aluminum, calcium, magnesium, are considered quite safe and effective helpers in the fight against heartburn.

With one caveat: magnesium preparations it is better do not use in the 3rd trimester, as they can cause premature birth.

And in general, if you do not feel very pleasant sensations, think about whether it is worth taking a pill or you could be patient, because it is better not to abuse any "chemistry" after all.

Heartburn during pregnancy: folk remedies

In the piggy bank folk wisdom there are many recipes for getting rid of dyspepsia. Let's make a reservation right away: the most popular of them is soda- it helps only for a short time, moreover, it disrupts the acid-base balance. Try to drink herbal tea from chamomile or lemon balm. The systematic use of alkaline mineral water also helps.

Nuts, especially almonds, are more effective in preventing heartburn than in treating it. Heartburn seeds do not help everyone, so if you don't see positive effect after a few grains, set them aside: they are high in calories.

Crushed eggshells also help - literally on the tip of a knife, 3 times a day. This remedy is especially effective in late pregnancy. Unfortunately, you will have to endure, because heartburn is unlikely to get rid of completely. But with the birth of a baby, all these problems will disappear by themselves!


In the first 4-5 months of gestation, burning sensations behind the sternum and in the throat - heartburn - may occur periodically, with errors in diet or acceptance horizontal position across little time after meal. At a later date and apparent reasons no, and heartburn is such that it takes all the strength of a pregnant woman, prevents her from sleeping and doing necessary things.

Huge negative point the fact that it is impossible to take the usual drugs - this can harm the child. And baking soda in the concentration that some & experienced advisors & can offer can not only enter the bloodstream and disrupt the pH in the baby's body, which is very dangerous, but can also lead to ulcers or complete perforation of the mother's stomach.

In this article, we will tell you why heartburn occurs during pregnancy, how to get rid of it using methods that will not harm either a pregnant woman or a developing fetus.

Why does heartburn occur?

The appearance of heartburn does not indicate high acidity stomach. This only says that the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus. Perhaps this is when:

  • a weak muscle that sits between the esophagus and stomach. As a result, if a person bends or lies down after eating, some of the food and gastric juice enter the esophagus;
  • high pressure exerted on the walls of the stomach from the outside.

All this happens during pregnancy.

Causes of heartburn in the first trimester

When a woman's body prepares for pregnancy, an egg cell is formed at the site of the released & meet & sperm corpus luteum- little endocrine organ, ovoid and yellowish... It produces small amounts of progesterone, a hormone that prepares organs for conception. When this occurs, the corpus luteum begins to work even harder, producing an increasing amount of this hormone.

The main task of progesterone is to relax the uterus so that it increased tone did not interfere with the development of the fetus. But this hormone reduces tension not only in the uterine muscles: its effect extends to other smooth muscles, including:

  • the one located between the esophagus and the stomach;
  • those that are engaged in the movement of food through the stomach and from the stomach to the duodenum.

Maximum effect on musculature gastrointestinal tract progesterone gains by 13 weeks. Therefore, at this time, many pregnant women begin to feel heartburn, which appears when eating acidic foods, when they go 1-1.5 hours after eating to a lying position. The symptom can also appear during hunger, if the pregnant woman is lying.

Causes of heartburn in the second trimester

During this period, the uterus is actively growing, displacing organs abdominal cavity upward and increasing intra-abdominal pressure. The muscle between the esophagus and the stomach is also relaxed, and if there is a lot of food or water, they, along with gastric juice, are thrown in small portions into the esophagus. This accompanies the bends, flick, overeating and a quick transition after eating to a lying position.

Causes of heartburn in the third trimester

The uterus becomes more and more, shifts the stomach and intestines upward, increases intra-abdominal pressure. In late pregnancy, heartburn is the most severe, it manifests itself even just in a standing position, most often after eating. Just before childbirth, when the head of the fetus is inserted into the pelvic ring, the uterus sinks slightly and the level of progesterone produced decreases, which can be seen in the reduction of heartburn.

Of course, most of the causes of heartburn during pregnancy are due to the pregnancy itself and go away after childbirth. But even during the period of bearing a child, an exacerbation may occur. chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer, especially if the lady likes sour, spicy or pickled dishes. Therefore, if, in addition to heartburn, a woman is worried about nausea or pain in the upper abdomen, or the heartburn itself began even before pregnancy or on her early stages, consultation of a gastroenterologist is required.

What to do for heartburn during pregnancy

When this terrible symptom appears, you will have to completely change familiar image life: diet, eating habits, and daily and sleep patterns. In the first or second trimester, to eliminate the burning sensation behind the sternum, it is better to resort to alternative methods of treatment, and in the third trimester of pregnancy with heartburn, you can already use some approved medications.

Facilities & First Aid &

To the most simple means- baking soda - neither during pregnancy, nor after childbirth, you should not resort. The concentration that will help eliminate heartburn (and even then for a short time), absorbed into the bloodstream in the intestines, changes its pH. This blood goes and to the fetus and, approaching every tissue and organ, can disrupt their work. In addition, baking soda damages protective layer that lies on the lining of the stomach, and this can lead to the formation of stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Instead of soda, you can take water & Borjomi & or & Polyana kvassova & in small quantities... At the same time, gas must be released from these drinks, otherwise it will increase the volume of the stomach, which will lead to the opposite effect.

For the treatment of heartburn during pregnancy, the following are recommended:

  • drink boiled milk room temperature, in small portions throughout the day;
  • pass fresh potatoes through a juicer, take small amounts of juice (tablespoons) for heartburn;
  • with an attack of heartburn, you can chew nuts: almonds or hazelnuts, but in small quantities;
  • ½ cup oatmeal jelly can also relieve an attack;
  • chewing raw carrots;
  • eat some raw (unroasted) sunflower seeds.

Traditional methods of treating heartburn during pregnancy

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for heartburn. Talk to your doctor before using any of these:

  • Mix 100 g of mint + 100 g of St. John's wort + 60 g of centaury, take 2 tablespoons from there, pour 400 ml of boiling water. Insist the mixture for 12 hours, then strain and you can drink. Drink 1 time a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, 100 ml.
  • Boil 500 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon of common heather herb there, cook for 2 minutes, then infuse the broth for 30 minutes. Then strain and refrigerate for 2 hours. Drink 1 tablespoon before meals.
  • Chamomile tea, 100 ml during the day, after meals.
  • Grind eggshell into fine powder, take ½ tsp three times a day. The course is no more than 4 days.
  • Buy powder from the roots and rhizomes of calamus in the pharmacy. Chew 1/3 teaspoon of this powder three times daily, before meals.

Lifestyle change

Only means & ambulance & can only temporarily eliminate this unpleasant symptom... To prevent heartburn as much as possible, follow these rules:

  1. starting from the second trimester, eat often (at least 5 times a day), but in small portions;
  2. last meal - 3 hours before bedtime;
  3. chew food thoroughly;
  4. after eating, you can not bend upside down or lie down horizontally for 1-1.5 hours;
  5. exclude fried, spicy food and seasoned dishes;
  6. watch the regularity of your own stool: constipation leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases heartburn. If you can't recover every day, eat salads from boiled beets and prunes;
  7. the diet must necessarily contain foods with an alkaline pH: steamed omelets, cream, milk, cottage cheese, boiled meat and fish, yesterday's white bread;
  8. abdominal exercises, even if allowed by your obstetrician-gynecologist, are not done for heartburn;
  9. do not sleep on high pillows, if there are no contraindications to this;
  10. your clothes should not put pressure on your stomach;
  11. do not drink water with meals;
  12. get more rest.

Heartburn diet

Let's talk about what you can eat and what is prohibited:

Can I take heartburn medications?

During pregnancy, intake may be allowed the following drugs, but - only after consulting a doctor and passing certain tests (for the content of calcium, phosphorus in the blood).

  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Gaviscon
  • Rennie
  • Almagel and Almagel neo, but no more than 5-6 days
  • Maalox
  • Sekrepat

Between taking such a drug and food, as well as between taking this and another medicine, at least 1.5 hours must pass, otherwise there will be no effect.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) and educational institutions Tempere (Finland) conducted a study and found a link between taking medications that suppress heartburn (during pregnancy) and the development of asthma in children at an early age. childhood... Recently, it has been suggested that drugs (proton pump blockers: omeprazole, pantoprozole, etc.), as well as H2-histamine receptor blockers (antiallergic) can affect immune system not born child and, increase the risk of developing allergic reactions in the child in the future.

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Heartburn in late pregnancy is an unbearable sensation constant burning, perspiration, pain and bitterness that occurs in the chest and throat. Severe heartburn can occur between 7-8 months of pregnancy. Why does heartburn occur? The main reason for its occurrence is change hormonal background organism, rebuilding itself in a new way of life.

The primary signs of malaise and discomfort appear after a meal. At first, the pain may seem insignificant, which will not cause even small reasons for concern. But over time, the attacks recur and intensify, which makes life before childbirth simply unbearable.

Heartburn during pregnancy: myth or reality?

Heartburn, which occurs at different stages of pregnancy, is one of the symptoms that accompanies a woman until the birth of a child. A similar phenomenon occurs quite often and manifests itself in more than 85% of women. Heartburn activity may be irregular, since the causes of its occurrence directly depend on the lifestyle that a young mother prefers to lead. Severe bouts of heartburn can cause insomnia and even lead to nervous breakdown... Thus, in the late stages of pregnancy, a woman in labor needs to be especially careful so as not to endanger her health and morale.

Heartburn symptoms in early and late pregnancy:

  • Bloating;
  • Constant belching;
  • Burning sensation in the chest, stomach, throat;
  • Cough during a burning attack;
  • Mild nausea;
  • Profuse salivation;
  • Sweating.

Causes of heartburn in late pregnancy

Heartburn in early and late pregnancy is of a similar nature, but each type of this symptom has its own characteristics of diagnosis and treatment. So, faced with the problem of heartburn in pregnant women at a later date, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it as soon as possible.

Common causes of heartburn during pregnancy include:

1. Changes in hormonal levels.
After conception, the fetus begins to actively develop and grow in the woman's womb. This leads to the fact that the body begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone. This substance has specific functions responsible for relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus. This allows her to grow freely throughout the entire pregnancy and avoid hypertonia and painful spasms. This useful feature there are also disadvantages. Thus, smooth muscles in the body reduce all tension in the rest of the muscles. Thanks to this, the sphincter located between the stomach and the esophagus also relaxes. If the sphincter is weakened too much, then the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, which causes severe heartburn.

2. High intra-abdominal pressure.
This can provoke a sharp weakening of the sphincter functions, which also causes bouts of heartburn, not only in the early stages, but also on last month pregnancy.

3. Active growth uterus.
The enlargement of the uterus can provoke pressure on a number of organs: the stomach, intestines, diaphragm, which also leads to heartburn in the last weeks and to upset.

4. Influence of hormones.
Hormones can increase gastric acid levels unnaturally. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant sensations of the lung tingling and burning inside. Before childbirth, the pain increases if the necessary measures are not taken.

5. Wrong and unbalanced diet.
From the very first days of pregnancy, a pregnant woman should eat properly and regularly. Despite the fact that many are used to thinking that pregnant women can eat everything. This practice leads to constant heaviness in the stomach, upset and, of course, heartburn.

6. Incorrectly matched bed.
The sleeping area should not be perfectly flat. So, for those who have noticed starting heartburn, it is recommended to put several pillows or a blanket under the head so that the front of the body is at least 15 cm higher than your torso.

7. Stress.
Depression and stress can cause a number of health problems, including heartburn. Fight with nervous heartburn differently than with the usual stomach.

Heartburn is not dangerous and destructive for a person, but it delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations and emotions. So, a pregnant woman loses not only own peace of mind but in some cases even sleep. What to do with heartburn during pregnancy if she does not want to go away on her own and her attacks occur more and more often?

How to get rid of heartburn in late pregnancy correctly?

Heartburn at any stage of pregnancy should not frighten and panic, since it is quite easy to eliminate and treat if you approach the problem with responsibility and intelligence. So, each stage of pregnancy has its own symptoms and ways to eliminate heartburn attacks. If the attack was single, then the pregnant woman needs to reconsider her diet and eliminate those foods that could cause a burning sensation. In the event that attacks are repeated and increase their aggression, it is necessary to act differently.

What should be done to prevent heartburn?

* Refuse to eat before bedtime;
* Do not overeat during the day;
* Eat exclusively healthy food;
* Refuse fried and smoked, salty and spicy;
* Increase the use of fermented milk products;
* When eating food, chew it thoroughly;
* Increase the consumption of vegetables and non-acidic fruits;
* Drink plenty of water, herbal tea, compote throughout the day.

By mid-pregnancy and at 9 months, heartburn can occur due to overeating and an overly large uterus. So, increasing in size, the uterus begins to press on the walls of the stomach. If the stomach is excessively full, the pressure increases several times, which leads to acute pain, burning, tingling.

During pregnancy, girls are used to indulging themselves in food. They may not notice the primary symptoms of emerging problems due to a large number food that overloads and exhausts the stomach. So, after belching and nausea, heartburn begins, which can only be eliminated by reducing the amount of food consumed and getting rid of the previous diet.

After changing the diet and fractional nutrition the state of health improves. Until the very birth, an unpleasant symptom does not bother and does not interfere with enjoying life.

At 40 weeks, as well as at 41 weeks, heartburn attacks are often provoked by the fetus itself. This phenomenon is called breech presentation of the fetus and is characterized by the fact that the baby is in an uncomfortable position. His buttocks are at the bottom, and his head is putting pressure on the diaphragm, which provokes an unpleasant burning sensation and general malaise. A similar phenomenon is observed when the fetus is large enough or two or three children are found in the womb at the same time.

Additional rules to help avoid late pregnancy

  • After eating, you cannot go to bed or rest. Stagnation of food provokes not only heartburn, but also nausea. If the dream still covered you with your head, then heartburn can be avoided if you turn on your left side and take the pose of an embryo;
  • From the table you need to get up a little hungry, you should not eat over normal... Also, any food must be chewed diligently, and not swallowed in pieces;
  • Clothes should be loose and made from natural fabrics. Tight clothing squeezes the stomach and puts pressure on the internal organs, which can provoke an attack of heartburn;
  • Sports activities. Light gymnastics for pregnant women will serve as an excellent prevention of heartburn;
  • Slouch. Posture should always be straight. Slouching and back problems adversely affect the condition of the internal organs;
  • Weight control. Excess weight also negatively affects internal pressure the stomach and all its organs;
  • Power control. Many foods irritate the stomach lining and should be discarded. These products are: fatty meat, hard-boiled eggs, berries, spices, baked goods.

1. Helps with heartburn chewing gum... It perfectly promotes the activation of salivation. Saliva, in turn, lowers the acidity level, which helps to suppress the symptoms of an attack. It is worth remembering that chewing gum can only be used in emergency situations when the necessary pain relievers are not on hand. Also, the gum can only be used after meals. Using gum with an empty stomach can cause even more heartburn and pain.

2. The papaya fruit is a very effective anti-heartburn remedy. The enzymes it contains have a calming effect on the stomach. Also, papaya is a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The fruit can be consumed in large quantities and used as a snack between main meals.

Heartburn in the later stages does not lend itself to complete elimination. If heartburn began to manifest itself in the middle or at the very beginning of pregnancy, then it is necessary to carry out periodic prevention, which will reduce painful sensation and will do final stage pregnancy more relaxed.

A visit to the doctor during heartburn in the late stages

The bouts of pain caused by heartburn can be unbearable. In such cases, girls need to consult a doctor who will help identify the main cause of its appearance and prescribe necessary treatment and preventive measures. It is not worth resorting to drug treatment independently, as this can negatively affect not only the well-being of the mother and the unborn child, but also aggravate the pain.

Medicines used for heartburn during pregnancy:

* Almagel;
* Rennie;
* Maalox;
* Gaviscon.

All drugs should be taken only after examination and appointment by a doctor. Even if the drugs were effective at the beginning of pregnancy, then by the end of the term they may be more harmful than effective.

Home remedies for pain

Using medications to combat heartburn is not always effective. Also, medications can cause side effects and negatively affect the formed fetus of the child. So, alternative method treatments can be folk home recipes. However, before using them, prior consultation and recommendations from your doctor are required.

1. Essential oils
They cause anesthetic effect. They have a positive effect on the body and the immune system as a whole. Lemon and orange oils relieve heartburn well.

2. Milk
Effective when combined with a few drops of fennel. Milk is consumed in small quantities throughout the day.

3. Grated carrots
When an attack of heartburn occurs, you need to take some grated carrots and chew until all the juice has completely disappeared from it. This must be repeated several times. Throw away dry carrots without juice.

4. Water
Mineral water without gas has a beneficial effect on digestion and can relieve heartburn pain.

5. Seeds
This way gives good result... Use exclusively raw sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

6. Ginger tea
Throughout the day, you can drink several cups as preventive measures... Also helps well chamomile tea sugarless.

7. Eggshell
Eggshells from several boiled eggs must be crushed and taken 3 times 1 teaspoon each, when heartburn is especially pronounced.